Unreal Engine 5.3.2 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is omit from magnet and today we are going to create this beautiful cave scene inside anal engine 5.3 so first take a look what we are going to create [Music] today [Music] [Music] so before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so I open my Unreal Engine from here then I choose this game options and I choose this third person template and here I click on the starter content and also name my project as tutorial and click on this create so first we go to this file and create a new level and I choose this empty level here click on this create now we're going to quickly set up our lighting so for this we go to this window then we go to this environment light mixer and we click on this create Skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere and we leave this voltic cloud and click on this create height fog and then we go down here and click on this volumetric fog and then we close this one and also we going to create our landscape so for this we go to this option go to this landscape option and we click on this create so this is our landscape so we go back to our selection mode here and now we create the lake for this we're going to use the inbuild water system so for this we going to enable the plugin go to this edit then go to this plugins and in the search bar we type for water and you can see this water plugin just enable this one click on this yes and also click on here and click on this yes and now we have to restart our engine and we also save our level so just click on this save selected and also we name our label as tutorial and click on this save and after restart if you find this kind of error just go to the end of this error and just click over here that is the add entry to default engine.ini okay and then just clear this one and also close and also close this plug-in bar and if you have this kind of extra contain here just close this one okay so here it is and this is our level so just open this level again so here it is and now we going to put the water body L over here so for this we go to this option then go to this place actor panel and in the search bar we type for water and you will find this water body L this is bring it over here just like that so here is our lake so we're going to close this place after panel here and then in order to make a nice size reference we going to put a mannequin over here so for this we go to this characters folder then we go to this mannequins then also go to this meses and here is the mannequin and maybe we going to put our mannequin here so we going to bring our mannequin here okay so just like that and now we going to adjust our web settings here so for the web settings we select our L then we also select the water body L from here also then we go to this details panel and we go down and here you will find this web source and we expand this web source and also expand this water web assets then we double click over here that is the water web assets and now we going to expand this web Source also and also wbes and all the settings here so first you go to this WB length and also go to this default so number of w is 16 so we leave it 16 for now so in the wavelength we going to decrease this value that is the minimum wavelength so we going to decrease this value to maybe 10 here or maybe 20 and you can see that the wavelength is decreased so the frequency is increased here and also we decrease this maximum wave length so maybe we set it to 200 100 okay and you can see that this looks something like that uh but we also go to this amplitude option here and we decrease this amplitude so first we decrease this value that is the minimum amplitude to one and also maximum amplitude to maybe 10 so now you can see that less amplitude uh but more frequent webs here okay and maybe you can also increase this value maybe we can increase this value to 50 here okay so you can get nice descent waves here or also go to this amplitude maybe we decrease this value little bit more okay so now you can see that if we go over here you can get a nice waves over here okay and maybe also you can decrease this web numbers so maybe if we set it to 10 here you can get less wbes here or maybe five here to get a nice subtle water body here okay so this is all about your test so just play with the number and you will get a nice output for this water here okay so I think this look nice for now so I save this one here and also close this so after that uh we going to set up the color also so for this we go down here and under this rendered settings you will find this water material so just double click to open this one and now we go down under this section that the absorption section we just click over here to get this color wheel and maybe we can decrease this color so I want uh the color will be very darkish blue just like that just click okay and now you'll get this kind of water here okay so maybe we can increase this value little bit more and then hit okay okay so just save this one and also close this okay and now we going to collect the assets for Designing our scene so for this we go to this epic game Marketplace so first I'm using this Mega scan goody Temple assets so it is uh not the asset that you can add to your project you have to create a project by using this assets so just click on this create project and then you're going to specify the path where you want to save this project and just click on this create and once you complete your download you will find this folder called this meas scan goodies Temple just double click to open this one and here the project file so if you double click here you will open this project but we don't need to open this project just go to this content folder and here you will find all these folders so just select all of this folder and just copy and then we're going to bring all these assets to our actual project so this is our actual project called name this tutorial and then we go inside this content folder and here we going to paste all these assets Okay so so this is the alternative way of migrating assets from the another project to another and I'm also going to add this assets called this NY cost collection so just click on this add to project and then select our project here and just click on this add to project so once you add those assets you will find those folders here inside this content folder and first you go to the geometry folder so when you open the geometry folder go to this assembly and you will find this kind of folders so first you go to this Clips folder and here find this kind of nice Clips here okay so maybe we're going to use this one here so we just bring it over here and then we going to rotate this okay just like that or maybe we going to rotate this into this side so this side look more flat here so we're going to use this side here and then we going to duplicate this one so just like that and you going to use different assets if you want want but I'm going to use this one so I just duplicate this and maybe we place it over here and rotate this side okay and now we're going to cover this area by this assets and also we going to cover this area so we just duplicate it here then we rotate this and using the same assets to make our ceiling here and also we're going to make a small passage here so we going to duplicate this assets then you rotate this and here you can see that we have little passage here and also we going to do one thing that maybe we can make those things a little closer here so we make it here and also place it over here then also we maybe rotate it like this and then we going to duplicate it again and just block this area okay just like that and maybe sometime you will see this kind of uh light R here so it there is some small gaps which allows the light to enter here and if you find something like this you can do one thing that you can just duplicate this