Forgiveness (2015) | Full Movie | Richard T. Jones | Adam Lazarre-White | Robinne Lee

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♪ ♪ MAN: <i>I'm not a religious man.</i> <i>Don't go to church much.</i> <i>But I did when I was a boy,</i> <i>with my mother.</i> <i>I remember hearing</i> <i>a lot about forgiveness.</i> <i>Forgiveness being the mark</i> <i>of a spiritual man.</i> <i>Can't speak for</i> <i>anybody else but...</i> <i>I sometimes find forgiveness</i> <i>pretty hard.</i> <i>If you hurt the people</i> <i>that you love,</i> <i>how do you forgive yourself?</i> (Genita Pugh's "All the Way of You" begins) WOMAN: <i>Oh, come on and let's</i> <i>have some old-fashioned turkey,</i> <i>the way we do it here</i> <i>in Mississippi.</i> ♪ Lord create in us a clean heart ♪ ♪ And renew a right spirit to serve you ♪ ♪ ♪ -What's up, Pastor Jenkins? -How you doin'? -Doin' great. -How's school? -Straight A's, sir. -Good. All right. Phillip. How you doin', sir? All right. You're looking good. I like the orange. Otis. -Hey, you gonna be at church? -Sunday. -Sunday. -This Sunday. You say that every week, Otis. Every week. -Hey, Pastor Jenkins. -Hey. -How you doin'? Good to see you. -Good seeing you, too... I enjoyed your service on Sunday. It was wonderful. -It was wonderful? -You'll be at the meeting then, Pastor, now? -I will, I will. -All right... -Are you both gonna be there? -We will. All right. Okay. Bless you. ♪ Lord, when we serve you, Lord ♪ ♪ We must respect you, Lord ♪ ♪ And obey the ways, the ways of you ♪ -♪ Lord, create in us a ♪ -(indistinct conversation) ♪ Clean heart ♪ (fading out): ♪ A right spirit to serve you... ♪ PASTOR JENKINS: Is everything all right, ma'am? -You need some help? -Oh, yeah, I'm-I'm fine. No, no, no, no. I'm not giving you a ride. I can tow your car back to the shop, take a look at your radiator, and it's gonna take some time. Um, I'm sorry. Can you... can you drive me to school? I need to go to Holmes Community College. I have finals today. I can give you money. -I can't be late. -It's okay. It's okay. Come on. Keys are in the car. Thank you so much. You are so welcome. (no voice) I'm Joseph. Joseph Jenkins. I'm a pastor. So, what's your name? Brittany. Brittany McCleary. Thank you so much. You're welcome. I really, really appreciate this. I... can't be late for class. What are you studying? Nursing. Nursing. That's great. That's great. They never have enough help in the hospitals. I like helping people. Especially the elderly. Mm, well, God will continue to bless you because of it. That is, if you believe in the Lord Jesus. How is your relationship with God? Well... to be honest... I'm sorry, Pastor, I'm just not that religious. (moans) (moans, gasps) (moaning) You do know religion has very little to do with your relationship with the Lord. (panting, groaning) -(phone buzzing) -Excuse me. Hello. Pastor Jenkins. WOMAN: Hey, baby. It's-it's me. I just, um... I think it might be time. What-what... slow down, slow down. What? This is really, um... -When? -I don't know. I-I didn't time it. It just-just really... Aah! It's-it's coming. Another one's coming. It's coming. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I'm on my way. I'm on my way. (moaning) -(honking horn) -Oh, my God. -Hey, hurry up! Hurry up! I'm sorry, it's just... (screaming) (crashing) (bell tolling) JUDGE: <i>Your witness, Counselor.</i> Ms. McCleary... when and where was your statement taken by the officer on the scene, when you used the words "hysterical" and "reckless," according to the prosecution? Well, I was right there on the side of the road, right after the accident. But I didn't use the word "recklessly." I said that he was speeding. And what was your emotional state at the time you were questioned? I was, um... cryin' and stuff. And... I don't really remember much from that day. Thank you. No further questions, Your Honor. JUDGE: You may step down. -Hello? -MAN: Hey. What's up? Man, where the hell are you, man? I been calling you all morning. I know you been calling me all morning, man. I-I'm in court. That's why I ain't been answering my phone. MAN: You're in what? W-Wait, court where? I'm in Canton, okay? I'm in Canton in the courthouse. You're in Canton? That's out of our jurisdiction. -Does Cap know that you're in Canton? -Don't worry about it. And don't worry about the captain neither. Just go handle what you need to handle, and I'm-a be back later. It is now your responsibility to decide whether Joseph Jenkins was driving irresponsibly and recklessly, causing a fatal accident and taking three innocent lives, or... ...if he was driving a vehicle that should have been recalled, due to faulty brake lines, causing brake failure and, in turn, this tragic, tragic accident. Now, I submit to you that this was not vehicular homicide. It was an accident. This could've happened to any one of us. Joseph Jenkins is a well-respected, revered, highly exalted man in Canton. You can't send this man, with no prior criminal history... to prison for a manufacturer's defect. The defense rests. We will take a recess while the jury deliberates. The jury foreman will notify us when a verdict has been reached. This court is now in recess. <i>(news theme playing)</i> <i>Hello, I'm Cathy Conway,</i> reporting live from Madison County Courthouse, covering the trial of another community leader charged with vehicular homicide. Local pastor Joseph Jenkins is a loved and respected voice here in this small town. Much like Councilman Hemerson's trial, hundreds have gathered to show support, despite the loss of innocent lives. After a long day of testimony, the jury is now in deliberation. We are all patiently awaiting a verdict. Dave? JUDGE: Has the jury reached a verdict? FOREMAN: We have, Your Honor. JUDGE: Will the defendant please rise? (bell tolling) We, the jury of Madison County, find Joseph Robert Jenkins not guilty on count one of vehicular manslaughter. Not guilty on count two of vehicular manslaughter. Not guilty on count three of vehicular manslaughter. -(cheering and applause) -Quiet in the courtroom! (no voice) (applause continues) (starts engine) Bernard, my main man Bernard, I need you to do me a solid. Yeah, I need you to get me Brittany McCleary. Nah. Write it down. I want a last known address, and I want her last... ten arrests; I don't care how far back you gotta go. Yeah. Yeah. That girl in that, uh, case in Canton. Got it up in front of you? All right. Exactly. Okay, send me the hard copy and e-mail to my home address. Thank you. -WOMAN: <i>Oh, yeah.</i> -MAN: <i>Yeah.</i> MAN: <i>Well, anyway,</i> <i>what about dinner tonight?</i> -What time? -7:00. -Ooh, can't do it. -Okay. A massage this weekend. -Which day? -What day works for you? Maybe Saturday? -How'd it go? -How'd it go? They let him walk. Yeah, they let him walk because it was a car accident. You can't get all bent out of shape, Herb. Maybe. Maybe it was an accident. You know what gets me? This right here. This is what gets me. -And what's this? -This is a hooker. That's what this is. Okay, it's a hooker. And? And she was in the car with him. -They were probably getting high. -Oh, great. So now-now I'm playing baseball with you. What about our assignment? Done! Finished with it! JENKINS: <i>Are you sure?</i> WOMAN: <i>I'm positive.