Unreal Engine 5 Environment Tutorial - Japanese Shrine

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I will show you how to create this environment in Unreal Engine 5 step by step we will start off by using the model we created in the previous tutorial so if you don't have it I'll put a link in the description for you to download and follow along we will start from the very beginning how to create the scene and block out our environment you will learn how to use the modeling tools to quickly add models to your scene without leaving unreal then you will learn art fundamentals to set dress your level and have a nice looking environment you will learn lightning post process and finally we will optimize the environment and add collisions to make it playable learn to create an action game in a real Engine 5 start the first lesson for free at unifgames.com so let's create the environment but before that I need to make sure that you know how to navigate inside unreal if you already know feel free to skip this part if you don't stay with me I will guide you so first is this window here is the viewport the viewport is basically the representation of how your game will look like so let's see how you can navigate here if you right click you can hold right Mouse click and you can just move around like this okay now you can press while holding the right Mouse click you can just press w and you can move and just like this kind of like a spaceship where you hold the right Mouse click and you can move around now you can use w a SD to move around kind of like a first person gamer on any kind of game actually you just move with wasd as usual okay just by holding the right Mouse click okay the next one is the left one so I can just move around like this okay you can just move it a little bit like a spaceship like this personally the right must click on the wasd is my favorite way of navigating inner wheel the next one is with the scroll wheel you can zoom in and out is like this now let me add some objects here here you have some options I don't need you to learn all of those just check this green plus icon here you can go to shapes for example and you can hold that left Mouse click and drag it here now if you want to summing into the object instead of navigating like this you can just press f and just by doing that you will assuming to the object Okay so what else you can do well you can click on an object and you will see that you have these handles here here like move rotate and scale okay and you can see there is a shortcut here with w e and r so I can use w e r okay and toggle between different transfer transformation mode so I can just click here up just like this or go to this one or I can click here and rotate okay or I can go here to scale or I can just press e R to scale W to move and queue to you select the object without any handle okay the next one is the word unlocker coordinates by default it should be the word so what I mean by that is but if I rotate this object and I try to move it you will see that I have the word coordinates here here in the bottom left corner you will see the coordinates of the word if you don't see it maybe you need to press G to toggle the game mode okay so in this case if I want to move this into this direction and I want to be more accurate I can use press the normal and it will move along the normal of this object just like this okay the next one is the snapping so I can just click here and change the snapping like 500 for example I can just go here and I will snap the object okay by default it's just 10 so it's very useful when you want to snap things together like be very precise but if you don't want it just click here the same for the rotation and the scale you can just snap like this like 10 degrees and you can just click here to change what degree you want here you can change the scale and so on the next one is the camera speed of course we have a very big word here so if I increase this to for example 6 you will see that I move much faster okay so I go back to four and you see it's moving very slowly so what I can do is use while moving use the scroll wheel up to go faster and down to go slower and this is my favorite way of navigating inside a real use by using the right Mouse click scroll wheel to increase the camera speed and decrease it with the scroll wheel okay next thing uh is a property panel here um you can just check the properties of this object as you see as I move the object these numbers here on the right will change then that means we're changing the location in the x-axis if we move all of them you will see that all of this move but you can also go here and move it along any kind of axis and you can even type something like 12 000 for example and I can just type the number I want same with the rotation same with the scale so basically this is the transform then you have a bunch of properties here like the static mesh which is the 3D model and then the materials which is the basic material you have okay we won't go into this right now and the next thing you want to do is to know about the outliner the outliner is a collection of objects that are in the scene okay so if I click this queue for example you will see that it highlights the the cube here okay so you can move things around and everything and if you don't find it uh try to search for the queue for example you can just use the search bar use type Cube and click on here and there you go so now we can click on the Curve you can click on any kind of actor here okay uh the next thing is the view modes by default is the lead mode or you can also go to unlead which is with no lights go to wireframe go to detail lining or lining only and you can see you have the shortcut here for alt for L3 L2 I will toggle between these two like L3 and L5 all four just to check uh how my game looks in different kinds of scenarios uh that's pretty much it so once you know this you already know pretty much the basics of how to navigate in unreal so before moving forward you need to know what is the content browser so if I just press Ctrl space you will see that I have a bunch of folders basically these are the folders and all the content that I have in my you know in my project I already have some of them here because uh we're gonna use one of the mentions we did in a previous tutorial okay but in any case you will see something like content and maybe everything is empty or things like that so what we're gonna do is to just right click here and then create new folder and we're gonna call it like I don't know sorry environment something like that okay so now that we have this uh you can just add any any kind of asset Okay so another way to access the content browser is just go to window go to content browser and you will see that I have another window here basically I have more space and I can just click here and move it let me close this one I can just move it in any place in my viewport and if you have a second monitor like I do you can just move it there and check your content browser there okay pretty useful so what we're gonna do is to go here to file go to new level and we're gonna create a let's create an empty open world okay um we don't really need to do it but just in case we're gonna create an empty open world if things get out of hands which I don't uh I hope they're not so let's just click here do not save you don't need to save anything and you will see that everything is turned black so now what we're gonna do is to add some lights so to add some lights you just need to go here to the green plus icon and you will see that you have a light tab okay uh you can just add like a directional light for example like the sun and then you can go here to the green plus icon and go to like this guy atmosphere and start adding a bunch of actors let me delete those what you also have I already have it here but let me close it you have the window and then go to environment light mixer and by default it will be like here so what you can do here is just create all the necessary actors to create like a open space like the Skylight the atmosphere like the sky atmosphere the Model Magic clouds and the height fog so just by doing that do I already have something to play with Now by default the word partition will be here if you close your project and you see that there is nothing here do not panic you just need to select here right click and then load a region from selection okay just keep that in mind let's go to the details panel or you can press F4 if you want okay um about a couple of things I will do here is go to the outliner and then go to the directional light um make sure it's movable then go to the Skylight check on Real Time Capture go to our volumetric clouds and click on volume metric uh sorry not volumetric clouds exponential height Fork you can just click here and now we have some bug okay uh that's up to you if you want in my case I just want to go here and Save and go to my touring environment and then just click my level zero one something like that okay it's like the level of your game so now we are ready to create an environment so before you create your environment you need to have an idea of what you're going to create I like to use pure ref I type it here it's a free software that you can use to use copy and paste images here you can use browse like this um in the previous project we did we create this story that you see here I will put a link in the description where you can download this asset okay so that you can follow along the tutorial if you don't have it but in any case um we're going to create the environment now uh so we have a bunch of images here and maybe we want to create something like this or maybe something like this is very typical like you put the Tory and then like a couple of trees and then use some objects around now real life doesn't necessarily give us like the best results so we're gonna apply some Arc fundamentals here to make it look better but it's always a good idea to have your reference to start off so for example you have like these assets these assets and all this and we're gonna use Mega scans to create this environment and it's gonna be very very easy okay so now that we have an idea if we want to create or we're gonna have like a Tory here and then we're gonna have like a staircase maybe and then we're gonna have some props here we can we can decorate the environment with um let's jump off to Unreal to just basically uh trying to create anything based on this reference um if you want one tip to improve your levels just use preference and copy copy and then modify it applying the art fundamentals which I'm gonna teach you in this video okay so let's start and let's start by creating a floor so we can just put our stuff here and it just like it's not clothing right so let's go here to the green plus icon and go to shapes and go to the cube and drag it here so now that I drag it I can just press R to scale and don't scale it there Ctrl C to go back just do something like this okay um now that I have this uh by default it comes with a material I don't really like it so let's just go to the default value here so just everything just stay gray and we can just move things a little bit just like that so now that I have this I can just play here okay and as you can see when I play around I just move the camera okay this green plus um green icon here that says play allows you to play your game now uh I want a character and I already have one but if you don't you can just click add feature or content pack and make sure you put the third person in my case I'm gonna use this one I really like third person games I'm not really a fan of first person shooters uh but if you want you can use it and I'm gonna choose this one and then click on ADD project okay and as soon as I do that I have my interperson folder here with some characters and everything now by default I cannot play with this character so what I need to do is to go to the world settings and then go here and then put the game mode here the third person game mode it's basically the rules of the game okay so let's click play and now you will see that I have my character here now if I move my camera uh if you don't see your Cube make sure it's loaded okay like this this is a perfect example like this thing happened to me now so I can just go here and then right click and load region and you will see that I have load uh all the actors that are here I can just even go like further and just load everything okay so if I go put the camera here and I hit play you will see that my character stats starts in different locations and that's not usually what we want so what we want to do is to go to the green plus icon and then go to basic and then put a player start and I'm gonna put it like yeah there is fine we can make it look point there so now that I have this no matter where I am even if I'm here I will just start the game here which is good so now that we have our player and our floor let's add our story I created like this um blueprint that you can just put here and just drag and drop here there you go so this is another level where it contains my my asset if I double click on this let me just save everything so that you can see what's going on let me press L3 and you will see that I have my story here that we creating in our previous tutorial remember that you can download this for free Okay so here I have a bunch of actors like my blueprint my lights uh pretty much everything I want so if I modify something here it will change in the other level let's go to file open recent levels and let's go to our level one uh do not save okay so now that we have this we can just place it wherever we want and it's very easy uh to move around things like this uh no let's try to block out something so if I check my reference here I have like a like a door and some stairs so we can try to do that okay so let's try to extend this um so instead of using this Cube I'm gonna delete it okay and I'm going to the modeling tab okay now remember we have complete tutorials about how to use the modeling tools here and if you want to learn how to model this one inside unreal we have a tutorial for that I will put a link in the description but let's just create a cube here okay or better just use the cube grid click on the cube grid here okay so now as I as soon as I do that you will see a great uh appearing here so now what I can do is just select all the floor that I want just like this and I can just put the push or the pool if I want okay so I can just go here and drag for example this meshes here and I