Unreal Engine 5 Environment Tutorial for Beginners - Creating an Island

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learn to create this island in unreal engine 5. if you are new to unreal engine and want to create environments then this video is for you you will learn how to create landscapes using different procedural tools you will learn how to add water systems like oceans rivers and lakes and we will also go through a simple material setup for our landscape you will learn the techniques i use to citrus the environments to make them look pretty and we will go through the foliage systems art fundamentals and how to polish your scene to have a beautiful environment for your game if you want to support the work we do make sure to check our website to access to premium and free tutorials project files and our unreal marketplace products and if you want to learn even more consider becoming a member on our channel to access all our tutorials library all right let's let's start by creating a new level let's go to file new level and here we'll go to the basic one we don't need the open word so let's click on this and here we you will have a new level so what i want to do here is to start creating my landscape so if you are really new to unreal i will show you how to navigate around the viewport and if you are not new feel free to skip this part so in order to navigate around the world we just need to right click and we will be able to rotate the camera left mouse click to just move around kind of like a spaceship or something and middle mouse click to pan around camera and if i choose an object such as this one i can press f and with alt and left click i can just rotate around all right i can also click the hold the right mouse click and move around and if i scroll up and down i can move faster or i can move slower just using the w asd keyboard i can just move around kind of like a first person shooter or a game like you're playing if you're familiar with playing games then you will feel a common real so uh before starting out uh there are some things i want to show you uh because we're going to create an island we're going to go to edit we're going to plugins and we're going to activate a couple of them the first one is the landmass okay make sure you have the landmass here and the second one is the water okay just it's just cold water not water extras use water and once you click here you will need to restart the editor i already have that so i don't need to do that but with that in place we are ready to start creating our island okay so let's start i'm going to delete the default floor that comes with this level okay just hit delete here and then i'm just going to create a landscape but before that let's just save this environment by go to file and choose save current level or you can also choose ctrl s with your keyboard we can go to content right click new folder and let's just call this my uh new environment something like that okay and here we will call this my new amp level zero one something like that okay you can put any name you want and just like that we have an empty map okay uh as you can see i have a bunch of folders here and the reason is i created my project with a third person sample okay so just ignore that you can either do it or not depends on you what you want to do is to go here to select mode and you can go to landscape okay and here you will have a bunch of options okay let's go from the top to the bottom first i want to enable enable edit layers so i have a bunch of layers i can use just like photoshop you can have a different layer if you want to try some things out and if it doesn't work you can erase it or delete the layer if you want the material we're going to create it later for now just leave it empty this here we're not going to touch but here we can change the size of our landscape i'm going to create a very small one so i feel like eight components by eight components it's okay you can see like one two three four five six seven eight and eight by eight it's like 64. so what i'm going to do is to basically increase the sections four component by two by two so it can be a little bit bigger okay we're not going to create a huge one but just a tiny one let's create create okay and now that we have this notice that i have a layer here okay and i have a bunch of options here i can use to sculpt okay so what i want to do is to right click here create and i will create a new layer the reason is i want to try out some things so i can increase the brush size like this and i can just choose something like i i want i can increase the strength if i want and i can just sculpt here okay and we can do this something like this to create our island something like this okay and notice that because we're in the new layer i can decrease the intensity something like that okay and if i put zero it's like nothing happened okay i can put something like this if i want to erase the data i can go to my erase one and i can just delete these parts but you know it's going to take a while so if you really want to delete some data you can just right click delete or you can clear the scope data if you want okay click yes or you can either delete it completely you can just right click and delete and say yes and you only have your first layer which cannot be deleted of course okay so what i want to do here is to create some small mountains but i won't be able to create them really nicely with my sculptures although they are nice and they are very good to polish some details in my landscape especially when i had some gameplay i'm going to use this part that is called blueprint okay so we're going to do that next so how do we create our blueprint well if we go here you will see that i have a blueprint brush and i have a bunch of projects okay so before doing that i'm going to create a new layer because i don't want to destroy my base layer and let's rename this as a base okay then create a new layer right click rename and put landmass okay so if i go here to my blueprint i go to my blueprint brush i can just select my custom brush landmass and once i click this nothing has happened and the reason is i haven't clicked the position where my landmass i want it to be so i i can just click here and you will see that i have a small mountain here so let's take a look at how it looks like i'm going to remove this landscape mode by pressing shift one you can either go to select or go here or i can just toggle with shift one and shift two okay i can just right click and play from here and you will notice that my mounting is super small okay so what i want to do is to make it a little bit bigger and add some details into it okay so let's do that now what we're going to do is to go to landscape okay and notice here uh if i go to my scope i won't be able to select my spline points if i go with alt 3 and alt 2 i can toggle between different modes here okay r2 and l4 r3 and if i go to auto i go to wireframe and i want to choose this point to move it but i cannot really because i'm in scope mode so make sure you're in blueprint mode so now that you have this the first time you select you will select the whole brush so i can just move it here like this and everything will move okay now if i select again while i'm selecting this i will select a spline point so i can just move it like this okay and i can select different spline points i can just put it like this something like that and if i want to add more spline points i can just right click add spline point here and i can just move it around i can go to the handles and change the handles if i want okay and i can just move it around i can select here and i can do and with alt holding alt and left mouse click i can just duplicate another one i can just put something like this and i can just keep duplicating uh for me i feel like i don't really want to uh over complicate things let's create the simple shape here like use something like this something like this um maybe something something like this could be nice okay and let's just leave this one maybe like this okay so now that we have this uh what i want to do is to add a bunch of details and if you notice here in my right side of my viewport i have my details panel my details panel will allow me to modify the properties of any actor i have selected in my viewport so what i can do of course is to invert this shape if i want and it will do a negative one i could do an alpha blend i can put the minimum i could put a maximum or i can just put the additive or the alpha blend which is the default this will come in handy when we have more than just one landmass okay we can either cut the shape and you notice that when we cap the shape um our landscape is like flat and you know we can change the c offset here so we can put like 500 if we want okay and if not we can just remove the offset leave it like this okay um next is the falloff you can put zero if you want or 45 90 and as i decrease this you will see that you know you have like a smoother falloff i can put something like 36. okay i can also change the follow-up with like 248 or something like that and then next thing okay let's go to the material we don't really need to touch anything of that like static mesh and spline mesh we're not going to use it okay let's go to the second parts that are the effects because my landscape it's a little bit boring so i'm going to add some effects here first uh i want to add some blur if i put like 10 you will notice that i have like a roundy mountain i can just put 50 here and you will see what's going on here uh if you want to create something like this uh that's totally fine i'm not going for that i'm just going to put like something like two or three so it's not so sharp if i put like zero it will be very sharp and i don't want that so i will just go to put two then here in the core noise i have my chord one strength on my curl to the string okay and i have the tiling for each of us so here you don't want to put a value like 10 because you will break it from 0 to 1 usually is the best so just move it a little bit like this so you can have some shapes here and if you're