</i> Okay. Um... Okay, what should we do? Nothing. There's nothing you can do. This is something that should have never happened in the first place. Look, you do realize that when you agreed to this, you agreed to relinquish many of your duties. Look, I'm here to help you in any capacity I can, but you cannot continue to put us, the church, and yourself in jeopardy. Look, l care... a great deal about you, Joseph. And I just don't want one good deed to be the cause of your demise, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that it isn't. But we cannot have any more mistakes like this. (quietly): That's right. (sighing) ♪ ♪ (quiet chuckle) -(kids laughing) -We're gonna get you. Get on, get on top of Daddy. Oh, I'm gonna get you, too. I'm gonna get you, too. Get down here. Get down here. I'm gonna tickle you. I'm gonna tickle you. (kids laughing) <i>I gotcha, girl, I gotcha.</i> ♪ ♪ -I can smell it on your breath. -What? Every time! What are you saying to me? I don't want you around the kids. I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk! <i>I'm not going through this</i> <i>with you</i> <i>every single night, girl!</i> <i>Every...!</i> <i>Get back here!</i> <i>Where you gonna go?</i> <i>You gonna go to your mother's?</i> <i>Gonna go to your mother's?</i> <i>(tires screeching)</i> <i>(crashing)</i> <i>(sirens wailing)</i> HERB: <i>I love you.</i> <i>I'm sorry.</i> So you want to take me out? Yeah, you know... you just tell me where and when. Mmm... let me think about it. Okay. But, er, um... I hope this helps. Oh, it will. Keep a secret? (whispers): Yes, I can keep a secret. Shh. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ JENKINS (on radio): Blessings are released through praise. 8-5-6-4-9. JENKINS: Blessings get manifested... in the present by faithfulness. (organ playing on radio) JENKINS: It's given. Yeah. Girl, you gave me everything I need. Yeah. That's everything I need. Yeah. Absolutely. MAN: <i>I don't even believe</i> <i>that's true.</i> It's already proven that most women, chemically, are imbalanced, so how could they be smarter? WOMAN: Yet who's going to the whorehouse? MAN: That doesn't mean they're smarter than men. MAN: So it's a certain kind of woman... Guys, how's it looking on the home invasions? Well, actually, we got two arrests. No, we don't. We have nothing. CAPTAIN: Nothing? It's been more than two damn days. Hey, Captain, take a look at this. What is this? This is the girl that was riding with that pastor, that killed that entire family in the collision. Now, I pinched this girl... (scoffs) more times than I could count off Gallatin Street, when I was in Vice. He ain't no pastor, he's a john. -So? -So it was more than a fatal car accident. This has got nothing to do with my Homicide Department. HERB: Man kills three people with a hooker in the car ain't got nothin' to do with this department? No, it does not. -I tried to tell him that, Cap. -Do you realize I have got a mayor that is looking for a chance to cut me loose? Now, I need you two to start making some progress, or I am out of here. And my guess is you won't be too damn far behind. You think I'm playin'? Oh, no, I know you ain't playin'. It's a bunch of rich folks getting ripped off. What the hell is wrong with you? 22 homes have been invaded! $6 million in jewelry stolen! Two shootings and a homicide! And I got a mayor on my case! Now... you bring me something on these home invasions into Homicide by Friday. We understand each other? Yeah. Sergeant Moore, get the car. Cap, you know it's a black holiday. I don't work on Friday. You know it's Martin Luther King's birthday? I can't believe you ain't backin' me up. CHOIR: ♪ <i>And we'll sing "Holy" </i>♪ WOMAN: ♪ The Lord is my shepherd ♪ ♪ And I shall not want ♪ ♪ <i>And we'll sing "Holy" </i>♪ ♪ He'll fight my battle if I just keep still ♪ ♪ <i>And we'll sing "Holy" </i>♪ ♪ I know ♪ ♪ He's a holy God ♪ -♪ Yes, he is ♪ -♪ <i>I will </i>♪ ♪ <i>Sing "Holy" </i>♪ ♪ Oh, he's holy ♪ -♪ <i>To the Lamb </i>♪ -♪ To the Lamb ♪ -♪ <i>Of God </i>♪ -♪ Oh, he's a mighty God ♪ -♪ <i>To the Lamb </i>♪ -♪ He's a strong God ♪ ♪ He's a powerful God ♪ ♪ <i>Of God </i>♪ ♪ Oh, to God ♪ ♪ He's holy. ♪ (lively gospel melody begins) ♪ ♪ -(music ends) -WOMAN: Good morning. CONGREGATION: Good morning. -Praise the Lord, saints. -Praise the Lord! God is good. ALL: All the time. (organ playing) We would like to thank everyone for coming to praise with us, worship with us, and seek the word of God here with us, today, at First A.M.E. Church of Canton. Now, as a result of the slow economy taking its toll on all of us, we have decided to make a separate fund, specifically for those in need of temporary housing, employment or health care. -Amen. -That's why each Sunday we ask that you make a separate love donation to the church's special aid committee. We thank you in advance for your kind donation or pledge. And remember, we're only as good as what we give. (applause) Choir. (organ playing mid-tempo gospel intro) ♪ ♪ Praise the Lord, saints. CONGREGATION: Praise the Lord! I said praise the Lord, saints. -(organ continues playing) -Praise the Lord! (chuckles) Oh, man, you know... have to be careful what you ask my God for. Mm-hmm. -'Cause you just might get it. -Yeah. -Amen? -Amen. There was a time that Vivica and I... ...spent many nights fasting and praying that God would bless us with a child, and, um... look at us. -Not one, but two. (laughing) -MAN: Bam. God is so awesome, because he might not give you what <i>you </i>want, but he'll give you -what he wants. Amen? -Amen! (laughing) We got an awesome God. No, we have an <i>awesome </i>God. CONGREGATION: Amen! Amen? He's amazing! Please turn with me-- Proverbs 28... verse 20. Just give an "amen" when you get there. -CONGREGATION: Amen! -Amen, choir. That's good, good, good. (organ continues playing) The Word of God says... "A faithful man shall abound with blessings... "but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." "A faithful man... "shall abound with blessings... "but he that maketh haste to be rich... shall not be innocent." -MAN: Amen. Amen. -(congregation agreeing) JENKINS: You may be seated. (organ continues playing) Sometimes, to understand what God is saying, you have to understand what he is not saying. Amen? -(congregation agreeing) -WOMAN: That's right. If you're faithful and you pray, God'll bless you. -(congregation agreeing) -WOMAN: Right. That's right! WOMAN 2: Yes. Yes. JENKINS: <i>But </i>if you're <i>not </i>faithful and you <i>don't </i>pray, you might get what you want. You just won't keep it. -(congregation agreeing) -MAN: Right! Right! Right! You know, I used to play for your father in high school. -He tell you that? -Yes. He told me. -He tell you how good I was? -(groans): Oh... (laughing) Well, you tell him that we love him and we're praying for him, okay? All right. I will. Thank you. -Thank you. -All right. You're welcome. All right. Bye, you guys. -You're welcome. -Bye. Bye, Monty. Take care of her, Monty. All right. Pastor Jenkins. Yeah, hello. How you doing? Herbert Lewis. Herbert Lewis. Brother Herbert. -Yeah. -Okay. I listen to your radio broadcasts practically every week. -Oh. That's nice. -Oh, well... Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I just wanted to tell you, you are a very powerful and inspiring man. Your... your shows really help me... to get through some very tough times. WOMAN: Wow. Well, praise the Lord. -Praise the Lord. -WOMAN: That's wonderful. Yeah. I ain't really been to church in a long time, but... this doesn't really feel like church, it feels like home. (chuckles) Well, it is home. It's home for everyone who loves Jesus. -Amen. Amen. -VIVICA: That's right. -Amen? Oh. ♪ ♪ So, how are you today? I'm great. How you doing? -Blessed. -How long you been a member here? (laughs) Long time. So how'd you get lucky enough to join this particular congregation? Oh, um... Naisur, at Spellman, actually told me about Pastor Jenkins taking over down here, a while back, and needing some new staff, so... (chuckles) I am. (chuckles) And, um, I just need you to take a look at this. It's a new members packet of information, so... Yeah. Well, y'all are clearly doing some wonderful refurbishing to this old church. Everything around here is new and just beautiful. Yeah, uh, Pastor Jenkins has a long list of supporters that allow us to rebuild and grow, so... I see. Oh, uh, I'm forgetting. Here is my business card. -Mm-hmm. -And we do have an open-door policy, so if you ever need us, just give us a call. I sure will. ♪ ♪ Ah. (shutter clicking) Lookin' good, girl. Daddy watchin'. Um... where are you going? A luncheon. Yesterday I got a call about a big lunch with city officials. They want to honor us marking our hundred-year anniversary. Oh. Hm. So, I guess our date in the park with the girls is just cancelled, huh? I'm sorry. Look, Vivica, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I-I have to go to the luncheon. -I can't blow it off. -I know that. But I promise you in the next couple days -we'll do the picnic thing. -Sure. I promise. What about our meeting tonight with, uh, Dr. Jones? What? What about our meeting tonight with Dr. Jones? Uh, what-what time is that? 8:00. 8:00. Um... Uh, we got a board meeting at 7:00. But I'll... I'll meet you there right after. -Okay. -Okay? Okay. Joseph. Yes? Dr. Banks cleared me to work. Work? Yeah, work. I'm interviewing at a consulting firm next week. An interview. (scoffs) What about the girls? Well, this position would allow me to mostly work from home. We should talk about this later. No, we talked about this before I got pregnant. Look, I'm-I'm... solely looking at consulting jobs because... they'll give me the flexibility I need. Vivica, when we got married, you agreed to be a First Lady and start a family. (chuckles) What do we have, sweetheart? We have a big, beautiful church and two beautiful daughters. No, I agreed to be your wife. -(baby crying) -(sighs) But I can do that. I can be a First Lady and a mother and... and still have a practice, if I so choose. And it's a shame that you don't think I can. -Wh... I didn't say that. -And sometimes, I don't think you don't even know -who I am anymore. -Okay, let's calm down. -(baby continues crying) -Mama's coming! I mean, since we first started dating, I have supported every dream and goal that you have and sometimes I think you just appreciate me for being some sort of -submissive, subservient wife. -That's ridiculous. -Now, I'm an accomplished woman! -Okay. -All right. Come here. -No, no! Don't-don't touch me. Vivica... No, our marriage is seriously failing. And you are just ignoring it. (baby continues crying) You know what? Just go. Go. Just go. I need to be alone. It's what I'm used to. WOMAN: <i>Deacon Walter Dukes, Sr.,</i> <i>in attendance,</i> <i>was voted Father of the Month.</i> -Amen! -Hey! -Praise the Lord. -CONGREGATION: Praise the Lord. Amen, amen. I wanted to wait until tonight's board member meeting before I made this announcement. I, uh, saw my doctor again last week about my stomach pain and had another colonoscopy. And, well, it looks like the cancer has come back. -Oh... -Oh, my Lord... Now, with this being my third operation... I thought that now would be a good time for me to step down as church counter. I'm... I'm so sorry, Deacon. ♪ ♪ (doorbell rings) Oh, looky, looky. (exhales) (shutter clicking) WOMAN: <i>I'd like</i> to nominate our First Lady. I believe she is very intelligent and more than qualified to fill the position, if the deacon decides to retire. Yes, I can't disagree. The First Lady is more than qualified. She's well-educated and, um, obviously knows accounting. However, she did just give birth to our... our twin girls and, um... well, I'm-I'm afraid that, uh, that might interfere with, uh, her duties as, uh, the church's CPA. ♪ ♪ (shutter clicks) This church has never had the First Lady responsible for handling the money. JENKINS: Yes, Sister? With much respect to you, Deacon Bates, this church has also never had a First Lady with an MBA, and it would be a shame, for her and all other women, that she doesn't get that position just because she's a woman. (stammers, sighs) All those in favor, please say "aye." -Aye. -Aye. -Aye. JENKINS: Okay. Deacon? No. Deacon... ♪ ♪ ♪ Deep down in Florida ♪ ♪ Where the sun shines damn near every day ♪ ♪ Gonna get my baby ♪ ♪ Sit down in the sand and play. ♪ Hey. Jody, how you doin', girl? I need you to run a plate for me. Ready? Sam, Zebra, Kansas, three, one, two. Again, Sam, Zebra, Kansas, three, one, two. You got it? I'm-a call you back in about 30 minutes. I would like to start our session today where we left off last week. We were having a discussion on forgiveness. Two key ingredients to a healthy marriage are forgiveness and compromise. If a person thinks that their partner will not forgive them or is unable to compromise, then they are hesitant to be completely honest and this creates a lack of trust between them. You agree? Exactly. Well, you're both a little bit guilty of this. Joseph, why don't you start? (wry laugh) JENKINS: Um... before we got pregnant, um, I found your birth control pills. I never said anything about it, even though it went against everything I, um... well, against everything I thought <i>we </i>believed. But truly, I-I think I just didn't say anything about it 'cause I wanted to see how long it would be before you told me. Oh, so you just... Vivica... you need to listen, and then, when he's finished, it'll be your turn. Go on. -(sighs) -Well... first of all, uh, once... you know, once we did get pregnant, I was so happy about being a father that, um, I just let it go. You know? No, Vivica, I really, I just let it go. Joseph, we're here to learn how to communicate better. That's the point of all this. So just shrugging it off and saying it's okay, it defeats the purpose. No, what I'm saying is it's in the past. -And it's, you know... -Joseph... Come on. Okay. Well, um... I knew God would, um... No offense at all to your beliefs, but let's leave God out of this. What did you feel? I felt betrayed. (phone buzzing) Just turn it off. Completely off. (buzzing stops) Isn't that strange? Another important moment interrupted by work. ♪ ♪ (intercom buzzes) WOMAN (over intercom): Yes? Yeah, I here to see Thomas McKenzie. WOMAN: Pastor McKenzie? Uh, yeah. Pastor McKenzie. -(knocking at door) -Come in! WOMAN: Pastor? Someone's here to see you. Oh, praise the Lord. How can I help you? How you doing, Pastor? Herb Lewis, Jackson PD Homicide. How you doing? Pastor McKenzie. Nice to meet you. You mind? No, no, no. Go ahead. Have a seat. Uh, can I get you something to drink? Oh, no, no, no. I'm fine. -(pours water) -Okay. Hope I can help you, Detective. Oh, yeah. You recognize this woman, young woman here? Uh... can't say that I do. You don't recognize her? How about now? Oh, my... HERB (laughing): Yeah. I thought you might remember. Yeah, now that I think about it, um... Yeah. Yeah, I counseled her. I counseled her. This-this-this young woman, um, this young woman has... woman has been through a lot. Yeah, I know. Where'd you meet her? Where'd I meet her? Wait a minute, is... what-what is this? Am I... under arrest? Oh, no, no, no, no. But I'm sure your wife and your church would love to see what really happens after prayer meetings every Thursday night. All right, all right. What do you want? I want... to know... where and how you met her. On the Internet. Came across a Web site. Now show me. ♪ Guilty by association, that's a lie... ♪ McKENZIE: Everything's changed. <i>Men ain't picking up girls</i> <i>off the street or at bars.