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Goddammit *speaking in dinosaur* Ainsley! I need *Suspense music* ....I'm out of ideas. Again I could just come up with an idea, but that would be ridiculous when I can just do whatever is popular! Alright let's see what cancer is in the recommended tab (video) NO! NO! how did I get that wrong?! *reads title* that seems to be a a thing that's going on just add a percentage of a fail I think I' ll add that on all my videos from now on (im surprised he didnt already do it) the fail represents how many people would actually watch this video past three seconds let's see if we can do it (video) "Oh ma god" "It's so easy to see now" "enter this month's one hundred $ gift card giveaway" (lies) nine seconds. hey! that's longer than I thought (video) "enter this month's one hundred $ gift card giveaway" (pls dont) "all you have to do" Let me guess Leave a like "leave a like" subscribe "subscribe" sell soul to Satan "turn notifications on" oh shit okay all right don't forget about the notification! Have you belled my channel yet by the way? (you should) hey pewdiepie, you always make fun of other youtubers you don't understand you don't understand x2 there's so much fucking shit on youtube these days I have to it is my job it is my duty at this point to call the shit out... I don't even care... do you think I actually care? no, I do not "And if you want even more stuff check the description down below... ...for an extra giveaway" there's more there is more are you telling me there is more? I gotta check the description for more *Fails* whut? it's not even available you lied you lied to me DISAPPOINTED DISAPPOINTED x2 why is this the state of YouTube? that what whoever gets the best thumbnail and a long ass video and you're fine it's all these pimply ass teenagers okay just go away, just go, no one likes you okay? you need to be moderately attractive like jacksepticeye and markiplier otherwise... GET OUT What we're taking a look at are some mind tricks so good luck woah woah woah woah woah woah an original thought just came to my mind I'm going to make hardest mind-trick test 99 percent fail around ok let's do this together try not to get mind-tricked challenge only ninety-nine percent can beat it are you part of the one percent? let's play along! take a look at the image below what do you see I see a man grasping a woman's tits i see a nice a nice water bottle and inside two ghosts are fucking each other focus on the following picture and give a quick answer which stairs will you use to go up and which will go down doesn't matter it's not you that's it that's the thing about stairs you can go up and you can go down them i know it's crazy my mind is blown right now Jesus Christ are you telling me are you telling me that there's an equal amount of stairs going up as there is stairs going down no fockin way no fockin no fockin way I refuse I refuse to there's a man's head somewhere in this picture find him I don't even want to say it because i'm so offended this one is cool i really like this one because for me right now she's going clockwise what about you guys I really like this one if you really focus you can make her change direction while you're looking at it always remember your focus determines your reality oh she spins she spins in the other direction now I looked at the head oh now she spins back what the fuck now she's spining what's happening (sounds of amazement) dude this is so freaky fuck man the brain is a weird thing that's the that's mind blowing to me that's so weird fuck that's weird that one is really good you know what that one blows my mind every time squirtle squirrel turtle *mind blown* Oh he's a squirtle *still amazed* let's get into some real mind-blowing business 911 predictions coming soon huh coming soon Johnny Bravo it started with johnny bravo this is the gastone that French cartoon my god it was in (weird french) there was a book cover in 1980 oh my god are those people jump- what the fuck the Simpson of course predicted it Lisa Simpson New York nine dollars it was an inside job even the Simpson was involved 911 terrorist new play this card at any time to get plus 10 power or resistance to any violent what kind of game is this and even the pentagon oh my gosh i need that game this the 1994 iron man cartoon shows 911 Twin Towers & Pentagon hit by planes oh my god scary word oh my god I'm scared I can't believe it I can't believe i it- okay by the way this music is not edited in this is the actual video reme- what is that is that a cipher reme oh reme remember remember of course remember 9 equals equals what oh 911 q 33 n means airplane paper paper death my god vision test normal vision people will see Albert Einstein and in the picture near sighted people will see Marilyn Monroe I don't woah woah woah if i do this i see Marilyn I'm not kidding i'm seeing Marilyn right fucking now do this i'm not kidding that's fucking cool mind equals blown you get nine dots oh my god nine dots what the fuck i can't Wolverine or two bat- they're making out batman would never make out with himself oh just six hours ago the Simpson predicted ladygaga yeah because artists is never ever you know go on a zip line or whatever it's called no fuckin way no fuckin way no fuckin way that's incredible that's incredible huh professor Frank also showed his delight as he wrote *whispers* boobs on his calculator oh my god only ninety eight percent of people that watched that notice that and the rest of the two-percent just wanted to die a painful death I wanna die (don't we all) what happens to a can of food when you put it in lava a question that of course everyone wants to know and my mind is blown a can of Monster in lava wow wow this is the kind of content that has just taken over YouTube because it asked a question and you have to click it to get the answer i mean i know that's literally the definition of clicks but it but it's like what you every time you find out the answer it every time the reaction is like what will happen if you let a really hot knife into some other shit buzzfeed is challenging me right now can you make it through this post without having your mind blown put your finger in your ear and scratch oh haha eating Cheetos with chopsticks keep your fingers clean buzzfeed just die already who writes this fucking shit who who Dave stopera listen to your last name ok just listen to your last name has your mind been blown in this video then you have to leave a like has your mind not been blown in this video then you have to leave two likes also don't forget my giveaway it's in the description all you have to do you have to like this video you have to bell me you have to comment you have to facebook twitter tumblr you have to shave your head thank you it's been my pleasure check it also check out this video and I'll see you on next next one that we do
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,742,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pdp, pewdie, mind, blown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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