Real to Unreal: From Real World Height Maps to Unreal Engine 5

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welcome to the video just a quick disclaimer before we get started this is an overview on the work process that I've found moving from satellite images and height maps of Real World locations to Gaia a free terrain generation software and then finally to Unreal Engine 5. um this is not an in-depth tutorial on how I set up my Gaia file nor is it an in-depth tutorial on how I set up my landscape material if you're interested in learning how I did that please let me know in the comments and I'd be happy to make a tutorial later on otherwise if you want to follow along with me directly using the files that I'm using today I will put a link in the description to my gumroad where you can pick them up along with a version of stylized Assets in a previous tutorial that I gave so with that disclaimer out of the way let's get started [Music] so to begin the best way that I've found to get a height map file very quickly and easily is to use a website called and I think this was a tool made by City skyline players so thank you very much when you first visit this is what you'll see a big Square here in the middle of the map probably somewhere in California and this Square represents the area of the height map that we're going to be exporting to move it all you need to do is move around on the map and click and the square will will automatically jump to where you have clicked to make some more finite adjustments you can go to the Center Square here and move it by clicking and dragging like that so next thing you need to do is choose the area which you want to export a height map from I think I'm going to take an area from Colorado I know there are some nice tall mountains with beautiful Vistas that would suit our unreal setup quite well so let me look around a bit and see if I can find a good spot I think I want to find a spot with a river and a tall mountain and to make it easier to sort of spot a good area I'm going to change the map Style to satellite so going over here to the hamburger menu and map Style just change it to satellite and then you can see sort of the coloration of the landscape and with the coloration enabled it's easier to find a nice composition I think so after some searching I think I finally found an area that I would like to export so next thing I need to do is go up here to the I icon in the top left into the settings menu and I've set the map size at 10 kilometers um big enough to fit our mountain and the lakes and rivers that surround it but not too big that we overwhelm the scene I think next thing I need to do is set the base level and if you don't do this for the height map the exporter doesn't know at what height you want to export so most likely you will either get an all black or an all-white image so to fix this click on the calculator button and this will automatically set the minimum height and maximum height values and to set the height scale click the second calculator button and you'll see that we have about 98 percent height scale what this does is sets the height map range so that we go from absolute white to Absolute black taking advantage of the full range of the height map uh after that I think we are ready to export so go ahead and close that menu and go down to the PNG height map export button and simply click that so that will export our height map and just to double check yes indeed we have nice Pure White and I think in here especially especially around the Basin we have a pure black value so everything's looking good there before we click off of this site there's one more thing I want to export and that is the map image now we will use this a little later on I think to cheat just a bit with our water zones to get a little bit of a clearer height map in that area in particular so to export the actual satellite image make sure you have the satellite map style selected on the hamburger menu and then go down to the download map image button and that will download an image of our height map area so there we go everything's looking good we are ready to move to Gaia so for this tutorial if you haven't done so already you need to download quad spinner Gaia to do so uh just simply go to and click on the free download button this software is free to use with some limitations but for our purposes those limitations do not matter so go ahead and click on the download button and install the Gaia software okay when you first open Gaia you'll see a screen similar to this one what you want to do is go to the open file and then navigate to our Gaia real Gaia build folder click on the Gaia build.tor Gaia terrain file and click open and give Gaia just a bit of time the engine is compiling the various nodes inside of the file okay once that's done head over to your landscape shaping tab and since we don't need this anymore just select these nodes here and go ahead and delete the node we do need is the file node so let's bring in a file node and I'm sure you know where this is going the file node lets us use a height map from outside of Gaia so go over to click on the Node go over to browse and let's navigate over to the folder where we have saved the images we exported from skydark so from skydark we have our height map and our image let's go ahead and first open up our height map file so click open and there we are we have our height map right now it is a little bit too tall however