not happy with the shapes you can just go to the spline points and move it around you will see that because it's procedurally generated you will have different choices to play with so if you don't like the shape you can just move around some things okay the next one is like forward to strength so i can just go something like this there you go and i can also change the tiling something like 4 16 32 if i want okay i can put 24 and here the second island i can put i can either put 2 i can either put 10 uh let's let's try one two three four five looks like a like a good number i'm going to add another spline point here and you will notice that everything changes i can just go inside to create this nice concave shape okay something like this and i can do the same here i can just move it around okay let's try to play with our with our settings here the next one is a displacement if i put something uh like like one or two you won't see any difference so you need to put something like 248 and you will see that i have like noise going on here i don't really want that so i'm just going to put something like 512 just to have a little bit of noise on 1 24. then the displacement tiling i can just put like four or one or 1.5 if i want okay um notice that i'm having some issues here i can either go here and move it up okay if i go down you will see that i'm going down i'm doing the alpha blend so i can just move it up a little bit okay let's just leave it like that the next one is the outer and either smooth threshold i'm going to play with the other one which what it will do is to smooth this transition that connects to the landscape okay with that we can have really nice smooth transitions so we can put something like 512 and you will see what's going on here if i put like zero uh you know this is the default transition i can put something like 2000 and you will see that it's having a nice smooth transition now let's try to play our game so let's right click play from here and you know the mountain it's i think the size it's okay um but if you really wanted to change it you can use scale this if you want and you will have a different uh result and also uh make sure here you remove the snap here and here you can use snap make it bigger or smaller okay the last thing i want to show you is how easy we can create another monotype so instead of going here go to the landscape go to my blueprint and select a custom landmass here i will just go here okay and i will just right click duplicate and i will move it around just like that and i can rotate this i can make it bigger if i want okay i can either cap the shape and i can move it like this okay and i can make something like this for example it looks really nice i can go to this one and i can make it bigger and i can rotate it a little bit if i want and i can even blend these two and the reason they blend really nicely is because i have my this this one here outer smooth if i put like zero uh it won't play really nicely okay so and also here uh you don't want alphablade if you want to do additive or if you want to do min uh this will give you a different result so just have fun with it and play with the settings so you can see that just by using landmass we are able to create different shapes easily and we can change the properties of this ones very very easy so the next thing i want to do is to create an ocean so we can have an island surrounded by the ocean so let's do that next so the next thing we will add is our water so it's going to be very simple you will just go to place here here check the green plus icon and type water and you will see a bunch of actors if you don't have this is because you haven't activate the plugin that i mentioned before just make sure you go to edit plugins activate water and restart the editor so what i want to do is to add the water body ocean so let's do that let's drag this here let's put it here okay and notice that all my landscape it's destroyed so what i want to do is to put the location here to 100 okay and what's happening here is that this water body ocean it's modifying the landscape okay so if we go to our landscape you can see that my water is on top we can if we don't want to modify the landscape we can just put it here okay not not the landmass the water you can use not the base sorry let's move the landmass up whoops so strange let's just move the water down there you go okay and now that we have our our base also will be let's move the base down there you go so you notice that i have removed quite a significant space for my landscape if it's something that you want to do that's totally fine um if you go here to water you will see that my water basically it's below okay i can just put the water here let's move the base here okay so what happened here is that my water has some spline points this is basically um let's click on the spline point here let's go to our let's go to our water not here there you go okay let's try to click it right so let's go here okay let's go to let's save this okay and let's select the let's just do it here like water body ocean okay so uh you can see here that my water body ocean it's only occupying this space and the reason why these two these two are showing is because my layer of landmass is on top of the water so this is my water this is my mountains and this is the base so anything that is um here in this volume will be part of the landmass so if i want to make my island bigger i just need to increase the size of this so i can have more land to cover okay now there is another thing you will see here is very hard to see but there is this is these are my the boundaries of my landscape actually so my wire won't go uh beyond this so let's change the spline point so if i go here to my spline point okay i can go here and move it here and you will see that as i move it i have more land to play with i go to the to the next part like this i can also leave it like this if i want okay i can go here um play here i can i can either move it but you can see here that my water is a little bit darker here and what it means is that these are the boundaries of my landscape like the water is extended across all my level okay to give you the illusion that the ocean it's everywhere but in reality my landscape is this size which is what i created before so make sure you have the size you want okay um let's go to the other spline point where is it so i have my one ah there you go this one we can do something like this or we can just leave it like this okay let's leave it like this for now there you go okay great so um now that we have this we have the water surrounding our ocean and you notice that it will also create some blend here so if i go here it's actually blending quite nicely here let's play from here if i go here you will see that i'm actually underwater okay and there you go now you have your small little island so what i can do here it's move this water body ocean i can just let me move the spline a little bit so we looks like our terrain is a little bit big so let's just leave it like that and also what i can do is change the position of this to zero okay so it's like on zero zero zero and with this you will see that you have like uh like this part here is blending here with this one so it's fine let's just leave it like that the next thing we're going to do it's to add some rivers and some lakes for our landscape okay so let's add some rivers and it will be very easy we just need to go here and put water just like we did before and q you will find the reaper so we can just drag it here and you will notice that by default i have a river here i can just go here and put it here in the position where my landscape is ending so my river flows through the ocean okay i can also change the spline point i can just move it here if i want it and also like move it here too okay there you go and notice that it's actually affecting my landscape okay so if i just go here and hold out and move it up you will see that i am actually modifying the landscape i had here okay i can just go here something like that now let's wait for the water shader to to finish loading usually this takes a lot of time so what we can do is to drag these planes until we have the river shape that we want okay so we can just move it around here and notice that as i move my river my landscape it's also being affected okay so i can just move it here if i want and here is very easy to see that my river it's actually like affecting the landscape if you encounter this kind of issue like where you don't see the water just go to the spline points and move it up a little bit just like that okay and also what you can try to select is go to the landscape and try to put the water on top of the landmass so it has the you know the priority here uh in my case uh i don't really want that so i i will just go move the water below the landmass let's just move it like this there you go okay and also i can just move this one here i can just go to my water let's go to the spline point and we can just move it around move it like this okay and there we have our river okay i can just continue here usually the river flows from the oceans so let's try to let's try to make something here let's choose rotate move it up and let's use continue here okay and also let's move it up a little bit just like that okay and also here you can just decrease it to blend with with your landscape and if you have something like this in this case let's just move the water like this okay so we don't have any issue here and if you don't see the water uh let's go back to shift one click here on this one move it up and there you go and here we can just uh play with this a little bit so i just move the river here okay you can do the like a zigzag here something like this and then something like this have like a river here and also you can move it up like it starts from the very top just like that and there we have it now we have our river here and it's flowing nicely you will see that it's blending really nicely with our landscape if this happens you can just move it down a little bit there you go not too much there you go just a tiny