Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is Amit from magnet and today we are going to create this landscape scene inside annual engine 5. so first take a look what we are going to create today [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here you like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so after launching this epic games I have this Unreal Engine version 5.1.1 and 5.2.1 if you have this 5.2.1 you can also use this but for now I am using this 5.1.1 just click on this launch button here and then I choose this games option here and I choose this third person template and I also check on this starter content then I name my project as tutorial and then I hit on this create button here firstly go to this file option here and click on this new level and I choose this empty level here and click on this create so first you're going to set up the lighting very quickly for this we go to this windows then you go to this environment light mixer and I click on this Skylight and this atmospheric light creates Sky atmosphere create this volumetric cloud and this create height fog then I go down here and we find this volumetric fog here just enable this one from here and close this then we go to this Skylight and click on this real-time capture under this details panel okay so here we are and you can see that the sky look nice but if we're going to use some volumetric clouds we can also use this so for this we're going to enable a plugin so for this first you go to this edit and go to this plugins then we go to the search bar and type volumetrics and after that you will find this volumetrics plugin just enable it from here and also restart your engine and before we restart we have to save our project so we go to save and we also put a level name here so we name this also as tutorial and and we open our level and after that we go to the settings and make sure that you also enable this show Indian content and the show plugin content okay and then if you enable those you will find this Indian folder here and inside this engine folder go to this plugin folder and then we go down and search for volumetric folders so here you will find this volumetric content so just click here to open this and then we go to this content and then we go to the sky and this go to this material and here you find several materials for the volumetric cloud but I find that some of the material is not working properly and I find this number two Works nicely so I just click and drag and drop here to this material section here and you can see that this nice volumetric clouds here and you can also adjust This Cloud properties so if we go up here and you can just change this layer bottom altitude from here to change these clouds look okay just like this and also get this level height so if you change this value just like this and maybe you can also change the value by manually putting the number so maybe if we put this 50 here you can get very different design here this looks something nice so you can adjust according to your need okay just like this now we're going to put a landscape here which is very easy go to this selection mode then we go to this landscape and we don't need to change anything here just click on this create button here so it will create a nice landscape here then you go back to our main selection mode here and now we're going to put a material over this landscape so we go up here and because we enable this starter content so we get the starter content folder here after that you go to this materials and you will find several materials here so I'm going to use this one so just click and then also go to this outliner and select our landscape here after that we go to the details panel just go down here and you will find this landscape materials just click drag and drop here okay and now we're going to download in assets for our landscape so for this I am going to use the ruler Australia pack which is free from the epic game Marketplace so here is the rural Australia pack I always recommend to download this pack because this pack contains so many assets which is very useful for landscape designing and this pack is so realistic and it's also free so many thanks to the Creator so just click on this add to project and then find your project here so in this case our project is tutorial so just select and just click on this add to project so after you download you will find this ruler Australia folder here inside this content folder so just double click to open this and you will find this water folder just double click and you will find this water material so in order to apply this water material we're going to create a plane model so you go to this box then you go to this shape and click on this plane here okay so on this plane we're going to apply this water material so first we're going to scale up this plane so we select this plane from this outliner here and then we go to this details panel and here is the skill just lock the scale for this uniform scaling and then we're going to increase the scale value to maybe 200 here and it can spread all over this landscape and then we're going to apply this number two which is the material instance for water just click and drag and drop here okay and it will take little time and you can see that this water material over here now I'm going to change some settings to this material properties so we double click to open this material here now first you're going to change the colors so first you go to this base color here and enable this color and we change this to Black and then we go to this mask G dark just enable and just open this and just set it to Black and also do the same here and we open this and you change this to little bit dark green here okay just like this and also you go to this dirty watercolor here enable this and we going to make it more brownish color here okay just like this and we click on this okay and then we go down here go to this caustic tiling we just set it to one in order to disappear all those caustics here and also we go here that is this dirty water tiling we just decrease this value to make more dirty here okay just like this and now we're going to save this one from here and minimize this and now you can see that this looks something like this and also going to just go to this plane and select this plane and just put it little higher here and you can get nice result here okay just like this now we going to put a camera to make a nice reflection here so for this we go to this box then you go to the Cinematic and make a cine camera actor here okay and then we go to the cine camera actor right click and click the snap object to view and then also you go to this