Ranking Girls by Appearance - Jubilee React #14

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[Music] i'm so excited jubilee is bank hell yeah they tested everyone so they can get them back in the room ranking women by attractiveness five guys versus five girls oh my god so awkward we're gonna have to rate yeah i can't wait this is amazing let's do this stay safe thank you should we just like close our eyes and like scoot to where we thought oh my god how are we not gonna bump into each other did anyone take this into consideration we brought five women together rank themselves based on their attractiveness oh okay that feels like a weird power thing that's an interesting dynamic you're not just rating yourself you're also putting yourself in a place right we also invited firemen to watch and rearrange the ranking what based on how they view the attractiveness oh this is funny i like this i got a letter in the post hmm what is this do i see more threatening with the mustache today's sponsor comes from display should i have already done this no because actually one of the really cool things about display is the fact that you can order a ton of them and the packaging is still so small if you order usually prints online they're freaking massive and it's so annoying so what this display i'll tell you it's metal prints we have a city to burn cyberpunk anyone you can remind yourself every day that the game is not out yet this one's actually cool each plate is manufactured individually by display team using handcrafting techniques to give it an absolute unique character that's cool so this one is uh fraying with this texture this is probably the one i'll hang up actually yeah they're official partners with cyberpunk which is why they sent me oh cool actually this can you tell it's like a wooden type of frame let's see official partner with marvel dc star wars cyberpunk and more if you go to their website they have prints of a ton of cool stuff they have one million unique displays so anything you like they have a lot of minimalist stuff i actually got a that's the one i got it's pretty cool honestly at first i was a little skeptical but the quality is amazing and they're very easy to hang got one in japan because yeah they're smaller because they're thin they're easy to hang great quality prints and the best part you can change them so let me show you i was supposed to show you guys how you put it on the wall but i forgot to record it's super simple all right so i did it so quick i didn't even realize uh you wipe down the surface bing bong bing bong you put this protective leaf you put the magnet and that's it no screws no nothing and the best part about it which i love any height anything boom done done so uh i'm already tired all day let me change it how cool is that i'm genuinely impressed it's so dope so cool all right so there you have it i'm genuinely impressed i wasn't sure what to expect first i thought i'm never going to need this many designs obviously i have one wall but the fact that you can change them so easy totally makes it worth it so if you buy right now the offer is one to two pla displays you get 33 off if you enter the link in the description display.com pewdiepunk including official cyberpunk 2077 designs show your gamer cry about the game not being out and stuff but if you get three or more displays 40 off that's a great price that's a great deal cool sponsor i like it check it out display.com beautypunk thank you i feel like women have way different tastes okay yes i'm gonna speak for entire gender here yes that i am not part of they do okay i know if myself will like a girl i tried to give it some thought and they did not come out like i know girls look at other girls that they think is pretty but i can tell yes sure they are maybe no they're not the only pretty one is martial there's no other girls but there's certain girls that girls like right that's a thing right can i say that at least thank you so i i got a feeling there's going to be different results can we say like what we do or like you are so i'm a dancer i'm very physical i use my body a lot i love baking cakes i always just like shove baked goods on my friends i teach she's the obnoxious one i got it you're supposed to rank each other based on attractiveness connecting to young kids i do mostly musical theater don't sold this with filthy personalities yeah because i'm a weenie i know um but i'm single as all heck hey i am a journalism major i'm also a student i'm double majoring in psychology and criminal justice i'm also an actress i love to travel i've been to india five times okay damn do this should we rank herself should we just like close our eyes and like scoot to where we think we should be i can't imagine taking part in that and being like even if i thought i was the most attractive one i can't imagine just going bam yeah it's me right how do you bait i i think that's very smart i feel like my personality is really attractive my looks i feel like i'm like okay like i don't think anyone would look at me and be like oh i'm nervous how are we not gonna bump into each other did anyone take this okay she went off right away she's sorry we're all so humble we're like i mean we're all so people don't know like which one is the number the girl who i found most attractive was jordan she has a great personality and she's confident though all right i guess i guess they get to judge my personality that's good oh see i thought this is [Laughter] impression and attraction to the person i'm just gonna put it out there just saying just so we do it one two three four what damn she's so wrong though [Music] oh sorry one two three four one two three four got it um one two three four okay uh one two three four are they remembering it so they can judge base up or down or what are they doing okay i'll be two because i got all four twos okay i think i got three four the most so i'll stick in that window depending on the other person's they were attractive okay that makes sense i saw on the other girls that i didn't see myself and hence i would have put them higher as well over me so people like she's so sweet she's so funny she look but like i wouldn't date her i guess i'll be one okay okay this is so awkward our women have to be competitive about attractiveness right is that a yes yes i'm judging an entire gen a little bit come on come on come back come on come you it's okay it's all right you can say it you you're a little competitive i get it so am i so does that make me a three okay yeah i'll just stay here yeah nobody really wanted to be lost and i could kind of feel that vibe so i was just like you know it's fine she took one for the team nice nobody is a 5 really i mean come on come on really out of all these she's last i'm not attracted to any one of these okay at all