can use press e to pull like to like to pull the objects and craft them to the direction you want instead of this is enormous and you can do something like a okay you can put some pillars here if you want something like that and then press Q to put it down or up with e this is a very fun way to just uh create meshes right and use something like that let's take a look at our game like you have like maybe some trees or something I don't know something something or something like that let's just click accept okay and if you modify a mesh by mistake make sure you click here you don't you don't need to click on any of this uh meshes here okay so make sure you don't you don't click on any mesh otherwise you will modify the mesh that you have Okay so let's go back and what we're gonna do is just create some stairs so let's go here and you see that I have some stairs so I'm gonna create them okay and I can just change the like the number of steps like this like the width of it something like that okay and then I can change like the number of steps and to create something something like that for example and just go like this and increase like the number of steps I want I'm just gonna go for something like this like for any Maybe okay and then click accept now that I have this I can use uh basically I can extrude this out if I want like if I click here you will see that I have extrude option I can just click on this one and I can move this object like here okay so now that I have this I can just go back and just duplicate it a bunch of times wherever I want you don't need to be super exact ly I think any case it's like where we're having like a staircase like this which is cool okay um what else do we want maybe we want some something here like like some uh vegetation or things like that we can definitely do that let's go back and grab a sphere and go here okay and let's accept Okay let's accept We're not gonna change anything from this but now let's increase the size okay just like this okay and what I'm gonna do I'm not sure if it's gonna work or not but it's worth the it worth the try uh what we can do is just to go to the um change the polygons okay uh just go here to my remesh option here and as cyr image I will put something like 500 okay let's click accept and now what I can do is go to the deform mode and then go to the sculpt and what I can do now is change the sculpting tool to move I can increase the size something like this and I can use move things around if I want so I can just go back here and just create like a a little uh tool here like like a little background here I can just move it uh I can just sum out and move it a little bit just like this and feel free to play with this now I can just click accept if I want so I can just go back here and accept you know I can just move it around and you know I can accept okay and if I check the polygons with alt 2 you will see that it's like a little bit messy I can just go here and put the Box wrap you will see that I have my boxel polygons I can just click like 32 something like that and I will remesh everything so I can just click here I'm just showing you different ways that you can use to move things around another thing you can do of course is to uh press F4 to check the properties this one says that the scale is like seven you can go here and basically um let's go to transform where is a transform tool there you go uh the transform we can bake the rotation and scale and click accept and now what we can do is to just move things around now you will see that my brush size is much uh bigger so I can just move things like this if I want Okay click accept and now what I can do is to go to that Dynamic sculpt and instead of you know uh basically deforming the mesh over and over I can just create new geometry I can just come back here and this will create new geometry for me which is great so I can just go back here and just by doing this I will create new geometry those have something like that and then I can go back here and just create something something you know any kind of form I want I can just go back here and and I can instead of move I can just sculpt uh just like this sorry not smooth go to sculpt where is it it's called normal and I can use reducer size and you can use sculpt things here just like that but like this you can have like a like a little slope that that you can play with Okay um now that you have this click accept and you will see that you have a bunch of polygons let's remesh it again click here remesh put something like I don't know 2000 maybe something very easy to work with Okay click on this one and now what we can do is to go here to the lattice go by maybe three by three by three and if we do that we can just grab these points here grab all the points just move them around now you see it's very linear that's because the interpolation type is set to linear so let me Ctrl C now what I can do is go to cubic and if I do this you will see that it's like a little bit smoother transition so I can just go here and grab all these points to move them around like this okay just so that I can have something click accept now what I can do is just to duplicate it so how do you duplicate objects in unreal well you can just hold this one alt and click and now we have a problem uh This Is Not Mirror okay and I can easily fix this if I go here to the properties here you see this axis here is the white axis if I put -1 here you will see that I'm mirrored I can put minus 1 to X I can leave it at one I can put minus one here and you will see how I can mirror freely between different forms so I can just go here and what I can do is to go to mesh duplicate to create another shape so I can just click accept and you're duplicating this mesh so now that I have here instead of having something completely symmetrical just like I have now I can just go here to the lattice modifier and I can just change some things I can just go back to this point for example and I can just move them around like this I can just move some things around like make it like higher move these things like this move all the points just like this and then you can have something a little bit different okay now that we have this now we have like a nice setup we can just go here back to selection make sure to save everything go to file with Ctrl shift s you can save everything and let's play our game so now we have something to you know something to play with um which is great uh this stage of the process is called the blockout um the blockout is just the initial process right you want to put layout things you want to put things together and try to figure out like what to put in your scene before you know just drag in some meshes and everything um this is a very nice way to just figure out what you want to build okay in the next stage now you see you see that everything disappear here we're going to the lower partition and make sure you select everything right click and select load region from selection okay make sure everything is loaded if it happens that you don't see your you know your measures they disappear make sure you go to war partition if you don't see it it should be like window or partition and then word partition editor you can just load them okay this is very useful for big environments you really need to do that if you don't like this just go to new level and click on basic and you're good to go but for my case it's a good idea to show you what could happen to you if you use create like an open world uh so we're gonna keep adding some block out in our scene to you know make it look a little bit nicer so let's continue the blockout of our environment um this is a way that you can use to block out like large forms in your environment uh in my case I want my I feel like my composition will be something like this where everything like is very vertical right and it has a center sense of stability okay I want to play with that so in order to have the total feeling of this I can I just need to go here and let me just go here and duplicate this thing so I can just like have something there to play with something like that but there you go much better I can do the same here I can use duplicate things and move them like this just so that I have cover enough space for my environment uh what I will do is just to figure out how it looks with the composition so I will create a tree so I will just go here to the selection mode then go to modeling and they go go to the cylinder click here Okay click accept and what I can do is to go to the poly edit click on this one and then just go like this now if I do something like this let's check the size of the tree is this a Tall Tree it is it is but we can go beyond what uh what reality is and we can make something like super huge like we can make something like this for example okay now what else you can do you want to put the roots so you can just go to Dynamics code and then reduce the size and go here and put move and then I can just go back here and just move things around let's just reduce the size to something like this and you can use put something like this right you said that you have something right okay so now that you have this you also can taper your your tree you can just go here to the poly edit and then go here and just do something like this that's great that's our tree we can uh duplicate it uh basically make it bigger like this and now what we can do is just go to the mesh duplicate sorry not match duplicate go to bake transform and then just click accept so now that I have my tree I need to know where it is so I will click on here uh and it will show my content hour I will call it SM block out sorry okay and now I want to put it here so how can I do that I will introduce you to the paint tool there so if I go to foliage I can just drop my foliage here I can control space and then just go back to this one and then click save and I will create a foliage type so now what I can do is to go here and basically paint and you will see that all my trays are aligned to the normal months of this surface so if the purpose is like this for example my tree will be something like that I don't really want that so if you want to delete just hold shift and you will see that it changed here to your race and I can just click here now in order to change this I can just go here to these properties and uncheck align to normal and the next thing I can do is just to change the scale by default is uniform so I can just go here and type like from one to like two maybe okay let's click again and now you will see that you have like different sizes for that crease now everything is like together so I can just increase my brush size and let's see what happens now Everything feels like together so what I can do is to reduce the pain density here to paint less and I can just go here and I can just paint like this I can use reduce intensity here by clicking on this tree here and then the density here I can just reduce this value to 10 for example now I can paint and I will have like different results I can just go back here I just paint like different uh different trees okay I can just go here and you know keep painting and painting just like that so now that I see my environment I can see exactly how it will look with the trees here and I can just click shift click here I can just keep putting these things here okay I can just click on this one and what you can do is to go to the single instance mode and just click here and you will only put one if you want I can just go here and you know put like some big trees here okay um that's great so this will give us a lot of flexibility if you want to move some things you can just select some of those and just move them just like this okay um just by doing that let's get out of the paint mode now we can play our level and we don't really need this mesh anymore we can play our level now you will see that everything is starting to look like gigantic which is part of our composition right this is what we want uh what else do we want well we want to add some verticality into it so what we can do is to go to modeling and go to poly edit and then just change this by going here to something like that and what I can do actually is to copy one of this by holding Alt and click and I can just you know put them like this if I want to see like this is something I'm looking for uh let's see something like this maybe not really if I don't like this I can use Ctrl C and let's go back to this one we're gonna stay with this one but what we're gonna do is to make sure we have enough space so let's go to the poly edit let's just move this thing like this and then let's move this thing like this there you go so now uh you have a very stable composition let's take a look at how our game looks like if you want to take a look at the bigger screen just press f11 and you will be able to see everything just like this okay so now you we can play and what we can do now is to play with our composition we can actually do something like this we can control alt and click or we can have like different stories here and we can go alt click sorry not Ctrl alt click and then move it around and just put it in position here and look what happens now is that I have like different uh stories here that I can use for my environment that's great now we want to add a little bit sense of depth so what we're gonna do is to try to find our fog so if I go here let me try to find my or if you don't find it go here to search bulk exponential height for and here you can just put volumetric fog that's okay that's what you want and then let's let's just try to play with a light with Ctrl L you can just move things around like this the lining can really change all your environment Okay so make sure you have something like interesting for example something like this if you want or maybe you want some Shadows right here something like this for example okay and then let's go to the height fork and we can increase the fog we can increase the fog density okay and we can also go here to the extinction scale and we can put something like this and reduce the fog density without the fog you know it looks very plain so we can do that and also we can just change the Albedo if we want we're gonna take a look at all these things later so now that we have this it's time for us to get out of this blockout feeling now we know what kind of uh you know what kind of seeing we're going to make but let's go to the foliage again and let's just click on this when I move it around just like that I find like uh maybe it can be a a good idea to