Unreal Engine 5.1.1Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #unrecord

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Hello friends welcome back this is omit from magnet and today we are going to create this awesome Under Construction environment scene inside Unreal Engine pipe so first take a look what we are going to create today foreign [Music] foreign I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I'd like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so I launched my Unreal Engine from here and then I choose this games option here and then I choose this third person template and here I also check the starter content here and then I name my project as tutorial and I click on this create button here after that I go to the file and click on this new level and I choose this empty level here and I click on this create and now I am going to save this project so I press Ctrl and S and I also name this as tutorial and I hit save so it will save my level here and then I'm going to create a quick live setup so I go to this window and then go to this environment light mixer and I click on this create Skylight create this atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create volumetric cloud and create height fog then I go down here and I select this volumetric fog then I close this after that I go to the Skylight and turn on this real-time capture then I am going to create a landscape here so I go to the select mode button and go to this landscape and I don't need to change anything here so just click on this create button here okay then I go back to our main mode here so now we're going to create outline for our level so inside this content drawer we have the starter content folder just double click here and then also we select a filter here that is a static mesh filter and if you don't have the static mesh filter go to the steel line option here and then select the static mesh filter here just click on here and if we go down you will find this kind of walls here so we're going to use this wall that is the 400 into 400 so we first we bring it here and we can also do one thing that we can put a character here so we can understand actually the size reference so we go to this characters folder then go to this mannequins and then we go inside this mesh folder and we will find this mannequin so just bring it over here so you can get a nice size reference here so now we're going to duplicate this wall into several times to make our outline [Music] so I just make a three walls here or maybe four walls just like this and then I go here and I rotate this so in order to get this rotation Gizmo press e or you can just change it from here and then we just duplicate it into this angle and also snap it to 90 degree here just like this so if you want a bigger house you can also extend it to other numbers but I think this look nice so and also I duplicated it to here so in order to duplicate just press and hold the ALT key and just drag any axis you can duplicate any object here okay just like this or maybe extend it little bit more so maybe this look nice or we can also duplicate this mannequin here [Music] okay just like this and then also we duplicate into this side and then also I place it here [Music] thank you [Music] okay so you can see that we make this nice kind of room here now we need to put the roof here so we're going to use any of these blocks so just duplicate it and then we rotate it here into 90 degree and then also we increase the scale of this just like this and also put it here so first we're going to put this into here thank you and also you're going to make this side empty and also duplicate it and we place it over here just like this and maybe place these things over here okay just like this and also we do one thing that again we duplicate it and we place it over here okay so if we go inside here you can see that we have this nice roofing system here and also we have some empty space to bring the light inside these rooms and also here okay so now we're going to put some pillars so we can also duplicate this mannequins here as well so if we just duplicate it here we can also get some nice size reference here so first we're going to put a pillar over here so for this we are going to this box here and then go to this shape and select this Cube and then we place it over here and also I increase this axis scale and also decrease this axis scale here okay and then first I put this over here also increase the scale and also decrease the scale okay just like this so first I put a pillar over here okay just like this and then also I duplicate this to here maybe okay and also I duplicate it here okay just like this and likewise we also have pillar to this side so I duplicate it and put a pillar here and also one is here okay just like this then also we duplicate here so basically we're going to put pillars to every corners just like this [Music] foreign [Music] just like this so you can get the idea the thought I am going to do here and also we put a pillar over here okay so now we're going to put some dots also so for this again we go to these uh starter content folder here then go to select the static mesh and we can also have this kind of Dots here so first we put a door over here so I'm going to delete this one so I have this door so maybe [Music] we can replace this with the tool here okay just like this [Music] and then also we're going to put a shape here so to fill this area just put it here and then also increase the scale and make the same size here and if this snapping bothers you you just uncheck this from here so you can make it smoothly okay and also we have a door over here as well so going to use the same things over here so it's just duplicate it into this side and also I delete this one and then I use this one here [Music] okay just like this [Music] and also duplicate this one to fill this area just like this okay and maybe when you put a door here you can also block this area so do the same technique by using those walls so just duplicate it and then I place it here to just block this room here okay also duplicate it into this side and then also we rotate it and also duplicate it and then we cover this area so if you go here you can get these walls and also this door and you can get a small room inside here which is black because uh the light is not going inside here and also do the same things over here [Music] foreign [Music] okay so now you can get the idea so if you just play from here and you can see that what we have done here so we have this small room and also this door and also we have a door also here and another one is here and here and all doors have their small rooms so it not look just a door it also have a small room inside here okay so this is uh how you can make a small outline for your scene and believe me that if you do these things it will be very helpful when you put the assets into your scene okay so we go back to our main viewport here and first we going to put some the roof assets here so now I'm going to download some Mega scan assets to make the whole scene so I'll show you that what assets I used for the roof so for this I'm going to use some Mega scan assets so I go to this APK Marketplace click on this Marketplace here then you go to this free and select this Mega scans then you go down and go to this page number two and you will get this one that is the Mega scan abundant apartment and click on this create project and then you have to specify the path where you want to download this and when you're ready just click on this create button here so when you complete the download you will find this folder that is the Mega scan