The most untouched abandoned HOUSE I've found in Sweden - EVERYTHING'S LEFT BEHIND!

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Here lies a great soul. Along a busy street sits an endearing property, that has become overgrown with shrubbery and weeds after its owner died Once it was a vivid family home from the married couple Sveia and Torre. Now, only a memory remains. They were a sporty couple who participated in several marching events all over Europe. Whereas the plants are starving inside, they are overruling the property on the outside. Despite the home was abandoned over two decades ago is still filled with the food and belongings of its long-gone residents. Let's take you to another house in Sweden that's frozen in time, and find out what wonders await me inside. There's also still the electricity working - it's unbelievable! (♫ Intro Opener Sweden Series: FORNDOM - Jakten) So, welcome back everyone on a brand new episode here in Sweden! Right over here is actually the entrance of the next place. It's hidden behind the vegetation but this was once the main door of the home of two Swedish people - a couple with the name Sveia and Torre, and they actually left this place in 1998, and ever since, their home is forgotten in time. This is by far the most untouched place we've seen now during this series and I am very excited to share this place with you all today. So, let's follow me along! Okay, so, this was actually the main hallway where Sveia and Torre - the past occupants of this home - once walked inside each and every day. It's unbelievable how a place located next to a quite busy street is this well-preserved in time and trust me, this place will absolutely fascinate you as much as it did to me. This is not just a house but this was once a home, and you can tell by everything that's left behind. So, firstly, I will show you the basement part. I cannot walk down very much because like you can see, the basement is completely flooded with water Well, actually... wait for a second! We were thinking that this is water but I don't think the basement is flooded or is it? I don't know... I don't fully trust it. It actually looked like everything was flooded with water but I think it's just the way the ground looks. Well, all the bottles here are still in the crates. Many tools over here. Actually, I do think I can walk here. Yeah, no problem at all so far! So, yeah, this was their basement. Well, you can tell that there is actually a lot of water here but I'm not getting wet feet so, all okay. Okay, over here it's getting worse. This looks like a complete workshop. Wow! Literally, so many tools are just still there. This home was just left all of a sudden one day. It's almost like they just left out of the blue and they never reclaimed all their possessions. Okay, let's go upstairs again. It's actually cool that I could explore the basement because it really looked like, at first sight when we did a quick overview, that it was flooded. So, let's close this door again. And let's make our way to the kitchen part. A very homely and cozy kitchen. And you really wonder where did these people go? Why would you leave and just leave everything behind? Actually, I assume that these people passed away around my year of birth, 1998, and there were no relatives to, actually, take care of their belongings and, as a consequence, everything is left behind now. Also right over here. It's unbelievable that places like this in Sweden also just exist. When I started this hobby I had a strong feeling that these places only exist in Belgium, then I actually discovered France. One year later I went to Portugal with Remon for the first time and also over there were places untouched with everything just left unloved. But right here I am, two years later, in Sweden and even over here homes just get abandoned, untouched with everything left behind. I can't get my mind strained around it. How can you leave this just all left forgotten. Of course, for me as an explorer, this is extremely fascinating. Such a place. But I always have mixed feelings because I also find it utterly sad that nothing is being done with all these useful possessions. Anyways, let's continue. This is a small dining table. You can tell for how long all the plants have not been watered - they are completely dry and barren. Even still the sugar is there. Actually, right over here's a calendar dated from 1992 but we've looked into everything we could find, and we actually also found some newspapers from 1998. Actually, that's one of the last dates we were able to find. I don't know what this was exactly used for. The brand's name is "Nestler". Those are actually shapes with letters. Maybe some ink? Also, look at the cozy green curtains over here. Very very neat. Still, a lot of notes. Haha, some chocolate there. Would it actually still be inside? No, it's just an empty box. Over there's some bandage. In there too. Alright, here comes the fridge test inside of Sveia and Torre's untouched abandoned home here in Sweden. As a matter of fact, it's empty but the fridge is still on! The power's still transmitting. That's very very strange. Hahaha, how?! So, maybe the electricity is also still working. I'm gonna check it out, carefully, one time. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, the electricity is still running here in this place. That's absolutely incredible! (♫ Ambient music) Okay, so, we continue with our tour in the home of Sveia and Torre, and these people were actually very sporty. They did a lot of hiking and, ironically enough, also in my own country - the Netherlands. There are some letters over here. I'm not going to show them in detail. Actually, over here you can also see a part of their garden and there seems to be another little cottage right next to the home. So, we are going to check that one out as well. Firstly, I will slowly pan through the room to give you an overview how everything looks like. Let's just start over here at the desk. There are a lot of things left behind. For example, there is still this watch and it's actually from "Quartz". It's laying on top of a box. Oh, and over here are some old photos! We can see Sveia and Torre, the elderly couple. So, actually, Mr. Torre was the man and he was actually the person who passed away first. Then, a few years later, after Sveia lived for several years alone in this home, she also departed this earth, and ever since, the home lies deserted and is waiting for a new owner. You can see them having a nice hike - Mr. Torre in the wheelchair. He was homebound in his later days and Sveia cared for him during the entire rest of her life. So, I'm gonna put everything back the way I found it, out of respect for this loving couple. Then, also over here, are still some purses with a lot of coins and those are actually Swedish crowns, that's the Swedish currency. Swedish crowns. Another box. Oh, and even some more old photos! Wow, there are so many old tiny prints. Just old memories. This could've been a family altogether. Just look at them. All photos are still in black and white. It's unbelievable. And then, on top, it continues with all the personal memories. Actually, right over here we can see the home from an aerial view. And look over here. It's actually a kid playing outside with a dog. And I think that's actually in that tiny cottage over there. It's unbelievable how times can change. On the wall, there are so many photos and I guess all these people are actually ancestors of the family. Another outside shot of the home. It looks like these people are also very religious. There are so many photos of the family inside churches. And then, over here... this is just brilliant! Those are actually all medallions of big hikes and runs these people have made. There are so many of them. Also over here it just continues, and then over here... most of the hikes were actually made around 1979-1980. There is a television. A vintage clock over here. Also, look at the beautiful tapestry over here, behind the vanity. Wow, I just can't believe my eyes that places like this exist here. And then, over here, when I was talking about hikes, this is actually called the "four days in Nijmegen". It's actually in the Netherlands, my country, and it's a very well-known four-day lasting marching event in which many people are involved. And they actually did a lot of editions - over here's 1985 till 1989,1979, 1983. You can also see them hiking here as the group from Sweden, wearing the uniforms with the Swedish flags. This is all in Nijmegen, the city in the Netherlands where this hike actually takes place. So, it's already evident to us what these people actually liked to do in their leisure time. They were very sporty and it's sad to see Mr. Torre a few years later just homebound in his wheelchair, and that just really makes you aware of the fact that your health can change in a very fast amount of time. So, during your potential life years just live the best out of it and just see the essence in life before you might grow older and are limited in what you can do. (♫ Dreamy beautiful music) So, then we continue... Right over here's a beautiful staircase with the mirror right over here. Also, some candles here on the sides. A vacuum cleaner on the ground. Then, look over here. They look like some old bottles of beer. Probably from Mr. Torre. I guess he liked to drink beer. There is also an antler on the wall and we even found some bullets. So, these people might have also been involved in hunting, and actually many Swedish people are because there are a lot of forests inside Sweden, and a lot of wild animals to hunt at. Actually, I think this door over here was a toilet. Yeah, that was a toilet. Also, over there you can see a chair for an elderly person with also a bucket underneath it to collect the droppings and the urine. So, yeah, I'm almost positive that the couple just passed away because of old age. So, then it's time to show you the main living room of the couple and this is also actually my favorite room throughout the complete place. So, firstly, I will just slowly pan through it again to give you an overview of this mesmerizing living room. Wow! It's literally so well kept in time. All is just left and it's completely, but really completely, untouched. There's almost not a single hair of vandalism. Over here they had a tiny table. They could probably drink a nice glass of Pina Colada. An oil lamp here too. Oh, oh, this is so pristine! My gosh... There are some old photos again. You can even see the photo on their wedding day. Wow, look how happily in love these people were and they looked beautiful together. It seems that they had an everlasting love until their very very last years of life. All this chinaware and little things, mostly actually boots and shoes. Over here are some porcelain figurines. And also, on top, some lamps and candle holders. Oh, there are actually some porcelain windmills too. Those people were probably some family ancestors. Actually, it's empty. And this over here too. Well, maybe inside of here are some bottles of