Until Forever (2016) | Full Movie | Stephen Anthony Bailey | Madison Lawlor | Jamie Anderson

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[Music] you [Music] all right ladies let's move to the sanctuary I just [Music] Eddi [Music] you [Music] ten [Music] 12 thirteen 14 fifteen that's the number after 1416 all right good I'll see you next week okay good got air then boom baby yeah you gonna help me out next week of course all right see you later look good week I'm not exactly sure what it was that I fell in love with Michael Boyle hi yeah you're a Michelle Danny sister when we met I don't think either of us really knew what real love even was I didn't know he was cute not quite as cute as he thought he was with those stunning blue eyes like Leonardo DiCaprio from Titanic and there was just something about him oh they connected it's fun yeah anyone can join if you're interested you're really gonna think about it cuz those Flyers are expensive you'd be awesome in it we'll get you a key and you just move you're gonna be a ninja in like two weeks [Laughter] [Music] hey Michelle do you want to you want to go get a milkshake with me yeah right yes sure let's go right now I know that would have been really awkward if you know you do know okay good sure it was just puppy love but we thought it was more yeah we both got grief for it I'm a ninja what do I need shoes for [Music] yeah it's a geocache like these treasures that people put the box from all over the world it's great keep on keep going some father yeah ten bucks it drops it bucks says you cradle robber two years there appears a lot of girls they older boys know something about it it's too nice it's pretty nice yeah wishes age have a one-track mind this nice guy things just a nap mom would you just let the girl see I'm just I really like her she's a sweet girl and men really ship date women who doesn't know why is that cuz my my mature quicker than men the age difference balances it out you know you're outnumbered here 41 just James comb [Music] [Music] Madame tonight I will be your wit - sparkling wit for a barbecue company and insisted on driving us everywhere in the big jovial I can lead to hate that thing I could never explain to my friends why I always smelled like pork no I am NOT going to prom in the big moment with me I'm driving a peg to prom [Music] [Music] tige was an enthusiastic dancer he did not care how he [Music] you're not supposed to say that Melissa meaning I do why why do I love you yeah you're pretty sealing you must homie someday I'll be older than thankfully I might smell [Music] I can give me some meat you [Music] [Music] I like one song come on there's only one didn't done this family yes really good I was his rose and he was my jack neither one of us saw what was waiting in the darkness [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look look look you're talking you can see that look that is obviously a hunter with a bow shooting his arrows at that octopus right there oh whatever whatever what it is oh just washing stuff ah that's not first I get to make the wish go for it we have to hurry though because once it's gone you can't make the wish anymore I wish so yeah did you make it got it what'd you wish for I'm sorry I'm sorry alright anyway if you can't answer one simple little tiny question then you have to tell me what you wish for it okay well I got a question trivia about what's out there go for it space nerd yeah how many planets are in our solar system well Pluto is not a planet anymore so good thought I was gonna stump you with that one mmm-hmm double or nothing what you got alright Larsen's getting cocky here how many stars are in the galaxy our galaxy yes our galaxy the Milky Way galaxy how many stars go million is that your final answer 100 million 100 to 400 billion boom a lot of stuff that's just our galaxy every 101 all things [Music] then touching your neck erotic oh I've had a sore throat and I went to the doctor a couple days ago and they took my blood and then they didn't like how the blood looks they want to do more tests what is that what didn't he like I think I'm fighting a virus or something it's probably nothing I wish you would have told me then I could have wished for you to feel better Michelle that is so sweet you are the sweetest person I've ever met seriously what was your wish just please tell me okay fine I wish are you really that's why you had a wish on a shooting star passing through a magical galaxy and you wasted on seafood okay I'm sorry I think Hugh gets a little bit old I hate seafood I love it fine for some states I'll take you to see no I don't want to get your germs mr. Jerry mr. Jeremy you're leaving the sandwiches acute myelogenous leukemia it's a cancer of the blood and bone marrow normally we see this in older patients usually around 60 or so but sometimes in people your age and even younger in AML the bone marrow makes abnormal blood cells that don't form properly can't fight infection these leukemia cells and crowd out the normal blood cells in your body [Music] EML can be very aggressive so we need to get chemotherapy treatment started as soon as possible that okay I promise you we will get the best treatment plan possible for Michael he's young he can fight this okay I need to huh I need to take my pills so uh what's our next step though go home pack your bags you'll be staying here for the duration of the treatment yes sir see you the entire time the chemotherapy treatment will make his immune system virtually non-existent he'll be really vulnerable to infection well I have been on in my own place [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'd like us all to take a moment to say a prayer for a young man in