bit okay so now if we let's play our level here you will see that i have my reverb and i'm having the transition here okay and my river is flowing from the mountains okay okay if you want to change this just feel free to modify the spline points like for example here you can just do something like this this is not very natural but you know you can just put something like this so we can have like a clear point of interest and of course you can go to your landscape go to the landmass and select one of those and you can either move it up or move it down if you want okay you can also change here the the blending and there you go okay so this is how the river works it's not only flat but you can also play with the height so you can have something like this and you can have multiple rivers okay so for example i can use here to go to my uh landscape here go to water okay and uh let's let's place a water let's go here water let's place another river just like that and we can just go to shift 1 and we can just move this around and we can even blend like the rivers can flow and end in different directions just like this okay so uh now that we have this let's add like a small lake or having something nice here and then we're gonna modify the properties of our river so it can look a little bit nicer okay and also this part if you want to blend like this make sure you move it up a little bit same just like this okay and also make sure you so maybe you can just go here and also move it like this case just like that okay but this is fair fair enough it can rotate if you want or or move the handles okay so let's just leave it like that okay you can move it like this if you want or like this and there you go now you have your river that is flying through the ocean so if i want to add a river it will be very easy i can choose go sorry another river a lake go to lake here and then just drag it out and notice that this one cannot be changed in the z-axis i can you know i cannot move it i can only move this around the x and axis makes sense because a river so we can just come here at a spline point we can put like a nice river here and uh what we can do is actually put another let's put a river uh sorry i was talking about the it was the lake not the river but let's go here let's just put it here let's see how it blends it blends really nicely so let's come back here let's move it around and just like this if you find this kind of issue move the terrain until you find like it's blending nicely okay um better put it in the place where your spine will plat up let's move this or around something like this and then it will be easier to play with our river we can just come here and go down a little bit or go up sorry yeah something like this okay looks looks okay we can also play with the height of this one just like this and add another spline point here like just move it around like this make sure like this one is blending nicely so we can just move this around just like that you want to see the water outside and also here there you go so uh now we have like our river uh stars our island starts looking at like a like a resource you can also change like the current noise like of the of the lake you have like a uh 2 or 0.1 okay so you can have like a another another 0.1 here or 0.5 to make it look you know a little bit more irregular here just like that be careful with this you don't want to put too many uh high values another thing you can do is to add a lake here let's just put it here okay let's just put the default values we can move the spline point a little bit if we want okay something like this and we can go to the effects and change this to something like this okay oh no do not move the spline move the move the lake we can put something uh like this for example where our lake like we have like us small little lakes coming here and it's not really a lake like it's more like a puddle uh it not adds a nice effect so if we go play here and also you can play with the minimum here so or the maximum and you can play here with the with the lake something like this and we can move it around and let's put the alpha blend and just move it this one like this something something like that and just a little bit here there you go something like this okay have like a little small artifact here but it really doesn't matter that much uh it's just nice to see some irregularities in our in our landscape okay so uh just like this we have like a very funny uh island where we have like a small mountain and the rivers flows here and then you have like a lake and you have the ocean and that's pretty cool so let's stop playing with water we're not playing with water is funk but now let's just try to add some decoration to this island so it's time to add a material for our landscape and how we're going to do that is we're going to use bridge so here in my content browser if you don't have it here you can use control space then app and then you will go to quick sell content and here you will see that i have a bunch of assets that i can use okay in my case i only care about some sand textures for now so i will just search for beach go to surface and then go here to set okay and there are a bunch of those that you can choose feel free to play around there is not right or wrong for this uh i already download some of them so i feel like we will try it first and if it doesn't work we can change it later but for now what we will do is to export these textures so i'm going to export this one the coral beach scent okay and as soon as i do that you will see that i have a new folder called mega scans surface and i have my textures here let's go here let's export this one too let's go back again and export this one too like like this one is set but a little we can try it out okay uh maybe we want to have some rocks here again so let's add and notice that i'm only adding the medium quality i feel like 2k is more than enough for us okay so let's just start with this four okay now we're going to create a small landscape here so i mean a small material for all landscapes so let's just go to the content browser okay and in my new environment i will create a new material right click rainbow material and i will call it m landscape just like this i will double click on this and if you are really new to materials make sure to check one of our tutorials here we have materials for beginners we also have a complete landscape tutorial for beginners to over three hours if i'm not mistaken so make sure to check that out but i will still keep it simple we won't add any fancy stuff i'm gonna save everything and what i'm going to do is to import my textures so i will start with this one i will drag the three of them and i will put it here okay so i'm going to create a material inside the material so i will create four materials for my four bridge assets i just grab one two three four so this will be my first one so here i will drag all of them and in the sample source i will put shared uh wrap with that means i can put more a lot more textures in my material okay then i will go here right click and type make material attributes and once i have that i will just plug in the base color here plug in the normal map here and my mask i can just drag the ambient occlusion and my green channel to the roughness here and if you want to check which texture is what you can double click on this and here you have the textures you have the ambient occlusion here you have the roughness and you have the displacement okay so now that we have this now we have our material the next thing let's add some coordinates to it so i will press u to grab a texture coordinate press m to multiply and press one to put a constant right click this and this will be my tiling and i will put something like 0.05 okay let's just track this and let's just connect this ones here okay just like this one by one now i want to do the same for the next of my next materials i will just ctrl c ctrl b okay and then i will change the texture here i will go here and i will put it here i will go to the normal one i will put it here i will go to my mask and i will put it here okay i will do it a couple of times now uh it's a little bit repetitive but once we have this our landscape it's gonna look quite good so let's go here and just by holding the clicking here putting this arrow i can change the texture here by whatever asset i'm choosing in my content browser so i can use ctrl c ctrl v and let's change this one here let's change the normal map let's change the mask and now that we have this we can just uh connect the tiling for each one of those i know it can be a little bit of an annoying thing to do but you know that's what gamedev is about sometimes it's doing repetitive things uh like it's just part of the process we uh we don't have a magic button that does everything but things are getting a little bit easier over time as time goes and technology help us more but there you go now we have our four materials let me comment on those by uh right clicking left clicking drag and press c this will be my player one comment layer two comment again layer 3 comment again and player 4. okay so what we need to do is to go to my landscape and here in paint you will see that i have a layer style here you see the the layers here uh here i will have all my layers that i can use and i can select them to paint some sand here and i can paint something here and i can paint a bunch of other materials here so in order to get these layers i need to assign the material that has the layer information so we're going to landscape and then we're going to layer blend okay so we will add four of those okay from zero to three okay the first one will be called l1 and we will just connect this one here okay the second one will be l2 okay and i will connect this one here but there's another thing i want to do is i'm going to add a height blend but we will yeah and we will see how this affect us but here in my blue channel i have a height so if i go to cheap contrast i can drag this here and if you want to take a look how it looks like you can use start previewing note okay and let's change the