Unreal Engine 5 Landscape Beginner Tutorial - Learn to create Open Worlds (Free Material available)

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i will take you step by step from the very  beginning until you have this automatic   material to create a landscape in minutes we  will go through the very basics of landscape   like the science and sculpting basics then  we will learn gaia to create realistic   terrains in another software and learn how to  import thai landscapes to create big worlds   then we will go through landmass the procedural  solution to create landscapes inside unreal   and then we will create our automatic landscape  material where we will learn how to blend our   textures nicely we will go through some of  the most hot topic features like displacement   in a real engine 5 and virtual texturing to  increase the details of our landscapes and in   the end we will create a master material you can  download for free to create any landscape so by   the end of this video you should be confident  with landscape creation in unreal engine 5.   so check the link in the description to  get the material for free oh and by the   way make sure you check our store we have a  lot of cool stuff like a free course to land   blueprints modeling a castle in a unreal engine and  of course a lot of your real marketplace packages   made with a lot of effort so let's continue  okay so let's start with the very basics which   is how do i navigate in a real if you are already  familiar with unreal feel free to skip this part   but if you are new i will give you some navigation  tips you can use in order to make your life easier   here first off you press the right mouse click  and then with w s a and d you can move the camera   then with the left mouse click you can rotate  around an orbit if you move the mouse as you   hold the left mouse click you will be able to  orbit then if you want to focus on any object   let's click on this press f and you will with alt  and left mouse click you will rotate around the   object now you can do the same with another object  click f alt left click and you will orbit around   the object alright so this is just the basics of  navigation and once you get used with it it will   be very simple the next thing i want to show you  is the camera speed this will be very helpful to   check our landscapes since they can be very big if  you increase the camera speed of course my camera   will be faster but also you can hold that right  mouse click and then the middle mouse you can   scroll down and as you move you will become  slower and you can scroll up to become   faster and move with w or s in this case  and this is just a very basic another   thing that will be helpful for us is just the  different modes like top left or perspective   and that's pretty much it so let's start talking  about landscape sizes because it's a topic that   a lot of people are asking so let's create a  new label click on this one and you will have   exactly this so what i will do is just delete  this delete this and you can also go to a word   outliner and delete the actors you don't want  okay and in this tab you will see that you have   the activate landscape editing mode you click on  here and you will see that you have a preview of   the size of your landscape okay so let's so  you can take a look at what's happening okay   so here what's going on is that you're creating  a landscape that have eight by eight components   and you can see it here number of components  eight by eight and what you have is one two three   four five six seven eight and then one two three  four five six seven eight which give you a total   of 64 components okay components are important  in a way that you can load and unload components   based on distance so if your landscape is very  big you will load this component here and unload   the ones that are very far let me put this one to  63 quads okay as you can see the number of quads   determine the number of the how big our landscape  is so in this case 63 quads means that i have   64 vertex here one two three four  five still etc until i get until 63 squares okay but if you if you notice  you have one two three four vertex   in total we have 64 vertex okay so what happens  here is that when we reach to this point   when we want to go to another component  the vertex that is here will be weld   so that you don't have another  vertex overlapping this area   okay so in total we're losing one vertex for  each component that is here in the inside now   what size is this landscape well here you  can see in the overall resolution if 505 by   505 let me create this landscape  by tapping the create bottom okay   so this is our landscape i will click on activate  editing mode okay and it's really hard to know   exactly what size this is so if i go here to  the top view and i scroll up and keep scrolling   up you will see that i have my landscape here  and with the middle mouse click you can click   and you can have a rough idea of  how big this landscape is is around   50 000 centimeters which makes it 500  kilometers actually so let's create   let's go back to our perspective and let's  make sure this one is here this one is origin   let's go back to create shapes create a cube  and put it here and let's put it in the origin   okay okay we really cannot see the  cube but let's go to our top view and   this cube is 100 centimeters width okay so if  i put 505 here you will see that my cube is basically 500 meters i believe yes meters so it's 100  centimeters and if you multiply by 505   then you have 500 meters basically this is  the meters okay so why is this important to us   is to know which size we will import our  landscape let me delete this okay and let's   i will import another file we will take a look at  this later i will take a look at this one and then   click on this one you will see  that my landscape is 2017 by 2017   and as you can see if i click on feed  to data i will have automatically my   landscape will put to the right size now  this size is 2 is basically two kilometers   okay and the reason is 2017 is because we are  merging the vertex so let's go to our calculator   and here if i say i have 64 vertex by 8  components i have 512 and then i just need to subtract the vertex that are inside which  is basically the number minus one so in this   case is eight and then i will put minus seven is  five hundred five i can do the same for the rest   ones like 64 by 16 components 1k kilometers  minus 15 1009 and i can do the same 64 32   2 kilometers minus 31 is 2k exactly is 2017 which  is exactly the number you have here so um if i   click on new okay you will see that i can reach  the same size using different methods for example   i can put by 63 by 63 and i can multiply i  can put two sections for a component basically   we're splitting this into four okay one and  two one and two and one and two okay total four   and i'm doing 16 components which is 1 to 16.  okay if i want to still have two kilometers   i can do one section okay and i can multiply this  by 32 by 32 and i have two kilometers now you ask   which one is the right way well that depends on  the size of your landscape there are different   ways for example i can put 127 quads and i can  put 16 by 16 and i have i can have something   like this i can just go back to the defaults  okay so i will already give you a suggestion   of which how many quads you want depending on  the size of your landscape and if you go to the   unreal documentation here you will see and this  is very easy i will put a link in the description   landscape technical guide you will see here that  they recommend you if you want you have like 4k kilometers then you can have 63 watts okay and  then sections per component is two by two sections   and then you can just put 63 uh sorry uh total  components 32 i can put 32 by 32 and i will have   a 4k map okay and this is what they recommend  okay so depending on the size of your map   you may want to follow this guide okay um and  this is what will give you best results okay   so this is it for the landscape size it's  very important to know this at the beginning   so now we're taking we're going to take a look  at why is this important because we're going   to use external actors okay okay so now we're  going to take a look at the world partition   the first thing we need to do is to go to edit  project settings and then we will type world   heritage partition and you will see here that i  have enable or partition i click this one enable   and i restart the engine and once you do that  you will be able to use word partition so before   doing that make sure you go to world settings and  put external actors and click this one by default   this will be on okay this is very important  they work hand to hand so i will create a   landscape and i will import the texture instead of  creating a new one i will import one from a file   and we will take a look this one later when  we check gaia we will take a look at the whole   process do not worry so i already have one don't  worry we will check how we can create one okay hey there let's okay let's just create a new  one for now okay so this is it and i will   sculpt something here just so i can take a look at   something here there you go  it's something like this okay all right so i have my  landscape here so when i play i have some assets that i created i add feature content  pack and i added my vehicle advance by the way   so i can take a look at how i can play with this  normally you wouldn't have this i have so it can   you can have a nice way to navigate into our  landscape so just click this one at project and   inside of here in my world settings i will just  go here and put my vehicle advanced mode okay   so just by doing that just click here and you  will see that i have my vehicle and now let's   lower the volume here real time audio but it's  it's okay so as you can see i can move around i   have my landscape and everything is loaded so  you see that i have different components here   and now that i have my external actors enabled  i have different proxies that i can load and   unload on real time depending on the distance  so if i go to window and go to work partition   you will see that i have nothing here  so what i will do is save this and let's   create a new folder called maybe mastering  landscapes okay and here we will put a new map apps and here i will create this one like um as  you say portal partition test okay just like that   okay so i will create a new level  and i will open this one okay   all right now that we have this for partition  test you will see that i cannot see anything and   the reason is i'm going i i need to go to my work  partition and i need to load everything so i can   load the selected cells okay now my word partition  i already have two components in each site so if   i decide to unload this you will see that here  i unload this part of the landscape if i hear   unload i will unload this part i can just select  this and load and you will see that i have all   my components enabled so if you go here to our  partition you can take a look here if you want   it will be easier now why is this  important now let's create a new level okay   let's just create an empty one or  okay the default one so let's go here   this will be my test two okay  let's create a new landscape   and word partition components per landscape is  two okay i can put one or any number i want so   in this case i will create a larger one let's  create a 2x2 and let's put 177 and then let's   put 16 by 16. something like that a very big  32 by 32 okay there you go so click create this will create a super big landscape wait a little bit this is as big as it can get okay now if you have really big landscapes and  normally if you try landscapes before and   you try a small one it will be very light but  if you have very big landscapes and you have a   lot of actors to load in your level it can take  a while to load so let's do the same let's do uh   brush size by the way i'm gonna explain  this later just don't do not panic okay   i just click here as you can see it's already  very very slow okay just like that now let's save this and i will  save all my external actors and you will see that i have a lot of proxies   okay so i have all these proxies here there are  a lot actually there are a lot of components here   and that's very heavy and this will make our  game look like our fps will go really low so   now that we have this you can see  that i can have my wall partition here   and i have my landscape here so i can do this and  load and this will load some part of my landscape   not everything and as i continue i can load  these parts okay and i can continue to load or so this is extremely powerful because if i  check unload and then i will load these ones   i can just go to my landscape and it's a little  bit heavy actually but it's easier to work with   because everything is unloaded and it will be  very easy to work in this part of our open world   as i continue to work i can load this cells and  i can unload this ones if i want it okay safe   okay download all of this and you get the  idea so this is how war partition works   uh at the glance is just a very basics the way  landscape works is that you will have your proxies   and each component will be part of a cell in your  word partition depending on how many components   you have you may load more than one but in this  case it's very handful for very big environments   okay so let's start with some sculpting basics so  let's go back to our landscape and let's create a   new one i will create a new landscape and this one  will be [Music] just for the sake of demonstration   we will put this like maybe eight by eight of  one kilometer okay and then let's click create now that we do that let's save this and let's  call it test like that okay so now that it's   safe we have our landscape proxies here and now  let's take a look at the sculpting tools let's go   back this to the defaults okay and by default  the sculpting tool here this step has a bunch   of options and but by default is the scope one so  let's take a look at this one first is the scope   so if i click on this one you will see that i can  sculpt here and as holding it will go up and up   up okay notice that doing this  will stretch the uvs so be aware of   how height you want your landscape  okay so if i hold shift i will go inwards say i want to make a hole or here then i can just hold shift  or i can hold shift here to make this one   smaller okay i can also call control okay sculpt  shift that's it okay so another important tool   here for the sculpting is the smooth so i can  just click here and i will smooth my transition   this will smooth everything it's very   important okay so the scope mode you can  actually increase the strength example   i can put something like one and when i sculpt  this will be very strong but at the same time if   i decrease the strength i want to have something  more subtle like this i can just click here and   just make some small changes in my environment  another thing i have is to change the brush size   i can either use the brackets make it bigger or  smaller or i can just change the brush as i see   now if you have a very big landscape  maybe 8000 won't be enough if you want   but you can actually make this number any number  you want for example 16 000 and this will be very   big so you can have some big strokes here  i know okay let's go back to the default   and of course the brush falloff this will make  it really smooth or really harsh if i put a very   soft fall off as i sculpt this will have a  very smooth transition and at the same time   if i make this really harsh i will make this  brush very hard okay very smooth and very harsh   another thing i have is the clay brush  this is just another type of painting   but if i paint here you will see  that i have a different result   it's very nice actually if you want to sculpt  different kinds of surfaces the paintbrush the   clay brush gives you a much more natural feeling  all right so the next thing it's my brush type   you can import any texture you  want for example i import this from some free resources i found on the  internet so i can just click on this   and i can actually remove the clay brush and  increase the tool strength to something like   i don't know and i click here you will see that  i have a small mountain so let me increase the   brush size of one for example something  like 16 000 okay i can just click here   make twice and now i can have small mountain  here so you're not only attached to use the   default brush you can have your own alphas and  you can import your own textures if you want okay um this is one this one i really don't  use okay and this one i also don't use so   the next thing i want to show you is the  flattened one the flattened one is very   important and when you want to create labels the  flattened one is extremely useful for example   let's just say i want to have a house here  well let's go here let's create