to move this thing like here just so that is more connected to our scene let's just play from here it looks much more interesting in my opinion okay um now that we have this let's use add some objects like some Mega scans to decorate our environment okay so I'm gonna add some floors but before that I don't really need this anymore so let's fix this let's just go to modeling here and then go to the cube grid and then let's use push this like this by pressing Q and do the same here and do the same here I don't really need them anymore so just like that press Q and there you go now that we have this let's just click accept and what I want to do is to put some meshes here like um like a ground floor okay so we're gonna do that by using Mega scans so let's control space here and then click add and then add quick cell content and by default you will see this okay if you want to add assets you just need to click here for example you can add a new material you can select in the bottom right corner the quality and then you just click the add button okay uh and then you will have it in unreal so I did I I download a bunch of assets here you can see that I have like some Japanese assets that we will use and what I did left use to click them and then you know if you don't see the add button if because you don't have that quality of dynamic mesh you can just click add here and then you will have this folder that you see here okay all these assets here are stored here so what I want to do is to grab some floors here and we're gonna replace this because this doesn't really look well so we're gonna go here to the mega scans folder and you can see here that I have some filters so if I go to static mesh I remove it because I already have it I can just reset it okay I can go here and go to static mesh and now you will see all the static meshes that I have okay um for the floor I'm looking for something like this for example I can track this thing this this looks like promising so we can just go ahead and you know put some things here and there like something like that and then like grab this mesh this one is very small let's grab another one like grab this mesh here rotate this or grab another one rotate it again and just duplicate things around until we get something we want uh that's gonna take a long time and there is an easier way to do it so what I will do is to grab one of this for example this one and we're gonna delete those we don't really need them okay so we're gonna grab this thing here we're gonna put it here and what we're gonna do is to go to the modeling Tab and then we're going to select pattern and by default it's going to select a line that we can use I don't want that I want agreed so I'm gonna select the grid and you can see that I already have like my grid using these assets here which is great now these assets are a little bit smashed together so we can increase account like for example in 10 we can have like 13 and then like 13 here which makes them very small because the extent of the x-axis it's very low so we can just go here and try to put this thing here just like that and then we can try to do the same here and just put them like that there you go so now we have like a floor so we can extend the y-axis to something more like for example like this yeah something like that could work for us okay let's go back and remove the X okay uh another thing you can do is to change the seat values if you change you can have some rotation and scale and this kind of thing uh for example you can have the end scale like two and what you will have here it's basically different scales in different positions okay [Music] keep that in mind okay so start translation star rotation like start translation you can even go like 200 here and then you will see that you have like everything starts low and then goes up and up and up if you want to do that we're not gonna play with this anymore what we're gonna do is to just put here separate actors so that when we finish the pattern when we accept all the actors are independent so as you see here all our static mesh actors are now basically uh they are selected we can just move them around if we want okay so now we have a bass blur uh let's go and go ahead and just remove this one so now what you can do here it's basically go here and just rotate things around for example you can select a bunch of these objects uh go to the local mode here and just go just go rotate actually it's gonna rotate around all these axis so we can just rotate some of them let's rotate the ones that are gonna like be closer to the camera right it's still a little bit of work but you know that's better than you can also scale some things for example here you can also scale it like this like this you can scale some of them like this you can rotate around 180 degrees things like that keep loading things around until you have like enough abbreviation you can do the same here and if you want to cover these areas we can just go here and just you know duplicate them and we can just rotate around this these things we can increase the size on everything and that's great now if we want to add more variation we could use comeback with control space we can open our content driver and we can just put some things here like for example I can put this one here let me H for height delete this one and just you know just put it here okay and I can do the same here like for example in this area we're having like a different pattern let me H this one let's put this one like like this here we can rotate around okay and you can like put it here in position if you don't like the pivot point you can always change it um but anyway uh we're just gonna delete very roughly we can just delete this one rotate 90 degrees move it here do something like this and as you can see as soon as I do that like you already have a lot of more you know variation that you can you can just play with right and I can do the same here I really don't don't need this because my shot will be like from here but keep in mind like like just game development is like this um sometimes it's just repetitive tasks that you need to to over and over and over again until you achieve the result you want so um that's just part of it don't don't get too excited about game development it also has some repetitive tasks that you need to uh you need to do regardless you like them or not uh I can just grab another one of this for example this one I can use scale it I can just put it here okay and I can just play with this uh even more I can just go here and grab some stuff here that's great um so now that we have some floor uh we're gonna take a look at this block out because uh as soon as you add something here um you really start like um everything like it's a blockout like it's not really matching anymore it's actually distracting me from my final view of what the image will look like so let's replace this tree with some Mega scans too okay so let's gonna add some trees and we don't need this anymore so what we're gonna do is to go to the landscape uh sorry not landscape uh go to the foliage mode and they just go here and you can even replace it with something else so let's try to do that um we're gonna put these trees that I grabbed from Mega scans if you go here you find a hornbeam tree and the Japanese Cellar okay uh these are great so I can just either go here and delete it and I will delete the instances I don't need them anymore I'm gonna just grab these two here and Save so now I can just go here and paint some trees okay I'm gonna select both of them and what I will do is to change the Align to normal of the C offset will be like minus 10. and let me check how it looks like okay much better so now that I have this I can just increase the the brush size and you see I I have a lot of trees let me just decrease the brush size again and now I'm gonna change the size from maybe from five let's start with five uh let's do it taller like maybe eight let's see okay so it kind of works so let's let's try to have super big trees like from 12 to 15. let's go for something like this okay so a little bit too much maybe or maybe it is but let's just go for 12 and 13. and also uh you can put the free one uh you can put everything on 12th but this one uh all right we can basically put like to make them thinner eight by eight by eight in X and Y okay so that looks better now we can try to change the density to 10. try to paint it okay this is kind of what we're looking for let's drop the density to ap5 or something like that awesome great um no I want it to be very tall so that when I play my game here I don't see like the like the top of them okay so let's paint again uh let's go to foliage and now let's shift click here select both of them and then I'm gonna I'm gonna make them like maybe 15 by 18 let's see if that works almost let's go for 17 to 20. like super big trees there you go something like that and remove some parts of your own really like find them uh you can go to the single instance mode here you can just click wherever you want your trees something like that you can just place them along this line here which is great just Place one here and here you can just keep putting more and more assets there you go so now when I play my game I see all these big trees which is good I mean uh we're gonna add some other trees later but for now uh what we're gonna do is to go to the foliage and select and just try to modify these ones a little bit like for example this one we can just move it around all right not this one this one here for some reason I'm moving another one let's just uh let's just put the lasso and remove and then go to single instance and then just go here and here right here okay that looks nicer much nicer we can also like instead of putting here we can use pink here and then just let's put single instances all over the place there you go something like that so now that we have this uh we have something nicer to work with right now we have we don't have these things here uh we can we can remove this tree later okay so now uh we can just Ctrl shift one delete this this mesh here and that's great so the other thing that I want to I want to put some materials here and I'm gonna show you uh how to put some UVS and everything so to put that material here I first need to download the material so if I go to Bridge I believe I already have some materials download like this one like the grass so if I go here to my mega scans let me filter this by material and then go to material incense and then I'm gonna go for my services it looks like I don't have it so I can just go here and add it and I only need the medium quality so if I go here uh go to surfaces just open this one you can see it's here so let me save everything and now what I can put it's this one here put all this I can select both of them and and drag it and put it like here just put them like this there you go so why it looks like this because we don't have UVS and how we're gonna fix this is we can use go here and go to modeling there are a bunch of ways we can we can fix this we can for example go here and go to Alto UV and this will give me like uh automatic eeries which is nice in my opinion if you want to check how your texture looks go for the original one now you can see it's super big okay and if you see the layout it's something like this for me it looks fine so we're gonna keep it uh let's accept and we're gonna do the same here we're gonna go to auto UV accept but now you have something to work on now the problem with this is that the grass is super big so what we're gonna do is to go here and go to layout and instead of putting repack here I'm gonna transform and then I can change the scale to like five something like that or maybe eight or maybe 12. yeah eight looks like a nice number uh it's still a little big for me so let me just put 15. or 20. there you go I think that's much better now you see the tiling here but it really doesn't matter because we're gonna add some meshes here so I just want to have something to work with so we can just go back here and now this one we can we can do the same we can use layout with a number of 20. let's see how it looks with pen yeah like the size of the rocks are fine but not really for the you know for um for the grass so we're gonna keep the grass like that because for now later we're gonna add more grass uh but now that we have this that's great now we have something more representative of what we want to achieve the next thing is we're gonna we're gonna deal with this stairs so let's do that now so before doing the stairs let's try to add these grass here so what we're gonna do is to grab this thing here and now what we're gonna try to achieve uh let me just go to modeling and go to the poly edit and put this thing down just like that okay uh what I wanna do is just to go to do a remesh something like that could work okay then go to accept and what I can do is just to move things around so if I go to my vertex sculpting I can just go here and move things around and you will see that I'm moving things now material mode existing material to check how it looks like so I can use shift click here and I can just move things around and Chip click to smooth things out and I can do the same here you saw that I have some more transitions you know okay and I can even put it like down move this one up and move this one down and then shift and and everything is something like that I can just move things here and then move things down move things a little bit here and shift click to smooth things out just like that and then put it again here and then we can smooth smooth things out just like that and you see but just by doing that we're already having a lot of more uh variation going on here we can just increase like this size uh do a lot with this uh use something like that you can just click we can even go and sculpt like uh like I don't know we we can just try to sculpt along the the normal for example we can just do something like this if that's something you want that's okay for me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go for the move uh where is my move move move move move move I lost it oh no move there you go and if you click shift you will smooth things out so what you want is to have like a transition between these two areas here something like that and there you go and then you can decrease the size and be more specific like for example uh decrease the size like only this one's like here and then you can smooth things out something like that just so that we have more variation in our