Mastering the US B1/B2 Visa Interview in 2024: My Experience with Questions and Answers

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Good morning from Bangalore. Today's video  is going to be a little bit different because   we'll not talk about an international travel  destination, but we'll talk about what happens   before that - the visa process. Today we'll talk  about the US Visa interview process. I'll tell   you all about my own personal experience and  finally, at the end, I'll share a superpower   with you. A superpower so powerful that this could  mean the difference between you getting the visa   or getting a rejection. Before we proceed ahead  with this video, I just want to tell you that   this is all about the interview process. I'm  not going to cover the application process,   filling up the form and all those details.  If you do want me to make that video,   let me know in the comments below and I'll  definitely make a video and take you through   my entire journey of getting the visa. So without  further ado, let's start with my experience. So I   started my Visa application process actually in  May of 2023. That's when I contacted an agent,   filled up the form and did all of those things.  But it took quite some time to actually finally   get the visa. I got my visa only in early January  2024. So took many many months. However from what   I read on newspaper these days, this process  is getting shorter day by day and hopefully,   you won't have to wait for months in future, very  soon, to get your visa interviews. I applied for   and got the B1/B2 Visa which is a 10-year Visa. It  covers tourist visits, it covers business visits,   but you're not allowed to work in US - that's very  very clear. So you can't work there and earn money   from there. You can, of course, visit to meet your  relatives, you can visit to see places you could   visit, for conferences, business meetings and  things like those. This is actually not my first   US visa. My first US visa was back in 2011 when  I had gone to Stanford for my fellowship but that   was not a long-term visa. That Visa was really  restricted to the duration of my course there. I   never applied for a Visa again because I never  had the opportunity to go to the US again and   yeah it just seemed like such a big task to do it  till last year. This is going to be a short video   but I'll still divide this into two parts because  the process actually takes place in two parts. The   first part is where your fingerprints are taken  and your photo is taken and the second part is   when your interview is taken. Now these two steps  could actually happen at the same location over 2   days. However, for most people these are on two  different dates which might be far apart. These   might also be at different locations like it was  for me. So the first stage is pretty simple and   straightforward and there's nothing quite like  rejection at that stage. So I live in Bangalore   but the appointment that I got was in Hyderabad so  I actually had to take a train go to Hyderabad a   day before my appointment. So I stayed very close  to where this appointment was so I could just walk   to that place. I knew that bags are not allowed,  laptops are not allowed, phones are not allowed,   so very smartly I took a hotel which was very  close to the appointment place. So in the morning   I actually had my breakfast, left everything back  at the hotel. Everything means everything I can't   even take the Apple watch with me or my phone  or my laptop or any of these things with me no electronics. All you have to do is take your  documentation which is very little. You have   to actually get your photos clicked. The  specifications are quite clear I'll mention   them in the description below as well. So you  have to get your pictures clicked even though   they will take your picture there again and  won't use your pictures. You still supposed   to take your pictures with you. No idea why!  The other document that you need to take is   your passport of course take - the current  passport and if you have older passports   as well you can take them along. In my case,  nobody really checked it (old passports). Then   you're supposed to take your confirmation page  which is the confirmation that you get from the   website about your interview so interview  confirmation. Take the printout of that   and then you have to take a DS160 confirmation  page as well along with you the first two pages   of that. That's it! You don't need to take  anything more than that with you. In fact,   you're not allowed to take anything more with you  as well when you go for this interview process.   So I kept everything neatly, which is these  four documents, inside a folder - a plastic   transparent folder - and I took it with me for  this process. However, what I learned after   going there is that there is actually a small  Lounge like space where you can leave your bag   and you can leave your mobile phone laptop etc.  as well. So in case you do bring it with you,   especially in Hyderabad, there is a place where  you can leave these things so that's a good thing. So my appointment was at 11:00 in the  morning and I reached I think around 10:00   there. Already there was a lot of crowd there  were people standing up in the queue and I went   and spoke to the guard who told me that 'don't  line up now, I'll tell you when you should line   up'. So I just waited like in this big mass  of people who were just nervously waiting   for their turn. So at 10:45 or so, they called  everybody all of us who were there for the 11:00   interview. I jumped in first and so I was the  first one in the queue but very quickly a very   long line is made but they only allow people for  that 11:00 slot or for your time slot nobody else   is allowed. They actually come and check your  documentation. If you're not from that slot,   they will send you back twice my documents  were checked all my documents were checked   once I was standing on the line somebody came and  checked my document and then later on just before   I entered the gate they checked my documents. Once  you enter there's a metal detector so they scan   everything. They ask you to take out everything  from your pocket, keep it in the bin and then you walk through the