a cube here   i shape skip and i'm going to drag it and make  it big just like that and say this is my tower   okay so what i want to have is a small ground  for my tongue here so what i will do is to   use the flatten brush the flattened brush will  select any particular height that i just click   and it will just flatten so let me reduce the  size of this and i will click and take a look and   this is basically what it does it puts everything  on the same level and now i have something   to put some architecture okay and the same thing  can be done here for example i can flatten this   to make this one on the same height  it's really useful for architecture   or when you want to have really simple collision  you don't want any bumpiness here for example   here you have a lot of bumpiness you  can just go to your flattening brush and everything will be flat another thing you  can do with your landing brush is to use flatten   target and you can just grab the eyedropper  and you can select the height for example you   want to select this height here automatically  you will have a grid here that will allow you   to use the flatten and up to this height so  what you can do is to basically click here   and it's very useful when you have like different  levels of height in your level let's say you want   to have another platform here where your player  wants to jump so when i go here this and this is   in the same height and i can continue to do this  it will replace all the data of my landscape here   okay just like that and everything will be on the  same height i can of course make this manually   like for example i can make it really height  like that okay and or i can make it lower   all right so that's it for the flattened  brush let's take a look at the ramp the ramp   is extremely useful the ramp allows you to create  the what it says is the ramp if i just click here   and then click on this one you will see that  i have a preview with two icons here the first   one will be my starting point and the last  one will be my endpoint and it will create   a ramp so if i can move this one for example  i can put it here if i want it and i can   just move it to any place i want actually it  will snap to my surface once i'm happy with   the result i can just click enter and you will  see that i have a ramp oh if i play here my car you will see that i have a small ramp  i can play with with my car okay so   that's the ramp and of course you can play with  the features for example let me click on this   one and this one let's create a ramp let's move  this one here okay and we can change the width   make it really thin or really white and of course  we can change the follow-up for example i can   make it really harsh so when i click enter  like everything is very hard let me control   i can do it very smooth so for example this is  the path very narrow and this will have a very   smooth transition and then when you want to create  another one just click here and here move into   position click ok and this is how you will connect  different parts of your landscape so the next one   is the erosion personally i don't use it that much  because if i want to have more realistic results i   will come with some alphas or some data but like  for example here erosion basically will give you some eroded look like this it apply it will apply  some noise here typically landscapes don't really   end up really harsh like this so doing the erosion  will make your landscape look a little bit more   realistic like this you'll see that i have this  path that is naturally doing the transition in   my main ground here so erosion can be quite  useful to make some tweaks here and there   okay hydra erosion is pretty much the same but it  just simulates like it's hydro erosion caused by   rainfall use that okay and the noise of course it  will add noise to your terrain so for example if i scale my brush size i just go  here and i can add some noise   i can decrease the noise scale so it can be very  small like that and personally i like to use this   to add some detail for example i can use my brush  size i can decrease the tool string the noise   okay i can actually use something like  this where i can just build strength   and i can just add some noise here if i  want okay and then i can go to my smooth   but i can do something like this to have  some variation in my terrain all right   the next one is a retaple so if you click here  you will see that i have some stretch polygons   so as i do this it will do the best to relax the  polygons to make it more equal for example here if   i do re-topo you will see that i have more even  distribution of quads here and here it's very very long okay it will try to maintain the  same data you have but it will try to you know   put a little bit try to make the quads more  even especially in this kind of situation   it can be useful if you want okay the next  one is the visibility if i click on this one let's see okay let's just ignore the  visibility for now uh we know we need   to put the material first so let's go to our  copy the copy is extremely fun so as you can see   and you can have a gizmo here and as i move it  i can scale this if i want and let's go back to   this mode let's try to copy all this so i as i  copy this with w e and r i change the gizmo okay   and what i can do is to copy the data to  gizmo okay and now that i have some data i can just move it and i can rotate i can  scale it if i want and i can just press ctrl v   and just like you paste any other application you will paste  this data and you can move it around   ctrl v okay and here you can ctrl c to copy this data and ctrl b and this is how you  can have same data here okay so if i take a look   you will see that this one is the same as this  one and this data has been grabbed from this one   okay so let's go back to our landscape the next  one it's the mirror you can see i will mirror my   landscape of course i can change where i want  to mirror i can re-center i can just hit apply   and you will see that my landscape is perfectly  mirrored and this may be something you want or not   but you know the option is there if  you want to mirror your landscape   okay and the next one is of course just select  you can mask some areas here so when i sculpt up here very strong values you will see  that here i don't have i cannot paint here   my selection let's clear the selection  and you will see that here i cannot make   any changes because i'm masking my my  mask okay i'm masking my terrain and i'm   if i want to protect this area i can just  paint here so this will allow me to use paint in any other area without  affecting this area so this is it for the   for the scope mode as you can see it has a lot  of handy tools but if you want to make a more   realistic terrain you may want to use other  software such as such as war machine or gaia   so we're going to take a look at that now so  when it comes to creating a realistic landscape   actually the solution is another 3d app that  generates a height map i'm going to show you   the ones that are the most popular and i will  show you some difference so basically world   machine is one of the most common ones it has been  the industry for many years and to be honest it's   fairly good actually personally i don't like  the user interface that much but it's free and   personally i didn't find any limitations in the  free version but if you want to buy these are the   prices like one hundred dollars for the ed one  and then the other ones may be beyond the budget   uh second option of course this one is  the best for me and the most professional   if you want to integrate it in a very very  big project houdini can create really nice   height maps and you can have control over almost  any kind of procedural feature you want to put   in your landscape so houdini is really  nice also it's extremely expensive   uh you can see the numbers are really high so  of course the free edition you can play with it   but you cannot export you can only  export like very low resolution files   and the next one it's the quad spinner  gaia which is my preference and   it's what i'm going to show you now also i use  gaia the different softwares are really really   similar in terms of what the things they can  do inside it's just about preference actually   so for gaia i'm using the indie one and yeah they  let you use more than two pcs at once and to share   with your friends you can make some money and  there you go you got gaia so you actually have the   community that is free and it's very generous they  allow you to export 1k terrains and the indie one   allows you up to 4k the one i have and the  next one of course basically much bigger   okay so um let's go to gaia so let's go to but  spinner gaia and this is the first thing you   will see so you will see the viewport which is  what the landscape will look like and of course   they give you some setup first so you can have a  look at what it i will look like with these notes   so the viewport is really simple just middle mouse  click and you will carve it use the middle mouse   roll up and down to zoom in and out then if you  hold alt and left you will rotate the camera   and that's pretty much it okay so let's start with  the interface at the right you have the properties   of the nodes here you have the toolbox okay the  toolbox allows you to create different nodes okay   for example i can drag something like this and  you will see that this one is selected my viewport   will update okay or i can press tab here and type  erling and i can create my pearly nose noise here   now those are the two ways you can create notes  you can delete by just pressing the delete key   and here you can preview different notes just by  clicking the notes you will see the preview here   the graph is very simple just middle mouse  click a middle middle mouse roll you will   zoom in and out that's really basic actually and  with left mouse click you can crack and move the   notes so basically these are the how the graph  works and here in the viewport you have the 3d   and the 2d the 2d view is very useful actually  to take a look at the top-down view of how your   world will look like have a better planning for  example you want to have some houses here and then   like a castle in the middle and this kind of stuff  okay so this will be very useful from time to time   we will take a look at it later the next one is  the lining you can change the sun this will change   the shadows of course the direction of the shadows  and of course you can put water if you want take a   look at how it will look if it had water because  so you can take a look at the height level and   you can put that level here to take a look at the  height map so basically the brightest colors will   be like basically not really the height map sorry  this is uh the shadows will be more contrasty   so you can take a look at the forms better  so here's very subtle here is much more   has much more contrast so you can take a look  at the plane change of your environment okay so   that's it just this will you toggle the grid  and this will toggle the skybox of course   we'll just leave it like that for now so when it comes to creating your landscapes there  are several ways you can do it here so first you   have the primitive okay and you have a bunch of  options i won't go into all of them but i will go   to the most important ones for example one if  the perlin noise which we took a look earlier   this one will of course do the early  noise if you take a look at that 2d   it will be very obvious so the scale will  determine the size if i put a smaller one see that my noise gets like bigger here smaller  noise therefore it's repeating less times and   if i put the scale like this it will make it  very small okay the updates will determine the roughness of it if i reduce it  you will see that it becomes very good   so these primitives allow you  to have a base to work with   another thing you can have is of course change  the noise you can play with it have any setting   you want and this one is a very important value  is the seed one with the seed you can change randomly the values so you can  experiment with different results   and of course you can have some procedural results here the next thing you may want  to do once you have your main shapes this   is what we call the main shapes because it's  the primitive you want to put some erosion   and the erosion here what  it will do is to simulate   real behavior now you can see if you check  take a look at the pearly noise it looks very it was made by a computer of course but if you  put the erosion it will add the natural feeling   that little landscape have because you know it  rains and a lot the water will create these flows   okay so we will take a look at the erosion  later but basically this is the workflow you   want to have your main shapes and then you want  to add the detail another important one for games   is the draw mode so in the draw mode you will  see i have nothing but if i click edit guides   i can paint here for example i can paint like this and i can continue for example  i want to cover this area   i don't want anyone to come here i will put like  a mountain here and then i will put something here okay and i will put another  one here like that okay right then i can continue keep painting here just like that  and that's pretty much it okay so   with the draw mode you can basically have  control over your brain the layout and of   course you can change the height and make it  smaller or higher and change this one this brow okay and change the displacement to  make it higher or more tense lower   okay and of course you can click here this part  is common in all the nodes if i click levels it   will clamp the values from zero to one okay if i  check my height map it will be a value from zero   which is black to white normally when you don't  have this the values can go to a grayscale value   and of course what you can do is put the clamp  node and the labels and then the clamp node   you lower it down we'll just make it lower  like that okay and this is basically a   post-processing of your image now let's say  you have these two you have your pearly noise   and you have your draw what can you do well you  can combine them you can have a little bit of this   and let's change the octaves for example i want  in like this and the scale i'm going to make it   something like that okay now what i will do is to  put the combined so i will press tab combine okay   and i will just click on this one and this one  and this will combine the two now by default i   will have my blend here which is basically a  mix of the two of them if i reduce the ratio   i will have my draw mode here basically is zero  we're using this one and if the ratio is 100   we're using the pearling so uh 50 will give us  a mix of the two of them but the blend mode is   not the only blend mode that it exists you also  have the add another operation subtract multiply   which will give more detail to your mesh here  for example like this you don't have any noise   pearling and here you're multiplying the purlin  noise with your current valentines you can divide you can use the max which will be a  nicer combine you can use the minimum   where and so on i will use them max  or now i think it's really nice hey   let's save this by clicking save let's put  this as 0 6 mastering landscape okay so before continuing what i want to show you is that  you can change the size you can either do it now   and when you click on build you can change the  size here for example here i can use this one   and i will compute all the notes and have  a bigger result by default this one doesn't   have much resolution so what i can do is to put 2k  here and now it will compute all the nodes again and it will give me a higher resolution  okay so once once you do that   then i will have a higher resolution terrain and  you will see here is loading and there you go   now my terrain is much higher resolution which is  something that looks a little bit more pre okay so in the next step i'm going to show you how  to how we can create the landscape for this   project we're going to create a an open world  so we're going to take a look at other notes   so the next thing i will do is to put  a mountain here i will do this one here and you will see that it will create a mountain  let it load a little bit remember that we're using   okay okay so what i want to  do is to basically tell this like that okay and change the edge a little bit  and of course you can change the type to   something different for  example you can put a smooth which will be something like you may want  to be in dune or something something you   may want uh for me i will just put the display  set and i will change the type of the terrain   for example let's try the a1 okay try the b1 okay and now what i will do is go to levels  this will create a big montage like that   very cool actually but usually you don't  have this kind of mountains in real life   very