environment like this yeah something like that you can always move it up and down up and down there you go we can make this transition a little bit better by putting things like this we can just move things a little bit now you don't need to be like super exact uh this kind of things are always nice when you like blend them together do not put too much the idea is uh basically put like this blending between these assets here like you see here that here is like grass and here is my like my floor this transition needs to be more smooth in order to have a more believable environment so this is what I'm trying to to achieve here this and just by putting the textures I'm already having much more variation just something like that something very very simple and we can even make things more interesting by adding more meshes and things like that uh for now I feel like it's it's okay okay so let's accept and what we're gonna do is let's check that text cell density we can just play from here so now I feel like it's a little bit like it's like a stretch like this so we're gonna go to the selection mode go to the modeling select this one and what we're gonna do is maybe we can put the Auto UV and let's go to the checkerboard this looks okay to me so I'm gonna accept and instead and then I'm gonna change with the layout just like we did before uh we could put something like 20 first 25 something like that but notice that now our we're not really uh stretching our polygons they are very nice and uniform so this is what you want okay uh let's go here on accent and that's great so uh now that we have this let's try it and deal with the with our stairs so before putting the stairs I wanted to add some trees just so that we don't have like uh naked trees on the on the level and the fastest way is just go to the here to the marketplace tab then go to free then go to the mega scans and there you will find a lot of objects here what's special about this is that you can find trees here that you won't be able to find in the mega scans plugin inside Unreal Engine so what you need to do is just to click add project and then go here select the object you want add to project and that's it so I already did that so what I have here it's a I have this folder here called European Corbin I know we're like in a Japanese setting environment but uh to be honest uh you won't be able to notice that much difference right uh you have this foliage folder here so if I go here and go to the foliage I can just grab all of this let me put the simple wind and I can just grab all of this and then just drag it here and as soon as I do that you will see that I have a bunch of meshes that I can use okay let me just uncheck this and what I will do is just put a bunch of trees here like for example this one's here and I can put like I can put the single instance just to check how how it how they work and as soon as I click on this uh you will see that I have my my tree here which is good I can just place things around and I can just uh basically put some Trace here closer to to my environment so what I can try to change is the density I can just put something like 10 or maybe two and then I can paint instead of applying the instance I can also change the size from like for example from one to five I can change the line to normal off and the Z offset to -5 maybe so you said that I it's like below the ground so what happens if I if I paint here let me move this here if I paint here you will see that I have super big super big tricks okay uh I can just put maybe three five is a little bit too much so I can just go back here and just paint around here you can start painting like different types of trees you can just put them here like that you can just go back start painting some trees here in the back something like that and as soon as you do that your environment will look much much much better so now that you have your trees here uh you can just manually Place some trees uh you can even like put them here or you can just go to the single instance and just click here for example and you notice that some trades have appeared that's the reason is uh the shaders were loading so I can use click here to erase and then I can just use the single instance here is to click here like if you don't see the tree maybe it's because the shaders are preparing so now that I have this uh I feel like it looks much better in my opinion uh I can kind of fake this part now that's a lot of trees uh so I will remove them little by little but I cannot fake this I can take this part by just going here to the geometry and maybe just drag one of this and just put it here you know is something like that and I can just put something like maybe twice maybe four three and that tree might be a good number so I can just go here and you know I can just do something something like this and I can do the same for for these streets here let me put something like 2.5 okay so I can do the same here for example I can use drag and drop these things here I noticed that because we're using the 5.1 version uh basically uh we don't have any problem with the with the FPS of course it's decreasing but that's because my measures are preparing and as soon as they finish everything should look much nicer you see that I have a lot of Shadow here if I can just go here to my foliage and then I can go to erase I can erase some of them I don't need that many trees especially like here for example I have too many you can just put something like this uh make sure you don't have much overlap this is why I prefer to put like the single Target you can just click here for example and now you will have uh you know much more control let me just change the size of this I can use shift click all of them and I can change like from 0.8 to 1.2 1.2 there you go and I can just click here and now I can have like much smaller trees which is what you want in a you know in environment you want to have big trees and small trees uh you don't want to have like you know uh everything is so big then nothing everything will lose it's um how to say let everything will look important see if everything is too big then you will lose the sense of the scale in your environment now I can continue to to paint some some grass here for example I can just grab some of those here and instead of going single I'm gonna I'm gonna put paint here and I'm gonna change this density to two and the uniform from maybe zero point eight to one point two just to start off now let's see what happens if I paint for example here I have a bunch of objects here that I can I can just play with here something like that some smaller objects that I can play with I can decrease the size of this to something like this and just put things like this like the smaller ones something like that okay and now that we have this uh now if we try to play with our lining you will have a much more interesting result because we're having like that lining from the from the trees which is great now it's a little bit uh laggy because my meshes are like preparing but once they finish it will be much better so you can play with the lining if you want depends on what you're looking for and now this choice will give me a much nicer Shadows so let's replace these stairs um we're gonna do that very easy we're just gonna go to Bridge and I have this castle of stairs initially I was thinking like maybe do something narrow because if you take a look at the reference here um these things are a little bit narrow right and we can go for that look uh but uh to keep our block out basically pretty much uh don't change too much the blockout we're just gonna use this Castle stairs so we can just grab this one here and rotate this like 90 degrees make sure Ctrl C and click here to rotate this 90 degrees okay and as soon as you do that you can just try to scale it a little bit like this so that you have enough space and now you can just hide this with h and you can just duplicate this thing and put it like here okay try to put it in position you don't need to be perfect for this now you can grab this too alt click and then just duplicate it and move it a little bit more okay just like that move it a little bit more here all right place Ctrl H to see how far we are from here okay we're not that far so let's just grab one more just like that and put it like here Ctrl H this looks good to me so what we're gonna do is to basically delete this thing and we're gonna do that by let's alt click let's just move it up okay if you want to move the object up and you want the camera to go with it just hold shift okay so now that I'm here I can just press F to focus on this object I can go to modeling and I can just select the faces I extrude so I can just select these faces here just like that and I can invert a selection here and I can just delete this okay now I can accept and if I want I can close the hole I can just go here to the whole field and click here and there you go I have closed my call so now that I have this I have this part of my um of my mesh I can just move it like this for example I can just put it in position wherever I want just like something like this for example okay and now that I have this I can just duplicate this thing uh there's an easier way to do this and I'm gonna do that by basically Ctrl click all of those okay and I'm gonna right click and go to level and then create Pack level actor I'm gonna put this to um let's see we're gonna put the Pivot Point on this actor so let's check this actor here um actually let's put it in the minimum Z axis so let's just click on all these actors okay another we have this by basically make sure you put this thing on the right side very well something like that okay select all of them right click level create Pack level actor click OK and here you can put where you want to save it so for example I can just create a new folder called rematch here's what we typically call this asset as stairs and I can just create a blueprint folder and I can call it BP B Master's now that I have done that I just successfully create my prefab if you want to call it that way so let me just delete all these assets and what I can do now is just go here and I'll click and just duplicate it and put it wherever I want I can just put them here for example I can just go back here and put it in position here just like that and I can do the same here I can just duplicate it by holding out and move it with the Gizmo here there you go put it something like this and then we can move this thing up if you want okay so you notice that here we have um kind of like a block out part of the mesh we don't really want that so what I'm gonna do is to replace it with some meshes so what I'm gonna do is to go here go to level and edit and what I will do is basically go here to my mega scans and put static mesh and I'm gonna find for some um you know some assets that I can put here uh in my case I may want to put something that I have put before in the ground uh it can be either this one or another one uh let's just put this one okay we can put this one here and we can just duplicate this thing a bunch of times just like that okay and we can even scale it if we want to you know put everything like into place and we can just duplicate this thing and duplicate again and we can scale it so that you have something like this and then you can use rotate move things like this rotate again move it and basically you're not gonna see this part so I'm not gonna be too picky about it but notice that all my scene just turned out uh gray so what I need to do I can just delete this part and because this is a instance it will update all my parts so I can just go back here right click level and then commit and now you will see that all my actors have been updated at the same time now you see that I have a little Gap here you can easily fix this by going to edit and maybe I can just scale this thing like this I can just do something like this for example scale it a little bit and now I don't have any Gap so I can just go to level commit and that's it now all my instances have been updated and I don't need to update each one of those so when I play my game let's use plate selected now look at that now we have like a little game we can play with that's great now the Sim is starting to uh to come together uh everything is starting to fit what I want to do now is to basically put like uh more set dressing here because at this point you don't want to have this kind of thing here like it's very ugly we don't want that so um maybe we want to put some assets here and this is one of the most uh this is the fun part for me is just like creating this set dressing environments once everything is locked down we can use go ahead and make everything look much nicer so what is the next step you need to do in order to make your environment look better when you have something like this uh what you're looking for is to delete this kind of lines this kind of lines are super ugly like this one's here right um typically the transition between two different meshes are not that great especially when we're talking about low poly objects so what you need to do is to just drag some meshes this thing we have here was a placeholder but we can mix it with other meshes so I already download some objects here from Mega scans you can see here I have like a bunch of trees um basically anything with moss and I have some props here and there we're going to use the nature one you can you're free to download whatever you want but in my case I feel like I need like this kind of props here so I can just go here and then just make them bigger just like that okay now let's take a look at another prop we can always rotate this and put it like this in position okay and let's take a look another one for example this one this one is also very nice so we can go here and basically create something like this something like you have like you know there is a slope here and you're trying to put it like this but as soon as I do that it already becomes much much prettier in my opinion so I can just go here and if I want I can just rotate this put it down and I can even blend this better by using some other meshes such as this one for example I can use grab the floor and I can just start putting things around like this just like that and I can just put it here something like that okay and notice that because our our floor like this part is not too flat we can oh we can go do something like this for example we can scale it but still you still see the Dimensions here if I go here and put it like for example here you will see that