abandoned Apartment just double click here so here is the project file but we don't need to open this we just go to this content and copy all those things just copy here just copy and then we go to our actual project which is the tutorial so here is our actual project folder which is named the tutorial go to this content and then we paste it here and then we go back to our actual level here and you can see that there are so many other folders here which we just copied from the project so you can see that if we just selecting the static mesh filter you can see that we have all these assets from the actual project and those assets are so useful for this kind of environment here so first we're going to looking for some of the roof assets here so here you can see that and this kind the ceiling assets which is called the ASM ceiling so first we're going to use those assets to fit in here so I'm going to choose this one so I put it over here and just put these things onto the ceiling so it will take little time to arrange all those assets into the ceilings but don't worry we can do this together so once you put things here just duplicate it and just make things like this so I'm going to fast forward this from here [Music] okay so as you can see that it look little bit identical because I just do it quickly for this sake of this tutorial but you can take your time and put other assets to make it different looking so here we can also do some randomization by putting other ceiling assets to here and there to make it little different looking so but you can get the idea and I also you can see that I also leave this area so for this we can also use other assets so maybe we can do one thing that we can extend our ceiling a little bit to this side so maybe for this we're going to use this assets here so we put some of this roof assets to this side to extend it little bit just like this and also we can rotate it into 90 degree here and we put it over here okay just like this and also we can have some brokens one so we're going to use this so just rotate this and put it over here and also we can put some to this side as well just like this and let's see what we have so we have this one also so [Music] put it here [Music] okay just like this duplicate it and rotate it into this side foreign we have others so just put things here and there [Music] okay just like this and if you go down here you can see that what we're going to achieve here so you can see that uh some of the broken ceiling assets um that can Edge out from this area and you can see that it looked nice and also do the same thing to here as well so just duplicate it and also we duplicate other assets to make it little different looking just like this maybe we rotate it to this side and also you can rotate this one also so just like this okay and do the same here rotate it into this angle okay just like this so now you can get the idea but remember uh I just make it quickly so this look shows identical but I think you can put your time to make it more nicer by using different uh looking assets to here and there and sometimes you can also put some assets just like this so you can get other nice looking ceiling here and also we can put some other ceiling assets here and there just like this okay and now we can do the same thing into this side as well so I am going to make it little quick here okay so you can see that it looks something like this so if I play from here you can see that the roof looks so amazing okay so now we're going to put the pillars here so for this I'm going to use a mega scan asset so I go to this content and then right click and then click on this add to pixel content and here I have already downloaded some assets so this is the pillar that I'm going to use here so I'm also give the link in the description down below so once you select just click on this download button and I have already downloaded and when you complete the download just click on this add button here and it will add it to your project so after you add you will find this folder here or if you not find this just go to this under Mega scan and just click on the static mesh option here and you will find this pillar here so I bring it to this this level here and then I rotate this to 90 degree here and also rotate it into this angle to 90 degree and then I put it here so I just replacing this pillar with this one so first I delete this one and just replace it to here and you can see that the scale is very less so we're going to increase the scale also just like this and also you put it little inside the walls here okay so now we're going to change all pillars with this pillar so we duplicate this one here and then we delete this and you can see that the metal is not two-sided so you can see that this side is transparent so one thing you can do that just select this assets and then go to this materials here and just double click to open the material and then go down and you will find this material property overrides once you expand this you will find this two-sided just enable this and activate this from here and you can get two sided middle here and then we save this and close it from now and but you can still see that this side looks empty so we do one thing that we just duplicate it to this side so we Type e to bring this rotation Gizmo and then press alt and hold the ALT key and just rotate this to 180 degree and then we merge it here like this so you can get a nice big pillar here okay and now we're going to duplicate it to change all these pillars so I am fast forwarding this from now [Music] foreign [Music] okay so you can see that we replace all the pillars here and now we're going to put the beams on the top of this walls so it's also very simple so we just duplicate these pillars and use it as a beam so it just duplicate it here and then we rotate this to 90 degree angle and then we put it over here just like this and also it duplicate to several times to fill all these areas so I am also fast forwarding this one now [Music] foreign [Music] and connect all the pillars here and you can see that now it going to look something like that the apartment like structure here so it will take little time but take your time and do all the pillars things here and you can see that it going to looks like the apartment so now we going to put some texture on the walls so I going to use some quick cell material for this so I go to my content drawer again and then right click and add to quick sell content here so we have uh so many materials for the walls here so first we're going to use this damage one so just go to select this and click on this download button here or you can change the quality from here so maybe we're going to use the high quality here and also click on this download and after download click on this add button here then minimize this and in order to find this material go to this Mega scan and then we go to the surface option here and also we enable a filter called the middle instance so if you not find this filter just go to this three line button then go to this material and then you will find this material instance just take this one from here and select this one and you will find this damage wall material here so first we're going to apply this into this wall so just click and drag and drop here just like this and you can see that the tiling is so much so you need to decrease the tiling as well so if I double click here and then we going to The Styling option expand this and we're going to reduce this one from here so maybe 0.5 and 0.5 will work nice yes you can see that it works nice so you just save this and minimize this and again we apply this to this wall as