</i> <i>Everything is digital.</i> <i>There's a lot</i> <i>of sites out there.</i> I like this site because it's an exclusive site. It protects your identity and all your billing information. You can have whatever you like: <i>Cuban, Brazilian,</i> <i>Puerto Rican, Dominican.</i> They got some fine sisters. <i>Chocolate,</i> <i>Redbone, petite,</i> <i>Arab ladies,</i> <i>French,</i> <i>German...</i> <i>They got some blessed</i> <i>and highly favored Asians.</i> <i>Short ones, tall ones--</i> <i>you know, athletic...</i> <i>...whatever.</i> <i>These girls are not</i> <i>street hookers anymore.</i> <i>They're college students,</i> <i>dental assistants,</i> <i>girls you might see at the gym</i> <i>or a coffee shop.</i> <i>And they must be screened</i> <i>and tested</i> <i>bi-monthly.</i> Okay, so once you find a girl you like, then what? McKENZIE: You pick your service, make your payment, and she will text you the address. "Payment"? How do you do that? McKENZIE: With your credit card. (no voice) No, I think we need to buy the land from the city auction. And... build a parking structure. BLAIR (over speaker): We need to get preapproval for a loan first. Don't worry. I'll get us a loan. From where, Joseph? We're talking about a million dollars. Nothing's too big for our God. Okay? (chuckles) Plus we need the land and, uh, we'll get it. You know, we can build a little playground, too, for us and the whole community. -(knocking on door) -Yeah. JENKINS: Hey, Monty, come on in. Oh, oh, I'm sorry if I interrupted. -I-I can come back. -No, no, no, no, no. -Hey, Blair? -Yeah. Look, I'm gonna call you back, okay? -Okay. -All right. Well, I'm sorry, Sister Secretary, but I kind of need to speak to the pastor in private. Oh... okay. Um, I'll get out of your way then. Get my stuff. I guess I'll talk to you later, Pastor? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Hey, have a seat. (clears his throat) All right, so what's up? All right, did you make any decisions what you're doing next year? I'm in big trouble, Pastor. Well, what is it? Come on. Tanisha's pregnant. What? She's starting to show. Okay, um... Well... God never gives us more than we can handle. Um... it's time to grow up. Time to become a father. And a husband. A-A husband? I mean, what, what about school? What about football? Monty, you and Tanisha, you made some choices. And there comes a time where you got to make some sacrifices, too. All right? Do the right thing. In life, ready or not, there comes a time where you have to choose and-and do the right thing. And the right thing is not always the easy thing. But it's the strongest thing. ♪ ♪ Herb? What you doing in here so late? Got a hunch. Well, good. Damn sure need something. Don't forget-- you got that meeting downtown, first thing in the morning. 7:00 a.m. sharp. Mm-hmm. CAPTAIN: Night. Mm-hmm. Night, boss. It's not the assets or tangibles that we have that worry me. It's the intangibles that we don't have. Okay. Look, doesn't our marriage and the girls, you know... doesn't that satisfy you at all? Don't make this about the girls. Well, the fact that they're not enough, it concerns me. This is not about you! Look, when we decided to see Dr. Jones, it was to address what most marriages suffer from, right? Lack of communication and poor time management. I get it, I get it. I was there the night we talked. Your commitment to Dr. Jones is only when it's convenient for you. That isn't gonna work, Joseph. Now, she told us on many occasions if we want to progress as-as a couple, and as people, then we need to see her together and separately, on a regular basis. Regular. Okay. Okay... look, can we just, just-just pause for a minute, okay? I just had a long day. Okay. (sighs) (sighs heavily) -(sighs) -(phone buzzes) You know, I really want to meet with a Realtor today and talk about getting that second building. I don't want to talk about that right now. You can't continue to ignore this. And I'm not gonna let you. You do realize that, don't you? (chuckles, sighs) Look... I need you to call your city officials and political friends and have them expedite the zoning approval on the building so that we can finally register that second business license. Samantha, Samantha, relax. We are doing fine. Okay? We're doing fine. Yeah, we are doing great, but that's besides the point. Look, my concern is being in full compliance with city and county ordinances. We need another building, Joseph. And a separate business license. There's just no way around it. I'm sorry, Tiger. -(phone buzzing) -(groans) -(knocking on door) -Mm-hmm? Hey! Deacon Bates. Oh. Have a seat. Thank you. How are you? -Oh, um... -Can I get you something to drink? No, no, no, no. I'm fine. -I'm fine, thank you. -Well, I'm just here closing the books. How can I help you? How-how are you feeling? I'm feeling great. Well, I mean, other than I'm still waiting on the I.T. programmer to roll out the S.A.P. You <i>are </i>familiar with S.A.P.? Um, it's been a while, but I've had my fair share of audits with companies that use S.A.P., yes. Hmm. Well, come on. Let me show you where you'll be working for the time being. -Okay. -Come on. Mm-hmm, I'm right behind you. Ah, well, I-I, I guess it doesn't matter if it's only temporary, right? Well, I'll have someone clean it out for you this weekend. Thank you, Deacon Bates. ♪ You don't have any idea ♪ -(phone ringing) -♪ I try to make it ♪ ♪ So simple and clear... ♪ Why you calling me? I need you to help me with the surveillance again. You know I can't make no surveillance. Then... I need you to handle that summary report we got due first thing in the morning. No, no, no. I'm not doing no summary report. No, <i>we </i>do the summary report in the morning. Come on, bro. Back me up on this. Look, I-I got to go. I guess it's just me and you, Pastor. Come on, stand up. Now... this ain't gonna take more than two or three minutes, huh? (wry laugh) Just so you know, that's a remote. I'm gonna be listening to every word. If I think you're misleading me or stalling me, I'm gonna FedEx those photos to your wife and your church first thing in the morning. You hear me? Can you please leave my wife and my church out of this? I told you I would do it. After this, you're finished with me, right? 