Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Modeling Tutorial - Learn to Model Inside Unreal!

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Hey all!

I made a tutorial on how to model inside Unreal 5 using the modeling tools Plugin. This tutorial is aimed for beginners and I planned to show you all the tools at glance so you also want to try them later by yourself!

Personally I've been using them for a long time already and it is a huge time saver!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/megamaomao 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks, much needed tutorial

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BULLSEYElITe 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
if you are using a real engine 5 and you want to learn how to model inside unreal then this video is for you in this tutorial you will learn how to use the modeling tools from creating simple primitive to how to create complex shapes and you will learn how to model and deform your meshes how to use booleans align operations box sales how to bake models and how to uv map and much more this video will give you all the knowledge you need to learn how to model inside unreal engine 5 without the need to go to any other 3d modeling application this video is divided into different segments so feel free to watch at your own pace oh and by the way make sure you check our store we have a lot of cool stuff like a free course to learn blueprints modeling the castle in a real engine and of course a lot of unreal marketplace packages made with a lot of effort so let's continue alright let's get started with the most basic thing and that is the modeling tools plugin by default you won't be unable to model inside unreal so if you see here i have an extra tab called the activates modeling editor mode and this allows me to check all my modes here and we will check this little by little later the first thing we need to do is to go to edit go to plugins and here in search let's just type modeling and you will see that the model tools editor mode is here and then version number is here usually the beta version so be aware that it can come with some problems honestly is very stable but just just in case so once you enable this you will need to restart the editor i don't need to do that because i already have it but once you restart it you will be able to see it here okay let's create some geometry well if we go to our modeling tools the first thing you will see is that you have this shelf that allows you to do different operations such as modeling and creating some shapes some booleans and in the right one is the property panel so let's create something to see so if i click a box here you will see i have a bunch of settings here and once my box is selected you will see that if i rack here in the viewport i will be able to create one okay so once i create this and i hit complete automatically i will have a generated folder here and here i will have my username from my computer and here is the static mesh i created so keep that in mind every time you create something here it will appear in your computer so there are a bunch of things you can do here and it's very straightforward first is the dimensions of it different shapes will have different dimensions for example i can change the depth of this youth and now i have something larger like this or i can change the subdivisions by default i can put show wireframe and you will see the wireframe here but if i change like for example 15 by 15 by 15 you will see that my wireframe is showing all these vertices here so i can have control of how much vertices i want to have like four by four by four or something like that and if this is modeling uh it's a little bit too annoying then just click that off all right so different shapes will have different properties for example you have the torus and the turbos have a major radius and a minor radius for example i can put the major radius like 250 and this will be very large or i can change the final radius to have something like this and then i click okay all right you can create different kind of meshes before hitting complete for example i can create another box and then i will create another sphere and then i will click complete complete finishes the operation you already started and this is the same for all the most so let's take a look at some of the most important ones i personally use first is the box of course and this is very useful and one of the things you should notice is this positioning so with positioning we are able to align the box with the normals of the object for example if i drag the box here you will see that it is snapping here very nicely to my sphere and since the normals are pointing this way our our cube is basically sniping in all the surfaces of our sphere however this is something you may not want to have so another useful property is to click here on align to normal so if i uncheck this you will see that my cube is always looking on top right it doesn't matter where i put it it's always looking up and this is very nice and it's very useful too but there is another thing that you can take care of and that is the target surface by default is on the sink which means you will place this object based on the same objects that are already here so if i have a cube here and i put them and i put it here well my floor when i put a cube then of course it will be here but if i drag the mouse here here the cube will be on top of the surface if i want to uncheck this i just need to change the target surface from unseen to ground plane and the ground plane is basically the zero zero zero which is this one here so no matter where i put it my object will be always in the same position alright another thing you can do is to change the rotation by default normally i don't touch this one but and another thing is of course change the material you can try to put like a something like this and when it glows it will show but anyways i just want to keep it with a default material so just keep in mind that all these objects are generated here inside my content folder however let's create a new level something like this and let's not save it and what we will do is to save this level we will call this like modeling tools tutorial okay and here we will have a level our demo map okay now when we create objects let's go to our modeling tools again we have this modeling mode quick settings okay and one of the things is the new asset location auto gem folder will be world relative which means this world let's take a look at what happens now we can click on the box create it and let's go to our content browser and now you will see that in my modeling tools tutorial i have my demo map here and i have generated a folder next to my demo map so basically this is the same structure but now all the meshes will be generated in the same hierarchy that i have my level which is quite useful if you want if you don't want to do that you can put the global folder for example if i create a torus here and click complete then that arrows will be created here instead of the new generated folder okay personally i like to use the word relative because i create meshes based on the level i'm working on but you can also use the global if you want to put all your placeholder meshes there or also your current folder for example i can create a new one here called test and in this test i will create this one and now my sphere will be in the test folder so i can create a custom folder for all the images that i'm creating all right so let's get back to normal here like word relative this is what i want okay and here if you click on this one