Urban Explorers, What Scary Things Did You Find? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who like to explore abandoned buildings or places what's the scariest experience you've had I was exploring this really awesome abandoned Victorian era mansion turned mental asylum it had everything a stone ballroom indoor fountain huge staircase at the entrance that looked straight out of resident evil at our patient rooms the works what made it even cooler was that I had stumbled into the place totally by accident I had been exploring a nearby building on a whim and as it turned out it connected to the mansion I had been and there for at least an hour maybe more and I only had a few rooms left to explore I walk into a big one on the top floor of the place and the first thing I see is a sign that says something along the lines of warning extremely high levels of asbestos in this area respirators must be warned if you have been exposed go to nearby hospitals or immediately I immediately sprinted the Frick out of there through my clothes in the wash first thing when I got home and took a really long shower I also never went exploring again without having a p100 respirator on first on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay there's an abandoned World War 2 military base including an old hospital you can explore the buildings but the lower floor staircases have been removed so you can't go up on to the upper floors and potentially get hurt well being reckless fifteen-year-olds my friends and I decided to boost the most nimble guy up to the second floor so he could see what it was like up there apparently it was mostly like the rest of the hospital except there was a room on the third floor that was padlocked shut and had keep-out painted on the door yes there was photographic evidence so he wasn't just messing with us I have no idea what they'd need to keep locked up on the theoretically inaccessible third floor of an abandoned hospital and I'm not sure I want to know there's an old abandoned mental asylum near where I live which is pretty creepy it's got a pretty depressing history history meaning the stories other kids told me anyway the asylum is huge and because it's pitch-black it's so easy to get lost it's like a labyrinth inside marking it very confusing and disorienting it smells weird and is filled with relics frpm the past like hospital beds machines etc but the scariest thing that happened to me personally was the last time I went me and my friends walked into a dark room and the entire floor was missing apart from a small patch directly in front of the door as I was walking in I almost fell completely down the hole which was like a two-story drop I was probably like half an inch from freaking myself up this wasn't strictly an abandoned building it's my old college campus had odd building that was shaped like an authentic Scottish castle down two towers parapets walls etc mind you only the outside was designed to look like a castle with every room inside being just squeezed in wherever it could fit so it was already famous for no two rooms being identical as well as other architectural oddities such as staircases that led nowhere and needing to go up and down a floor to reach a room right next to you so it was already something of a weird creepy building it was used mainly as a dorm with a lot of it especially the outer towers and walls was closed off to the public so I think those areas should count and yes there was a good amount of really weird stuff there the first time I explored there I had found a small door that was mostly rusted shut on the bottom of one of the rear towers it was unused but I could still open it enough to get through so I came back that night to explore but it led to a small circular room on the inside of the tower with a bunch of detritus on the floor like pallets some old chairs and a big metal plate more on that later however above me there was an open square hole which clearly led to another room inside what would be the top of the tower where a ladder probably had been at one point I forget how I got up there probably piled up the aforementioned detritus but once I got up there I couldn't believe what I saw the whole room was filled with hundreds of broken mirror shards chained together by string and hanging from the ceiling as well as all over the floor and the window sills also scattered on the floor were what at first looked like dozens of big points but on closer inspection turned out to be the metal rims of those cheap little tea candles stomped flat by people walking on them but finally in the center of the room there was a tiny little table on top of which was a metal bowl filled with more mirror shards surrounded by more empty candles I have no idea what the Frick that room had been used for but I swear to god it looked like some ritual crap was going down there I took some pictures with my phone so my friends would believe me but it was the middle of the night all I had was a dim flashlight and phone cameras were crap back then so nothing really came out at well been exploring all kinds of things hers on and off in actual buildings structurally questionable stairs or floors you learn to tread carefully really really freaking fast and give things a good eyeball before putting weight on them nearly went through a few floors stairwells as a teenager exploring abandoned factories buildings that dated back years with tunnels and stuff bad air is the scariest thing ever co2 concentrates in deep spots with crap ventilation so it's fairly easy to blunder into a place where you find yourself out of breath a lot but still breathing if that happens double back as fast as frickin possible high concentrations of co2 also tend to elicit a fear response so if doing tunnel underground exploring and you find you are suddenly feeling extra jumpy and short of breath back the freak out another scary thing with tunnels