perspective and we select our camera here okay just like this and in order to change the camera settings first you're going to create a sequence for our scene so we go to this sequence and click on this add level sequence and we also name this as tutorial sequence and then we save this one and we drag our cine camera actor just drag and drop here okay just like this and now if we going to decrease this focal length you can get a nice wide angle camera here and also you select our camera and we go to this details panel then we go to this film back and we change this to 16 is to 9 DSLR then also we go down here and go to these Reflections just expand this then you go to this Lumen Reflections and we check on this high quality translucent Reflections and we enable this from here and now you can get nice quality Reflections here now we're going to put some assets to make our landscape here so for this I am going to use some Tundra assets from the mega scan so I have downloaded some assets for this project so I go to this locals and I'm also give the link in the description down below so you can also get the assets from there as well so first we're going to download this landscape material here so I'm going to use this one first and also I'm going to use this one and this one and then I close this one and here is the assets so once you download anything from the mega scan you will get this Mega scan folder so just double click to open this folder and here is the 3D assets so in order to visualize all these Assets in a single place I am using this filter that is the static mesh and if you not have this filter here just go to this three line option and you can just check the static mesh filter to enable this okay so here is the assets that I'm going to use it here so first I going to use this one so you just put it over here and you can see that this is very big assets so first we're going to put it over here and maybe we going to little up to visualize this okay just like this and now we're going to bring it over here and also I rotate this just like this okay and then also I duplicate it one more time and put it over here and also I rotate this to this angle okay so this one is here just like this and also we go over here and we put these things over here okay and then again also duplicate this one put it over here and you can see that you can see our landscape here so we're going to select our plane and then we go to scale and we change this scale to maybe 400 to fill the Gap and also we going to push this to the Horizon so just push it little far away here okay just like this and now you can see that we can place it over here and also we place this thing little higher here and finally we place it little higher which is near to our scene and maybe we can also increase the scale little bit okay just like this and place it over here okay just like this and now we going to put another asset so we just use this one and we place it over here and then also we increase the scale and maybe our lens is very wide so we're going to make it maybe 15 or so okay just use it these assets and also dip it down here okay just like this and also we place it or rotate it into this angle then also we dip it down little bit okay so now you can see that this look nice and then also we duplicate it here and in order to duplicate you can just press and hold the ALT key and if you drag any axis you can easily duplicate any assets here so just put this assets over here okay just like this and also increase the scale here to press R to toggle the skill switch here or you can just toggle it from here and then increase the scale like this and also dip it down yeah okay just like this and then we can rotate it here just like this okay so make a nice landscape design here or you can also decrease the scale from this axis and also you put it little higher to make it little flat here just like this okay and you can also disable the snapping here so you can easily adjust the scale like this make it little bit of flat like this okay so you can get the idea that how you can make this kind of landscape and also we place it over here maybe we can decrease the scale overall skill and put these things over here or maybe increase this this axis scale and make thing like this and place it over here okay just like this okay and also again we go here and we use this assets over here and then we rotate this and also we dip it down [Music] and place it over here [Music] okay just like this and then also we duplicate it and place it over here and we rotate this [Music] and we place it here okay just like this and then again also use these assets over here maybe we increase the scale and dip it down like this okay and also put this over here engage the scale and dip it down okay so this will be our dry land and here from we can make a wooden bridge here so this will be our platform and maybe we can put it little higher here just like this and also we going to use these assets and duplicate it here and maybe we can increase the scale little bit and also erupt it into this angle okay just like this maybe you can see that here and this something like glitching here so we can also fix this so we just select our plane here so here is the plane on which we apply this water material and then we just drag it little higher here and you can see that the glitching is fixed here okay but you can see that our landscape is go inside this water so we select our landscape again and we just put it little higher here just like this so you can get this nice watery surface here and you can also see that the glitch is gone so that is how you can fix that so now this look awesome and also we can change our light position so in order to change the light position we press Ctrl and L and we can just change the light position in real time here okay so just like this but you can see that uh the surface is so much watery so you can do one thing that we can also put this landscape little higher here to make a dry place and also we going to put this assets to little higher here just like this and also we put these assets to little higher okay and you can see that some of these empty places at the Horizon you can just duplicate the assets here and there and make the scale little higher to just block The Horizon if you want and put it little down just like this so you will get a distance landscape design here okay so this is our basic landscape and now we're going to put the other assets so first we're going to put this wooden house which I downloaded from the sketchfab so let's download the model and import the model inside Unreal Engine so we are going to use this one and this one house model from the sketch web and here