liquor. Nope, but I guess there used to be some liquor one day. That's properly representing a forest in Sweden with the deers. Over here are two chairs. Then, have a look, those are all the ornamental china plates on the wall. It's actually very very cool. There is also like fish-shaped and a pig-shaped plate over here. I really like it and I guess this was definitely for an ornamental purpose, and not to eat from. I think they just collected them all. They seem to be from all different places. There's even one from Iceland where they probably traveled to. Wonderful. Over here is a tea set. This probably was the coffee corner because there is also, again, still some sugar. Wow, also some very neat curtains. Over here they had another tiny table. I've actually never seen a lamp with this design. Well, at first glance, you might think this home is too pristine to be abandoned but then you see the dead plants, you just see the complete ceiling which has just come off because of leakage damage, and then it's very evident that this home is already decaying for quite a long time already. Some parts are still pristine and some parts are slowly being reclaimed by nature. I actually really like the clock over there. Some child's photos. So many tiny things over here. And then, there is the giant spinning wheel again. Wow! Actually, this vanity is very beautiful. My gosh, the complete ceiling is just coming down here. Well, over here they had a very comfortable sofa. A bottle with some glasses of Scotch whiskey. And look here in the corner. This is actually such a unique clock and as most people probably know, I love clocks, especially these grandfather clocks. But I've never ever seen a clock like this. So, I have to take a look at the insides, if it works, at least. Let's see... This is, literally, just plastic. Are you kidding me?! I was really thinking the material was something very unique. It's, literally, just plastic. But there's actually 1822 written on that. So, it seems that it might be an old clock that was actually fixed into a newer one. Those are actually some paintings on it. And again, there are many old family photos. This flag over here is actually saying "Swedish people in Nijmegen" - the city I was talking about in the Netherlands where these people did all these hikes. A brass pot over here. Oh, and this is some wood-burning art and it's actually from the town where the house is located. Okay, that's very strange. On top of here, is also a stone collection with stones they again found in Nijmegen where they did the hike. This one was found in 1976. It seems that this was where the life of these people was definitely mostly about. The Nijmegen hikes, like it was some of the highlights of their year, every every year. Look at all the pipes over here too. There is also an old-fashioned coffee grinder. It seems that these stones were also collected at other spots they've visited, like a memory to keep. (♫ Piano music) And then, it's time to go upstairs, and please be amazed and prepare yourself for yet another wonderful floor. I'm actually following the carpets. There are still some umbrellas in the basket. There is a really unique wall pattern of the wallpaper. Oh, wow, and look over here... Still, some dresses are hanging up and, actually, also a gent's hat over there. And I think, in these two, there are actually also two other hats. The candles over here, and there is actually a door. It's actually a small side part, and it's completely filled with clothes. It's like a complete wardrobe, almost but there are many many clothes like I'm just in the shop. Look at the sweater with all the things from Sweden on top of it. My gosh, these people owned many clothes. It's very very tiny here, so, let's walk back. And now, let's check out the hats over there on top. Oh... I don't know how this opens or what it used to be but I think it was, literally, only this. And this one is empty, so, this is, literally, the only hat but which is still standing here. It's actually bought in the town here so I can't show the inside but how does it look? - Really good, haha. Yeah? - Yes, haha. No, I will carefully put it back and, of course, much respect to the two people who lived here. Wow, there are actually so many beautiful details inside of this home. Also, again, one of these large chests. Probably this one is again just completely stuffed with clothes, like always. Let's see... Yeah, indeed - some sheaths in the packaging. There are also some books and files. I really like the mint green colors. What is this? Look, this is actually a giant elephant doll. What is it doing here? At some places in this room, I really have my questions, but I like it. I also really like this lamp, by the way, wow! I've never seen one like that. Look at the material, it's made out of leather. It might be something typical Swedish. These people also had a little part over here. There are some boxes so, it might have been used for storage but you could also just sit down here and then, just look outside and enjoy the view of the garden. Anyway, let's go to this room over here! This was one of these pocket clocks, by the way. Found it in germany before one time. Over here's a suitcase. And this room is a little bit messy but you can also tell that there are still many things just left untouched. There's even still a bicycle over there. Wow, again some old photos. There's also a model ship right next to it. Oh, and over there we can see another wedding photo of them. Let's see if I can reach it from a closer