well and also to this one so you can see that uh this look very repetitive but we're going to put other assets to make it some manageable and one thing also you can do maybe we can decrease the tiling even more so maybe 0.2 by 0.2 yes this look nice so save this and minimize this and also we use the same texture to this wall as well so just apply so it's not necessary that you do the same you can also use other material for walls we go to this quick sell content and maybe use this one and also you can download some others so maybe this one as well so this paint job looks very awesome and also this one so maybe we use this one first so just click on this add and then we minimize this again we go to this Mega scan folder then go to these surfaces enable this material instance filter here and here it is so maybe we apply this to this wall so we just apply this one and again we're going to decrease the tiling so just maybe 0.2 by 0.2 and also we apply to this wall so you can see that uh there is Little Sim but we can use some decals to fix it so maybe we just rotate it little bit maybe we decree disable the snapping and just like this and then also we move this wall to here and here also and you can see that this intersects so maybe we can just put it little below here and now you can see that this will look nice [Music] just like this okay and if you see some of these gaps here you can just increase the scale to maybe fix this gaps here just like this okay and again we have other paint jobs so maybe we use those as well so again go to this quick sell content and maybe use this one so just download and add to your project and maybe we add this one as well so you just go to this material select this high quality and download it and then we click on this add button here just minimize this and you can also use those material on the walls so maybe we just use this one here again the tiling is so much so we're going to decrease it to maybe 0.2 by 0.2 just like this save this and again use the same material to here and you can see that this look something like this so maybe we use another one so again go to this Mega scan go to the surfaces enable this material instance maybe use this one here and also we can just put it here and also just push it to wall and then we can also push this just like this okay okay something like this and also we put this same material to this so just use it here and you can see that uh this one so stretched out so maybe we can fix it just like this [Music] okay so one thing we can do that we can just delete this wall and extend this the same wall to fill up all this area so it just increase the scale like this and put it here just like this and then we can just double click to this material and we increase the tiling here according to our need [Music] okay just like this so you can see that it's a single seamless wall so do the same if you just move it to here [Music] and extend this wall okay just like this and also we do the same here as well so maybe first we increase this height of this wall and then we going to put the material over here so maybe we use to put the material to this wall so again we increase the scale maybe we disable the snapping here so we can increase the wall easily just like this and maybe we use this material over here and then we just extend this just like this okay and do the same here as well so you can get the idea that how you can make the seamless wall here and sometime if you want to custom design your wall texture with the same texture that can apply to this wall and if you change anything from here you can change all this texture on the walls so but if you want to just change this wall you can do one thing that you can just right click and duplicate here so here is the duplicate one and if you make changes to this one so if you just make change here maybe 0.5 by 0.5 here and then if you apply this material over here you can simply change to this wall without changing other walls so make sure that you duplicate and change because if you make change to the same material instance you can change all the walls here just like this so do the same to this walls as well [Music] foreign [Music] if you think the Sim is so noticeable you can do one thing that just duplicate any pillars here and put it here just like this so you can literally hide those seams here [Music] okay so you can see that and this look nice and you can also do more works if you want to make it more nice because there are so many wall materials so you can use those but now stick up this tutorial I am using those textures here and now we're going to put other extra details to the walls so we're going to use some decals so there are so many decals library in mega scan so again we go to this content drawer again or content then we write click and go to this add to pixel content and here you can find so many decals so I have already downloaded some so if I go to this decals you can get so many decades that we have here so first is going to use maybe this one so this is the graffiti on the wall and in order to export just click on this blue arrow here or just click on this add button here or maybe we can use other ones so you just click and add it here do the same just click on this download here and then click on this add button here with the same click on download add do the same here click download and add here so once you go to the decals folder there are so many decals here so first we're going to use this one or maybe this one this one look nice so first we're going to put this graffiti over here so it just put it here and you can see that the face of the graffiti indicate by this Arrow this purple Arrow so we're going to put this Arrow over here and you can see sometimes it's look dark because if you just rotate it into 180 degree it can fix this so rotate into 180 degree here just like this and you can see that this look nice and if you decrease the scale of this from this axis you can see that this look nice and when you put those graffitis on the wall you can get nice result here and if you just push it a little down below the wall you can see that it really blends with the painting of the walls just like this and if you want a more prominent graffiti you can just uh put it over this wall you can get this nice result so you can see that you can also get some of the texture of the wall and the graffiti texture here okay just like this so and we can also rotate it little with just like this maybe not that much we just rotate it slightly here and also we increase the scale of this graffiti and make it more a nice design you can do one thing that you can put other graffitis over this so do the same here and then we rotate this also we enable this mapping here and then we rotate it to 90 degree then we decrease the scale just like this and also we just push it through the wall so make it that it blends with the wall texture nicely just like this okay so we can do this to most of the walls here so not the all walls because it will look fake most of the walls will cover with this graffitis so maybe we can use other ones so I am fast forwarding this from now and sometimes you can see this kind of flickering like things it's because that two models are intersecting so it just make it like this and you can see that those flickerings are gone and again we put some decals over here as well [Music] oh [Music] okay so you can get the idea so if we play from here you can see that this graffitis looks so amazing and now we can also put other decals to make the walls look more nicer so for this we again go to this Mega scan content so just right click and go to this add quick cell content here and