is the creator so many thanks to this Creator and in order to download just go here there is a download 3D model and if you use this model you have to credit the Creator from here just copy and paste it in your video description and we're going to use this fbx format so just click on this download button here so here are the two models that you downloaded and you will get a zip file so you have to extract it to get those files so first you're going to import this house so I just double click here and go to the source and there is the ABX file so in order to import it into our unreal projects we go to our project here and then we're going to create a folder and we name this folder as fbx and just double click to open this and now we're going to again create another folder and we name this as house one and we double click to open this and then we going to drag this fbx model to here and also we do one thing that we check this nanite switch here and just click on this import all and also we have to import all the texture files so again go to this folder and here is the texture so just double click here and maybe we can do one thing we can just drag this textures folder over here so we're going to just click and drag and drop here okay so here is all the files and inside this texture folder you will get all this text and material over here so first we going to import all these assets or the static mesh inside our scene so we do one thing that we select all of the static meshes here and we just click and drag and drop here just like this okay and you can see that all these assets over to this outliner so in order to organize this we just click on this folder button here and we name this as house one and in order to select all of this just go to this house folder and right click and go to the select and click on this immediate children so in that way you will select all these assets here but not group them now because we have to assign all this material so we just place it over here okay just like this and maybe we don't need this ground plane so we just select this ground plane and we delete this one and again we select all of this by going here and then we going to put it over here okay just like this okay and and now we're going to put all this material over here so it will be very easy because we have all this texture and we also have the name on it so it will be very easy so first we're going to open this Good material and we put all the texture to this wood material so just select and just press delete to delete this and we open this texture folder and we find all the texture which name as wood so here you can see that wood here wood metalness and wood specular and wood roughness and this would diffuse so we're going to select this first would diffuse here and we just connect it to base color here and then we go to this roughness here and we connect it to this roughness channel here and also do the same so you go to this specular and we connect with the specular here just like that go to this metalness connect with this metallic here and this normal we connect it to the normal layer so if you not see the levels you can increase the area here to visualize all of this and then we save this and then we go to the styles and delete this one then go to this texture folder [Music] and we search for the tiles so here is the tiles diffuse so we just put it over here connect it with this base color here make a little room then tile normal [Music] tile roughness [Music] and this is the very same so you can also do it by your own also connect this specular here and that is everything here for this tiles now we're going to apply this one here you can see one thing that if you go here you can get these tiles but you can see that this is not transparent here so in order to make it transparent we going to select this material properties here and make a little room here and then we go to this blending mode we make this masked yeah okay and now we going to make a little room here and here you can see that tile Alpha so we're going to put it over here and then we going to connect it with this opacity mask so we just connect it to this opacity mask here and you will get this material right and now if you apply this here and you can see that now you can see through this area okay and now we save this so if you have something in this kind of material you can change this material property to mask and you will also get this Alpha texture here so you can connect it with this opacity mask to get the right material over here so now we going to add other material by using the same technique so I am just speed things up here and this is for the glass so we can do one thing that there is the glass diffuse so first we going to connect this to base color here and because it's a glass so we're going to select this material properties and then go to this blending mode and we make this as a translucent and here is also you can find this in glass Alpha so we put this one here and you can just connect this with this opacity channel here so you'll get the nice transparent glass material here and also we put this glass normal to this normal Channel but it will not work because you can see that the normal map is disabled here you can also see that we don't need to put this specular and the roughness map because you can see that all things are disabled here so you just apply it so now if we minimize this one you will get that nice kind of house here but yes we also have some of this so we going to see that what we have here so there is the ground and environments so just double click to open this one and we disable this so this is for this house number one and now we're going to set up the house number two which will be the same process so I'm just split things up here will get this nice looking wooden house over here and now we going to put this house over this Cliff so we just select and in order to make a group we go to this house number two folder then right click and we go to the select and click on this immediate children here and then we right click and make a group here so in that way you can just make any changes and it will apply all the other components of this house okay so just put this house over here so just like this and maybe we can increase the camera speed from here and then we are rotate this house here and also we increase the scale of this out little bit just like this foreign [Music] you can see this house from here okay maybe we can rotate it to this angle and then also we do one thing that we can duplicate this house and we put this over maybe we rotate this to this angle or maybe this angle and then also we increase the scale little bit and we put