strange so what we will do is below levels  we will clamp and we will put something like this hey then we will go to the transform to see if we  can move it a little bit let's here to transform and i will change the position i will move on x like this okay just like that great  another way i have my mountain i will put it here and i will blend this and sorry combine and i will  combine this one and this one there you go and now i have like a mountain  here so what i will do is to put max this will give me basically my mounting  here from this part and this part is   more flat with what i want okay so the next  thing we can do is to put a crater i will go here like that and actually i can i can  combine this here first so let's combine   let's see how it looks like okay and let's change the  bloody mode minimum maybe multiply really what i'm looking for let's  minimum or let's go to light it's not going to make it something like that maybe okay never mind so let's say we have our  our mountain here um another thing you   can do is of course is play with those for  example we can play with the batlands here this will give us some interesting looks like that very cool very cool so  what i can do is combine those two let's combine this one and what i can do is that maybe just ring okay this one actually destroys everything but the other one i want to do is the loop okay so the slope here we're going to take a look  at the mountain one tiny is here oh the slope   i'm gonna change the direction let's put 90 degrees like that  and we're going to clamp it we're going to reduce this a lot like this and we can change the noise to  spotify it will change the look of it okay like that and what you  can do is of course combine and just think with those combined and primitive  and create your basic shapes let's find those two unless maybe minimum or max okay and reducer ratio one will give slope and this one okay so this is basically the workflow i'm  happy with this actually so what i will do   is to put a erosion node so to put the erosion  is very simple the erosion is a very special note   here what you will have is your erosion so if you  click on this one it will take a while to load okay and now you can see i have  a much more natural result here   okay and what i can do is of course change the  random sedimentation to make it more realistic   and you notice that here i have a lock this is  my auto apply by default this node is very heavy   so it doesn't really load uh make the  changes affect the landscape once i   change the property so i need to click on apply  change if you don't want to do that just okay   but as you can see it's a little bit different i  think it was too much so let's apply changes again hey nice another thing i can  do actually is to put the alluvium which is like   it put like sand on top or something like that  which is very nice let's take a look at this take a while to load the result is really nice now you can see that it's much more  natural that's much more natural hey great i really like how our terrain is looking  so what we're gonna do is to export this so   there are two ways to export this actually if you  are using unreal engine 4 and you're not leading   into tiles then you will use this one in my  case i need to enable tiles because we are using or partition in unreal so if  i click new label time of day   let's just not save this we don't need it  let's delete the actors that come by default   and what we will do is to save  this level and this will be my map open world right so here what i will do is my export resolution is 2k okay if you are not  using tiles you need to resample this 2617 okay   and you can click on enable tiles and you will  see that this one is grayed out and the reason is we're going to use the tiles so how many  tiles do i want well i can either put 4 by 4   and i can put a resolution of 512 and i can put  a resolution of 128 and i will have 16 tiles   which is what i will do and i will resample this  to 127 once i have this i need to right click   and then mark for export here  i will put the format i want   png works and also rao works uh i will put that  around for now okay and my file name will be my   landscape height like that okay  and once i do that i will use   start building and it says that the preview  resolution is the same resolution i already built   so i can use the catch data i already have  and there you go i have my landscape data okay   now inside unreal i will create a tile 16x16  so i will just go here and go to my landscape   and here i will import from file and i  will try to look for my projects here my gaia builds master in landscape i will  click on this one okay and here i will take   a look at the tiles here 16 by 16 i will  put it here 16 by 16. i have a 2k by 2k   and is using 63 quads which means i will  use 2k resolution exact resolution i want   and then i just click import but before that  we need to scale our landscape so i find that   300 is a good number for gaia scale the landscape  for the height so let's do that click import and let's wait a little bit there you go now we  have our landscape here and if i go here and save i will have my landscape and of course here my grid is not  loading when i play but i play from here   uh reloading so on and so on so we will take  a look at that later but for now we already   have our landscape import into unreal and  it's very nice it has a lot of nice shapes   i like it it's very unique so the next thing  we're going to do is to modify this landscape   a little bit inside unreal using landmass so  another important feature of the landscapes is   the landmass and in order to have the landmass  first you need to go to edit plugins then type   landmass and here you need to enable it i already  have so i don't need to restart but once you do   it you just restart the editor and you will have  the landmass so how do you activate landmass well   let's go to your landscape let's create a new  one just so we can test okay so just like this   what i will do is to enable edit layers  which we did in last time so we recreate   our landscape so once we do that we will create  the landscape okay and now that we have this   we can sculpt as usual like this for example  or we can use something more sophisticated   so the first thing i'm gonna do is to  right click and create a new layer and then   we will call this landmass you can call it  anything you want but you notice that here   i have a new option called blueprint and  this blueprint will give me some options   it will give me some blueprints presets  that i have for the lens mask for now i will   only have the custom brush landmass i will just  click on this and once i do that i use click here   and you will see that i have all mountain here  now another thing you can see is that you have   some spline points so if i go here and i change  the points you will see that my landscape changes   so i can right click in one of the splines  and add a spline point here and go here and i can do the same here  to add another spline point   just like that i can also go out of this  mode and try to find my brush i can make it   bigger or smaller go into different direction  and i can move it to anywhere i want   just like that okay so let's take a look at the  properties of the landmass so the first thing   is that you can cap the shape okay and  you notice that i lose my mounting shape   so if you want to make a little bit higher just  play with a height here just like that you can   also play with the c offset let's say 5 12.  okay instead of doing it manually you can just   play with the offset if you want then  you have the falloff i put zero and   you won't have any follow-up here i put this  change the falloff okay then you have the width different falloff actually so actually  this one will work with the width so i   have 5 12 it will just look like that not not  fall off from here you can use 1k and so on   but i will put angle first okay and i will  remove the cap shape i can also invert the   shape if i want i have something like this  i can just move it up and down depending   on what i want to create okay so just be aware  that this kind of thing can really affect your your land mass so be aware of that  another thing is the max blend   you can put the max plant or the minimum blend or the additive mode which we will take a  look at where we have more complex landscape   so going down we have the effects  which is what this tool it's about   you have the blur size so if you want a  mulberry shape you can put something like 10   it would make it more blurry i will leave  that too for now you have the cross string   be aware that this one you need to remove just  play with the values here not so high like 0.5   0.2 ring you point something like three you  will definitely break your landmass go back   to our landmass again let's put something like  0.5 and then you have a secondary noise like 0.3 but this one's for super b 6 here 7 and we can actually  make this bigger too so we can   take a look at the noise better so let's go  back here the noise you can change it like this and play with it do you have a shape you want okay  and something like this could be uh coordinate   styling i have like something like 32 or two i  like to leave it at five but basically this will   give you some options to make your mountain so  the next one is the displacement you can put like   some noise here if i put 1k will have like this  4k you have crazy noise something like this   okay if i leave it at zero you won't see the  noise so i leave it at 156 for now just small   amount of noise or 512 make it more obvious  1k and then i could just change the tiling   something like 0.5 then make this one bigger or  if i want okay can really have different shapes   so i will leave this back to zero because the next  thing i want to show you is the inner smooth so   i can put like 1000 and this will smooth out this  part there you go alder smooth inner smooth is for   this part like that and 1000 maybe a little  bit too much so 512 or 256. probably 1000   watts so the next thing i want to show you is  the terrace i'm we'll put something like four and   then i will play with the mask like 108 and the  spacing we will make it smaller smaller smaller   something like this we can change the smoothness  if we want to make it really large or really   put something like this and of course you can  change different properties change the teres alpha   and of course the mass offset will  determine when your mask starts i have something like this and the beauty  of this is that you can go to your landmass   and you can just move it around you can rotate it  and it's a non-destructive process you can move it   up and you can even duplicate it by holding alt  sorry let's go back to the landscape and then   hold alt and now you will be able to see results  you can fill it up if you want that's something that you're looking for you can scale rotate and  you can even change some of the properties such as   the cap angle for example this one can be like  this and another one can be like a mountain or   this one instead of having the terracing alpha  let's go back to the defaults i have like a very   big mountain here build this up like this and  you will see that it gives me a lot of options so the next thing we're going to do is  to check how we can apply this to our   terrain to show you what is the best way  to create terrains should you use gaia or   war machine should you use everything in  unreal so the first thing we need to do   is to create a new map because we didn't enable  the layers in our previous map so we're gonna   import it again very easy we're just going to  landmass import from file and here i already have   a landscape i import from gaia just like we did  before and i have 16 by 16 i have 300 is my scale   and i'm gonna leave it like that so  i'm just going to hit import like that okay and now we have our landscape like  we did before but this time we have   layers i will create a new layer called landmass okay so here i will go to my blueprint select the landmass and click here   now you will see that i'm having an inverse  behavior and the reason is this landscape is very different it's not planar it has different  angles and a lot of things so the blending   mode is a little bit strange so this is where my  blending mouse comes into play if i go here to   my alpha blend blend mode i can just click  on max and then i can just move this one try to move it up or down play with the values a little bit  play with the offset tap shape go to the minimum this does you can  either invert the shape if you want and it up or move it down try  to play with it a little bit okay max and there you go move it up just  enough so you can see it   okay this is one of the issues you may  have if you have your own landscape   so you can cut the shape if you want you  can see that mine is very old so i can the offset put something like 2000 okay   and i can i can move the splines a little  bit for example i can do something like this i can move this line here okay  let's go back find our landmass here we can move outline right click at a  spline point here basically have any if you want   so you notice that these two can be combined  so if i play with this for example i can go to   my curl noise i can make it there a little bit  and play with the noise like 0.5 and then 0.46 and then i can just play with the size of my landscape for example  something like this and i can make it bigger   if i want to have a small mountain okay and  then i can go here i put something like zero   zero four or zero point three okay 0.7 12 that's  a lot okay let's just leave it at zero six and   then the displacement height i can put like  2048 and notice that because we're in max mode   i will not affect other areas if i put minimum i  will make something like this which is something   really nice actually if you want to  create something like that you can have it   of course you can have the alpha blend but it  will give you very strange results because this   landscape have different heights this is why  i prefer max mode okay so once you have this you can do the outer smooth something like  1000 and you can have something like this   okay and now that you have this you can  just move this one you can just put it   anywhere you want actually and it will blend  really nicely with your landscape like that of course if you put the alpha blend it will have  like blending this part with this part but then   you will need to play with the other smooth for  example here uh let's go back to here other smooth   something like 4000 this is how your landscape  will blend much better with the current state of your height map like if your height mics  like this then if you put zero sorry not here   zero here you will see that i have no blending  so if i go here and put something like 2000   or yeah something something like that or even 1  500 3000 you will see that my landscape blends   really nicely with my terrain so i can just move  it here and of course i will have some artifacts   here because this one is going up and this one  now so what i can do is just move this one up   a little bit but with this one with this mode i  will have much more control so this is the way you   can add modifications to your existing landscape  because when you create this landscape from gaia   or war machine or any other software then you're  not limited to what you created that so far you   don't need to go there again you can just go to  unreal and change the look of your landscape and   the landmass is not the only tool you can you can  have you can actually create a new one this manual tweaks okay and here you can just copy   hold here something like this or  you can smooth this out if you want or you can make a ramp and change the width of the ramp  something 1000 and click ok and then   you will have like a ram for your game for example  and then you can smooth this area and you can   modify the landscape in any way you want and if  you don't really like the results you can just   remove the alpha like 0.5 to reduce the intensity  or zero it will reduce everything or you can use   toggle the layer visibility and you can either  delete you want and you can just keep everything like you had before so this is the best way to  work with landscapes it's the way i find you   have more control over the look of your landscape  and also some procedural generation that you can   use so that you have more control over the pads  for example like you want to put a castle here   you really need a mountain and you really  didn't have it before you can just put this one and we will continue to work on materials now  all right guys so the first idea was to show   you how to do it files in a real engine 5 but  unfortunately uh they really do not support a   lot of feet now it's the landscape is pretty  broken so if you try to paint the landscape   and add materials here you won't be  able to do it with the world partition   however there is a solution and i won't