Unreal Engine 5.3 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is Amit from magnet and today we are going to create these ocean environments in inside annual engine 5.3 so first take a look what we are going to create today [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so I open my Unreal Engine version 5.3 and then I choose this games option here and also this third person template and here I also ticked on the starter content then I name my project as tutorial and click this create button here so after open the engine first you go to these files and then go to this new level and create an empty level here and now we're going to set up our lighting very quickly so for this we go to this windows and then go to this environment light mixer and we're going to click all of these options here so first we click on this create Skylight to create this Skylight here then also click on this create Sky atmosphere and then create atmospheric light then create volumetric cloud and this height fog and then we close it from here so firstly go to this exponential height plug and make sure that we turned on this volumetric fog if you not turn this on just click on this volumetric fog here and also you go to this Skylight and then we go to its details panel and click on this real-time capture so make sure that you turn this on okay so this is how you can create a lighting setup very quickly and now we're going to create a landscape here so for this we go to the select mode option here then you go to this landscape and we don't need to change anything here just click on this create button here [Music] so once we create our landscape we go back to our main selection mode here and now we going to create this ocean and for this I am going to use this inbuilt water system so for this we going to enable a plugin so we go to this edit option and go to this plugins and in the search bar we type water and here you will find this water plugin so just enable this one and also this one and then we going to restart this engine so just click on this restart now and before we restart we have to save our level so we click on this saved selected and then we have to name our level so we name this as also tutorial and then we hit on this save button here so after launch your engine if you find this kind of error you have to do one thing that you just go to this last of this sentence and here you will find this add nt2 default engine dot ini just click on here and then just clear and just close this one from here and also close these plugin options here and also close this one okay and now we have to open our level so for this we go to this content drawer and here you will find the level that we just created earlier just double click to open this one and here it is okay and if your viewport looks something like this you can also dock this content drawer so just click on this content drawer and click on this dock in layout just click over here and you can see that your content were also docked over here okay and now we're going to put the ocean so for this we go to this option and then we click to this place actor panel and in the search bar we type for water and we look for this water body portion just click drag and drop towards in here okay just like that and then we're going to close this panel and it will take little time to compile all these shaders so first time when you apply your water body you will see that my water look different than yours it's because that I have already changed this material settings as well as the web settings and because it's an engine content so if you change anything it will carry forwarded to your next project so but don't worry I will show you that what changes I made to make this water look something like that so in order to change all these settings first we just click on this water surface and you can see that it is selected and then we go to its details panel and then we go down here and inside that you will find this water wave assets just double click to open this one here and here it is so just maximize this panel and you can just copy all my settings here that I made to create the web like this and if you want to know more about all these options you can check my previous tutorial on Ocean or also you can make some changes here so maybe if you go to this wavelength I and you can see that the minimum wavelength and the maximum wavelength for this wave so if you change this value you can see that what changes it made so you can see that if you want more waves or more frequent wave you can just uh decrease this value from here and then we go to this amplitude so here you can increase the amplitude of these waves so you can see that what is the changes here okay just like that so I'll just reset my value to my actual one and then also this is a Direction so you can see that in that case the waves are coming towards us so if you want to change the direction you can easily do that just like that so you can see that now these waves are coming from left to right here okay so just like that so you can easily change according to your air conditions here and there is a stiffness so I am really not using this one so I make all this value to 0 and if you have some values you can just make it or tweak it to zero to make the web like something like that okay and here you can also increase this number of waves you can see that the web number is increases so I'm just set it to 16. okay just like that and when you satisfied all these values or you can just just copy these values to your project and then just click on this save button here okay and you can still see that your color may be look different than mine also so now we're going to make the changes to this water material so again we select this water Body Ocean and then go to its details panel and then we go down until we find this rendering Tab and under this rendering you will find this water material so just double click to open this one and here is this all these properties for this water material so you can see that I not really change much here but I do change here that is the caustics so I enable this caustics and also activate this by just sticking here so you can see that here if you see closely you can see some of these caustics here so if you just disable this caustics from here you will see that those uh lines are gone but if you want the caustics just enable this one from here okay just like that and you can see you will again you see this caustics here and then also you can also change the watercolor from here so here that is the global Vector parameter values so here from you can also change the colors so if you go to this absorption color just click over here and you will get this color wheel and now if you go to this white portion here and then if you hit OK you can see that you can make a very clear water here okay so if you want to make some clear water you can easily make it by changing the color from here and you can see that these are this area where those uh parameters are effect and the rest of the area is not affected so you can see that we can do one thing that if we want to make changes to our water so we place our Island in a certain position here to get the more area of this changeable areas so in order to do that we select all these spline points and place our Island little behind here so in that way we can get more of the areas here so just select this line point and drag this island to here okay just like that okay so now here is our Island and these are the waters and again we change this watercolor so we go to this water material here and then we go to this watercolor and maybe we make it little bluish color here just like that and hit OK so you can see that this looks something like this and if you want more bluish so you can easily do that just make it little bluish here and hit OK and you can see that it not look right so again we change this to maybe something like that or if you think that you messed up these settings you just simply reset this value from here and if you see that when you reset this value you see that the parameters or the color is not changing here just go to the save button and if you save it one and you will see the updates here okay so again we go to here and maybe we change it little bit bluish here and hit OK OK so this is how you can easily change the watercolor and here also you can get more settings and if you want to know more about this settings you can check my previous tutorial on Ocean and there I already describe all of these options there okay uh the link in the description as well as in the I button and here is the very important option under this water shading that is the