this over here okay just like this and you can also use this house also so you go to this house go to this house folder then right click then select and make a immediate children and also we make this a group so now if you duplicate this house you can easily duplicate all of the part of this house and we can also put this little behind just like this and then we're going to select this house and place it over here okay just like this also you rotate this and put this over here okay so make a nice design with those houses okay just like this and now we're going to make a wooden platform by using some Mega scan assets okay maybe we can do one thing that we put this house little down here okay just like this so this is not the same design that you have to make but I just show you a idea okay and also can do one thing that we select this model here and then we duplicate this and we put it over here [Music] maybe we can increase the scale of this axis and then we again duplicate this house and [Music] put it over here [Music] okay just like this okay so now we're going to use some pixel asset to make a wooden platform over here so for this again we write click and go to this at quick Excel content and we're going to use those beams to make the platform so first we going to download this beam over here and also using the medium quality but you can also change the quality from here and I'm just click on this add button here and also use this one so make a little bit of variation and just click on this add button go to the mega scan folder go to the 3D assets and click on this static mesh filter here and we also use these as a Nanette so we're going to select all of this and just make a nanite so just click on this enable nanite for selected now we going to make a nice wooden platform over here so first we're going to place this one here just like this and also we're going to increase the scale of this sync is the scale maybe we decrease the camera speed here and also increase the scale of this axis and decrease this depth axis here and now we're going to duplicate it several times to make a wooden platform like structure here just like this okay and you can also change the position to make a random like design so make things like this and also duplicate it over here and then also you duplicate like like the brick like structure or Arrangement you can say so just like this okay and when you use some single assets to make this kind of structure you can do one thing that you select all of these wood structure here or root model here and put it inside a group here so and we name these as wood okay and then again we just start duplicating to make this structure here just like this and then we select all of this wood from here and make a group and now if you duplicate it you can easily duplicate all of this and you can make things very quickly now we can select all of these by go to its folder here and then we select all of this together and we move it here okay just like this okay and now it will take little time to fill all the gaps by using the same assets so just take your time and duplicate and you will get so you can get the idea and you can also put the things into here or there so make a nice design maybe we can duplicate it here and then we push it over here so this all depends on you and now we're going to put other beams at the bottom to make a little support here so we just make these things here and we increase the scale and then we put it over here maybe we increase the scale little bit more and then we put it over here okay just like this and do the same for this here also and also we going to put other assets and in this case we're going to rotate it to its 90 degree and then we put it over here okay [Music] so [Music] okay so you will get the idea that what I am going to you make here and you will get a nice platform over here also so now do the same things over here as well so I am going to speed things up okay so you can see that we roughly do this and you can also refine your work by putting much time here so if you can see that this is very easy but a very lengthy process so you can do it with very patience okay so now you will get the idea so this is the basic structure of this scene and now we're going to put all the vegetations over here and I'm going to use this one that is the Mega scan European black Elders so once you add you will get this folder here black Elder and we just see click on the static mesh filter and now we're going to put the vegetations manually first we're going to use this kind of big foliages so you just put it over here and then we going to increase the scale Maybe just like this now we're going to put some big trees so maybe this one so put it over here maybe increase the scale and then we place it over here [Music] just like this maybe we put it down this behind a little bit and you can increase this tree scale little bit up and then again we duplicate it here and put it little down and we can rotate it to make it little different looking and you can see that it look amazing okay you can see that this look amazing and now maybe we can set up our camera a little bit to make a nice lighting so first we put our sun over here and then we go to the sequence and go to this camera settings first we go to the lens settings here go to the lens settings then you go to the bloom and we change this Bloom method to convolution here and also you go to this intensity and we decrease the intensity to maybe 0.2 here just like this and then we go to this exposure and we change this metering mode to manual here and then we go to exposure compensation and we change this to maybe 10 or now okay and also we go to these camera aperture will decrease the aperture and also we can decrease this exposure down to maybe 9 or so then we go to our directional light so we go to the search bar and type directional here we go to this intensity and we decrease the intensity to maybe 6 here or maybe five and we increase the source angle to make a little bit bigger Sun here okay just like this and then we do one thing that again we go to this camera settings and go to this exposure here maybe we change this to 10. okay so now you can get nice lighting for our scene and also you go to the fox settings here so we go to this fog exponential height Fork and we decrease the fog intensity little bit down [Music] okay so now we can get a nice lighting for our scene and also maybe change our lighting here [Music] okay just like this and now maybe we going to extend our landscape little bit more so we increase the size of this and then we put it over here maybe dip it down and then also we put things over here okay and also we duplicate the