nothing build nothing i will go one two three four five that's my just from that's my rating yeah where do you think you would fit yourself in this one then uh well i mean i don't know because i feel like personality is a big thing yeah yeah she's a woman oh by far oh two two three one what happened there i would say three and then four three not saying you don't have a personality but i'm like oh i'm five again i think we just put it out that's good job ladies you did you i think her in the middle makes sense but this is all this is all wrong that's all wrong i can't wait to see this so are we gonna arrange in front of them i want them to do it on the guys too that'd be way easier to talk about as well do you want to start it all over there and you over there like just shift down i think michelle is attractive how she looked how she carried herself and it just seems like someone that's going to live an exciting life i guess you could say or that you could have like a deep conversation with exciting life i mean he's not wrong she went to india five times to be fair he did judge correctly could you switch with her i forgot they can't even hear me okay well what would you switch i switched her and her yep uh it's just they were so content catastrophically wrong i had it's funny oh those two okay all right i love this this is amazing you did it correct she kind of looks like kristen bell and i where's kirsten bell that's it she's she's a girl that maybe other girls like right that's what i meant that's perfect i really like christmas all right what the [ __ ] that you ruined my whole theory god damn it i put her in her in on the one or two position and i kind of like her vibe i think her whole aesthetic is very nice so for me it's either one or two appear i think that maria was the most attractive for me it was just like her whole vibe and like i liked how her hair was how her makeup was done like she looked very nice are we content with five being five i'm not where do you currently walk yeah i'm curious wait three five goes up she should be a four because it's like meeting the middle i think how do you pick the last one that feels awful i couldn't do this i mean i am i am i already did it sorry maybe but not in person we're gonna get ripped a new one here guys are not afraid to be more blunt they were straight up hey you're attractive you're attractive you're not but girls were like i don't want to be rude you know we're all beautiful in our own way well you don't know that i feel bad to be to be fair here sure uh there's different initial reaction on looks but also i think the way someone looks if it's not typically this standard of society it could still really if they have the right personality it could really complement their looks you know what i'm trying to say trying to be nice i don't think it came across okay yeah i yeah i think you got it guys did it so interesting why did they put her last wow this is so interesting isn't it how different the girls and the boys did it i don't i almost don't want them to rank themselves it was interesting to say but i almost want five girls to come in and rank them right jubilee can you do that that'd be great that'd be super interesting so like impartial group of women comes in and raped them the way the guys were ranking the girls i actually think we were doing it mostly by personality but they didn't speak you couldn't talk to them what do you say did i hear that right i actually think we were doing it mostly by personality i would what what are you that's the opposite of what you did i don't think you understand what you were there for well i was at five and now i'm here so i'm like thank you i don't know it's very interesting i feel i did think coming into this like cultural stereotypes would be a factor them making me first kind of shot that down i guess because i didn't think they would choose like an asian girl first wow so her ideas on her race holding her back was completely just in her head that's interesting there was no chance for me i was yeah there was no chance there me being hey different strokes for different folks everybody beautiful on the inside inside is that in beauty of only black girl like i knew that i wouldn't really rank high because american beauty standards versus no come on the other ones have a better face there's nothing new it's different the guys that i interact with they socialize more with black women and they think more black women are attractive i think that the guys ranked the woman from appearance more than the most attractive personality in the world most of the time wow i think because the asian girl looked more natural she looked all pumped up you know she has that more stereotypical like she she even said herself like yeah i'm the british usually prettiest girl in the room me being the only black girl like i knew that i wouldn't really rank because american beauty standards versus what people see people of color it's different yeah i mean i guess they have a point too a standard of beauty if you go back in history it's so different then again the greeks did find the perfect body of of humankind even though i have my days where i'm like oh you're not really that cute in days where i'm like oh you like you i would say i wouldn't change i wouldn't change good for you nice yeah i feel similar to her actually exactly verbatim i feel like he would give you flowers oh they're doing them next hell yeah i'm excited for that cool thanks for watching jubilee thanks for being here i love your channel black guy we were doing them mostly by personality the girls we were earmuffs and said nothing yeah i hate this i don't feel like anything's constructive gain out of it beauty is different to everyone no i think it's interesting to see how women and and men look at each other differently and have different ideas of beauty because that was very clear from the ranking so that was constructed my feelings would get so hard if i did this just know that you're a piece of [ __ ] and you'll never be disappointed how people perceive you all right that's it thanks for watching look at the graph subscribe it's free see you guys next week brofist we've hosted many celebrations since the launch of this most relevant of games we looked far and wide to bring you the most up-to-date and interesting topics but then there is one subject that we somehow missed welcome home my tuber friends every home is different and love is central to every one of them it's a theme that is sure to appear in our room events i look forward to virtually visit your dwellings
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,739,023
Rating: 4.9325895 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: e0HbhMehcNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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