too dramatic so let's reduce that height just a bit go over well selected on your height or your file node here go to the clamp clmp option and let's clamp the height down to around 40 45 percent so this is an exact this isn't exact right now but we will get a more exact height later on in unreal so for now this is just sort of a general height for the landscape it looks about right but um still might be a bit tall we will fix that later so next thing we want to do um technically we are ready to export to Unreal from here but because of the nature of satellite imagery the resolution on this height map is not great there's quite a bit of loss of detail in the terrain that I think I want to add back and fortunately Gaia has some powerful nodes that we can use to add back in some of the detail that we lost first node I want to bring in here is the micro erosion node what the micro erosion node does is add back in just a little bit more definition into the landscape especially if you bring up the iterations just a bit you'll see that in our original height map file everything seems a bit blurry but with the micro erosion node it adds just a little bit more definition back into that uh Terrain the next node I think I want to use is the fluvial node and what this node does is adds a bit more detail back into the actual slopes of the mountains so let's go ahead and hook that in and you'll see already there's a bit more detail here let's increase the duration just a bit and maybe the power as well and hit apply changes and you'll see that that definition is coming back into the mountain slope just a bit more go ahead and connect that to the drop to floor and let's go all the way to our last tab here texturing Tab and click the bottom node here to give a good idea of what our terrain is going to look like when it's fully textured foreign okay so right now this is where we're at it's not exactly the real conditions but we will get back to that and adjust these masks just a bit later on yeah but I think that is a good starting point so next thing I want to do is check this image off of its reference or sorry it's actual satellite image from Google Maps so let's jump back over to our height map.skydark and turn back on our streets map Style and you'll see that this area or the area that I've selected is named Crested Butte Mount Crested Butte so what I'm going to do is go to Google Maps turn on our satellite layer here go to the 3D mode so we get a better understanding of the actual depth let's put this away and let's pan around our Mountain take a look at the height and the surrounding area uh we'll see that yes in fact our height here is a bit too tall so I'm going to turn it down let's go to 30. and that still might be a bit strong but we will get it more exact and unreal later but you can see these marks in the hillside that the fluvial node we were able to get back using the fluvial node and I think other than that everything is looking pretty close there is one thing I want to do and we're going to use a couple techniques to do that is drop down the actual height of the water zones so I think the best way for us to cleanly edit the height of our waterways and you can see them a little bit here we want them do we want to make them a little bit more dramatic so what we're going to do is jump back over to our heightmap.skydark and instead of using our satellite map image what we're going to do instead is use either the streets yeah let's actually export the streets map style so select streets and let's export this once more okay so next I want to hop over to photoshop and you can do this in Photoshop you can do this in or any other program for photo editing what I want to do is mask out the water zones in our map so that I can do some very slight adjustments and exaggerate the water level within Gaia just using a simple mask so first things first I noticed that our image directly from skydark is index color we want to change that to RGB so go up to image mode and switch it to RGB color and that should let us edit things more easily next thing I want to do is quickly select our light blue areas so in Photoshop you can go to select color range and then click on the blue color get a few samples turn up the fuzziness just a bit to 80. and that should automatically select all of the blue on the canvas good everything's looking good there so now I want to go to layer new fill layer solid color and let's just call this water mask and I'm going to give it a pure white and behind it I'm going to add another layer and on that layer we're going to set it to pure black and that will give us a nice mask to work off of that will help carve into our landscape just a little bit and help Define our River and water regions so next thing we want to do is export our new water mask go to file export quick export as PNG and in the same area that you saved your other height masks let's save our water mask okay and then we are ready to jump back over to Gaia using another file node let's bring in our water mask and it is a bit strong right now so what I'm going to do is use levels and blur it just a bit Maybe by .001 next thing I want to do is add a combined node and for the combine node let's put our first height map into input and our second water mask into input two and let's do subtract so we're subtracting the two masks from each other and you can see that that will give us a bit more definition in our River areas I think this is a