trees and we plant those trees over here as well so now if you go here you can see this kind of nice distance landscape here and also we can duplicate this tree and maybe we put it over here okay so this is the basic and you can also do more work to make things nice and maybe we can put our sun over here to make a nice dusk like scene here and maybe we put it over here okay so this is how you can make this kind of scene and also we can go to our trees folder here and we can also use another crease so maybe we can put a tree over here increase the scale and also we put this tree over here increase the skill Maybe just like this and also duplicate it here okay and maybe again we use this tree over here and we increase the scale then we dip it down okay just like this also we do one thing that we can duplicate this tree over here and maybe we duplicate these assets and just increase the scale and also rotate it into this side we put this tree over here [Music] just like this so now you can also do one thing that we can make a little ramp over here so I'm just put this assets here also rotate it into this side and now we going to make a little ramp here with by using the same technique that I use here so for this I am going to use another wood assets so I just go to quick sell assets again and I am using this asset so this one this one and this one these three types of and I have already downloaded so I just click on this add button here and I go to this Mega scan folder 3D assets and I check this static mesh filter here and now we going to use those assets here so maybe I put it over here and I decrease the camera speed and go over here okay put it little above of this water plane maybe I increase the scale of this put it here and then use another one so maybe this one again in case the scale of this put it over here and then we rotate it into this side okay and also we do some pillars here so you just [Music] okay so now you can see that it look nice so this is a very lengthy process so just make your scene by using some of your patience so so this is look something like this okay and maybe you can do one thing that we can make a little room here and also we can push all of these assets into this side little bit I select all of this and move it little left side here just like this okay and also I push it this one over here okay and now I go back to increase my camera speed little bit here and now you can get this idea okay so now we're going to put other foliages so first we're going to put some flowers over this River so for this again I am using some Mega scan assets and I'm going to use some of these water release so I just download it from here and I'm also click on this add button here and then also I'm going to use this one also so just click and add it to my project here so here is this so first I'm going to make those nanite and also do the same for this one also so I make all of this as nanite and for this I'm going to use the foliage system so I go to the selection mode and go to this foliages and here all of these are already added so I just select and then I do one thing that I go down here and maybe I decrease the density to maybe 10 here so let's see and maybe also I going to decrease the scale maybe 50 and now I'm going to print it over here so you can see that it paint but it is inside the River so one thing I can do that we can increase the scale of this so we select all of this here and then we go down and we can increase the scale to maybe two by two let's see maybe we have to increase it little bit more so we're going to increase it to maybe 4 here and let's see yes now you can see that it's about the river but it's still inside the reverse so maybe we can do one thing that we delete all of this so I go to increase the brush size and delete all of this and then we go to selection mode and we just duplicate it one more time and we put it little down here so maybe we can flat things up so we just flat it down like this and then maybe just like this and then we push it literally down here just inside the river and also it can place it over here okay maybe we can increase the scale of this and then you dip it down okay just like this also we can rotate it to this side and then you place it over here okay and now if we paint here the poly edges go to this polish section and we going to decrease the scale because we increase it to six so maybe set it to 1 which is the default value and then again we decrease the brush size to 50 and now you can see that this look nice okay so this is how you can sometimes solve the problems so just put it over here and there and you can see that this look really amazing [Music] foreign just like this maybe sometime you can also increase the scale of those so select all of this and then go to the scale and maybe increase the scale to two by two and then put some of this Beaker also just like this okay and do the same here also okay so now you can see that this look amazing and also do the same here also so maybe okay so now you can see that it getting better when you put those and also we have other ones so here it is so here are those so again we go to this Folia section and we disable all of this and we only focus on those and now if we put it here and you can see that this look really amazing I mean those plants are look really amazing so you will get nice details when you put those over here in there just like this okay so now you can see that this look really amazing okay and one thing we're missing that it is very static but it have to move according to the waves so so we're going to do one thing that we go to this material here and we search for the wind and we will get this wind option here and just enable this okay and we save this here and also do the same for this material also just double click to open and then we go to the wind and enable the wind for this okay and now you can see that it can also move but you can also increase the movement so we go to this wind intensity and increase it so you can get more movement but this is too much so we're going to decrease the value and also increase the wind speed little bit so this all depends on you that how much movement you want okay just like this so and also do the same for the small plants so we go back to the small plants here go to its material and search for wind and enable this then you save this do the same for these two and save this okay so now you will see that this look really amazing okay and now we're going to put other plants so again go to the mega scan assets and here you can find this one so I'm uh put all these plants together so we don't have to come back here so just select all of this and I just add it here so I'm