Unreal Engine 5 Environment Tutorial for Beginners - Create a Forest

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learning to make great games is hard as hell learn with us at unfgames.com to make it easier learn to create a forest in a real engine 5. if you want to learn how to create a leveling unreal engine this is a great place to start you will learn how to use the landscape tools to quickly create a level you will also learn how to create a landscape material how to decorate our environment using mega scans adding procedural grass and trees to quickly populate your environment with less effort how to optimize your scene to make it game ready and finally we will add collisions so that we have a game ready environment you can play with okay so let's create our project i'm gonna choose the game step and here i'm gonna choose uh maybe first person third person i'm gonna choose third person i like their personal game so i'm gonna go for it and i'm gonna call my project here like my first forest something like that i'm gonna click click create and then we're gonna open unreal so once unreal opens you will see this window in case if you choose that third person template you will see this map if you choose another one then you will see another map in case you're new i will show you how to navigate your way around this big screen here is the viewport which is a representation of how your game will look like when you ship it so how do you navigate here well if you check the mouse here with a right mouse click you can move around like this you can rotate and while holding the right mouse click press w to move forward s to move back a to move left d to move right and just like this you can think of it as like a first person shooter okay so what if you want to go up well you can press e to go up and q if you want to go down and just by doing that by holding the right mouse click you can basically navigate very easily inside unreal this is my preferred method of doing it but there are also other ways of navigating for example you can press the middle mouse click and while holding it you can pan around okay you can pan around just like this only in two axis you can also click on the left mouse click and if you move it with the left mouse you will see it like it's kind of like a spaceship like you can move around and fly just by holding the left mouse click okay so that's pretty much it so what else you can do in the viewport well you can click on objects here for example this cube and let me press f to focus on this object and while you're doing here if you hold alt and left click you will rotate around the object and if you hold alt and right mouse click you can zoom in and out okay so that's basically the navigation if you want to move objects around you see that as i click on this i have a gizmo this gizmo is exactly what you're seeing here this is the move the rotate and the scale and this one is the select and these modes are also selected by q w e r which is the easiest way to do it and this is the way we're going to do it here so for example if i want to move this cube i can either click here or press w and i can just move the handles here when i can move in two directions here just like that i can press e to rotate around okay rotating different axis i can press r to scale just like this okay and you notice that every time i do this if i move this there is some kind of stepping this is the grid snapping and by default it will be enabled by using 10 units okay so if i disable this you will see that i move my cube very smoothly okay and if i enable this it will snap to the grid now if you don't see this is because the grid is very small i can put something like 100 and now you will notice when you snap your objects it will only snap to 100 units which is the same as centimeters in unreal okay let's move back to 10 the same can be said around the rotation if i press e to rotate you can rotate around like this you will see that it snaps in 10 degrees increments you can change this to whatever you want for example like five but you can have something like this okay or you can completely remove this and don't have any snapping to rotate freely okay so the same is for the scale you can scale like this or you can remove this and just scale very freely to have any size you want all right so what else you can do in the viewport well you have these different modes here okay i won't go into all of them but i will show you the most important ones for example you're here viewing in the lead mode okay delete mode it's basically your final representation of how your scene looks like you can change to unlit you can change the wireframe or detail lining or lining only okay those are the most common ones this is why they have some hotkeys like alt fort l3 l2 and i i will continue to toggle between those during the tutorial so we can check different things such as a color or maybe the wireframe or maybe we only want to check the lining this is the way we do it the next one it's of course the perspective okay by default it's in perspective and i'm gonna leave it like that but if you want you can go to top and you can zoom out with the mouse scroll wheel and you will see that everything turns into wireframe and you can actually put lead here and it will work to some extent but it's not exactly pretty okay so i will leave it to wireframe okay okay the next thing is the viewport options i'm gonna leave it like that just make sure uh if your computer is a little bit slow turn off real time so like if things move around like the sun or the whatever it is that is moving uh turn off real time and it will increase your frames okay and next is the layouts you have like different layouts for example um you can have like only one plane or you can have like this and you will see that i have like different layouts here let me put 4x4 and if you click on this you will see that i have i have this button here which is like a window if i click on this it will maximize the window and if i just move around i can just move into different axes okay just in case uh if you come from 3ds max or something like that you want to be more precise you can do that however we will keep ourselves in perspective mode the next thing is the outliner the outliner help us to visualize the actors that are in the scene okay so you can basically rename things for example this cube let's call this my little cube okay and now when i search here little you will see that i will find it easier okay in case you have a lot of objects and you want to find one in particular that can be a good case but in any case you can either select here or select the outliner and when you select you will see that you have a bunch of properties in the right if you don't see this maybe it's because your word settings are here make sure you click here on the details or press f4 check the details so if you want to move around the windows just click here and this will expand the window so here in that location you can either move here and it will move in the x-axis as i move the object you can see that the location is actually updating here you the same can be said for the x-axis the y-axis or where you move around all the axes okay so you can either type a number here for example like 500 and if you don't find it you can press f to find your object and i'll click to rotate the next one is the rotation okay so basically you can change things here or you can change things here depends on what you want okay and the next thing are a bunch of properties like for example the aesthetic mesh which is the 3d asset that you're viewing in this case it's a cube okay and other things like the materials like it's like the painting that we have here if we want to apply another material we just need to swap this material then there are a bunch of properties that we won't touch in this tutorial for for now this is enough for you to navigate in unreal editor okay so uh if you are not new to real i hope you have skipped this part um if you're new i hope it this is useful now that we have this um one more thing i want to show you is the content browser let me close all this so i don't um i don't confuse you i can check the assets i have in my project by pressing ctrl space and this will open up that content browser and it is basically a folder structure where you can organize all the assets that you have so i can either press ctrl space or click here or i can go to window and then go to content browser and you you see that i have a bunch of content browsers here that's because you can have many and as soon as i click on this you will see that i have different tabs here okay so i can for example i can right click here and create a new folder called my my forest something like that okay and let's create a new level let's go here new level and let's create an empty level we don't want to create an empty open word okay just an empty level unless let's click create uh let's not save this and just like this we have our new map ctrl s to save this okay and let's call this in my forest and this is called level zero one and now we're good to go so now that we have our level it's time to put some lights because it's extremely dark and we cannot see anything and there are many ways we can place lights and for example we can go here to the green plus icon which is our add objects and we can put a light here like a i don't know like a point light and i still don't see anything because there's nothing to light so there is a better way to do this and that is going to window and then going here to the environment light mixer and when you have here and if you check your outliner if i i can create a skylight you can see that it creates a skylight and this is the same and just going to basics uh and then dragging skylight here okay i'm gonna undo with control z it's the same so we can create atmospheric like zero we can create a skype atmosphere to have something in the background we could create balloon maker clause here and we can create a height fault and there you go that would have something that looks nicer than a you know a black canvas so a couple of things i want to change here make sure your skylight is set to real time capture okay that's one thing and that's it that's it for now uh your exponential height fog you can put it into volumetric focus if you want uh we're gonna leave it like that for now so the first thing uh we want to create our forest so what we will do is to go to the select mode and let me say first with ctrl s okay go to the select mode go to landscape and here you will see that you can create like a green grid super big this is essentially the gameplay area we're gonna have like the player can run around here and you can make it really big for example i can increase the quad size to i don't know 127 and this will increase like the size of the quads here um i'm just gonna leave it like that and i'm gonna put a two by two sections pair components so i can have more resolution and just like that we're not going to enable 80 layers we don't need it for now we're just going to hit create and now we have our landscape so if we press here you can see that i have my shortcuts here i can press shift 1 or select and i can right click and play from here and you will see that i have my player here that's great so what i want to do is to create like a hill here so i can just go to landscape and i can go to the sculpting mode here and here i have a bunch of options like i can change the brush size i can change the tool strength so the scope mode i can just click here and you'll see that it will start sculpting just like that okay i can also reduce the strength so i can have more fine detail okay i can reduce the brush size or the fall off but if you want to make this one down press shift and it will like do the opposite way so instead of adding it will subtract you can also go to smooth to smooth this area just like this okay so what i like to do is just go here to my sculpting tools smooth a little bit but the smooth not so harsh like just a little bit like this and i can just keep doing that and i will start with a very big brush like like this something something like that and i want to have a small heel here so i'm gonna smooth this first okay and i'm gonna flatten some areas so if i flatten this will make it really like not flat okay so i want to have a hill here and i can do that with the ramp so if i go here to the ramp you'll see that i have a bunch of options i can change the ramp width so you don't see it because i haven't clicked on anything so if i can just click here and then just maybe click here you will see i can i can move the ramp here just like that and i can change the ramp width and i can even make it bigger i believe yeah something like that and if you're happy with it just press enter and you will have a ramp okay so what i'm gonna do is to create a very big ramp something like that and i'm gonna press enter okay awesome so now i have like a small little kill here okay and let's go back with chief one and let's play our game to check how it feels like okay so i feel like it's a little bit too much so i'm gonna go to my landscape and this time i'm gonna put a ramp here and i'm gonna do a ramp like this not too much something like that okay so now let's play from here shift one okay so we can we could start from here that's great so now what i can do is go here to my landscape or either press shift 2 and smooth these parts a little bit so i can have something here what i can also do is go to the flatten tool and then go here and just flatten this area so i can have like a small little heel here and i can do the same here like i can create something that you know move from distance and i can do another ram here for example uh if i click enter okay and i can just go too smooth here and let's smooth this area okay something like that awesome it's like you can have some little small heels here to play with and this feels much better in my opinion compared to just a flat plane so what i will do is to create maybe another ramp here i can just go down and press enter and you will see that i have like i can even go uh deeper it doesn't matter uh how uh if i'm like in the minimum level here i can just go below and it will work just fine so i can just smooth this area here awesome what i can also do is add some erosion here if i go to erosion i can change the tool strength and the threshold i can make it really small so that when i click