assets over here to block this gaps okay so this is very handy and now you will not get this kind of gaps here okay so this is how you can make this kind of capes and also we going to cover up this area also so same thing we just duplicate the assets just like that okay and then we go over here and now we going to rotate our sun to place this sun over here okay so we press contrl and L and then we place our sun over here to make a nice God R over here okay just like that and you can see this kind of Sims here so maybe you can put your assets a little up or down to make this area look nicer okay just like that and maybe we can duplicate it here little bit okay just like that and you can also see that the fog is not look nice so we go to our exponential height F from here here it is and we're going to increase this uh fog height fall off to all the weight two here which is the maximum value and maybe we can decrease the fog density a little bit down like this okay maybe we increase it a little bit more so when we put those assets you will find this kind of error that is the texture streaming pull over your budget so we can do one thing that we go to this edit and go to this project setting and then we go to the search bar and type for virtual texturing and you'll find this one that is a enable virtual texture support just enable this one and you will have to restart your engine but also go to this catche and then we go down and you'll also find this one that is the uh cash percentage you can also increase it to maybe double this one so maybe type 50 and also change this catch a size GB to maybe 2 GB here and also you change this cast thread to maybe four okay and then we close this and also we restart our engine and after restart you will see that the error was gone but you can still see this kind of error message here but don't worry just leave it here it will not affect your render okay so now we going to create little bit of adjustment to our cave so maybe first we going to make a small doorway there so we going to replace uh this asset so maybe we just put it over here and also we going to make a small room over here okay so you can see that here is little bit of Passage here and also maybe we select our water body here and make a spline point over here so in order to make a spline point just right click over here and then click on this add spling Point here okay and then you can change uh this uh point over there and make a bigger area here okay and then we going to select this assets and maybe we place it over here and then you can see that but you can see that there is little Gap so we're going to block this Gap by little bit down this assets so maybe we can put it over here and you can see some of this kind of Sims so so we can just move it here to hide this and also there also so okay just like that and you can see that there is a little Gap and also we can increase our water plane okay just like that and now we can put uh some lights over there so maybe we can put a rack so we go to this option and go to this light and create a react light and then we place this light over here okay and also going to increase the light size so after selecting this light we go to this details panel first we're going to increase it intensity and then we also go to this atation radius we're going to increase this radius over here and then also going to increase the width and height okay then we going to rotate it into this side and place it over here okay so now here and you can also see that our water leg is shifted there so we going to increase this also so we select this point and then we just extend this area over here and also we going to extend it here okay so now you can see that if we hide these guide markers you can see something like that okay and also there is also a Sim so we going to move it there okay just like that okay so now this is the time that we going to put a camera into our scene okay so for this we go to this box option and then go to the cinematics and create a c camera actor okay so here it is and then we go to this outliner and select this camera just right click then we click on this naap object to view okay and here you can see this scene here with the eye of the camera and also we go to this perspective and select our C camera actor okay so here is the full frame view from our camera and also we going to create a sequencer for our scene so for this we go to this option and just click on this add level sequence and also we name the sequence so maybe we name it as a tutorial sequence and then we just click on this save so here is our sequence and now we're going to bring our camera over here so we going to select our camera and just click and drag and drop over here okay now we're going to set up some camera settings to make things good so first we're going to select this camera focal length and we change this to maybe 15 okay so nice wide angle view here and then also we select this camera and then we go to its details panel over here then we go down and first we go to this lens option here and then also go to this Bloom first we change this Bloom to standard method to convol and then also go to this intensity and we decrease this value to maybe 0.1 for now and then we go down and this is very important that is the exposure first we change this metering mode to manual here and then we go to this exposure compensation and we increase this value to maybe 10 here or maybe we change this to maybe 11 here and now you can see that uh this look little bit of dark and also our volumetric God R are faded down so we go to our Fox settings again so we see go to the search bar and type for fog and then we going to first we go to the second fog data and go to this fog density and increase this value so now you can see that this kind of nice godess over here and also we going to increase this fog fall off for this second for data just like this little bit okay so now you can see that this looks something like this okay and also we get a nice uh light from this side also so maybe we can go to select this react light so here is this react light and maybe we can increase this value of the intensity of this light okay and maybe we can put this light over here okay and and maybe we can see that if there is a and you can see that the light is over here and maybe we can make a little drom over here okay and also we dip it down to fill this cap and maybe we rotate this and also we can disable this spping so we can easily rotate and we place it over here to make a nice room here and then we duplicate this and we rotate it here so you'll get the idea and you can see there is also a gap but we can leave this Gap over there so now you can see but you can see that some of the gaps also visible from this side so we going to fill this Gap [Music] also okay so now you will get the idea so this is how you can make this kind of scene here okay and maybe we can also place this over here or so this all depends on you that how you want to design this scene okay just like that and now we going to put some ground assets so for this again we go to this content drawer then we go to the geometry folder go to this assembly and here is some of these assets so we're going to use those assets so so maybe first we start from here we put this asset over here and we going to increase it scale maybe decrease it little bit down and also we going to disable all these snapping so now you can see that this look nice then we're going to design this area and also going to use different assets so maybe use this one over here and also you can change the sun position and maybe in the time of uh this uh editing we can put a light so we can visualize our scene here so maybe we put a point light and also increase its intensity and then we also increase its attenuation radius like this so this is a temporary light uh in order to visualize this area so just increase okay and then also we going