our congregation going through a very challenging and difficult time in his life Michael Bowen was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive form of leukemia I was reminded of a verse in Psalms which reads many of the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all and I was immediately struck by the verse that followed which says he keeps all his bones not one of them is broken just really struck a chord with me and I shared it with Michael's family because it is in one's bones where things go wrong when a person has some Kingdom sure they just stuck it as a big needle we're gonna dedicate tonight's game to Matt's brother Michael he's bravely battling cancer I won't see that same fighting energy and every single one of you guys in the field tonight all right let's go out there and win this one for Mike Boyle bring it in miss Barnes on three one two three five [Music] [Applause] [Music] and of course hey are you oh my goodness look at that it's our class yeah there we are yeah a couple of ninjas everybody sign this really cool thank you do you remember when you were gonna test for your blue belt about to get started and then you felt really scared and then I had to come get you and then I told you that I'd seen you do those kata is over a hundred times you can do it so we went back in we started the test and then what happened and now I meant being about it exactly you still scared well sometimes - but I know that I have somebody with me same way scary [Music] load up yes yeah oh hey boss Jack if you change that channel one more time woman there's seven channels no they are all terrible I should go okay you sure it's okay yeah think positive I'll see you later see you later I'm really busy anyway I have a lot to do so bye hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry I didn't mean to disturb you I'm sorry no it's okay you don't have to leave there's plenty of space here Michael Diana it's good to meet you yeah you do so do you like it here in the hospital that's not bad yeah my little girls not doing so well I'm sorry to hear that how old is she she's five I haven't been to church in two years no I'm here selfishly begging for a miracle make yourself there's this verse in the Bible and it says something about the Sun rising all the good and the evil and the rain falling on the just and the unjust bad things aren't just happening to you and me they're just happening if that makes it any better right is there anything I can do for you besides prayer that's really sweet but no thank you it's already 9:30 I need to go or else I'm gonna miss my bus again it was nice talking to you Michael I'm talking to you hey do you need a car sorry you said you're taking the bus do not have a car no you have to sell our car to pay for medical bills and it rains it pours right well if you can get past the smell and the color and some other stuff I think I can help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a picture okay [Music] see you later how cool was that yeah that was fun fighting never gotten sick and never would have met her yeah I mean yeah that part is good it is good we have to focus on what's good yeah I'm okay [Music] like you know what else is good what there's pork in the cafeteria today oh [Music] [Music] [Music] no I'm fine Spartan 37 I know you got a lot going on right now and I understand where you're coming from but man hey look at me I need you here right now all right so get some water take a couple plays off Nachtigal you're going to fit boy them take five come on hey hey man someone's your phone's broker something what do you mean don't answer my calls I don't what me sorry you've been so busy with your brother being a second all I don't want to bother you call me sometime this year Ben all those AP classes you know yeah [Music] [Music] okay honey we're just really concerned about you my boyfriend has cancer what am I supposed to do he needs me right now you've got to give yourself a break we don't like seeing you like this like what how much what was to be right now I didn't know that this was gonna happen I didn't say please stop leave me alone leave my room please [Music] here's the deal my rooms getting boring time for some Yahtzee what do you say still got five charts to finish here [Music] it's just the new meds you're gonna use term don't worry all right hi i'm michael from down the hall what have you already fire read to you for a little bit this book always seems to make me feel better see my gonna find something look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not much more valuable than they don't don't you read to me that garbage I'm gonna do you a favor and I'm gonna tell it to you straight okay you probably carried a Bible around and you just read it's about anyone it'll listen to you probably would think you're saving souls don't you maybe you think that God put unions so we give you a great opportunity to reach others but here's the one cruel irony and unfortunately you can't see that young guy mind of yours maybe that book you carry around make you feel better about your situation when I hope for your sake you start learning how to deal with your problems in real way instead of hiding inside of this fairy tale I've read fairy tales not effective invisible creatures in the air all around this item for our lost souls the only way to be redeemed by a blood sacrifice when God come to earth and born of a virgin that's some fairy tales I came in here to make you feel better looks like I did it was nice meeting you you have a good night what if you're wrong that God is real how are you going to explain yourself to the creator of the universe when all you've done is fight him I've tried to get a