it starts to hide in the ground so in this case uh what I like to do is to use the ffd modifier let's go here to modeling and it's going to take a while because it's a very big mesh but it works the big air for it so we're gonna go here and then we're going to lattice and as soon as he finished downloading the loading you will put like three by three by three and you will change this from linear to cubic and what you're going to do is to basically run this like this make this something like that make sure you grab all the points looks like I have make sure you grab them all and also you can grab all the points here from the corners to make it look even more obvious I can just put them down like this and just by doing that we'll have a mesh that has a little bit of a slope now it's much easier to use this now uh we can go oops don't don't do that Ctrl C let's grab these points here and let's just move it up a little bit you don't want to do it that much so now that you have this you can just click accept and as soon as you do that it will load a little bit because it's a it's a very very heavy mesh um now that we're talking about meshes uh you don't really need to use the nanite version for everything uh I feel like there are um kind of overwhelming the reason like epic is doing this is because they are like merging uh different kinds of Industries like uh the you know the production you have the animation you have like a lot of industries that are not related to games that they don't really care much about performance they care much about um you know the the look of it and in the long run like right now people who make games are suffering a little bit just like us but uh in the long run let's you say you have a vision here where you want to you know just make everyone make awesome games uh I believe in some years manipulating this kind of objects will be much easier as soon as I do that I can just go back here and look what I have I have like a mesh that I can blend nicely into my environment so I can do the same here and I can rotate and I can start replacing you know the the ugly mesh that I had before basically I'm trying to remove you know the parts that are like a little bit low poly for example here I don't really want this so I will just go back here and I can just rotate around and try to play with this right uh there are smarter ways to do this usually like you will create like a tool uh you will create like something that makes your life better you know um or you can just copy them like many of them and just save some time here just like this okay and you can do the same here you can use copy this here now that I have this I can just put them like this and now I can just grab one of my for example like this once I can just go here and I can just make them big just like that I can just put it here I'm gonna rotate it a little bit and I can just out click and rotate a little bit and if you see like this part it's like clothing do not worry this is what we have these meshes here we can just go back here and just put them in position so that nobody will notice and the same I can do here I can use alt click these parts and I can just rotate them around and basically the parts that are like this is like oh what do I do when the player goes and see this part uh it doesn't matter you just put another one until you close the Hole uh let's just call it that way and you can even try to put like usually for this kind of thing uh I prefer to put like rocks or this kind of stuff so in my case I will just go ahead and maybe put like something like this and I can just move it around as something like that and look at that just by doing that we already have something here um what you can do now is just basically duplicate these objects that you have here and just play with them you can just uh you know copy them until you create like a like a little wall you know and then you can use grab one of these uh mesh is like like the ones we created here for example let's just use one one tip I can give you is try to use as less measures as possible if you can achieve what you want with only one or two meshes then go ahead uh it's better to have like quantity uh sorry quality or over quantity the reason is uh it's gonna be much harder to deal with this kind of thing in the future when you want to you know change some things you want to make things look better oh you need to change so many assets but you if you have like only like a bunch of them like you can just easily replace and then you can change the whole environment much easier so I'm just gonna keep duplicating these meshes here just like this there you go something like that much better now now as you can see I'm already like having some um some nice transitions I can do the same here I can just go ahead and duplicate this thing okay and if you don't want to see this part uh very easy we just grab one of this and then we can just put it here let's use scale things like this now Mega scans are really nice but sometimes the the objects that you have done really match you know the the feeling that you want to convey to that um you know to the player uh that's normal so sometimes you will find that it's much easier to you know just try to change some meshes to basically I'm just trying to talk and do that at the same time and it's not going very well but anyway uh let's just try to remove this line uh what I meant to say is that sometimes you can just change one mesh and you will change the whole feeling of your environment so just keep that in mind okay now what you're looking here it's basically uh you want to remove this these lines here this line here is horrible all right this is what you are trying to remove and we're we're doing that by just putting a mesh here and just by doing that we already have like a nice [Music] um non-symmetrical line that we can put here just like this and this will just make our environment look better okay um now that I have this I feel like I want to play with some rocks so I will download some rocks and I will show you where I will put them now okay so I got the rugs let's use grabbing here let's type Boulder if you want to know which one I use which is just this one's here um it's like Japanese Boulder another Mossy ball there and another Mossy Forest Boulder uh I put three but in reality I think you only need one so for example I can just grab one of this and I can scale this okay and I can just put it in position here just like that okay and we can just rotate this around play with this and just try to blend it with the environment a little bit better so that's nice uh the cool thing about having these folders is that you can rotate them and typically you have like a new asset so basically what I have here it's like a cube that I can use like I have uh I have this face I have this face I have this face and I have other two faces there and if this is not open I have another face here so what I can do is just to play with this and see how how far I can I can push this rock here I can just you know leave it here like that and I can use rotate them it's like this okay and I can do the same here I can just grab one of those and because it's looking at a different angle you will never think that it's the same Rock so I can just go here and I can always uh try to put something like this uh you know put these things here if I want it uh other things that you may want to put I have some uh Roots here I believe it's called Roots I hope so I can just play with this for example like this and I can just play with the roots like this so that we have some roots coming from coming from the trees so for example here you have like another route uh you could try to hide this one and you know just play with this like this let's see uh how it looks like we can use we can just go here and this this one we can just rotate it okay and here we can use rotate it like this for example and there you have like different routes so you can blend it better by having like a smaller Roots here it's like this roots are always nice ways to decorate your environment um there are always nice additions that you can you can use and here uh like you could try to make this one like this for example just like that and now in this area where you see this kind of open we can go to our Boulder here and just put something here nobody will notice just like that there you go and I love this uh this Roots I feel like they are uh great way to decorate your environment like if you have Roots like this we can just go ahead and just put them here in position just like that yeah like great way to decorate your environment you can even make it like bigger something like that and you can put this one lower so now you have like a part that is like the left it's a little bit different from the right so you have like this particle that is you know a little bit different and this part is just a little bit different too so what I can do now is just try to play with some Boulders here uh for example I can try to play with another one for example this one I can just put it here I don't want to put everything too big otherwise I will be like uh everything is like so big at this point you may want to try and play your level so if I play here I want to check the scale everything if it's all right looks okay to me okay uh this mesh we forgot to delete it okay um something like that okay uh I'm gonna do this in here like it's really getting annoying I can just duplicate this thing and just you know put it here in position and just try to try to put it like this something something like that I can do the same here I can just duplicate so that I can just have nicer blending here the part on on the on on the distance I don't know if I I will do it I mean you know how I will do it so it's really no there's really no point on doing doing it for you but if you want I can just right we just duplicate this thing and try to do it for you in case you want some help here something like that and then you can just applicate these two meshes here um just alt and click and try to put it in this position here I don't know if you noticed but if if one of your dreams was to make like environments and you feel like it's gonna be fun and this part is what is giving you second thoughts like it's not gonna be as fun as you thought uh it's because you're right it's not as fun as you you think you need to repeat a lot of things you need to duplicate like fix a lot of these things and it's just part of the job so in case you're wondering like like is this that boring or am I doing something wrong yes it is boring unless you create some tools and that also takes time so just keep that in mind okay um one thing I want to do I I want to add Collision to this I know I'm going from like different topics uh but I'm gonna add Collision I'm gonna show you a different uh way to open it to do it so I just go to level go to edit so I will just uh edit this instance and I will go here to the modeling tab and here I can have like the volumes so I can have like mesh to Collision so I can do this now it will take a while uh like I said uh nanite meshes are not really friendly for games usually the games are the only ones that need to put collisions when you want to if you want to play on them you need collisions so that's the sad part so there you go we can put like instead of online boxes we can put like convex holes and this looks like it's gonna work uh we can increase like if they're combine all or combine all and Max count we can put just like 50 or we can put like two yeah something like that uh let's accept Okay let's accept this and now we can use go back and now we should have some collisions so when I play my game here now I can just go ahead and nice you can just walk and that's the beauty of this and if I want to continue polishing I will need to take care of this part I will need like to add more meshes and add this kind of stuff um it's freely time consuming uh but you already got the idea so I'm just gonna focus on this part so we're gonna keep decorating this okay so let's keep adding more meshes uh let's just duplicate this thing a few times because I feel like I want to I don't want to show this texture anymore I mean I can definitely improve it like making like more vertex painting and this kind of stuff but to be honest if this does the work then you don't need to to change it and I have already two matches here we can just put this one here notice that I'm always looking for things that are not symmetrical okay like for example um let me just take a screenshot here what I have here is like the roots and here I don't have roots here I have more uh grass and here I don't right so this kind of asymmetry will make your thing look much more uh interesting uh so this is what you're looking for uh let's let's go for this and let's just duplicate this again there you go something like that and also we can duplicate this for this one again it's like this and this rotate around there you go something like that so now that you have this and let's just add some mermaid elements we can um grab I I believe I add some uh like like this Japanese things like just type Japanese here rich and you will have all the all these objects so very simple we're gonna we're gonna put the most we're gonna start from the big to the not so big so uh we're gonna put these meshes here and then we're gonna apply them like this there you go just like this and now we can go ahead and maybe maybe you wanna you wanna try to put some of these handles here you know something like this and you can always like rotate them if you want okay you can go here and make sure it doesn't like collide with this thing otherwise it's gonna look weird okay and also just by doing this I I feel like I want to rotate this thing a little bit just so that the lines are a little bit better so that's that's one thing um let's see what else we can put we have like this Lions here I feel like we can like put them here we can just make them a little bit bigger and just put them here and then rotate them something like that okay what else we have let's see what kind of assets um oh so we have this wooden table uh it can be interesting so everything will look very big now if I play I have these things that are really big but these ones are quite small so you need even more smaller elements so for example if I grab like this table here I can use play with this and you know maybe put something like this and then just duplicate this thing we can have like some smoke here or something like that um what else uh oh you don't want this