to use other small assets over here so for this when you add those asset you also get this Mega scan folder and then if you go to this 3D assets folder and if you select this static mesh filter and if you not have this filters over here just go to this option and we also select this static mesh filter over here so get this static M filter and here you can get uh some of the small assets also so maybe we going to use this rock assets so we just bring it over here just like that and also we increase it scale and maybe we going to put our light here so we can visualize this so we go to this uh search bar and type for light and here is this point light so if we put this light or maybe we duplicate this light over here and here is this rock assets we put this rock assets over here so you can see that this looks something like that and if we delete or disable all these lights here and you can get this kind of scene okay and now also we go to our directional light so we go to the search bar and typ for directional so here it is so the intensity look nice is the 10 luxs but we go down here and there is the volumetric scattering intensity we going to increase it to make this godess little bit of prominent here okay and also if we press e to get this rotation Gizmo for the directional light and we can also rotate our light from here also okay and one thing we have to do that we can make this upper Gap area to be little bit over here so maybe we going to shift this assets here and also we're going to shift this assets here and maybe we can delete this or maybe just shift it over here and then we duplicate this one and rotate this and again we're going to shift this over here so you will get the idea that what I'm actually doing here we just shift this upper area to little bit of this side okay so now if we rotate our directional light so we select our directional light and if we rotate this just like that you will get this kind of result okay so now we going to make uh this platform over here on which we going to plant a tree so for this we going to use the mega scan goodies Temple assets so again we go to this Mega scan folder then we go to this 3D assets folder and again we enable the static mesh filter you will find this assets so we going to bring this assets over here and we place it over here and also you rotate this one maybe we place it over here and then we going to duplicate it and place this here okay maybe also duplicate one more time and then we repeat down little bit and now we going to make a platform over here so for this we going to duplicate this and then we rotate it into this side okay so you can see that we create a nice platform over here maybe we can connect it here okay and then also we rotate it okay and don't worry we going to put other assets to fill this seam here and do the same thing over here okay just like that and then also we going to duplicate it one more time and this time we're going to dip it down little bit and place it over here maybe we push this a little bit inward here and then we're going to make a stair over here here so for this we're going to use some stair model so good example also include uh nice stairs so here is some stairs assets so maybe we put this one over here and you can see that this look nice so maybe we put these things over here and then also we bring this assets a little bit higher okay and then we duplicate this stairs one more time and put it over here and also do the same thing for this assets that is the rotate this and also same time we duplicate this then we place it over here okay just like that and now if we go over here so let's see how it look like from this distance so you can see that this looks something like that and also so you can see that there is a gap so we going to fill this Gap by this asset so for this we going to decrease it scale just like that then we place it over here or again scale it down a little bit more so you can use other assets uh because there is so many assets and do the same thing for this side also so now you can see that this look nice and also we duplicate these assets one more [Music] time so now you can see that our platform looks something like this and now we're going to put uh this same uh ground assets for this area also so we going to duplicate this or maybe let's see maybe this one so we going to duplicate this one and also we going to decrease its scale like this and then we're going to rotate this and we place it over here okay maybe we going to decrease it scale little bit more and then we going to place it over here okay so maybe we can rotate our sun to visualize this area okay okay and then also we get other assets from this uh goodies Temple asset so maybe there it is so you can see that those assets also look nice so maybe we decrease it scale then we place it over here okay and also we have other assets so maybe use this one and we can increase it scale maybe place it over here and for this Nordic Coast collections there is a nice settings which is comes with this assets that is this gradual weakness for this all assets so in order to activate this first we go to select any of these assets from this NY coost collection that is this one maybe just double click to open this and here you will find this material which is used for this assets so so we just uh locate this asset uh this material asset by clicking here and here is this material and now we're going to double click to open this material again and when you open this material if you go down here you will find this parent material for this assets okay so here is the parent material so just double click to open this material and here is this material so maybe if we make a room here you will find that this is the material but this is very complicated so we not going to see all of this we just focus on here that is the MF sure winess okay this node and you can see that in default that this node is not connected with this material output so we just do one thing that just connect it with this material attributes node okay and this is done just save this from here okay so after you save just minimize this one and now you can see that this magic so now we're going to use some assets from the meas scan asset Library so for this again we go to our content folder here and then we maybe come over here and right click and click on this add quickel content and here you can see there are so many assets that I have used for this project and you can get a nice asset from here so maybe maybe you use this one and then also I'm going to use this uh stone wall and those assets okay so I'm going to use this medium quality for now because I'm also screen recording but for the better result you have to use this nanite quality here or maybe I'm choose this Nite quality and then just click on this add okay so once you add those assets you will find those assets inside this meas scan folder so we go again to this meas scan folder then we go to this 3D assets and also enable the static mesh filter so here you can see all these props over here and then if we go down down you will get those Mossy assets so maybe first we going to put this assets over here so we bring this asset here and then we rotate this and also we bring it down so now you will understand that what I'm going to trying to do here I'm just making a uh nice cover of this Moss over this Rocky surface okay and now we're going to use these stone wall assets uh for this side so we just bring it over here and then you can see that these assets look really amazing so we going to rotate this and bring it over here and now if we change our light position so press contrl and L and move the mouse and you can see that this look really amazing okay so now you can see that this look something like this okay and now we're going to put a tree over here so for this I'm going to use the Epic G Marketplace assets so for the tree I'm using this one that is a mega scan