be able to  make a super big work as i planned because like i   said unreal engine 5 are really ready for that and  in a real engine 4 more composition appreciated in   the future so there is no point on t so for now  uh we will keep it simple a really nice landscape   so remember we explore the tile output here  with enable tiles well now if you want to   import one landscape you need to label this  okay and the next thing you will see is that the   resample is available here so what you need to do  is to go here and my resolution is okay that means   two kilometers that's what i want and i will 2017  as my resolute if this one was 1k i will choose   1009 and apparently i kind of have lower  resolution um if if last 500 something i will   505 and so on but for now we are gonna  stick with 2017 with a raw format   and i will just start building i already have the  catch data of my files so i will just build that   and it's you safe i will copy this  and i will come here to my landscape   okay landscape here okay so let's create a new map  mastering landscapes and then my map open world one party uh hold no pretty no tiles  better open world no tiles okay   so we will go here or landscape and as  you can see i don't have the option for   word partition and the reason  is i went to my project settings   and i went to world partition and i disable this  okay for now we're not gonna use it it really   landscapes are not working really well in  a real engine five i tried a lot of things   so for now we will the tutorial on work  partition later when it's more stable   show more stuff you can but for now let's  come back here and i will import from file   and i come here paste this and i will  just put my landscape height here   and as you can see it already shows the  height map resolution uk and here 16x6   and 2k this number must be the same as this  one remember otherwise you will have problems   the last game what the landscape won't  match so let's click import and with that   we will have our landscape okay beautiful so now  that we have this our landscape is only in one   and if we play from here we see that  everything will be loaded unlike before all right pretty fun actually so now what we're  gonna do is to do some materials and   we will do some basic materials and then  we will go deeper and show you how you can   decorate your landscape the idea is to make this  modular and so that you can have have the setup   um plug in your landscapes have your  automatic material and make them free okay so let's go to the fundamentals of painting  landscapes painting the landscapes can be a little   bit different so let's take it step by step so the  first thing is that i add some content from quixo   i already add these materials if you want to add  them feel free to use them i add this rocky soil   ground iceland decrease your sand beach rocks this  one i'm not sure if i add or not but in any case   if you want to add it i'm downloading the medium  quality i don't need a super high resolution one   i'm just clicking at and this will  take automatically my material here so   what i need to do first is to create a material so  let's go to our folder let's go to new folder and   call materials and here i will right click and  create a new material and call it m landscape   and by the way if you are new to materials make  sure you check our video on how to start learning   materials for beginners we will learn from  the very scratch okay so here in my landscape   you will see that it's a little bit different and  let me explain a little bit so first thing is that   we have painting modes so if i go to my landscape  and go to my painting you will see that i have   layers the layers work like photoshop so if  i drag this you will have the base layer here   like that this will be the layer 1 for  example and on top you will have the layer 2   and the layer 3. so you will paint on top of  these layers now in order to create these layers   in the landscape we need to do  something special in the material   so in order to do that what  i'm gonna do is to create alert   holding l with this will create a lap all right  another lap let's just create the colors first   so by holding tree you will be able to create  the notes or whole dmv you will create a parameter so just call this one b just call it b that's all right you just  put three so let's put this color here   and then ctrl w to duplicate and then just put  it going okay and the next thing we need to do   to appear in these layers is to have a type  landscape and then you will put layer blend okay   and automatically it will have an  array here of zero elements you can add   this will be my layer one and it will be  this one and then i will have my layer 2 like this and it will be this one and i will  connect this to the base color and apply okay so what do we need to do now it's to apply the landscape material here  so i'm gonna go here to m and put this one okay so now that we have this  what do we need to do to fill   okay we need to create an asset  that has the information so let's   click wait layer info and automatically it  will create a folder inside my map folder   with the name of my of my level so  my l1 will have a layer info here click on it you will see that here i have my layer  info it's just an asset as have any value here so   just keep that in mind uh you can do the  same here as you can see my landscape is   already turning right okay so what can i do now  well i can paint for example i can paint here and you will see that it's blending between the  green and the red and i can smooth it out if i   want make it even more blending just this kind of  stuff but the idea is that you can paint like this   now we don't want to use these  colors we want to use textures   so let's put the first texture so what i'm going  to do is to go to my content browser ctrl space   and let's let's just try to find something  nice okay let's okay maybe uh maybe send okay   maybe send okay so what we're gonna do is to drag  this tree and we're gonna put it here okay and you   notice that i have three textures and that's only  one layer so if i comment this i will put like l1   like that this will be my layer one and the next  thing i need to do is to change these textures to   sampler to shared wrap so that i can use basically  more textures as you can see i have a limit here   and i have like six layers multiplied by three  i will have like 18 and that's a lot of textures   but the problem is that if i put this one here you  will see that i have my texture i will hit apply okay my texture is here is just that is very small so what i need to do is to duplicate this and for the roughness i need to do the same like   i believe the roughness is the green one so  i need to do this and layer two let's choose   something like this for now okay and  then we need to do the normal map so   what we need to do is to control w and we need to put the normal here and then  another normal here so that's going to be   a little bit messy and we don't really want  that so what i'm going to do is to delete this   okay and what i'm going to create is  a material so i'm going to right click   and check make material attributes what this  will do is to create a material inside a material   basically just the attributes it will be stored  here so i can just put the base color here   and i can put the normal here and i can  put the next ones such as my roughness   am in occlusion and if i want i can put  the word displacement to store it here   but i don't really need it if you check the maps  you will see here individual channels here red it   this will be my ambient occlusion green this will  be my roughness and blue this will be my height   so just by doing that i can just connect this okay  and what i'm gonna do now is to put another one   so i'm just going to ctrl w okay just like  this and i'm going to change the textures   and this time we're going to use  something like a rock so let's go to this one or icelandic cliff or maybe this one so  just by doing this we will change clicking the   arrow here and then go back here ctrl space click  the normal map and then click the arrow then go   back here click the mask and change it and just  by doing that i will connect this to my layer too   okay let's delete this we don't need it right  now and now we have a material that is plugging   into the base color and i don't really want that  so what i can do is to break material attributes   i have two options i can either do this and i can  put the base color here the roughness the normal   and the ao okay so i can do that or i can just go  here to my material properties just by clicking in   any part of the graph and just click use material  attributes and instead of doing this i can just   drag this and it will work but will work so for  now i will just use the material attributes so   let's click apply and now we  will check if our material works   okay great so my material works  but the tiling is a little bit   funny so what i'm going to do is to create an  instance so i'm going to make a tile for all my   layers so i'm going to press u to create a texture  coordinate or you can just type texture coordinate   here then m then i will multiply  you can also press m and drag this   then press one and then just check this now  for me i want all my tiles to have the same   textile density that's what i want i will  just put them all into the same slot so i will connect this one like this okay and what i can do is to right click this  and convert parameter and this will be my tiling   okay and just by doing that i can just put  maybe 0.1 by default let's see how it looks like and now it looks a little bit better  but i don't have control over the tiling   if i want to change the tiling i need  to change it here something like 0.05   and apply and this looks a little bit more better  but no i don't have much control so what i can do   is to control b to check the asset where it's  located and i can right click and create a   material instance and this will be my mi landscape  band something like that okay let's save it   and what i can do is to go to my  landscape and change the material to my landscape that just like that and looks like  nothing has changed but now when i open the   scent material i can either open it here or go  to my content browser and open it you will see   that i have my tiling here so what i can do is  to change the tiling for example 0.1 0.05 0.02   and i can just do that until  i find something that i want let's put 0.08 maybe looks like a nice  number okay so now that what i can do   is to go here and just paint for example i  can paint in this area i will just paint here and i will have my landscape here  i can paint the rocks and i can   just increase the brush size and  the strength and just paint here and i can continue to do that  and you notice that when i paint   we have a really smooth transition between the two   and that's not really natural although it's a very  cheap way to do it if you are doing a mobile game   or something and you want to save some memory  this kind of transition is very cheap but what   i want to do is to make the transition a little  bit nicer so we're going to work on that next   so to get the blending a little bit better  what we're going to do is to do a height blend   so we're going to our landscape and you will see  that in this texture here i have a height map so   how this works is that the black areas here are  the lowest parts of my texture and the white ones   are the highest parts so in between the two when  i start blending my texture i will start blending   starting from here and i will go up and up until  i start blending in this area so i will start from   the bottom to the top and this is naturally  what it will happen the highest areas tend   to be less influence so we're going to do that  and we're going to do that using this texture   so the way we're going to do it is that we're  using the word displacement here the blue channel   and here in my layer blend i will leave the first  one to lb just like that and the next one will be   my height blend so my height blend will  use the layer two okay and what i can do   is to drag this here just like that okay now  it's becoming a little bit messy but we're   going to arrange things a little better and  also let's rename this to l2 like that apply   okay and looks like nothing has happened and  the reason is we haven't applied contrast   okay so what does contrast do is let's apply  a cheap contrast and let's put this one here   and then right click and start previewing note   and to make this one a little bit  better we'll just put the tiling to one   and you will see that i have my height  map here exactly what i have here okay   so what i can do is to go here press one  and plug this in okay and what i can do   is to increase the contrast by one you'll see  that i have my original mask here now two three or something like that you'll see  that my contrast is a lot more higher   so what i can do is to right click convert  parameter and i will put a height length contrast okay and then i will just go here and  i will put it here now hit apply save and now we're going to our instance and  let's see how it looks like my contrast is   zero and put one and it looks like this  i can put zero after i can put five something like 50 and it's super  contrasty i want something like 10 50 looks like a nice number for us to use so with  this you can already have a lot more control okay   so now our areas look a little bit better like you  notice that here the black sand that we have here   it's in the bottom so now where we're blending  with the sand now it starts from here and it   will start blending really nicely and this  will work great when we have more textures so   what i want to do now is to just you know put more  textures and see if they work together well or not   okay so what i'm going to do is to just add  more textures it will be very easy i can choose   like all this and duplicate like that and i can  add more let's go back to our content browser   go here so let's add this clip here   so let's rename this l3 we don't want to get  confused and here we're going at this one   and then this one and then we're going  to pass here and then we're going to duplicate this okay we're going to put  l4 here and now we're going here and or use yes coral beach so put this one here here this one here do another  one how many you think   well with landscape it's better to have more  land so that you have have more variation   a lot of the blending problems are resolved  just by adding more pictures in your landscape okay that then this one let's here layer six okay then here in my shoreline  this one here then my normal map and this one if i have more um maybe this  one okay so let's put another one here my l7 and now we're going to put this one here it's always nice check how everything works  on text so we're going to put this one here   and now we need to put the height contrast so   i'm going to create a material parameter  collection okay so that we have   more control over it but i'm gonna do that later  okay so here let's add another one will be my l3   as always it will my height blend  and i can just connect this one here and i can just duplicate this one and  the contrast can be the same one and then   here i can use this one my blue one okay and then  i can just put it here i can do the same for l4 again this kind of process is very manual  but once you have the master material you   can reuse it in all your projects and of course  i will share with you master material of this   don't worry so l4 will be here so this one  we will put it just here and then we will   ctrl w and we will put the contrast here  this one and then just move this one here and   put the displacement here and the result  goes into my height and do the same here   l5 now you notice why i don't  name this landscape like sand rock etc and the reason is with time you may  change the landscape to something different for   example you may want to add snow so if you put a  rock and sand there then it's very hard to change   these names later and then you will be  confused like why is my sand paintings no   why is my grass painting rock so it's  very used to name them by number okay here ctrl w and the contrast b my  cheap contrast and this is my l5 make sure we are on l5 and then here and then  open this one up and of course you can choose make it a little bit easier now two more to go one more here l6 height blend like that then my height my cheap contrast  here are my contrast i will this one and here this one here okay i find that the  list parameters i have in my landscape and i can   only globally it's much easier to work with so  keep that in mind so the next one will be my l7 okay and my l7 will also have a height blend i will connect this one here and then i  will w my chip contrast i will plug this in i just like that i will do one  here and just the result here hey we are almost done what we need to do  is to connect the