little bit too strong so let's turn down the ratio just a bit before we move on to adjusting the masking there's one error that I noticed with the fluvial node when we added in our second mask I think this happens when the terrain is already at the base level and the fluvial tries to go below base level but it can't so what we need to quickly do to fix this is go back to our combined node and let's go over to our clamp and let's raise the clamp minimum just a little bit to give some space underneath the terrain to allow the fluvial to process below and that should fix any of the errors that we had previously okay now we're ready to move on to masking okay so let's move on to masking so in masking I have things set up in a way that generates rivers and lakes for us but since we're using an actual location and we already know where those rivers and lakes are instead we are going to bypass these three nodes large rivers small rivers and lakes by using a choke point node so let's bring in a choke point node and set up our portals so on the choke point we're going to use two masking instead and then we are going to connect the choke point to the areas that were taken by the small rivers and large rivers so quickly replace those connections okay and then for Lakes so let's add another file node and let's bring in again our water mask that we used previously and this water mask needs a little bit more contrast so clicking on the file let's use the log function to add a bit more contrast then let's rename this to water mask so what we want to do is drag off from the water mask and connect it to the lake and then in addition to the combine so before we move on we need to quickly connect snowfall to our height map output completely bypassing the Lakes node and since we are not using this in this particular map let's just get rid of it as to not confuse the engine with any leftover nodes that we're not using there is one more thing we need to double check because we got rid of a node let's hop over to our texturing and I believe we're most likely missing uh an input here because of the mask that we just deleted so from the water mask let's drag off one more portal so the water mask now has a portal output and from that portal output we can bring in our water mask here oh one more note I forgot about instead of going from our choke point here we want to put our water mask as well into the M riverbed here and that should be good enough to fix our textures so let's double check and yeah everything's looking pretty good we have a river in we have our Lake and our mountain is looking quite nice as well uh next thing I want to tackle is tree placement so to do so let's jump back over to Google Maps and take a look at the trees we have you'll notice that they do grow all the way up the mountain and as far as their relation to the water it seems like the smaller shrubs in smaller trees like to collect near the river and these larger trees are more focused on the higher elevation areas so let's do our best to [Music] recreate the same image in Gaia first thing let's jump over to our vegetation tab and click on GM tree L these are our large tree masks and the first thing you'll notice is that these treaties seem a little out of scale so let's fix that now let's reduce the height down to around 10 percent and let's increase the health quite a bit and decrease the reduced density values and you'll see already these are starting to look a bit more like a reference um let's fix this area here I still think our height map is still a little bit too tall so let's jump back over and once again reduce our clamp just a bit more to maybe about 23. and jump back over to our GM tree l okay that's looking better so we want these trees to grow all the way up the mountain so first thing we want to do is change our patches value let's bring that all the way down to say 25. and let's increase our slope Max to around 30 degrees okay it's starting to work its way back up the mountain here so I'm realizing part of the issue is the dead zone mask that we have set up the reason why I can't get the trees to come up the side of the mountain a bit more so let's adjust the dead zone a bit currently our dead zone is determined by two things location of water and the height mask or the height sorry instead of height slope the slope of our landscape so let's adjust those two things as you can see here I'm using the Cliff mask in order to determine where slopes are in the landscape because of how it looks on Google Maps it doesn't seem like there is a significant degree of growth mask depending on the slope we can in fact probably get rid of that so what I'm going to do is instead of cliff I'm going to drag off a new mask here and just use a simple slope mask in its place so we're going to add a slope mask and then bring in our height map using a portal and then in our slope mask settings here let's bring up the minimum slope to around 70 degrees and our maximum 90. fall off around 15 degrees and now our Dead Zone looks a bit more like our reference so we no longer need these masks here let's get rid of them and hop back over to our vegetation GM tree l and there we go we can see that now our trees are growing all the way up the slope just like we see on Google Maps good let's take a look at our tree s so what we noticed about our small trees here is that they like to be near the water and maybe some as well at the base of the mountain so using that as a reference