we have some leakage decals here so we're going to use it uh to all the walls to make it more nice and you can also get other leakage here so but these things Works nicely for me so I'm going to use this one so just click on this add button here and here is this leakage decal and you can see that if we put something over on this walls you can see that the result will be more amazing so just put it over here and then we rotate this to 90 degree here and then I just put it down here and maybe we decrease the scale like this and you can see that when you put something like this on the walls it look more amazing that the walls are leaking and this gives a nice old kind of look here okay so do the same for this all walls here [Music] okay so we almost cover all the walls here and if I missed somewhere you can fill the gaps so I think you understand that what I am going to do here so this is how you can make this kind of nice walls and you can also put other gravities and make it more Dynamic so I think this will gives you idea that how I achieve the walls so now if you satisfied with the walls you can also do one thing that you can see that the inner walls are still white so you can put any of the material over this walls to make it look nice so maybe we again go to this Mega scans folder go to the surfaces and maybe we use some of the materials here so we select this metal instance filter and maybe we put this material [Music] so now if we play you can see this looks so amazing and the lighting look nice all because of the Lumen the global illumination is also look nice so I think you get the idea and I think you also enjoying the building here so just make your own design and put different graffitis to different walls and it will look more amazing and you can also see that when we put those leakage nickels on the wall it really gives a nice result to our scene and now we're going to move to the next part which is the floor so for the surface again we go to this Mega scan folder and then we go to the surfaces and also we enable this metal instance filter and you will find this material over here so just put this material on this landscape so you select our landscape here here is the landscape and now we're going to go to this material slot here and you can see that landscape material which is empty we just drag and drop it here so it will take a click time to appear and you can see that this is so much tiled so it just double click to open this and then we go to The Styling here and we can decrease the tiling okay just like this and you can see that this look nice okay so this is how you can put any material over these surfaces and you can see that this is also look bad because it is extended here so maybe we can just move it here just like this maybe a little bit more and also we extend these two here okay just like this now is the time to put some assets here and there okay so first we're going to put some Broken Walls here and there so uh we have some Mega scan assets for this so if we go to this epic game Marketplace and here is this content pack so we're going to use this one that is the Mega scan crumble walls so just click on this add to project then we select our project here and just click on this add to project so once you complete the download you will find this folder here so just double click and click on the static mesh and you will find this assets and those assets are so amazing so maybe we can put this one here and then we rotate this and maybe we put it over here and also you can increase the scale little bit to match the wall okay just like this and also we have some others so maybe we can use this one here increase the scale and you can see this also have some rods popping out here so it also makes a nice result to the scene okay just like this and maybe we can just duplicate it over here and we'll also have some others so maybe we use this one here maybe [Music] put it until down so you can use the walls in a different places and make a nice result so maybe we can use this one here and again we use this one here increase the scale Maybe put these things here okay just like this so just put it here and there and you will get nice result okay so now we're going to put some other assets from the crystal Mega scan so again I go to the pixel content here and here you can find some of these rubbles and this looks so amazing and just use it and maybe go to this quality and use the nanite quality here and I have already downloaded so if you not downloaded it just click on here to download these assets with nanite quality and click on this add button to add it to your project so here it is here is the file and now we're going to put this here in there so maybe we put these things here and then also we rotate this put a little down or maybe we can increase the scale and you can see that the details is so amazing and just put it little down and put these things here maybe we also duplicate it and rotate this then dip it down little bit so this is so Random you can use anything you want here and then also I duplicate it here put a little down something like this or maybe we can just decrease the scale to make it little flat and place it here just like this also do the same dip it down and place it here okay so now we can do the same thing here and there to fill the areas here just like this and you can also use other assets and the assets also present in the mega scan so if we go to the pixel content and here you can see there is other same looking asset but different looking so we can also use this one too so just add it here after downloading this and then here it is and it is also in the net quality so you can put uh as much as you want and it will not heavy or render because it's in a night so just put these things here and there and you can see that those assets are so amazing that if you put here and there randomly it can gives you nice look to your scene okay so now you can see that and this look nice result to our scene and if you play it from here you can see that this look really amazing and now we going to put some other assets here so I'm going to use some free assets from the APK Marketplace so I'll show you that what assets I am using here so I go to the APK Marketplace and here is this is my library so let's see what we have here so first I'm going to use this one that is this construction site volume 2 and the construction site volume one and also I have other assets here so this this is this industrial props pack 6. so I'm also gave all the assets Link in the description down below so first I'm going to add those assets into my project so first I click on this one here and just click on this add to project here then I'm select my tutorial level project here and just click on this add to project okay so we have successfully added those assets to our project and if you go to this content and click on the static mesh filter you can visualize all these assets here and if you want to specify some assets you can just go to the folder here so maybe here that is the construction volume one and click on the static mesh option and you will find this here so let's see what we have here so first we going to use this Rubble dumper here so maybe we can use this one here and you can see that this looks so amazing and maybe we can just rotate it and then we dip it down here just like this maybe we can rotate it to slightly to 10 degree to make it uneven here okay so you can see that this look amazing and the level of details also very nice so you can see that this look amazing and also we have some other things here so we have also this kind of doors here so maybe you use this one here so first we