here you will see that i have like some kind of erosion so let's make the tool strength really low and the threshold like a little bit like this and you will see that just by doing this you have like a small little um it's like kind of like erosion it looks a little bit better than just the uh the sculpting tools here like for example you can have something like this and you can erode this part just like that okay let's can do it like this for example it's something really nice to to have personally i like it a lot um it adds a lot of flavor to your scene you can just keep sculpting feel free to play with this and don't forget to test your game so when you come here let's for example you're here and let's go to shift one and you wanna play from here right click and play from here so you can just test your level and it looks bigger than what we actually thought and because we're watching everything from this view we think like everything is small but in reality if we play from here you will see that we actually have a very big level okay another thing i can do is go to my landscape and then i can go to copy okay for example i can select all this sorry select like this and then go to copy copy data to gismo okay and you will see that i have my data okay and i can move it around just like this now uh sorry i shouldn't select this clear region copy and you will see like a box here let's drop this area by making it bigger just like this okay let's just select all of this just like that okay there you go let's make it bigger to make sure we have everything great now that we have this copy data to gizmo and now what we can do is come here and we can actually put it here for example press enter sorry ctrl v and this will paste okay and i will have something like this okay and then you can just smooth things out here or just do the erosion so you don't have exactly the same like copy over over and over you can do the same here and you can see that i can easily create any landscape one last thing before moving on to adding some materials to this is that i want to put my player into one position for example i can start from here okay so if i'm gonna choose this place what i can do is go here and then go to my player start and then drag it here and just like this now you see that my character is pointing into another direction press escape to stop the simulation you can rotate like this 180 degrees and now we will start from here and that's great now we have a small level we can play with in just a matter of minutes we can have something uh to move around and play with which is awesome i really love when this kind of stuff uh works together and we can play our game so now what we're gonna do is to add some colors into this let's add some grass some rocks and other stuff to make it look prettier so let's add some materials into this so i'm going to use quixote mega scans and you can acquire them by going to the content browser here then click on add and then add quicksilver content and if it's the first time you use this well you need to log in here i already login so you can choose any asset you want for example you can type grass and you will have a bunch of options you can either download 3d assets 3d plans surfaces which is the ones we're going to download are details to add more details to your level so like if you want to add more assets for example like this one you can just choose the quality you want for example medium quality is the one i'm gonna use it's like 2k texture so you can go to the highest quality but i think it's too much for games for now we just go for the medium quality and just click on download and you will see that it starts to download here and once it's finished you will be able to click the plus icon here to add it into your project now i already have some textures i want to use so if i go here to this desktop item this is my local folder you will see that i have a bunch of materials that i already download okay so what i want to do is basically put some grass so for example this one this forest floor let me grab this here okay and you will see that it will create a folder here called mega scans and it will put the surfaces here and in this case it will rename it to the name of this material which is the forest floor okay and it will have a bunch of textures and the material and everything we will use it later but for now let's see what else we can add so we have this ground stone i believe it can be very useful so let's add this okay let's add another one this one for example okay sorry let's just move this one here then let's see this one uh maybe we may want to add something like this uh so let's click on add okay so we have the forest floor we have this one and the rock and i think we're good to go so now that we have this we just need to create our material so let's go to the content browser and now we will go to our my forest and i'm going to create a material here right click material and i will call it m landscape i don't know forest okay so i just double click on this and if you want to learn more about the material editor we have complete tutorials about it if you want to create complex materials and everything we're going to keep it simple for now if it's your first time you just need to know that you can move around here with the right mouse click okay here you have a viewport which is the representation of how your material will look and here you have a bunch of properties okay now what i want to add is these textures into my material so [Music] what i'm gonna do is to just drag all of those okay and just put them here awesome and now what i can do is to plug this in to check how it looks like okay so let's wrap the base color here let's grab the normal map okay and this is the mask so basically this is the color okay and you see that it's actually changing this is the normal map if i double click on this you will see that i have my texture here okay so this is what will give detail to my texture if i undo this you will see that it's like a photo okay it doesn't have any depth so let me connect this to the normal map and then this one's here if i double click on the mask what is a mass exactly it's a grayscale texture pack into different channels if i click on this you will see that i'm able to check the channels if i check the red one you will see that i have my ambient occlusion the green one we have the roughness and the blue one will have the height so combining to all of these three we have something like this that doesn't make any sense but for us we know that the red one is the ambient occlusion so we're gonna put it here and the green one we're gonna put it into the roughness and just like that we can just hit apply here and when we go here we we can just you know drag the bracket material so let's go to my forest click here and with this selected and you can also press ctrl space and you can go to my forest with this one selected you can either drag and put it here or you can just select this one and by clicking on this arrow you can just assign it and just like that you will see that i can see my textures here okay so right click right from here and you see that they're very small that's one thing and i only have one so we need to add more control into our texture so the next thing we're gonna do is to blend between different materials so we can you know play with our landscape so we're gonna do that next so how do we add materials well we nee if we go to our landscape you will see that i have a paint tab here and you will see that in this part you have layers and here you will have like the the grass the rocks uh the ground and all the materials you want to put it will be here so we can choose and then paint here with whichever material we're choosing so we need a way to tell unreal that this material has some layers so how are we gonna do this is by using the landscape layer blend so if we come here we can right click and type landscape layer blend okay and this is exactly what you're looking for this is the layers i'm sorry if i create this too fast you can just right click or press tab and type landscape layer blend okay um so um if you want to add layers you can just add one and here you will have a bunch of options i will just rename this to l1 just like this and you need to do the same for each one of those so i can just come here and paste it here and then copy and do the same um i really don't want to do that so what we will do instead is to combine the entire material let me ctrl c here so let me alt click and what we will do is to right click and type make material attributes and with this now we have a material we can put this one here we can put this one here this one in the ambient occlusion this one in the roughness and now we can just connect this one here now how do we connect this or we can do that break material attributes and then we can connect all of them again but you know there is a better way let me undo this and what we can do is go here to material attributes if you click here you will see the properties of the material you can click here use material attributes and there you go now you can just connect this one here awesome so let's apply this and now you will see that everything turned black but now i have my layer here if you don't see this you need to go to open a new level and then reopen the label again sometimes it happens okay so now that you have this you can create a new layer because there is no information here so what we can do is to click the plus icon click on weight blended layer click here to save and there you go now we have our grass here okay so that's the first layer let's add other layers so what i will do first is make sure these textures are from here in the texture asset shared wrap this is very important i see so many comments with people who cannot paint more textures the reason is they haven't changed the texture to share trap if you check here you have 2 out of 16 samples you cannot put infinite textures here so by doing this you will be able to put more than 16 okay and we're only have three for one material so let's add other surfaces we add this one let's add this floor okay let's drag this okay and just like this we can just come here there you go ctrl c ctrl b i'm just gonna move this one here okay and let's connect this one connect that i mean occlusion with a green one and now for the lens landscape layer blend uh we can add another layer here okay and we will call it l2 and we'll just connect this one here remember make sure to put shared wrap okay hit apply and now you will see that i have a second layer let's create a layer info for this one save everything and now when i paint here let me reduce the size of my paint and increase the intensity when i paint here sorry i need to click on this one when i paint here you will be able to paint the other material like i just paint here something like this like a small little pad all right awesome and if i want to remove it i can use shift click now the blending is a little bit funny but you are getting somewhere okay so uh now that we have this we can just continue to add more materials let's add the ground stone let's grab this one here materials can be a really tedious process but it's really simple actually it's just a little bit maybe boring okay so grab all of them shirt wrap ctrl c ctrl b and then connect all of those here to the normal map ambient occlusion roughness and you'll see that it's getting a little bit messy here like with all these wires so what i will do is to create a rewrote name node if i type here i type name you will see that you have the option to add name reroute declaration node and what this will do is to create a node i will call it l1 and now instead of connecting this i can just type l1 here and this will be the same as i connect this one to here okay so i can do the same one here i can type name type l2 do the same one here type name type l3 and now i can just come here l2 connect this one add another layer call it l3 connect l3 here and this is much more organized okay so we're gonna add the last texture samples here when i go here and move it okay make sure everything is shirt wrapped i can't emphasize enough how important this is otherwise you won't be able to paint more textures let's go here ctrl c ctrl b and let's come back here go back to the normal map i'm in occlusion roughness and this one will be my name l4 and now we can just go up and type l4 here and let's have another layer blend here and rename it l4 okay and now that we have this let's hit apply and now we can go to our level go to the landscape and let's save everything okay now if you save everything you will see it here click plus save do the same with this one save everything so now you can just paint here for example here let's decrease the size okay so we can just paint here and have like small tables here but you can also have like this part here which is like more rocky okay okay awesome so now we can paint our landscape but it's not exactly pretty so we need to make some adjustments to our material and we're going to do that next so time to improve this texture so how are we going to do it is we're going to our landscape and the first thing we need to do is to change the tile so we're gonna do this by pressing u or you can also type texture coordinates okay and then m for multiply and one to create a constant you want the ring you can just type constant here or multiply okay these are just typical shortcuts you use in materials now you can just connect these ones and now we can just connect all this now we want to have control over which texture we are changing the tiling so here we can just right click convert to parameter and let's just say um l1 piling l1 tile so we can just change it to 0.05 maybe okay and we can do the same here we can just ctrl c and ctrl v or we can just connect to the three of those and rename this one as l2 okay am i having these parameters we will be able to change it later so i can just type l3 tile ctrl c ctrl v type l4 tile i can just put it here and that's it now you will see that our landscape will change in terms of size but this is still a little bit too to be for me uh personally so uh what we will do is to create a material instance let's go to my forest save everything right click in the material create material instance and we will call it mi uh landscape forest and now that we have this we can use shif1 to select our landscape and click here now this will