Happy Wheels is Cancelled

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wait is the game going to close?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AirSiberia 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] one last time one last time the microphone like old school everything is like we used to be god damn it's loud though shutting down in 2020 this is the last chance last time of playing happy wheels I didn't think I was gonna be crying come on nothing there that positioned let's go let's play the highest rated of all time guy incognita harpoon Dodge I forgot I forgot the game stocks damn it damn it I forgot that the game sex harpoon Dodge you just lay down no wow I think I broke my strings like a mouse did I make it I think I'm still alive if you can pass this level it means I'm god I got so good all right let me just head down there all right I'm gonna just head out no I'm definitely dead all right let's freakin do this I want my toes there it is my toes can tank anything I'm gonna have to sacrifice my don't worry I can reattach the feet damn that was good I'm actually like a pouch all right if you pass this level you are I got all right here we go that was it thanks for playing hope you like it have a nice day I will have nice day alright next level of course Spanish I got clicky aqui para Senor for Senor air some text only tallien I know apparently well Jesus Christ did I was wonder if the kid could drive the bike but I don't think he can I pick Spanish but he still still speaks English and the ammo but being it oh come on dude I can't be bothered of the interest too long I have no attention span keeps asking for I what's Spanish no what is this what am I supposed to do Oh play tic-tac-toe no way that's that's kind of awesome all right I got to get 5 cool oh well now I got it I get four or five oh I can get four no I'm just gonna aim for four here okay fine now I'll get four damn it now I'll get four eight damn it I lose yes and then we go for seven sweet perfect because now we can just do this nice sweet sweet victory drop it this is why I love happy wheels Oh oh I remember these don't fight to me baby that's what babies get am i alive [Music] damn it Indy it keeps hitting my groin what a weird coincidence [Music] [Laughter] oops I'm having a bad day I'm definitely not ah hey baby [Music] we're together now we're on this journey together [Music] versus the backstory it's a human centipede it's alright we go together we're a team alright guess not Jesus Christ a metaphor how women sucking the life out of you am i right gamers ah that's just man it looks like I have a big nothing coming out oh she took it nice what's parkour jump oh my god these oh [Music] Jesus I'm dantdm that's cool wait that TDM is better than me I don't think so dantdm I could have been ultimate pro hi I know this strategy is to disembark and then cannonball and then fly Hey all right I win controllers [ __ ] oh I can shift them that's really cool interesting Oh Merry Christmas and then that happen what is this lean back haha bye [ __ ] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that's fun I like that met happy wheels levels is like youtube.com/ is people just copying the same concept over and over and over this is my first level good luck ok first level she says all right we got speed son oh god damn it really good for you oh hey pretty good for first level not gonna lie nose run Oh what in the world but why put why is that a boob you guys like the dinosaur Go Go game nah this is better hey I did it except I'm Swedish thank you [Music] I don't know if I'm amazed or sad but someone spent time making that wait what whoa there's car in happy wheels no freakin way they throw cabbage in the bucket to win okay why am I playing this this is sad dude this apartment I'll go without you you son of a punch look at this [ __ ] this how you ride a bike [ __ ] yeah this is how you bike and Sweden [ __ ] yeah yeah see I'm actually really good at happy wheels a lot of people don't know this front flip does anyone even remember this has anyone stuck with my channel oh oh hey I made it epic rope swings yes Rob swings were the best you just grab on and then you go and it's awesome there you go what how do they do that I was supposed to go down here nice Oh found secret lair nice yeah give me a back massage come here Lake yes yes my sweet leg I love you you are my queen I'm trying to kiss you oh yes yes happy at last Oh a back massage ah oh yes let's just bite the right there oh yeah yeah keep scratching did anyone ever make a happy will song cuz I mine all day I'm I know no there we go got it yeah yeah okay Oh God I don't think I grabbed that or did I no I definitely did not come back please wait I can still do it oh I don't have enough patience to play this games anymore spike oh my god let's go like a Baus complete this level like a bow yeah yes okay son you try it out you test it out you go good good luck sense disappoint him here we go yeah for jacksepticeye the best youtuber ever thank you what I've never seen pixel art oh Jesus Christ of course it can't touch the beauty how do they make that I'm so confused damn there's some significant improvements it's almost sad that it's gone down now like look at that I became the slide itself it says a lot about life wait oh I never played this guy all right well that worked out well okay don't die don't die got it okay we got to be this one don't die come on let's go yeah yeah yeah I'm still alive I'm still alive I'm still alive I think I'm dead alright here we go alright come on come on shut god damn it you're so useless all right you tanking I got it I got it you gotta back up there it is what's this yeah maybe this guy will do it the answer is no okay I get it I get it I get it now I get it now yes yes I'm alive nevermind ooh brain test brain dies then I pass the brain test that I just suck up a full woman nice bow - yes come here nor suck you up I like this I like this character I never play us him rise and shine mr. Freeman I'm not gonna read a story of someone that doesn't matter kappa lice i chapter 1 the forest okay here we go stun yeah all right level to God all right we got a egg someone joined us shut up sin shut you come on every day oh no oh no well