Forest Godrays: Unreal Engine Megascans Showcase for Captivating Natural Environments!

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hello guys and welcome today I'm going to show how easy and quick it is to create this environment inside of from real engine we're going to use just mag scans and work a little bit in the light and post processing inside of our real engine and we can create amazing things just doing that we're going to divide this tutorial in five parts uh prep production blockout envirment creation lighting and video creation if you are completely beginning on real no problem we are be able to follow every step of this tutorial and for more content about CGI and game development don't forget to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so let's get started a good place to start a project like that is just looking for some reference you can go to Pinterest or you can go to Google uh in my case I'm going to go to Google and I want to search for something like a mystical forest or something enchanted forest of a lot of fog and God Ray so that's the ambience that I want for my scene so once I have all the reference that I want I just put everything together inside of a pure half file and then we're good to go inside of from real engine here instead of a real engine I'm just going to create a new project going to be I'm going to use the third person template and I'm going to put start content and also going to enable rate tracing to have a better result in the video after the first thing that I'm going to do is create a level I'm going to use the base template just because we already have some set up and lighting here inside of the new level are just going to delete this shape here to create a landscape you just need to change from selection mode to landscape mode in here just go down uh the section sides are going to let 15 quads for 15 quads be about 120 M for 120 M I think it's a good size and just hit create now we have a landscape uh I just going to save the level so now you can go to kickel Bridge and search for some Mexican assets for for those who never did that before just need to click here and go to kixo bridge here in kixo Bridge you just need to start looking for assets that make sense for the environment that you want to create in our case you are creating a forest so we can or start searching the search bar but in my case I'm going to do something slightly different I'm going to go to collections and then environment then natural to to see if there's any environment that match with the the thing that I want to create uh I believe that broadleaf Forest is is a good place to start and I just uh going to start to download some assets uh I'm doing that instead of just freestyling the assets because it's easier to blend all the assets together when they belong to the same environment in the same collection so we're going to do that for the main assets and the main scene compositions and afterwards I'm going to search for other assets that to finalize the scene but really uh usually a good place to start trying to find a collection and start blend those assets together first and if you never did that before you just need to to click in the assets that you like and go here uh choose the quality usually is best choose the night because there will be pretty good assets with uh optimized performance and then we just need to download and when the the download is finished you can click in the add button and automatically going to be add to your project once you have the assets that you need you can start blocking out the scene blocking out the scene is a really important part of the process to create any environment uh usually is a quick process and can save you tons of time on the road only you are creating your environment so we're going to just use some primitive shapes inside the from real and try to place everything together to have a sense of scale and the environment creation to try to foring any problems that you might have you understand better how this thing is going to work uh here inside of on real I'm going to search for some skeletal Mash I have some in the stter content I just going to drag to our level I mean doing that just to have a human scale you'll be easier to to not get lost the the scale of the scene that's uh often a problem and besides the moning I just going to a few scale cubes the same thing just need to grab the cube and you press R to scale I'm just going to scale a little bit I'm going to make like 5 m Cube and I'm going to make a 10 m Cube if you want to just copy you just need to hold out and click with the mouse you're going to create a copy change the scal to 10 and then we have the two scales and the mannequin I just going to change the the color of those scales need drag and find which material need to click here so you have this material I'm going to create a copy real quick and I'm just going to change the the color H line and now you can have a distinction between what is scale and what is blocking out well now we can start blocking out I'm going to just drag a few Primitives and start to scale and move them and to create the scary one in the reference I want to create going to make something over here like some rooms or some stones or something like that and I'm just going to start blocking out the ideas that I think going to work so I'm going to start grabbing some some shapes like this one I'm going to make a copy and increase the scale rotate a little bit once you are done blocking out we can start the environment now it's a really exciting part of the process because you're going to take all the Mexican asset that we download before and I'm going to start placing the scene using the blocking out as a reference and bringing the scene to life so let's going to do that I'm going to start dragging can drop the assets to the level to to see what kind of assets I have and then I'm going to start placing them and change the scale the rotation to make them fit in the environment that I want to create now that the environment is coming together uh let's create a camera so we can walk around using the camera and see how the environment is coming together also change from lead mode to lead mode to understand better the lights and the the overall composition is a good practicing and can make make you have more control of the environment here I'm just going the material instance of this mag can asset and changing the color tint of The Rock and you can do that with any aets that you want now it's time to work on foliage uh we can outload plants uh from Pixel Bridge the same way that we did for the other assets but we can find really good quality uh trees and plants uh on the real Marketplace as well so if you go to a real Marketplace and type Mexican trees you're going to find a few package they are really good quality and I'm going to use one of those packages in my environment for those who doesn't know how to to get package from the real Marketplace Place uh just click on add to the project and choose the project that you work on and then the load will be automatically and now we're going to start working with the plants and trees and instead of place individually each plant and tree are going to use the Fage mode and to do that you just need to change from selection mode footage I'm going to do that that because it will be much more efficient for those who never use the foolish mode before and how the foolish works well uh you have these options here I'm going to I'm going to painting the the plants and how does that work so I'm going to just choose a few plants that I want that I downloaded so I'm going to want this one maybe this one as well or see white grass so now we have uh three kind of plants and if uh we just need to change a few configurations before start doing that so the brush size it's a little too big now it's better and if you go or if you click in each individual plant you're going to open a config menu and here we can change uh we can change some configuration so I'm going to let let the density the same way so but I'm going to change the scale so I just going to ask for a variation between 0.8 to 1 point three just because they're going to paint this this kind of plant and going to make a variation