I Did A Lot Of Bad Things in Untitled Goose Game

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I'm gonna go ahead and recommend laser eye correction for that kid more really what's important giving me a well if I can't drop stuff down in any game in the world and this is what I choose to spend my time on and I will find a way to finish the job all right stupid we got to go for a walk follow the goose you don't know don't be so easy to trick a blind kid hey you put behind you wake up I'm gonna try and turn him around in an alleyway it's not gonna be very easy Hey right here idiot outsmarted by this idiot don't nevermind he's not that break come on we're going this way this invisible barrier I had to walk him all the way over here I wanted to drop him in the lake now what do I do well since you can't go any further let's go ahead and put those right here enjoy your glasses kid watch out for this guy by the way well since you don't seem to be up to anything exciting let's go take the blind kid for a walk that's right I've got all day for you what was it a tent anyway so let's go see what else we could do alright since he's so hung up on the keys let's take those out of the equation I'm assuming he can't make it over here either that's it come on Marta the bushes nothing that could possibly happen he wants his keys back he's gonna have to come and get them lady get out of the way I've got places to be so if probably none this does yes it's at a blanket to the equation to see how that goes that's pretty good meaning it's gonna work make it his legs I was thinking more of his head but our with baby steps but I want to make him suffer a little bit before we call him alright let's do it oh it didn't actually lady there's a child stuck on your door that she seems to care it doesn't seem to be a very above the law let's try it again [Music] well it was a good idea yeah we'll leave him there he's fine I'm on with this guys wearing Oh do I put this on do I leave it here and wait for the lady to come by yeah with T of that work she seems pretty slow oh we can get rid of this one Mel gate we gotta hide the evidence come on duck I mean goose definitely a goose yeah lady your goose needs its rhythm back put it on me there we go put it on you'll never know that's not how the ribbon goes the duck is smarter than you you know their city is coming over to be like hey what's going on what's wrong with that goose is she gonna go for it nope guess I gotta do it myself oh this expensive thing I have to break right so if I put it with the bill nope doesn't work and maybe put it at his feet and then ring the bell oh so that's how you make that collapse ooh and more importantly that's how I get back to the other guy I get it now all you had to do that entire time was right click and it is hold still that's fine I've got nothing but time I think she's on to it now there we go can't possibly tell the difference between a statue and a real goose thanks hot nerd she's just wondering why her statues running away now I need to find a way to attract that expensive vazha furs and no I don't need to be very subtle with this because all I've gotta do is jump over the fence and then she's powerless Thanks now I'm pretty sure if I never mind can you just break it for me not the ribbon break the thing oh good he threw it over the fence what an idiot no I've got to do is make the man go barefoot and do the washing oh good now they can fight over all that though no no no I need that I think I have to drop in your pond hey stop No my sock I grabbed the wrong thing anyway I knew she couldn't keep up with me all right is that where we're supposed to wash things that is where we're supposed to wash things perfect so I've just got to outrun this lady a bunch of times but how for vaz back good luck oh he's onto me I need that back and then don't look don't look for a sec nope turn around there's nothing maybe if I remove the man's slippers he won't be so mobile Birds row that definitely made it all the way over the fence yeah there you go right on in the divide which means I can still grab it before I do that I need that man slippers and of course I'm gonna put them somewhere where he's not gonna get them back he didn't even notice where's the fun a nut and we go and he just sits back down slippers always just disappear that's no big deal don't worry about that mere nothing don't worry about it oh my just not allowed to have the other one if the other ones out of the yard does he have to be sitting a certain way yeah there's a cou see your feet don't worry about it he's hopeful let's try this again shall we let's see finger both of them though one yet don't worry about it and I think her painting days are over now she won't be standing in my way this is much better no she'll spend her time looking for a paintbrush up top which gives me time to do laundry unless she happens to have a senile moment and wanders back down baby please go away I'm a very busy goose now I just need a slipper and a bar oh so that's easy enough to find it's right there on the edge of the bathtub if my stupid there we go luckily the old guy is into smart was able at his navigate right past him no it just need one of his flippers you mean me vif going right outside here once I get this in the pond we should be home free yeah I've got your separate what are you gonna do about it there you're the washing now I need you to go barefoot so please stand in the water and take off your slipper well he's busy throwing everything over the fence let's get rid of his newspaper I really don't have time for this or the laundry back over the fence oh I'm just gonna steal everything he has to see what that does he's definitely confused about all his missing stuff they could possibly have anything three with the goose it's been running around his yard for the past hour now he's sitting down impatiently waiting for his newspaper but I still don't think I'm gonna be able to get that slipper wait now I can I think he's got a set like that yeah just go back to what you were doing don't mind me ah idiot got it this is such a delicious slipper I can't wait to eat the whole thing good bad you can't do anything about that get out of here on the bright side he found all of his stuff he just can't reach it mixed on that to-do list makes him unpruned the prize Rose there were some eight lady he takes everything I have there were some garden sherry somewhere I can't remember where they were I think all the way back at the original old guy he's still looking we'll make sure these are nice and I'm pretty sure was this whole guy who had the pruners but I might be wrong