initial trophy so I am come to this option later on when we really need this option I will show you that what actually these options do for this ocean surface okay so for now I'm just save this settings here and close it from here okay so this is how you can create this kind of nice ocean and feel free to tweak the settings to make more random design to your ocean and here you can see that our surface is here but our waves are run from this right side to left side here and if you really see it so maybe we can change the direction little bit so again for the direction we go up here until we find these web assets just double click to open this one and then we go to this direction here and we have to make these waves comes towards us okay just like that so we go to this direction and then we rotate this one so in that way you can see the the webs are coming from this angle so maybe again we rotate it little bit okay so now you can see that the waves are coming from this side towards this island okay so this is how you can easily change the direction now we save this one from here and minimize it so now we're going to put the ground assets or you can say the cliff assets so for this I am using the mega scan content and its content is available in APK Marketplace and which is absolutely free so for the clip assets I am using this Nordic Coast collections so in order to get this just click on this add to project then we find our project here so this is the tutorial and just click on this add to project so once you complete the download you will go back here and click on this import if you see this kind of options here just click on this import so you'll find this geometry folder and this map folder and this Mega scan materials and this water folder okay so inside this geometry folder if you double click to open this one you will find these two folders now this assembly and the backdrop so we go to this assembly and here you will find all these assemble here so that is the boulders the clips so in that case we're using those clips so just double click to open this one and here is all these clips here okay so now we going to put this Clips over here so but before we do anything let's put a mannequin here so we can get a right size reference here so for this we go to this content folder and here you will find one folder named this characters just double click to open this one and then you go to this mannequins and then we go to this mesh folder and here we will find this simple mannequin just double click to open this one here so now you can see that our mannequin is here so and in 5.3 there is a very nice shortcut to decrease or increase the camera speed so if you see here in now it is the 1.2 and if you hold the right click and just a mouse will up or down you can see that you can easily increase or decrease the camera speed so it is a very nice addition to navigate your scene here okay so if you want to move quickly you just increase this number and you can see that you can move very quickly and if you will down to decrease this value and then you can just move it very slowly here okay so it's a very nice uh shortcut here okay so here is our mannequin so first we're going to place this mannequins over this shorts so we just click on this axis and we press shift and hold the shift key and just drag our assets over here okay just like that and also we put it little up here or you can see that the snapping is bothering so it just disable the snapping from here and now you can easily place your actor over here okay so now we can see that this is our size reference and now again we go to this geometry folder then we go to this assembly and then we go to this Clips so here from it's very dynamic because if you want to design a little bit different you can easily use different assets here so feel free to use any assets you want so for now first we're going to use this one over here so just put it over here and you can see that uh the size is pretty much same so maybe we're going to increase the scale of this clip little bit just like that not much okay and just place it over here okay and then we duplicate it and also we rotate it so in that point you can easily understand that how you can make this kind of scene so it's just duplicate and place it here and there just like that okay so here is the problem that you can see that over this C Surface this Shadow is not realistic so now the initial trophy option comes here so again we select our water surface here and then we go down until we find this water material just double click to open this material and now if we go to this initial trophy there under this water shading this initiotrophy and if we increase this value so maybe we increase it to maybe 0.6 and now you can see that those Shadows are disappearing but we still have those Shadows over here so we increase this value and now you can see that those Shadows are gone and if you see those Shadow this is the under this sea surface so this is how you can fix this kind of weird issue okay so now you save this one and then again we place our assets over here so you can see that the shadow is look right over here and maybe we can dip it down a little bit just like that okay so let's put other assets so maybe use this one over here [Music] [Music] good [Music] okay so you can see that how easily I create this area so feel free to experiment with other assets uh but if you want to use the same message that I use here you can also do that and yes if you see this kind of notice here you can also do one thing that if you just go to this edit option and then we go to this project settings and then we search for this virtual texturing so if you go to the search bar and type for virtual and under this virtual textures you will find this enable virtual texture support just enable this from here and you also you have to restart this so just click on this restart now and just save all these changes so once you restart and just click on this no here and also we close this one here and then we go to our content and just open our level that is the tutorial just double click to open this okay so now you can see that uh These Warnings are gone here okay so now we going to put our landscape material here also so for this we go to this again geometry folder and then we go to this assembly and here you can find this kind of plates over here so we're going to use this plate so we just use this one maybe so you can see that this look really amazing so just put it over here or maybe we can just rotate it little bit and then we place it down and also we can disable this rotation snapping and then we're going to place it over here so it can create our nice ocean bed here okay so just like that okay and also we can duplicate it multiple times to fill all these areas okay so you can see that this look amazing and also sometime if you see this kind of edges here just select and just dip it down like that okay so it will be looking seamless and also we're going to fill all these areas so we select this one and we duplicate it over here just like that and also you place it over here okay so you can fill all this area but make sure that how much you want to show in your viewers so maybe this look nice and also we just duplicate this one here and then we duplicate okay and now we're going to use other assets so maybe use this one here so we can see that all these assets are really amazing so you can use anything from here and it will create a nice result to your scene so you can see that this look really amazing so we can just rotate this one over here and dip it down like that maybe we can decrease the scale and also we rotate it okay and also you can see that uh these are the edges so we're going to put it little down here okay and also we have other ones so maybe use this one over here and place these things here okay and now we go back from this folder and then we go to this rocks folder and here is the interesting assets so these assets are really cool so you just put it over here and you can see that those are the Rocks assets so now you can see that these are the small rocks so you can easily put it here and there to make it look nicer and maybe we put it over here and also use this one over here and also use this one maybe use this one here [Music] okay just like that or maybe we place it over here and you can see the seams here so you can do one thing that you can just duplicate it over here and then we place these things here to hide those seams here or you can just press R to bring this scale switch and just scale it like that and place it over here and you can also rotate it to look different looking okay so now you can see that how you