tree European horn beam and just click on this add to project so once you add the assets you will find this folder that is called this European horn bam just double click to open and maybe we click on the static mesh filter so maybe we going to use this one so which is the first one so we just bring it over here and you can see that this tree look very nice and we're going to put this tree over here like this this tree look nice uh but you can see that the subsurface scattering of uh this leps is too dark so maybe we're going to change some settings to its material so we select this tree three from here and then we go to its details panel and then we go to this materials and go to open this lips material over here and then we go down and first we go to this translucency control we open this color wheel and maybe we can decrease this value like this and you can see that some of the lips are reappeared here okay and this is the default and when we make it little bit of dark here you can see that some of the lips are visible in this dark side okay and maybe we can also make it little bit of greenish over here okay just like that and then we hit okay and also go to this translucency tint we change this tint color to maybe something like this okay and then hit okay and you can see that the subsurface scattering of these leaves is look nice okay so now if we go over here and also you can see that our sun size is little bit too small so we select our directional light from here and then we go to the source angle and we increase this sun size to make a nice soft uh Shadow here okay okay so now we're going to put other assets so for this maybe we going to use some of the asset that we added earlier so here is the Mega scan then we go to the static M filter and here is some of this nice props so maybe first we going to put uh this one so maybe we can put this one over here so now we going to put some plants here so for the plant I'm going to use some megascan plant assets and here from we're going to use this one and and for this we're going to use maybe we going to use uh highest quality here and just click on this download and when you add those assets you will find those asset inside this meas scan folder so just double click and if you add any plants or trees you will find those asset inside this 3D plans folder so here is all the assets and if we go to the static Mish filter you will get all these assets over here okay so first we going to select all of these assets and make those as a nanite mesh so we select all of these assets just like this pressing crl a then we click on this right click and then go to this nanite and then we click on this enable nanite and this will be take a little time so just click on over here after the conversion we're going to use uh those assets and first we're going to use those grasses and and for this we're going to use the folage system so we go to this select mode button and select this folage and here you can see that all these assets are already added here so we first we're going to search for these grasses so maybe we use this one and this one over here then we select both of this and then we go to the top and first we going to decrease the brush size to maybe 20 here okay and maybe we paint density all the way one one then we go down here and first we going to increase this density count so maybe we increase it to 500 here and also we go down and just uncheck this align to normal switch okay and now if we start painting over here and you can see that this looks something like that okay so as you can see that when we put those grasses it is look more organic and now maybe we can see that this area is not look so flat so maybe we can change as some assets position so if we select this assets and if we duplicate this and as you can see that it can also bring those fages which painted over this asset and so as we can also duplicate this one as well okay so now you can see that uh this area look nice okay so now we going to put some other uh small plants so let's see again we go to this PO section and so maybe we can use these small wild flowers plants so select all of this and then we start painting so you can see that it has small uh flowers so it will look really amazing and then also we have this plant so this looks really amazing so maybe we can select some of this also and then we can select those and maybe we can decrease its scale little bit down so maybe we can uh select this minimum scale to maybe 2 and the maximum scale to 0.5 here and let's paint okay so now you can see the that uh when we put these different plants over here and there it is look more nice okay so now we going to put some other assets so let's see so we have some of this pump also so this is from this meas scan goodies Temple assets so we go to this main selection mode and maybe we can put some of this tree over here so maybe we can also put this one over here and you can see that with this nice plants this area look really amazing okay and sometime you can see that uh if you look closely that those grasses are floating like so we can easily fix this so go to this Fest section again and maybe we decrease our brass size to 20 again and then we select those grasses from here so let's see so first we're going to select all of these plants and make sure that we deselect all of this and then we select only the grasses again so let's find those grasses so here is those grasses select those grasses only and then we have to press and hold the shift key and just paint it here to remove this unwanted grasses from here and now we going to add uh some other assets from this AP game Marketplace so for some ground assets I'm going to use this Mega scan Forest path so just add this into my project so once you add the assets you will find this folder called this Ms forest and we're going to use some of this falling branches over here so for this again we go to this F section and then we select the static mesh filter over here and here you can see some of these falling sticks here so first we select all of this falling stick and then a right click and make it as a nanite and then we're going to bring all these sticks over here so here is all the sticks so first we're going to select all of these assets and make sure that I deselect all of this and then only select those falling sticks and now we go down here and maybe we decrease the density to maybe 50 here and also we do one thing that we go to this alline to normal we uncheck this okay so now we going to start painting again and then also we going to put some of this falling lips also so here it is so first we going to make it as a nanite and then we go over here and deselect all of these sticks and then I'm just bring this falling lips over there and we're going to put uh those Falling Leaves also so we select this falling leaves from here and then we go down and maybe we increase its density to maybe 500 and then also we go to its scale and we decrease the scale to maybe 2 to minimum and 4 to maximum and then we also uncheck this align to normal okay and now maybe also going to decrease the brush size to maybe 50 here and then we going to start painting so you can see that this look nice and again we going to use some other assets here also so this looks something like that and also we have some of the mushrooms so maybe we go to our Mega scan folder and then we go to 3D assets and here you can get some of the mushrooms so if we select this stating filter you will get this kind of nice mushrooms also so let's see we have other one as well so here you can see those mushrooms so we select uh those and then we bring it over here and also we go down and decrease this density to maybe 50 here okay so now you can see that eventually this area look more nice okay and then also we have other assets so if we go back to our selection mode and we can uh have this kind of nice assets so we can use those assets over