I was that death thrown hard sure sure buddy I can't what does bottle flip again I forgot all right MLG oh my god I can be MLG guys so close so close rate 5 to get so many people fell for that hey at least I'm pro at least some pro whoa I like that ah the good old sword throws that one dude you hate him I went for my mom instead killer kill her look off he'll see how could you double sword yeah Taco Bell employee gimme uncle Rick gets spared I mean you get spared we hear you cool ok cool survive if you can oh god no on the table I made it and my legs are made it to come in Lake I love you I love you like a son yeah look at this bet you can't do this yeah yeah oh they're coming back to me ooh 50.9% impossible okay here we go I see as absolute win all right let's do that classic ones right Godwin the goat what is that Dan that looks legit there whoa what holy crap dude that's amazing what people are still actually creative this is beautiful how I get to I don't know it's too hard for me I can't do this how do I get past oh [ __ ] got it oh I see what how do they make this this is so awesome this is like a whole new game hey pal of mine doing me a favor and get a box and shove it back all right I pressed shift too many times Jesus Christ did it yeah oh shoot a Goodwin Fei be wanting some good exercise hop aboard Wonder Wheel are we better hard worker good for your lady whoa oh I get it I get it damn this is crazy how do they do this what happened to happy wheels this is not this makes no sense all right now we pull it up damn look at that look at that I got after a million pogo jump defense and I haven't been playing this that's crazy am i doing anything oh it says numbers isn't it okay three four BAM just kind of low-key spooky in here I gotta hurry up there we go this is nuts very cool what is that then combine and then you have this oh yeah oh yeah god dammit let me start at least here we go Jesus out of my way thank you yeah [Music] it's said rate five if I made it so I have to rate five there we go papers please what how did they do that okay what do we get he ordered Yakko parodies now Clara show Clara show how do I stamp it granted nice that's so cool denied glory to News Channel my old channel was banned oh this is so sad declined sure to shoot him he's escaping thank you for flag glory tears does get that's kind of cool jacksepticeye spiky I already play this watch me do it in the first try because I'm jacksepticeye oh my god oh my god well at least they know all right so what's the most played level Pokemon training apparently I choose to you pokemon gym peek at you dan this is nostalgic actually oh god playing these ones feels like entering another time it feels like a the Smosh era simpler times you know I used to just like record unedited happy wheels for like ten minutes and that was an episode and people loved it and I was all that was necessary people just couldn't have enough of happy wheels like it was just that game to play and I mean I get it it's a fun it's a fun game but then people just for whatever reason made a thousand episodes oh no his pedobear do not want Oh God oh Jesus look I wanna be the very best like no one ever one to catch me in my red did today and Amica look at that that takes me back man that takes me back I'm sorry there's nothing we can do I always felt like happy wheels had a lot of potential to to be a lot bigger because it has such a community behind it wait this I want to say bridge okay let's go wow I think the sad reality of the fact is that the game just isn't that fun anymore that's right yeah I remember what my favorite type of levels used to be it was harpoon run yeah harpoon run Pro my legs my legs now this is so sad rate 5 stars for my legs I can do it yeah you know maybe it's not so bad that happy it will just ice on second thought ok actually then I want to play PewDiePie based levels ooh Peter pie slend there oh my god this slender IRA - yeah oh my god it's so scary I'm scared oh god Dan this is legit dude I haven't got one stop don't think so there you go you're welcome hey I didn't even get the soundtrack did [Music] [Applause] no I think I died all right now we gotta back up right it's crazy how much YouTube has changed it used to just be about who could find the newest crazy game or whatever it wasn't really about making good content sad really see someone posted about slender on my my forum it was like bro army net or something like that and I saw that actually no one had played the game and he blew my mind cuz it looks so [ __ ] scary dude and I knew Slenderman was already a meme on the Internet's I knew we would like it would be huge thanks laying there man and I remember like even when I played happy wills people were like he shouldn't play happy we should stick to horror games imagine if I listened to you guys imagine wait welcome player welcome to Peter Price adventure your mission is finds to follow oh my god I got to fight spider bro yeah hey don't you dare do that again sorry bruh I gotta find Stephano my number one bro are you just threw that in my face goddamnit alright you can kill my child but you can't kill my spirit you okay back there son I find Stephano come on where are you they are amazing yes stay there child stay there I'm done with you oh no a bear house and never decade huh just hit me but you know there's gonna be more severe house chair mode activate [Laughter] it's kind of cringe but also very endearing and I like it Peter pie run yeah yeah those children I mean not literally okay here we go come on yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] my son is disappointment that's it for happy wheels hope you guys enjoyed smash like so sad no more happy wheels I'm crying on the inside hey though hey [Music] the hour of fart smells in poop grades is coming marzia Edgar and buttons need you [Music] the timer you will face but crawlers is all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne routine is the game to play I'm not supposed to have my opinion about that but the prizes you
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,145,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: dPjJJxUTr4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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