I think we're actually pretty close to what we want here let's bring down our height just a bit more or visual representation and for flowing water we're going to choose seek for growth let's go with normal altitude Max let's bring down a bit because we don't want it to grow up the mountain and these trees are getting just a little bit too close to the river for my comfort so I think what I need to do is increase the size of our water mask just a little bit to push away the trees from that area so let's go back up to our water mask and this is just a bit too thin in my opinion so let's drag off another blur layer and my favorite way of expanding masks is to use blur and then a Jitter layer to add some additional patterning and randomness let's bring down the power just a bit and then click on the log to increase the power of the Mask and we're going to blur it again at the bottom let's increase the blur level a bit let's reduce the power here a little bit more say 0.2 it's looking good so this is where we were now we've widened it a bit and then we're going to add it back together using another combined node set to Max and let's organize this a little bit so I think to really bring up the contrast of our River mask we need to use the equalize and then on our combine something I was missing before make sure that when you use or most of the time when you use the max combine method your ratio should be at a hundred percent otherwise some of the values will come in slightly Gray and that was causing me an issue before so make sure that ratio is at 100 percent okay I think we're looking pretty good we have our main large conifers here on the hillside and then down by the river the smaller trees or the shrubs are tending to propagate so I think we have all the masks set up and ready one more thing I want to do I think is adjust the amount of snowfall we have to make the scene a little bit more dramatic so let's increase the duration of our snowfall and the intensity and see if we can get snow on every Side of the Mountain let's reduce the Melt just a little bit yeah so now we have a bit more snow adds a bit more color or change of texture to the scene nice so with that all set up I think we are ready to export to unreal one small thing before we move on to Unreal Engine something I noticed while flipping back and forth between our height map file and the Google Maps is that we are missing a little bit of accuracy especially at the peak here and I'm not sure if Google Maps is 100 correct either but I think in order to match our reference just a little bit more I want to use a couple more nodes to edit our height map file uh the first one to take off the peak here a little bit is the node soft clip and that will just basically clip off anything above a certain threshold so it's good it's a good note to use to reduce some of uh excess pointiness in your landscape so I'm just going to lower down the threshold to around 13 maybe 14 percent take another look at Google yeah maybe maybe a little lower around 11 and that will just you know take a little off the top um let's plug that back into the combine node scoot all this forward all right almost there I think I want to add one more node to get just a little bit more detail out of our height Maps before we move on here and that is the rugged node it's in the look of look Dev section so let's plug that one in and this one is also pretty subtle with this detailing so let's up the strength just a little bit more so you can see the difference here and hit apply changes so you can see that we're getting just a little bit more detail in the landscape it's bringing all the shapes down to an even level a little bit but it's adding in um some rugged features so to speak so I think that adds just a touch more detail that we need to make this a bit more accurate in order not to say accurate but look a bit more like our reference and as you can see in our reference it's a bit hard to to go off of because there are some man-made changes like hiking trails and cuts through the forest so I guess we can imagine our particular version of it being the most natural growth version before too much human contact changed the actual look of the mountain itself so yeah let's just go with that okay I think we're ready to start exporting so let's hop over to our build tab here and as you can see let me organize by name all of our various masks that are set up in the file are here in numbered order all we need to do now is choose a folder to export to so let me choose the folder where we've been saving all of our files I'm going to go with the Gaia build folder select folder we're using a normal build our resolution is um confined by the free version so I don't think we can use anything above 1009 that's okay we're going to stick with a thousand and nine color space srgb no mutations normalized range and once you're ready to go just hit start build and give it a bit to compute okay once it's done building we can check our export folder and see that in fact all of her masks have exported correctly and everything is looking good let's jump back over to Gaia real and let's go into the unreal scene and open it up okay and once unreal opens you'll see probably a landscape in here uh maybe one built previously but don't worry too much about it first thing we're going to do is delete it we're going to start over from scratch because um depending on the size of your height map and the size that it was exported