here also then also we have different looking mushrooms also so maybe we can select those and then also we have if we go back to our selection mode then you can see that there are some of these other assets also and also one thing we can do that maybe we can increase our tree size little bit up so maybe increase the scale of this tree and then we put it little behind here okay so now we going to put some fire torch over here and some of the visual effects and also we can put a broken Wooden Boat over here and I have downloaded all those assets from the sketch p so I will show you that how I get those assets so for the fire torch I'm using this model and is the creator for this model so many thanks to the Creator for this wooden board I'm going to use this model and he is the creator so many thanks to the creator also so here is this model so I extracted those first we going to import the boat model so here is this uh wooden boat model just double click to open and here is the source so we have also extract this files so we go to extract it and inside this folder you will get all these materials as well as this fbx file so we select all of this asset from here and maybe we can put it little side first we're going to create a folder to organize all these assets so we go to our content drawer then right click and create a new folder and then we name this as a fbx and then we just double click to open this and then again we create another folder for the boat so we name this as a boat and then we we open this and then we going to bring all these assets over here and we also click on this build nanite to make this asset into nanite mesh and just click on this import all and then we're going to put this boat over here so maybe we can go over here and then we bring this boat here so as you can see from here you can get a nice view okay so here you can also see our mannequin so here it is okay and then we going to bring the wooden torch so for this again we go back to this folder and we create another folder and we name this as torch and here it is just double click to open go to this source and this ABX file so double click to open this torch folder and then we bring this into our engine here and also we click on this build nanite and import and just close this one and also we have to bring those materials or textures so here it is select all of these three and just bring it over here and then we minimize this one and in order to apply this material we're going to open this default material and then first we going to delete this one and then we going to first we import this base color texture and connect it to this base color and then we have this imip color uh but we not going to connect this imip color directly to the imip channel we make a parameter to control the imess so first we bring it over here and then we press and hold the m key on the keyboard M and then click to get this multiply node and also press and hold the S key and just click to get this scalar parameter so maybe we can name this as a light amount and then we connect with this B channnel and connected with this a channel and then finally we connect it to this emissive color and also we have this normal map so we bring it over here and connect it to this normal then we go to this light amount we maybe we increase the value from 0 to maybe 10 here and if you see that when we put 10 the this light of this illuminated area then just click on this apply and then we close CL this one and here is our torch so now if we put this one over here maybe and as you can see it is very small so we're going to increase it scale as well so first we going to rotate it into this angle and then we going to increase it scale okay maybe we can put these things over here so as you can see that we have this fire torch but we do not have the fire elements so in order to get those fire elements I'm using a free ass from the iGame Marketplace which is a nagra particle system so let's get those asset so for the fire asset I'm using this nagra particle system and it is also a free assets so once you add the assets you will find this folder here and then inside this folder we go to this particles folder and then we go to this reference and here you can find this torch folder so just double click to open and here is this fire element for the torch so just bring it over here and as you can see this look really amazing okay but as you can see that this elements doesn't illuminate any kind of Lights here so we going to put the light manually over here so for this I'm going to use a Point light so we go to this box option and then we go to this light and create a point light over here and then we going to bring this light to this position what this fire torch like this okay and then we go to this light properties I mean this details panel and we're going to decrease the intensity to maybe2 here and also we going to change the color so we go to this color wheel and change this color to something like this warmish color here okay and then we just save it so as you can see that it makes some lights over here and also as you can see that this creates a very uh rough Shadow here so we can also increase it Source radius so maybe if we increase this you can get nice diffuse Shadow over here okay and but you can also see that uh this is a fire right and the light make this fire also have some flickering on it but you can see that the light uh is so static so we going to make a material to make the light little bit of flicker okay so how we can do that we go to our content folder again and then we come over here and right click and create a material so this will be our light function material so maybe we name this as light function and then we open this one so here it is so maybe we can make a little room here so first we select this material attributes and then we go to this material domain and we change this from surface to light function okay and in that way you will get this only the emissive color is functional and other options are closed now and now first you're going to put a node called the time node so just right click here and type for time and you will find this time node here okay and also we put a scalar parameter to change the value of this time so we press and hold the S key over this keyboard and just click to get this scalar parameter okay and maybe we name this as flickering and now we're going to connect both of this node together so we need a multiply node so just press and hold the m key on the keyboard and just click to get this multiply node and then we connect it with both of this node together okay uh but we cannot just plug it with this imip color we going to put a sign node here so just right click here and type for sign and you will find this sign node and we connect it with this and then also we need in another note called the Frack so just right click and type frack and here it is then we connect it with this frack and then we connect it to this imip color okay but you can see that nothing will happen because we have to put some value over there on this scalar parameter so maybe first we put 05 over here and now you can see that it is flickering like this okay so maybe we can apply this one from here and then we minimize this and finally we're going to apply this material over this light function but first we're going to make a material instance so just right click and create a material instance okay so here it is and now we're going to put this material over this light so we select Point light then we go to its details panel then we go down here and here you will find under this light function you will find this light function material so now we just bring this material over here and now you can see that we get little bit of flickering here so as you can see that when we put the flickering it gives the lives to our scene okay so now maybe we can duplicate those assets so we select all of these assets