door. It's pretty much like an  airport screening process. And then they give   you all these things back. Then you go and stand  in another line inside. This is the line where   they will again check your documents and they'll  give you a token number. And then they will send   you to another line where you'll wait with your  token number. It sounds pretty complicated when   I say it, but it's a very simple process. It's  not crowded at all inside - there's no mayhem   not noisy at all it's pretty calm  and relaxed atmosphere inside. There many many   counters and basically your token number gets  displayed and also gets called out. And then you   go to that specific counter. First they do your  fingerprint scanning. Again nothing much - they will   say okay put your left hand in, scan, right hand,  scan, thumbs, scan and you're done! Unless there's a   problem, you know in terms of getting the correct  scan, because the hands are too wet, or sweaty or   oily, it should not take more than a minute or so  so. After the fingerprint scan is done you're picture   is taken and pretty much that's all about it. You  don't have to do anything else - you just have to   follow the instructions. I was maybe done in  10 minutes or so from the time I entered to the   time I exited out, but that's also because I was  the first in line so there were not many people   ahead of me. There were only some people from  the previous slot who were ahead of me so it   was pretty fast. Very seamless process I would  say. I would say if your appointment is at 11: 00 by 12:00 you had definitely done, most likely  by 11:30 you will be definitely done and  then you are free to go out. You have to do  nothing they actually give your document   back to you. They kind of put a stamp on it  and they kind of tick-mark a few things that   they have checked. So the stamp is actually of the  day of the interview - so my interview date was   22nd December 2023 so I was done that day. And then  that evening I took another train and came back to Bangalore. Alright so let me now talk about the  the second phase of the interview process. Now this is   a part that actually scares most people. This  is a part where the decision about your visa   application is taken by the visa officer and  it is a place where a lot of people are very   stressed. This is a place where there are  a lot of acceptances but of course many hearts   are also broken because the rejections are also  quite high. So I was checking the stats recently   and it seems about one out of four applicants  have their visa applications rejected. That's 25 % that's really high. Now this interview was  on the 9th of January 2024 and it was in Chennai.   So first one was on 22nd December in Hyderabad, part  two was in Chennai. Chennai is actually great for   me because it's close to Bangalore and it's really  well connected. So I took a train and went to to   Chennai the previous evening. I booked the hotel  very very close to where the appointment was   somewhere that was actually walking distance. In  fact, that place was full of many many hotels. So   on day two - which is the day of the interview - my interview was actually for the first slot   which is the 8:00 a.m. slot. I started from my  hotel at around 7:15 in the morning I thought   I'll reach early so that you know I'm not the  last one in the line. But once I reached there   I realized that there were so many people already  waiting in the queue - they like 50 60 people, maybe   more than that already standing in the queue. So  I went again to the guard and asked him that I have   an 8:00 interview where should I stand and he  asked me to stand in a very long line. In fact,   the longer of the two lines that were there. So  it seems like there were two lines - one was 8:00   line the other one was 8:30 line - so I went and  stood far behind many different people. Now this   was really interesting because even before it  was 8:00 like half an hour before that at 7:30   they said, 'Okay 8:00 line people come and show  their documents'. Again there was staff walking   around checking everybody's documents and just  like in Hydebarad there were a lot of people here   who didn't have the 8:00 slot but they were  still standing in the line. So they were taken   out of the line and the line became much shorter. So I was not really far away in the end. We are   still not inside the embassy. In fact we are a little  bit away from the embassy and they come and check   your documents one by one and as they check your  document they let you go ahead towards the embassy. So you walk towards the embassy you're still not  near the gate of the embassy, your documents are   checked at multiple times to make sure that  you have the right documents, you have all   the documents with you. And I'll talk about what  documents you need in a bit but let me just tell   you how we enter first. You follow the person  who's ahead of you. Again just like Hyderabad,   here also there is a metal detector. They ask  you to take out everything from your pockets,  keep everything in a tray and you pass through  and reach inside. This must be around 7:40 or   so and we were already inside the embassy. Now  inside there was no token given to us unlike   Hyderabad - we just walked in and stood in a line.  So inside there were three lines. The first line   was for English speakers - people who had selected  English as their language for the interview. Then   there was a line for Hindi Udu speakers, and the  third line was for Tamil, Kannada and Telugu, and I   may be mixing up a little bit of languages  here but three lines for three different groups of people standing there. English was, of course,  the longest line followed by the line for Tamil speakers. Everybody standing with a big stash of  documents with them and I was no different. I   also had lots of documents with me. I had in  fact too many documents with me. Now that I   think back I'm like wow I really worked hard  to get all documentations together and I'm   pretty sure all of people who were there had  also done a lot of homework lot of hard work   to put everything together into that file so  what documents did I have so I had uh all my   educational certificates all the way from my  engineering to design to Stanford all of