tiling so just filing here hey here that then here and what we can do is to here  faster and we can move it back later now it's a little bit messy  but we will organize it a bit   and even create functions if we  want this case we're fine hey it's a little bit messy but it works so right here previewing and this one we can put here if  we want okay now we have a lot of layers   so the next thing we need to do is to try it   so we will go to my landscape here and if you  don't see the layers updated the reason is   we need to open the label again so  let's open an empty label and then go   file labels and open our map and  now we when we go to landscapes with   our layer info so we just need to create one for  l3 the same one for l4 do the same one for l5   same one for l6 do the same one for l7 right okay so now that you have your layer info   let's try and paint something  close this and let's go here   let's just brush size a little smaller but the  layer one is this one layer two you will have   this material here okay and if you paint layer one  here you will see blending really nicely and even   reduce the strength here have a little bit of sand  that's great this will create almost an entirely   new material so now we paint this okay so this one  is a cliff looks bigger so let's crank here okay then we can paint with scent here want okay like this the cliff looks like i will  take a look at it maybe i will change it   so let's keep going the next one is this one this is the sand and default let's see how they work together  here okay it looks very nice   this all these three are working really nice so  let's contin l5 l5 but this one is another one yeah we will use it okay   great and we let's see how it blends with another  one if we paint really all of my sand here nicely hey right i'm here okay go to layer six and we put more more of this great how all this materials can work together like that now let's go to seven or less cent okay so here hey this is great so the only one that i  feel that i i need to change is the cliff   i feel like it's not blending nicely it  could work eventually put it like this but let's take a look at our pictures here i feel  like yeah they could work together let's lift the   cliff like that for now so what we're going to do  now is to create an automatic material so what the   automatic material will do is to automatically  place these textures into their own uh position based on the angle of the slope and  based on other parameters that we can use   so that we can have a base to work  with so with that uh we're going to   doing that but first it's important to know  that our materials are working really well   and it's working really nicely and the  rocks everything it's really nice to see   that it works really nice like this  it's very important to do the palette   okay so let's start creating the first step of  our material automatic material so let's go to our   landscape here landscape cultural landscape and  the automatic material will it's just a fancy name   to call it it's just another layer but it's not  using the paint maps basically so what you can do   what we actually need to do is to move all of  those so i will do it on my site actually but let's create another one and this  will by l8 okay put the height here and what i can do is to move with control all  of those okay so let's control this one this one control control control control click  click it wasn't that bad actually a then here in layer one i will layer  two here and height i will put my i need to create a height for this  one so i will keep contrast here this one here and my height blend will here then  the result will be in my layer two   so i need to rename all of those i will  do it very quickly with l2 one with three l4 i shall come up with a better name actually um  nope for these ones actually only for the first   one make it a little bit more organized  okay so there you go so my layer one   will be my automatic mate so how are we gonna  do that well it's very simple my automatic   material will use a slope and i will have more  things for my automatic material but for now   my automatic material will use  slope so what i will do if i blend   material layer blend oh let's just put recolor  section just put three here unless you call this   right and this one will be very obvious okay so  what i will do is put a lerp on those by holding   l and i will put this here and this  one here and my alpha will be a slope float mask okay so my slope mask i will plug  it in and i will take a look how this looks   by default is you the value so i will put the slope angle   i will put the values here so let's start putting  the parameters but first let's just take a look   at how this looks so this is the beginning  of our automatic material brace yourself gonna be amazing put it here and then uh oh  okay so we need to create a material actually   we cannot use this to test um so we're going to  create the material so make material attributes   base color okay put this one here it's color  and let's just put it here do not put the   larp this will not work okay here unless put  a material blend and we will look for material   length standard and this will this will be my  base material and this will be my top material   and of course this will be my alpha i will put  it here on layer one okay so what will happen now   is that we have something like this and the  only parts that i have in respect this one's so   what i will do if i want to apply my automatic  material i need to right click and fill layer okay and actually i need to create my weight  map for this okay great okay so let's just   agree that my l1 is my automatic material  and the rest ones will be manual tweaks   okay so this is my automatic material now uh what  i can do you can see that it's working here i have   a different color for it look that is very hip  so what we can do is to change parameters so   let's put all of those we will put the slope  angle by holding v we can create a vector3 vector parameter just like this  okay and i will put it here   and i will put by default this will be blue  one okay then i will check the falloff power like that i will put it here one for now then i will put ctrl  w and i will connect this contrast like that okay and just by doing that i already  have some parameters to play with so you can see   it's starting to work a little bit so let's  take a look at our material material instance here my cheap contrast i can change it to 2  and you will see that let's take a look here   it will make it more contrasty is what i want  the falloff of course i can make it like this be do something like this if i want  it and release use the contrast   and the good thing about this is that let  me save this if i go to my landscape and   then i decide i want to sculpt something  and i didn't put layers sorry for that so brush size like that and i will bolt like this  and i can do the flattening here but not just at the target this  one you will see that i have my landscape here and i have   you know another material on top so let  me see okay so what we can do really first off play with these values  until we have something we like   and of course we can change  the slope angle like this here and it will change up ring  one to the green channel one here and i don't know if that will work so let's  just put one so this will be my first base   of my landscape material okay so the next thing  we're going to do is just to replace this with   some materials we already have so this will be  very simple we just need to choose which material   we want so for this one the green one will be  my top material okay and the red one will be my rock material like that and we  don't need this anymore okay and let's click apply let's see how it looks like and okay we we have  something that is automatic not exactly pretty   but you know it's working so um what the next thing we need to  do is to put the tangent normal here   and i can just put the  normals of this one so let's i can either drag like this or i can be a  little bit more polite and it's like fake get material attributes here  and i can just put a normal i can use normal here and  i can put it here like that if i want it strike everything from   you know from from that material so i don't  need change than normal and it's like like 80. okay great so now that we have our normal  you see that we are actually having more control if i right click and  preview this note just like this   it before um you will see  that i have my normal here i   unconnect this you will see that i have a smooth  follow-up but if i have the normal i will have   this type of blend exactly what i want okay  all right so the next thing we're going to do   is to go to gaia and grab some maps that we can  use in our automatic material okay okay so now   in order to complete our automatic material uh  we need to create some mask that we can use when we create our terrain in gaia we can  export some masks that we can use   in our landscapes to texture it faster now  this will be a base for us like i showed before   you can paint in the landscape and do the details  you want but this will help to have a base   so here in gaia i have a tab that is called data  and the data will grab a bunch of masks that i   can use in order to texture my landscape  so for example i can grab the flow data and i can just put it here now you notice that  my landscape became flat and the reason is i'm   previewing this that is a 2d mask so what i need  to do is to come here and then right click and   then ping as underlay or you can also press the  g button now when i go to my flow you will see   that i can see on 3d how my mask looks like  now you can change a bunch of properties here   for me this looks pretty fine actually you  can add more details like this for example but to me i find that this one looks very good   let's try it with this two otherwise  we will just leave it with the one okay let's just leave it like this usually the  flow is where will the water will come down also   this one looks like a nice map to have so you  have a bunch of options here and personally i have   some of the some of my favorites i will show you  this one is the angle one so the angle will just   drop like a just wrap any particular angle so  for example i can put like 45 degrees here and   i can change the minimum here like maybe 15 and  the maximum to maybe 24 22 something like that   you have more contrast something like that  okay and the falloff i can leave like that okay   uh this can serve as a nice texture  base i want it to have one so   another one i have is my height so the height  one i can either type height here or from here go height and you will grab this it will grab a  mask that is based on the height of our mesh so   in order to see this better i can just put  like minimum 10 okay this okay 43 and just   remove the falloff like one so this will give me  like a mask that i can use so you can see here   that i have my height and if i want lower  values i can just grab the height again   and instead i will put the  minimum to 0 and the maximum to 10 and then i will connect this so this  way i can cover my entire landscape   so what i can do here if i take my two masks one  ends up here and the other one ends up really far   so what i can do is either change  the falloff to something like two something like that maybe okay so the next thing  i can do is maybe combine for example i want to   combine this angle with this height here so what  i can do is tap and type combine and once i find i can just grab the angle and then grab the height and i can just change the  blending mode maybe to multiply and i can just put the ratio to 100 so i can take  a look at how it will look like so this is how my   texture will look like if i just put it like that  okay i can do the same here i can just combine i can mask my bottom part so let's let's  put the angle here and let's put our height now i can just put multiply and then 100 here and now what i have is this mask then i have this mask and i have this mask   okay perfect now what i want to do is combine  them so i will type here the rgb mix okay so   the rgb mix will create a rgb texture red green  and blue and i will plug them into the right   of the right channels so let's say for this one  we already have our our automatic slope mask   so we're gonna texture this we're gonna use this  to texture different um materials we can put in   the ground this will this can be very helpful  so let's put this one here in the red channel   and then i will put my height in the blue  channel and then i will put my flow sorry   my height three and then my flow in the blue  and you will see that i have something like this   okay so now now you think what do i do with  the red the black ones so the black ones is the   automatic material we just created in unreal so  if we want to export this we can just go to build   and here i can just right click and mark for  export and i can for this for example as a png8 okay and this is the resample and i can start  the build i already have it catch so i will just   click yes and with that i will have  my texture here wait a little bit okay so now we have our texture here and our  height map and now that we have uh gaia here   we can create like a master gaia file that  we can use so we if we want to create another   terrain we can use the automatic material  here great now we just need to go to unreal so now that we have our mask we just need to  import the texture like new folder pictures   i will put this one import and let's paste here  and you will see that i have my png file okay and   now that we have this we need to put that this is  a mask so we have all the values from zero to one   and you will see that i have my red channel the  green one and the blue one and it's working great okay so now that we have our texture  here we just need to go to our landscape   and let's crack this texture let's  rename this for example underscore ring zero one mask okay so we just drag this and  in order to see this better we need to plug it in   so first we need some coordinates so we will go  to landscape and this time we're going to use   landscape landscape layer chords so what this will  help me is to basically have a one-to-one ratio   with my landscape size and put it in  the uvs so i will put the scale to 2017   which is exactly the size of my texture 2017  here okay and now that i do that i just click   here and let's preview this to check how this  works so we're going to make material attributes   so we can take a look at how it will look  like put the base color here and then put   this into the layer one click apply and there  you go now you have a mask here that is using   all your landscape now that's great so let's  let's try to make something out of this so let's   remove this and the first thing i need to do  is to grab my panels individually now let me   explain this a little bit better our slope mask  will be our base layer this will be our slope   and then we will have the red one here on top  and then the green one and then the blue one   and you will have like three masks that we  can use but the base one will be the slope   which means that the black areas of my landscape  will be filled with this one automatically which   is great and i don't need to use another texture  because the slope is calculated automatically in   my landscape so now that we have this we can  just come here and do a material layer blend and i will use put material layer blend  standard so the base material will be this one   and the top material can be anyone for example  i can put maybe this one okay so let's take a   look at our red channel we will put it here  and then we will put the top will be my layer well it just says layer five  okay so let's connect this and we will put it here  this will be our layer five   okay now let's take a look at how  it looks like we can try it out click here why now you will see i have this  texture that is happening here now this looks   a little bit blur so what we can do is use the  contrast node so let's use the shape contrast   and we can put it here okay and then we  will create with one as color parameter   right click convert parameter and we will  call this mask right and then we will call we will put one by default we will  put it here a result put this one here   okay click apply and then we will go our material  instance here and we just need to change power   basically the contrast so and just put  we go here we'll see a little bit much 0.1 put something like this okay and put 12  you want you want to make it really sharp or you can just leave it at 3 if you want  up to you actually so now that you have this   let's let's just leave it at one for now and what  we will do is to do another layer and this one   will work for our mountains so let's go this one  here a little bit and let's control w this one my   base layer will be this one and my cliff will  be for example l4 so we will grab the l4 here   okay and being the top material and then  