we are going to make a landscape that fits that size so let's jump back over to the height map at and double check the map size that we used taking special note of these two numbers here as well so we're making a 10 kilometer Map size so back in unreal let's go to landscape manage as far as settings go since we're using a 10 kilometer landscape our scale we want is 1000 by 1000. by let's say 200 but we will change that later to make sure that our height is correct remember that our overall resolution is 1009 by 1009 so we can use either one by one sections with 16 components if you want to optimize quite a bit and have components be easily removed during runtime but in my opinion that's a few too many components so let's go with eight and eight and two by two sections and that is exactly 1009 by 1009. so we're ready to go hit create and our new landscape is in the world now let's import our height map file so head over to manage import file and then let's navigate to our height map file so go to your Gaia build folder and click on your terrain your height map Terrain and then select import and we're inside of it the height map should come in as intended and it's looking good so next thing we need to do is get our landscape material onto our height map so let's go back to our selection mode and click on our landscape scroll down until we see the landscape material and then head over to our landscape materials folder here in the content browser click and drag our landscape Master instance into the landscape material and you'll see that it is all gone black and that is because our landscape material uses rvt's runtime virtual texturing so what we need to do is connect to the rvt height and rvt color here to the landscape so first thing click on your landscape and let's go to Virtual I'm going to type into the search virtual texture draw in Virtual texture we're going to add two elements the rvt color and the rvt height and then back at the rvt color we are going to select our landscape so go ahead and clear your search and then go down to the balance align Factor let's select our landscape from the drop down and then the rvt height let's do the same and then click set bounds and this boundary box should snap to your landscape now okay looks good so let's jump back over to our landscape mode and in the landscape mode we want to go to our paint mode and scroll down you will see all of our masks or sorry are material layers that are associated with our landscape material we need to assign their corresponding materials so go ahead and just click the drop down and select their corresponding layer info sorry select their corresponding layer info okay so all of our layer info is associated with our material now and you'll see that the very first material base rock layer has filled the entire Terrain that's okay that's a good start before we move on to start adding materials to our landscape let's double check that our landscape is in fact the correct size so to do that the easiest way is to jump into the for split views and come over here to your top view and let's make it easier to see by turning off our directional light really quickly give us a bit more contrast and at the bottom here you can see that there is a scale of 10 kilometers here I'll make it a bit bigger and if we match up that scale we can see that our landscape is exactly 10 kilometers which is good that's what we want it is in line with our 10 kilometer Map size so we're good to go there next thing that we need to check is the landscape height so the easiest way to do that is in your side view if you hold down the middle Mouse button and you can draw a measurement line to get a basic measurement for the whatever distance that you're drawing from so right now we have a distance of a hundred and three thousand so let's jump back over to our city skylines uh web page and here we have our minimum height and our maximum height and uh so just to show the exact distance is there let's do a bit of quick math so we have 3704.4 minus 2671.2 so our landscape height should be around 1033.2 let's jump back over to unreal and drop a quick line down here I believe these measurements are in centimeters right now so we are at 102 149. so very close actually what was our number again yeah we're missing only about uh 10 meters or so um this isn't an exact science but what you can do is go over to your scale at 200 and let's put it up to I don't know 205. and click off so we can actually see our measurement here and that may have been a little bit too far but I think we are close enough to call that good um so that's how I tend to scale our Landscapes um it's it's it's rough it's not exact I mean this isn't being used to uh to build anything but I think it is a good a baseline for the scale of landscape so we're good to go I think we can start adding materials so let's import our materials and make the magic happen jump over to your landscape tab and over to manage and starting from the O2 ground a let's start importing our masks that we exported from Gaia so simply click the check mark and import over in our Gaia unreal Gaia build folder O3 04 and this is where numbering things in order comes in handy okay and once you have them all imported uh don't hit the import button yet just a moment if you do it might crash unreal because it's quite a bit to handle all at once so let's just do it one at a time to be safe so starting with O2 ground a leave the check on and let's go