statue removed from the front of the courthouse big deal if anything God would need to explain himself like what brain cancer and children why would he allow that babies born without their skulls why would a Supreme Being create a world that is filled with misery and pain and then try to blame it on us and I'm supposed to follow my knees and worship this this monster you know if God is real that he's clearly a sadistic bloodthirsty evil B and doesn't deserve even the slightest [Music] [Music] [Music] a map it's James I just wanted to call and let you know that mom dad and I are not going to be able to make it to your awaiting tonight Michael clap tunes are good so I'm gonna head over there anyway good luck man I know you're gonna kick some Vice in blacks and rings Oh [Music] [Music] baby boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because we're gonna really go for two we've got plexus in witness it over time all right gun left 79 so gotta run your tail up but you've got to block hard all right it's only way it's gonna work Spartans on three one two three side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello there hey you barged into my room so I thought I'd come in barged into yours what can I do for you look I brought you some reading materials since you sit here all day with your nose in that fairy tale these are awesome books Stephen Hawking a brief history of time Richard Dawkins to magic of reality and of course my favorite is Carl Sagan cosmos I've read him you read him and you still read that garbage interesting theories by brilliant men obviously I don't agree with everything but when I read those books it reminds me of what a great creator God really is dude listen right now is not the best time for a theological debate maybe we can try another day how's the little girl died I'm sorry I know she meant a lot to you but she isn't heaven right I mean that's what you believe yeah doesn't mean I understand it it hurts when a fairy tale so is to crumble away you may not have the same beliefs and you might think I'm a wishful thinkers that I'm naive but you tell me what's harder to believe that our finely tuned universe that we live in full of life means nothing or that God has given it more purpose than you and your books can even begin to understand he's the most brilliant mind we don't have to talk can we just play dice you play Yahtzee I'll kick your buddy possible impossible you're changing out the dice I swear to you oh I doubt you swear maybe it's God telling you that I'm right hah so how long have you been a afraid thinker you mean okay how long have you been a free thinker believe it or not I was once naive like you so much changed if I had to pinpoint another one thing I say it was the war I came home in my marriage quickly fell apart I bought a cabin by the lake took up carving I tried to forget those images that burned in my brain I used to think that God was a saw powell for being who looked at the risk but now I know better the only one is looking after you Michaels you it's a pretty sad outlook on life it's just the truth not for me it isn't oh yeah and what makes you so special I'm not saying I'm special my life is no more or less amazing than anybody else's but everywhere I look I can see God's handiwork in everything you know what they call that Michael they call that confirmation bias you see anything that you want to see and when it does that fit in your little box you reject it I know what you're getting at okay yes humans are patterned secrets who's these shapes and clouds and Jesus's facing potato chips that's fine but haven't you ever had something happen to you where you knew that I had nothing to do a chance that it had something to do with something greater than you and the world of random chance things are bound to happen so nothing then nothing what nothing greater than you when we get out of this place you come in with me up to my cabin and now that we catch our dinner we're gonna carve away on a couple of blocks as the Sun sets of water is smooth as glass and when the last rays of sunlight hit your face you're gonna goodnight calls of a thousand voices that maybe you forgot share does random chaotic painful beautiful were all with this it sounds good and it said that you would have to give me a couple of weeks though I've been in this place too stinking and who knows what it looks like now how this game does not agree with no it doesn't can we pick up on it later yeah you know when I go science does have an answer to how we live in such a finely tuned universe you ever heard of quantum mechanics we've heard yeah it predicts an infinite number of universes with different properties in each one most are empty of life this one works so maybe there's an alternate universe where you and I are playing Yahtzee cancer-free and I whip your butt every day an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of possibilities and you're saying there's no room for God there's no miracle sign I'm sorry I wish I was wrong about that but I'm not [Music] you guys well I thought I was coming in here today to give you guys some bad news tell you that the second round of chemotherapy had failed but actually it's pretty remarkable I've never seen anything like this in my career yesterday your blast cells were at 80% and today this morning's tests and I double-checked these tests you're in complete remission now there's a pretty good chance of Rita so we need to start planning for a bone-marrow transplant that planning means we need to find the best possible match for Michael but for right now get out of here you can go home [Music] we can go to the computer and we can buy one a really big buckets of popcorn and just drench it and