put this door over here and then we rotate this to 90 degree and then we'll put it over here so the scale is small so we're going to increase the scale also just like this and also we make it little rotate here so like it scan look something that the door is open just like this so we can also have some this cement brick blocks here so we're going to use to put something over here maybe we just rotate it little bit and also put some at the floor here also have this wooden this pedal stand here just put these things here maybe we rotate it to little bit so this is very random and you can design your scene according to your need so I'm just showing you that how you can put things here in there okay just like this and then also we have some single blocks here so we can put things here and there as well some of these wooden boxes here this is not wooden boxes I think this paper boxes or cardboard so just put here in there just like this and also have some of these things over here and also we have some of these cement bags here so we're going to use them as well and in my actual video I put a cement pipe here so you can also put things something like this here and there if you want maybe I rotate this or maybe not this one maybe we put this one and I can also decrease the scale and just put these things over here so I don't know why the pipe is here but I just put this here because it look nice and don't ask me that why I put it here because I don't know yes and also we have some other things so maybe we can put this over here once we rotate it to this side and also we have some wooden boxes here just put these things also you have some drums and then also this um plastic covers also makes a nice result to our scenes so just put these things here and there and it will look amazing [Music] just like this okay and then also we have this water tanks so maybe you can put it here okay okay just like this then also we put these things here and also put something over here then you can also have some of these let me see okay you can also put those barrels it look nice but make sure that uh not put so much things into a single place because it will look not that good so maybe we delete this one and this one from here make a clear path for The View [Music] and let's see what we have inside this construction Volume 2 pack so here you can also have so many nice things so maybe we put this where here also we have some of the buckets so maybe we put some buckets here and there may be and also we have this wooden table here so these things look nice so maybe we can put this table or maybe we can just put this table here [Music] and put something over this table so maybe we can put this one here and here you can find some of these wooden blocks so we're going to use these wooden blocks here to make a frame of this door so maybe we put it over here and also duplicate it here and then also we duplicate it here and rotate this to 90 degree here and then also again we duplicate it and rotate to 90 degree and then we place it over here so it will make a nice frame to our door here okay just like this and also we can open this door little bit more [Music] just like this okay and do the same for all the doors so I will select this Frame here and I just duplicate it to this door so I duplicated it here [Music] it's like this and place it here okay and then also I duplicate this same things to the other dots [Music] so this is how you can make things like this and we can also duplicate the door to this walls as well so maybe we going to use this one here and then we decrease the size of the door like this and we place it here okay just like this so you can just put the door here or just leave it like this so it is all depends on you but I'll show you that how you can do this if you want to so now we can put other things here and there so maybe we can put these tables here [Music] and just rotate it and then also duplicate it and also rotate it into this angle and then we going to put this wooden ply here and then we rotate this and move it here okay just like this so maybe we can use this cement maker here and just put it here and also we have this cement block or we can use this here so maybe we can just use it here and then we dip it down just like this and we have some assets here so maybe we can put these things over here so this is so Dynamic and you can use anything you want so not just copy me make your own imagination here so just put these things here and then maybe we can increase this here little bit just like this okay and also we have some of these cylinders so maybe we can use the cylinder here also duplicate it rotate it so and also we have this kind of stuff here so maybe just put these things here and there and also we have this star I don't know uh the use of the tire here so I am just leaving it here and also we have this kind of wire here so we can use these things and also use those gas cans here and also put those buckets over here and the gas cans Maybe [Music] and this cap over here [Music] and if you want you can put this ladders here so just put if you want and make it slide and just push it to the wall okay so this is how you can design so maybe I think that we can design enough here and also we have other assets so industrial props here so here you can get other assets so maybe first we going to use this rack here so maybe we can use this rack and also decrease the scale Maybe and put these things here also we have some of these boats here so maybe we can use this boards over here okay just like this and these barrels look amazing so you can put those barrels here and there maybe and just rotate this and also we have these barrels with covers so you can use this and I'm use this wooden boxes also so put those things here and there maybe we decrease the scale little bit and also we have without the cover so you can use this okay and these things I saw in the unrecord gameplay so I am obsessed to use this one and I don't know what is this maybe pipe rolls yes it's a host pipe things and the guy who made the under record gameplay It's amazing And this project is totally inspired from the on record gameplay so many thanks to the Creator who make the on record gameplay and it's really it's where us and also we have those things here and there so maybe we put those things here also deep it down little bit [Music] just like this so you can see that more things you put it will gives you more natural look and but make sure that you put things very uh meaningful ways so it not look that it's exaggerated things here so just make things believable okay and also we have some of these papers here cuttings here so maybe we use this one here maybe you can decrease the scale of this and put things here and there okay just like this so this look really amazing okay so this look amazing now we going to put some vegetations over here so for the vegetation I have some Mega scan foliages so I go to this content drawer and right click and add to quick sell content here and then I go to this 3D plants and we have some of this black Lucas plant here so we're going to use this one so I have already downloaded so just click on this add button to add to my project here so once you have added those foliages into your project you will get it inside this Mega scan folder under this Mega scan then go to these 3D plants and you will find this black Lucas plants here so first I have to do one thing that I select all these plants and right click here so just click here and click on this enable nanac for selected just click on here and then we go here and go to this foliage section here and the plants are already added here so we select