tiling for now just so we can take a look at how it looks like okay and let's go here press one connect this and convert the parameter let's call height contrast contrast like this and let's put something like four and you will see that i have values where are completely dark and that are completely white okay i will also put a clamp node and i believe this one i already have a clamp so okay let's do not put the clamp node we don't really need it let's just put it here okay let's do the same with the rest of the layers let's go to the index 2 this will be my layer 3 let's go to my height and i will just copy this and i will put the contrast here and my blue channel will be this one okay and i will put it here in my layer 3 and also let me move this a little bit let's put the layer 3 here and then let's create the next layer layer 4 and let's add a height blend let's connect our material here sorry do not put it in the height and this one we can drag and put a cheap contrast okay and now we can drag this in here and just connect this and to connect this thing here uh we cannot do this okay what we need to do is let's stop reviewing this note let's go here click on anywhere in our material and here in my material attributes i can just use material attributes here in the material and you will see that this one already condensed so let's just put this one here let's go back to our tiling of 0.05 click apply and just like that we have our materials now nothing happens here because we have an apply our material so let's save everything okay and what i will do is to create a material instance so if you want to take a look where this is in our content browser that's ctrl b and you will find it right click create material instance put it mi uh i don't know landscape zero one something like this just save it and now i'm going to put my material here let's type landscape and just put it here now uh notice that everything turned into black and the reason is we haven't tell the landscape to use the layers so if we go here to paint you will see that i have a bunch of layers but there is no layer information because when i paint i need to tell the landscape hey paint layer 1 paint layer 2 and so on so we need to go to this plus icon and click wait save and it will create a new asset and you can see that this start to work so let's go here wait let's go here wait and let's go here wait now let's see if this textures are too big or too small so play from here at least this looks okay to me actually not bad okay so uh what we're gonna do is to start painting the landscape using um you know using our paint tools and we will do that next so let's start playing with our landscape layers and in order to paint this we're going to our landscape mode go to the paint tab and here i can just paint a bunch of layers so what i can do is to play with my layers here i can just go here and just start painting and the first time you paint on something it will have like a um it will load you know depending on the component like if i paint here if i paint here like uh first it will load the component so if i paint on this one for example i want to paint here okay you will see that i have a bunch of options here to paint and i paint i can paint here too it's like that okay so um what i want to do is to right click here and fill this layer so everything is using this material and then what i want to do here is to paint a little bit like this i will put a tool strength like this and i can start putting my sand here okay i can just put it here and notice that this thing is blending if i start putting more i won't see the pebbles so i can just go here and you know increase the brush size and paint it like this just like that okay and i can just continue to paint here i can also paint some rocks here let me decrease the size and just like this i can just paint some rocks here and there we go something like this and notice how our height blend it's actually helping our landscape to blend really nicely okay let's just put something like this let's just take a look at the colors of this one and looks like we need a darker or a brighter color for our textures let's just put something like this okay and the next one we will put the sand like this here this will help to break the sand we have here let's just move it here make it a little bit bigger actually i like this one more so let's just paint it here just like this make it bigger remove the sand like this i can just paint here more okay just like this and we can paint here too there you go now we will put meshes here to make it look a little bit better but for now uh what i want to do is to check the colors of this and this ones are too dark for for my taste okay so what i want to do is to blend in a little bit so let me just paint here so i can take a look at what's going on okay something like this and with chip you can delete okay so uh make sure to play with that too you can just click here and delete with shift and just by clicking and shifting and clicking and click with shift and you can have some really nice results here okay and i will also do the same with this one with the sand here i will just put it like this and then just remove it like this and i can just put it again here just to have some different elements in our beach okay so um let me paint not this one uh let's paint the some peach elements here it's like this and then this one we put it like this this one is like the pebbles okay now if we take a look at the unlit mode we have a huge difference between the values of our textures so let's change those if we go here let's go to a rocky beach double click and what i will do is to change the values here i don't really need to change the materials i want to show you how you can do it here so if you go to the brightness i can just go to for example 1.2 or 1.5 and you will see that it starts to blend a little bit better 1.8 okay and you will see that my texture is changing okay and i can save this let's go to my layer 2 and let's do the same okay so let's change the layer to go here brightness let's put something like 1.5 and notice that it start to blend really nicely so it put like two it will be like the same color of the sand which can be a little bit you it can be nice but i want to have just a tiny bit of variation in the color here okay let's just leave it like that okay there you go now let's go back to our layer 3 because i feel like this is still a little bit dark so let's go here and let's go to brightness put something like 2 1 or 2.5 there you go something something like that looks like it's working really nicely and the next one it's i'm going to try to play with my layer 4 i'm going to put some colors here that match better my landscape so something like the brightness light 1.5 there you go 1.2 now all our landscape is using more or less the same colors if we take a look at how it looks with the lid you will notice that everything is kind of blending nicely right like all the all the cores like are more or less the same and just by doing that we are having like a really nice landscape here that we can use so we can start painting here for example i can go to my landscape and paint some pebbles here let's decrease the brush size and you can just put the bevels here and they will look like they you know they are part of the same uh world you know it's not like a complete different texture from another biome these ones are like blending pretty nicely we can just blend this one too here like the sand just like this or maybe the layer four we can just go here and be very very picky with how we paint our landscape uh later we will paint more okay for now let's take a look at how it looks like okay let's take a look at our landscape like we have our sand here and we have our pebbles looks like we need to change the tiling a little bit so if we play with our character here uh the rocks may be a little bit too big but that's a very easy fix because we created a material instance here and you will see that i have here my tiling and my contrast notice what happens when the contrast goes to zero i cannot blend you have like a smooth blending but if i put like four you will blend the sand on top of the rocks which looks really nice so 0.05 let's try 0.08 now i feel like this is much better so let's play from here okay this this looks nice okay so the next thing i want to do is to decorate this a little bit and we're going to do that using mega scans so mega scans it's a library that we can use for free to decorate our environments so we're going to drag some meshes here okay and we're going to take a look at how we can use mega scans to decorate our environment easy so let's start decorating our landscape but before dragging some mega scans here what i want to do is to change the lining because this is really flat if we go here to our lining only you will see that i have almost no shadows so let's go here and i can click on the directional light and with pressing e i can rotate so i can just do like this okay and this will be more interesting but another way to change it is by pressing ctrl l and i can just rotate around as i keep pressing ctrl l until i have like a nice shadows for my landscape okay let's try to rotate the landscape like this something like this should be very interesting so let's just keep it like that for now okay so the next thing i want to do is to let me move it up a little bit there you go let's go to bridge here and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna search for beach if you don't have this let's just put here and then we go to 3d assets and then we can just play with this so i can just go here and i can drag the nanite version okay and i can just drag this here and i will have it here okay so notice that the colors of this one is really darker compared to to the ones we had uh to the landscape material so we may need to change the color of the landscape again let's remove this one here and we can just put it here now notice that we don't know the nanite but this one is very low poly and the reason is this is actually downloaded on the background so as i i can just keep