change the material but nothing else will change okay so what happens now is that if i double click on this you will see that i have a material instance editor which this means we have control over the parameters so if we feel this one is too big we can change this one to 0.1 or 0.05 let's check that l2 0.1 or 0.08 so 0.08 looks like a nice number let's play from here not bad let's put 0.08 to everything 0.08 0.08 okay so now that we have this um let's see if this is big enough or small uh a little bit too big to be honest so let's put zero 0.001 uh 0.08 we can divide by 2 to make it bigger or multiply by 2 and that's it 0.16 looks like a decent number to use so let's put the same ones here ctrl c and ctrl b and that's it great this is what we want okay so let me put 0.08 first it's okay so now that we have this uh looks like this one hasn't changed uh for some reason here ah there you go it's okay so uh if you if you paint your material it will look very soft so if we go to the landscape and paint here for example i want to paint some roads here we can just go here and just paint you see that i have this smooth transition here which i don't really like okay so what we can do is to change this transition by using the height map so how can we do this we can just come here and then grab this one and type trip chip contrast and then we will name create a parameter by holding one right click convert to parameter and we will call this um height contrast and we will put something like four okay so if we put something like this and if you want to take a look at how it looks like you can right click start previewing note and you will see that i have black areas um gray areas which is what we want okay if we only have like one you will see that i have like this a smooth transition okay and if i if i have zero i don't have even no transition so i will put something like um i will put something like one first and then how can we add a contrast well we will add something like another height okay so first um let's go here to the layer two the layer one we won't touch it layer two we will put a height blend we will do the same for this one and this one so this one really doesn't need the height map so i'm just gonna copy and paste here okay and now i will call this name l2 height i will do the same here i will just copy all this paste control and then l3 height ctrl c ctrl b paste the blue one and this one will be my l4 height now that we have this we can just come here l2 height and put it here do the same one here l3 height and then the l4 l4 height awesome so let's apply this and we will see how it changed our material okay so let's save and now that we have this you see that i have a much harsher transition so what i can do is go here and to my height contrast i can if i put zero you will see i have like no transition i can put like four okay and i will have a very very harsh contrast i can put one two three i put 50 if i want and this will make sure that it looks like this like very very contrasty you can put uh five okay so let's take a look from this angle 15 okay so 15 looks like a nice number if i put zero it looks like this five 10 10 looks like a really nice number awesome so what we can do well we can start painting here we can go to the landscape and here we can paint some layer info here we can go to the tool string and make it really small now we can start painting here you can see how you can just blend between these assets just by having the height information here it blends much more nicely i can just increase the tooth full strength i can just create something like this a little bit more like a smooth transition here i can also paint here some areas that i want some rocks here for example here and i can start painting here for example i have my height map i can do the same here i can just increase the brush size okay and just start painting like this okay and then just do the same here just like that okay and i can do the same for this one because we create a rock you will see that i have like a really nice um rock texture here we can use here to even increase the let's increase the strength and you can just put it like this for example something like that and we can then go here and we can add more variation just by painting here you won't be able to see the difference just by you know just going here i'm painting all these things like by adding more materials into your landscape you will be able to just basically create a lot of variations you can just uh start painting very big here sample in this area just like this and also here okay and then you can go here and with a smaller brush you can just start painting here in this area just like this and you can break the tiling here like for example something something like that you can start painting like this okay and you know this is a really really nice process you can you can use to add more variation to your sink and just come here and just by doing that we can paint some greens here we're losing some greens in this area okay and you can remove the size and just by painting you're having like more and more greens here awesome there is one thing i want to change here and that is the specular value here so if i go to my forest i can go here and create break material attributes and this is a quick fix but i can just come here remove use material attributes and what i can do is just put the base color here the roughness the normal and the ambient occlusion here and then for this specular value i can have a value here i can put something like a specula and i i will leave it at 0.5 which is the default like just put something like this hit apply okay and now uh when i go here you can just the specular zero and you will see that everything looks much nicer like it it doesn't have the reflections that we had before like we put 0.5 it has like this smooth everything uh which we really don't want that so we can put something like 0.1 0.05 that's too much as soon as we put this like it's like nothing has reflections anymore uh which is what we want i mean these things are not reflective okay so now that we have this we can just go to the landscape and you know just start painting here a little bit and then go back here to change the textures and everything okay and just by doing this we can create a really really nice environment let's just just put something like this and then paint here and then paint in this area just start big and then remove as you continue like you can come here okay and then just painting this area here let's try to play our game to check how it feels like awesome so we have like a small little uh place where we can run around and we have our textures now this look really flat and i really don't care much about it because we're gonna add like more rocks and more stuff here to make it look better for now i i feel like it's working pretty nicely so let's leave it like this for now and let's add some rocks into our scene so time to add some rocks you may feel like oh my landscape looks really bad and i really need a super super material no you don't you only need to add some assets into your thing because one of the mistakes that people make is that they think that the landscape will solve everything and they're very helpful but you also have other tools to use so let's go to the breach and if you type rook then go to 3d assets you will find a lot of options here i already saved here in my favorite some options that i feel like they can be useful for our case okay so for example if i type rock here okay you will see that all my favorites here and i can put 3d assets okay and now i can just choose the rock i want and let's start really big because i have a lot of options right so let's start really big how about let's start with this one okay so what we can do is something happen here uh okay so what we can do is let's go here and this one we're gonna drag it we're not gonna download because it's gonna take a while but we're gonna drag this here and we're gonna put it here awesome and just by doing that we already have some cliff here that's great and there it's very big so what i can do is just play with this rotate around to have something like this for example and i can do the same here to create like different variations here something like that and i can also rotate like this now you see that i dragged this and this is super low quality but what's happening in the background is that this is not loading the scene so i can just leave it here and i can actually continue to move this for example like here or i can even drag something else for example i can go here to my bridge and i can drop some other rocks here for example um let's just drag this one here and when we do this it will download the other one which is great so we can just come here and we can just put it in position here let's just say this is the end of our environment so we need you know some fairly big rocks to block it out right so we can just come here and then and just do very big ones in the background too like for example here we can just do something like this and you won't really notice from this distance and if you feel oh this is the same rod don't worry we're going to add more rocks and you will be able to see it so we can just come here rotate and the idea is to use assets that you can reuse in the future so for example like this one uh it's another type of asset so let's scale this it's like this and we can just put it here okay and it will load and it will take a while but take a look at this one this one is already changing a little bit it will change in the future don't worry so it will just take a while so while adding this we can just come here and add more assets here and just add this one here so you don't notice that this one is like the same you can do the same here example we can rotate like this and if you want to rotate into the local axis just click here let's just come back here and we can we can try to put it there okay so let's play our game awesome so now we have more rocks let's try to put some rocks here so let's let's grab this one let's rotate it let's try to put it here something like that okay and you see that this one also has more geometry now it will update in the future do not worry so let's just continue with this we can add another rock here so so that we can close the gameplay space right so try to look for another one okay let's take a look at this one i'm not sure if it's finished looks like it's finished but it's not updating for some reason so if we take a look at this control b uh you'll see that it's not updating i will take a look at the later what's what's going on but for now let's just practice okay and we can just come here okay let prepare each other's it's doing the job don't worry guys okay we can grab this sharp clip for example and we could put this one in the in the background like we can't scale this like 10 very big okay and we can just come here and and even put something like 30. like super big and you can only see it in the background something like that yeah some something like that and you can do the same here there you go like a very very big cliff and it will you see that now we have the nanite version which is awesome it just swap it out and this will change in the future but for now we can we can just we can just close this area we can scale this this is a really really nice asset if you take a look at this um not all the assets will allow you to do this and i'm not sure if this one will fit our case but we will just leave it like that for now for me what i want to do is to grab more of this and put it here something like that and we can just put it like this okay so we can have more variation and we can do the same here we can just duplicate and just by doing that we're adding more variation into our assets okay we can copy this start putting it here let's just say this area it's out of reach for the player so let's just duplicate this once you can see how uh this asset is repeating a lot so uh let's try to duplicate as much as we can until we cannot and we cannot unsee it and we need another asset so in my case i feel like um maybe this rocks will help but we will put them later for now let's just try to put this one for example let's just drag this one here okay and then let's just make it big now it's getting a little bit slow because i'm updating all my assets let's just put something like 50 or 30. okay 30 it's a good number let's just come here and we can just blend these assets here just by doing this we can just put this one here and we don't need to worry about the scale because we will add more assets in the future something like that okay it will change soon you can see that uh this one is already updated the rest will be updated soon as my computer continues to get slow okay something is updating i can feel it i can feel the lag okay there's something updating and when it becomes slow it means it's swapping up the the models here that's that's good so the idea is just to play with some assets in that you can put in the in the background first let's start big and then we will add some smaller assets okay and as you can see i add a lot of them and it's replacing a lot so make sure you use to select one and then stick to it until you cannot change it any longer okay so if you want to talk another asset maybe my recommendation if your internet is not as uh it's not as fast maybe you can wait for the other asset to download okay so uh i'm gonna pass this uh wait for the assets to finish and we will continue to decorate this environment okay so my rocks finish downloading uh you can see that if i press l2 you will see that wireframe here everything is nice and high density okay so i don't feel like this one is really working so i will delete it and what i can do is just go to my bridge and keep playing with this so for example uh let's add some medium rocks here we can just come here and rotate this around just like this and we can let's just put it here put the rotation to zero okay and one of the bad things about this mega scans is that not all of them come with a you know with back faces um it's a little bit annoying to work with to be honest because it's very hard to position this so i will just put this one here and then let's look for another rock for example like not this one but maybe something similar to this this one is great by the way so i mean we can just grab this one so let's just grab the mossy rock here that with it and we