can easily manage those edges okay and also we can use this over here okay and now again go back to this folder and go to this folder here so here is some rock formation you can easily use those and let's see which one maybe we go to this folder and these are the nice Clips so maybe we use some of these clips also so maybe use this one over here and these are the really huge so we're going to decrease the scale and then we place it or maybe we place this Clips here [Music] okay so you can see that those clips are looking very nice so you can use uh those also so maybe we can use the it as a very distance Mountain here so here maybe okay so you can see that it create nice nice Parallax also okay so again go to this ground folder and here you can find nice assets also so these are the ground assets which filled with the small rocks and also as well as this big rocks so maybe we use this one or maybe we can just scale it down little bit and then we place it this side it's like that okay and also we have those ground assets so maybe use this one in this side okay okay so if you put all these assets here and if you're looking for uh other assets so you can also have this so we go to this Mega scan folder here so we under this content we go to this Mega scan folder and then we go to these 3D assets and also we can enable the static mesh filter so if you don't have these filters over here you can just go to this three lines option and then we go to the static mesh filter just enable it from here and then we enable this one and here you can see all these individual assets here so let's see what we need so here you can see some of these Rock beds so you can just drag and drop over here and you can see that these rocks look really amazing and we're going to fill with these rocks over this entire area or maybe we can use different one here so maybe use this one also and also this one so first we're going to put it little down here and also use this one and put it little down over here or maybe just rotate it according to our slope here so you can see according to our slope we can rotate it little bit and then we put it down okay just like that and also we rotate it into this side okay and then we're going to duplicate it so we're going to duplicate it so many times so feel free to duplicate as well as if you want to rotate it or just place it to look it right okay just like that and also use this one also so maybe we place it over here and then we dip it down like that okay and also we select this one and duplicate it over here to fill these areas [Music] foreign [Music] this scene and you can also extend it if you want to hey this side also but you can see that it will take little time to place all these assets to seamlessly and again also you can see some of these seams over here so you can easily just rotate it to different angle to match the lining and if you feel that and this is so identical looking so you can also put different assets here and there so maybe use different rocks here just like that so just put it over here to make it little different looking just like that and also you can use different assets here and there also okay and also maybe use those Rock assets to make it look little different okay and also maybe we duplicate it to this side and rotate it and also we fill this Gap over here so now we're missing one thing that our Rock which is connected to this water is also dry so if we can make an effect and that can create this rock wet and then gradually it goes dry it will look nice so you can easily do it uh by using those assets so if you select any of these assets here and then we go to its details panel and here you can find this material so just double click to open this material here and here is this material panel and then we just go down to find its parent material so here is this parent material so just double click to open this material here so now you can see that this is the parent material and you can see that it looked little complicated but don't worry we don't need to change anything here just one thing so we make a little room here and then we go over here so here you can see that this node it comes uh from this show wetness and we just connect it to this node so just click and drag in just connect it to here and you can see that now this metal attributes is taking all these actions from this node okay and that's it just apply it from here and then we save it okay and if we minimize this one and now you can see that these are the rock which is near to the water you can see that this have this kind of nice wait look here so you can see that these are the assets which is closer to the water it gets this kind of wet material effect here and if you put it higher here you can see that those goes dry okay so just put it down to this water and you can see that this look nice with this shiny wet look here now we're going to put a post process volume to correct our exposures here okay so for this we go to this box again and then we go to this visual effects and we click on this post process volume so when you apply this post process volume you will see that the post process volume will affect only on this box area so in order to apply it to this whole world we can do one thing that we select our post process volume and then go to the search bar here and we type in finite and when you type infinite you will find this one that is the infinite extent Unbound just toggle this switch here and now it will affect enter the world okay and now we're going to change this Bloom effects here so firstly go to this Bloom then we just click on this method and we change this method standard to convolution here and in order to visualize the change here we're going to change our light position first so we press Ctrl and L and hold that and just change our light positioner so here you can see where is our sun so here is the Sun so if you change it to standard you can see that the light rays looks something like that but if you change it to convolution you can see the change here so it look nice but if you want the previous one you can also change it to standard and then we go to this intensity and we change it down to maybe 0.2 here okay just like that and also we go to this directional light here so which is our sun first we go to its intensity and we change this intensity to maybe 0.7 here and also go to the source angle The Source angle basically the size of the Sun so if you increase the source angle you can see that the size of the sun is increasing and as well as it is also beneficial for the Shadows so here if you look into the shadow here so you can see that the shadow is look so much diffuse but if you decrease this size or if you decrease the size of the sun you can see that you can see sorry I just decrease my camera speed here so you can see that you can see the more sharp Shadow here so this is the use of this Source angle so if you increase this value you can get more nice diffuse Shadow here okay but maintain your sun size so this look too large so we're going to decrease it to maybe some kind of manageable size here so this look nice and also it creates a nice stiffer Shadow also then we go back to our post process volume again and now we going to this exposure setting so here the exposure and also we toggle this metering mode here and then we drop down this list and I change this to manual okay and you can see that everything goes black so we going to increase the exposure compensation from here so we activate this one and we increase it to maybe for now 10 so 10 looks something like that or maybe 11. okay just like that but don't worry we're going to change it later on okay and also we go down to this lens flare option and to enable this lens flare and intensity we decrease this value to maybe 0.2 okay just like that and now we going to put a camera into our scene so for this again we go to this box here and then we go to the Cinematic and we click on this cine camera actor okay and here is the cine camera actor under this Outlander section just right click here and you will see that snap objective view so if you toggle this you can see that the camera is automatically seted to our viewport here so here it is and then also we go to this perspective and select our cine camera actor okay so now here it is and when we put our senior camera actor we also put a sequence for our scene so for this we go to this box here this option and we click on this add level sequence okay and now you have to save this so maybe we name it as a 212 sequence and we save it from here so here is our sequence so once you create this sequence now we're going to drag our camera into our sequence so we just find our camera