also give all these asset Link in the description so you can easily download those from there and then I'm going to select all of these fonts and make those as Nanette so I'm just select and enable the net for the selected and then I put it over here so you can see that all uh are added here so I'm just focus on the fonts here so I put the funds here but we're going to increase the scale of this fund so we select all of these funds and then we go here and change this to two and now we going to paint if you change the light position here you can easily see those so if you want to make some cinematic shot from here you can also get those plants here and now we can add some up here also some of the fonts over here also okay and now we're going to use other plants so [Music] so maybe we disable all of these funds and use this one so I select this and maybe we increase the scale for this so in case the scale to two and now we're going to paint and you can see that this look really amazing so this is very nice that if you put different plants and it will really makes a nice variation to your scene maybe not that much here okay just like this and you can also enable wind for these two so you just select this material and type wind and enable wind for this save this foreign [Music] all the static meshes and we select all of this here and we turn on net for selected and then also we go to this 3D plans and then we go to this material and turn on wind okay just like that do the same here and Save so you will get a nice movement to these plants also okay and now we can do one thing that we can put other ground assets so for this let's see what we have here so we have these small plants also so let's see so first we're going to disable all of these plants and then we use some new plants here so maybe use this one so you selected and we paint it here okay so put different plants so can you can create nice details to your scene okay so just like this [Music] okay [Music] and also we have other plants so these are the bigger plants so we're going to use these three and we select all of these three and now we're going to go down here and increase the scale to maybe 2.5 and now we're going to paint so you can see that this plants is so amazing and it really fills all the gaps so you'll get a nice view to your scene okay just like this so just put those plants here and there okay just like this and also do the same here so maybe we can place our sun over here and then we're going to increase the scale to maybe 4 here and also do the same here 4 and now we're going to pin so you can see that if you paint it here you can easily block also we can disable those and select these plants and then we're going to paint or maybe we can increase the scale for this so we're going to increase the scale to maybe three by three here and we're going to print okay so this is look nice and you can also put some over here okay so just like this so feel free to design your whole scene and you can get a nice result okay so this is how you can make this kind of scene and also you can see that this is a very lonely uh house so maybe we can put some also here so first we're going to put some trees over here so we go to our selection mode and we select this tree and put this tree over here [Music] okay just like this [Music] we just put this tree over here okay so now if you go here you can see that this look really amazing okay so this is how you can create this kind of scene and now we're going to put other details so for the extra details I'm going to use uh the forest suit content from the epic game Marketplace so I'm going to download this so I'm using this assets which is called the forest path just add it to my project here so once you add the asset you will find this folder here which is this Ms for institute just double click to open this and I also select the static mesh filter here so here is all these assets so first you're going to select all of this and then just right click and click on this nanite and enable nanite for selected and then I'm going to use it as a foliage system so for this go to here and go to his folio section here and then I'm going to add those files over here so first I going to add these falling leaves here so I select this one and also this one and this one here and then I'm just drag and drop over here and now I'm going to select all of this and make sure that I deselect all of this here and then only select these threes and check the box here then I am going to start painting from here okay and then also we put other assets so first you're going to put those grasses over here so we select those grasses and then we go here and deselect those and put this here okay and now if we're going to paint and now we're going to put some this sticks here so we again select all of these sticks and we deselect those [Music] here and then we bring those sticks over here and now we going to put some sticks here okay so now we going to put other assets so maybe we put those terms here so maybe we can put over here and also we go to our selection mode and then we going to increase the scale here just like this and we put it over here and then also dip it down here okay and also we have another things inside this ruler Australia pack so if we go here you can get so many other assets to put over here and there to make things nice so maybe we can use this one here you can see that this look also amazing and maybe we put this one here okay and also we have this uh wooden block so we're going to use it over here also and maybe we can increase the scale here just like this and then also we duplicated it here and rotate it maybe bend it little bit to this angle and put it over here so you can see that yeah you can use it as a fence uh very old fence and not all the parts are attached only the these pillars are remains so you can easily make something very nice by using those and also we have made this dead tree remains so you can also use it here and there just like this okay so you can see that if you put things here and there it will create a nice details to your scene okay and also we do one thing that we can put a stamp over here I'm going to duplicate this one here and then we just put it little down here [Music] just like this and then we going to put this that tree here okay so this is uh I do in my actual video so if you watch the trailer you can understand that what I am trying to do here just like this and then also you can put some other foliages over here so we go to this foliage section here and then we find some nice foliages to put over here and there so first we're going to deselect all of this sticks here and then maybe we select those funds and