them   then I had some documentations to prove that  I'm in Good Financial standing so I had home   loan document I had document for um income tax  over the last 3 years I had last 3 months bank   statements I had some documents around the mutual  fund Investments and those kind of things with   the way things are right now this was not the  biggest chunk so I'm visiting us to meet my   cousin brother and so I also had an invitation  letter from him that I had printed out what I   did not have was the anary for my travel and my  travel plans I did not have any ticket bookings   and you don't need all of those things to apply  for US Visa which is quite different from rest   of the Visa especially if you look for shenen  visa and those where you have to have all of   those things in advance when you apply for Visa  but how important are these documents now in my   experience these documents may be important and  could come very handy if somebody asks you for   these but nobody really asks you for documents  when you're there for your interview if you're   applying for your student visa you might be  asked for your I20 but it's highly unlikely   they will ever ask you for your bank statements  or your mutual fund statements or your home loan   or those kind of details a they really don't  have enough time to go through those documents   and check whether they are correct or incorrect  whether they should approve them or not approve   them because documents can be forged somebody  could bring anybody's document you could Photoshop   names you can Photoshop amounts how would that  Visa officer actually check the authenticity   of these documents it's not possible similar is  the case with your uh School living certificates   with your any certificates for your engineering  off for whatever educational qualifications you   have there's no way she can authenticate his  signature or the details is mentioned about   himself so I feel that documents even though they  may be important and you should definitely prepare   a file because in case somebody asks you for  these you may have to show them but more likely   than not you'll not be asked for any [Applause]  documentation for this visa interview they were   two things that were not really in my favor and I  want to really share it with you upfront because   this could be issue for some of us the first  thing is that I'm not married I'm an unmarried   guy and I recently left my job also so I'm also  an unemployed guy this is not the best profile   when it comes to a visa application process right  people think that if you are like this you have no   ties back home with you you have no job that you  have to come back to you might want to immigrate   to a country and that is definitely something not  very good in my profile as well but I did have a   few strong points also the fact that I've been  to your years before I've studied there the fact   that I travel a lot the fact that my passports are  full of entry and exit stamps from many different   countries across the world lots and lots of  shenen visas Australia Visa New Zealand Visa   Canada Visa like I've traveled a lot across the  world so that really I feel is a powerful point   on my passport this was kind of a balance that  was there in my application process I didn't know   if uh me being unmarried and unemployed would go  completely against me and would be a reason for my rejection I didn't really find a watch on the  wall but some people were wearing normal regular   watches not electronic watches and I saw the  time was around 745 right now when it was my   time almost my time to go for the visa interview  now people ahead of me were going really fast and   as we were standing there I could see more and  more windows opening up and more Visa officers   coming and sitting there taking their places and  you know a lot of us were the first ones to go for   the interview for that Visa officer something  similar happened to me as well I was standing   in a different Cube but then a Visa officer came  and she opened the window and the guard was like   okay you go and speak to her and then after  me there were two more people so it was me at   the window and then there were two more people  behind me and the windows are pretty close by   so you know you can hear each other's conversation  but frankly you're are so thinking about your own   interview that you're not bothered about what  others are asking what others are saying but   as I was standing in the line you could observe  a lot of people and there's a lot to learn from   the body language I could see so many people  walking back with their passports in hand and   looking really sad and that is not the best thing  to see actually when you're going for an interview   because this can stress you out so my tip here  would be not to think about others look at others   but just be focused on your own visa application  process so it was time now for my interview as I   mentioned my Visa officer was a lady an American  lady and I was the first one on her window so I   approached my Visa officer with a big smile and  a hello good morning she replied back with the   same and with that we kind of had a first smile  exchanged and we started the interview she asked   me to give my passport so I kept it in the tray  and the tray then went inside she she picked the   passport opened it looked inside and then she  did something on her Monitor and asked me the   first question so immediately after the interview  I made a list of all the questions that was asked   and so I'm going to use this as reference and  tell you about my questions the first question   that I was asked and this is a question that's  asked of everyone who visits for whatever Visa   type you're visiting which is what's the purpose  of your visit in my case I was visiting to meet   my cousin brother so I mentioned that however  I made sure that I did not answer her in just   one word I formed a proper sentence and answered  her it's like having a conversation with somebody   you want to give a bit more detail in context the  Visa officer doesn't know you well at all so it's   good to give a bit of context when you answer so  I answer that I'm going to meet my cousin brother   he lives here and I'm meeting him after so many  years the