you will be able to change if you want the autosave like generate but do not auto save so by default let's close this i created the sphere but it's not saved yet so if i close this project and i don't save this object i will lose the model so what i can do is to go here to the plugins and as a generation mode i can put autosave all right that's one thing i also have auto generated asset pad i can change this name to have another folder and of course also the asset generation location which is what we had here uh change here but this will change of course the defaults of the creation of our meshes so with this in mind we have a lot of uh power with us because now we know how to create models here and we can use the primitive that suits more the needs of what we need to do inside our reel so we have the modeling panel here and we have different shapes we can create and within those shapes we can change the properties and we can also change how we position this meshes in the world one thing to notice is that you can see that i created my box in this location you don't need to worry about it since originally when i put it here it will be automatically moved to the origin so the pivot point will be always here in the middle of the of the object so talking about pivot points there is one last important thing to notice and let me change the height of this and and also the height of this one something like this so here you will see that if i click this my pivot point is on the bottom i can also change this so pivot point location can be on the base can also be on the center and can also be at the top so this meshes here this one this one and this one will have a pivot point in different location this one will have it in the middle this one will have it in the top and this one will have it in the bottom if i want to get back to normal just click the defaults here all right so this covers the creation of shapes of the shapes panel so with this you're able to create any any mesh you want and you can choose the most basic primitive such as the sphere and the cube and the rectangles or the planes or the circles and this will be very important for us to model in the future since we will be able to create a shape that fits the best case for us you if you want to model like a church or something maybe something like this will be helpful if you want to model something more like a cube then something like this will be more helpful all right so now let's take a look at what will happen if you need to create a more complex shape other than a queue for our cylinder or torus so for this kind of situation we have the create tab here the creative allows us to draw polygons here so let's take a look at the draw extrude polygons create static mesh assets so if i click on this one let's take a look at the properties later you will see that i have a small gizmo here all right so notice that i don't need to click on here although i can move it here if i want it i can just click here like this and i can draw here and it will snap to the grid so let's let's put something like this we can keep drawing and clicking until we have a shape we want and it can be as complex or as simple as you want and here before finishing it you will see that the mesh turns white at least the lights turns white so if i click on this one you will see that now i can drag the mouse and change the height of this so this is a very interactive mode and very it's very useful to create different uh walls and notice that as i drag here the uvs are also changing so you don't need to worry about the uvs here so once you're satisfied with it you can just click okay complete okay so now that you know this mode let's take a look at some of the properties that we can change here so first the first type is the freehand freehand means that as i click on this i will draw the polygon myself to get something like this and then i will drag again and click again and complete this is freehand on the other hand circle will have a shape that as i click here and drag it you will see that i'm creating a circle here and now i can change the height all right and of course i can also change the number of steps which means the subdivisions for example i can put something like 32 and if i click here and drag again and then drag again the height you will see that i have a much more smooth cylinder compared to this one because i have more polygons so let's take a look at the next one the next one is the square of course click here and you will have a perfect square all right and the next one is the rectangle if i click here i just click on two points and the third one you will drag something like this and then you can click again and of course the next one is the rounded rectangle is pretty much the same you just click here and click here and then you will see that you have the roundness this is very nice actually is very very very useful so if i click on this you will see that my rectangle it's very roundy here and i call i can also change the ratio for example something like 0.5 and if i drag again you will see that is that this is more roundy compared to this one so a lot of uh power here um they have the circle and the circle with the hole it's very simple you just drag the circle and it will draw with a hole and by default it's 0.5 which is basically the same radius here it will apply here or i mean 0.25 but i just change it so just change it again and you will have something like this okay so another thing you can do let's go back to freehand because all these are different shapes have different properties for example the steps and the ratio and the roundiness of the circle so if we click here interactive extrude what we will do and this is by default if i click here i will drag again to get the height however if i put extrude to height you will see i have another option i can type the height i want for example 250 and i can put it again here and i only need to click once the height has been automatically generated i don't need to drag it and of course the next one is flat mesh i do something like this there is no height it's only a plane all right right so another thing you have here is a low self intersections so by default if i want to do something like this i cannot all right so it will uh only if i click i it will create something like this and i will be able to create self intersections for example something like this i cannot finish it so if you want to finish it just click allow self intersections and now when you click here and here and here and here and you put it up you will see that you have your mesh uh perfectly all right so the next thing is the snapping so the snapping by default it's enabled if i unclick this one you won't be see any snap it will only snap to like whatever right so for this kind of mode just hit the snap in and label so what this is uh very important it's uh you can change that type of snap for example you can snap to vertices and here let's try to find something when you see the vertex you will see that it turns yellow if i click on here and then click on here it turns yellow again it means i'm on the same vertex so now i can create another mesh and these ones will be perfectly aligned with the vertex here and that's great so and also another very important thing about this mode is that hit scene objects so by default if i drag here and i want to create something like this you will see that uh i can go through the objects and that's okay for most parts but if you really want to snap everything so what you can do is to hit sync objects and here if i try to go through i cannot so this will allow you to simply snap much more easily without