butter him by all that's such a good idea because nothing says I just be cancer then going into cardiac arrest hey you can rinse although we could make it a double date [Music] by John do you guys want to do something really cool [Music] Tony first Michael yeah that's gonna say it's really great what you're doing from your dad I'm really happy this is awesome where you started yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I'm dreaming again it's just like you see everything I want to be [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today was a good day I agree [Music] [Music] dr. McHale beneath any side probably relapse I just thought that it was gone for good me too God gave us that miracle and then it's like he's just I just don't understand what he's doing all the people in the hospital all of the children annalisa why why can't he just save everyone why isn't that what you would do just let me show you something see that right there what am I looking at this it's a little paint chip is our time on earth and all this pain [Music] it is eternity what does that mean your time on earth is a blink - the rest of it [Music] death isn't the end of my turn please don't say if you're not gonna die okay I'm not saying no it's just perspective because my piece I don't want to be afraid through all of this [Music] completely we just try to see cos I know that the bone marrow transplant is going to work I know it is so we don't have to have all these eternity talks of me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] couldn't you use like the stars in the sky or something yeah that probably would have been better because this is one of their and it's a hunter with a bone oh good that's funny [Music] Hey what you doing just looking looking for that geocache it was further down though treasure nerd stuff [Music] okay Sheila and I broke up I hear that so whatever we got dinner pals gonna compete my right man come on a bit I feel so blessed that this the bone marrow is coming from you you just think James is a pansy no total pansy huge pansy no man I'm doing that I see it the house [Music] I need this to work Mike I just feel like life keeps kicking me down and down and down and every time I try to get back up and fight it it sweeps me under the rug [Music] it needs to work [Music] we have it ribs [Music] Rams pork everyone come on [Music] hey marrow day right there ladies and gentlemen that is what the yep once it hits his bloodstream that's starting to pick up his brothers traits that's right it'll be better-looking he'll be more handsome will be smarter wait I'm not going here here my older brother he needed something for me I gave I stepped up remember this face Jing once I finish up here in about 15 minutes it'll all be in oh yeah you're my hero JT like it was burning up in there he needs your help I'll get his next dose in about 30 minutes no not in 30 minutes you're going to help him right now I could get you some cool towels but that's all I can do [Music] yeah I got here hmm are you okay you need something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that dress is too good pass [Music] need your love [Music] can I come in yeah you look fantastic off you've got it went great I dare you 100 100 that's good that's good y'all was free almost you know I want to thank you for what you did up my cabin ona wasn't supposed to tell you I know he's never good at keeping secrets I know you got a surprise for you Wow this is beautiful oh no you're not converting me I also carved unicorns and fairies fairytale stuff right you're a good kid like go conquer the world [Music] you're next yeah can I [Music] dear Heavenly Father we're so thankful that you've healed Michael let his life testify to your faithfulness you are the great healer Jesus name we pray I would like to propose a toast to the bone marrow king of Minnesota my dear brother I would like to add something thank you for bringing Michelle into our lives she's a beautiful gift to this family when you continue to bless her and everything she does let's eat okay [Music] [Music] Hey no fighting I was really starting to get used to this idea of this healing God [Music] [Music] what are you doing come here okay yes you can there's no point but listen to me I know this is bad okay yes my cancers back and yes oh it's not always about you right I don't faint - I heard - it with everyone looks to you and they feel so sorry for you I struggled too but no one cares I care man I care mom and James - dad we all love you please can't you see that so much so that you didn't even know I quit Dean quit the team man I'm sorry okay I'm sorry you overlooked in it it's not gonna happen again mom and dad I love them all right Betty please stop no no Matt stop stop oh geez I'm so sorry that wasn't inter watching bro oh I'm sorry no please get down get down jesus loves you man jesus loves you what's in your blood what sam-i-am don't be ridiculous it's not you love you more than you know I promise you where is he yeah [Music] it's right here laughter sacrificed for you your life it's like you said fight for me now it's my turn we fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi yeah yeah Michael's been asleep for like 30 minutes oh he's doing for something that has a brain soon it's cool Oh your dad's here so I'm taking off no just stay for like stay for like 30 more yeah thank you my god I have a lot that I need to do it's just there anymore sorry really yeah I can't be here every night Michael I just can't I have a life of my own that I have to catch up on please don't make me feel guilty about it you're making me feel really really guilty about it [Music] could you give us marry me I love you every time