now we're going to start painting over here and there so you can understand that what I'm going to do here so you can see that this look really amazing and also we have these plants here so maybe we use those also maybe not here maybe we're going to decrease the scale of those and then we'll paint here and there okay just like this so now you can see that if we go here you can get nice result here and also we can increase the tree here so go back to our selection mode and we duplicate the trees to make more trees here and there okay so now if we go back to our main place here you can get nice scene at the Horizon okay and also if we go to our camera and increase this focal length you can see that this look really amazing and if we change our light position here you can get a nice dusk kind of scene okay and also if you put our sun here you can also get nice design to your scene okay so this is how you can put details in your scene and now we're going to put other details also so we have some of these state terms also here and there so maybe put things here and also we have this one here okay and also we have some of these root model here so we're going to use it as a Folia section so we go to this foliage and again we select all of this then deselect to make sure that we select nothing here and then we put this root here here is this root and now we're going to paint so if you paint this root here you can get extra level of details here if you go here you can see this route really creates a nice result here maybe we can decrease our camera focal length here and now if you put those roots you can see this look really amazing and also put some Roots over here also maybe not here and here okay and also we put some over here also and maybe we can increase the scale of this route so maybe put it two by two and then we put it here okay just like this so you will get nice result here maybe delete this one here and then also I'll put some over here so maybe this is not visible so we do not waste our time over here so you can see this look really amazing [Music] okay so this is how you can do this and maybe we can do one thing that we duplicate or put this tree over here [Music] so it will create nice perspective view to our scene so here okay or maybe we can decrease the scale of this indicator scale and now you will get a nice view from here so far so good now we're going to put other assets here I am going to use this prop which is for call this old west okay so once you add you will find this folder called the old west just double click to open and also we select the static mesh and there is so many props you can use so we're going to start with this Barrel so firstly go here and put this Barrel over here and you can see that those assets are really amazing so maybe we put it here or increase the scale from this Barrel maybe we can put this sofa over here so here is this sofa look nice maybe you increase the scale and then we place it over here okay and also we have some chairs so maybe we use those chairs also and then put it over here okay just like this and then also we have some boxes so probably you can put here in there to make a nice design also this chair also and here is some cartons here so you can probably use those maybe we can put uh those boxes over here I don't know why but just put those it will look nice so this is the basic of this scene and you can see that eventually it looks so amazing and now we have some of the special effects like the bars and the falling leaves so as I used before now we I use this ruler Australia pack for this and if you go inside this ruler Australia folder you will find this effects folder and here you can find this falling ellipse effects so if you go here you can put this blueprint over here to make this nice kind of falling leaves effects and also we can put over here and also here maybe and then if you go here you can also put those Falling Leaves over here to make nice design here okay so you can see that when you put those fallen leaves you will get a nice Falling Leaves effects here and also you will find some of this bad effect so you can also use those bird here and there okay just like this and also some of the bird over here okay just like this so you put this part here maybe okay just like this so if you want you can also use this but okay and then maybe we can replace our sun here okay and if you enable the starter content from the beginning you will find the starter content folder and here also you can get some of this ambient particles effects so you can also use those particles here and there to make more organic design here and also you will some of this particle effects also and if you want you can also put those here and there so maybe you can put this particle effect uh maybe here and also you can increase this and and then we can Place those particles over here to make a nice depth to your scene okay so maybe we can increase the scale of these particles and put it over here it will create a nice depth to your scene okay so just like this so this is how you can create this kind of scene okay and now maybe we can make a nice camera movement here so for this first I go to make a camera movement here so maybe I probably make a 10 second long video so when I going to use this 23.976 frame rate so maybe 240 frames will be equivalent to the 10 seconds so I go here and make a 240 frames here and also I extend my camera cut here just like this and also I extend the camera cut here for the extra frames and which will be used as a warm-up frames so first I go at the beginning here and maybe I start my camera roll from here maybe and then I make a keyframe and also I change the keyframe to linear and also I convert those keyframe as linear here and also I check this auto keyframe switch here and then I go at the very end and I just simply drag my camera here and now if you see you can get a very simple subtle camera animation here but we also going to put some camera shake so for this I am going to use a blueprint so first I go to this content and then right click and I go to this blueprint class and then I go to all classes and I search for Shake and here you will find this camera Shake base so select this one and select also here and then also name this as shape here is the shake I don't know why it's not totally so here is this blueprint so double click to open so first I go to this root check pattern and I check and change this to parallel noise camera Shake pattern then I expand this and then I go to this timing and here's the duration we change this to zero if you change this to 0 the camera Shake will last forever okay and then also I compile this one and then we minimize this one