and such is the rotten eggs smell of h2s hydrogen sulfide which is an absurdly poisonous smelly gas if you smell it and suddenly can't smell it anymore it's time to get the Frick after fresh air the most insidious thing about hydrogen sulfide is that it numbs the receptors that smell it at higher concentrations and it is easily going to kill you stone fricking dead some old tunnels like disused sewer systems will contain this stuff finding empty houses that seem to just have been left as is for a few years is always creepy as heck also usually smells either funky musty or bad rotting stuff food et Cie depending on the vintage of the house only had one experience with abandon farland but stumbling across animal bones while already a bit spooked is sure to get the heart pumping for a bit while exploring things is never going to be a risk-free endeavor usually the most risk or the scariest thing is going to be getting picked up by the police or site security usually you can talk your way out of these situations quite readily just don't get arrested with any tools on you or else it probably will go south I have never been prosecuted or charged with anything for exploring physical locations the worst was threats of prosecution and in taking a few weeks to get my camera back some photos for whatever reason from the police that incident being entirely my own dang fault - I was not particularly careful about avoiding being spotted getting into the place an abandoned shopping centre in an urban location beside a busy road with CCTV broke into an abandoned mansion in my hometown place has been empty for as long as I can remember it stands on a massive property on the side of a busy road and there is a big lake behind the house I went in broad daylight the property and hedges are large enough that I wasn't immediately visible from the road broken through a back window the majority of the house was dark most of the windows and French doors had been boarded up house was really creaky like an old ship there was a lot of really ugly late 60s early 70s furniture everything was gold or brown or orange found some mail in the front room all dated around August 1995 so I figured that's when the former owners must have left for whatever reason in another room I found a kid's toys but they didn't look old they looked like someone had just been playing with them recently in the kitchen I found some empty cans of beans that also looked relatively new and in the pantry there were urine soaked sofa cushions someone had been using as a bed this is when I started to get freaked out because obviously someone had been there somewhat recently but they didn't seem to be there I went up to the second floor the floor of the upstairs hallway was so warped that it was curved in a rainbow shape and was hard to walk down in the last bedroom at the end of the hall I found a room full birthday cards I mean hundreds of birthday cards they all in some way or another were wishing someone named Erica happy birthday only that they were all written by the same hand most seemed to have been written with the same pen even finally I went up to the third floor the hallway was so warped I had to brace myself against the wall I had barely started when I heard movements from a bedroom a little ways down it sounded like slapping and dragging I stood as quietly as possible until a pair of filthy hands came out of the doorway and a man began to pull himself across the threshold into the hall he wasn't groaning I can't think of a word but it was far more aggressive than groaning I built it ran all the way down the stairs and back out the window I came in I looked back but didn't see anyone following me this happened in Suffolk County Long Island back in June 2009 and no not in Amityville the mansion has since been torn down and the lot remains empty my friends and I went into an old World War two bomb shelter in some woods when we were about 10 years old and then we found very explicit drawings in pencil of cartoon characters naked doing s zu Lacs like Kim Possible every Simpsons character in some family guy ones too I went into an abandoned elementary school with some of my friends once there was actually a homeless dude jerking off in the bathroom I was 14 and had never seen a dong iral before the school is in walking distance of my house and I avoid it at all costs even now high school me and a few friends including a girl that my best friend really liked and hoped to hook up with had seen this abandoned old house in the middle of the woods near a cow field and we thought it would be a good idea to check it out in the middle of the night we only had one flashlight so mostly it was just the moon guiding us while the girls freaked out the entire time we got into the house by climbing on a fallen log that fell right through the roof and noticed certain things an old plastic Christmas tree moldy books and a broken bowling ball we wandered into a dark room away from the fallen tree and tried to let our eyes adjust and then the worst putrid smell hit our noses like rotten meat we started talking and then heard something scurry in the room which wasn't a big room by any means the girls started screaming with the one girl my friend liked clutching on to him which he loved and we heard whooshes are there like something moved past our faces I had no idea what was happening just that something real was in that room and we couldn't see it but eventually the friend with the flashlight made it in and we held our breath as he turned it on in the middle of the room were two vultures with a disgusting piece off Carrie and just looking at us like we were crazy not as scary as it could have been but it's crazy we were walking right into wild animals as they ate and had no idea I always go in numbers and every time we leave a place we assume is completely abandoned we always scream out if anyone is here let your presence be known