i'm gonna grab the cheap contrast again okay and i put the green one and then  i will put the green contrast here   i will put it on alpha and then i will  put it on layer one like that okay and now you see that i have my mountain  and is having two lectures here   that we can use right we will  take care of the tiling later   but for now this seems to work okay  so for now now we will do another one ctrl c ctrl v this will be my base  material and my top material let's say   it could be this one or not it really doesn't  matter the only thing that matters is how it   looks at the end so just put the top material  here and the alpha we're gonna do the same ctrl c   ctrl v and this one will be my mask  blue contrast i will put it here   then i will put it in the alpha and with  this we finish our automatic material almost now we have something like this great now we can refine this and we can paint more  stuff if we want um on my site i'm gonna play   with it until i have a nice a nicer look and then  we will take a look at how we can solve the tiling   but for now if we play from here you will see that  it is really nice to have like this base for now   and of course you can change the material for  example you don't like this one going on here   it's very simple we can just go to l8 and swap it  and just go here delete click apply and now you   will have other material here that you're using  for this one and now of course you can change the mask here for example uh sorry not  this one let's use the material instance like this you can change the blue one  for some by two or zero point one make it   uh this is not really  natural actually but like one just something like that and then you can do the  same here for this one and change the class to one here okay so the idea is that  we have different materials here   i find that this one is this one is working  okay although this sound doesn't look really   realistic so what i'm going to take a  look at my site is these textures until   i find something i like so now that we have  our old map here you can see that the tran a guard very natural and the reason is  this mask is mask and what i want to do   is mix them with my height map so it will  be very simple i'm going to my landscape   my automatic material and what i will do here  is this mask i will multiply it and i will grab   the alpha and the alpha that i will grab is one  here for example this l6 i will drop that first   drag it until i take the multiply  that and just in case i will clamp   okay i will put now let's take a look  at what happens so when i click apply see that now my landscape is tiles and is  mixing between much more natural so what   i want to do is the same for the rest ones so i  will go back to this i will multiply click here   remember to lamp so that my maximum value  is always one and the top material here b   l4 so let's grab l4 grab the first and  just all right now that we have this   alpha and then we're gonna do the same  here multiply grab the contrast from   the right channel check the top material by  hovering house you will align highlights so   find that is l5 grab the contrast and  we put a multiply and then we i'm here   and we're here and then keep apply and like  that now our landscape look much more released   now uh there is one issue though and that is um it really therefore we still have to eat so but at this  point you have something to work on for example   you want to paint a little bit of this layer  let's say um i don't know layered and paint here and let's wait for the faders to file well but  this space is supposed to give you a starting   point here you can paint this like and you will  have your height map nice you can have the tree   fall off and use everything into place just like  this and maybe drop this one five in here the sand and if big and everything will be much better  so at this point what i want to deal with is   the tiling that i can see the tiles from  fence for one thing i feel my pictures i will maybe i will change the tiling but  the problem is from distance i can see   so what we're going to do is change the tiling  base now that we have our mask working it   change the tiling basin and it's gonna be very  simple so what we're gonna do go back to our   landscape and if you don't find it like me and  just and go to the landscape material click browse   and there you will find your landscape okay so  what we need to do is blending we're gonna you   let's arrange this first let's wrap this  and let's comment this automatic material okay so what we need to do is to grab a  note that is very for us camera left right   okay so what this does and i'm gonna start  as i get far it gets white and as i get close   it's dark okay so the fade length will determine  at which distance i change this offset so   in order to do this i can create a fake length  attribute like alt one click and then right   click convert to parameter paid length and  let's just put it one for now it happens and like 100 maybe 1 000 okay oh this one  looks better okay so now that we have this   we have our mask let's create something in the  back so let's hold three times unless right and then and ring okay and  then what we're gonna do is to herp between the two so here in the camera depth  fade go to the result and plug it into alpha   and then go into the practice this one go  to a this and then we're going to create   a new node or make material attribute here and  we're going to connect the base color here and   we're just going to plug this layer one for now  remember that we're going our automatic material   test this out oh let's click  apply see what happens okay   as you can see i already have some paintings  and here in my landscape i can just   paint and then here in the layer info i can just  right click and fill layer and what this is that everything will use my automatic material so if i  go far i cannot any difference so what i will do   my material instance and this try to play with the  values for example you can play something like 10   000 maybe let's go here and here you can  see that i have a red one is the close one   one the one that goes on top is the one  that is closed and the one that is far   green and it has a gradient so what i  can do is something like ten thousand   five thousand like something like  25 000 work maybe and as i continue you can see i have a gradient all this  okay so i will leave it at 25 000 for now   so now that we know that this  works with lagging or textures   so in order to try this out what we need to  do is wrap this but only this what we need   actually let's just grab these two we  don't need this anymore we already know back here okay and this is my fate and  you see here that i have my tiling here   so i can use the same i can  use alert and i can plug in   my alpha but this time what i'm gonna do  is to learn between different coordinates   the one that is close is going to  be a i'm going to put this one here and by holding ctrl i'm going to drag  like this and i'm going to here so   a will be my closed styling  i will call this low styling   and then for v is going to be my far  tiling i'm going to duplicate this one and put it here okay and actually what i need to  do create another set okay i do this won't work uh because of the way it  works we're changing the tiling based on the   camera depth and it works very well so let me  show you i mean i just go here to my landscape that i have my whole styling and here i  have my bar tiling okay i just like that change those based on the distance   and my fart tiling well our timing  zero here and the close stylings like and you see that both of them are basically doing  the same they are not really changing anything so   in order to fix it what do we need to do  is to basically duplicate these textures   and have another one i'm going to make this bigger  and i'm going to work on this one first okay so   first and l2 and this is gonna be my test what i'm  gonna do is to herp is two textures actually so   i check this texture first this  one will like close styling   i will like that okay but this  one will by far tiling i will just okay so now that i have my bar tiling here   i don't need the lerp anymore  and what i can do is to actually okay and then i will let's duplicate all of those  and put or we we can control w something like that   and we can put a fire tiling here and we can do  the same here w and put the fire tile in here like that and now that we have this what we need  is to alert let's put the layer and the layer   in my closed styling and i'm going to  comment this here just close texture   i r okay and now that i have this i can go b   and here in my camera fade i can just  practice my alpha and i can do the same here and i can plug this in i can do the same here practice and then i can just drag this one and put it in my alpha so just like that we already have the alpha   for this that is used our camera distance and this  one is used a different value but in our material   so what do we go here and let's exchange this  okay and here in the normal map we will need   something extra so here what we  need to do is to do a rgb complete uh component mask so there are several ways  to and either use a component mask and here a red one go here to ambient occlusion and  you can put ctrl w and you can put the green   one here and this oh the roughness and then  you can control w and here and put the one so just like that and delete all of those into  different channels if i click on this one   one will have my height i want this one we have  my roughness and if i check this one i have my ao   okay so one and okay so now that we have this what we  need to do try it out go back okay and   here in order to try it out i will fill this right  click and fill the layer 2 for all my landscape   and what this will do is to put my landscape entirely using the layer 2 mask so here i can  check the closed styling i can put 0.5 0.1   0.01 i can see that the lower the value  the bigger it is so i will grow one also okay and then from distance we can  put something like 1 5. sorry 0.01   and you can see that from distance  this one looks much bigger i can put i for 0.5 and as you can see from  distance you can see the touch   actually very big and as i get closer i get the  close styling like this and this one a little for me so i will just like this like 0.0 play with the values like that and here when  you are in this part and filing all and from   distance use values okay so now that we have  this i'm going to do the same for the rest of the   okay i completed my landscape blending here so you  can see the layers i just duplicate and did the   same process for all of them basically  the texture is connected the clothes   and the fire tiling like this and and then you're  going to do that for the normal and then for the   mask i did something different although the result  is the same this one breakoutflow three components   will be a little bit easier to work with just  need to work with one note so just by doing this   after the layer blurb you can break out the  float and then you can specify which component   you want to drag out of it in my case i just  drag the blue one for the work displacement   and then the end and occlusion and then the  roughness and i make sure i put the cheap contrast   and i did the same for all the layers so now that  we have this what we want to do is to add some   beautiful high field mesh so this one will  help us here when we play the game you see that   my texture is really flat and i don't  really want that so in a real engine 4   we have the word displacement which we can  multiply by the vertex and it will push the height information of the texture so that this  one goes high based on the texture that we have   and this will give us more realistic details  so we're going to do that so before we do that   we need to enable some stuff what we need to do  is to go to our plugins and type virtual height   field mesh okay and make sure this is enabled be  aware that this is an experimental feature and   once you enable you need to restart i'm not gonna  do that now because i already did and then go to   edit then project settings and then type virtual  texture and here in virtual texture support you   need to enable this and you need to restart the  editor and it will take a while to load all the   shaders but once you do that you're fine so this  is the very basic setup we need to start working   with virtual texture okay so now that we have  our plugins enabled we need to do some stuff so   first we need to modify our landscape so that  it can output some virtual text texture outputs   so if we go to our landscape here in this is my  final output what i can type is runtime virtual   and you will see a bunch of options here you will  find a virtual texture output if you click on this   you will see that i have a bunch of inputs i can  put however because i'm plugging in the material   i cannot really delete those so what i need  to do is to break material attributes here like that and for the virtual texture output  i will just drag all of those my base color my   roughness and my normal and for my work height i'm  just going to do something a little bit different   remember that i have my word placement here that  i'm connecting in all these ones here now we're   going to use this to grab the world displacement  but we're not gonna put it here what we need to do   is to grab the absolute or position just  like that so we have the word position   of our mesh and then we can use a component  mask to drag the z axis and if we take a look at   what this looks like you will  see that i'm grabbing a mask   okay only based on the c height okay so  now that i have that what i need to do   is just multiply so hit m to grab the wall  displacement and then wrap these two and   here i will put the scalar parameter and i will  call it my this place virtual height displacement something like that or i can  just call it displacement it just like that i will just put it  here and now what i need to do is to   add these two so i will have the word position so  it will be something like this i have my my map this let's just say this is our landscape and  on top of this the red part and then the green   one will be my world displacement with which will  be here will be something like this if we do not   do this otherwise our displacement will be here  and it will be below our landscape so make sure   you put these two together and then what  we need to do is to add them by pressing a   so we can have the two positions and then we can  just put in the work height and just like that we have created our runtime virtual  texture now that i have this i can just   i can just create my visual texture in my content  browser i will just go to map here ctrl space   and here in my materials i will right click then  go to materials and textures and then create   a runtime virtual texture so this  one will be called rbt landscape   height just like that let's save this and when  you open it you will see a bunch of properties   so here you don't really need to  change anything except for this part   so we're going to put here the word height just  keep in mind that if you don't see the details   panel and it's like this and it's a common issue  some people have in a real five make sure you go   to window and click on details so you can see  all the detail so now that this virtual texture   will have the word height now what  we need to do is to create a volume   that we can grab the information from this  landscape and then put the information so   that we can use it in our virtual height mesh so  the way this works is that we will grab a volume   like this that has all the height information  from here okay and basically it will be a texture   where white hits my highest values and red is  my lowest one and with this volume we can have   accurate information about all the details that  are in my landscape so what i can do is to grab   this texture here that i grab from the volume and  put it in another mesh that is my high virtual   texture and i can displace those based on these  values just like we did the displacement before   so the way we're going to do that is just first  let's create a volume here and let's put a runtime   virtual texture volume like this okay and then  what we need to do is to check the virtual texture   we're going to put the rvt landscape height you  will see a bunch of others here and if you just   try to click here and then click on the arrow  it won't work so make sure you click the right   one and just click on this one and this one we  will recall this like runtime virtual texture   height something like that and then  what we need to do is to align the bonds   of the actor by default is very small so  we won't get any data so what we need to do   is just to pick the actor here just by using this  button here and then click on the landscape and   then we can just click on set bonds and you will  see that my landscape is using all the data here   and it's