or you can just search it from here so it types and here is a cine camera actor just drag and drop over here okay so here is our camera so when you put your camera we go to the camera details panel and we go top firstly go to this film back option here and here we change this camera preset to 16 is to 9 DSLR okay just like that and then we come to here that is the current focal length we're going to decrease this focal into maybe 15 mm so you can get a nice uh wide angle lens here and you can see that when you put the camera the lens player also working here okay and then also there is the current aperture value maybe we going to decrease the aperture value or you can say that the F stop value so maybe if we put it 1.4 here you can see that it can create nice exposure to our scene okay so now if we change our light position here so maybe we put our light over here and you can get nice lighting to our scene and if you don't like in those guide markers here you can just press G to hide all those assets okay so now you can see that this look nice okay and also maybe we can do one thing that we go to our directional light so press directional to find this directional light and the intensity is 0.7 is so much less so maybe we change it to maybe 5 or so and when you put the five Lux you can see that our scene is blowing out and you can also do one thing that we go to our post process volume here and we then we go to our exposure settings so here it is and maybe we change it to maybe 10. okay or maybe 9.5 will be look nice okay so now you can see that this look nice this is how you can create this kind of scene here and now we're going to put all these vegetations here or maybe you can just put some other assets to here and there to make it more nice so maybe we can duplicate this one here and also increase its scale like that so you can get another dimension of assets here or maybe we rotate it little bit more [Music] [Music] okay so now you can see that uh if we tweak some of these assets into here and there and also put some assets over here and also there it will look more natural so feel free to change your assets position and just experiment things to put here and there to make uh the difference and if you like this you can finalize this positions here so now we're going to put the vegetations here so for this we going to this content browser again and we right click and we click on this add quick cell content and I have already downloaded some of these uh plans over here so I'm just giving you all this link in the description so you'll get this so first I am going to use this one here and also this one and this grass and also some of this small plants here and this one also so select all of this and maybe we going to change this highest quality here and then I'm just click on this add to project here so just click here and in order to find all those assets we go to this Mega scan folder and if you download some plans you can also get this folder called these 3D plants just double click to open this one and if I click on the static mesh you will get all these plants over here so first we going to work with this uh these plants so maybe we go to its folder itself so here it is the yellow Archangel just double click to open this and first we going to make all of this plant as a nanite so we select all of this and then we right click go to this nanite and click on this here that is the enable Nanette for 12 meshes so once you change it to Nanette it will take little time to compile its shaders and now we're going to use the foliage system to place all of these plants over on these rocks so we go to this selection mode and go to this foliage and here you will see all of these plants over here so you just select this Archangel planes and we select all of this and then also we go down here and here we can increase the density of this plants or also we can increase its scale so maybe first we're going to increase its scale to maybe 2 and the maximum scale may be 4 here and let's see uh maybe we change the density to 50. and also we go up here and paint density we change it to all the way one and also we decrease the brush size to maybe 100 here okay so now or also make sure that you check on the static mesh here so first we go over here and we start painting here so you can see that if you paint here you can paint like this and if you feel that the density is less you can also increase the density so maybe we can go down here and we can increase the density to maybe 200 okay and then if we paint so maybe in order to delete if we accidentally paint anywhere just press and hold the shift key and then just click and it will and delete all the assets so now we're going to paint again okay just like that so now you can see that when you put the plants it will look more nice but make sure that you not paint some plants here also because we're going to put other plants here so we just paint the plants uh here also and you can see that when we paint it to this distant Mountain the plants look very small so we can do one thing that we can select all of these plants and then we go down here and also increase the scale to minimum scale to 4 and the maximum scale to maybe six here and now if you paint we can paint the bigger plants here okay just like that okay and now we're going to paint other assets so maybe we're going to use this one so again in order to change it to minute we select all of these plants and right click and go to its nanites and enable Nanette okay so now we're going to deselect all of these plants from here just deselect this and then we go to this plant so maybe we select this one this one and also some of this Roots here and maybe this one here then we just select and also we go down here maybe first we going to paint so we can see how large those plants are so maybe we paint over here okay so this look nice and you can see that it also put some of this nice Roots here so you can see that those are the roots here so it will look more amazing so now we're going to put some plants under this sea surface so for this maybe we're going to use this one maybe so these are the plants which can grow inside the water so first we again going to change all the of these plants to nanite here and then we go to select all of these and then again we deselect this to make sure that we doesn't select any of these plans here so firstly select only those plans here and also we go down here to its details panel here is the density so again we change this to maybe 200 and also this scaling will change this to 2 and the minimum scale to 1.5 Maybe and now we're going to start painting here so first we pinch some plants over here and you can see that this look nice or maybe it is too big so maybe we can delete some of this and again we decrease the scale to maybe point 5 2.8 Maybe and let's paint and now you can see that this look nice okay and one thing that we missing the wind effect on this plants so we just enable this from this material section so we go to this material instance here of these plants and then we go to the search bar and type for wind and here you can find this enable grass wind and just toggle these two on and now if you see here or maybe if we go close here and you can see that those are moving very slightly and you can also increase this value to maybe if you increase this wind intensity you can see that those are moving very fast okay so inside this water maybe it will be normal to move those plants very fast so we save this one and you can also enable all these wind for these other plants the by using the same technique here okay and here also you can see that those plants are grow in the wrong place so we go up and we decrease our brush size to maybe 50. and then we delete these plants okay and now we again we go to increase the density of this paint section so we make sure that we select all of these plants here [Music] we go down and we increase this density to maybe 500 here and now we're going to paint okay so make sure that you paint every place here underneath this sea surface here also and you can see that this look really amazing and also we can increase the plant size so maybe we can increase it to four and the minimum to maybe three here and then we go to this area and if we paint you can get more big these plants here and believe me when you see from this top you can see that this look really amazing okay so just like that you can use those plants and put some plants also here or maybe this look uh bad so we going to delete this also and then again we reset this value and we paint some plants are here also I think that some of time the paint is painted in wrong places you can just go over