all these plants and maybe we just click on this tick mark here and maybe we not use all of this so just select those plants we going to use here so maybe use this three only here and after selecting those just go down and here you can find this density so it just increase the density to maybe 500 and then also we go to the scale and we decrease the scale to maybe 0.22.4 maybe and also go up and decrease the brush size to maybe 50. so now let's see how it look like and then we go to put some of the plant over here so just click and pin and you can see that it look nice but I think the density is less so I'm just deleting those and in order to delete just press and hold the shift key and just paint and it will delete so we go down here and after selecting all of these three and we increase the density to maybe 800 so let's see okay so the density look nice and let's put some of the plants here and there just like this [Music] just like this and now one thing we also can do we just select all of these three and go down here and we can increase the scale to its default value that is one by one and now we going to also we decrease the density from here to maybe 400 so let's put some over here so maybe we delete and put so some of the plants are bigger in scale so just like this and maybe not that big so we're going to decrease the scale to maybe 0.55.8 and then we'll put okay just like this and also do the same here together [Music] okay so this look amazing and also we can put some of the big plants here okay so just like this and again we go to our main selection mode and we can do one thing that maybe we duplicate it here and also put it down a little bit and then also we go to our polish section and delete those extra plants here okay okay so now we going to see that what else we have here so we go back to our main selection mode and now we're going to put some Falling Leaves over this floor so for this we going to go to this Contender and then we go to this content and just select the static mesh option here and let's see what we have here or maybe we just go to this Mega scan folder to specify the area and then we have this kind of falling leaves here so if you put it over here you can get a nice result so you can see that this look nice but we're going to use it as a foliage system to make it little quick so you go to our foliage again and then we select all of these following leaves here and then we bring it here okay and then we just disable those plants and select only those foliages and if we just paint it here you can see that this look nice maybe we can do one thing that we can decrease the scale of this so maybe we go here and decrease the scale to maybe [Music] 0.4 to 0.5 here and also increase the density to maybe 200 and let's paint here okay just like this [Music] okay so this look nice and we can also have some of the other plants so maybe we use these plants and just select all of this and then we put it to our polyester section here just like this and then we just only select those plants so we'll just select all then deselect and only select those plants and make those stick here okay and let's see how big those are okay and maybe we can decrease the scale of those so after selecting those go down here and then we maybe we minimum scale to 0.22.5 maybe and also increase the density to maybe 500 wow and you can see that this looks so amazing and maybe we can also increase the density to maybe 800 here and also it decrease the brush size to maybe 20. and increase the density of 2 1 and now we can print so I think this look amazing and also we have some other assets here so maybe this gas can just put these things over here and maybe we can go to our main selection mode and here you can find so many assets so just put things here and there to make it more nice and one thing also I have did in my actual video that I put some IVs here so the IV is also present in here so you can put those as well so here is the Ibis so maybe we put those things over here maybe we increase the scale [Music] and also we put these things [Music] and then I rotate this to this angle and then I put it over here so just put these things here and there and it will very time consuming stuff that you put manually here and there so just make the patience and do the job so it will look nice more you spend the time more look nice so just put those ivcr in there and also put some of the IVs here also just like this and also we have some of this IBS here so increase the scale and put it over here okay just like this so I'm not invest so much time for this because it's already a very long tutorial but you can get the idea you can put so many IV plant here and there and make it look nicer and if you want to have some ideas you can watch my actual videos on this so I think you will get the ideas from there as well so now we can also have some other assets here so maybe let's see we have some funds here as also and also some of the streets so you can just use those trees here and there and make a nice design so let's see [Music] okay so I think we put enough things here and there and you can get a nice result here so if we just play it from here and if you play you can see that wow this look really really amazing and if you put other assets into your scene it will look more nicer and if you have some ideas you can definitely watch my actual videos on this I put so many assets there and make a nice result so I think he will get the idea so now we're going to put some cameras and let's see that how it look now if you want to make a cinematic shot by using this area Okay so let's put some camera so in order to put a camera first you go to this box here and go to the cinematics and click on the cine camera actor and here is the camera so first we right click and click on this snap object to view and then we go to this perspective and select our camera here and before we do change to our camera let's create a sequence here so I deselect this filter then go to this box and click on this add level sequence and we name this as tutorial sequence and we save this here and now we going to bring our camera over here so first we select our camera so type camera here it is and just bring it here firstly select our camera and we go to some post process settings here so first you go to this lens then you go to this Bloom and we change this method to conversation first and then go to this intensity and we decrease the intensity to maybe 0.2 here then we go to this exposure and do emittering mode and change this to manual here then we go to this exposure compensation and change this to maybe 11 so we can get nice exposure to camera or maybe 11.5 okay so this is according to your need and here go to this camera first we go to this preset that is the flim back we change this to 16 to 9 DSLR and then we come over here go to this current focal length we decrease it focal into Maybe 16. so you can see that this look nice and also one thing we have to do that first you go to this camera aperture and we decrease the value okay so you will get nice exposure to your camera okay or maybe you can set it to two and then also select the camera here and we go down to this exposure and we change this to 12. okay so we'll get nice Bloom here also and maybe one thing you do we will firstly go to this fox settings here work settings and we also decrease the fog density something like this okay we go to the directional light select the directional light and you can see that and this Shadow is too hard here the edges of the Shadow is too hard so we go to these light settings and we go to the source angle and increase the source angle so you will get more softer