working and when it's ready it will change so let's ignore this rock for now let's drag another one so for example this one here we can just increase the size put it here rotate it around just like this and let's take a look at this one okay so it will change eventually let's just be a little bit patient with this okay so let's take a look at this okay let's let's move this around okay let's let's put it like this okay notice that it's it's start to change here okay it started to change update our mission so we don't really need to worry about that let's rotate this notice how um how how far i can go juice by rotating some assets here i can just come here and without duplicating i can just go here and i can just group them so i don't want them to be like by themselves i want them to be like together with something else now you see that i'm increasing the resolution here look at this now we have our nana version looks much better okay and let's let's keep moving this okay we can put something here like this and rotate around something like that and we can move this around just like this make it smaller okay and just like that i can start adding more more meshes i can just even i can even like merge these two to create like a new one because these two will blend really nicely because they're part of the same biome so i can just go here and do something like this and it will look like a completely new rock i can come here and i can rotate this around and i can make it bigger and i can rotate this one like this and this one i can also rotate like this and this will give me like a new asset so i can just come here and maybe put it here in the corner so when putting these assets what we want to make sure is that we don't have these corners here that look very low poly so what we will do is to make this one's like a little bit bigger and we're going to start feeling here in my environment where i want you know my meshes to be okay let's go back to our bridge let's take a look at what else we have so all these beach boulders are really really nice so we can just go here and drag them and you know just make them big like this it's nice to have some boulders here and you can put them like here something like this um make it big okay and what i want to do is to first fill the bigger shapes so how i'm gonna do this is i'm going to start you know dragging some big assets such as this one okay so let's go here and let's just track this massive nordic custom here okay and let's just put it in position okay we don't really need to finish until it finish download and just put it here like this and we can start making it really big the idea uh the key to finish these environments is to actually start from very little and make make them really uh really big and start from big to small until we have you know something that it's worth uh worthless watching uh so this one looks nice let's choose this rotate more bigger shapes here as you can see like it's you don't really need to to come up with a 1 000 assets you can just drag some of those and you will be able to fill your environment okay so this one is changing so it's taking a little bit of time okay there you go it's morphing time where you will have your nanite acid very soon okay just like this i can just put something like this and you don't really want to show the same one so something like this could be okay you want to merge them just like we did here we can merge this to 2 or even 3 just by scaling them and rotate them around we can just create new assets like this okay and here we can play with the background here see if we we don't have the nanite version yet we will have it soon so we can just go here and rotate this around let's just leave it like that okay let's try to look for another one but first let's save because doing this may happen that the engine crashes because it's doing a lot of operations so let's drag another one plus maybe you know maybe this one this one looks like a nice one let's drag this here and notice that it will update eventually so you don't need to worry about so let's just drag this here and just like this i can continue to create like my different assets using the low poly version until i find you know until my quicksilver finishing downloading all these assets here so let's just rotate it like this so we can have some more dynamic shapes just like this okay there you go you can also come here and just try this out we can scale this and we can just put it here just like this and also here there you go so we can have like our river boulders here and also move it here something like this rotate it around something like that okay this one looks very dark so uh we need to change the landscape color if we want to take a nicer look at our other assets so extract this one this one looks pretty nice looks like a nice way to decorate our environment here we can just come here and you know of course this one is darker so we're going to change all our textures to to just start being dark okay so let's just track here and we can drag this one here too just like this and we can duplicate this one okay and duplicate again just like that and do the same here okay with alt and clicking you can just change rotate those a little bit and of course you can go even smaller so we go from big to small we can uh we can try to find like this one or maybe let's let's try to find like a nice small rocky ground like this one i can just put it like this and put it here in position and we can just blend these two by you know just rotate them around and playing with it and if you want to take a look at the scale just play from here you will see that this one is quite big so let's make it smaller okay this one also we will delete it and let's make it smaller here let's see what size we're having like 1.5 this looks okay to me let's go here okay something like this and also this one we can make it really small something like five okay and just by doing that we can just come here and put it in position here there you go we can just move this around just like this and also here you can rotate and put it like this just so it like it blends nicely with our environment and just like that we can keep going but before doing that i want to change the textures of my landscape so that everything can be nice it can blend really nicely so let's go to our mega scan surface and let's start with the first one okay so the first one will be a little bit darker so let's go here to my brightness let's put something like 0.5 okay i just by doing that you can see that it start blending much better so let's put something like zero point 2.4 2.5 looks like a nice number okay let's save it and let's go here to my tie texture okay so brightness let's put this one back to one and let's take a look at the colors here this mode is much useful when you want to blend this so let's just leave it like that let's go to the next one and let's bring the brightness back to one looks like this does help so let's let's go here and in my thai beach i will come here and bring the brightness back to 0.6 0.3 2.4 0.45 maybe something like that okay so now this this one blends much better compared to the other one okay now these ropes are like very different color so what i can do is actually change the saturation a little bit to put something like 0.7 0.8 so everything starts looking like less reddish and i want to put this color closer so let's go back here let's go to each one of these textures and let's put something like saturation on 0.7 okay this is much better just by changing the saturation you can change a lot how everything looks and feels so let's go to our time and of course we can do this in the material but i want to show you that you can also make big changes by doing something small here so 0.7 here maybe then the saturation will be the 0.6 or 0.3 so 0.5 looks like a nice number okay there you go and now let's go to the next one which is uh rocky texture okay let's go back to the subgeneration here brightness let's put 0.2 0.4 you have like the the black pebbles 0.7 looks a little bit nicer or 0.8 and then we will go to the saturation and 0.7 here 0.5 this will make everything blend more nicely okay there you go you can also come back here to these ones and go to my material okay and change here the saturation for this one like 0.7 and this will blend much nicely so i can do the same for this one i can change the the brightness like 0.8 and also the saturation like 0.6 or and now everything starts blending much nicer compared to what we had before and we changed the lining something like this for example everything starts looking much nicer okay so um let's decorate this map by putting more rocks okay and this time we will do a small time lapse because this is very repetitive so you can also see how i do it and then we will continue to decorate this environment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so after set dressing our scene where we have a lot of big elements in our level like we have a lot of rocks especially like in this area i think it adds a lot of detail when you add the rocks in the shoreline it's a nice touch if you remove them and it look a little bit ugly so make sure to have them and also just a bunch of rocks here and there to remove the procedural feeling that we have when we create this landscape and of course this part like it's like the main area i can either move this around and scale it like this if i want it to have like this part a little bit more important and i can put it like this and this part i feel like it's making it too symmetrical so i will just i will just delete this one okay so i i have something like this now um i want to paint something i want to paint some small elements it's really nice that we have like this cobblestones from the from the sun texture we add in a lot of detail but i want to look for some beach assets i already download some these are the thai beach corals pack and i just download a couple of them which come with like four assets each and when i go to my content browser i just type tie and if you want to filter one type of asset you can just go to the filter and