here and you can disable this just select this landscape and now if you paint it can only paint over this landscape but you can see it because our landscape is too deep here but here also if you paint you can only paint on the landscape so you can see that and this is not uh grow from any individual rocks here it only grow from the landscape okay so this is how you can also make nice look to your scene here [Music] okay just like that okay so now you can see that with these plants this look more amazing okay and now we still have another plant so maybe we use those grasses so again we enable the net for this grass and then we go down here and we select all of this and just deselect those and we only select those grasses here and then also we go down and increase its density to maybe 500 here and make sure that you only select the landscape here and now we're going to paint so maybe you can paint here or you can see that this is not look that good so maybe we can decrease the density of this so maybe we can decrease the density from here to maybe 200 and also we decrease the scale to maybe 0.5 to 0.8 and now if we paint you can get little bit of grass here okay so this is not mandatory if you want you can put or if you don't like it you can just ignore this step okay so this is how you can create this kind of nice look here and also in order to enable the wind we can go to its material instance into the search bar with type wind and then we just enable the wind here and also we increase the when intensity little bit then you save it okay so this is how you can get this kind of nice look here okay so now you can see that this look really amazing and also uh there you can see some of this landscape so you can just put a nice material to your landscape or you can also put some static meshes to hide this landscape here so maybe we can just uh place this Rock to Little Higher to hide this landscape and also you can see that these rocks look different looking so maybe we can just duplicate it over here and then we rotate it to this side okay just like that and here also you can see that this look bad so maybe we can put this rock little higher here okay so now you can see that this look really amazing and also we go to our Fox settings so we go to the fog and here is the fog and we do one thing that firstly go to this fog density would decrease this value to get more nice visibility here and also go to this fog height we can increase this value okay and now you can see that wow from the top this look really amazing okay and if you put more plants here or different trees also you can also put some trees if you want okay so now we're going to put some local fog here and there so for this I am going to create a material for this local fog so we go to our content drawer and then we come over here and right click and create a material so here it is the material and we name these as local fog and we open this material just double click to open this material here so here it is and first we're going to change our material blending mode so we select our material and here is this material blending mode option we change this to translucent okay just like that and now here you can see we only have this base color this opacity emissive color and this ambient occlusion and the wall position offset okay and now first we're going to put a node called this radial gradient exponential so we just right click here and in this search bar we type and if you type radial you will find this radial gradient exponential and first we're going to hook this radial gradient exponential to its base color here okay so just like that and then also we're going to need a texture for our local fog so we're going to use some noise map which is comes with this engine so we go to collapse all of this and here is the engine folder so if you not find this engine folder here don't worry just go to this settings tab here and make sure that you take on this show engine content okay just like that and inside this engine content just expand this and go to this content so in order to just search it very quickly we go to the search bar and type noise and here you will find this bunch of this noise map but we're going to use this one that is the tiling noise for zero five we just bring it over here and we also need in another node called the depth fade so you just right click here and type depth fit so here is the note called this depth fade just bring it over here and the opacity is the basically that how much opaque you want your fog will be or how much transparent your fog will be but in order to operate this function we're going to need a scalar parameter so it's just being this here and type for scalar and here you will find the scalar parameter so in this scalar parameter we name it as opacity and in order to operate the space distance we also need a scalar parameter so again we just bring it over here and type for scalar and here it is and we going to name it as also distance okay just like that and now we're going to put some value for this initial so maybe we type 1 here and also type 1 over here okay to connect it with this radial gradient exponential so in order to connect this with this node we're going to use a multiply node here so we press and hold the m key and just click here to get this multiply node here and now we connect this radial gradient exponential with this multiply node a and this depth pad node here to B okay and now we're going to connect this multiply node with this texture map and then we finally connect it to this opacity node here okay so in order to connect it again we need a multiply node so we press aim and hold the m key and just click here to get this multiply node and then we just connect both of these and then we finally connect it to this opacity node here okay so just like that and now here you can see that the material is changing like this and also we need some movement here so for the movement we going to use some panel node here to this texture so we press p on the keyboard and hold the P key and just click here to get this spanner node here okay and then we connect it to this UV but in order to change the speed we're going to need another scalar parameter so again we just bring it here and we press scalar here it is and in this scalar parameter we name is speed okay and the value will be maybe one let's see how it look but you can see that if you put one the speed will be too much so maybe we're going to decrease the speed to maybe 0.005 maybe and you can get very subtle movement to this fog but don't worry you can also change it later on so this is all the settings so this is how you can create this kind of nice uh Fox surface here okay so when you complete this you just apply it here to apply all these assets and then you save this and now we're going to close this one here and here it is but we're going to also create a middle instance so just right click here and create on this create material instance so here it is and in order to apply this we're going to put a plane here so we go to this box and then we go to the shape and click on this plane okay so here it is first you're going to rotate this plane so we're going to enable this snapping here and we press e to bring this rotation Gizmo and we rotate it to maybe 90 degree here and also we rotate it to 90 degree just like that okay and now again we going to increase the scale maybe so we select this plane and go to the scale and we lock this uniform scale switch and maybe we change it to maybe 20 so 20 will be too much maybe so we change it to 10 okay and and maybe we're going to put this plane over here okay and then we're going to apply this material to this plane so we select this material instance and then we go down this is the material section we just click on this Arrow okay and now you can see that here is this fog here okay maybe we can also increase the scale little bit of this card so press r and we increase this and now you can see that with this local fog it look more amazing okay and you can see also that there is some uh movement here so if you want to change the movement Direction you can just rotate it and you can get this kind of nice movements also here okay but we can also change some settings so we just double click to open this material instance and maybe we minimize this window here and there is the distance so there is the three parameters that we put in this material so the first is distance so if you increase this value you can see that you can fade the distance very nicely here and if you don't want you just leave it as it is and there is the opacity so if you decrease this opacity you can also decrease the fog density here and here