can just try to place it here okay so this one has the open face down so we can just come here and just by doing this we will be able to have like a small little rock here we can we can have like it's really nice actually okay and these parts do not worry about it we will add more stuff here so for example here we can just come here and just rotate this okay and the player won't be able to reach here so i don't worry about those things here you can just come here and rotate there you go rotate a little bit that's it and i can still uh put more rocks for example like i can put like this massive rock formation and i think it's gonna help a lot it's very very very big so i'm just gonna come here and just put it here in position and later on i can just adjust my landscape so i can make sure that my let me change the rotation snapping i don't really want it later i can just change the landscape to make sure like this blends really well so i can just come here and maybe just put another one here and if i don't like this i can either leave the landscape like that or i can just change it so let's just put more rocks here [Music] let's start with this one too so we can just put this one here and we can just put it like this and and then when we are here we can do the same here and put it here you saw we have something here to work with okay and this part maybe we need another one we can try this one for example we can drag this okay and just like this we can just come here and just put it in position here there you go okay and this one we can make it a little bit bigger this one i feel it doesn't blend really well like i feel like these ones are really nice and i want to keep them so i will go here and i will make it like super big like 50 or 100 200 and i will put really really far something like that and just like this i can have like a background here i'm gonna do the same here i'm just gonna rotate this around and i can make it like 300 if i want it and i can rotate this and for this background like you don't really need to be very picky you only want to have something that looks good from distance and here for example like you have the backspace you don't really want that so let's just leave it like that okay and let's keep playing with this one this one is really nice actually we can put it anywhere we want just like this and i just play with it here um what this asset will do is to help us with the transition with the rocks so this transition here is really harsh if you take a look at this this is not natural nobody's nothing stops like that so we need to smooth this out like this and a good way to do this is with this transition meshes here that we have here you can just come here and just put them in position here just by rotating around you're having a lot of uh good transitions you can play with uh the same with this so you can just put it here you don't really want to see the landscape like um you don't really want to see the landscape sculpted this is something for the player to walk so be aware of that you can blend this in any way you want uh but the idea will be to remove as much as you can the landscape because uh you don't really want the player to notice that this is you know sculpted any cg you know so if we come here we can just put this one here and that's the bad thing about the the assets that are not from uh not cover here so we need we need a way to just copy this and this asset i really like because it's closed anywhere except this part you know but you know you can always do this and as long as it's not too much nobody will notice something like that and you can just come here and you can do the same here you can copy this asset and put it like here and you can do the same here and just block the way basically and we can do the same here so that we have like a this will be our main path for example all right let's take a look at where is our player so we're going to use our outlaner outliner go to the player start press f and i feel like here is not a good place to start the game i feel like this is much better in my opinion so let's just start from here let's press end and we can just press here now when we play the game now it's much better so we can actually come here if we want it we will need to add some rocks here so what i can do is to basically play with this ones for example maybe this one or also this massive it looks small but actually it's really big if you if you take a look at the at the size of things like you can come here and add even smaller elements because this one is really really big so you really want to blend it really nicely with other smaller elements so you can just come here and then come back here and just like this and if you want to blend in a little bit better you can just go to the landscape and go to sculpt mode and scope a little bit it's like this and just sculpt here there you go and you can smooth things out you can sculpt again if you don't like it and also this part you can sculpt it just like that and you can use the erosion to make it a little bit nicer to too strong here let's remove the strength a little bit okay and to the sculpt again there you go and then the smooth unsculpt there you go and now you can paint here for example like this material here it's not blending really well so we can use this one and then this one here and now this blends much better of course it will look better when we have the high resolution version for now we don't have it it's preparing the meshes so let's just come here and do the same here we can put something like this and with this we can we're blocking the path but we play here oh all right guys i will so after the crash uh i put the rocks again more or less in the same position uh it's not exactly as it was before but it's close enough and wherever i encourage in some parts like this i can just go to my landscape sculpt a little bit here like remove reduce the size put it like this and then smooth it out like this and i can also paint here for example like this one to make it blend a little bit better with the with the asset and parts like this i can do the same here i can just sculpt here i can just add the landscape here and i can just smooth it out and scope again if i see some openings okay and smooth again here and then i can just paint here with some colors that are more or less the same as the acid okay so uh it's still really empty but when i play here i you know there is there is some potential here like i have my pad and it's really clear and don't worry about this string pull we will solve it later for now what i want to do is remove the fuse material because if i check the unlead mode you'll see that these are very dark and i want to keep it that way and they're getting pretty bright so what i will do is to go here to this material instance then go down open the parent here and you'll see that this material has the fuse material and i don't really want to do that so i you will just connect this one here apply and just when we do that now everything is much better right so let's play here now not everything is super shiny which is great now [Music] what i want to add is some grass here so that our sink can feel a little bit more alive because if we play here everything is really flat so grass will help us a lot so the way we're gonna do this let me close this we're gonna open the bridge and here you can just type grass and if you go to 3d plants you have a bunch of options here i already have some uh i decided i will get this grass clumps here for now i will only get one okay i will add here and you will see that i have my graphs here if i double click on this you will see that it's working it has the lods and everything i think it's a really nice asset okay and i have a bunch of variations i can use okay like this one and this one okay so how can i paint here because if i drag and drop this here like you know like this it's going to take a while to finish the whole landscape so instead we're gonna use the landscape material to paint here so what i'm gonna do is to go here to my forest material okay and before doing that i'm going to create here a grass material so if i go here go to materials uh sorry go to foliage go to landscape grass type click on this and let's call it landscape grass type i don't know grass zero one okay so here let's we can add some uh meshes here so we will put a i don't know let's just put that clone here for now okay so we will take a look at that later but here what i want to do is to create a grass no landscape grass output okay so here what i will have is the name grass and i will put this one here okay i can also put the landscape layer sample so i can sample which layer so what i will do is to basically go to my landscape and here i will sample i will decide okay i want to sample from this layer or maybe this layer and when i paint here i will also spawn the grass so a couple of things we need to do first before connecting this we need to add another layer and we're gonna do it very easy we're just gonna come here at layer five okay layer five uh grass something like that okay and we're gonna put a height blend and instead of creating a new material i'm going to use this one so i'm just going here to my l1 and i can just drag this here i can also go to l1 height which we didn't have so let's create one l1 height we're gonna put it here so what will happen is that we will paint the same material like apparently nothing will happen so what i will do here is create a new asset shared asset save everything okay and now when i paint let's now let's let's paint here okay unless this will be our test area let's paint here there you go now this is our grass [Music] so what we can do is to basically expound this kong and how we're gonna do this is first in this grass node we need to specify the grass then we will put l5 grass as the name make sure it's the same one you have here okay l5 grass and then we're going to sample from which layer you want to sample well i want to sample from layer five okay the name is layer five grass okay so it's l5 grass remember you need to get the exact name just when we do this now you you can see we have our cons spawn and that's great so what i want to do is to instead of putting these cons i want to put the grass clamp i create so i will just click on this and put it here now there are a bunch of options we can use here and we will take a look at those so let the shader compile one is the grass density let's go back here so we can make some screen space okay so one is a grass density we can just come here and you can see we have the grass and it's very uniform everything is the same size and we don't want that so we will put something like if we put something like 10 you will have less grass so let's leave it at 100 we can also have the jitter like it can be very uniform or we can randomize it okay the cool distance we're gonna take a look later which is basically from distance uh when it will stop showing up this system looks fair enough so we will keep it like that also 150 looks like a nicer number here okay the nexus one is the scale so the scale if we leave it at uniform we can have the minimum one and maximum with something like 2.3 and minimum maybe 0.9 maybe 2.3 is too much or maybe we can reduce this size okay reduce this one to 250 that's great and for now we will just leave it like that so what else can we do well we can add another asset so instead of adding another element we can duplicate this one and this will of course add more meshes so what i can do here is to try my other glass club this will give me like a smaller version which is great so let's add another one duplicate this one and add another grass clamp here for example like this one there you go and the grass density of course you can change it for example you don't want this small little plants to show that much we can change this to almost half okay i find it like i really like them so i will just leave it in like this okay and then the grass density uh for this one we can change it to 200 for example and it will be very dense or maybe just leave it at 50 and this one we can leave it at 25 for example there you go so now you have some grass going on here that's great and you can align to the surface if it's something that you want and that's it so now what we can do here it's painting areas where we want our grass so we can just go to the landscape and paint the layer five grass and just paint here you will see that i have my grass happening here i can just put the grass here there you go and like i paint like a stronger brush and this will give me like uh harsher results and if i want to remove this i can just paint here and now i don't have any grass here i can just shift click here now you you see that when i play here now now i have my grass collapse now i can increase them or decrease them based on whatever i want uh so what we can do now is just paint a little bit here like layer five grass and we can reduce the tool strength and we can just paint here a little bit of this one and also a little bit of this one there you go and we can do the same here we can paint some grass here and do the same here and increase the tool strength so we can have like more results there you go and do the same here okay uh we can do the same here and put it there and basically basically any area you wish to have your grass here like for example this area or i don't know this area too like you want glass and if you want to increase the density we can just go to our asset we create let's go to a forest okay let's let's save everything and now we can change the density for example like 50 here and this will increase the density of our grass and we can change the size for example if we want it to be smaller we can definitely do that by putting like 1.5 on this one and this one we can put like 1.1 to make it even smaller something like that okay and we can increase the density of this one like 100 or maybe we want to increase the density of the other one and we can change the size to something like uh 1.8 or increase the density also and increase the density of the first one like for example something like 100 you can even put like 300 that will be a lot so let's let's leave it at 100 for now because we were gonna add more plants later but it's a really good start so now we can just paint our grass wherever we want and our grass is a little bit uh too short so we're gonna add bigger plants here um we're gonna do that next