Shadow here just like this okay so you can get nice result and if we change the light position just press Ctrl and L and move the mouse and you can literally change the light position from here so maybe you can just put your sun over here and then if you go here you can also get nice scene here okay just like this so now we can also select our camera and do some post processing also so first we go to this lens then we go to this lens flare and enable the lens flare but we decrease the intensity to maybe 0.2 and everything look nice so this is how you can set up your cinematic camera here and believe me that it look really amazing I mean I took so much time to make this tutorial and I go through all the step by step process so you can understand that how exactly you can do this but in the end the result look really amazing so I think you really enjoyed this tutorial and now we're going to put some camera animation here so this is very easy to make some camera animation inside Unreal Engine so first go to go to this transform and make a keyframe here and here you can change the keyframe type to linear so first you make a linear keyframes so just right click and make it linear and also we click on this auto keyframe switch here then we go over here to the last and then we just make a camera movement here like this and because we enable this Auto keyframe it will automatically keyframe here so now you can see that it makes a nice camera animation but it's a very simple and we all know that how can we do this but I also show you that how you can make a gameplay recording by using this so you can see that uh here is the walls are so much blank because I didn't put any material over here so I can just put some material also here so let's see so here is this material I just click on this search option here and put those materials over here also so you can put your own material if you want and make things look nice so and also I do one thing that I duplicate it and block this area to block the light [Music] okay just like this so here now you can get the idea so for the gameplay I'm going to use the take recorder to record my gameplay so I go to this window then go to the cinematics and here is the tech recorder and if you not find the take recorder inside the Cinematic you have to enable this plugin so you go to this edit then go to this plugins and then type take recorder take recorder and you will find this take recorder just enable this one and you are prompt to restart the engine just restart and you will find this take recorder option inside this cinematics okay so one thing you have to remember that when we do the gameplay recording we use the first person template but here if we play it if we play it it's a third person template so we have to change this third person template to first person so how we do that it's very simple just go back to our main mode here and then we have to add and here you will find this add feature n or content path just click here and here you can find this first percent just click and add to your project so here you find just I just close this take recorder from now and here is this first person and in order to enable this first person to this level we have to change it from here so we go to this world settings and then we go to this game mode override we just select this one and here you will find this BP fast person game mode just change it from here okay and now if you play it if you just play it from here and you can see that we have the third first person view and you can also press space to jump here so this is how you can add a first person player into your scene okay so now we going to make a recording by using this first person template so first we delete these mannequins here because we don't need those mannequins anymore here okay just like this and now we going to again we enable our Tech recorder here here is the tech recorder and now we're going to record this so for this first we select this one [Music] to bring our character here and then we click on the source button here and we use the form factor to first person character here just like this and now we going to start our recording by pressing this red button here okay so first we make our first place here okay and now we're just recording here so maybe we come go here and then we look around just like this and also we go here maybe we looked into this rooms okay this look very bad so we not going inside here and then also we go here and look something like this so maybe we just look it here okay and then we back to our position maybe here so look at that or you can just play it as you like so just come here and then in order to disable the recording just press Escape and it will save the recordings here okay so now we just cross this take recorder and when you take record anything first you go to this content and you will find this cinematics folder so just double click here and here you will find this text just double click and you can also find the date here so you can identify your records just double click to go inside and also go inside here and here you will find this sequence just double click here and then if you just select your BP first person template here you can see that here you can find the gameplay records here but you can see that uh if you want to see it inside this viewport you can simply do it because here you can't find this camera here so this is the first person camera and if you want to put this first person camera here you can just simply do that so in order to make this camera to view inside this viewport we can put a our own camera and make this camera link with this first person camera to track the positions so how you do that first we create a blueprint for our camera so we go to this content and right click and we go to this blueprint class and then we go to this camera classes and we type camera so here is the camera camera actor and we just select here and we name this as camera okay just double click here to open this camera so here is our camera and in my actual video I put a flashlight to this camera so you can also do that so you go to this add option here and type Spotlight and we put this Spotlight over here inside this camera so you can see that this Spotlight is linked with the camera so if you move the camera you can also move the spotlight okay just like this and then we just compile this and here is our camera so first we put this camera indoor scene so just put this camera over here and you can see that you can put a Spotlight here with the camera and now we go to the sequence and also we add this camera to our sequence so we go to this track button but you can see that you can't enable this track button here because our sequence is locked so here you can type to unlock this sequence and then we go to this track and we add our camera here okay just like this and then we do one thing that first we go to this camera go to this track go to this attach and we select this first person character here and we select this root option here and then we extend it to here and also extend it to here okay just like this and now you can see that our camera is attached with this camera but we have to put this camera to the same place here so we go outside from this camera view and then we select our camera here so here is our camera we can just move our camera just like this and it will take a little time to match the actual position here but it will be accurate if you take a little time to match the actual position just like this [Music] okay so I think it matches the positions and then if you go and select this cam option here and now if you play you can see the gameplay here okay