so maybe we can select this one and also this fire torch and also the Light here and then we duplicate all of this asset together so maybe we can put this one over here so we duplicate it and put it there and then also we maybe we rotate this into this side and then we place it over here and when you rotate this you can also see that our fire element also rotate so we can just select this fire element and and rotate it like this okay and sometime you can also see that the flickering is very harsh because sometime you can see that the light totally gone so we can also do one thing that we can select our light and then we duplicate it okay and but in the second version of this light we going to its material properties here that is the light function material we're going to reset this okay so in that way we'll get a linear light every time with this flickering light okay but in that case maybe we can decrease the light intensity it bit down so we going to decrease it to 0.1 maybe okay so you will get nice lighting also as well as this flickering okay so I think this look nice and also we can duplicate our fire element so just duplicate only this fire element and maybe we put this fire element inside this model okay just like that and also we duplicate it so as you can see that this look really Dynamic okay and when we use this goodies stample asset we also get some of the nice FS so when you get this goodies stample you also get this FX folder and inside this F folder we will get this smoke folder so just double click to open this and then we go to this particles and and here you can get nice smoke Loops so maybe we can use this one over here uh but you can see that this smokes look something like that but don't worry we're going to fix this also so selecting this smoke assets go to its details panel and then we go to its material just double click to open this one and here from you can change some settings of this smoke so first you going to decrease the density so maybe we change this to 0.5 here and 0.5 look something like that or maybe we can decrease it little bit down to maybe 2 so0 2 you can get this kind of nice smoke effect and also here inside this uh volume lights you can increase this value or decrease you can get nice volume for this smoke assets okay so maybe we can minimize this one and we going to decrease its scale so we're going to decrease the scale from here and then we reposition it here so as you can see with this smoke uh this really gives a nice vibe to our seene and then also maybe we can duplicate this [Music] smoke and also we have uh some of these candles assets uh from this goody temples so maybe we going to find those candles so in order to get the candle assets we go to this Mega scan folder and then you go to this 3D assets and here you will find this candle folder just double click to open and here you'll get this kind of nice candles here and you can also see that those candles have this fire element included so if we increase its scale you can get uh this kind of nice candles also okay and if you don't like this fire on this candle we have another candle fire so first we going to select this assets or maybe we can open this asset from here because it's a blueprint and then we go to this viewports and we going to find this candles so maybe we select this candle and here is the static mesh so if you want to find the static mesh actual directory you can uh click over here that is the find switch and here you can get those candles assets so maybe we can delete this one and also delete this one also and then we only put this candle without this fire okay and then we going to increase it scale maybe it is too large so we going to decrease it scale and then we going to put the Fire Element so we have this folder which we already downloaded this one and then we go to this particles and then we go to this reference and here you will find this candle fire folder just double click to open and then we put this candle fire over here okay so as you can see that this fire look nice so maybe we have three different looking file elements so this one and also this one over here so as you can see when we move this assets it doesn't move this actual element so when you move this asset you just do one thing also that we go to his details panel and we just reset this emitter so in that way it update its actual position like this okay just like this so now you will get all these assets together and you can see that this look really amazing and now maybe finally we going to put some fire elements over here also so we going to maybe we select this asset this uh fire element and this torch and then we going to bring it over here okay so as you can see we put some of this fire torch over here and there and also put this candle inside this Tower okay so this is all about this kind of scene and you can uh put things here and there with a very meaningful way to make a nice result to your scene okay so this is it and maybe we can also put some of this funds here and there so we go to our FIA section and here we have some of these nice fonts so maybe we can use some of these funds from here and then finally we going to put some funds and when we duplicate uh those fire elements we can also have to duplicate the lights so get a nice lighting so maybe we can go over here and then we duplicate this light so maybe we can just duplicate this one over here this so so I'm not duplicating everywhere but you have to do the same things uh when we duplicate uh this fire torch you have to duplicate all the lights together okay so this is how you can make this kind of nice environment here and then also we're going to put some other plants over this area so for this I'm going to download some Mega scan tree assets so let's get so I'm going to use this one and this one so once you get the asset go to this Mega scan folder then go to this 3D plants and inside this folder you will get this uh plants so first you're going to select all of these plants and make it as an anite and then also we have this elder berries so here it is again we going to select all of these plants and make it as a nanite then we go to our F section again and here all these plants so first we going to select some of these plants from here so maybe this one this one this one and also this one and this one then we select then we go down and we're going to decrease uh increase the density to maybe 200 here and also we going to increase it scale to maybe maximum to four and minimum to two here then again we go down and here in this ground slope angle we going to change this to maybe one 180° here okay and now we going to start printing so maybe we go here at the top and we also increase our brush size to maybe 100 here and then we start painting okay but you can see that uh this looks something like that this is very flat with this surface so but we don't want that so we delete all of this and do you know that why this happens because we go down and we have to uncheck this align to normal okay and now if we paint now you can see that this is hanging from this ceiling and if you sometime face this kind of error or issue that your camera is not moving so we just go to our sequence and then we go to this camera transform here and then we go to this rotation and we set this value to place zero every axis and then we going to paint again okay and also we're going to duplicate our tree from here so maybe we can go to our selection mode and then we select our tree and then we duplicate this tree just like that and maybe our tree look little bit of tall so we maybe we can decrease the scale of this tree little bit down just like that not that much okay so now as you can see this looks something like this okay and maybe we can do one thing that we can decrease our camera aperture little bit down to make our scene little bit of brighter and here you can see that the light in intensity of this area is