is the speed so if you increase it you can increase the speed uh but I think the point zero zero five is nice okay and if we increase this just like that and also you can decrease the distance little bit okay but I think the speed is little too much so maybe we can also decrease it to maybe one okay and now we can just uh duplicate This Plane to get more nice local fog into other areas also okay so maybe we can also duplicate this one over here and then also we place it here and also you can also rotate it to face the camera okay just like that so this is how you can create the nice localized work very easily okay and also we can put some of this local fog into very distance here maybe we go over here and place this fog here and also we can increase the scale just like that okay so now again we go back to our main position here if you think that your sky is not look right because really it's not look that good so you can also change in the sky so in order to change the sky maybe we're going to use some hdri backdrop so in order to put the HD array backdrop we need a plugin to activate which is called this hdri backdrop so to enable this we go to this edit and then we go to this plugins and in the search bar with type for hdri and here you can find this hdri backdrop so just enable this one and we also have to restart our engine so just click on this restart now and after you restart just close and then we go to open our level here and also you open our sequence then we go to this perspective and we enable our camera okay so now we're going to put a hdri backdrop here so in order to download nice hdris I always recommend this polyheaven.com and here you will find this hdri so you go to click here that is the browse hdris so maybe we're going to use this one here so just click here and here from you can change the format so I use this HDR format so make sure that you use this HDR format and also you can change the resolution but for now I'm using this 4K version and these are the creators so many thanks to the creator also and then we just click on this download button here to download this hdri map so here is this hdri map so we're going to bring this hdri map to our content drawer here so just drag and drop here okay so here it is and now we're going to put our hdri backdrop into our scene so for this we go to this box and we click on this place actor panel and in the search bar we type for hdri so here it is the hdri backdrop we just ding it over here okay so you can see that instantly it look different but we're going to change the hdri backdrop so you can see that our hdri backdrop looks something like this so here it is and we're going to dip it down little bit like that okay and also we're going to change the texture map also you can see that this Sky look nice but we're going to change it with our downloaded Sky hdri Map here so it just bring this hdri map and we just click over here to put this Edge that I map here okay so you can see that our hdri map looks something like that but you can see one thing that our hdri area is so less so we're going to increase the volume of this hdri map so in order to increase this volume there is the size so we're going to put 6000 Maybe and now you can see that we get more volume here okay just like that okay but you can see that our hdri Sky will look too much blown out so we're going to decrease the intensity of this so here is the intensity maybe we change it to 0.5 here and also maybe we're going to increase the contrast of this map so in order to increase the contrast we just double click to open this texture and then we go down and here you will find these are the parameters for this map so the brightness brightness curve and the saturation all of this so maybe we going to increase the brightness up to maybe 1.5 so it will take little time and you can see that the contrast will be much higher here and also there is the RGB curve we're going to change it to maybe 1.5 also okay and we save this one so we minimize this and you can see that the sky look more vibrant here okay and also when you select this is data backdrop we go to this details panel and here you will find the Skylight option here so we're going to do one thing that will go to the Skylight and also we click on the serial Time Capture and also we're going to put our Sky Map into this Cube map slot here but in order to put this Cube map you cannot just simply put it here because you can see that in a red so you cannot put this here uh so in order to put this you have to turn the real-time capture off and then here is the source type we're going to change this value to the SLS specified Cube map and then we're going to bring our Sky Map here okay just like that and then we're going to turn on this real-time capture okay now you can see that this look nice with this uh hdri sky and also we going to do one thing that we go to this intensity we also decrease this value to maybe 0.5 here and now you can see that this looks something like that and also maybe we can place our walk here also and maybe we can increase the fog scale and then we place it over here and if you want to change the sky position or Sky orientation you can just select this hdri backdrop just click over here on the sky and you will select this hdri backdrop then here is this projection Center we press e to bring this rotation Gizmo and now if you rotate this you can easily rotate the sky here okay but if you rotate the sky you can also remember to do one thing that you just go to the hdrive backdrop and then you select this Edge array backdrop self then we go to this rotation and here is the rotation value we just copy this by pressing Ctrl C to copy this value then we go down this Skylight option and here you will find this projection Center we go to this axis value and we paste the same value over here okay so in that way you can also get the Skylight to rotate in the same direction here okay so this is how you can put this kind of nice hdri backdrop to make your scene look more nice okay and now I'm going to put some other assets like some of these did three some of these broken ships here so for the broken ship I am download some assets from the sketch Fab so I'll show you that what asset I'm use so here you can see that I am using this broken ship here and in order to download this ship we go down here that is the download 3D model just click on here and if you use this model you also have to give the credit to the Creator here so just copy this credit and paste it to your video description if you use this model here and also many thanks to the Creator who actually built these assets and make it free for us so just go to this download 3D model and we're going to use this fbx version so just click on this download and inside this folder we will find these textures as well as this source file here so we also have to extract this model and here is this model and the texture so we're going to import all these assets to here so this is our content drawer but before we do that we going to create a new folder here and we name this as broken both and double click to open this one and then we bring all of this asset to here and here if you want to make this SS Nanette you can just tick this on that is the build and unite option here and we don't need to change anything just click on this import all and if you see this kind of warning just ignore it so just clear it and close it from here so you can see that the material also built with this model so we just bring this model over here okay and also you can see that uh this play sector panel also narrowing your viewport so we just close this place sector panel and here it is so first we're going to increase its scale so we just increase the scale here just like that and also we're going to rotate it so you need to rotate it like this and then also rotate it into this side and then we'll place it over here and also we protect it into this angle maybe we can rotate it into like this and place it over here okay so now you can see that our broken board looks something like this but maybe we can just bring it little higher here and also we rotate it into this side okay so now you can see that uh the texture of this boat is not look that good so for this we're going to use some decals so in order to put the decals we go to this content and we're going to use some Mega scan decals so just right click and go to this add quick cell content and I have already downloaded some decals so I go to the local here and here is some of these decals so maybe we use this one and in order to download this we come over here and you can also change the quality so I'm using the highest quality here and because I