then 75% of the time we hear a yellow clapping then we freak the heck out then try to convince ourselves that we didn't really hear anything it's at that point when you realize you left with one more person than you had with you when you went in there was a man living in the last one it was something ripped straight out of a horror movie he just saw us rose to his feet and bolted it at us screaming his head off if you were sneaking around in a nun abandoned house you are the creepy one there's an old abandoned slaughterhouse outside my hometown my friends and I used to go exploring in one day during midday we were wandering around the upstairs when we heard people on the main floor talking kind of spooks we quieted down and looked for some cracks in the very old floorboards to try and spy on the people downstairs what we saw we're three older guys older than us still in high school they we're smoking put off a pipe and after they finished they entered one of the rooms near the back of the plant leaving the door ajar we slowly made our way down the stairs moving as quietly and as fast as we could after making it to the main floor I decided I wanted to see what they were doing so I slipped away from my friends heading to the car to try and get a peek I moved 15 or 20 yards down from the front of the door and hid behind a stack of old planks and gravel I looked in and could see that they were smoking again and we're fooling with a bunch of containers some boiling and with tubes holy crap I thought to myself we got some real life M heads here then I realized that they probably wouldn't take kindly to my prize and began moving out and back to the car as I'm moving and trying to keep an eye on them I knocked over some stuff I honestly can't remember what I remember scurrying to try and catch the stuff before it hit the ground I failed there was a loud crash into the Frick was that I bolted as fast as I could to the car screaming start the freakin car I jumped in the car and we peeled out as the dust from the gravel road cleared I could see them standing by the door there is this small town in the mountains on the way to a ski resort I used to work at and a lot of people go to it's probably the weirdest town ever one way in and way out by a bridge over a river that basically surrounds the town basically you go there during the day and the place is a ghost town no one out once night falls you start to see ladies pushing strollers walking their dogs etc there is this old bed-and-breakfast there that has been abandoned for years it was built in like 1890 or something like that it was an info families to stay that at husband's that were loggers back 100 years ago story goes it there was this girl Alice that had a husband who died logging she got word that he had been killed in an accident she proceeded to hang herself in the Attic of the inn was able to find old newspaper articles and archives that proved this true a lot of people used to say they saw her walking the halls sometime after she died employees that worked the bed-and-breakfast before it closed in the 90s reported lots of weird things happening we used to go there and try and scare ourselves I kid you not one time we were shining flashlights in the top window and slowly one of the curtains opened and stayed open for a few seconds then slowly closed note that the top floor no longer existed because it collapsed two years earlier there was no way anyone could be on the top floor pretty creepy in Baghdad I kicked in a door in an abandoned building after hearing strange noises it was about 10 grown men having a sex with a young teenage boy the fricked apart it wasn't our pay the boy was a prostitute and was peed off that we had barge in I used to read electric meters for a living way back in the day one of my stops was at an old high school where the gymnasium had been converted into a broom Factory since I love history I asked the management there if I could check out the school itself it was really cool seeing the vintage 1930s desks and old furnishings as well as finding musty old books lying about the scary part was when I came to a classroom where the floor was caving in a full 6 feet in the center and all the furnishings had slid into the middle with the sagging it wasn't really scary until I felt the floor tremble beneath my feet and heard boards cracking and I never entered it from the hallway a guy with a shotgun camped out by my car and when I came back he told me he had called the law on me for trespassing he let me go though he just told me not to come back during hunting season because he almost shot me summer of 1992 we were exploring the old abandoned airport hangars at Republic Airport on Long Island the hangars are no longer there one night we were exploring and had some Pointer pickup truck drives right near us which freaked us out as it was desolate so we take off we returned a few days later and everything is roped off and we see signs for toxic waste dump site or something along those lines but that's not the freaky part here's the freaky part right around the same time Joel Rifkin the serial killer gets caught he was caught with dead bodies in his vehicle his vehicle was a pickup truck he had been dumping bodies at the abandoned airport hangar we probably came within a few feet of the dead bodies as we had explored most of the hangar still freaks me out thinking it was probably his pickup truck we had seen that night with dead bodies in tow you've been spotted by the curious cow comment below and let him know what you're doing I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 135,871
Rating: 4.8869467 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, scary stories, urban exploration, creepy stories, abandoned places, reddit story, horror stories, true stories
Id: rfQxh4s9TZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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