uh what else we can put let's see this once so these ones are like really small maybe we can put this smaller ones like here for example there you go and now you can just go ahead and grab these two things and move them like this put them in position here or you can just be more precise once you have this part here yeah this will also help you to uh you know sell the scale of the environment what else you have like you have these things here you can just do them like this and then maybe like some kind of thought like it's you can just put things around the idea is that uh like for example I feel this a little bit too much so I will just remove it the idea is that you always have some man-made elements to basically uh there you go something like that if I go here I can just duplicate this one I can just put it like this there you go uh I can do the same here to add like more Symmetry and I can just rotate this around usually that like like if I take my reference there are some like Signs here usually like oh read this thing whatever uh there's some history uh I'm based I am getting based on this reference that there's always some kind of this thing here and then you have like a couple of those um but I'm not only a stick to this I can do whatever I want like you're also the artist so feel free to just for example like this thing you can rotate it uh you have like more variation right and just by adding these things like everything will look much nicer like I have like a little Bridge here uh I don't I don't think I can use it to be honest uh like if I have like a small River or something like that that will be nice but the rest uh oh I can put a bucket here for example here I can just put this one here I can also use like duplicate this thing and rotate it now uh when you put objects let's try to have some Unity into this uh what I mean by this is that objects are not alone okay you cannot just put the table like this without connecting it with other things you need to put like man-made elements and things like that to make everything like look more you know uh more connected so if I were to put like this thing here alone we will just look very weird because nothing is supporting this idea so as soon as I do this I already have some items here that I can use uh and let me see I feel like this thing you should have like a base there there you go it has a base let's just try to put it there so that you we can see it at this point you you want to be a little bit picky for where you want to put your your things here and also here for example you can use two things like that and you know just leave it leave it like this okay um what else you have uh you have like for example this tree here like if you don't want the player to go to another way you can just put something like this for example I don't want the player to go more or far line than this right I I just don't want uh make sure if you don't see your missions grab everything load there you go don't panic so I can just go here and I can just make it super big and that's it like you block the pad you cannot go there and and that's the way it's engaged you can like have more storytelling here for example you can have like a cut tree and then you can have like uh you can have the same asset but smaller here if you want now wherever you put assets make sure to always point in the right direction okay so for example here uh I'm having a tree that is pointing into this direction here and I also have this pad here and I also have these columns here which everything points to go this way which is exactly what I want whenever you create an environment you need to guide a player where it needs to go so now I can just put some rocks here for example I can put more emphasis into my environment I couldn't even go for like the destroyed look of something like this but let's just let's just keep it simple uh what else you can put here for example you can put some other things like this you don't really want to put the props along you want to put them with other things for example like this Lantern here uh you can just try um I don't know just put it there yes and always rotate things a little bit something like that and then you we can just go ahead and just make it taller for example to have more variation here there you go something like that uh what else you can do um I think that's pretty much it for now uh at this point I want to stop like putting meshes and start playing with the light so for example if I press Ctrl L you will see that it you have so many different options here like you can go for this kind of lining you can go we can even go like completely dark right and we will be able to lead our environment just based on these things here uh let's play with the lining a little bit and the post processing to check how our thing will look like after we add some other details that are not just measures I feel like the meshes are okay for now uh things could get improved but for the moment I feel like it's doing a it's doing a good job and I kind of like it so let's just keep it that way and also like for example this kind of thing we can move it here so we can take a look at the uh at this uh on the roots here there are a couple of things that we may want to do uh but for now let's just play your game I have a feeling like like it's okay like all these things need Collision uh maybe I'm gonna add them and then I go here then silently I cannot go but I I do can go because I don't I don't have I have Collision I don't have Collision on this thing so uh we're gonna add the Collision later it's a very simple thing but it's something that a lot of people ask me uh so I guess it's it's worth mentioning okay so let's just put this thing here um also if you don't want like the players to really like you know like run around your environment and they cannot just uh they cannot cross uh you can just put meshes here like for example like this one is like make it super big and just like that you can just duplicate this thing duplicate it just in the One Direction just like that and then we can just put smaller meshes here you can say that the player just got here by who knows why right but it's there so at this point you can just make the floor a little bit more interesting because what we did was uh most of the things we add were like in this part and we have more uh details here and here we don't have much so we can just go here and we can even put that like a destroyed one I believe we have one here like one of these for example may be a good idea to put here to blend a little bit better with the with the roots and everything like you can use put it like this I tried to blend it a little bit with the with the roots he has here that's nice it's really nice you can just put it like this now that's much better now I don't want to focus on the shot because most people do that and I want to focus on a playable environment hopefully we can we can play this uh maybe I will do some tweaks on my side but I feel like this is good enough to be honest okay uh okay so let's play with a post process a little bit okay so I know that I said we're gonna do the post processing but there are a couple of things that aren't annoying me and remember we talk about Unity Unity is where um let's just say like you cannot just have these two things here right they need to connect somehow and we already have like some meshes here and you know we can try to put them here if we want to have like a something like more real maybe from other angle you will see things like this or maybe we can put a barrel or something uh I think I have a barrel here let's just like borrow but we don't any case uh we're gonna put some wood here I already download some wood planks here so I will use I will just put something like this and I will just put it like in position here just like this and I I can just go ahead and rotate it and it doesn't need to be like in the same position I can just go ahead and do something like this and rotate it like 90 degrees 180 sorry and then rotate it again now what I can do is just go here and just rotate 180 degrees for this for this kind of thing there you go and now what I have it's a it's a pattern so what I can do is just rotate things around to make it look more interesting I can even remove some of some of those I can just put something like this for example uh more large or maybe some of them like this maybe this one thinner um this one thinner maybe and we can just put something like this and then we can put like another one here like smaller just like this we can just maybe something like that okay so now I have this I can just go ahead and select all of those and what I will do is to right click and create Pack level actor I will put okay here I will put Mass um I don't know put Plants and then I will go to the BPP folder save this and now what I have here is an object that I can just use over and over again like I can just go here and just try to put it in position here I can just go ahead and do something like this and just by doing that I'm already like combining different elements in your scene uh and it's it's gonna look much better uh when we put it like here for example we can put like some wood plants it will look much more interesting compared to only concrete because uh it's all about the elements we have for example one is the nature who is the stones we have a lot of stone here stone stone but we don't have much wood like we have a lot a little bit of wood here but if we put it on the floor to it will look much more interesting so what I can do is connect this part with another one I can just go back here and I can just put it like this something like that and I can just rotate this around if I don't like it and put something like this not here I can just something like this for example ah there you go now that looks much better in my opinion let me just rotate a little bit and put it in position there you go and you can even like delete this part if you want uh another thing I want to add it's the background um I can go here and find my massive terrains there are some massive terrains we can use I already download them so what I will do is just try to put them uh in the you know in the background uh it will be very easy let's just type massive who do I have it uh this is maybe it's the array yeah there you go so I can for example grab this one and you will see that everything turns like in Shadow because this terrain is super big let's just go here and you know just move it a little bit move it keep moving it you say it's so big right like we take a look at this we can use always go here and then just put it in the background and make it a little bit bigger put it like this something like that and I can just duplicate this thing and I can just play with this I can just put it here for example if I want and then go ahead and do the same here without click and then just duplicate this stuff so now when I hit play here we see that I have a background here and this is exactly what helps you to break you know the illusion that you're in the game now if you don't see them just like I'm doing right now just make sure you load everything okay right click load everything in word partition uh I'm gonna do the same here like I'm gonna I'm just gonna surround this thing like just surround all this and I can't even do like more abbreviation put in another mesh but I'm not even sure if I'm gonna see it anyway so if I just play here like for example I don't see it and I do want to see it so let's just go to my work partition and load the region yeah and definitely I don't see it so I would what I will do is just to make this one like this and move it up just like that so when I go here you can see like I still have some background which is what I want so when I play here you will see that I still have my bag around there so that it doesn't feel much uh like CG now like a little bit but anyway um now that we have this and notice that we have a stairs here we don't want you there you go uh let's play with the light so for the lining I will just grab a post process volume here go to the green plus icon then go to visual effects and then go to post process but I will just leave it like this the first thing you need to do is to check Unbound otherwise it's gonna only affect when my player goes here okay that's the first thing let me move this thing here put it like this okay so let's go here the bloom it's a nice one I like it especially for games Bloom makes it look like I don't know none of them might like more fantasy right uh it's very nice like you have the intensity you can have the convolution bloom if you want or the standard one for me I think I will just go for something like super low like this uh check how it looks like without not too much blue okay then the next is the exposure you can make it like this is the big thing like if you can change the exposure and everything for example you can put uh this one you can change the number it will change a lot of things okay yeah and it takes a while to to go back so uh you can play with this a little bit just to make it look like less shiny by default it's one if you put something like five it will look like super high um you can put manual instead of having like uh you know the you can have like one lining instead of having like different lighting scenarios for each kind of thing uh it's nice I find like tank can be a good thing maybe 11 11 looks like a nice number okay let's just keep it up manual for now probiotic aberration uh I will put it and you will see what it does it's just basically something like this okay uh and just put it like this it's a little bit you don't want whenever you play with a with the post process you don't want to like put super strong values you want just a little bit subtle D is the key here when doing post-process things uh you have the lens flares which if I see the sun where is it there you go I can see some lens flare like the sun is here which is weird uh I kind of don't like it but we can change the lining with Ctrl l and we can we can play with this until we have something like something like that for example that's that's much better in my opinion look looks much more interesting uh we can go here to the directional light and we can just change the rotation here in the the y-axis that's one thing you may want to change the next one is the z-axis for example you can go for something like this where the lining is coming like from this angle or you could move it here so that the light is like coming uh it shouldn't come from here it's like