so before continuing to add more plants let's fix this super bright color that this plants have and i don't know why it comes like this but if you open this material here you will have some options that you can use and the one you want to change is the translucency strength you want to set to zero okay so just like that uh now our plants behave as normal so why we still see those at the distance is because this one it's the material it's using from distance so we also need to change this one so we're going here to the translucency strength and we're gonna put that to zero again and there you go now it feels much better we can come here and you see that i have our plants now let's add some bigger plants okay so we can go to the bridge and we have another clamp here we could use that but actually what i can do is to add some of this okay so let's add some of the smaller ones first and these are really nice like for example this one okay and this one too these are extremely nice plants you can use so you can add a lot of extra detail so we're gonna add them really easy we're just going here to the content browser go to my forest and then go to the grass type we create and let's save everything just in case and now what we can do is to create a new element or we can duplicate the one we got so we can just delete this one and maybe duplicate this one and now what we can do is to go here and in these grass plants we're gonna add this ones we just add so let's add this one for example we can put uh we can put it here now you can see that i have my small little plants here can change the density to like 500 something like that okay and this ice can be like 0.5 to 1 or or 2 or 1 i don't know something like that maybe 250 and we can duplicate this one and let's use another one for example maybe this one can put it here there you go now we have another variation here and we can change the density if we put zero that's how it looks like we we put 500 it would look like this um we put 1000 it will be like super small which is pretty nice by the way but we're not going for that uh let's put uh 350 here and then the density for the other class clamps we're gonna put something like 150 okay uh before we continue let's change the material of this so like we did before we're gonna double click on this two times and for this one we're gonna reduce the translucency and we're gonna do the same for this one there you go so now when we take a look at this everything blends more nicely so what we can do here is landscape mode paint and we can paint here let's reduce the size we can just paint in this area and you will have like smaller little details that you can put here and you can do the same here like for example in this area i have a lot of small little plants here which is awesome okay so let's close this and let's play the game to see how it feels like so it's much better the problem is we don't have any big plans and from distance this one's like a little bit funny so we're gonna take a look at that later but for now it's for now it's fine so what we're gonna do is to go to the bridge and let's grab this big ones here so let's add them into our project and you can see the the beach fern here let the thumbnails download so we want to add maybe this one and like always we're gonna reduce the translucency we don't really want it at least for our purposes if you find it like you like it you can keep it so let's go back to our landscape grass just put it here again and now we're gonna come here and maybe put another one so let's go to the last one and we're gonna come here and then we will duplicate this one now we're gonna add this one here okay and well you can see like we have small little firms here which is great uh but we want it to be a little bit bigger so it's like from one to maybe two or maybe 1.8 let's take a look at how it feels like it's still very small so we're gonna put something like three and we're gonna reduce the density we don't want this to be very high like we're going to put like something like 50. so that when we play here we have some big plants here but not all of them are big which is great right so you just want to keep it like that awesome there is another plan i want to add before we finish adding plants here and it's this one so we're going to add here and this one we're gonna as always remove the translucency double click on this one translucency we're gonna remove it and now we're gonna duplicate this one and instead of putting this one we're gonna put um you know maybe this one and just put it here and just by doing that we're adding more color to our plants and we can change the size maybe a little bit too big for this so now what we can do is something much more interesting we can go here to the landscape and we can paint here and we can shift click to remove the painting here something like that and we can create different paths by using the falloff we can just come here and you know just put it like this something like that that's very unnatural by the way so you can just put something like that and just put the pad here there you go something like that and we can we can keep painting plants here where we want so that's great it's adding a lot of detail here especially when you come really close and increase the brush size and maybe paint it here something like that i can do it here too basically any area you want and if you want to change the size of this like let's play here like i feel it's right but for example if you want really big plants we can add another variation here let's go to our landscape grass let's put it here save everything just in case and let's come back here and this time we're gonna add for example like this one and what we will do is to duplicate the last one and let's go here and we will put it here and now what you can do is to put something like four and this will add very big plans we can even go like six or something um that's too big but let's put something like 150 yeah that's a lot so let's just put something like 65 and just by adding this you have like really big plants uh another thing you can do is to add this tall grass if you go to the tall grass uh this one is perfect for breaking the variation we we're trying to break now go back to the translucency to zero okay and then we can just duplicate this one and we can put this grass here so let's just put this one for example and now this is really tall grass so let's put something like three that's much better to put 2.7 maybe that's great we can even duplicate this one and add another variation for example this one we can put it here and just by doing that we're adding a lot of variation if you feel like this one is too big you can go back to 2 or 2.3 i can do the same for this one i can just put like 2.8 if you want so now let's play our game to check how the grass looks like now we have this really big plant and i kind of like them but i thought i find like they are very big and there are too many of them so what i will do is to go back here and then go down and here i will put this one to 2 and this one to 35 okay and for this one uh we're gonna put this one to 30. so we have less of them and we're gonna put them max size to two and put even like 15 so some of them only not too much maybe 20. so now when we play now we have some of them but it's not too many which is great i i feel like our game feels much better now so you can feel free to paint any area you want just by using this method we can paint grass anywhere and you can just remove it using this something like that or you can use paint like this and removing the tool string and the size to have like a more precise look and then just little by little adding small little plants here just some of them not too many okay and you can keep adding here if you want i can do the same here and that's great so now that we have some plants it's time to add some trees so before we add the trees there is a small little setting i want to show you and that is the color variation so if we go to the materials of our grass clamps uh we can double click on this two times okay so what we can do is to add variation so if you check the color here with l3 you can go to color variation and put something like 0.3 and that's the far distance one so we're gonna go back here 0.3 and you can see that i have much more variation now that's a lot for me so i think i like 0.2 or 0.25 maybe that's good 0.2 that's much better so i can do the same for the distance one 0.2 and this will add a lot of color variation here okay we can do the same one for anyone like for example this one let's put it here double click and now let's try to play with a color variation let's put if we put one you will see what happens here so what we can do is to put something like 0.2 or 0.2 and leave it like that like 0.2 here actually that's a little bit too much so let's put that to 0.1 it's just zero leave it leave it leave it like zero it doesn't deserve this one so you can just play with a color variation for your plants and the same can be done with the with this one with the tall grass and this one so i can just come here and this one a little bit more forbidding so i can just come here just put one you will see that i have a lot of variation and because it's really small it really doesn't matter so i can just put something like 0.1 and do again 0.1 for the color variation of this and just like this we have a much more richer color so if we play here again you will see that our landscape has a little bit more variation in the colors of the plants which is great it's something you want to have okay so now now that we have this let's add some trees so in order to add some trees we are going to use the mega scans ones and we won't find them in bridge because the trees are not here the trees are in unreal marketplace so you just need to find for free mega scans then you can find the trees here and you can just add to project okay and by default this won't be supported by unreal engine 5 however they do work um so you can add to project and if you don't see your project just go here to show all projects and here you can find your project so once you have it you will see a message that this is not compatible that's okay just put 4.26 and at the project you should be good to go so i already added so if i go here to my content browser you will see that i have a new folder called black alder so basically it has two types the pivot painter which is the high quality one and the simple which is you know the lower quality one we're going to use a simple width okay although you're free to use whatever you want so in order to add this uh we can just you know drag this gear and just like that we have a tree and as you can see the trees add a lot to our environment so what we can do is to modify our material so that we can do the same thing we did before but instead of adding the grass we will add trees so we're going here to my forest folder let's save everything and let's go here and go to um polish and then go to landscape grass type then go to landscape brass type and then type ah trees zero one something like that okay so now that we do this we can put our trees here so let's find one of the trees we want to put for example uh maybe this one we can put it here and let's change the density we don't really want to uh spawn a lot of them at the beginning so just like that we just need to modify our material so we were going here to my forest and if you having a hard time finding your folder just like i am now you can right click set color and we can just put a like a i don't know something blue i don't know light blue and that's it now it's easier to find so we can go here to my landscape okay and now we need you know another layer so very easy uh we're going here to create a new layer and this one will be my l6 trees okay so just by doing that you can drag the l1 again because we're gonna use the same texture since you're gonna see it anyway that really doesn't matter and then we're going here and put a height blend we're gonna use the same height one here so now that you have this um what you need to do uh this sample we don't really need it we can just go here and this one will use that l6 trees and make sure you're using the same name you're having here with capital letters and everything otherwise it won't work so here i can just go trees save everything okay and now our landscape will compile and everything should stay the same but now if i go to my landscape and let's save everything if we don't see the another layer we need to get out of here create an empty level open recent levels and that's it and we're good to go we just go to the landscape and now you can see the trees here can come here create a layer info now let's do a test here we can go to paint and say we want to paint here so we're just gonna paint here a little bit and let's see what's happened it's compiling the shaders and tool strength should be very high okay and also this one like maybe 50. okay let that shaders compile first if they don't compile it's because if you don't see anything it's because it hasn't finished compiling so 42 34 20 something okay so as i paint this let's see if it works okay so i don't see my trees so maybe ah so i need to do another sample here i can do a sample landscape and now i can have the l6 trees okay now we can just plug this here apply and let's see what happens wow now that's a lot uh i'm gonna put this to one okay maybe two and we're gonna also um increase the space between them if i can find a solution here i can use shift paint here this will take care of it so let's shift paint here and let's add some treats here okay so what we can do for example is maybe add some trees here or we can just dough here and instead this tricks one i wanted to align do not align to the normal so align the surface off and now they will point up if i do this i can just paint my trees here which is great i can also change the size for example something like 0.7 and something like 2 or 1.5 okay i can also add more trees so i can just add another element and sorry instead of adding i will delete this one and let's add another tree so let's see let's let's put some uh color here so let's say the color uh this one will be something like green there you go so let's try to add something um maybe like this so let's or maybe this one okay so let's uh add it let's see if we add it no we haven't added so let's duplicate this one and now we will change this one here now