Create Massive World in 30 min - Unreal Engine 5.1 and Gaea

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foreign and happy 2023 I wish you a lot of success look and health and of course in this year we're gonna develop some cool games right to start this year I've decided to ditch completely World machine and show you how I change my workflow using Gaia Gaia is a perfect tool which you can integrate in your workflow to create huge terrains if you need to create open world games or Battle Royale games if you stay with me in the next couple of minutes I'm going to show you my workflow how easily you can create massive open worlds with Gaia and unreal ng5 so the first thing that you need to do is you need to go to here in you have access to Gaia of course you can download it for free Gaia but the free version has some limitations for this video we're gonna use the free version and show you how you can achieve some result with the free version and of course if you like the software you can go to the buy section over here and you can get a license you can get an indie one for 99 bucks professional or Enterprise it depends on you so let's scroll down to their website and see what you can achieve with Gaia here you can see that you can create pretty amazing islands with four edges water and effects if I keep scrolling this is a scene created by Alex Alvarez which is the president of gnoman and this scene was fully created with Gaia the terrain and then textured maybe in unreal or Maya let's go down here is one more scene one more environment created by senior environment artist Massimo Verona in industrial Light and Magic this was from Star Wars Jedi Fallen order again with the help of Gaia lucasfamous and Respawnables entertainment of course the demo of quicksil which is rebirth uses the powerful Gaia and as you can see over here pretty high details you can create with it once you download the guy version and open the Gaia you can have this window here you can select templates from which you can create for example let's select mountain and let's click over here we can select a pre-defined mount so if I hover here on the mountain range you can see a preview of what this will look like hero mountain glacier Peak Sandstone split Peak let me open this one pretty quickly and you can see here that we have something going on we have a Terrain created here is our graph which is a node based you need to plug some things in order to create your terrain but I'll create a very simple one from scratch so you can have the basic idea of how you can create terrains so here from the left side you have your toolbox you have Primitives girl Primitives you have a lot of options over here which I'm not going to cover today because today's lesson will be how you can create something very basic and import it into unreal later on I can go into depth with Gaia and Unreal Engine but today we are just gonna touch the surface so the first thing that I want to do is I'm going to go here under the Gale Primitives and I'm gonna select range and I'm gonna drag and drop it over here in our graph and this will create a mountain range over here all right and the second thing I want to do is I want to add some rocky primitive so here I'm gonna drag and drop it and we are creating some kind of rocks all right pretty basic but right now our resolution is pretty low over here it's 0.5 K so I'm gonna click here and I'm gonna boost it up all the way to 2K my computer can handle it if your computer has very slow Hardware or not so good Hardware you can stick it with 0.5 or 1K all right so here I have better preview if I click on the Range I'm gonna preview the range over here and what I want to do is I want to combine those two so I'm going to select those two I'm gonna go over here multi-mix and I'm gonna combine it so if I click here I'm seeing the combined version of those two and let's start tweaking them I'm gonna go in my range over here and I'm gonna Zoom a little bit out with my mouse Pro wheel without and left Mouse button I'm just rotating my camera and what I want here is I'm just gonna play with those settings I'm just gonna boost up the scale here because I want to create some sharp worms which look pretty nice you can control the height from here you can increase the height or you can decrease the height I'm just gonna increase it a little bit of course from seed you can just use random seat in order to create different shapes and let's just play a little bit with the seat to see something that has interesting shape let's try with that all right so this is something that I like I'm gonna go into the Rocky and I'm gonna play a little bit with the rock size and I'm gonna boost it up a little bit all right so I'm gonna click on my combine now to see how everything looks and it looks good at the moment pretty good so the next thing that I want to show you is you can search for notes with clicking the tab on your keyboard and a note that I want to add is practo the races which will make my mountains with a little bit of fraction and traces over there so I'm gonna connect my output to my input over here and I've created those fractal elements over here and what I want to do is I can tweak them up with the spacing let me just twig them up just play with the settings today we are just reviewing