from the other side but anyway I kind of like this one like I have like light in the left and in the right I have Shadow which is what I want so I will just go back to my post process volume okay post process and lining goes hand to hand so let's just keep going image FX picnet yeah we can put some thick net intensity you can see what it does like and put like 0.3 or something like that uh depak field uh it's very good uh I think I feel like they changed the settings maybe I'm not sure like uh this one of these settings is Gonna Change like the distance here let's just take a look at there you go something like this and let's just play with the distance so if we play like one thousand two thousand too much so let's just like here and 0.1 10 100 and let's just play with the with the radius here yeah so like this like the parts that are in the power distance will be like more blur uh which is cool um let's just try to change this if you put like 50 it's too much 100 500 it's very sharp yeah like this like it's a little bit blurry in the background you may want that okay let's check the let's check the color temperature now okay uh what's this fail to save continue whatever let's save again okay cancel uh I don't know which asset is this but anyway uh let's just go back here temperature we can change like the temperature you one warmer or cooler I feel like cool will be nice cooler environment okay uh Global this one is one of the most powerful ones you can change like the saturation of everything like everything will be like super saturated if you want or you can go for Less saturated look that's something you're looking for also you can change the saturation like for example I don't want the greens and I don't want the Blues and what what I will have here is something very interesting only my story will have like this color and actually I can put the blues a little bit actually I can just remove it and my Tory will be the only thing that have a pretty much color except for the rest which is really cool so I'm Gonna Leave This as an alternative shot for later uh contrast will be how much contrast you want as a tip the more contrast you have the less real you become so if you have like something like this is like too much fantasy so one it's okay 1.9 maybe uh remember do not go to streams gamma basically how the light of your environment I will keep it at one uh the Shadows uh you can also change like the shadow saturation or maybe you can increase the blues only something like that or maybe the Reds on the Shadows like you will have more Shadows from the red color popping out okay then the contrast of course you will have more contrast in the shadows I'm just gonna leave it like that meat tons does the same like anything that is like a kind of grayscale so for example if we saturate this uh all basically pretty much all the mid tons except for this red color is gonna be changed um highlights we can put saturation for example we can increase the the red one or just decrease the saturation for for this ones the highlights are usually like here where the light comes in and you can just increase the saturation and you will have something like this for the highlights um not really something that I will like to play with a lot but anyway you have the option okay let's just go back there are a lot of things you can play with here uh the film is another important one you have the slope so if I just change the slope here you will have like much more maybe realistic environment usually you are looking for something like more contrasty or things like that uh Global illumination Lumen um we don't change this kind of things [Music] um that's pretty much it now you can increase the grain intensity too the more grain you have the more like you you can have more specifics like growing in the you know in the in the shadows in the mid tones or in the highlights uh just leave it like that so weird okay and that's it let's just play your game see how it feels like look at that all right it's a little bit uh it has too much grain in my opinion so I will go here and for any intensity I will just put something like this now when I play from here now you will see that I have like much less grain which is okay I have a little bit of blur now this kind of things you can always fix it by just putting more trees there uh I don't want to do that if I go here like I have maybe too much moisture and blur but you know it's it's working so nice um what I want to do now is to try and play with the atmosphere a little bit so to play with the atmosphere we just need to go here the first thing I'm gonna play with my directional light here and now I'm going here um I can try to play with the intensity if I don't like this for example I can put this like six or one and this will I can give me more like a night scene which allows me to be more creative and have like lights here coming from from the inside of this mesh or something like that right uh things like that I can just decrease the radius if I want for increasing intensity and I also changed like the color you can put something like green like super uh if you're having like a red here having like green will like make it you make your scene look look better and just go here and you know we can play with this all the day so let me just delete this and the directional light I want to put something like eight let's Plano Felix a little bit too much it's just playing with the pipe and see how it looks like it's very plain so I will I will go for eight okay let's save it okay so uh what else you can you can change you can change like the uh the temperature you can change like cooler or warmer I like the warmer although the cool will actually make your scene look like maybe more balanced because we already have a lot of uh rights here but I feel like the warm color really fits this and we can even go here and change like the lining a little bit we can go for something like this okay I feel like I feel like I really like this I did earlier we can create more likes there let's just play with a directional light what else we can do here uh we can go to the light shaft conclusion we can click here and then click the shaft Loop so what happens is if I check this uh I will have the light shot so this will look much better if I just go here and just play with the lining here you will see that I have my light shaft just like this and it it works great when it's like in like something like this like Sunset there you go you can see the light shafts here something like this and um something like that and you we can even go for something like this and put something like everything to make it like you have like much more like like a different look here uh I'm not going for that so let's just go back to the lining we have I think it's working for now uh what else we can do um I think that's pretty much it let's go back to the atmosphere and here we can change like the I can change the sky luminance factor to build something like this color here like more bluish and I can decrease the saturation a little bit if I want okay you can also change like this thing but it will like super alien I don't want I don't really want that okay next thing you want to change is the what so you can increase the fog density you can see that without the fog everything looks super contrasty you don't really want that so we can increase the fog density and also here you have like the extinction scale if you put much you will have like a lot of fog that depends on you you also have like the alvido of the Fog up like something like green or or something like this that really really depend on you okay and also the view distance where you're gonna start seeing this thing uh next thing is the skylight or the skylight basically uh you can either use a cube map for example I can choose a cube map and then I should have like a like this one for example uh in this case I won't have the real-time capture of the whole thing um oh for Desert or you know something something like that um I will just put a real-time capture and also like the intensity let's check it with zero how it looks like it looks like this likes to match so we can just play with this and also the light color we can go for something like blue if we want right uh it will I think it's a nice touch if we put something like blue we can have like blue Shadows oh this can be very obvious if we put like five here like you can see what's going on we put zero we put one all our shadows now are blue which is nice this is what we want okay um I think that's pretty much it what we're gonna do now is just to basically have some um some smaller uh details and then uh probably the day for now okay so the first thing I want to do is to optimize the detector size uh because honestly 8K for all these things we don't really need it and one way we can do it is we go to our static meshes here and let's go to all of them and we can just grab basically all of them and change the texture resolution from 2K from 8K to 2K so let's let's see how it goes we're just gonna grab all of those and basically what I'm trying to do is to change uh sorry we're not gonna go here we're gonna go to the texture here there you go and we're gonna go all the way here and actually we can change all the textures right so what I'm trying to do is to change this property here and you see that I have a 8K texture if I go to the if I type Max you will see maximum texture size I can put 2048 and you will see that this will change and now we use much less resource size like 3000 kilobytes without it we use 49 000 which is a lot um so we don't need this and we're gonna change all of them I won't go through one by one because we're gonna get crazy here so what I will do is let me just filter this by texture and I can just go through all of them just like this then right click and then asset actions and then go to bulk edit be a property Matrix okay now if you go here you will see that you can actually select all of them so let's go to all of this and now we can just type Max imum texture size I want all my textures to be 20 48. now this is gonna take some time uh so I will pause the video and when it's finished I will come back so all the objects are finished now and you can see now let's let's see how it goes it's a little bit better to be honest but still uh one of our biggest travel is this trees here on the grass so what we're gonna do is to do the same for the 3D plants and the this one so let's go let's go to this one first let's just change everything here uh we can change like for example um I'm gonna try to change all of this We're Not Really Gonna Change the time actually we could change the impostory cards okay let's do that let's just select everything let's go to right click asset actions um bulk edit and then we're gonna select all of them with shift here then type Max and then we're gonna we're gonna put something like 2048. okay uh by default uh it's gonna reduce this to the maximum texture size here uh so it's gonna take a while I'm gonna pause and then I will come back okay so now that I have this I will put my maximum texture size to 2K 2048. I need saving so let's wait a little bit okay so it's finished and let's see yeah like nothing has changed really uh pretty much the same let's go back and let's do the same for our plants uh we're going here let's go through all of them and then go to asset actions both edit and then we will put Max here and maybe for this one we want to put like 124 at most because it's like really small okay so now what I will do is I'm gonna check save everything and then I will come back when it's finished okay so I finished uh reducing the texture size of all my objects uh it took more than what it looks like in the video because I need to I just pause it but normally just take like a few minutes there um why I don't see much improvement it's because texture size while it's it's an important aspect it's not our bottleneck how do we know this we just go to optimization view modes um we can go here for example to light complexity here we can see if we have a lot of lining for example I can just put a light here like press l okay and then when I go here to my optimization View mode and go to light complexity you will see that as I continue to duplicate this lights it becomes more and more complex to the point it becomes White so you don't really want that but in our case our lining is very simple so it's very easy to render so the problem is not there let's go back here uh then uh Shader complexity uh yeah this is fairly cheap actually most of the of the meshes are actually between just uh green and this one is is bad but you know it's not that bad uh then the next thing you want to record actual resolution doesn't work with nanite but it's a really nice feature in our case we don't really need it because we are using virtual textures which I turn it on before I start the project and in my case quad overdraw and look at this now we see the bottleneck here uh basically what we're seeing here it's all these meshes here we're seeing some what overdraw okay the purple ones are like really bad okay so there are a couple of things we can do uh one thing is to reduce the triangle count this will help us to do it uh like help us to reduce a little bit right uh the other thing is just try to not put so many trees next to each other for example this one we can use remove it if we want it okay for example let's delete this one as you can see my FPS already increased a lot so let's check another one here for example this one or this one right like we can remove this one if we want it so that we don't have what overdraw so the one thing we can do to reduce it is just to reduce the triangles so if I take a look at what are the trees that I'm using I put a bunch of trees here because it's like I prefer to use use them than using the foliage tool just so that I can put them manually so what I can do is to press Ctrl B to find it and then just drag it here okay so what I can do is to reduce a triangle count it's very easy I'm just going here uh I'm going here to my modeling mode select this and what I will do is to go here and then go to simplify and it will take a while to load because this is a very heavy mesh so I will pause the video and come back so now that I finished loading you will see that I have like this thing is loading here I want to put like maybe 35 percent of reduction for the triangles and as soon as I do that it will take some time to load like it it will basically try to calculate uh how much triangles I need so what I will do is just