too high so maybe we can go to light and we select this react light and maybe we decrease it intensity down little bit okay just like that and also we going to select our directional light and maybe we rotate this directional light little bit here like this and also going to increase this volumetric scattering values to get nice volumetric lights from here okay or maybe we can decrease our tree size little bit down okay so now you can see that this look really amazing and believe me when you render this scene it will look more nice okay so just like like this and also we have other plants so maybe we can put those plants over there so we go again to this PO section and maybe we deselect all this one so maybe we deselect those and we have so we have this elder varies so maybe we can select all of these and deselect this and then we select this elder Beres here and we going to put this elder bries over here okay just like this so it's all depends on you that how you want to design just like this okay so this is how you can make this kind of scene and also we have some of these smoke elements or fog elements so we can also use those so we go back to our selection mode and also we go to to this content drawer and because we already activate our starter content folder so here it is which is a starter content then we go to this particles and here you will get some of this nice team assets so we're going to put this team assets over here and we going to increase its scale and you will get this kind of nice smoke element there also so maybe you can put it over here and you can see that it also interact with the lights so maybe we can put it over here as well make it little bit bigger here so we get nice foggy environment here okay and also we can make a a nice uh design to this doorway areas so if we go over here we can make a nice design to this side and so I'm also doing this but in time lapse [Music] [Music] so as you can see that little bit of this elements over here and there we can create a nice scene so as you can see I just put some of this foliage here and there and then also we copy these fire elements over here and also put the light and then finally I'm going to delete uh this guide light which I create to visualize this area so this one so I delete this one and now you will get this kind of nice and also maybe we can put a extra light here to light up this scene so we create this point light again and in this case we going to change its color something like this and also we decreases intensity to maybe 0.5 here or maybe put one and then also increase this atation radius and also increase the source radius so maybe we can put it over here okay maybe we can increase it intensity to maybe five here and then also we duplicate it one more time okay so this depends on you that how much you put the light over here and there and then also we have some of this ambient dust element from uh this starter content folder so if you go to the starter content then go to this particles and you'll also get this ambient dust element so bring those dust element over here and you cannot probably see it uh inside this video but when you render it you will visualize those particles Okay so here it is and maybe we can also put some of this fire element here and there so maybe you can put some fire elements okay so it all depends on you and also we have some of the smoke elements here in there so maybe you can put and then finally you can also put this uh dust element over here okay so this is the whole idea of this kind of scene so as you can see that there are so many types of different elements so if you put those element into a nice way you will get a nice result and as you can see that this uh plants is little bit of bigger here so it block the lights too much so maybe we can delete some of this plants so we select all of these assets from here and then we come over here and maybe we delete some of this so in order to delete just press and hold the shift key and maybe we can increase the brush size little bit and then we can delete some of this plants from here to get more lights in so this is it and now maybe we can make some cinematic shot from this area so maybe first we going to put our camera over here and then we go to the sequencer and we go to this camera transform this is the camera transform make a key frame over here and in order to make this linear interpolation key frame we go to this key frame uh option here and we select this linear and also we going to select this key frame auto key switch here so we put our timeline to 240 frames here and then we go to this last frame by just clicking over here and we can move our camera here okay so just like that so we'll get this kind of nice animation over here okay so if you play this so you can get this kind of nice camera animation okay and also you will see in my actual video that I have so many different cards so you can just uh make this kind of camera animation as well as I also show you that how I get different camera angles so let's delete those key frames here maybe we can make a nice reveal shot of this tree okay so how we can do that maybe we go to the settings and decrease the engine scalability to high to make things a little bit of faster here and then maybe we come over here and then we go to the very first frame and make a key frame to this transform of this camera then we go to the last frame and maybe we can move our camera over here okay so now as you can see that and now when we play this you can get a nice R scene of this tree here and maybe you can also do one thing that we can uh increase the focal length to maybe 35 here so now you will get this kind of nice result or maybe we can go to the very last frame and make our camera over here so now as you can see you can get this kind of nice animations okay and now finally maybe we can make a nice macro shot so we delete all of the SC frames and also we make our focal length 15 for now then we go to close to our tree here and here also we can make a nice uh walking camera handheld shot here so how we can do that so for this first maybe we can make a camera animation first so we go to this very first frame and then make a key frame here and then also go to the last frame and we make our camera move little bit here okay so now as you can see that you'll get this kind of nice shot but first at the beginning maybe we put our camera little bit of down here okay and then after a few frame we rotate our camera here maybe this side little bit and then again we come over here and maybe we can move our camera over here and then finally we look for this tree okay and every time we make change to our key frames we can make those key frame as easy is interpolation so use this Cube Smart Auto and now if you play this you can see that the transition is very smooth or maybe we can delete this one so maybe we can get more smooth camera animation here also put it over here okay just like that and then also we can put some camera Shake here so for the camera Shake we going to create a blueprint for camera shake so we go to our content uh folder again and then come over here and right click and create a blueprint class and then we expand this all classes and type for shake and we choose this camera Shake base and then also select this one and maybe we name this as Shake so here it is and we open this one and then we go to this root Shake pattern we change this to parel noise uh camera Shake pattern here and then we expand this and also expand this timing so the duration is set to one and we set it to zero for now okay and then we compile this and also we go to this rotation maybe we can put some value over here to maybe two here and now we minimize this then we go back to our sequence and and here is the camera so first you go to this plus sign of this camera component and then you go to this camera shake and we select our blueprint here and then we extend this