'Cause I don't know how much more I can help you. Knock it off, Pastor. Just go on in there and enjoy yourself, the way you do every Thursday night. Well, I'm glad everything is working. Yeah. He's a very smart man. I wish he was, uh, a little more flexible, but... (chuckles) Well, he is very open to my suggestions, so that's a start. -Yes, it is. -And I'm getting caught up to speed on everything. Um... spending and records and such, so... -Great, great. -Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna go pick up the girls. -Okay. -And then I'm gonna head to the store and-- I have the rest of the paperwork finally... -Oh... Hi. -...came in. -I'm sorry. -No, it's okay. -Um, come in. -No, no, no, no. I should've knocked, so I'll just come back. No, no, no. It's-it's okay. -It's fine. -Really. I'm about to leave, so... -Okay, um, here you go. -It's fine. Uh, so, uh, how long are you working for tonight? Um, I should be home in an hour, hour and a half. -Okay? -All right. -All right. -So I'll see you at the house? Yes, I'll call you on my way. -Okay. -Great first day. -Thank you. -Thank <i>you.</i> Nice to see you, Samantha. Nice to see you. All right, what's this? Um, they just want you to sign on the second page. (indistinct radio chatter) So, how do you want it today, Daddy? -(giggles) -You know how I want it. Yeah, oh, yeah. First, I want to know how you want it tonight, Daddy. (McKenzie laughs) ♪ ...I love you, come start the lovin'... ♪ But, um, I don't have much time today. I got a ton of work I got to do. You have a half an hour. (sets glass down) You better just sit there and relax. You hear me? ♪ I love you, come start the lovin'... ♪ (McKenzie and Brittany laugh and moan over headphones) -(hip-hop song blaring) -(indistinct conversation) (conversation continues) (siren whoops) Let's go, partner. Let's go! OFFICER: I'm on him-- I got the white and the black! ♪ ♪ -Don't move! -I'll shoot! Don't move! -This ain't a game! -What'd I tell you? What'd I tell you? Huh? Let's go. Let's go. JENKINS: Come in, Monty. Sit. (clears throat) All right, so what's up with you, Monty? Hmm? You just disappear? No word? Picked up by Jackson PD? Tanisha's beside herself. Sounds like the old Monty. It doesn't sound like you. I'm sorry, Pastor. You don't need to apologize to me, son. You need to apologize to Tanisha. Your daddy. Yourself. I just don't know how I'm gonna take care of my kid. How I'm gonna find a job. I'm used to catching footballs. That's what I do. Look... you'll be all right. You just need to focus on showing Tanisha your good heart with good actions. You guys'll work this thing out. This guy I know, he's in the Marines. They get paid. I mean, I could really make money <i>and </i>go to school. Well, I... (sighs) That's a good plan. You know? Look, Monty... Hey. I'm proud of you. And yesterday has passed away and today's a new day, okay? You put God first, and then your family, all things will be added. And all things will be forgiven. Okay? Yes, sir. Come on, give me some. ♪ ♪ (car lock chirps) Long time, no see, Brittany. Do I know you? Oh... you hurt my feelings, girl. I arrested you, like, seven, eight times. Years ago. On Gallatin Street. 'Member me? Come a long way from streetwalking. What brings you to Canton? School. I'm a full-time college student. And escort? I'm sorry, but I'm not an escort. Oh, yeah? Who's this? He's a friend. Look... you don't have anything on me. I have many friends. -Mm-hmm. -And I've never received -a dollar from any of 'em. -Oh, yeah, I know. That's 'cause they all pre-pay by credit card -over the Internet. -(laughs) You're wasting your time, Detective. You don't have any record of me receiving anything. Oh, really? Well, Pastor McKenzie gave me the same number as your other, 60-year-old friend. Whoo... And McKenzie tell me that, uh, he pays in advance, by credit card, over the Internet. Then he texts you at this number and then you text him right back with all the details. I don't have any idea what you're talking about. You don't know what I'm talking about? Is this your cell phone? Yes. Let's see. Can I go now? You got another cell phone in here? No, I don't. Jesus! ♪ ♪ (no voice) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ HERB: I gotcha, Captain, ha! CAPTAIN: What the hell are you talking about, Herb? I got everything I need, except a warrant. Just get me in a room with this guy, or any of these people, and it's a done deal. -For a hooker? -She's a hooker. I want to see you and Stew in my office now! Well, okay. Okay, I'll call Stew. -I'm coming in. -Now! We're coming in. ♪ Let's get loaded ♪ ♪ Let's get loaded... ♪ (indistinct chatter) ♪ Let's get loaded, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Let's get loaded ♪ -♪ Let's get loaded ♪ -♪ Who got tap ♪ ♪ I got dab, I got nick, what's spit... ♪ Why you ignoring me, Johnny? ♪ Next thing, you done booted a friend ♪ I know you heard me. Pour me some bourbon. ♪ I don't really want it strong... ♪ Hey, you hear me talking to you? Pour me some bourbon, huh? If you don't get yourself together, man, I'm calling the police. I am the police. Look, man, I like you. You helped me get my jewelry back. You even helped my son. That's why I'm not giving you your keys. I already called Stew. Hey, what's Stew got to do with this, man? Stew ain't got nothing to do with this. Give me my keys, man! All right. Easy, man, come on. All right... hey! Hey, get your hands off my face! You smell like a drunk. ♪ ♪ The hell is wrong with you, huh? Look at you. We're supposed to be out here casing leads on a real case. But you want to run around gettin' drunk and follow some pastor who got away with killing two kids? Got away with it like it ain't nothin'. And just like that councilman, who, uh, got away with killing your kids? What the hell is wrong with you, huh? They're doing business together. They're doing development deals, walking around like they're good citizens. Look at you. You look terrible. I just don't understand why... Cap ain't behind this. He's a pimp. He's a pastor running whores. Because you ain't got nothin'. Prostitution is legal in Mississippi. So what's the pastor doing that's illegal? You ain't got nothin'. I mean, come on. Think about it. Why would the cap ever stop prostitution? I mean, think about it. He's old, he's single... When's the last time you think he got ahold of some red snapper? (laughs) (both laughing) He can go to the cathouse... any time he wants. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. So the man of God... has a cathouse? I mean, wh-wh-where is it? It's gotta have an address. The escort place. Where-where's the place of business? Wait a minute-- Wi... Wi-Wiki the, the-the weird law up on your phone. Mississippi prostitution. "Must have a place of business..." "...during the hours when employees are working." Where's the place of business? Give me that. Aha! That's it. They're operating a business without a place of business. You're pretty slick. ♪ ♪ Mm, what you doing? Oh, come on, boy, what are you doing? Here we go. Got you coming right... now. Oh, baby. -Hey. -Hey. Baby, who is "JSE"? Um, JSE? Um... they're, uh, real estate investors I met in Miami. They fund all the church's construction and additions and building. It's amazing how they've been able to support the church during this economic crisis. Yeah. Well, you know. It's... God at work. (both laugh) It's... no, no. It's God at work. -That means you're not at work. -Mm-hmm. There you go. There you go. So, you know, I've been thinking about starting a fund for the family members of victims killed in car accidents. You think they'd be interested in donating to that fund? Yeah. Yeah, I think they are. They love to help the community any way they can. Good. Hey, you know something? It is our 100-year anniversary today, so we need to go and do that celebration thing that we do. -Oh, that thing? -And I think we can start early -with that thing. -Oh... (Vivica laughs) This girl has major clients. City planner, assistant district attorney. Another pastor. HERB: This wasn't no coincidence. That girl didn't just happen to be with Jenkins, uh-uh. I ain't buying it. So, what? You want me to call a judge, get him to issue an arrest warrant for an investigation of a prostitute. I need to bring her in for questioning. She will bend. You got no evidence! You got an audio tape of her having sex with a preacher without any exchange of money. These girls don't accept cash, boss. It's all done over the Internet. Where is the hard evidence? All right. Say I call the DA. And he says you got no case. They you got no case! And we put this mess to bed, understood? I think he's got something here, Cap. I mean, trust him. Just trust him? Stew must stand for "stupid." Stew, I trust my mother. But I cut the cards. Now get the hell out of my office! Okay, but you gonna give me that warrant, right? Both of you, move! HERB: I love you, boss. -I love you. -I love you. CAPTAIN: I would keep walking, if I were you. You're a special man. You're a special man. Thank you. I don't even know how you make out, but you are a special man. MAN: He has brought Canton new jobs, health care, housing, This man has left a mark on this city, y'all, that will last another hundred years. Put your hands together and welcome -Pastor Joseph Jenkins. -Thank you. -Appreciate it. -Appreciate it. All right, all right, all right. -Bless you. -All right, Pastor, all right. All right. (chuckles) Well, that was right on time. All right. Praise the Lord. (applause) (indistinct chatter) -(indistinct chatter) -Mmm! Love this right here! Ooh, this is so good. -Mm-mm-mm! -I love it! (both laugh) Uh, Deacon? Where'd Blair go? He went to Jackson to pick up his son, Pastor. He'll be back shortly. Oh. I'd like to know who made this macaroni and cheese. Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm! Monty, y'all can sit down right there. TANISHA: Oh, thank you. (indistinct chatter) Y'all know Monty joined the Army? -WOMAN: Hmm? -MAN: Really? Yeah, 11 more days. -Mm, mm, mm! -You excited, Monty? Yeah, I'm excited, but I'm more excited about my fiancée and child. -Amen, y'all, amen. -Congratulations! TANISHA: Thank you, ma'am. You didn't waste no time, did you? (laughter) Praise the Lord. All right. (laughs) I'd like to make a toast. To a prosperous and happy future. ALL: Amen! (clears his throat) We thank you, Lord. We thank you for your goodness. WOMAN: Yes, Lord. You are a great God in every way. WOMAN: Yes, you are. We thank you for the healthy child that you shall be bringing the Duke family, and I ask you, Father, personally, that you guide Monty in his journey in the armed forces. That he return safely to his beautiful wife <i>and their new lovely child.</i> <i>Father, we ask you</i> <i>to protect us</i> <i>with your angels now,</i> <i>and keep us</i> in your bosom. And in Jesus' name-- This is the police! Everybody stay seated! Do not move! Sit your ass down! -Excuse me, excuse me... -He right there, Stew. -Sit down. -This one... (no voice) -...and this one. -What? What are you talking about? I was gonna ask you the same thing. This don't look good, Pastor. You're under arrest. What? For what? For pimping and pandering. (indistinct chatter, murmuring) Solicitation of prostitution. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. (murmuring) Let's go. Right here. Come on, Deacon Bates. (congregation clamoring) Ma'am? Ma'am, stand up, please. -Ma'am, stand up! -I'm sorry. No, no, easy, no, no! This is a mistake! -(clamoring) -STEWART: Ma'am... ma'am... VIVICA: This is not necessary! Joseph! -Joseph can't help you. -STEWART: You're under arrest. Sorry about all this... STEWART: For solicitation of prostitution. You have the right to remain silent. This is a terrible, terrible mistake! -OFFICER: All right. -Terrible! (indistinct chatter) I ain't never turned a trick in my life. Oh, I know. You just advertise... and accept money over the Internet. That's pandering... ...and solicitation of prostitution. And then you text message dates to your clients and your whores. And that's pimping, baby. You done flipped it, and got on top the family business. (chuckles) You a madam. You sure got them all hustled over there at First A.M.E. You selling those girls out into the same grimy life you saw your mama go through. Oh... You don't want to talk about that? Let's talk about now. How about J, S, E? Whoop. Mm-hmm. I'm thinking Jenkins... Sanford... Enterprises? Hmm? Is this you? You look good, girl. And that outfit? Trying to rent the spot for JSE, but you didn't get it. Not in time. And now you're gonna try to money launder through your non-profit organization-- a church, no less? (slams table) (chuckles) That's bad. GUARD: Let's go. Move it. Move, come on! HERB: Listen. You are responsible for the money that goes through that church. And <i>this </i>has happened. Fact. If you're not aware or involved in any way, then just answer the questions, sir. Sir, I don't know a damn thing about prostitutes or prostitution. I'd be very careful about the charges and damages you bring against this church. We got lawyers all over Mississippi waiting to sue this city. Would you like to tell us about JSE? VIVICA: <i>JSE are investors,</i> who have made additions and contributions to our church. (laughing) Look, we believe that JSE is a front company for the escort service. (laughs) That's impossible. (chuckles) "That's impossible." Your husband's a pimp. And we believe he's stashing the money in your church accounts. My husband would never do such a thing. Okay. Book her. <i>You use</i> your own church cell phone to facilitate all your escort business? I don't know what you're talking about. You think she kept you clean? Is that what you're telling me? 