USA Tourist Visa Interview Training by American Trainer ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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please give me your full name my name is Radisson okay happy to meet you Rochester and please tell me why do you want to visit the United States for observing the job interview okay very good and with which company Acuras what kind of company is this uh is this uh cruise ship cruise ships okay very good and what kind of job are you applying for like as a cook cook all right and so you're going on a B1 visa for a job interview and to apply for a cook with this company yes okay have you ever visited the United States before no sir you have any family or relatives living in the United States yes so my cousin is there okay where does your cousin live on Newark New York where is your job interview or less under Los Angeles okay and um how long has your cousin lived in the United States uh five years five years what does he do his as a cook professional cook okay same company uh no orders company another company okay and he's based in New York City yes sir okay and you're going for a job opportunity in Los Angeles that's a different company okay and um um please tell me uh have you ever broken any laws before Rajesh no sir are you planning to work on the B1 Visa that you're going on yes sir okay what you should say is no I'm not working on that I can't work on that Visa but the company if I'm selected will will change my Visa to uh a working uh cruise line worker visa so I you just simply say I cannot work on the B1 Visa but if I am selected then the company will have my Visa updated to a cruise ship a worker visa Cruise Crews align worker visa okay all right so the B1 Visa you can't work on that Visa you have to get the visa changed to a type of working Visa you understand that rajash yeah so okay very good and uh so uh let's just say Rajesh that you are selected and they do say that you you can work for the company either getting your Visa set up for you um then how long do you plan to to work with this company uh it's uh uh MBC depend and Company different recommending um when how long I stay yeah okay it depends on the company yeah okay so you're maybe going for a few months or it may be longer depending on how they can work the visas for you yes okay and very good and uh what if you are not selected what will you do Rajesh if I not selected uh in there I came back to Nepal then I charge for more opportunities okay and tell me about your uh training how did you become a trained to work as a chef uh first first I got a uh I got a training from Dr Hotel Training Center yes six months then after that I went to India then I was old uh worked on the hotel Club country yes uh one years yes and after that afternoon I came back to Nepal and uh also joined a hotel Kantipur okay and then after you finish the Kantipur what do you do and then I continue on myself with which company a Paradiso bar and grill paradisa bar and grill okay how long have you been working with them uh the hotel came before when I finish then after that I currently I joined there okay recently uh sing October since last October so almost one year okay how do you like your work project Booth what got you interested in cooking because the service so safe is a important work in program for life then [Music] when I cooked a food I feel relaxed and fun right inside cookies art yes so I like cooking is an art rajash and that's good and you enjoy it I can tell yes very nice very nice and and what kind of cooking is your specialty okay and so you make tandoori chicken and and uh Tandoori paneer and tenderi Roti and anything else as a lot of things okay very good well uh so let me just ask a few more questions what are your hobbies Rajesh what do you like to do my hobbies my hobbies is um um I like cooking and traveling yes learn new things yes and explore all country all all over they're okay very good and um uh please tell me that uh what was your favorite experience as a cook my favorite experience is uh mainly when I cook when I cook food I feel too much relaxed yeah and you enjoy that a lot whenever you're cooking wow great great okay well traveling the United States is not cheap it's expensive how are you going to be able to afford your trip I have I have banged Instagram so and I have land and okay how much bank balance do you have I have almost 50 laps 50 lives okay um how much is your land worth uh I think uh 80 likes on okay very good so yeah sufficient money then for your travels to America and back okay and then um um that um you'll visit Los Angeles you'll have your interview and then you'll wait for your selection if you're selected uh do you know how long that will take uh before you know if you if you're selected or not how long the process is to wait after your interview one week one week so they'll ask you to stay in Los Angeles for one week and then they'll make the sit and during that time they make decision to hire you or not okay and what will you do while you're in Los Angeles uh one team I'm I'm still in there and wait for in my job interview okay okay so you'll you'll stay near your hotel and look around yes okay all right so uh very good and and so you have sufficient funds to cover everything do you have the documents to show this right yes where were you born I was born in Nepal where did you do your studies uh Kathmandu Kathmandu okay and um and where did you do your cooking training okay and then um which is your favorite place to live Sergeant your favorite place where you've lived Kathmandu bagalum Pokhara Bangalore which place is your favorite my favorite place is buhar pokra wines because buhari is very clean and prison place and iron more about there very good very good and tell me about your family um I have four members yes there are my my mom and dad and small brother okay what is your small brother doing it's more water now currently you starting okay studying which level uh secondary secondary okay very good right Jess that uh why should you be given a Visa today um uh because I'm uh Big Sean in our family yes and I have a lot of um you know responsibility responsibility so um when I uh when when you when I went to us [Music] I can sense my family [Music] it's okay very good Rajesh okay let's answer that in a different way that they are liked even better and that is to say Sir that I'm I'm going to maintain the visa laws and uh in other words I'm not going to break any any of the laws and I'm going for my job interview I hope to be selected if I'm not selected then I will come back to Nepal so short and sweet about that okay that I'm not going to break any of the visa rules I'm going to obey the visa rules I'm going to obey the visa rules and I'm only I'm going for my job interview if I'm selected and then the company will have my uh give me the necessary documentation for to be able to work on the cruise line and uh and if I'm not selected then I will return back to Nepal and so so very short and sweet exactly your plan yeah okay that sounds great based on the answers to your questions I'm happy to Grant your visa to to come to the United States for a job interview thank you yeah welcome okay so Rajesh has answered the questions very nicely today and uh and he's uh as a good opportunity he's a professional chef and he has already has a Letter of Invitation um for a job interview which date is it Rajesh October 26th October 26th okay what time of day uh morning 8 am from 8 A.M okay wonderful and so and then hopefully that he'll be selected and then if he's not still he'll have a good experience with that job interview that he can be able to to grow from and learn from that experience and so hopefully though he'll get selected okay and then uh your cousin brother that's been working as a chef on this on on the on the cruise lines with a different company his experience has been good and so yes it has been okay very good and so I think a chef has a good position on the ships and and uh because they making a lot of different kinds of food mostly American style food so I'm going to give his rajash some tips now that I'll pass on to you as well that is prepare your English to speak if you're going to America you want to prepare to speak like an American and so you'll want to watch videos of Americans speaking and uh in documentaries maybe about the cruise about cruise lines in America or about uh Los Angeles California about New York City about uh other interesting places in America about cooking in America and uh and get some more ideas and get the language down pause your video watch it and repeat it back into a mirror just the way that you heard it and saw it being spoken you say it back if they say now add the butter and you say now add the butter and so the same way you heard it then you repeat it back if they say Los Angeles is a beautiful city to live in Los Angeles is a beautiful city to live in so the same way you heard it repeat it back into the mirror and then uh so that's a very viral they also watch the USA news and the way they speak there in the news also speak that into your mirror and so the U.S documentary videos about the US Los Angeles California cooking in America cruise lines in America and so on so on that matches your interests then then you watch those and get more ideas more vocabulary more familiarity with the language and practicing with it with a mirror and so that would be very valuable also try to read some English book on cooking and so that too will prepare you for the English-speaking kitchen where your supervisor may be speaking English and you want to understand everything he's saying so you want to be able to to practice your English or by perhaps reading an English book and about cooking and so so that will be valuable for you and so uh rajash you've done a fantastic job today will we meet you tomorrow okay so okay great all right have a great day rajash and we'll see you tomorrow good yeah you did a great job thank you this yes great
Channel: Beyond Education & Immigration Services
Views: 34,734
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Id: QT79mxVqwb0
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Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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