it we're not creating anything specific I'm just gonna boost a little bit then test all right pretty good pretty interesting shape and the final thing that I want to do is a little bit of erosion so I'm going to click it up again and I'm gonna search for erosion and this will create a very good definition in my mounting and I'm gonna drag and drop here from fractal to races to erosion and we're starting to get some nice erosion I'm going to click on fractal to see it how it looks previously and I'm going to click on our erosion and of course you can tweak all the parameters here the duration of erosion but you need to click apply changes over here because it's not updated in real time so I'm going to click apply wait a little bit because this is performance heavy operation and I have some different erosion over here all right looking pretty good right now I like the mounties I like the range everything looks pretty neat the one thing that I'm not going to do here is I'm not going to texture anything here in Gaia and I'm going to create a master material in Unreal Engine and texture it this way and of course in guy you can create your textures you can create the rivers and vegetation which can be used as reference in Unreal Engine where you need to place your vegetation rivers and different materials and few other things that I want to show you from here from the cloud option you can toggle the sky and from here from the Sun you can change the sun angle if you want to preview better your terrain so this is the terrain that I've created and this is the thing that I want to export in unreal ng5 and now the export process is a little bit tricky the first thing that I want to do is I want to go here at the build and I want to set up my build destination folder from those three dots I'll select my folder and now my build destination is set up the next step is to select your resolution as we are working with the free version we can use up to 1K resolution for our export we cannot use above 1K so from this drop down you have different resolutions but there is a tab which is called unreal and I'm gonna set it up 1009 this is the maximum that I can export with the free version if you pay for guy you can choose the other resolutions but I'm gonna stick with this one so this is the basic setup that you need to do for the export the next thing is which node you want to export as my erosion is my final note I'm gonna right click and I'm gonna rename it and call it my world all right so this will be my final note that I want to export so I'm going to right click and Mark for export or use the F3 on your keyboard I'm gonna mark it for export in here in file to save I'm gonna have my world and I'm gonna choose PNG for the format that I want to export all right those are the first basic steps the next thing is to determine the scale of your terrain which is pretty important we need to match Gaia and Unreal Engine scale how we can do that here from the terrain definition in the scale we have five thousand this is in meters so right now our terrain is 5 kilometers by five kilometers and our height is 2600 meters but I've created a custom workflow in order to calculate the height and much Gaia and unreal ng5 so what I prefer to do is for the height I've put two thousand and let's say this terrain won't go above 2000 meters all right in height and what I do over here is I click on my world go to erosion properties this is pretty important and here with the level out level I click it and what this will do this will automatically level up everything to the 2000 meters that I've selected so right now the highest point of this terrain is 2000 meters but the terrain looks horrible over here and what I do is I go to clamp and from the clamp Max here it says how much is the height the maximum height that I need to clamp right now is 2000 meters and everything is going in that direction to aim 2000 meters and let's say I want my mounting to be 1000 meters the highest mountain is 1000 meters so I put 1000 m per meters I click enter and it is clamping everything to 1000 meters but I think this is again too high so I'm gonna go here and let's say 500 meters all right so 25 percent is from those two thousand meters over here and right now I set up my Gaia how I want to be in Unreal Engine and I'm going to show you the formula that you need to tweak over there in Unreal Engine in order to get the same result right now the highest point for me is this one which is 500 meters and it looks pretty good all right and the next step is to go to build and click on start build choose a name for it I'm going to choose Gaia and the process of building your terrain will start before I show you how to import this Terrain in unreal ng5 if you are still not subscribed to my channel subscribe to my channel like this video if you have any comment or question put it in the comments below also we've created a Discord channel for our CG Community where people can ask questions talk to each other help each other so if you want to be part of this community find the link to the Discord in the description below let's continue with this video and show you how you can import this string in unreal ng5 now here in Unreal Engine I have an empty scene without anything in it so I'm gonna go here from the select mode and I'm