i can use put like texture for example and i can just toggle between these two to check which kind of assets i want to use so the way we're going to do this is we're going to use the foliage mode to paint the small little assets so we're going to do that by going here to our mode then we go to polish and you see here that i have a bunch of options by default the paint is selected i have a bunch of options for my brush which i cannot see because i don't have any foliage asset here and here i will drop the assets that i want to paint so for me i want to paint all of this okay so i will just drag them and i will download this here okay so now that i have this all of them have a check if i uncheck this this means this asset won't be painted so let's take a look at how it looks like when when we paint here so as soon as i paint you'll see that i have a lot of assets okay and that's too much for me i feel like it's a little bit small and the density is quite even between all of them so i'm gonna select all of them and then in the density i'm going to reduce it like something like 10 okay and also the radius is the radius is like the minimum distance between each so i will put something like and so it can be more evenly spaced so that's better uh the other thing it's the it's the size so all of them are the same size and one thing is they're pretty small so i'm going to change the minimum scale from 2 and notice that it says scale x but because i have the uniform here it will scale in all the axis so the max maximum will be something like five maybe let's try it out let's paint again okay this kind of works okay and they are also being rotated so we can change the paint density to here like this something like this and a little bit smaller and also the max size something like this you can have like small medium and big assets here okay this small elements are really really nice to have uh you can paint here and if you paint underwater it will be like a nice touch that you have all these coral stones here in in your beach like if you paint here uh you don't want them to paint over the water uh you wanted to paint underwater so make sure you go here and click here and also the static mesh you can put some of them in a static mesh like for example here we can paint some of them here which is a nice touch you can have some coral stones here and also here now how do you decide when you want to paint you need to decide which one is the focal point which in our case is this area so let's just say that you want to make sure that all the paths to the focal point are actually easily seen so if you go here and start from here and then go like a zigzag like this and like this so this is where you will add the detail and then you will add detail here and then you will add detail here and so on so the thing is that you don't add detail everywhere just some in some parts like here for example you want to add some detail here and here you want to add some detail and then here also some details here also here you can remove with shift okay you don't want the coral stones to be in there on the small river we create so we can put it here too it will be really nice okay and also here i try to paint it like in a very dynamic way you don't want to paint everything like this this is not really something you want you just want to paint from a little bit everywhere like this just so that we have like a nice sense of scale right so here i can just like this and i can also change the settings i can start painting some bigger ones like i can put 5 and 20 take a look at how this looks now this one will look really big so make sure you only put it in some areas like for example here i can put it in this ones okay and it adds a really nice touch i can even put it here like i let me put this back to 10 and four and if i paint here um this will add a lot of sense of the scale especially when i reduce the size of this let's just say five and three i'm not sure if you can see this from distance um especially if we put it here but if you manage to see the small little rocks here and then your brain analyze it and say oh this little rock is this size and this little rock is also here far away then it's easier for us to check how big our own time is okay so i will just start painting here little by little i don't really need to be too picky about this just you know just have fun with this play with the settings just like different sizes and put it in the rocks um and the good thing is that like if you paint here and then you rotate the rock your assets will like snap to the rock so uh that's that's a good thing and you don't need to you know you don't need to worry about fainting again you already have this so let me fix this part really quickly here we go like this okay so just by doing them we can we can paint almost anything so the next thing i want to add it's a little bit of foliage normally when you want to have your scene to look nice you want to have a bunch of different elements so let's say one is a rock the second one is the scent okay and we need the third one which is kind of different because like the coral stones don't really make much difference so let's add some plants here and some seaweed that actually have like different colors and different shapes and this will make like your thing look much better okay so let's add some seaweeds here i already download some of them like if i check my local you will see that i have a bunch of assets here like just four of them which come with a lot of variation if you want to find them just go here type c and then go to 3d plans and then you can just choose any one of those like i really like those like ocean seaweed and they're like red and orange and i think it brings a lot of color to the scene so let's just go to the bridge and let's just add them let's let's just click add in all of them like here at add again and then this one and you should be good to go so now that we have this we have this assets in a separate folder called 3d plans so it will be very easy for us to select all of them so let's go to let's save this first and let's go to our painting mode in polish and we're going to import this actually it did import automatically because this is a 3d plant it will import automatically to your scene so let's shift select all of this rocks which you can see how many of those you have in your scene uh let's click check here so like that uh we cannot paint anymore these frogs we don't want to do that we're just gonna paint this seaweed so let's try again this paint here to check how it looks like so they need to load the textures first it's gonna take a while uh one thing it's i feel like they are very small and the density is a little bit high so let's put something like 50 or 25 and then the radius let's put something like two and this is much better so let's change the size from one to three something like that and there you go okay so um what i want to do is to paint the red ones first so i will uncheck this and then i will click and shift select all of those to paint the red ones and the red ones are quite small so i'm going to put something like eight so that looks much better okay and what i want to do is to just paint here and notice that they start here from the root and and that's okay but i want them to be a little bit lower so i will go to the c offset and i'm going to put something like minus five and now they there will be some buffer for me in those i will just paint some of them here and also i will change the size to thing to take a look at how it looks like something like that yeah something like that looks nice uh let me shift click here i only want to paint the red ones and also here i want to paint inside the water i think will be a nice touch also here okay so now that we have this let's try to paint this green ones and let's remove the red ones okay so let's change the size select all of those the size will be from two to maybe eight and just you can just paint here these plants don't really grow you know in the ocean or more like in the shoreline you don't want to put them in the you know close to here and also maybe it can be a nice touch if we paint them under water so if we use paint here you will be able to see the plants and if we want to do that maybe we can increase the density like for example something like 60 and this will give us like a lot of plants we can do that i think it's a nice touch and we can also paint the red ones if we want let's select all of those and click shift okay also here let's go to the other part of the shoreline you don't want to leave it without stressing something like this i feel like the red ones are a little bit too much for this so let's just paint our regular ones okay let me hide a key for a moment i want to make sure that all of those are the right place i just go to polish and here i can just come here and paint almost everywhere then ctrl h and you will notice that now the size is a little bit too big for this one so let me change the size let's put from two to five that's better okay here something like that and just by doing that we are adding a lot of um you know you're adding a lot of detail to your scene so the next thing is we're going to fix this lods because uh like if we play maybe it's fine let's let's play from here uh not really it's not fine uh so you can see that these textures come with an atlas that we see from very close so we need to change that it's nice because it optimized the performance but um you need to make sure the settings are right so we're going to change that next so if we want to fix the lods we just need to go to our content browser let's take a look at uh our settings here and in this seaweed uh you will see that you have like lod tree here and this is like the fake cart and i feel like the lod2 is already low poly i don't really need the super fake one for this and the low d0 is quite low too so i think i can remove the last one so if i can just type here number follow this you will see that is four and the reason is they start from zero zero one two three so i will just remove it and put three okay and now when i go uh sorry