have already downloaded this so I don't need to download it again just I click on this ad but when you use it first time you can also have to download it from here so just click on this add button here and also we have some of these day 3 so we can also download those days three now so maybe use this one so we also added to our project because I have already downloaded so I don't need to download it again just click on this add button here so here is our decal so in order to put the decal we just bring these decals or if you don't fight these decals here you just go to this Mega scan folder and if you download some decals you will also get this decals folder so just double click to open this and here is this decal so so we're going to put the stickers over here and you can see that it look nice so maybe we can decrease its scale to effect in the small area here and then also we can duplicate it and we place it okay so now you can see that if even you have this bad texture you can make it good looking by using the decals okay so again we put some dickers here also okay and in order to put some decals into this wall we can also duplicate it here and then also we rotate this just like that and we place this decals here and you can see that it look uh something different so maybe we can decrease its scale and then we also rotate it and then we place it here okay so you can see that now it look nice and now we're going to put some small plants over this boat so we can get more nice result so for this I go to follow section again and then I am going to use this small plants so make sure that we don't select any other plants here so maybe we use those three here and we take this on then we go to the density maybe we increase it to 10 000 here but we go down and we decrease the scale very less so maybe 0.2 2.4 Maybe and also we do one thing that we go over here and this ground slope angle and here it is set to 45 degree so in that way we can only paint the grass or the plant over the surface but not in part perpendicular angles so if we change this to maybe 180 degree now we can also paint on the perpendicular angles but you can see that and the static mesh is not selected so we cannot paint over the static mesh so we select those plants and then we go up and here you will find the static mesh option just enable this one from here so now we can paint also over the static mesh but our brush size is little too high so we're going to decrease the value to maybe 10 and now if we go close here so I decrease my camera speed and then if I paint you can see and you can see that we can paint nicely over this wood here but you can see that our density is less so maybe we can increase the size of the plants maybe 0.5 and also here 0.5 so now if we paint or maybe we deleting this and then we paint now the density look nice and also we can paint over the decals also so now you can see that this look amazing okay and also we can do one thing that uh when we select all of these trees so maybe we select all of this and then we go down here and here you will find uh this option that is the effect distance field lighting so we just turn this on and you can see some of the difference here so if we just turn this on here off here you can see these are the plants go brighter but if you turn this on you can see that it creates nice shadow here okay so you can also do this maybe we can see here so if we just disable this you can get more bright plants but if you turn this on we will get nice depth to the plant okay so make sure that you turn on this effect distance field lighting okay okay and then also we can increase the scale so maybe we come over here and we just select only those three and then we go here and maybe we decrease the density to maybe 1000 and then we set this value to 1 maybe and then we're going to paint here also and maybe you can see that our trees look very bloody it's because uh I use the camera and I also change to the camera focal distance so maybe we go to the sequencer and if we change our forecast distance you can get a more clear result here okay so this is how you can create this kind of scene and also now we put some of these uh date three assets here so we go to these 3D assets then we select the static mesh filter under this Mega scan folder so here is some of these uh fall entry so maybe we use this here rotate this like that and also we place it over here maybe okay and also we have this uh date plans here so maybe we place it over here or first we're going to decrease its scale and then we place it over here okay so this all depends on you that how you want to design this scene and the basic is the same and maybe we just rotate it into this angle and you can see that with those assets it look really amazing okay and also we have some other assets here so maybe let's see so these are the some branches also so maybe we put this Branch over here and increase its scale and then also rotate this so the basic is same and you now I have to design your scene more nicely okay and now we go to the sequencer and maybe we increase our camera Focus distance to get all this scene into Focus okay so now we can get more nice result here okay so this is how you can create this kind of scene so I think you get all the idea here and you can also create nice result but one thing that if you use the hdri backdrop you cannot get the sun into your scene but you can also make this kind of sun here but it look really odd so make sure that you can change your hdri backdrop according to your Sky condition so here maybe we can put our sun into this side Maybe or you can see that where is the sun into our hdrm map so here is the sun position so so maybe we can select our hdri backdrop and we can rotate the sun into our scene here so maybe we just rotate the sky over here and then we place our sun into this side okay so in that way you will get the nice position of our sun and it will look nice and also when you rotate your Sky you can also copy this rotation value to this Skylight option here so here is the projection Center we can just paste the value here okay so this is how you can create this kind of nice environment here and also you can see in my actual video I put other plants small plants here and there so you can also do the same or maybe we can do here also so we will get the idea so again we go to the foliage section then I go here here is the plants so maybe we select those three plants here and we going to increase the scale to maybe 2 by 3 here and also decrease the density to maybe 200 and now if I paint here okay so maybe we can put our uh Sun a little bit down here okay so we go back to our main selection mode and you can see that eventually this scene look nice and if you watch my Taylor video on this environment at the end I also make this scene as a very dark and Misty environment so let's make that two here also so in order to make that environment we can also change so many settings so it will be a nice if we just duplicate this level so if we make any changes this level cannot be affected by the changes so we just click on here and click on this duplicate here and maybe we name this as a dark mode and also we can use a another hdri map for this and here is the HDR map and that I am going to use for the dark mode version so I'm also download this map from the polyhaven so I am also keep the link in the description down below so you can also get this HDR map from there just drag and drop into our content drawer here so here is the map so double click to open this one and you can see this is the HDR map and I'm also make change to its color so we go to its brightness curve and we change this value to maybe 5 here and now you can see that it's look very high contrast here so you're going to use this one so just close it from here and here is our duplicate level which is the call this dark mode we just double click to open this one and also we save the changes here so here it is and now you can see that this looks something like that and also going to create a sequencer for this level so we go to the sequence Tab and we create an add level sequence and maybe also we name this as a dark mode sequence and then we save this one and also we bring our camera over here so we go to the search option and type cine camera here it is just bring it over here so here it is and now we going to change our Sky first so for this we go to the search bar again and type HDR and here is the hdri backdrop and then we go to the top and here is the cube map slot so we're going to use this Cube map this time so you just drag and drop over here just like that and also we go to its just funnel and search for this Skylight here and also