perfectly accurate now there  are some places here where the bonds are   exactly in one place so what we need to do  just in case is to lower this one a little bit   and now we will miss some parts of this height  so what we will do is to multiply this by   1.2 maybe and this will make sure i have  all the parts of my landscape in place   okay so the next thing i need to  do is to go to my landscape here   and if i go down and keep scrolling you will  see that i have a new tab that is called virtual   texture so what i need to do is click add and  then i will click on my rpt landscape height like that and you will see  that this one has the height   of my landscape now the next thing we need to do  is to drag our mesh that we will displace because   we already have the high data we can displace  our mesh so let's go to create let's go to   all classes and let's scroll down until we find  our visual height field mesh which is this one   so let's just drag practice like this okay  and the first thing we need to do is to set   the bounce how big we want this neutral right  field b so we will drop this from our rbd height just like this okay and then copy bounce and  it will have the same we will call this virtual   height field mesh something like that you can rename this  whatever you want and then we can just click build   and i already have one here i can delete this  i want but for now i will just call this two   just in case so i will just save it   and it will take a while to load it's pretty  fast actually so let's wait a little bit okay so now we have our landscape height and  you're gonna really see it and the reason is   we haven't really enabled w on the viewport  so i can use click here on actor hidden in   editor and you will see that i have a mesh here  that is displacing all the parts of my mesh now   if i go here and i go to my material instance you  can see that i have my displacement intensity i   can change this to 10 and or 25 and essentially  what this will do is to grab all the details   and what you can see here is that i have  all these polygons that is virtual mesh   so this one we are using a lot of data and you  can see it is displacing nicely so the next   thing we need to do is to put the color on this  one so for now i'm just going to actor hidden in   editor and now we will work on the color because  our mesh doesn't have any material information   okay so in order to color this we need  to grab another source of rvt our runtime   visual texture this will grab the height  so i will control w and i will call it rbt   color info just like that and here in  my virtual texture i need to put a color   so what i will do is go here save everything  first and right click materials and create a rpt color info like that and make sure this  one has the base color normal roughness and   specular this is what we will graph this  is the kind of information we will graph   okay and then what we need to do is  choose let's tell the volume that   we will use the color information here just like  this okay and the next thing we need to do is to   add another virtual texture in our  landscape so here we have the height map and   then we will put the color information which  is here now you can see a small thumbnail   of what our color information looks like  so now that we have this we just need   to apply the material so the material for  this mesh we we need to grab the information from this texture these colors not only the  color but the roughness and everything and we   need to put it in the material and the material  we need to apply to this mesh so it will be very   easy which is going here let's go back here and  let's create a material called m virtual height   field mesh and then we will call it maybe color  info like that and if we double click on this   you will see that i can right click and  type virtual texture and i can put a sample   which is basically as a sample either uh it  can be a parameter or it can be something   like this we will leave it like this for  now so we need to put the color info here so   like this we will have the color information and  we will just plugging all this into the right inputs and now that we have this  we just need to click apply save and there you go we are almost  ready what we need to do   is to grab this spiritual height mesh and what  we need to apply is the material we just created   let's control b to select this and then what  we're going to do is to go here to the material oh material try to select it again or sorry this time after  hidden in editor we won't put that and a small   back here that we need to put the material here  like that there you go so now that you have this   now you have the information here so if  you want to make this more evident we can   just go back here to our landscape and we  can paint for example we can paint this one   like this make it very evident and  we can paint here too layer four and this should be enough so you can you can  already see kind of what's going on so what do we   need to do it's to wait for the shaders to compile  and and then we will take a look at the properties   okay now that the shaders are filed what we  can do is to go to our material instance here   and we can put the displacement intensity  to something like 200 0 check here like that placement intensity 10 20 50 like this okay now if it if it doesn't show up   you can go back to color info and uh and  just build the texture like that okay okay let's i give everything all right okay so uh if you don't see  anything make sure you have your   actor hidden in editor it's off so you can  take a look at the virtual height field mesh   and as you can see we can start seeing  bumps of our mesh just have a little bit   of an issue of with the resolution i need to  re-open the map i guess but here my landscape   sorry i in my landscape here i can just  paint for example this one we can paint here go something like this and it will  compile the shader so you will see how   it blends with the height so  let's just wait a little bit   for the shaders to compile and  of course here you can [Music]   change the displacement intensity so let's wait  for the shaders to compile just take one second okay there you go and now you can  see that i have my texture here   so if i put zero see that i have this zero here  and i can increase the displacement intensity   10 or 50. i'm not exactly sure you know this  this one looks like this and then this is the   fake one but you can see we have height  information here i will restart the editor   to check if there's something good with the  resolution but you know this is how you will   apply height field mesh here the problem with  this is that if you play here you will see that   your character is underground now this is a very  common issue so just be aware of it actually this   kind of issue can happen with the unreal engine 4  displacement too so just be just be aware of that so another thing you may want to check is the size  of the virtual texture in terms of resolution so   now if we take a look at our curve of  resolution is very high but the virtual   height field mesh is very low so what you need  to do is to go here to your content browser   and click on the runtime virtual texture  you use create in this case is the color   and here you will increase the resolution for  example by default it's eight but if we click on   do something like 10 i will have a  10 24 and 11 i will have a 2k texture   and this will give me a lot of resolution  to work with so the same can be can be done   like here for example size of each virtual  texture tile can increase to four maybe five okay so it's personal preference and here in  the landscape height you can do the same we can   increase the resolution of the height to something  like 10 or 11 which is the original size of this   and now you will see that i have a much better  resolution for the height if you see here the 8   it looks something like this but if i put 11 it's  much more accurate so now that i i can just go   here and you will see that here my virtual height  field mesh it's not really coming here actually   there you go so i i just be aware that  when you move it will change the resolution   and another thing you can do is to play with  the material instance and you can increase the   displacement from like 0 or 100 if you want if you  have like a shot that you don't need to walk in   and can give you a lot of details like this  so by putting this beautiful height mesh   you can have much more resolution now i feel like  the height it's a little bit too much so i will   go to my height and i will just change that this  one for something like eight or nine is better   so it's not as you know as exact as it  should be but it's not as noisy but if   you want you can just go for the size of 11 and  you will have all the small little details here okay so before wrapping up this tutorial  what i want to show you is how you can spawn   different meshes automatically using the grass  types so the first thing i need to do is to   find something i like so i went to kwixel here  so i go here to pixel content and i found this   wild grass here if i just type the dry and  grass i will just add this one and i can just   put some of them for example like this  one i can just download it and then   after if it's finished i can add it so feel free  to find any asset you want i find that the more   variations you have for example you have something  like this then you will have much more realistic   results for example you can have a light one  and then you can have a darker one i'll notice   that i'm using the medium quality i don't really  need to go that high so i will just add this one   so the next thing i need to do is to create  a grass type so the way this is gonna work   is that i'm going to paint my landscape here for  example and i'm going to spawn procedurally juice   plants here just like this so i need  some some things first what i need to do   it's to create this asset the procedural grass  okay that's one thing and then i need to tell   the landscape in this data for example it can  be layer six in this data you will spawn this   procedural asset okay so the first  thing i'm going to do is to go back here let's go back to our content browser  and then let's save everything   and what we're going to do is to right click  polish and then we will create a landscape   grass type okay and let's just call this dry grass  something like that okay and let's remove this and   here uh you can add all the meshes you want for  example i can add the mesh i just add if i go   to my mega scans go to 3d plants i can just go to  these plants here for example maybe this one okay   i can just go here and just put it here and grass  mesh okay let's just make sure this is the lod   so let's go back here yeah this is my static  mesh and i will just drag it here grass   there you go something like that okay so now  that you have this now you would need to tell the   landscape that i'm going to paint here and you're  going to spawn this so for example we can specify   that maybe maybe number eight can be our candidate  so if we paint here see what happens paint or maybe l5 it doesn't matter so we will just  let it load for a little bit and in for now   what we need to do is to specify the grass type  sample 8 should be what 8 actually is that thai   pitch so i don't really want to use this uh let's  take a look at this one no this one not really um   this one should be okay okay layer five looks  like the best candidate so what i need to do   is to create a grass type and if i type landscape  you will see that i have a landscape grass output   and what this has is that it has a grass type  and here you can see i have my dry grass and   my name will be my l5 make sure the name is  right okay and then you will go to landscape   and just go to layer sample so this is the sample  that we will tell the material that you will grab   some parts of the well the  layer 5 data and you will put it   here and you will spawn this grass so the way  to do it is just put the parameter name as l5   remember that the name needs to be exact so once  we do that we just connect these two and hit apply   and everything should be good  to go actually let's save it okay okay so now that this is finished uh let's  just close all this so we don't have extra   things to work on uh this one maybe we need  to restart here so now what i want to do   is to paint my layer 5 that is  this one i'm going to paint it here   for example let's just put the example  of this we're going to paint here   and we're going to wait a little bit until  everything loads okay so this is the sand   just wait for all the shaders finish okay so now  that this is finished all my layers are working   and as you can see i'm spawning this mesh here  now if i want to make it a little bit better   i can modify the properties of this landscape  grass layer so i can just go here to control space   and i can go to my materials and  here in my dry grass i just need to   maybe find another mesh perhaps this one  okay that's one thing so what i can do   is to make it a little bit different for  example i can change the grass density to 800   now this will spawn more grass and then i can  change the size for example 0.7 and 2.1 or 2.5 like this okay and this will give me a  lot so let's just put this like 200 or 400   okay the other thing we can do is  basically change that calling distance   so basically you can put this one on  zero and this will take care of the lods   sample zero you will not see anything okay but  if you put like 100 or 1000 you will start seeing   so basically this is the radius  here like 1000 you can see something   okay and then you can put like 10 000 if you want  make it a little bit better so now that you have   this you can just come here and play and now you  have your height field that is actually messing up   with your grass so for now what i will  do and i i will actor hidden in game   and now i will be able to see my grass  type so let's just come back here   okay and now i i'm spawning my grass so another  thing you can do is to maybe you want to   duplicate this but now you will use another  one for example you want to use this one   okay and now you have something like  this and you can change the density to   20 and the density also here also change to 10  usually in this kind of dry areas you don't have   much plants so you can just put it like that so if  you want to just play from here and you will see   you have your grass and it's spawning  automatically okay now this is entirely   optional and you can play with the values  and you can actually put any mesh you want   so this concludes so far our landscape  tutorial there are a lot of topics   we have cover and there are a lot too that we will  cover in the future more advanced topics but for   now the last thing that i want to do is to show  you how you can create an entirely new landscape   just by changing the material the master material  so let's do that so let's say you want to create   an entirely new landscape and as you can  see there are a lot of process behind this   so the idea is that you save this material and  i will share with you so that you can create any   landscape easily using the same setup so the first  thing we're gonna do is to create the parameters   for our material so let's start by creating  converting this into a parameter and i will do one   part and then i will continue to do the same for  the rest of the layers so for now right click   convert to parameter and this will be my l2 albedo  and then this will be also my l2 albedo so ctrl   c make sure it's the same parameter so that we use  the same texture and here we will put l2 normal   and then we will do that l2 normal here just  like that and then we will put l2 mask and   then do the same here on l2 mask here and i  will do the same for the rest okay so i finish   just renaming everything and the next thing i need  to do is to group them so i will select all of   those by holding ctrl and i will put a group here  called maybe inputs so let's select all of those   that and then the group will be inputs  just like that and then what i have here   it's my tiling so this will be my all this will  be my global parameters so let's come back here and this will be my global  parameter so let's call this   global and here it will be my automatic  landscape so i will select all of those   just like this okay make sure i  select everything and also this one okay and what i need to do is to  group them and put a automatic   material just like that and also this texture  sample i need to make sure it's a parameter   so i will right click and convert to  parameter and this will be my auto let's use a landscape mask just like that  and i will put it into my automatic material   and it looks like it's good to go let's go  back here and this we will put this into global   and stop previewing this note  and make sure this one is also the contextual asset this will be a  shared wrap texture so that we