Tips for USA Tourist Visa Interview - B1/B2 visa interview questions

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hi this is Courtney with gray law TV and today we're going to talk about the tourist visa interview at the consulate the b-1b to interview when you have that consular appointment I recommend that you arrive a little bit early so you can figure out where to go and there's usually a little bit of a line and then they'll call you up to the window it's sort of like a for most consulates it's a bank of windows like a debate and so you'll walk up to the window and the officer will ask you a series of questions now the questions that they ask you will vary depending on the consulate and it will also vary depending on the officer every officer has their own individual style typically the questions they ask you are the same you know eight to ten questions so when it's your turn walk up to the window the best advice I can give you is to be calm to be confident to be personable to make eye contact to try not to get flustered with anything that they ask you and to just be yourself and I think you'll be just fine the first thing they'll ask you is may I see your passport can I have your passport something like that the way to answer that question is to give them your passport and to speak to them i I know that sounds crazy but a lot of people will just sort of hand them their passport and look really scared or they'll start fumbling for their passport and for an officer that's got a line of 25 people waiting that's very annoying so be prepared with your passport and say here you go or you know sure here it is something like that so that you've started the conversation with them the second question that they'll ask you is how long do you intend to stay it's short sweet simple answer two weeks one week three weeks two months whatever the case may be make sure it's within your validity period of stay okay and also make sure that it's that you have a return ticket to reflect that or your flight itinerary reflects that if you have a return ticket for three months from now and you're telling them that you're gonna return in two weeks just not going to for that question three what is the purpose of your visit are you visiting for business or for pleasure okay so if you're visiting for business there's certain rules that go along with that we have another YouTube segment about that so make sure you check that out but basically if you're here for business you can't work for a US company you can't be employed you cut for meetings you can come to play in a golf tournament there's all sorts of rules there so make sure you check out that segment to figure out exactly what that is if you're coming for pleasure you know I'm coming for vacation I'm going to Disneyland go in the Grand Canyon whatever the case may be if you answer that you are visiting friends you're gonna get into a bit of a tricky situation because a big part of the tourist visa is that you intend to go home okay and if they get anything that sounds to them like you might not intend to go home they're gonna start asking you a lot of questions and they might deny your visa so if you're visiting friends what they're gonna start asking you what they're gonna try and start getting ya is is that friend a boyfriend or a girlfriend and do you plan on staying and marrying them okay that's what they're trying to get up so if you're coming to visit with friends I share I'm coming to stay with college friends or I'm coming to or I'm coming I'm traveling with my boyfriend and we're going to visit our friends anyway you can alleviate that if you can I mean if that's your if if that's what your actual facts are what's going on with you in your life oh I'm coming to stay with some of my mom's friends that she went to college with or I've never met them before I met some people online or whatever the case may be I'm going to an air B&B so that they know that you're not just saying that you're coming in on a tourist visa so that you can get married if you if your boyfriend your girlfriend is in the United States and that's your reality then you know when they get there I would be totally honest yeah I'm coming to visit my girlfriend and they'll say well how serious are you or there might you know get a little bit personal so you can say you know we visit each other back and forth she hasn't even met my yeah like we're not there at all you know if it gets there you know we're long distance if it gets there we'll have to decide if we're gonna live here or there I don't know we're just we're not even talking about that we're just hanging out you know if you do plan on coming in and getting married and you tell them that they will deny your visa okay so if that's if that's your plan you know you might want to come up with a different plan you might want to look into the fiancee visa you might want to look into filing an immigrant petition if you come to visit your boyfriend or girlfriend and you decide once you're here that you don't like you can't stand to be separated anymore and you do you want to get married that's fine okay but your intent when you enter is to go back home okay and make sure you tell them that when they ask you what do you do what's your occupation they might follow up with where you work and you give them the name of your employer if you are unemployed that can get tricky as well because they might think you're coming in to look for a job and you plan to stay so you know I'm between jobs by starting my next job in two weeks so I'm taking this vacation anything you can do to alleviate their mind in terms of your