of scale between this range and now going to change the where is it the ground slope angle uh because you have pretty steep stones and I want to place some plants here I just going to change the slope to 90° so I can paint plants on the on the Rocks as well as well so I just need to make the same configuration for the other two plants and now we can start painting so we just grab your brush and click with the the left Mouse button and we have your tree you have your plants so we can do that in the level and if you don't want to you don't want to if you want to change the plants you just need to know just turn off and we have just the two plants maybe you want to change to put more kind of a flower just the flow and I'm going to turn off this one as well and then start to make start to makeing different compositions of foliage and we're going to do the same thing other trees and it'll be much faster doing this way than just like placing each each of the the plants individually can also select the trees or the foolish individually if you want we just need to change from P to select and we can do that and work with the threes of Fage as you are working with any other asset we are almost getting the light section I just going to download a few ruins and a few Assets in Mexican to compose barine to make a really mystical first path with a few rooms to have a story to tell about this environment now we're going to start to work on the lights for this SC specific it's a really important part of the process because we need to create that Misty know your key Vibe and you're going to do that just to weaken the light so you're going to going to change the exponential High fog the directional light and the camera lens so let's go do that uh here inside the Fone real I just delete all the all the lights that we had before and I'm going to I'm going to create the lights again so we just need to go to window and environment light mixer and just like clicking all the buttons to create everything that you we need to set up the light so now we have the light again after creating the lights just going to create a post process volume because uh it's easier to control the the camera exposure I'm going to type Unbound to make the post process volum uh apply in all the scene and then I'm going to look for exposure uh in the configuration bar and change to manual and adjust the exposure once you do that you are good to go to start tricking the light going to start changing the the Sun for for the angle that that I like for this I believe like a late afternoon sun will be good for ding to create that Missy mon Vibe and now uh I going to change uh few things inside of the directional light so the source angle are going to decrease to zero because you're going to help me with that flickering Shadow I need to increase thing a little bit the IND Direction light to create a little bit more uh lighting uh in the in the forest because it's to dark right now and two hard Shadows here exponential High fog we need to enable the volumetric fog and because I have more control I'm going to increase the fog density to start to create that God race I'm going to change the albo to to make the fog a little bit uh yellowish just to increase the the god race effect and also I going to change the the near fading distance to have a little bit more of visibility and the camera we just need to change a few a few things I'm going to put to to the camera to see how it looks right now but we need to change the I'm going to change the bloom because the Bloon is going to increase the god R effect we don't need to too much because you're going to be too blurry but if you increase a little bit the bloom you can have enhance the the results of the god race also I want to change the lens flare uh just to have that flare effect when on when the camera look at the Sun and we are good to go to start creating the video creating a video inside of a real engine can be really a straightforward process uh we just need to have a camer that you already have and then you just need to put this Cammer inside of a sequencer and once you have the sequencer you just need to enable a plug in the movie render queue and you are good to go to create any video that you want so let's go to inside of from real engine and do just that so here in set up from real need to create a sequencer I just need to go to cinematics and create a level sequence opening the sequencer just need to find the camera so how the sequence work and why it's important uh well the sequencer you're going to use the sequencer to render your video afterwards and how how the sequencer works well we have uh this sequencer down here with this red arrow uh it's like showing the time where you at at the video and also have this left panel with some configurations of the camera and the way the sequence works is pretty straightforward so you need to choose a time in the video that you want to make some change in the camera and then you just need to move the camera and or adjust uh all the the configuration the left panel and once you are satisfied with the configuration that you made in that time frame you just need to click the plus button for each change that you made and you can do that uh between time along the sequencer so uh when you have a lot of marks in the sequencer and and you press play in the signature you're just going to see the camera moving for one configuration to another and then you create a video now that the video is done we need to enable a plugin the movie render queue that I told before we just need to go to edit and plugins and type movie render que and enable you're going to need to restart the engine but once you restart you can use the mo render que when you restart the engine you just need to go to window and cinematics and find movie render queue uh inside of a movie render queue you need to find your sequencer and once you find you'll be able to to to create your settings for for their video that you're going to make uh the movie render que already have two templates draft template and the ultra quality template I'm going to choose the ultra quality template and I'm going to change a little bit the this template the the quality template it be uh going to have a really good result but uh depending your computer you're going to take maybe a day to to render a video or at least like five six hours and I'm not looking for that right now I just want to create a a good quality video but not the maximum quality so what I'm going to do here are going to change the XTR sequencer to PNG sequencer uh thex CR is better don't get me wrong but they are really heavy and bigger files and I just want to use PNG because I believe for what I want the quality will be enough any allies option that's one of the most important for Quality I just going to decrease a little the quality the sample count above and just because this is one of the things that slow the most the r time so I just going to decrease a little to have this video faster in the output I'm going to change a few things uh the first thing will be the file name format I'm going to I'm going to take out the ultra in the end of of the name uh just because you're going to have all the pngs and name sequencing in numbers like 1 2 3 4 and so on and we just uh if you open like a do Premiere or Final Cut or anything like that uh usually you just grab the first PNG and automatically in theob Premiere the Final Cut create a video for you but if you have the ultra in the end of the name it'll be much harder to make that automatically so that's why I'm going to change I'm going to change the output resolution as well just to make the same spect rate of the full HD this Thea resolution uh going to make some black strips on the sides of the video and I want to invite that I'm going to change the frame rates to 30 FPS because we I use 30 FPS in the sequencer and you are good to go just press okay and put render locco and you're going to start render your video congratulations and stay tuned for more content to come [Music] [Music]
Channel: Unrealverse Labs
Views: 1,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A7mUswtYPMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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