to import and you can see that our ground a is starting to come in and texture our landscape looking good so let's keep it going I am I'm sorry O3 ground B now 04 o5 grass nice oh six okay and after 10 I think we have all of our landscape materials so far imported so let's drop down and take a quick look yeah oh by the way all these materials that I have currently in uh the landscape are Mega scans materials and these are available for free anybody using Unreal Engine all you need to do is go to the window and then click on qixel Bridge and that will bring up all of the Mega scans assets through qixel Bridge if you go to surfaces you can choose from a variety of surfaces the one I'm using today will be ready to go in the folder just like this but if you ever want to change any of these materials you can use Mega scans or your own materials of course and bring them in and I'll show you how to change materials in just a minute before we do that though let's quickly bring in a couple more masks to change up the grass coloration these are the grass masks so let's hop back over to landscape scroll all the way to the bottom and here we have our flow a flow C and grass masks so I'm going to just focus on the grass masks right now so mask number 19. and you can see a bit of coloration happening in the grass just adds a bit of variation to make it a bit more interesting and let's bring in 20 yeah so a bit of bit of light variation in the grass goes a long way to a feeling of realism and interest ing I want to do just really quickly is convert our landscape to nanite and this helps with a lot of things first of all performance and second of all it helps adding additional polygons or in Geometry to the landscape so you get slightly better displacement as well in your textures so let's really quickly select our landscape here and convert it to nanite by scrolling down until you see the nanite submenu so just click enable midnight enable nanite and rebuild data and this will just take a second to process and I don't know if you can see on your screen but it does give the landscape a bit more fidelity at least from what I see um the displacement maps have a bit more pop to them and look rather nice I want to quickly talk about how you can change the materials of the landscape if you click on the landscape here and scroll down to the landscape material where's our landscape material double click and open that um at the very top of our material instance here you see all of our various materials that are being used in the landscape right now as well as our to Grass coloration masks that I added just a moment ago um if you do want to change out the materials for any other all you need to do is download them and import them and then simply turn on the Albedo normal and ORD maps and insert them into those slots ORD if you don't know is a is one of the ways that unreal can be slightly optimized by combining the ambient occlusion the roughness and displacement Maps into a single texture it just reuses the RGB channels as a as a way to combine three different textures into one so o is ambient occlusion R is of course roughness and D is a displacement or a height map modifier so um that's what it is it it's a common format used by Mega scans so if you are using uh quixel bridge and importing additional textures using Mega scans it will slot right in so for the sake of this tutorial I think I'm going to use this pack here the temperate vegetation Spruce Forest it does support Unreal Engine 5.0 through 5.3 so it'll work well for us and you can find that in the epic games Marketplace I just searched trees and Max price free so you can pick up that pack here and I am just going to click on the button and download it into our project file so now that we have the assets loaded into the project let's go ahead and open up the folder and go over to our meshes with this particular asset pack you have a full sized or leaves going up the full length of the trunk and then leaves going up half the length so I guess let's take a look a quick look at our let's take a quick look at our Google image here and as far as I can tell the trees are spaced out enough that the leaves go all the way down to the base except for maybe in this area but to keep things simple let's just use the full length um type so let's go ahead and use those so to quickly Place those into the landscape let's go back to our landscape layer I'm sorry not landscape layer let's go over to our content and then landscape landscape materials and our grass Maps and these are the grass maps that determine the placement and the type of assets that are placed throughout the landscape so first we're going to start with LGT tree L our large trees so go ahead and click and open that up and you'll see our beautiful placeholder asset just waiting for us in here so instead of these assets let's go back to our new assets and to the meshes not half full and low poly and let's bring in both of these types and depending on the scale of these I'm probably going to have to turn down the scale here significantly yeah so they're coming in a bit big because our placeholders were quite small so let's let's quickly drop these down to uh scale one and scale two so this is a range of the the random size that they will come in as and did we lose them completely they might be way too small now oh no they might be to scale actually considering the size of our landscape let's let's place a quick Cube and judge