to just go here and then wait for it to to finish and then I will come back okay so now you can see that my tree it's actually much more simplified and I still have the silhouette so what I will do is just accept and these changes will be applied and new Nano generation will be created for this new mesh that well it's the same mesh but it has just less polygons so let's wait for it and let's see how our scene looks like okay so it's finished now let's delete this one we don't need this anymore and look at this so now our frames per second are increasing a lot actually so what I will do is to do the same for the rest of the trees that we're using here so if I take a look we're using this one and maybe we're using this one here so I will do the same for these two and for all the trees that I've been using and then I will come back and show you the new frames per second okay so I finished simplifying the stuff and basically there is some small improvements I can go and simplify more uh but if I go here to the optimization view modes and then boot the quad overdraw there's still some of them uh that could be like more simplified like this one for example I could do it even more if I want it for the sake of this tutorial we're just gonna leave it like that okay where I'm happy with basically 30 FPS just for now okay so that's great uh next thing I want to do is to basically create some collisions for for these meshes so it's going to be very easy uh I will show you two ways I can either go and double click on this and then I can open the static mesh editor and here I can just click apply and what this will do is just create some collisions for me so if I press alt C you will be able to see some collisions that I have or I can either go to here um player Collision and now um You Don't See the Collision here because I have pressed alt C there you go so now I can see which elements need Collision and this one for example like if you were to do the Collision here it will try to do a com uh like a convex one here just like this um it works in this case so let's just save this but in some cases you want more precise Collision you can use the modeling tools for that uh I will use it like for for example for this just in case like you want to know how to use the modeling tools or let's just say um yeah maybe this one so let's go to this one and now we're gonna go here to the mesh to Collision and it's gonna take a while because it's a it's a very heavy mesh but basically what it's gonna do is I will have a bunch of other options that usually I don't have with with the default collisions that I got in the static mesh editor so let me just go here to the lead mode so this white box will be my collection you see it's very simple it's not what I want but what I can go is to go here and change this to Maybe by mesh component or maybe my mesh groups okay and also I can go here to the context holes and this will give me a more representative uh Collision of what I wanted uh I can go here instead of per input objects I can use like per mesh component and basically I will have the same I can just combine all okay uh or per mesh component that can work okay and then I can just change the whole fate like 50 if I want it for like 10. I will just go for 20 okay then I just click accept and this will give me a basically a much it will give me more control to do the collisions here um let's just wait a little bit for this to load there you go so let's go back here and let's go to player collision and let's just double click on this and let's just add some collisions uh very simple collisions here just using the default settings you can already have very good collisions this hit apply here uh normally I never teach how to do collisions because it's something super simple right um but a lot of people just ask a lot of questions like how to do this kind of thing uh for this one for example I want a little bit more of uh more precise Collision and honestly unreal that's a very good job when making collisions uh this one for example for objects like this maybe you just want to add a box Collision you don't want anything else like this works just fine uh what else is missing you see that this one is purple the reason is using complex Collision a symbol and that's a more expensive um so we don't really want that so we're going here and we're going here to edit and we're just gonna put the collisions for this one so for example this one can be like a like a box also I can just hit apply and make sure here you go to complex and then put the project default okay so now when I press alt C you won't see the complex Collision here we can do the same here we can just double click and if you have like um you completely it's getting your computer is getting slow uh that's because um you don't uh you have many static mesh editors open so just keep that in mind uh let's go for this one and do the same like a little bit complex Collision here and this one will be like a box that should be good enough and then this one's uh we can just remove the Collision we don't really need it go to complex Collision remove it I don't really need to add Collision to this and for this one I also don't need to add it but just in case we we will just go here and apply create something like this it's not too accurate but it does the job so let's go back here and let's do another complex Collision and put it like this and then just go to Collision and put box here and we can just leave it like this is a little bit of a time consuming so let's go back here and we can uh stop the changes we don't really need to there's nothing to change here we're not modifying this so if I go here to the lead mode player Collision you will see that I have a lot of things here I can do the same here I will apply Collision here and you saw that you can take a look at uh you know what we are doing now basically you need to do this over and over for games like you can just go here apply Collision basically find any object that is like bothering you apply Collision uh let's go here applied Collision again there you go this one I already have this one I don't really need let's see what else is missing Collision uh the joys already have Collision that's uh that's a good thing actually uh especially when there are static mesh they come with Collision otherwise these ones won't have because it's like foliage but the player won't go there anyway okay awesome so let's save everything and now let's play our game okay so let's add a little bit of detail here I want to add some grass so if I go to the bridge and then I go to home here I already download some grass patches here like you can see these grass here the kikikuya grass this norly gas uh we're gonna use them okay so it's very easy we're just gonna paint here so let's go to the foliage and when I add them you will have this folder here for each grass Okay so what I'm gonna do here is just go here to the foliage mode and make sure you don't select anything here okay automatically they will add the grass actors into your foliage mode if you import so what I will do is just import all this check this all these grass patches okay I can also check this one to have more variation okay um and let's just paint let's just decrease the size to something like this or maybe like 50. we will try to put it like here okay and let's see what happens when we paint okay so it's it's very small which is what I expected uh let's decrease the density to like 50 and then the uniform scaling from one to two maybe let's let's see something like that yeah something like that could work okay let's just paint this and let's see what happens if we paid like four something like that you can see that adding this grass here and there will actually help you to sell more your environment grass is a very important part of game development in general and it's nice that you can use these grass patches to basically patch anything so we can put like 250 here and you can you can just paint here a little bit we can go back to 50 and let's use Spain here just like that awesome just by doing that we're already having some grass here now let's try to add more variation here let's check all of this and deselect them and we can try to we can try to have some of those like this and check the the size to 3 maybe and let's see what happens when we paint it's a little bit too high so let's put like 1.8 and just by putting this we're already having some like flowers here with uh some reddish tones that we can use because all our scene is like green uh we want to put some red values here and these are great uh this is a great way to add more variation to your environment you see just by adding this we are balancing this uh green thing I'm gonna show you uh what I mean so if I go here let me go to a material use any any material here okay so and then I I put the let me put a color here as you can see here uh the green and the red are opposites okay so all our scene is kind of green and that's because we're using the grass but not only that uh our Tory is red so what we need to keep in mind is we need to balance these two and because our red is such a strong color uh we're trying to balance a little bit and when we add the grass here and put a little bit of red we automatically are putting like uh more balance into our sink now how do you uh know when an scene is balanced is very uh abstract thing uh you just need to feel it like you see it and oh yeah this feels better just like like when you're playing the piano and you listen to one note and it's like you know one and then you play another one and then it just feels off it's the same with color you just put it and just go and go with your gut feeling okay um even if you are not applying like all this Theory and this kind of stuff uh let's add another bit of uh variation uh I want to extend this thing like for example I want to I want to move this a little bit here I want to move it like this just like that okay you saw that we can have like our three branches like this like there an extension of it that's great um and we can play with this here like we can just copy and try to put it in another position here rotate it and just by adding all these three branches we're adding like more variation into here I feel like I want to put like more like destroyed feelings into this area we're getting into the parts of the of the process where things are not really like uh as you say um we're getting into more details and storytelling like where like all this free Branch like really got out of hand right so here we can just rotate things a little bit and I'm sure we can change this one with Ctrl B you can check you're gonna see where is it let's just press Ctrl B uh let's just open this one and put the static mesh here and then go to 3D assets and let's just try to find a broken floor not this one we're gonna find a broken one yeah something like this for example we can put this and we can try to put it like here and this will blend much better with this we can just remove this if we want and just put this thing here there you go something like that feels much better to me and I can just go ahead and you know put it like this now I feel that feels much better now um we can add more detail we can just put some decals here so if you go to Bridge and you can see that you also have like decals here uh I have add some DeVries here like Fallen Leaf more leaf and a bunch of a bunch of lips basically so what I can do now is just go to the decals and I can just go here I'm put material instance which I already have here in my filter and I can just grab this for example I can put my asphalt here like it's broken uh that's nice and we can also play with the leaf here for example here we can put a little bit of leaf here uh we can put this one is too much I think we can go for another one maybe something like this and let's try here we can also put the leaves here and we can rotate them if we want are really pretty so let's just delete it and let's just put let's just put more like let's see where do we want to put these things maybe here for sure and just by adding this uh you see how uh we're gonna start adding like more details and and things like that now uh you notice that my friends are a little bit low and this is expected uh if you don't see the frames here is because I have it uh in my properties I think I have this in my editor preferences let me see if I can find it uh like FPS maybe uh show that's something like that uh I'm not exactly sure where I did it I did a long time ago but if you don't see this you can go here and then go to show FPS and you will see that we're ranging from 20 something to 30 FPS uh that's not ideal um we should always go above 30 whenever possible otherwise it's going to get a little bit laggy but this is also understandable because all these things are like 8K textures okay um let me just delete this guy where you came from there you go uh all these things are like 8K textures and basically uh we don't want that for games we want to make this thing playable I will uh basically put this thing to download okay so you can just play around with it if you want but um what I will do now is optimize it a little bit so maybe some of you don't have like a very strong computer and also if you want to learn how to optimize uh I will show you some tips now okay so we did it we have like a playable thing that we can just play with so let's play our thing and let's take a look at it nice so we can just play from here and we can just walk a little bit everything has like Collision nice we can just walk around a little bit weird things are happening to this mannequin I just go here and when you add Collision like everything feels much nicer now okay uh this is just a small example of what you can do with a real engine I hope this has been useful to you if you want to learn more about unreal make sure to check our Channel we have plenty of tutorials that you can take a look we have like blueprints modeling more environment tutorials bfx animation uh we have a lot of things to cover in our channel so make sure to check them out and if you want to if you have an idea of what any other kind of video You Wanna you want us to make just let us know in the comments and we may do a video about it and now and I will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 11,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: Qck4REJNySw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 26sec (9986 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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