I'm with you my heart still skips me you are the only person I've ever met who I can just talk to for hours and hours and hours and time just disappears if you make me what happened you make me smile and you are just the most incredible person that I have ever met in my entire life you are a man of so much faith and so much integrity and yeah my heart like nobody else does I saw where I am a strong woman but when it comes to you I just turned into this weak pathetic weird awkward girl away this dumb [Music] I just want you that's prickly there's no guarantee with me I know I love you but you deserve someone who is going to be late oh thank you I deserve I deserve you you are my soulmate remember you told me that you told me and I believed that in this to me because this really sucks there's really sucks but you're a part of me and I'm a part of you and I know that we belong together [Music] [Music] I can't I'm really tired can we talk about this later some other time [Music] [Music] what are you up to I have always trusted that you had a plan for me it's just it's just a mess the rest of my life how am I supposed to make a promise to her when I have no idea how much time I left together no one knows how much time we have I'm sorry son but it looked like you needed some answers and I know you weren't gonna hear anything from up there you're sick yes but in a way we're all sick always marching toward our inevitable conclusion you could be free of cancer today and drive away from this place and be hit by a bus what I'm trying to make is this until you die son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey so I was just about to go for a walk you wanna go with me yeah sure I have a surprise that I want to show you what does that mean means we gotta use this again oh no that's where I got it the other foot you know it just makes me nervous ah I don't go great Oh oh this is scary hmm where am I going ah [Music] terrify [Music] where the pork sandwiches you actually got see [Music] so madly I see a lifetime I don't know what the future but I wanted to be Michelle Larson yeah [Music] you don't even like see how you love it [Music] I wanna be there somewhere [Music] I wanna be the side you [Music] what is that money what is he [Music] like the stars [Music] you're scary [Music] Michael you're not gonna die I don't know how I know that [Music] because I can't take anything else I need God to show me that he's there I need him to show me that he cares about us that he loves us [Music] today and I had strength [Music] and walk down the aisle today [Music] the girl of my dreams each and every day with you is a gift don't be afraid I'm always afraid [Music] [Music] Matt where are your pills this was just filled yesterday [Music] breathe hey did you really take all your meds call 9-1-1 call them now how long has this been going on has he ever been like this before what kind of medications cancer [Music] so he died we're gonna start an IVIG so we can give you medication the ambulance is on its way [Music] his heart could stop at any moment so we're going to need to keep him here overnight probably the next few days you're fortunate that you found him and that the paramedics got there soon enough another 30 minutes it would have been too late does he ever try to take his own life before we've had a few scares but nothing like this when he wakes up I'm gonna order a psych eval for him okay I'll check back with you later okay [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] he had a lot of time to think in here and I've been blaming everyone and everything I blame God my medication my doctors and then I realized something you wouldn't hear how your sick is you always found a way to smile yeah yeah I know yes you could say we've been talking it has been the greatest honor of my life growing up with you you mean able to call you my brother [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Michelle Michelle take you Michael take you Michael to be my husband my husband I do promise and covenant before God they do promise and covenant before God and these witnesses these witnesses to be your loving and faithful to be here living in FIFA 1 in plenty and in want in plenty and in joy and in sorrow in sickness and in health [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought I had accepted God's plan for Michael's life but really I'd been holding out for a healing and when it didn't come I was lost but in my sorrow I missed the truly powerful thing that had happened right in front of my eyes [Music] in life Michael was a teacher he taught people how to protect themselves and respect others he showed them what it meant to be a true and giving friend and even where you could get the best barbecue ribs he helped a brother see the light through the darkness but the most important lesson was the one he made so clear to us in his life and death trial the power of real faith [Music] mr. Fenton's you were wrong you said God wouldn't answer me that night he did he sent you thank you for being a true friend Michael [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 2,296,901
Rating: 4.8252635 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Stephen Anthony Bailey, Madison Lawlor, Jamie Anderson, Michael Boyum, cancer, spiritual journey, faith, Hayden Loven, James Stephens III, Michael and Michelle Boyum, Until Forever Movie, Until Forever - Full Movie, Michael Linn, Until Forever, Until Forever Full Movie, Drama, Romance, Linn Productions, Battle, English, USA, Until Forever 2016
Id: zCr6gYikU_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 13sec (6073 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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