USA Tourist B1 and B2 Visa Interview Questions & Answers!

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hello there my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company past my interview calm and in this tutorial I will teach you how to prepare for and pass a USA tourists b1 and b2 visa interview so if you have one of these interviews coming up please do make sure you watch it from beginning to end because this is what I will cover I will teach you how to prepare for your USA tourists b1 and b2 visa interview I will tell you what to expect during the interview so there are no surprises I will tell you sample USA tour is b1 and b2 visa interview questions the likely questions that will come up and I will also tell you how to answer those questions so that you are fully prepared and I will also give you a USA tour is b1 b2 visa interview checklist now this checklist is a simple form that you can go through and that will make sure you are fully prepared for this interview so let's get into the tutorial and cover the USA tourist b1 and b2 these are interview questions and answers so what happens during the interview well you will be asked a series of interview questions by an officer and the number of questions that you will be asked can vary it depends on the answers you give however I suggest it will be around 8 interview questions in total so we need to prepare for rate interview questions which we will do in a second now the questions asked will be dependent on the officer who is asking the questions and more importantly the answers you provide now my advice is to prepare for the interview questions that are coming in a second and if you follow the advice that I give you then the questions asked should be to a minimum which is good news so whilst how you answer the USA tourist be want to be to visa interview questions is really important it is also essential you come across in a friendly positive and cooperative manner and you also this is very very important have to be honest in your do not lie make sure you are truthful in everything you do so what to do at the interview first and foremost make sure you get to the interview location with plenty of time to spare do not be late now there will be lots of people there waiting to be interviewed so you want to get there organized and you'll want to go through that checklist that I'm gonna that I'm going to go through in a second and make sure you have all of your documentation with you to make the officers job as seamless as possible now be personable polite and respectful so be friendly but also be confident now I understand that you will be nervous when you go there for your interview they are used to that but if you're honest personable friendly and polite you will be fine now maintain eye contact with the interviewer with the officer who is asking the questions maintain eye contact with them be honest in your answers as as I have already stated to those questions being asked that's really really important but also be accommodating and don't be defensive in any of your answers okay because that's not going to help you so be accommodating and do not be defensive really important okay let's work through those u.s. a Taurus b1 and b2 visa interview questions and answers now the first thing they're going to say to you is can I see your passport so have your passport ready because this will be the first thing that they are going to say to you so when you hand it over to the officer just say no problem I have it ready for you right here and then just give it to them so do say something when you hand over your passport don't just hand it over and don't say anything to say hello no problem at all I have it ready right here for you and then give them the passport now the next question could be so how long are you planning staying in the US for how long are you planning staying in the US for now you will know this or you should know it so just give a short concise and honest answer that you can back up with evidence if needed so I would say I plan to be here for just two weeks and then I would show evidence of your return flight ticket so this is one of the things that you should take with you because one their concerns is and some people want to go there to stay and they want to work which you can't under this visa so say I plan to be here for two weeks or however long you are planning to stay there for and then show evidence of your return flight ticket because that then proves that you are planning on leaving for sure because you've already got your ticket next question have you ever been denied a visa before now they will check so be a hundred percent honest in your answer so it Seaver yes I have or no I haven't but if you're dishonest your visa is likely to be declined so please don't be dishonest be truthful and to say yes or no what's the purpose of your visit to the US now you have a couple of options when answering this interview question what's the purpose of your visit to the US you might be visiting for personal reasons perhaps on vacation visiting a tourist attraction or maybe visiting friends and family etc or you might be there in the USA for visiting for business purposes you might be attending a business meeting or attending a conference for example so if you are able to take along with you any evidence of the purpose of your visit now this might be an invitation letter from a friend or relative or any invitation email a booking form for a visit to a tourist attraction for example or a booking confirmation slip of your attendance at an event or a conference so do take along with you some evidence of why you are going there the purpose of your visit what is the intent why are you going there because they want to know that so if you say I'm just visiting friends then you are likely to get asked additional questions around the reasons for your visit to the US so my advice is to either say yes I'm here for personal reasons here on vacation and I'm going to visit a number of places or you might say if you're visiting friends I am here visiting my friend whom I went to college with so say who your friend is because then they will say to you well where is your friend right now so do be prepared for additional if you are visiting friends so don't forget there are strict rules in regards to visiting the US for business purposes so make sure your business trip fits in with the criteria that is permitted what's your employment okay so what do you do what is your work so again be honest in your answer to this question now if you are unemployed its no problem but just explain how long you've been employed for and be prepared for additional questions around your intent for visiting the US so I would say I'm currently between jobs but when I returned back home I have a few interviews lined up as I am looking to get a new job in sales or something like that that shows that you are prepared for when you go back you're looking for work but specifically you are not going to the u.s. to work because you can't do under this visa okay next one are you traveling alone well my tip for this this is a very easy question to answer simple yes if you are on your own is fine or no I am traveling with my mom for example but if you are traveling with somebody else then the officer would expect them to be with you so say whereabouts they are how will you support yourself whilst you are in the US so this is another pretty much guarantee question how do you intend to support yourself so where you can provide evidence of how you intend support yourself whilst you are visiting the USA if you have sufficient funds for your stay for example prove it by any of the following means so that might be your latest paycheck it might be a bank statement so take along a couple of these with you so that you're not you know you're not going there and you've got you haven't got sufficient funds to support yourself while you're there if you've got money in your bank account then take along your paycheck with you or your bank statement to prove it or let's say a friend or a relative is going to support you then take along a letter with them you know take along sorry take along a letter with you that says that they are prepared to support you during your stay now I'm going to come onto this checklist in a second which is the USA tourist B wannabe to visa interview checklist but before I do if you want to download these slide plus a checklist that's coming now there is a link this appeared in the top right-hand corner you can click that and then you can download these slides and you can use them during your preparation for your USA torus b1 and b2 visa interview questions and answers so let's have a look at this checklist the first thing make sure you have your passport with you make sure you take your return flight tickets or a booking confirmation by email for example evidence of any funds that you have to support yourself whilst you are over in the US perhaps a letter of invitation or an email invitation from a friend or a family relative a booking confirmation for any of the attractions that you are going to visit or perhaps even your booking a hotel or a conference center the exact reason for visiting and if you've got any kind of evidence to prove why you're visiting the u.s. please take it with you make sure you know the location of your interview and get there with plenty of time to spare always be polite and cooperative do not be defensive in your answers be polite positive you can smile as well and don't forget to maintain maintain positive eye contact and above all do not lie be honest at all times it's very very important so if you would like to download these slides do click that link I hope you've enjoyed that tutorial please give the video I like thank you very much and don't forget to subscribe to the channel I appreciate your support thank you very much for watching and I wish you all the best
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 1,595,597
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Keywords: USA Tourist B1 and B2 Visa Interview Questions & Answers, visa interview questions and answers, How to prepare for the USA Tourist B1 and B2 Visa Interview, How do I prepare for a USA Tourist B1 and B2 Visa Interview, what questions are asked in a visa tourist interview, b1/b2 visa interview questions and answers, What can you not say in a b1 visa interview, How can I prepare for b1 b2 visa interview, How can I pass my visa interview, b1 and b2 interview tips
Id: 5fHRsNO6_wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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