next question was how long will I stay   there and to answer this I just use my ds160 as a  reference I had mentioned 3 weeks there so that's   exactly what I mentioned here as well I think it's  important to have the same information that you   share that you have given earlier that shows uh  a that you know where you're going and why you're   going and how long you're going to spend your time  there it's not like somebody has taught you these   answers and it also kind of means that you're not  lying about anything in your interview if you if   you make a mistake also it might come across as  an intentional lie so make sure you answer these   questions correctly correctly in terms of how you  have shared them in advance also she actually did   ask me a few questions about where he works he  works in the university and so I talked a little   bit about it thankfully he's a cousin that I'm  quite fond of and we meet sometimes so I know a   little bit about his life and his work so I could  answer these questions well and I have actually   visited and stayed with them in the past as well  on my first US visit so I do know about where they   live so I could talk a little bit more about  these questions when I was answering her and   not just answering in one word She also asked me  have I been to us before again something that she   knows from my past record and she asked me why did  I go there how long did I stay what did I study   when I was in us and frankly my credentials of my  last visit to us are actually very good because   I studied at Stanford I was actually on full  scholarship and I was also earning a stipend   there so I think that's a positive thing again  on my previous visit to us and she asked me what   did I do for a living I'm a photographer and a  content creator and I mentioned all these things   to her I give a bit of description how I earn my  money as well how I work with tourism boards and   Brands create content for them videos photos blah  blah blah and uh that's my source of income she   specifically asked me how much I earn every month  and then came the big question which is about my   single-hood or about the fact whether I'm married  or not married and frankly this is information   that's available with her already because it's  there in my DS160 but she still asked me am I   married and I said I'm not married and I shared  a few more details about my relationship status   in life and at the end of it we were both laughing  about it and I felt that you know this is towards   the end of the interview we broke the ice at that  point of time because she she could really relate   to how I answered this question and U I think  it was a good answer I usually don't share much   about my personal life but I thought this was  a place where I could and I did it seemed like   a really long time when I was standing there for  the interview but I think it was not more than 5-6 minutes and that's it I said thank you and I  walked away from the counter. And as I came   out I saw the time on the guard's watch and it  was 8:05. So just 5 minutes after my actual time   for interview I was done and I was out and I  was walking back towards the hotel and that's   it! Not even a week, just 3 days after my visa  interview, I received a career at my home by a   Bluedart courier and I got my passport back. As  expected the visa is valid for 10 years so it's   valid till 2034 which is pretty nice. Alright  so it's now time for me to share that powerful   brahmastra - the most powerful weapon that we  have that we can use for this visa application.   And I think that's the biggest differentiate  when it comes to getting your visa application   approved or rejected. And it's a very simple  answer - it's the confidence that you have!   You have to be very very very confident when  you go for your interview. Even if you're not   confident inside you have to portray a level of  confidence that is really important. I think if   you're not confident a visa officer is not going  to be confident about your answers even if you're   saying everything correctly and you're not lying  and you're not making up anything. If you don't   look confident about your answers you will not  pass on that confidence to the visa officer and   that's really important to do. Go with a smile go  with a cheerful good happy mood. Talk confidently,   talk with a good powerful voice, talk in a voice  that commands respect. This confidence is also   seen in your body language when you walk walk  with your shoulder back don't slouch there and   this confidence is not just in the way you speak  this confidence is also the way you dress up so   dress up nicely I actually don't wear pant and  shirt that often but I made sure that I wore   full sleeves shirt and I wore khakis and I wore  shoes you know these things are really important   these things are life lessons not just visa  interview lessons but if you can utilize these   here I can tell you and I can assure you that  your application is very likely to get approved   anyway this is all for today's video I hope this  was useful for some of you out there if you have   more questions about the experience of the visa  interview let me know in the comment below and I   will answer that question if you want me to make  more such videos about Visa application process   for other countries again let me know and I'll  do my best and finally if you like this video do   like it here on YouTube as well and subscribe  to this channel in case you want to follow my   travel Journeys across the world it's time for  me to say goodbye see you in the next video
Channel: Siddhartha Joshi
Views: 6,094
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Keywords: US tourist visa interview, us visa interview questions and answers, us visa interview process, how to apply for us visa, US visa interview, us visa interview 2024, us visa interview process in india, b1 b2 visa usa, b1 b2 visa interview questions, us visa interview b1/b2 2024, united states visa interview, b1b2 visa, b1 b2 visa usa interview, b1b2 visa interview questions and answers, ds 160, ds 160 form, us visa interview in chennai, us visa interview process in hyderabad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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