so this is how you can do that okay and here you can also find this field of views so you can select your field of view from here as well and if you go into dark places you can see the spotlight is working here so you can also change the spotlight settings as well so we go to this camera just track and select this Spotlight here so here is the spotlight and we can also go to this track and you can select all these Spotlight options here but first you go to this intensity and we decrease the spotlight intensity a little bit down here just like this and also go to this details panel you can also select the spotlight properties from here as well so here you can also find this attenuation radius so you can also change this attenuation radius from here as well and also increase this Corner Cone feathers like this and also we can just go to this track and put a transform here and then you can also go to the rotation and you can also rotate this light to maybe something like here and now you can see that this look really amazing and also we go to this camera and do the same settings that we do previously so firstly go to the lens go to the bloom and we change this to convolution decrease the intensity to maybe 0.2 here then you go to this exposure change this metering mode to manual here and also change this exposure compensation to maybe 11.5 here just like this and you can see that this exposure look nice and maybe in the gameplay you can see that some of the dark places here but believe me when you render it it will look nice so this look amazing and also one thing we can do that we go to this minimum exposure maximum exposure and we change this to one by one here and then also go to this chromatic application and increase the intensity to maybe 0.5 here and also we increase the start of set here then we can go to this lens flare enable this and maybe you can see it to 0.4 Maybe and everything look nice okay so this is how you can make this kind of scene and also put a cinematic camera and also you can record a first person template here and put a camera here and you can see that the flashlight is not that intense so you can just go to this Spotlight and increase the intensity if you want like this so let's play so but if you want you can also disable the spotlight if you want but for the sake of this tutorial I'll show you that how you can put the spotlight with the camera blueprint and you can also attach this camera with the take record camera and make a nice fast person view here okay and in my actual video I also put some camera Shake here so you can also do the same here as well so firstly make a blueprint for camera shake so we go to this blueprint here and then we type Shake and you will find this camera Shake base here just select and select here and also name this as shape and then we open this blueprint and firstly go to this root check pattern and change this to parallel noise check pattern here and also expand this then go to this timing and we change the duration to zero and then also you go to the rotation and paste it one maybe and compile this and then we go to this game record sequence so inside the Cinematic go to the tech go to this and also double click here and open this sequence here so here is the sequence then we go to this camera here and go to the track camera shake and we choose this Shake here and also expand enter the timeline and now you can get little bit of camera Shake as well so okay just like this and also you can change the shake pattern if you want so just play this and also we go to here and maybe we increase this shake level just like this if you want but if you want you can also make it very subtle to maybe 0.2 Maybe and compile this and you will get simple camera check with your first person movement so if you want to render this as a film or PNG sequence or extra sequence you cannot just do it because you can see that the camera cut is made with this first person character so we have to make a camera card by using this cam so one thing we just delete this one and then we go to this camera card and go to this plus sign and we choose this cam okay so now this camera card is made with the this cam so now if we render this this camera settings will remain appear in the render so this is how you can specify the camera into the camera cuts which is very easy so now I will show you that what will be the render setting that I have when I render this so in order to render it in high quality we need a but you can see that there is no movie render queue because we have to enable this so firstly go to this edit and then we go to this plugins and now we can type movie and we'll find this movie render queue and this movie render key additional render passes just enable those and just click on this restart now and you have to save this and then I open the sequence here and also go to this perspective and choose this camera and now if we go to this Windows go to the cinematics and we will find this movie render queue so first you go to this render then we select our sequence here that is from the tech recorder just select this one then we go to this unzip config and I delete this jpeg sequence and firstly input this anti-aliasing and we change this temporal sample count to 32 and also check on this override button and also choose these ntlacing method to msaa and also check those boxes and then go to the settings again and go to this camera then we choose this Frame close and also again go to the settings and go to this high resolution here and check this surface scattering and then go to the settings and click on this game overrides and now again go to the settings and we select this exr format then you go to this output and here you can select the path where you want to export this extra sequence and just click on this accept and then you just click on this render button and your extra sequence will be rendered nicely okay and if you want to know that how you can make those axr sequence as a video you can watch my previous video on that I thoroughly explain that how you can make those extra sequence into a video file by using after effect and also do some post processing and this video is totally inspired from this unrecorded gameplay and which is very amazing gameplay and I don't think that this video can get close enough to the actual video but I do my best here and I also show you that how I can make this and if you see my actual video you can see that there are so many details because I put so many time to make the actual video and it is not possible that I put that much of details into this short amount of time because I made this tutorial probably one or two hour so I think you can understand what is the limitations here but I think you will get all the ideas that how you can make this kind of scene and if you like this video I recommend you to check my other videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on so this is for today and we will see in my next video so till then take care and bye bye [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 128,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine 4, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 4 sequencer, unreal engine 5 cinematics, unreal engine 4 cinematics, cinematics, epic games, game developer, game development, unreal, tutorial, game dev, beard games, indie gamedev, ue5 sequencer, ue4 sequencer, gamedev, beardgames, ue5, lumen, early access, magnetvfx, how to make animation, how to make films, animation
Id: mwsLUeimlcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 40sec (5920 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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