'Cause she dealt with all the grimy details? (over speaker): I think... what I do for this community is I supply jobs. And I supply housing. Health care. I do good. You do prostitutes. You know what? You're just trying to deflect this whole thing. This is about you come in to the house of God and you lied, you deceived people and-- You are the liar! You're scum in a fancy suit! Turn these girls out! And you got daughters! Your illegal escort operation and killing that family met at a crossroads that day. And it's my job to make sure you pay for 'em both. Hey, excuse me? Excuse me, sir? Attorney Blair Bates. I have bond releases here from Judge Patterson, releasing my clients immediately from custody under their own recognizance. Handcuffs? (keys jingle) Ah, yes, it's me. We're here at home. Uh, yeah, he's-he's here. I'm-I'm gonna come and get the girls now, okay? Okay, thank you... C... ca... can I say something? What? What? (quietly): Oh, God. Tell me this is just all a terrible mistake. (laughs) You did this? -I... -Don't you... Okay, look, just, just... -Oh, Jesus... -It's not what you think. (crying): Oh, God, Joseph! -Okay, just, uh... -How could you? just give me a second to explain. No, don't speak to me! Just wait, wait, wait, wait! Can I explain? Just let... please let me explain-- No, don't speak to me! No, I just can't. I can't do this. Get this... JENKINS: Okay, what are you doing with that? -You disgust me! -Baby, what are you doing? -Wait, wait, wait, wait! -What am I doing? -Wait, wait, wait-- -I'm leaving is what I'm doing. -I'm leaving. -Wait, wait-- I'm leaving you. And I'm taking the girls. What? No... VIVICA: Get out of the way. Vivica, Vivica, look at me... No! Don't touch me! You can't just take the girls! Don't tell me what I can or cannot do with my girls! This is going too far. He should be removed from his responsibilities immediately. Dad, we can't do that. All right? Now, he's innocent until proven guilty. Innocent. You do not plan on representing him. (sighs) Well, as the church's attorney, my main concern is clearing the church's name and reputation, and everyone who has suffered from these allegations, including the pastor. Fine. Then he's got some explaining to do before he steps one foot back in our church. Agreed. (intercom beeps) Yeah? SECRETARY: Pastor Jenkins is here to see you. All right. Send him in. You tell him we want him at that meeting tonight. Come on in, Joseph. Kim, just forward my calls, please. So these are the monies I've, uh... ...funded all the building, additions to the church and, uh... it's what we used to... help with the new amenities that the congregation enjoy. And, um... I-I do want to say, though, that we invigorated this community's economy. With money from prostitution. Listen... as your friend, and as a member of the church, I am shocked and hurt that you would involve yourself with this debauchery. But my professional opinion... is I think you can beat this. All right? There's no money and no evidence directly linking you to this operation. I think we can win. But if we go to trial, Joseph, it's gonna get ugly. Hell, it's gonna get ugly for you, your family, the church, everybody. But there's an alternative. What's the alternative? Take a plea. You tellin' me to plead guilty? Yes. It's a misdemeanor. Okay? You take the plea, you plead guilty, everyone else is not charged. And-and being arrested in Mississippi for prostitution is like being arrested for peeing in public. The worst they can do is fine you a couple hundred bucks and you'd do a year in jail per count. So I plead guilty... and Vivica, Deacon and Samantha are not charged. I'll try. Want me to call 'em? Kim, get me the DA. All right. Yeah. 11 days till my vacation. Herb! Well, we talkin' about the Bahamas. Hold on for a sec. Good job. Thank you. How we lookin' on that home invasion thing? I got it. Hey. Uh, I will get you some cigars. Uh, you got a contact for me, though? ♪ ♪ DR. JONES: <i>Joseph...</i> You're a prominent, well-respected member of this community, with an accomplished and devoted wife who just gave birth to two beautiful twin girls. Are the allegations I read about false? Or are they true? (sniffs) Some... are exaggerated. No, but they're true. Exaggerated, but true. Um... Truth is, every... emergency fund that the church received in the economic crisis came from me. Why did you manipulate and deceive so many people that you love? (scoffs) How can you see somebody you love suffer? (voice breaking): I couldn't... I had to do something. (sniffling) I mean, we were gonna... we were gonna lose everything. We were gonna lose the church, Doctor. Yes. But you knew what you were doing was wrong. Yes. (Jenkins sniffling) I feel like... like I'm punished. Like I'm punished by God, that's why I got in that accident. (sniffling) Well... yes. The consequences of that crash, that you have to live with for the rest of your life, yes, those are truly profound. I can only imagine. But Joseph... I, personally, do not think that there is any connection between that tragedy and your actions. (sniffling) Do you expect her to forgive you? Because you've been caught? And now you're apologetic? There are consequences. And what we need to work on is how you're gonna live with them. My clients would like to accept The People's offer. We agree to enter into a no contest plea to multiple counts of prostitution sales, if the prosecution is willing to drop all charges against all of the parties named in this case. Is the prosecution willing to drop all charges? Your Honor, The People are not willing to drop the charges against Ms. Sanford. Under that, uh, condition, Counselor, is Defendant Jenkins still willing to accept the plea? Yes, Your Honor. But Defendant Jenkins would like to make a statement regarding that stipulation. Well, fine. Let's get on with it. Defendant Jenkins, Defendant Sanford, you understand the charges against you? Yes, sir. Yes, Your Honor. Do you understand the... plea agreement you're going to be signing today? Yes, sir. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Sanford... would you like to say anything before I accept your plea? No, Your Honor. Defendant Jenkins, would you like to say anything before the court, before I accept your plea? Thank you, Your Honor. First, I would like to say that Ms. Sanford is innocent of these charges. I'm fully responsible. I coerced her into doing impure deeds. She was only following my orders. So I ask for the compassion of the court, Your Honor, for she does not deserve to be punished for my actions. Secondly, I'd like to apologize to this city, to the courts, to my church, to the community of Canton, for failing your expectations of me. I know history can't erase this day. I only ask that it be remembered as a turning point in my life. And lastly, but most important, I'd like to apologize to my wife and children for all the embarrassment and disgrace I caused them by my actions. I just want to say I'm sorry, Your Honor. Defendant Samantha Sanford, I find you guilty of three counts of coercion, sales and solicitation of prostitution. I accept your plea agreement, made with The People of Canton, and I sentence you to pay ten $500 fines, totaling $5,000. You are ordered to complete three years of supervised probation. Now, Mr. Jenkins, I find you guilty of 32 counts of coercion, sales and solicitation of prostitution. I accept your plea agreement, made with The People of Canton, and I sentence you to the maximum. Three consecutive one-year jail terms. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ REPORTER: Local pastor Joseph Jenkins pleaded guilty to several counts of pimping, pandering, solicitation, sales and prostitution in court today. I'm here with Detective Herb Lewis, a detective who played a major role in the arrest and prosecution of Pastor Jenkins. HERB: <i>I know it was very disturbing</i> <i>for a lot of people</i> <i>to see a man like this,</i> <i>with so much respect, trust</i> <i>and power in the community,</i> <i>abuse that power</i> <i>and that authority.