perspective. There's also a globe there on the ground - so much stuff. I want to be careful as I don't want to demolish anything. Wow, so over here's actually an award. It's saying the Royal Dutch Federation for Physical Exercise diploma. And it was actually for the man "Torre". Oh my gosh! This... this was for his 66th time he actually did the four-day hike in Nijmegen. The awards are, literally, everywhere. I had to take a minute to stand still by that fact because that's really really crazy. I don't know if this was the couple or maybe it was one of their brothers or sisters. I actually also really like the plants because there are so many plants inside of the place. And that was the actual home back in its former glory. Have a look at it. That's actually the front door where I just walked into during the intro. It's crazy to see how times change. Time is such a relative thing, such a relative value... actually, it's not worth anything. It's just temporary. We can also see another photo from the sky of the home. Also, some books over here and look - there's still even a rotary phone. And again, all these other white things on the wall are again diplomas of the hike. Also, a nice rocking chair. (♫ Uplifting music) So, actually, right over here was another side part. It's completely full of cobwebs and I'm not gonna walk here because this was also the part where the ceiling was collapsed in the living room. It was mainly used for storage. And then, the last room inside of this home is actually this one. Look at the wonderful sunlight just falling through the windows. Also, still, many beautiful artifacts of the family are left behind - the alarm clock over here, an old photo... and some other decoration. There's another rocking chair over here. Also, a pair of glasses is on the table, and the case is still saying the surname of the family. On the chair, it's written again: 1821. That's the same thing that was actually written on the clock downstairs. There's a tiny globe. There are actually, I've noticed, so many photos from old family ancestors. So, I think they actually had a huge huge family. This might have been Mr. Torre when he was still a child, and over there when he was a little bit older and, eventually, the photo we found downstairs where he was sitting in a wheelchair. Oh, wow! There is a vintage radio over here from Telefunken, a German brand. There are some ties hanging up here. This was yet another side part that was completely used for storage and there's still so much stuff left. And this was even a bottle of one of the bottles they use on the hikes. It's also still saying their surname. Incredible... Alright, so, let's walk back down again! By the way, like you've seen in the kitchen, of course, right over here as well... there's also still the electricity working. It's unbelievable! I'm wondering who's actually paying the electricity bills but it's a very crazy fact. Okay, so, we just made our way to the outside of the home. There are actually a few more things we would like to show you and like to see ourselves too because through the window we actually took a peek at an abandoned car over here. It's literally resting underneath the collapse over here. Oh my gosh! This used to be a garage - a wooden one - and it's completely collapsed. The car is still standing underneath it. It's absolutely incredible. There's even a sticker from the Dutch city on top of it. Now, let's walk around the home because there was also still a tiny cottage outside. I want to see if that's something nice too. Oh, they could even play a game of football here! This must have been a nice garden back in its days. Well, the backside of the property. Imagine the children just playing football over here, and right now, it's literally a big jungle. There are still standing a lot of liquor bottles. It's closed, maybe try the other side. Well, that's very very hard to access... Yeah, and I think there are also neighbors right next to it, so, we have to be very careful. I'm just trying to take a shot right through the windows. It doesn't look bad at all! It's actually quite beautiful. Anyway, I think it's the smartest to leave now, right? - Yes, we're going to the car. So, we're going back to the car and then we're going to the next place here in Sweden. If you want to see that, stay tuned for all the Sweden episodes during this epic road trip I'm doing with my friend, and this place was absolutely unbelievable. I want to thank Sveia and Torre for having me. I explored their home with much respect and admiration. If you enjoyed it too, you know the drill: smash the thumbs up, subscribe down below, and leave your thoughts in the comment section right down below. Then, as always, I send you much love, peace, and blessings from Sweden and we'll see you on the next adventure! Peace-out! (♫ Outro title - Special thanks to all our Patreon supporters)
Channel: Explomo
Views: 749,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned house, house, abandoned house everything left behind, everything left behind, everything, left behind, untouched, untouched abandoned house, most untouched, most, sweden, in sweden, found, I've found, behind, left, the most untouched abandoned house, abandoned sweden, swedish, urban, exploration, urban exploration, urban exploring, exploring, urbex, explomo, steve ronin, the proper people, exploring with josh, abandoned mansion, mansion, castle, capsule, EX
Id: XEPx0Cn0rhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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