we have another type of tree um if we put something like five you will see a lot of so just put something like five or two okay and then go here duplicate let's put another one maybe this one so let's put it here okay so now we have like a smaller one which is great okay and all these ones are like really close so let's see if we can change the jitter a little bit yeah not like that okay so far so good okay so what we're gonna do is to paint them here maybe just like that okay and we can also paint here and also paint here awesome and we can also paint here and let's remove this to see like to see what what can we do with this so like this one is like really close to each other i don't really want that but we can we can change it okay and this part my maybe so i want some trees here okay and here on the distance we want some other trees to block the path so trees are a good way to block the path from the player like you don't want them to see what's going on there very easy just put some trees now also here okay you can just paint here if you don't want any tree in particular and now that you have this let's just play with our game to see how it looks like so it's all p and look at that now we have a lot of trees it's a little bit laggy you know 10 fps is the new 60 fps so we're going to optimize this later for now i'm just gonna paint a little bit more so i i'm just gonna paint here a little bit okay um this paint here in the corners and also like here for example add some of them here and that's it what you can do is to basically change the tree if you want so if you go here and go to your trees if you want another type of tree you can for example maybe try the number four and this will give you a completely different result from what you had before okay and you know that cooling distance uh it's something that we will working later for now we will just leave it like that if if you like this tree you can leave it otherwise you can just leave the number seven okay which i i feel it's better now you can keep adding you know you can you can keep adding uh smaller elements because the trees also need smaller elements so for example i can add something like um like this for example i can just put it here and i will just put something like 100 or 50. and now i can just go here and change the scale for example from 0.7 to 1.7 to have more variation okay awesome and i can have something like 20. that's great so now we have some smaller plants surrounding our trees which is great by the way so let's save this save everything and let's play our game okay so now we are playing and you can see that our forest feels a lot more alive i feel like the color variation is a little bit too intense here so we're gonna change it later and now these trees help a lot like they really do so the next thing we're going to do is to increase the performance of our of our game and take care of the clipping like if we play here you will see that our trees at the distance we don't really see them um that's a problem so let's let's deal with that so like i said 10 fps is a new 60 fps but we can do something about it we can increase the performance of these trees by reducing the polycot so if we take a look at this grass type we create if we double click on this you will see that the minimum lod is one and they did this in purpose because they don't want to add a lot of detail to this so i don't feel like we'll notice the difference between lod 4 and lod 1 for me at least so if i go here to my lod i can just type put 4 and for me it's like pretty decent so uh i'm gonna keep it on lod4 so how do we do this we just need to scroll this and by the way this is our static mesh editor where we can uh view our 3d meshes so let's go to the lod settings and you see that this simple wind comes with minimum lod one if we put zero you will see that it has a lot of detail and we don't really want that so our minimum lod will be four let's save this and now we have increase our fps a little bit if you don't see this you can also show fps here and you will see that i have like 30 something between 20 and 30 something so let's start fixing it let's go back here and this one also i'm gonna put a i'm gonna type minimum lod will be four and i won't be able to notice the difference i'm gonna do the same here so let's see how far you can go so so how many yellow d's this one has only has three actually and let's see how it looks with three we put three actually looks pretty good so we're gonna keep it in three so minimum lod will be 3. all right that's awesome let's keep moving this is our number four so this one uh let's see how it looks like from closed distance lod 3 lod 2 i don't see much difference uh so i'm gonna go for lod 3 for this one i'm gonna save this i'm gonna save everything now you can see my my fps still uh a little bit like wonky so uh also what i need to do is to go to cool distance and here play with the settings a little bit if i put like 10 000 which is what i had before you will see that as i move away my trees also fade away which is great for performance uh but these trees come with a imposter card so if i can put something like four forty 000 to all of them now i can see more uh my trees more often okay um that's great uh that's great that's that's what we want so another thing that is hurting our performance it's a uh texture resolution uh these plants come very with a very high density texture so we can change those so we can come here and then go to max maximum texture size okay and we can change this one to maybe 124 we don't need more than that okay and let's save it and the problem is when you want to do it for a lot of texture so you can come here and right click then go to asset actions and then bulk edit property matrix okay and there you will see that you have all of those so you can put max maximum textual resolution you can put all of this to 124 and just like that just you just modify everything so max in-game one to one 1024 that's great let's save everything okay just take a little bit okay great the next one uh will be this one so let's go back here asset actions bulk edit uh maximum textual resolution 124 uh close this close everything okay then go to the grass and you really don't need much resolution for this one ah because those are really small assets and to be honest 4k it's a lot you won't see it so let's go here maximum resolution 124 and then do the same here especially this one this one can even be like 212 so let's let's try to put 212 for this one uh 212. so by optimizing the textures you can actually see that our performance is much better than before we still have some texture resolution budget and that is because we still have a lot of this uh maybe we're gonna put virtual textures later but for now we're gonna leave it like this this will be our optimized scene for now and then we're gonna keep decorating our level so let's remove this stats i don't want to to show the fps okay so it's a little bit better i would still have the streaming pool here we can uh remove it later but for now uh i think this is fairly acceptable so one trick we can do to sell the environment is to play with the scale and we already have a good scale here which is the street so we're gonna come here and we're gonna go to my forest actually here let's remove this and let's find this and what we will do is to drag this here but instead of putting it here we're gonna put it here it's like this okay and what you can do here is basically make it smaller something like 0.5 and you can do the same here and rotate around it bigger and here also and this one can be like 0.3 okay and just by doing that you see that our mountain feels much bigger and we can even make it smaller like 0.4 and this one also like 0.3 something like that and now you will see that if your brain relates this as a let's say this is like i don't know five meters and this is the same tree it means that's also five meters but it's not it's much smaller but this is how we can trick the brain to sell the idea that we are actually uh you know having something uh much bigger than what it actually is this is fairly common in games you can come here and just leave it like this okay let's oh by the way let's come here by the way if you want to save a camera just press like for example uh from here let's just press ctrl 1 and if you move around let's say you want to move this thing around it's like this and when i put it here too rotate it a little bit there you go something like that so as you say you want to go to the same spot you were before you can just press one and you will go automatically so let's do the same let's put the same tree here uh let's put it here let's put something like 0.6 or 0.5 and let's let's just move it here okay what you can actually do is to paint here the the trees if you want you can go to uh foliage and you can find your tree here uh if you don't see it you can just come here and then add this to our polish type and here we can just paint here now this is a little bit too much so let's reduce the paint density and also the density uh be like 10 maybe okay that's great now we're gonna change the size to 0.4 to 0.7 okay and the c offset will be like minus five maybe okay and now we can just paint here now from distance you won't be able to see because of the cooling distance perhaps oh it still works so you can just paint here and that's great you still have your impostor syndrome here and you can do the same here you can start painting trees crazily from distance and this will feel like uh you're actually having a bigger scene let's do the same here let's see if we actually gonna see it also spin the tree here looks like we cannot even see it so it really doesn't matter from this distance uh you only want to do it here something like that and with this you have your impostor cards there you can do the same here i'll do the same here actually and just like this we can sell the idea that we actually have uh you know bigger trees than what you actually thought we had with this one we're gonna move it uh let's remove the align to normal just like that and then here we can also paint a little bit i have to have some trees in the in the distance uh let's just leave it like that for now so um that's a good way to treat the eye that you actually have things in the distance like for example there i think it works quite well from this sense um a little bit low poly but from this angle uh you won't really notice especially if you are making a game you you will have a lot of elements there to distract the player they won't be able to notice the small little details so that's a great way to decorate your environment using trees so the next thing we're going to do is to keep adding more detail to our scene so before continuing to decorate our environment it's a good idea to play with the lining so one of the things we can do first is go to our exponential height fog which we had at the beginning and if you don't have it make sure to go here to visual effects and exponential height stock and you can just drag and drop this okay so here in the exponential height box there is a very important setting i want you to click here and if you scroll down you will see here the volumetric fog so as i click here you will see that uh everything starts changing because it's it's like the fog is having like a 3d effect uh which is being applied so it can have this more sense of depth and just by doing that we already have a lot of going on here we can play with the here for example something like this and of course if we play you will see uh where it can be applied so for example from this camera we can add a second data and it will make everything really foggy okay there's also a color you can put here if you really wanted to uh i feel like i we really don't need it uh we gonna just leave it like that okay the albedo of course it's like the color of the of the fog and one important setting you can play with is the scattering distribution so you can put a lot or a little okay and also distinction scale like maybe you want to put a lot and and fog can really help you sell your scene if i remove it you will see that i like some depth and as soon as i put it you will see that my scene has a lot more depth compared to before and that's a good thing so another thing we can do is to play with our directional light so if we go here to the lead mode on the top left we can go to detail lining and you will see that i have my lining here and i can go here and if i press e i can rotate around the lining so something like this for example but um what i really want to do is to instead of using these controls here uh i will come here with ctrl l and while holding ctrl l i'm moving the mouse you see that i'm having like a different lining setting here which is great okay and just by doing this we're having like a really nice um sunset going on which is great and the fog is following the color of our current temperature of the light so if we come here and just come back here and what i'm looking for it's these shadows here that are really interesting that are being created can be created thanks to our trees here so i want to have like a interesting balance between the shadows we create and the lights we have this looks like an interesting um setup so i'm gonna copy this in just by right clicking here you can click copy i let me just play with it a little bit we can just go back to ctrl l or we can play with another setting for example something like this and we can have different setups you can go here something like this very cool can play with the lining from another direction so i feel like the setup we had before was the best so i'm gonna paste this to come back to what we had before um and then we're gonna play with this a little bit just like this just like just like that okay so let's come back and you can put something like that okay and also we can we can just move it around until we have like something like really nice lighting something like this this is exactly what i'm looking for i'm gonna copy this just in case so what else we can do well we can change the temperature for example we want to make it cooler but we want to make it uh warmer that really depends on you what you're looking for like this is super warm and this is super cool and those are valid options you can choose whatever you want i'm going for a warmer uh tongue here like like something like this okay you also have the indirect lining intensity let me