and we go our camera and then you go to this track button and you will find this camera shake and we select this camera Shake blueprint here and also we put it over here and then we just increase it here and now if you play you will get a simple camera animation but we going to probably change the settings so first you go to the rotation and we will change this to maybe one here and now if you play it and you can also Loop this player and now you will get this kind of simple camera animation maybe this is too much so we going to decrease the value so maybe we decrease this value from here to make a 0.5 this is the amplitude and also we go to this location and also we change this frequency to maybe 2 here and you will get a very subtle camera animation here or maybe you can also change this to maybe 1.5 okay just like this and when you're satisfied you just compile this and now we minimize this and you will get a very simple camera animation here okay so just like this and maybe we can do one thing that we put our camera over here just like this and then we go at the very end and we end our camera animation here now you can see you'll get a very subtle camera animation it's a look like that you handle the camera and walking towards this River so this is how you can create this kind of nice camera animation and if you watch my trailer you also get some ideas for the camera animation and the camera positions so I hope you can really make a nice cinematic design by using this technique okay so finally I'm going to show you that how I create the night version of this scene so this is very easy because I use a assets from the ultra Dynamic sky so this is the ultra Dynamic sky and if you want you can buy this pack because it's a very nice assets for Unreal Engine so this is a paid content so you have to buy if you want to use this so once you buy you will get this add to project button here and you just click here and it will add it to your project so once you add this asset you will find this Ultra Dynamite sky here so if you open this Ultra Dynamic Sky you will get this blueprint here so here is a blueprint so in order to apply this although Dynamic Sky first we're going to disable the light here which is our sun so we type directional light here is the directional light to disable this one and then also I disable the cloud and also the skylight and the sky atmosphere here okay so but if you just disable this it will not uh disappear all those things from your scene because when you render it will also appear in your scene so when you render your scene you probably delete those from your action scene here and if you but it's a demonstration purpose so I just disable those from here and then I'm going to drag this Ultra Dynamic sky over here so when we apply ultra diamond Sky it will take little time to compile the shaders and you will get a nice sunny morning scene here and now we going to make it a night scene so we select alternative sky and go to this details panel and here you find this time of day so if you change this value if you change this value you will get a night scene also and you can see that the lighting also change according to the night so this is very amazing for this pack and you can also see that uh this uh particle system is work something like this but you can see that after time it will look nice okay but we have to change some settings also so firstly go to our sequence here and then we go to our camera maybe we increase the decrease the f-stop value here to make more bright in our scene here and then also we put some lights over here so maybe we can put some light here also so we go to this box and go to the light and put a point light over here so maybe put some light inside this house here so just like this and also increase the intensity of this light and also change the color to something like orange like color here and then also we go to this attenuation radius we increase this radius here and then also we go here that is the source said yes if you increase this you will get more soft Shadow here and then also go to the volumetric scattering we increase this value so maybe we can manually put the value to 20 maybe to get a nice volumetric lights here okay just like this so if you go here foreign you will see nice light here and also we can duplicate the light so we find this point light here and then we duplicate it here [Music] just like this okay so you will get a nice light here and then also we're going to change some clouds also so we go to this again which is this Ultra Dynamic sky and then firstly go to the moon settings so we go to type Moon here and here you will find this Moon and there is so much settings for the moon so first you're going to increase the Moonlight intensity but I think this is too much of light so I reset this value here and then also you can change this Moon angle so if we change you can change the position of the Moon here just like this so here is the moon inclination if you change it you can incline or change the position of the Moon also and there is also the nice thing is a moon phase so you can also change the moon phase from here so you can get half moon or full moon if you want so you can easily make this okay so just like this and now you can see so much star in the sky and if you get make this Moon half you can also do one thing that you can increase the moon intensity to make a little bit of brightness in the sky or maybe you can disable or decrease the value so if you go here there is a cloud speed you can decrease this value to maybe 0.01 so in that way the clouds are very static here and then also you can do one thing that you go up here and the cloud coverage you can decrease the value foreign sky here okay so this is how you can set up and there are so many options so you can probably to change those to make a nice design but I think for this tutorial uh this is enough uh to demonstrate this because I only make a night sky with lots of stars here so so now you can see that this is the whole idea for this scene okay so this is it and this is how you can create this entire scene so I think I go through all the steps that I made to build this kind of scene and I am also show you that how I create the nighttime scene so this is it and I hope you really enjoy this tutorial so this is for today and we'll see in my next video so till then take care and bye bye [Music] thank you you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 63,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Id: J6Aw52mMmnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 40sec (5320 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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