change it this one here and then we go down here there is the intensity if we change it to maybe 0.1 for this Skylight but also you go to this hdri backdrop and here is the intensity we change it to one okay just like that and now you can see that our sky looks something like that but the environment is too bright here so we're going to change some settings to the directional light also so you go through this directional light and then we go to this intensity and we change this value to maybe 0.7 here and also you go to this light color we make it like grayish type color here and we hit OK and then we go to the source angle we change this to maybe 10 here and also we go down and in the volumetrics scattering intensity we're going to enable it little bit just like that okay so now you can see that uh our scene looks something like that and also if we change our sun position here you can see that this looks something like that and now we going to change some settings for the Skylight so we go to the search bar and type sky here is the Skylight option and first you go to the Skylight color that is the light color we're going to change this to something like grayish color here and we also go to the sky atmosphere and then we go down and here is this option that's the railing scattering we going to change this color to grayish like color grayish color okay just like that and then we hit OK and now you can see that our scene looks something like that and now we're going to change some settings to this fog but before we do that maybe we can rotate our sky little bit so we type here hdri to select our sky here and then here is this projection Center we going to rotate it little bit so maybe we rotate here maybe or maybe we can place this bright area to this side just like that and when you rotate this hdri backdrop you can also copy this rotation values just copy it and then we go to the Skylight and also we paste this value to this projection Center to here just paste it here okay and now you can see that uh it will look that bright parts in The Horizon here and now finally we're going to change the fox settings so we go to this exponential height fog here and first you go to the Spock density we're going to change it to maybe 1.5 here and now you can see that this look nice for the environment here and the fog fall off we're going to make it as 2 as it is and also maybe we can change it to only one okay just like that okay so now you can see that this getting better now okay so if we just place our camera here or maybe we can go to this date tree here this tree and we can maybe make it literally bigger here and place it over here so now you can see that this look really amazing with that dead tree okay maybe we can delete our mannequin here to get a nice view here okay so now you can see that this look really amazing and also we can do one thing that we can just duplicate our Fox sheets here so we just go to our Fox sheet and maybe we can increase its density also so after selecting this fox sheet we go to a details panel and here is the material and double click to open this material here and maybe we can increase its uh opacity to maybe 1.6 Maybe so let's see if we save it from here and here is our Fox sheet maybe we place it over here okay and then also we can duplicate it to this side also to make a nice Misty environment here and also we can rotate this okay now you can see nice Parallax to this fog also and also again we go to our fog settings so it is the exponential heart block and if you go here that is the secondary fog data you can also make the secondary fog here also and after that we can also increase this fog height fall off here okay so now you can see that this look really amazing or maybe we can go over here and to this uh Cliff we can also increase its scale maybe little bit just like that and if we go here you can see that you can see a nice big mountain at the Horizon here and you can see that this look really amazing and after you render it you can make little bit of color correction to make it more nice so this is how you can build this kind of scene here so this is it and now we can make some camera animation here also so we go to our sequencer here and here is our cinematic camera so first we go to this transform make a keyframe here and also make this keyframe as a linear keyframe so just right click here and make it as a linear and then also maybe if you want to make a 10 second long video and your frame rate will be 24 frame per second so in that case maybe we can put this 240 frames here and then also extend this timeline here also the extend the camera cut here and then also we can put some extra frame at the beginning here and now we go to our last frame so just click over here to get to this last frame here and then we just animate our camera like this okay and maybe we put our camera a little bit down here and then also we make a keyframe here or you can also click on this auto keyframe switch here so now you can see that if you play it you can get a nice animation here okay so this is how you can make this kind of scene also make a nice camera animation here and if you need some camera animation reference you can also watch my trailer video for this okay and also we can do some environmental effect so if you enable the stutter content you can go to the starter content folder and inside the starter content folder you will find this particles folder so here you can get some ambient dust element so you can just put those ambient dust here and there and this look really amazing so if we just play through you can get little bit of particles here so maybe you're not seeing it because of this YouTube compression but when you render it you will get this nice particles into your scene okay and also you can put some other smoke effects so maybe we can put this theme over here and then also we can increase its scale maybe so you can get nice movable clouds or Mist like effects here okay and you can also can put other one over here and then we can increase its scale maybe we place it over here and we can also rotate this okay so you can get nice effect by using those assets and now finally I am going to show you that what will be my render settings to render this out at a high quality so in order to render this scene in high quality we're going to enable a plugin which is called the Smoothie render queue so for this we go to this edit and go to this plugins and then we're going to type for movie render Cube and when you type movie you will find this movie render queue plugin just enable this one as well as this movie render queue additional render passes just enable those and then you have to restart the engine so just click on this restart now and now we're going to render it so we also enable our plugin and then we go to this windows then we go to the cinematics and when you enable the plugin you will get this option that is the movie render queue after that we go to this render option and we select our actual sequence so in that case the sequence will be the dark mode sequence so just select this one here then you go to the settings tab and under this unsafe config just click to open this one uh first we're going to delete this jpeg sequence because we don't want uh our sequence will be jpeg then we go to the settings first we put this anti-aliasing and in this temporal sample count I put 32 here and also click on this override anti-aliasing and then also we click on this warm-up frames because you also put some extra frames there so in order to render this we're going to click on here then again we go to the settings and then we go to this camera and I choose the shutter timing I choose this Frame close then again you go to the settings and put this high resolution here and finally again go to the settings and I choose this exr sequence so our format will be exr then we go to this output and here is the output directory so here you can put the pathway where you want to save your renders then just click on this accept and finally just click on this render local and your sequence will be ready so this is it and this is how you can build this kind of scene so if you like this video I recommend you to check my other videos and if you like those videos please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on so this is for today and we will see in my next video so till then take care and bye bye foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 111,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Id: aaLqEHXGiww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 20sec (5900 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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