employment and that you plan to go I'm enrolled in school I have this job or whatever the case may be let them know so that they they're aware that you're not just coming in to look for employment and stay here are you traveling alone is the next question if you are traveling by yourself easy answer yeah I'm traveling alone that's it you can move on great done if you're traveling with other people say oh yeah I'm traveling with my mom or I'm traveling with my family I'm traveling with my boyfriend I'm travel whoever you're traveling with they might have some more follow-up questions particularly if they're not there with you they expect that if you're traveling you're gonna be in a group of that person okay or I'm traveling to meet my boyfriend who goes to school out there you know whatever whatever the case is for you do you have family in the u.s. if the answer is no yay you're done you can move on to the next question if the answer is yes this can also get a little tricky and there will be some follow-up questions so they want to know immediately or slightly remove family and grandparents parents kids siblings aunt uncle cousins they want to know those type of folks so if you have if the answer the question is yes and you have a cousin living in in Nebraska but you're going to New York City it's not a big deal right I'm going to check out the Statue of Liberty and yeah I have a cousin who lives in Nebraska I'm not even visiting them I mean that's fine I mean I I don't see that they're gonna have a lot of questions there but if your parents and your sister are you live in the United States and nobody's you know at home anymore they might have some more questions they might think that you're gonna go stay with them or stay in the United States so yeah I've been traveling back and forth I visit them you know if you're in the process of filing an immigrant petition you know to eventually Grit get a green card you can say yeah we're going through that process but it takes ten years in the meantime I'm visit them once a year and they can see they can see that history of you coming in and leaving okay so that that can be very helpful as well have you been in the US before if the answer is no perfect you're done if the answer is yes tell them one and tell them you know yeah I came to visit when I was a kid with my parents or yeah I went there for college or you know just be absolutely honest about it because they can see it if the answer is yes I was there for six months and came back two weeks ago and now I'm trying to come back in for another six months you might have a problem okay it's just common sense they want to make sure that you're not trying to live in the United States that you have no intention of living in the United States whatever you can do to help them get to that conclusion that you're just visiting the better where will you be staying if you're staying in a hotel and you have your itinerary or you have your you know something from the hotel showing that you're staying there you're in you're in pretty good shape if you are staying with family you should have already at this point told them that you have family there and it's not gonna be a surprise to them that you're staying with your aunt or your sister sister goes to college there and you're visiting her or whatever the case may be this is another area where you can get into the boyfriend/girlfriend thing okay so just make sure you know oh yeah I'm staying with friends a wolf who are at least friends how long have you know how did you meet these friends are you intimately involved with any of these friends again you know if you can alleviate that and cut that out before they even get to it great I wouldn't go into long lengthy explanations without being asked because that can seem a little suspicious but oh yeah my sister has Front and my sister went to college in the States she has friends there they said I could stay so that they know it's not anybody that you really know that's you know that would alleviate that if that's the case if you are staying with your girlfriend and they ask you that directly yeah I'm staying with my girlfriend and then you'll have to get into how you are not standing on popping a question and getting married at this point so again the best thing I can tell you is to keep your answers short and sweet only answer what they've asked you there's no reason to elaborate or going to go into lots of information they have a long queue they're just trying to make sure that you take all the boxes try not to be nervous I mean granted they're used to nerves they see nerves all the time but if you're really jittery and antsy that can be a red flag for them make sure that you look them in the eye and that you're confident and that you know you you've thought about all these things before nothing is surprising to you you've watched this video you're good to go so take a deep breath make sure you watch our other videos on on be ones and b-2s don't forget to Like and subscribe thanks for watching great law TV
Channel: GrayLaw TV
Views: 899,213
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Keywords: us tourist visa interview, tourist visa interview questions, visa interview questions and answers, b1 b2 visa questions, tourist visa, us tourist visa questions, us visa interview, visit boyfriend in the us, marry girlfriend on a tourist visa, b1 visa, us consulate interview, how to get a visa approved, graylawtv, courtney graylawtv, immigration video, immigration attorney
Id: ae4d4l_a0fA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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