crank this up to crack this up to 50 you will see that all my colors are being like propagated across the um across the map if i put zero there is no lining intensity if i put like something like five you will see that everything gets the color of everything like if there is a green rock here uh you will see that you know this rock will also uh the green will bounce here and everything will be more greenish okay so what else we can do well um we can change the intensity of course like something like 3.14 for example if you want it less uh i like it like 10 we can of course crank it up if you want um not a really a big deal here the light color of course this will affect a lot of things uh usually uh if you want to be more accurate the lights are usually warm they're not completely whiteboard they have a side a slight tint of yellowish not like this of course but it's a tiny bit just like this okay and just like that um we have like different lining we can go to the left shaft too there is a section called like shaft and we can call light shaft occlusion and you will see that everything turns like a nice shadows here at the distance which is great i i like it we can decrease the darkness or just leave it like that and also the occlusion depth okay i find that the default settings work the best for me and also we have the light shaft bloom so if we do this you will see that we have some bloom going on here and which is great um i don't know if you like it for me i want to put a threshold like this and i can also remove the bloom scale okay and something like that if you really want to make it everything press ctrl l to move the light and you will see that this got race comes from here okay so i'm just gonna leave it here uh i'm not sure if i want to keep the blue okay so what you can do is to do the bloom thing you can put something like yellowish to match the the sun but i feel like i don't want it if you want it you can leave it there alright so uh this is it for the directional light the next thing we're going to do is to play with the post processing so a great way to add more details to our scene is to add more pro cross processing so how do we do this we need to come here to the place tab and then go to visual effects and then sorry go to volumes and then find the post process volume you can drag it here and basically this will work uh when i step in here so let me make this bigger okay so let's just say it's here and what i want to do is search here and look for saturation go here and change this so as i come here you will see that everything turns dark so let's play our game so if we come here and as we step into this one then everything turns like uh black and white okay uh that's great for gameplay purposes because you can have different areas with different post process but for us what we want to do is to add a global post process so instead uh there are a bunch of options here a lot of them actually so i'm just going to show you what you can type to find it type unbound and you will see that infinite extent will give you what you want it's a everything will turn into grayscale now now let's change the settings a little bit um let's go back to the global one so let's press the saturation for the saturation um usually a good rule of thumb is to play with the values but do not go too far like you don't want to put two here like if you want to make it less saturated you can put 1 or 1.1 or 1.02 to make it a little bit different for the contrast you can reduce the contrast if you want to make it like more real uh 1 or 0.8 0.7 if you put like two it will become like the more contrast you have the more fantasy feelings you have so you can put something like 0.96 something like that okay uh the gamma also affects a little bit like how black it is or how white i find it like these settings are the most uh impactful ones so then let's just go to the shadows you can have like a slight tint of bluish into the shadows here so if i do this uh the shadows will have a little bit okay i can also put something like two so the shadows will be more saturated i can also increase the contrast of the shadows you can see here that in this area that everything turns like black okay so let's continue uh these ones of course will change like the mid tones and the highlights for example the highlights uh you can increase the saturation or decrease it uh that really depends on you or you can put the highlights like a little bit bluish sorry go here go to the green one there here the reddish okay something like that and you can play with it okay so let's just leave it at one let's just not touch this so the field slope if i go here uh i can just change this this will actually increase the contrast then here just like that okay with the toe also will increase or decrease the contrast depends that really depends on what you're looking for i find like zero point uh 0.58 is a good number uh or 0.565 just a little bit of contrast but not too much or you can just leave it like that too this will also increase the contrast or decrease it so uh be aware of it okay so the global illumination we won't touch this one lumen and ray tracing uh where then going uh the film gray the field breaker can help a little bit like you can see everything turns like rainy uh and that's great so you can go here and change the intensity here uh for example that textile size if we make it very big it's gonna be super big so just gonna make it really small and this one just a tiny bit just enough so that there is uh something going on here okay uh the next one it's of course the bloom uh that really depends on you if you want to put the blue everything will look like more fantasy it's like you are in a dream or something we're going to leave it like that we're not going to touch the bloom the exposure uh you can change the exposure of course and it will change the likeness it's like that if you're familiar with uh professional cameras the exposure can really affect the lining of your environment so here you can change the mean and max brightness uh by default if i play here the exposure will adjust to my view so as i look here for example uh maybe into collisions on this one but if i look to a place where everything is very dark and then i go up i i will my eye will try to adapt to the lining so i can play with um something like 0.1 and 0.1 that's too much like 0.5 or maybe 0.05 and 0.05 okay that's still too much so 0.5 and then 0.5 here and then the i adaptation won't uh you know it it won't be uh affected so i can i can put something let me play with the values a little bit so i can put 0.1 here or zero point uh i can put one okay and the max brightness i can just leave it at eight and the minimum brightness i can put as i increase this value it becomes darker and darker so that really will depend on what you want okay uh i cannot like it like this but i want to show you just in case you want to change everything uh chromatic aberration of course this is like really nice and to put a little bit and the start offset you can change it so for this one i just want to just a tiny bit you don't want to put it like this you just want to put a little bit like this to distort the image just a tiny bit like without it with it like very nice okay um and that's it uh the next is one the lens flares but um i feel like they're not really necessary at least for now and the next and this one is the depth of field but we're not gonna we're not gonna use it we can just change these values until we have like a to change like something like this like everything becomes really blurry so you can multiply by 10 um by 10 again let's try to play with the values a little bit so like this uh at the distance it will become a little bit more blurry we're gonna attach that and that's it so now that we have this uh we have a good idea of um you know uh how our environment feeling feels like and one last thing before i finish the you can change the temperature like for example you can put it like cooler or warmer and you can see that there is a big difference so i find like leaving this value like this it's okay and you can change to make it more green like or more purple whatever you choose make sure you just put that uh small little values here you don't want to change it that much okay so that's it um now that we have our lining let's start decorating our environment because because we like a lot of details we have like a good uh first pass but we still need to add more assets okay so let's keep decorating our map uh i find like this broadly forest has a lot of interesting things to put uh so i'm just gonna drop the high quality i really don't feel like i need the nanite version so i can just wrap this one here and put it in position put it like this something like that okay and then i can continue to do the same with this one for example like this um i feel like this one uh can be used for like painting in the foliage editor so i could do that uh we will take a look at that layer when this one finished uh we also have some kind of rocks here we can drag this one for example we can put it here there you go try to put it in position just like that and we can do the same here like we can we can add another rock we can increase the size rotate this and basically we can keep adding rocks and stuff um for example like this one i i feel like this one is the nanny version already we have it so like this one for example we can we can grab this one to the high quality version there you go so this one we could put it like here for example we can go here just like that so we have like more rocks going on here and we can do the same here um like for example here we could put the same rock here but let's rotate it a little bit and we can try to put it here okay here we go we can have some rocks too so let's see which one we can put uh this one looks like a nice one so let's just grab this let's save everything just in case i remember our old incident here and just by putting this here you see that uh it's adding a lot more believability to our scene okay some something something like this you don't want to you can you can always rotate and nobody will notice okay and let's take a look at other ones like for example this one the mossy forest rock they all come with ground and i find it a little bit annoying to be honest but they're quite nice for some you cases put this one here and also like here we can put another one on this time we can rotate it around and we're gonna just focus on one area of our environment we're not really gonna do all of it okay uh what else we can put um so this one is ready so what i will do is to go to my mega scans uh 3d assets and there should be something called like tree branch there you go so what i will do is go here to the select mode go to polish and instead of painting anything here i will just come here and drag this okay and i will only check this one so so i can just paint here like this okay let me increase the uh we can increase the radius between those ones and the density we can also increase it by just like that and increase the paint density here okay and also what what we can do is to change the size of this so for example uh one is the highest one and two point three sorry the minimum is one and the two point three that the other one so we can put it here something like that at this point you don't really want to be that big you only want to have some small uh like little pebbles like for example this kind of rock uh we can easily download this uh or maybe this one and we can scatter this across our you know our environment so let me go here to select mode and this one we can come here again and just make it bigger just like this and we can just just put it here like just like that it's the same rock and if we rotate it a little bit no one will notice actually so that's that's the good thing and we can do the same thing here let's let's grab another rock um i believe i found a nice one here there you go so we can just come here and this is not the nanite version uh you could download the nanite for my purposes i feel like this is enough but feel free to download the highest quality if you feel like you have enough space in your hard drive then go for it for me i only have one gigabyte and [Music] that's not enough oh you can just come here there you go and here make sure you don't there you go something like this much better uh we can do the same here this part looks a little bit empty so we can come here there you go something like that and you don't want to clip clip it too much something something like that and we can we can do the same here let's rotate the rock so nobody will notice that it's the same one and we can just put it here now that this one is ready let's add it and let's see what's the name voice boulder it should be this one now this one okay so this one is ready so what we will do is uh of course let's enable the nanite uh okay and then uh actually you should enable nanite anytime possible where wherever you have opaque surfaces so let's go here to the polish tool and now let's go here there you go and now i'm not gonna paint this one i'm just gonna paint my stones and the density will be the same but this one will be like between one and two uh that's too big so let's put it like zero point five and one that's also too big and this also changed our radius like 0.1 so that they don't intersect okay let's let's go lower i told you we don't really need a night version for this one let's go even lower like 0.1 and 0.25 or 0.05 okay that's much better so what we can do here is just paint here the rocks and this will this will add a lot of believability to your single i can put something like 0.5 uh maybe not 0.5 0.3 there you go like some rocks here and there i can paint it here too something like that and you can combine this with the with the tree branches here so you can use um decrease the density of this one i feel like this is too much we'll let's put the light 25 something like that okay we can continue to add more and more rocks um for example we can add um i like this one i already have some of them downloaded i guess so i might just go for this or just some things we can put in the ground for example like uh like this one we can just drag this and place it here and this kind of mesh is great for blending the environment x for example here you can just you can just put it in this area and blend it with the rock here so it's not like the rock loading just like that