he does have a rose did not locate the shears so I'm gonna bring the rose back and see what that does all right he seems to be very interested in it what's he gonna do with it though throw it over the fence it's gonna put it near the other one he's taking very delicate care he's throwing it into the neighbor's yard yeah because she wants your garbage sounds like a neighbor to me oh there's the pruners the neighbor lady has them these here the whole time I might've looked right past them okay give me those and its breakout how this works oh you can move it that would make sense then the neighbor ladies probably gonna get mad about it or something she'll come chop it off and everyone's a winner now I just need to get her attention you always I was gonna break her vows thing there you go follow the duck goose whatever I am maybe she'll accidentally do it as she's trimming whatever this is he's going for it she's got the shears and she's not doing anything really look this way look at your big thing I may need to yeah this might do it ruffle it up a bit yeah then she'll want to trim it I get it smart duck goose all right things are looking up she's gonna trim it right now that old guy's gonna be so mad at her it's gonna be great yep working away over come on yeah there it is yeah okay dairy hey old man come see what happened well I forgot this one hopefully woman dress up the bust well instead of that let's show the old man what you've done look what the old lady did yeah he's very upset about that yeah you yell at that old lady he's coming over and they're gonna fight about it yeah what happened to that rose couldn't possibly been you now she's going to do something and he's wandering this way I Paulie this patch it back together yep he's actually just kind of tying it back together that's totally how that works now she's antique goose as well well I can actually just take this alright even better no more sign for you then I'm allowed in here again it's bring that up and over the fence or close enough come on you know that's probably close enough anyways now as much as I want to play dress-up with a statue or moving on ooh open door we're definitely going inside oh okay not many options so that I can do in here but it looks expensive not really sure where I am or where I'm going I'll put me this way right goosed delivery this is for you sir a whole new list of things to do steal a pint glass and drop it in the canal that one sounds like fun let's see if we can find a way in I'm disguised as a box this is foolproof this person will deliver me inside then I can still whatever I want I won't lie to you this was entirely accidental but it's working out there's definitely not a goose in here oops maybe that was too soon sorry coming through get out of the box get into the pub I'm not there yet but okay that's better sorry I'm allowed to do this I'm a goose armonica and he wants to play darts you can't show me something that fun and then put it down soon as I figure out how to get out of here oh it makes that Monica sound sorry I'll be no give it back Aviva lean there's always gonna be another box you're waiting for me I think I may have attracted the wrong person to my box this isn't a delivery guy he doesn't know what to do with it anyway boxes are far too complicated for that man so did the delivery person i guy I've been in there for like five minutes up never mind good timing get back in the box nothing you saw nothing yeah there we go just good as new oh well let's try that again you can't figure me out twice in a row yeah maybe she can pretty sure I'll be able to outsmart her though should put the box right back there and if she turns around for a second like this let's jump right back in there she'll have no idea ready go it's foolproof never mind maybe if I just do this enough times Joe give up and just take me in anyway she'll see all determined I am or she'll accidentally throw me right over the fence anyway that actually worked after tossing me out of the box twelve times in a row eventually she just kind of gives up wait that's too far I don't want to go out of here thank you I'm gonna make the okay sit on darts it looks like it maybe Ken while we're waiting you know what this is gonna be a mission anyway all right here he comes he's totally gonna sit on that and I can't wait you can do it come on sit on the dart yeah that was anticlimactic he only gets upset when I actually picked something up I could be wandering around here all I want but until I actually picked something up he doesn't care I think he's helping now well all right let's take our pint class and be on our way grab it grab it okay there we go got it nope oh well I managed to break one this lady's perceptive she doesn't miss a thing well I broke another one I need to go and then the river is something though whoo a cork in a barrel yeah don't worry lady I'm going invisible and ha what do we get stick this in something we'll leave it there for now need a pike us Oh let's take a place on fire drop the candle and these probably don't need to be in here yep I lost sight of me it's that easy all right let's knock this off because that obviously does something or we'll do something that's got to be used to break something though then this is gonna give me the boot oh I've got to set the table not leave the stuff all over the floor let me get the boat no come on Lady I'm doing something important I have no idea what could have happened to that bucket it must have been a ghost well you can't see me there that's no fair always ducking not to worry she's alarmingly easy to trick all I got to do is go under something while I'm crouched well since they don't actually have to do anything with the boat I just need to grab it let's just do this easy way no never mind she's onto me again oh she lost sight of me no idea where I could have gone they cook up the boat you stupid bird hey it's on the floor now I guess it doesn't count if she's chasing you now's my chance Abbadon go get the toy boat now accounts ok this guy likes boats he seems simple probably has something to do with that interesting nope nothin this couldn't possibly be important wait but we put in someone else's door no we cannot we can go this way wonder what this goes I've just realized I think this takes us right back to where we started the game so now we can combine any elements of all that stuff if we want to oh well it's just like a wishing well we can throw stuff in maybe if we get over here maybe if we take a run at it and don't but we'll figure that out later I recognize this gate because it's when I was trying to get over four hours the