exactly how big these trees should be I think they might be the correct size actually so I'm going to go to place actors I'm going to place a quick Cube this is a one meter by one meter cube so if we make that two meters tall about the size of a of a human we'll see that yes in fact I think those trees are just about the right size so our placeholders were actually quite large um my mistake but that's okay we'll go we're gonna go ahead and replace all of them anyways so they did their job let's go to the second placeholder down here and import a different kind of tree say this kind and oops I should change the scale first well between one and two yeah so these are there are two indexes here with the large trees if you want to add an additional indexes all you need to do is click the add element button and then from here you can set the grass density so let's keep it at close to one for trees 0.8 is and one is what I'm using before and let's bring in another type and now we have all sorts of trees um in our landscape even come with wind they look quite nice actually so good that's how you add in new assets and it seems like our shaders are compiling so just give it a moment and I your landscape material will come back once the shaders stop compiling so rather than bore you with uh changing out the rest of the assets I'm going to do that off screen and then I'll show you the result um if I'm missing anything please feel free to write questions in the comments and I'll be happy to answer but I'm going to cut here and then cut to the rest of the assets being loaded in okay so um I spent some time and collected a few more assets and this is where we're at now I also switched up a little bit of the coloration on the trees make it match the landscape a little better but I added some some various assets like these smaller trees here and in addition Place some rocks in the landscape as well using the masks that we brought from Gaia so let me really quickly show you the assets that I'm using the first one I installed previously the temperate vegetation spruce other than that I brought in the mega scans trees common Hazel An Early Access but they're quite nice if I had one complaint with mega scans though however their textures are very very heavy so do be aware that you'll be downloading 8K textures so the file size is quite large and here is the last um set of assets that I downloaded quite a few nice flowers and foliage Assets in this one as well project Nature has quite a few packs that are worthwhile in picking up no one last asset that I forgot to mention that didn't come in the previous packs is these Stones here all I did to get those was go to window and qixel Bridge like before and I used some Mega scans Stones assets there other than that what else did I add um to get some better feeling of depth I did add some exponential height fog on pretty much the default settings so it didn't have to change much just went up to the place actors and added exponential height fog dragged it into the scene other than that I added a post process volume in which I changed the color grading just a little bit the global saturation I bumped up just to get more of a pop of color and I think I raised the contrast as well just a little bit again just to get a bit more contrast in the color and make things pop out just a little bit more but that's about it um not much was added to be honest aside from the assets but those really helped pull the scene together I should mention if you want to pick up this project file I will be putting this project up on gumroad if you have a previous project file of mine specifically the stylized asset version of this project you will be able to get this for free I'm not going to charge any more for it these are going to come as a as a pack together so both the stylized and this one will be together for the same price one thing to mention however all the assets that I downloaded here we're free on the unreal Marketplace so I I won't be including them in the pack they aren't my assets and not to mention the size of them are are quite large so it's not worth it for me to upload those as well I think in total they're around nine gigabytes so it almost triples the size of all the files so in place of all these assets if you do pick up um this on Gum Road I will most likely put um in their place in their place I will most likely be putting the placeholder trees so when you first open the file you will probably see trees that are looking something like these so um don't be alarmed you can easily replace them as I've shown before um yeah but that's about it for the tutorial um from here you could uh use this as a that's about it for the tutorial from here you could play around with the sun Direction and get some nice renderings you could use this for look development in a game or you could use this for architectural visualization for backgrounds or just for Learning and personal study if I missed anything please let me know in the comments if you want me to go in depth about any of the things that I missed today for example the landscape material or various other tips and tricks please let me know I'll be happy to make some more tutorials for you all uh but that's about all thank you so much for watching the video
Channel: NateDotFbx
Views: 42,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F6K8GQED6ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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