and now we we can do the same here like you can make it bigger now here you can just put it put something like this but you can just put it here to break the the uniformity of this plants and we can do the same here for example um we already have some meshes here so we can just maybe like drag this one um if it's the first time you put it it's gonna take a while let's just wait a little bit okay there you go so for this one we can just come here and just put it here in position something like that and also if you don't see the material maybe it's loading or it doesn't have anything so what you should do is to come here open the static mesh editor click on the material and put it here and looks looks like this material is not set up correctly so we're gonna open the textures and yes like we imagine we can just open the material and here there's no texture so we're gonna put the alveda here we're gonna put the normal here or we're gonna put the roughness here there you go and now it's working okay and this one is the nanite version so you can you can have more here for example like here so like a nice place to put it i'm not sure if we're gonna watch it from this distance but you get the idea you can just rotate around play a little bit with it and just like this you have like a nice blending and i feel like this rocks a little a little bit um annoying so i'm just going to the foliage too i'm going here i'm just with holding shape i can delete some of them there you go much better so what i can do here is put a rock um nice nice rock we can we can have for our environment so let's just try to find one maybe yeah maybe that cl this this is a classic let's just just put it here and that's much better okay and we can do the same for this we can just put it here and we can combine those meshes so that they are kind of like you know they feel like they are connected and we can also duplicate this one and make it smaller so we can have like smaller versions of this rock just like this and then we can paint here with our foliage tool and paint a little bit of rocks here there you go and this is much more interesting than just the rock uh sitting on here so let's close this and now well now we have something uh let's try to play our game to see how it feels like and yeah so this is how you decorate your environment uh the next thing we're gonna do is to add uh you see there are a lot of rocks here this is why you need to play the game if you see it from this distance like ah it's fine let's just shift click you don't want that much of them you don't want that many can you just put here a little bit but do not overdo it okay and also the the branches uh what i like like for example like this kind of meshes uh we can put like a tree here let's just find a tree and there are some nice trees here that you can use uh there is particularly one that i really like it's like chopped down and i think you can cheating all the mega scans uh environments that they make yeah something like this so we can just save everything and then here we're gonna we're gonna drag this now we can we can put it here something like that and you don't really want to put it like anywhere you want to put it in a place where it uh it helps your composition so for example if i put it here it doesn't help at all so i want to make sure i put it in a place where i'm not gonna it's not gonna block my you know my composition where you know you don't want to block the path you can put it here for example or you can rotate it a little bit and that's better you can put it like that and you can put more of them if you want like here and make a bigger one something like that okay so now uh if we save this and we play let's take a look at this so this is much better i kind of like it so the next thing we're going to do is to add some collision to our meshes and and we will be good to go we have a small environment we can play with and it is very easy i mean this took me around two hours or something but that's because i'm teaching you uh otherwise it should take me like uh half of it or maybe even less okay so it's great so if you want to decorate that area uh of course it will take more time for us uh this is it let's add some collision to our meshes so if we play our game you will see that i have annoying red message on the top left corner that says texture streaming budget it's over 300 megabytes and depending on where i look at it will be more or less so there are a bunch of ways to fix this but since we're focusing on making a game the best way to deal with texture streaming is by using beautiful textures so what we need to do is to go to the project settings okay so go to project settings here then type virtual textures okay so this will be enable build virtual texture support click here and once you click here it will ask you to restart uh i already did it so we don't i don't need to restart again so just like that uh you have virtual textures in the in your project but however there is still um some things we need to fix and that is these textures are not using virtual textures so the way we're going to fix this is we're going here to our mega scans okay and here if you see here in the the filter icon here we can go to textures okay and basically what we can do is to select all of them okay just like this and right click and then convert to virtual texture so this is gonna take a while and i'm gonna stop the video and continue when it's finished uh but the thing is uh let let's just finish first okay uh it will ask you to fix some dependencies especially for the materials because the materials are not using the virtual texture sample and we need to add it so uh just click ok and now it will convert everything so i will come back when this is finished okay so our virtual textures are done and there's a small little problem here if we go to our level one here uh you will see that everything works just as normal nothing has changed but the problem is the foliage mode it's not rendering correctly there is an issue in the material and we can fix it very easily you can just go to the 3d plants here and let's just open any you know any material you will see that sample virtual texture is not currently supported to the opacity mask and the opacity mask is used in this texture if we double click on this you will open it and this is my opacity mask if i check the red channel looks like this one is the opacity mask this one is a bunch of other masks and so we can fix this we can just go here and this is where the opacity mass is happening and you can see that the opacity mask material attribute is not supported currently with virtual texture which is a pity but it is what it is so what we need to do is to change this texture this texture is used across multiple materials if you come here and right click and then go to the reference viewer you will see that this texture is using is being used in a lot of materials and we don't really want to change this texture so we don't want to convert this to regular texture otherwise we're just gonna mess up the other material so what we will do is to right click and duplicate and we will call it white placeholder foliage okay and now with this we can just right click and convert to regular texture hit okay and if nothing happens here make sure you go here to search virtual texturing click off save and now you're good to go now with this one you can just go here and plug it in here and now half of the problem is solved uh the other half of the problem are the textures itself uh you can see that uh we're having some issues here and the reason is this one is a virtual texture and you know that in some shape or form it works but it is better to change these textures to a regular one so what you can do here is go to your 3d plans and if you click the filter to texture remember you can always go to the filter and type whatever filter you want you will see that the texture with underscore art is using virtual texturing so what we can do is underscore art to filter all the textures that are using the opacity mask and come back here select all of them and right click and convert to regular texture it will search for something that a material that is using these textures hit ok ok and this one if they don't change remember you can always go here to beer called texturing click off okay and then go here to beautiful texturing there you go click off and now it should be work as expected awesome so from distance it looks like nothing has changed and the reason is we only change the big material so let's change the other material okay so after saving my textures i just need to go to my 3d plans and this time i'm going to click on this one which is my distance material which apparently it is different so it is using this one so what we need to do here is to make sure that this one is not using a virtual texture uh here and why this one is using it is because we're using this white placeholder and we should be using this one so we can just go here and put it here linear color click apply and this should be good to go the same can be done for the other material if we go to our plants go to this one make sure that this one is using you know this material and this is the billboard so everything it's okay so now now our lods are working just fine now looks like nothing has happened um but when we play our game and let me save everything first when we play our game you won't be able to see the picture streaming pull so let's go back here play and look at that we don't have any message anymore and our game will rule will run smoothly because we are using virtual textures so i'm still above 30 fps which is pretty good to me it's not a fighting game or anything so uh a good way to check the textures uh if you go here to the documentation in unreal engine if you go to extremely beautiful textures you will see that you can have a command called rbt borders okay so if we take a look at this and press the tilde key to enter the console command r dot and then let's go to bt dot borders and you will see that as i put one it's let's see here let's click play okay you will see that i have some grid going on here and the closer i am to the grid it becomes white and the the further away i am it becomes like fades to yellow you know the big uh there are just some big bigger squares and then goes to green and it happens across all our our materials so uh by using this uh in a way beautiful textures uh where the inspiration to create nanite by uh virtual geometry uh so i highly recommend you to use virtual textures for your projects so if you want to stop visualizing this apparently you need to put the r bt borders and then go to zero and if they don't uh if they still show up we need to um restart the editor which i'm gonna do that okay so one thing i want to do before wrapping this project because we're focusing on creating a game we need to add collisions and it's very easy actually so you can see that my character can go through this and if i go here maybe this one doesn't have yeah and this really breaks the immersion and making collisions in unreal engine is extremely easy so i can just go to the content browser and go to the assets okay and here i can just for example go to this one and then if you don't see this complex decomposition uh window you can go to collision and then go to autoconvex collision and just the default settings will do the job so i can just go here to all my meshes to apply collision just one by one apply and as you can see it's really really really easy you can just go through this and this is the part of game development that not many people tell you it's usually very repetitive a lot of tasks in game development you will find that they they are repetitive and some things we can automate some things we cannot uh i believe there is a way to batch the al out of convex collision for this ones for me uh i don't feel like i i need it it's just a few assets we have i can just go back to this one hit apply and we're almost finished with this as you can see the less assets you have the less work you will have to um you'll have less work in the future less things to worry about so uh be aware every time you add an asset make sure that your you have assets that you can reuse as much as you can otherwise it's gonna be like um a little bit annoying to you know content create uh all these assets and this is just a collision imagine if you were uh trying to you know make some other changes uh the less assets you have the more it is the the better it is for you because if you it's better to have a one high quality asset that you can reuse uh over and over then having a bunch of low quality ones that you need to put many of them and that's not really a good thing so when you save it will take a while so i will pause the video and i will come back when it's finished okay so that collision is saved actually you don't need to save it to try it out but for me i don't want to for the foliage types i don't really want to put any collision but for these ones it's nice that you need to jump here if you encounter any obstacle let's take a look at this one also it works also this one you can jump here it really does a really nice work so uh this is it for our environment creation tutorial for games i hope you can create your own forest if you have it then uh feel free to share it in the discord we love to see the what people create with what the tutorials we make and um of course uh try to apply these things to create your own environment we we touch about materials landscape set dressing uh make sure to play with the foliage tools they are amazing uh with the landscape tools combined with the foliage types you can create forests really really really fast and procedurally so with this thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one bye thank you so much for watching remember to subscribe if you don't want to miss more content like this one if you are the type of person who wants to learn more and take your game dev skills to the next level check the links in the description you can become a member or visit our website to check some awesome premium resources i am mao and i will see you in the next one
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 181,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: 90rv-0g7O_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 25sec (10165 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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