camera Shake over here and now if we play you can see that you can get a nice handheld camera Shake over here or maybe if you think that this is very too much shake so you can just set it with this real time preview so maybe we can put it one and to the frequency maybe put it 1.5 here so as you can see you'll get nice camera Shake here okay and maybe we can also de it down or move down here and then also we can change this interpolation to cubic as well as this one to cubic here maybe we delete this key frame here and also delete this location we only use the rotation here so let's see so you can get this kind of nice camera animation here and believe me that when you render this you will get more light into your this is another camera shot and then finally we going to make some macro shots so we delete all of these key frames here and also maybe we delete our camera shake so we select our camera Che and delete this and then finally we go to the very close to this statue here and then we going to uh make a macro shot so we going to increase our camera focal length so maybe we can focus like this okay and you cannot see the blurriness because we have this high scalability so we going to change it to Epic and then you will get this kind of nice blurry over here okay but if you want some of this anamorphic bless so we can do one thing that we go to this camera then we go to this uh film back option and here you will find under this lens setting you will find this squeezing Factor okay so maybe we can change it to all the way two here which is the maximum value and then we go to the sensor with we going to divide this value with two so in order to divide this value just go to here and type divide and then press two and if you click you will divide it with this two here okay and now you can get nice kind of anamorphic camera Boke here okay so if you cannot see this because you can see that our fire element is not showing this bloodiness so we have to change some settings to it material so we select uh this fire elements from here then we go to these fire elements details panel and inside the here you will find these materials so we open this material to double click to open this and then we go to this hierarchy we go to this actual material we select this material properties from here then come to this details panel we Down and Under This translucency panel we go down and open this Advanced Tab and under this Advanced tab we will find this translucency passes so we change this from after doof or after depth of field to before depth of field okay and then just apply this value and save this and then we do the same thing for this other elements so let's see see so maybe we open this one do the same thing go to this hierarchy go to this material and then select this material attributes and you can change this to be for Doof so it is already set to be for DF so we don't need to change here so maybe we open this one so just double click to open again go to this uh material properties from this hierarchy tab select this one then we go down and also change this to before Doof and then we apply this and save this okay so now you will get this bloodiness over here so maybe we can go to this camera settings and here it is a manual focus distance so if we make things blurry you can get nice anamorphic stretchy blur over there okay so this is the magic of this anamorphic lens effects and now maybe we can make a nice camera animations here so go to this first frame here and then maybe we can also change our directional light position so we click over here and then press control and L and then maybe we can change our directional light position maybe like this okay okay and then we make a key frame to this transform switch and then we go to the very last frame and maybe we can move our camera a little bit like this so as you can see that our camera moving too fast so we going to decrease this camera speed from here or you can just right click and rotate your wheel up and down to decrease or increase this camera speed from here and and then we going to make a nice camera animation here okay so now if we play it you can get this kind of nice camera animation and also you can see that this density of this element is little too high so we select those elements then you go to its material and we decrease this density little bit down and also we go to this volumetric light and decrease this density little down here okay just like that make some subtle Smokey effects here so now as you can see you can get this kind of nice camera animation okay so this is all about this kind of scene so this is it and this is how I build this entire scene so you can also watch my trailer video for this to get more ideas that how you can arrange those assets into different places and I hope that you will get all this idea from this video and I take much time to explain all of these things that I used for my actual video and now finally I'm going to show you that how I rendered this scene okay so I go to this window then you go to the cinematics and we have this movie Rend que and if you enable this plugin you will get this movie render que plugin over here and if you don't have just go to this edit then you go to this plugins and in the search bar we type for movie and you will find this movie render queue and this movie render queue additional render passes just enable those and you have to restart the engine one more time then we close and when you enable you just go to this window then you go to the Cinematic and you will find this movie render queue okay and then then we go to this render Tab and here when you add this goody stample asset you will get so many uh sequence here but you have to specify your actual sequence so in this case tutoral sequence is this actual sequence here and then we go to this settings and go to the unsave config and first we go to delete our jpex sequence here then we go to the settings and first you input this nsing and I put the nsing temporal sample count to 3 do here and also click on this override anding and then also we have to render this warm up frames because we have some of these visual effects and when we put this visual effects you have to do one thing that you have to put some extra frames to warm up your scene okay so just like that just extend your camera cut to little bit uh before the start your timeline here okay and also click on this here that is the use camera cut for warmup okay then again go to this settings we select this camera and we select this Frame close for this shter timing again go to the settings go to this game over rights and we don't need to change anything here again go to the settings and select this high resolution and we click on this override subsurface scattering here and then also again go to the settings and we choose this exr sequence for our format of this sequence and then finally go to this output and here you can choose the pathway where you to save your renders and here from you can change the resolution but my PC cannot handle the 4K resolution so I always use this uh 1080p resolution here and everything look nice just click on this accept and when you're ready just click on this render local and your file will be saved so this is it and this is how I build my actual video and I put all this information that you need to make this kind of scene so I hope that you really enjoy this video and if you like this video I recommend you to check my other videos and if you like those videos please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on so this is for today and we'll see in my next video so till then take care and [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 119,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Id: OHw1u9rOCE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 39sec (5859 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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