going to choose landscape I'm going to go to import from file and here for our height map file I'm gonna double click here what we need to select is you need to select myworld.png this is the one that we're gonna use I click OK and right now our terrain is not correct so what we need to do over here is the first thing is we have 500 meters for our scale here and I need to do a little formula over here so let me just maximize this so I want to do is I'm going to put 500 meters and we're going to multiply it by 100 all right and I'm gonna divide it by the resolution that I'm using which is 1009 1009 and this is the formula which you need to use in order to get the scale right of your terrain so we have 5 000 meters multiply by 100 units and Unreal Engine and divided by 1009 because this is my resolution at the moment just multiply the scale number to 100 and then divide it to your resolution if you're using different resolution divide to something different I'm going to press enter and my y scale will be automatically done so this is the first step all right we've calculate the size of our terrain based on X and Y now we need to calculate the z z is a little bit more complicated so right now I'm going to open my calculator over here what we have is 2000 meters and we have a height to scale ratio of 0.4 which we're gonna need to use as I said before we have 500 meters which is our highest peak so I have 500 meters and I'm gonna divide it by 0.4 which is our height to scale ratio all right so right now I have 1000 and 250. and the next one is we need to calculate the multiplier to this one because our terrain definition is 2000 and on height but we want our highest peak to be 500. so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put 2000 and divide by 500. so this gives us a multiplier of four and I'm gonna multiply this by four and I have five thousand like a number so I'm gonna have five thousand multiplied by 100 and the next thing is I'm gonna open the Unreal Engine landscape technical documentation and here in the technical documentation you have an example the ratio is 1 divided by 512 and this is the ratio that we need to multiply our height map so I'm gonna copy this value I'm gonna go back to Unreal and right now we have this value that we've calculated from Gaia I'm multiplying it by 100 in order to get it into centimeters and then this value will be multiplied the one that we've copied the ratio that we are using in order to calculate the height I'm going to press enter and this is our Terrain all right let me just zoom in a little bit let me just move this up and then you're going to click import nothing I can see over here and this is because I have a height poke I'm going to go to select and I'm going to turn off my height block and now you can see I have this beautiful Terrain let me just open it over here so you can see it and it's pretty much the same and this terrain right now is five kilometers in length and it is 500 meters in height which is somewhere over here and if you don't believe me let's measure this out I'm gonna go to edit I'm gonna go to my editor preference and under look and feel measuring two units I'm gonna select everything to be in meters oh here okay so I'm gonna go into my select mode and I'm gonna click those four over here maximize or restore the viewport all right and I'm gonna click here because I want to go into my side view f11 and what I need to do is with the middle Mouse button I'm gonna drag and measure the height of my Terrain so the lowest point will be somewhere over here at this point all right and the highest point of the peak will be this one so let's measure it and I have exactly 500 meters for my height so my height is correct let's measure the size of the train I'm gonna click over here f11 and I'm going to measure it over here how much I have 5000 meters and I have five thousand meters so at the moment we have a Terrain 5 by 5 kilometers and the highest point will be 500 meters all right and let's explore this Terrain and right now we have the terrain that we've created pretty cool guys pretty easy and this is how you can use Gaia and Unreal Engine in order to have the terrain exactly how you build it in Gaia and of course I'm using a smart terrain over here and how to material so this is how you can create a five by five kilometer terrain with the exact height that you want as you can see we have pretty huge terrain we have mountains I've applied a smart material to my landscape and this is how you can create terrains like this using Gaia and Unreal Engine 5. in the next videos that I'm going to create I'm going to show you a deeper integration between Gaia and unreal ng5 I'm going to explain you more of the features of Gaia and how you can utilize them in unreal ng5 thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I hope you learned something and see you in the next one happy game development and before I end up this video I want to let you know that I've created few unreal ng5 courses and if you find any of the topic interesting to you you can go into the description below and check them out
Channel: CG Dealers
Views: 279,053
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Id: HMv5zmPyl2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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