i need to call here uh follow these settings number of lods and apply the changes okay you need to apply the changes otherwise you won't be able to see it so i will do the same for this like i will go to each one of those go to number of leds three apply changes and do the same one here um one last time like three apply changes and i will do the same for all of those and i will come back so i already apply all the lods and it starts to look much better i feel we have like a lot of small assets here um we can turn it out later one last thing so i want to add another type of foliage i notice i didn't have so let's remove this and let's put all of those okay and we put this one too so we can put the minimum the maximum like three or four at the density something like 25 let's take a look at how it looks like okay so we can just paint here and we we can have like the seaweeds here okay and you need to paint like this and we can also start painting here like some nice foliage assets from distance usually where there is water there will also be plants okay so it's normal to put them around here put them here also a nice idea also you can try to put all of those here like that also here they add a lot of value to your like that okay so i want to also add the red ones okay and let me remove this there is another type of polish i want to add which is this one okay and i have zero of this i know we haven't had so let's go back here and maximum will be like five and also let's change the radius the density to five okay that looks much better okay and let's increase the brush size and paint this everywhere like this not so much okay the paint density increase a little bit okay something like this now you can do the same here also here okay and also you can paint some rocks if you want you can add the rocks here okay something like this and also let's let's remove all of those let's select all of those and check and check again and let's start painting some rocks and maybe a couple of grass textures here just like that i really like how it looks like there you go okay you can paint here a little bit also paint here all these little details will add a lot when we finish our scene okay so play the game here okay also here pretty good to go so let's continue to polish this level okay so one thing i want to add before adding more elements it's to add a little bit of different foliage i found this tropical palm you can choose anything you want like if you go to collections tropical beach you will be able to see a lot of different assets that can match our scene like this one for example or this one i feel like why i decide to add this asset is because we have a lot of small plants which is great because it adds a lot of sense of scale to our environment but we don't have some bigger plants so let's add some tropical puns here and i already have this here it's it's here okay so i'm going to my level here by going to my foliage and here i already select those so everything is not selected let's just check this and let's check the density maybe one or something like that or something like that okay um maybe two and the size maybe from two to from two to five looks like a good number okay so these plants are much bigger it's exactly what we want so let's check click we will remove those okay and let's just add them in some areas like for example here have them here lady i used to have some big plants surrounding our smaller plants like this one okay oh uh you can see that as soon as i add this it adds a lot of color to my scene so let me if like this it just looks really really nice so i can do the same here i can add some plants here just like that and with that i will be able to have my environment with a little bit more variation on the foliage side so now the next thing we need to do is to start doing the finishing touches for this thing now that we have our thing we need to add the background so usually the scene will have like a foreground which we have here a middle ground and a background and you could argue that we have our background already which is here but we can actually increase the detail of our background by putting some mountains here or some cliff from distance so i'm going to my bridge here and when you type cleave you have some 3d assets uh i find that this one is quite good this one and this one so let me just grab this okay and what we will do is to just drag this asset here and make it really really big like something like 15 okay i can be like even bigger okay something like that there you go and then we can drop some assets here like this one for example there you go and let's put like 15 insides and let's just try to create something interesting we can put something like this rotate it around make it big like this here something like this okay uh you can do the same here like we can out actually make this part like this so we close the holes and this one we can just rotate around and we can make this one bigger like this nice to have like a small little cave there you can use okay so now that we have this we're going to create a pack leveling sense blueprint so we can modify this better i already have one uh but i'm going to create another one so if i clicking all of those right click then go to level and then create pack level actor i'm going to leave this to the default settings okay and it will be very obvious what this does when i click okay it will basically group this and i will call this mass background 2 and then here i will put the same here in this folder i already created before okay you can just choose to save them in anywhere you want and now you will see that i have these assets here and you can notice that i have some background going on here so what you can do here is to actually move it around it looks like we didn't add this to the to our pack level level instance blueprint actor so let me show you how it works if i go here i can just go here to my bridge okay let's go level and then edit and you will see that everything turns gray so what i will do is to go back to my bridge and drag this one and put it here and maybe put something like 20 on size or we can put it here like that okay and we can rotate it we can even put something like 50 if we want it okay let's just put 15 here okay and notice what happens here is that as i let's duplicate this to something like this then here also i want to have some small island surrounding this like big island here something like this okay so now that you have this you can just go right click label commit and now everything will have like this everything will be updated so let me just play with this and let's try to move it around we can scale it something like this and we can of course rotate it put it here okay and we can move it very very far there you go something like that and also this one um i really like like this one not so much so i created another one before but just like this i can just come here i can put something like five okay and with this i will have like a nice background so let me put this into position maybe something like this could be nice okay to go or far something like that okay i can just rotate it like this and i can do the same here i can just copy i can put the same background here like that and i can put it very very very far and i can make it bigger like if i want to put like eight and i can just move it move it around like this just so we have some background here there you go like that uh let's do the same here like that will be nice okay so now that we have our background our scene is starting to look much better so let's just move this around this one's a little bit too big i think so the idea is you don't want to put anything here because this silhouette it's what's grabbing the attention this one has like a nice silhouette here like it has like a hole like if you put the acid here you're losing this silhouette so you don't really want to do that be careful otherwise you your main area will lose that interest so this one is fine you want your background to always point at your focal point which is this one i feel like this silhouette it's also being lost so what i will do is to just drag this and put it like this much better i don't want to change the silhouette so now i decide this is my focal point so let's try to increase the detail of this area if you want to add more detail a really easy way is to use decals so if you go to bridge and then go to the category of decals you will find a lot of different variations okay so i already download some of them these are one of my favorites if i put roman and then go to decals you will see that i have like this roman fresco broken ornate okay you can also have something like this or you can have like different patterns uh all of this will bring your scene to like a different level okay we can even try this one okay uh i already download some of them so i will show you which ones i used so um i have my graffiti so just so you can take a look at how big this step is if you put something like this okay let's just check our sync without this okay uh let's just appreciate how pretty our scene looks like but uh there's something missing okay so as soon as i put my graffiti here and let's put f take a look at where it's pointing so make sure like the arrow is pointing in the direction of the surface you want to project the decal into and put something like 5 or 10 okay then just go here then go up then rotate and then this one will be like 15 and it's like this okay so now look at this now suddenly our scene has like a bright color here that is catching the attention now if you see this uh in a way like if it's this is a balance like you will have like something here then you will have something here your balance uh as soon as you put this one here this one will be super heavy like here okay so this will add more importance to this area uh but i don't want this smiley face you can put it if you want and actually there is no right or wrong for this kind of thing uh i i feel like it's really a nice touch but for me i feel like my scene has a lot of greens if i want to put something red and this is the reason i