other day I think got it no idea if I was supposed to do that since I do have the opportunity to drop stuff down the well I'm gonna go ahead and recommend laser eye correction for that kid more really what's the point of giving me a well if I can't drop stuff down it maybe a little bit of a running start well I cannot directly poke the glasses down I bet I could pump it out for something else will this work not so far but we're not giving up yet it doesn't seem to be working it was a good idea oh the Apple can go down the well it's glasses nope wouldn't want to get those in anywhere fun maybe yeah we just need to get a little higher up look I've had lots of experience with this sort of thing it's kind of got to figure out a way to maneuver it into place be sure I can push things pretty well yeah there we go no I just might need one of those big things to stand on don't ask too many questions but I'm here now so nope oh no get him in the mmm this got to get up there one more time how hard could it be this is pretty close yeah got him I'm not he's so proud of myself I didn't think I was actually gonna be able to be done now can I go in the well what even echoes excellent all right where were we thanks but this is my exit thank you Miss telphy approach this time with my pint glass just gotta slip it out no and get into the river I might drop it as soon as the guy sees me yep well now that she was to step back on Hazzard idiot not sure if there's a way to actually like sneak out of there I'm assuming there is probably under here I think it's time you wash your harmonica think I might finally have the thing where I wanted maybe not as soon as that guy goes away I'll slip away another side that price is coming this way though Oh what does kind of yep they're all stupid anyway oh it's smarted by a goose home free and I said throw it in the river yeah perfect I'm assuming the same could be said for the tackle box everything seems so meaningless after throwing that kids glasses in the well lady I don't have time for these games pick up the box bring me in yeah that's what I thought well this cruise right on through to see what we have over here now pretty sure I'm gonna need something here to break the dartboard I also never realized I could just walk right at the end there that would have been a lot easier what do you suppose this is and okay that also seems to do nothing is this maybe mocking me he has no idea what I'm capable of now award me something clearly evern dead yep I can do that to you Jesse talented as you are probably more so hmm okay now right using my problem-solving skills his old guy's allergic to roses and he's gonna do something stupid no well I tried though my timing might have been off but I think that's how I'm gonna break the dart board or his back I think I've been overthinking this all along I'm pretty sure I can just pull this tool out from under him when he's sitting down yeah he's very defensive about his stool so let's make sure he says something sharp to fall on nothing to see here just a goose and his knife there perfect oh I might have to wait till actually sitting down though unless I can nope that's a knife hey stand up for a sec and she took my knife away yeah I couldn't possibly had that there for a reason lady all right he's going for it again I think nope lady you're kind of ruining all of my fun right now please go away yeah it's only a matter of time before he sits back down on his stool don't mind the goose he's just sitting here and looking at you I missed the timing again you know what here Niki's go back and hurry up I don't have all day is to be easier if he didn't take 20 minutes to sit down every time and know didn't work and again we're gonna try it oh yeah we just had to sneak the whole time I get it that's right that's what you get for messing with me no give me that no drop this in a while - what's the matter can't fit down here that didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped but I got the harmonica to hear so yep there we go he doesn't even care I'm actually kind of lost the only question now can I drop it directly in well it's nice and easy just gotta find a way to make this guy destroy the dartboard apparently that worked so great problem solved thanks friend you know what I might be needing this - no no no no no give it back who I'm up here now now I just need to drop a bucket on the burly man's head which actually sounds like a lot of fun lady is going for the no Goose sign if we zoom out we can see but that means I need that guy standing there which means I probably need to drop one of those at his feet he'll bring it back we'll drop the bucket on him is it Mobley killing him yep this will be real easy now we just need to figure out a way to do this maybe drop it there he's right there and we punk and he'll go take a look and hopefully pick that up you do it he's not that bright but I'm hoping he can figure this part out picked it up Oh where's he gonna take it seriously he's gonna put it in there I might need a whole bunch of those or to remove that altogether Oh we'll try the easy solution no that's not gonna work so yeah we're gonna have to fill this thing up anyways maybe also that container I'm not really sure how this is gonna work I do know this is a lot more running than I would have liked maybe I can just lure him all the way over maybe I'm overthinking this let's go honk at him and see what he does the idiot yeah here we go he's a fun one look I'm try and find me I'll leave an apple on the loose so hopefully he get distracted by that somehow right I'm over here now and there's apples all over the place yeah he's coming in right he lost sight of me get to the bucket is he going for it he's gonna do it ready go oh I missed him I thought he was standing at the thing and he community places that right back for me yeah no he's gonna get the Apple watch her falling buckets idiot stick UNK ah well I was hoping for a bit more of a dramatic result that it is a key stuck on his head so that's fun and now he's covered in tomatoes nice tie got to attempt another murder while I was here which means he placed the discarded lid right there then open the dumpster so I can go out here now which sounds like a problem for next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,232,492
Rating: 4.8660011 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, pc, dangerously funny, gameplay, untitled goose game, I Dropped The Blind Kids Glasses Down The Well, goose game, untitled goose game gameplay
Id: CsrvKtvRg_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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