have   textures available for us let's come back  here okay and now it will take a while to   compile the shaders but meanwhile what we  can do is to check our material instance   automatic material it will have all these  parameters the global will have this   the height blend contrast it should be in the  global so let's go back to global and this one   should be here height blend contrast is in global  so let's hit apply and now we have everything more   organized we have all our textures and then  our parameters and also here our landscape   mask so what we're gonna do it's to create a new  landscape using this so we're gonna do that now   so one of the things you can do to organize  your materials a little bit better is to create   functions so i arranged this a little bit because  i'm going to prepare this material for you so what   i want to do is to create a function that i can  reuse here in my material so that i can you know   just make this a little bit better so what i will  do is to drop all of this okay and i will copy   and i will copy this one and that should be  it so i will ctrl c and then i will go to   my content browser here and here in material  functions i created a new one you can right   click material materials and textures then create  a material function here i already have one here   so what i did was used to copy and  arrange this so let me do this again   just copy and it will look like that so we need  to arrange this a little bit just like that   okay so the other thing you want to do is to  change the textures um you want to [Music] come   back to your content browser here let's  go to window content browser and let's use   drag the mega scan surface and this should  be the sand so i will drag it and actually   let's let's just use this one that we already  have we don't really need to do that anymore so   this will be my fire texture and this will  be my post texture so now that i have this   i can connect this to my output  and this will be my material okay and then the contrast  i can create another output function output there you go and this one will be  my height with contrast okay so we don't really   do this operation again so what we need to  do is to replace this with functions so let's   right click and function input and  this will be as color parameter   and my name will be height length contrast  just like that okay so for this one we can use   the preview as a default and let's just put one  let's just put four here for all the values okay   and now that we have four in all the values  we can just put it here just like that okay   so the next thing we need to do is to replace the  inputs of this one for example the closed styling   we're going to just duplicate this  one and put it here and let's call it close styling scalar parameter just put  one for now and we need to make this a parameter that for sure we need to plug in so  [Music] let's remove this ctrl w and this will   be my r tiling there we go and i can replace  this i don't need these parameters right now   and then you have the fade length i can  also use this as a actually the fate lane   will be a little bit different the fate  length will be a parameter i control for   all my landscapes although you can really  make this one very specific for this landscape we can just put it like that like weight length and leave it as a default here default  value is 1000 like that and we put it here   okay now we need to remove this and now the only  parameters are this ones okay so the thing is here   you will have the output with the contrast and  you will have all these inputs so let's check   how it looks in the master material so what i  need to do is to go here to my content browser   and here in my materials i can go to my  material functions and just save everything and here i can go to my landscape master and i  can just replace this so my close styling will be   a number so i don't really need the full  function here so the fire tiling will be this one   the fake length will be this one  okay although we could make this   a material parameter collection  otherwise it's going to be very annoying okay so this is my parameters  and this is how i have my height with   contrast and the material now you notice that  my material is on the bottom so what i can do   is to sort the priority for example this one will  be one and hit apply and now my material will be   on top always so the last thing i want to do is  because i have this far tiling and this closed   styling and this fade length i want to do use  this as a material parameter connection so that   i don't need this inputs okay i will remove these  inputs and instead i can just use the parameter   so let's start with the fate link which is i think  it's the most important one so for the fate length   we're going here for content browser  and here in the materials we're going to   right click materials and then go to material  parameter collection and we will call it npc and then escape just like that okay and  then here we're going to start calling   all the parameter collections  that we have uh case is my fate length so we will call it fake length and by  default will be 1000 okay so now that we have this   what we can do is to go here and instead   of using this input we're going  to grab the material parameter okay so material parameters collections  won't work here so what you need to do is   to go to the landscape master and here  in faith link sorry material parameter ah there you go collection parameter let's try  to do the same here collection parameter there   you go it works so here in we need to specify  which parameter we're gonna use so we're going   to use the landscape we created and the parameter  name will be the fate length so we just go here okay and now we will lose the connections here  so now you have the closed styling and the   fire tiling you can either put the tiling  for each node separately but to make this one   a little bit more organized let's call two more  which is close styling and far highly so for me i   want the close styling to be something like 0.1  and then the far tiling it's going to be like maybe 0.01 okay just to start and just like that  this is how we can create functions this is an   optional step but i wanted to put it anyway so  here what what i what i need to do is to use   ctrl c ctrl v and here we will put the  far file in here and we will put it here   and we will use the connection and we will  duplicate this and this will be my closed styling   and just like that i'm gonna put it here hit apply  and now if we go here we just have our scent which   is our height blend contrast which we can control  so instead of using this we can just delete this just like this and then we can use use this note  and i can do the same for the rest of them until   i finish all my library of  materials that i can use okay so to create new material  functions it's just very easy   you can just right click in any one of those and  just duplicate you can either do that or create an   instance and here in the instance you will  see that you have like different parameters so   in in case you don't want to use that  instance you can just duplicate like this   and change the textures for example this one  will be my not this one i don't really like   this one anymore so i will change it for this  one um i will use that ice landing so just like   that i will go here and just change those just  like this okay and here i can just change this and then here i will just change this  again and that's it now the only thing   left is to change the albedo  input so what i will do is to put   my let me recall the name and dig  rock just put icelandic brought albedo   and let's copy all of those and then paste it  and then do the same here but just put normal okay and then copy paste and will be the mask  and this one will be the mask and that's it   and you hit apply and the next thing you need to  do is to change the name of course to icelandic rock just like that and that's it and this is how  you can create different material functions um   here actually like you can change the texture but  it will have conflict with the original material   so just be aware of that so now that we have our  master material it's very easy to create another   landscape for example i can create a backlash just  like this and use the erosion to create a new one   and what i need to do is just to connect  all of this here but there is an easier way   and if you check this button it will say  mutate nodes randomized seats it means that   it will randomize everything in my case this  is my previous landscape if i click on this   it will tell you that it will randomize  everything are you sure of that   you just click yes okay and once you  do that it will take a while to load   randomize everything and then i will  pause and we will see the results soon   okay so just like that we created another  variation but you know it's a little it   looks pretty much the same so what i will do is  just create another one for example this one okay   and this one will have like you know it  will just look different and i can just click here and what i can do is just to change  the outputs just like this and put it here   i can put it here i just  wait a little bit like that and if you want to overlay this just  put this one and then drag it again and then drag it again okay so now we can take a look at our mask   apple is a flow mask okay this one  looks okay let's take a look at this one and with my height com let's take a look at how it  looks so this one is black so what what we need to   do is to adjust the height maybe from zero maybe  it's as too much fall off so we can put like four maybe six okay we start seeing something so we can put like   or we can make the following two but  we can increase the max to 50 maybe if this works okay that was  too much let's go to 25. okay let's go to 12. let's go back to 15 18 i think that should be it okay so from 0  to 18 so this one should be naturally from   18 to whatever number i have here unless like two  like that okay so now i have different masks here   and just like that i can have different string  in my landscape so that's pretty cool and my db   mix will look something like this okay great so  now that i have this i can just click build and   i can export this now i already have  the edge built so i will just click yes and now i have my landscape  ported which is good now i can   create an entirely new material using this one  okay so now we have our texture here but the   problem is we didn't export the height map and  in order to fix this we just need to click here   and export and we can rename this i'm going to  export this as a png this time okay remember   this one needs to be your export otherwise you  will export this one and you don't want this   so let's go to erosion here and here i'm calling  it landscape greenland so let's just start build   i already have the cat so let's use that and  let's just wait a little bit until we have it   and as you can see the process of creating new  landscapes is a little bit of back and forth   basically you need to wait a lot for the process  to compile and do everything but once you have   it of course you have a very big landscape so now  that we have this let's go here to our landscape   and let's create an entirely new one so the first  thing we need to do is to import some textures   so if i go here to my quixote content i  already have some textures that i import   such as this one and this one and this one i  think so maybe i will try to export this one so i have i can have more options  so now that i have my textures here   the only thing i need to do is to create my new  landscape with my new textures and of course   i need to import the new texture i i just created  so i just go to my builds and this will be the   last one and i already have it here you can see  different and this one make sure you put mask   okay so now that you have this let's open a new  level i have a new level for this is just blank   empty level and now let's create a new landscape  and let's browse to our new landscape here   it's this one okay make sure it's okay  exactly as gaia and just click import   okay so now that we have this the  only thing we need to do is to put another material so what we will do is to go  to our materials here and here in scent we're just   going to duplicate and we will call it greenland  okay so here i will do a couple of changes so this one i i want to this one it can stay the  rocky soil i want to put another one so let's   go back here maybe i can try this one so i will  put this one here and then this one here and   then this one here and then go to the sand  we will put another one so let's go to our   rocky ground here we can change the sun for this  one change the normal and then change the mask   okay like i said before the names of these ones  can be a little bit confusing if you don't rename   them by the number but in any case i wanted to  show the case where what happens when you rename   the material instance with the material itself  and not by a number okay so sandy rock of course   i will change it so let's go back to maybe  this one i think it's a good one go here okay and the shoreline we can put  another one and just go to our maybe take a look some of the options  we have maybe this one okay here   then let's put it here and just like that we  have our material but we need to change the mask   to use this one okay make sure you use the new  one and the rest of the parameters is the same   okay so what we're gonna do now is to  apply this material here so we will   put the material here the green lens and now we  will go to our landscape and go to paint mode   and you just need to create a new layer  weight like that and i need to do the same   for all my layers but you can see already  that this is working quite well okay so   let's go back here and put a layer here and then  the layer here and do the same thing and as you   can see i reduced the number of layers because  it was getting a little bit heavy okay now   save everything and now you have your automatic  material and this this is an entirely new material   that you can use and if you don't like something  here you can just paint here with the brush here   and because we are using the height blend it will  be very nice it will have a very nice blend here   and you can have a very big brush if you  want and just paint everything just like that   and of course you can change this if you want  to create a path or something you can use   put it like this like that okay and  as you can see i have a really nice   blend between the two like  that okay so this is basically   our tutorial for landscapes if you want to make  this a little bit better well one thing you can   do is to go to project settings and go to  fog and make sure you support atmospheric   sky atmosphere affecting high fat so here what i  will do is to create a new exponential height fog   and now that i have this i need to put the fog  in scattering color to zero and the directional   interfering uh this value zero whatever it is  so that i'm using the sky atmosphere colors   and another thing you can do is  to go to your directional light   and create light light shaft so now you can just  go here and change to have a nice lining like that and put something like this for example with ctrl l you can just rotate the light   let's just say there's something you want  so let's put the intensity to 3.4 3 maybe and just like that we can have a new landscape okay so now that we have this it's very easy now we we created an entirely new landscape using   our master material and of course  this has an automatic material so the idea is that you make tweaks manually when  you start building your level now that will take   a lot of more hours to build the level  but it's something we may do in the future   we want to decorate this level we may want to  show you some techniques for world building   but that's it so thanks a lot for watching  make sure to subscribe if you want to see   more of this and let us know in the comments  which kind of video you would like to watch and   of course make sure to check our store  where we have a lot of free stuff and   a lot of paid stuff that is awesome for game  development and i will see you in the next one
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 301,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial beginners, tutorial unreal 5, tutorial ue5, how to use unreal engine 5, learn unreal engine free, download unreal 5, how to create a game with unreal engine 5, unf games, unreal engine 5 early access, download unreal engine 5, download ue5, introduction unreal engine 5, intro unreal 5, level design unreal engine 5, level design ue5, ue5 level design tutorial, landscape tutorial ue5, displacement landscape unreal 5
Id: V54kqpy1Q-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 28sec (13708 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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