download this roman fresco broken ornate so if i go here i can just drop hit this gear okay let's just point into the right direction first so something like this and then let's scale this like 15 okay and look at what's going on here just just by doing that from distance you will see that our rna is working and we're having like a red part or in our in our stone now it really doesn't matter what this is what we're looking for is the color so if i go to my outliner and type decode you will be able to select this easier so i go here i can just rotate i can also scale this like this okay and the idea is to watch from distance so we can just scale this like this there you go something like that and we can even duplicate this and put another one here we can rotate it like this and then we can move it around it's a tiny bit okay there you go in the edge i think it's really nice we can even move it around like like this for example we have we have like a nice fate and just like that we have like our mountain with some red stuff there um we can try to put some like uh sculpted details into our rock so let's just try to put this one here and something like 15 okay and we can rotate this around something like this and we can first move it so it can fade out and whenever you have this the idea is to blend in with the details here you don't want this white thing here although you could do it um what you can do is go to the material here and here you will find an option for overlay you can just put it like darker or maybe this color okay and you can also change like the overlay intensity like if you put something like this color here now you will have like a very saturated eco which is nice so let's tiny bit of it it's a tiny bit okay you're gonna really see the decal here but just by adding some parts with uh saturation you will be able to see uh more of the of the details here okay uh you can appreciate how nice this is when you take a look from distance so if you just see it here you won't be able to see it like example here okay uh if we move this a little bit here now that's too much i just want a little bit okay so uh just by doing that we have our our rock here uh now it's time to add some lighting and effects and post processing to make our scene look more finished okay so let's change the atmosphere of our level uh the best way is just to go to your sky atmosphere and you will find a bunch of options here i find like this one can help a lot if you want to have like a different look uh this one is very very cool uh then is this one the scattering scale you can change this to have like a more foggy scene i find like i just want a little bit of this not too much a little bit by default it's like super low but i want to put something a little bit bigger something like that okay it looks a little bit more foggy kind of like it and the others think uh this one of course changed a lot but you don't want to touch it and then is the art direction you can basically change the color you can put something like this if you want to have something more like a brighter color or if you want to have more like a fail color you can change this this one something like this or maybe like this is fine okay so let's just leave it like that for now okay uh the next thing it's we want our directional light let's go here type directional light click here and there are a couple of things i want to change here one is the light shaft okay so if i go to the light shaft we we have the knob but i also have the light shaft blue now looks like nothing happened and that is because our sign is here but if i rotate with ctrl l you can see that i can have my bloom here and i have like a really nice area with yeah with the sound here pointing the god rates to me very nice if you want to look like you want to make like a cinematic or something like that for me i feel like i just want to try different lighting setups like for example this one or the one we had before actually was pretty good i'm going to leave it like that and let's rotate a little bit try to find something interesting if you want to take a look at how it looks uh go with the detail lining so you can take a look at the shadows or even the lining only this will help you to use how you want your lining to be this one looks quite good okay let's date and also go here this is what we had before so ctrl c is actually pretty good the setup we had i want to have something maybe something like that there you go you can change it later of course okay uh the bloom it's a little bit too strong so i'm going to change the bloom scale to 0.05 something like that if i put like one it will be too heavy 0.05 and if i remove the bloom of course you don't have this slight shaft going through okay so uh that's one thing the other thing we want to do is to go to the post process so let's go here and put a post process volume drag it here okay and this little volume will add a post-processing effect to your thing now it only works if i'm in this volume so i can make it super big to have my entire scene so let's just change something really quickly here you don't need to what's going on now go to type saturation okay so we change the saturation to zero nothing has happened but as soon as we go here you see our scene is in black and white which is what we want so if you want to use this outside of this box you can just put unbound and this one will code like infinite extent unbound click check and now when i just go out of this box i don't really affected by the size of this box all my post process is applied to all the world so let's go back this saturation to one okay and now that we are here we can just play with the settings saturation is one of those if we want more like a bright color we can put something like 1.2 or 1.1 like this you don't want to put it like this it will be very like too much uh the secret to having a nice post processing it's it's basically to play a little bit with the colors um who's here in the shadows okay not too much okay then the idea is to play with the settings but do not be too much of a do not put something like this you want to put the blue just put it a little bit or either remove it if you want uh exposure we can leave it like that chromatic aberration that's why it's really cool put that tiny bit of it not too much that you want but tiny bit okay uh the dirt mask we're not gonna choose then the lens flares again we can try if we want sometimes it's a nice touch sometimes it's not so just putting it a little bit and be good um i'm going to remove it for now okay uh image effects we're not really going to touch it only the picnic intensity i'm going to put something like like this like 0.5 okay just so we have like a nice frame here okay saturation i feel like this one a bit too much we put something like 0.7 or two can be a little bit better okay also let's you can try to rotate around you have like different lining setups okay depending on what you're looking for i feel like this one is quite good okay so let's keep going the next one is the film this one is really important so i was processing here i lost my post process volume the slope so it basically will increase the contrast and the more realistic you're seeing you want to be the less contrast you want to have so just play a little bit with the settings not too much any bit you don't want to be something like this you will break it so it's just something like this and like this for example uh the shoulder doesn't really affect that much uh white clip not that much left click or see the effects a lot so you don't want to change it too much leave it at zero global illumination just leave it like that reflections also like that and i mean occlusion we won't really touch it motion blur is basically when we move the camera if we move too fast like everything will move like we'll add a sense of the speed to your sink uh then the grain intensity it can be a nice touch like if i put something like this you will see like you have a little grain here like everything you don't want to put so much if i put like this it will be very big i want to be very subtle like this and this one it's a tiny bit you don't want to put that much okay oh so next i think that's pretty much it the last thing i want to do is to go to my directional light and i will save this position okay uh if this rotation copy and what i want to do is to try some other angles here and this one is also really nice this is pretty much what we had before i think okay so uh i think i like this one better uh okay so this is basically what you do to add the last touches uh another thing is the atmosphere sorry the fog the fog would add a lot to your scene block density you can decrease it or increase it and you also have a secondary fog data which you can increase okay have the follow-up you can affect like more areas of your scene okay um the next one the volumetric of course you want to use this okay uh so actually you can play with the settings a little bit with the monometric focus it will fit a little bit more real like that there you go okay so everything starts looking really nicely let's use the fog density otherwise it will look very foggy we don't really want that and that's it that's how you uh polish your environments let's try to play here play from here the plans look a little bit bigger if you ask me we can change the size from this view it's quite like the size of this ones even the small little rocks that we had before that we thought they were uh you know big uh small i mean they're not so we may want to polish this a little bit maybe i will do this on my side but this is pretty much it thank you so much for watching and remember to subscribe to watch more content like this and if you want to learn more make sure to check our website we have a lot of premium tutorials if you want to learn more
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 940,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: 1cfPiofNy-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 51sec (7371 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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