</i> <i>But it was worth</i> <i>all the effort and time</i> <i>I invested with my partner,</i> <i>and our-our unit in this case,</i> <i>to see some justice served here</i> <i>today in court.</i> <i>Everybody's got</i> <i>to get past things,</i> <i>and this is something</i> <i>our community will get past.</i> <i>We'll all get past this.</i> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ -(indistinct rapping) -(indistinct chatter) Yeah. That's it. That's it right there. Yeah. Oh, sh... "When I come through, "I come through with them hammers. Then I got them blammers..." Y-Yeah. Hey, hey, man, what you doin'? You don't see me writin' here? I'm sorry. Joseph Jenkins. Yeah, I know who you is. -Kennel time! On your bed! -(indistinct chatter) Kennel time! (muttering) MAN: That's crazy. That's crazy. GUARD: Jenkins. MAN 2: Wake up, Black. Wake up, Black. -MAN: Kennel time. -Kennel time, kennel time. (indistinct chatter) Get up. Man, I'm up, man. I'm up, man. (indistinct chatter) GUARD: Lockdown, gentlemen! Lockdown! (clang) (indistinct chatter) Hey, what you got goin' over there, pimp? Huh? Just writing a letter. I mean, I see you over there writing all the time, but you don't ever get nothin' back, so... What? Oh, I know what it is, huh? Old lady ain't havin' it? I get it. I get it. She's my wife. Oh, okay, okay, okay, playa. All right. Hey, hey, you know I'm from Canton, right? And we would see you on the news every night. I mean, you a cold pimp. (chuckles) -Excuse me? -Look, look, look, look, I'm-I'm just sayin', man. Y'all... y'all preachers, y'all make some cold pimps, man. I mean, y-y'all-y'all, you-you give your congregation confidence, I mean, um, you give 'em promises, and at the end of the day, you just take their money. -(chuckles) -(tools whirring) How many times you see a Muslim comin' in here to prison? (chuckles) You see Christians comin' in here every day. (chuckles) Pastor, huh? JENKINS: <i>Vivica,</i> <i>may this letter reach you</i> <i>in good health and spirits.</i> <i>All the years</i> <i>of serving the community,</i> <i>I never thought</i> <i>I would actually live, eat,</i> <i>and sleep in a prison cell.</i> <i>Most of the men here</i> <i>are searching for identity,</i> <i>searching for answers,</i> <i>searching for love.</i> <i>And I accept the duty</i> <i>to lead them in Christ.</i> <i>When God called me</i> <i>to preach his Word,</i> <i>He didn't specify to whom or</i> <i>where I would share his Word.</i> <i>He just called me to preach.</i> <i>And that's</i> <i>what I will continue to do.</i> <i>It's been almost two months</i> <i>since I've seen you</i> <i>or heard your voice.</i> <i>I know</i> <i>I can never apologize enough</i> <i>for all that's happened--</i> <i>to you, to the girls.</i> <i>But I am so sorry.</i> <i>I didn't realize how publicized</i> <i>my case was until I arrived.</i> <i>Everyone knew who I was</i> <i>and chose</i> <i>to distance themselves from me.</i> <i>A year later,</i> <i>these same very men</i> <i>have turned</i> <i>their lives over to Christ</i> <i>and now seek me for prayer.</i> <i>I spoke with Monty today.</i> <i>It was good to hear that he</i> <i>is doing well in Afghanistan.</i> <i>I haven't received any mail</i> <i>from you</i> <i>since I've been in here.</i> <i>I understand</i> <i>that you are left alone</i> <i>to deal with the consequences</i> <i>of my actions.</i> <i>But, please, don't ignore me.</i> <i>I've met and ministered to more</i> <i>young men in prison in one year</i> <i>than I did in my entire tenure</i> <i>pastoring First A.M.E.</i> <i>We can get through this,</i> <i>if we communicate.</i> <i>I finally got some mail today.</i> <i>My heart almost stopped</i> <i>when I noticed</i> <i>it was a petition</i> <i>for a divorce.</i> <i>The parole board granted me</i> <i>parole and set my release date.</i> <i>I should be home in six months.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>Father, you say in Hebrews 13:5</i> <i>that you will never leave me</i> <i>nor forsake me.</i> <i>And you didn't.</i> <i>You were with me</i> <i>every step I took</i> <i>in this journey back</i> <i>to righteousness.</i> <i>And now I ask you, Lord,</i> <i>in your name,</i> <i>that you allow me</i> <i>the opportunity</i> <i>to restore the very community</i> <i>I helped destroy;</i> <i>to replenish the love and faith</i> <i>that I lost with the people</i> <i>that I love.</i> <i>I surrender all my power,</i> <i>all my authority to you, Lord.</i> <i>Use me, Father.</i> <i>Allow me to co-labor with you</i> <i>to win back the hearts</i> <i>of the young,</i> <i>lost, and abused women</i> <i>in this community,</i> <i>not for my gain</i> <i>but for your glory.</i> <i>I know</i> <i>you've forgiven me, Father.</i> <i>But I ask you again, please,</i> <i>forgive me, Lord,</i> <i>for hurting my wife.</i> <i>Forgive me, Father,</i> <i>for dishonoring</i> <i>the very gift from Heaven</i> <i>you gave me.</i> <i>I love Vivica.</i> <i>I have learned</i> <i>from my iniquities,</i> <i>and I vow,</i> <i>from this moment forward,</i> <i>to honor you,</i> <i>her... our kids.</i> <i>I will hold onto your Word,</i> <i>and I'll just trust you.</i> <i>I'll trust you</i> <i>to heal my marriage</i> <i>and to heal the people I hurt,</i> <i>because I believe</i> <i>love will reconcile my family.</i> <i>Love bears all things,</i> <i>believes all things,</i> <i>hopes all things,</i> <i>endures all things.</i> <i>And there is no torment</i> <i>in love.</i> <i>And, God,</i> <i>you are love.</i> Joseph... (louder): Joseph. (sighs) Baby, come to bed. (sniffles) In a minute. (sniffles) (Beverly Crawford's "He's Done Enough" playing) WOMAN: <i>Oh, we're going home,</i> <i>y'all, old-school.</i> (woman chuckles) (bright, slow-tempo, gospel intro playing) ♪ If the Lord ♪ ♪ Never does anything else for me ♪ ♪ He's done enough ♪ ♪ Oh, Lord ♪ ♪ Mm! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ If the Lord, oh! ♪ -MAN: <i>Take your time! </i>-♪ Never does anything else for me ♪ ♪ He's done enough... ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah! ♪ ♪ Mm! ♪ ♪ He's blessed me once ♪ ♪ Yes ♪ ♪ And he blessed me twice ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ The Lord keeps on blessing me ♪ ♪ Every day of my life ♪ -MAN: Ha! -♪ Oh, oh... ♪ ♪ If the Lord ♪ ♪ <i>If the Lord </i>♪ ♪ Never does anything else for me ♪ ♪ <i>Never does</i> <i>anything else for me </i>♪ ♪ No, he's done enough ♪ -♪ <i>He's done </i>♪ -♪ Oh, Lord ♪ ♪ <i>Enough... </i>♪ ♪ Oh! ♪ ♪ The Lord ♪ ♪ Has been good to me ♪ ♪ And the Lord, the Lord ♪ ♪ Has made so many ways for me ♪ ♪ Oh, oh! ♪ ♪ The Lord... ♪ ♪ He's opened up so many doors ♪ ♪ Oh... ♪ ♪ Brand-new mercies I see ♪ ♪ Over and over and over again... oh! ♪ ♪ He blessed me once ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ And he blessed me twice... ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,361,222
Rating: 4.6434555 out of 5
Keywords: Deep C Digital, Movie, Full Movie, Film, Forgiveness Movie, Forgiveness Full Movie, Forgiveness, Richard T. Jones, Adam Lazarre-White, Robinne Lee, Hakim Khalfani, crime movie, drama movie, mystery movie, Forgiveness 2015 Full Movie
Id: ejTyJ4gmzlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 8sec (5948 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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