going through the mesh all right so once you have this you have a mesh that is perfectly aligned and this is it for the pulley extrude the material and some other settings these are shared between different tools you will see that each tool has its own properties but there are some properties that are here such as this one the material is shared if you go to the material here it's not only in the shapes mode it's on low it's also in the poly extrude mode so be aware that some of these properties are duplicated all right so this is the polyextrude mod extremely useful if you want to create some walls so well we're gonna take a look next it's the next uh ways to create different paths okay so let's take a look at the patch truth so the past shoot is a little bit different for a police truth and as the police shoot is useful for walls the patch chute will be useful for floors or paths so if you click here these are the default values you will see that is very similar to poly extrude but now if we click on here and we do the same operations here and we close it you will see that i can change the width of this instead of filling the holes here i will be able to have a border and when i click once then i can change the height of this so this is extremely useful like if you want to make some hats you can of course create them and use it for your games like you want some players to follow something like this for example like you want to go here and then turn left okay and then go ah go again here and then come back again to the original position you can create a path like this okay and also of course it can be used as walls if you want but personally i like to use it for hats so the other thing is that you can change the output mode instead of instruction you can put our ribbon so what it will do is basically it will you will change the width of this and it will create a plane so sometimes you may want to use this and of course you have the situation and the ramp personally i don't use the ramp because it's very hard to see what it does but the struct extrusion that you can change the mode to constant for example the width 100 so when i click on this the width it's automatically done here let's try to do it again with another value such as tank okay something like this and then i only need to take care of the height and if i want to put the constant height i can also do it here for example i can put 100 instead of interactive and i just need to take care of my pad here and i don't need to click again so this is the pad screwed a little bit different from the from the poly from the polyester right all right now let's take a look at the fat revolve this is a very cool feature so if you click path revolve you will see that i have a grid here snap on this plane and basically you have like an axis here in the middle and we will create like a cylinder around this so the way to do this is to basically we will draw the profile so if i click on the points here and this will automatically snap to the grid so you don't need to worry about it so we can just draw a profile something like this okay and if we are satisfied we can just go back here and close it alright so now you will see that i have a shape like this all right so what this will do is to create this shape here and duplicate it and extrude it along a cylinder which is very useful now there are some properties here that it they were to take a look at first is the revolution degrees if i reduce this you will see that my shape gets cut of course 360 is the full circle but i can go 180 or maybe 90 or just go 160. so explicit steps will allow me to change the number of subdivisions for example i can change here to something like 50 and now i will have a very smooth surface here very smooth so if i want something lower i can go back to 24 i can just put back to or or something like this to create something more square okay then is the long axis let's go back this one to default the long exit offset we can do something like this and it may it may or it may not be something you want but you can do it if you want we can go negative one or you can go zero or you can go one the next is the reverse revolution basically it will be counterclockwise or clockwise so uh really doesn't affect that much and the next one is the uvs for example the normals i mean so here if you click here the normals are pointing out but if i flip the mesh the normals will be pointing inwards so why would you need to do this is because you can create a level like this just like that and you have the inside and you already have your corridor here which is pretty useful and it's very cool okay the next one is the sharp normals so based on the angle of the normal and you can change the threshold like if it's zero will be very sharp and if if it's 90 it will be very smooth uh so if you find at the swift spot between sharp edges and flat edges you will be able to just have like sharp faces here and sharp faces here and you won't be able to see the polygons another thing uh now if we have explicit steps we can also change the degrees the lower we are the more resolution we have here go back to 5 and by default is 15. so you can either use max degrees per step or explicit steps where you can increase place the reverse all right so let's move on because we have a hidden property here so if i go here versus the connect uh if i uncheck this one this will not be connected okay the next is the revolution degrees so basically it's just rotates in case you want something specific it can be useful or not in case in case you want it is there okay the profile is cross section according to the description of this um if you want to create some square columns such as this one you may want to put something like this so just like that you will see that in my grid i have one step for each column here which is very nice actually so you can create really nice profiles with this and if you unclick this of course you still have the same but you know you are rotating in different direction so if you have like something like six or something it may become useful in the future okay so let's uncheck this uh polygroups we will see more polygroups uh in the future when we go to body model but basically is the way you handle the polygroups here and this will be useful for selection in the future okay and the next one is the split not not really something i use personally and of course the well tolerance like for example if i put say something like 500 or 20 is the max um you will weld these vertices and sometimes you will have like here you put like the vertex here and you want to weld it so make sure you play with this okay and of course flip the uvs or in this case the v's only only this part okay so this is the poly revolve super useful in case you can create a column with this i i'm sure you cannot really see the possibilities for example i can create something like this and then i can go to my box here and create something like this here let's let's do something nice just like this okay let's rotate it 40 degrees make it like this rotate it more 45 actually make this one a little bit bigger okay we're losing time here but anyway so you can create something extremely nice with this tool so just this is the path reverb so next we're gonna take a look at this one at our wolf mesh cool okay so let's take a look at the body revolve so [Music] the mesh revolve unlike the path revolve requires a mesh to work with this is why this is great um you cannot select this if i click on this i cannot so let's create a box okay now if i create a box and click on this i will have an error it will say this mesh does not have any boundary loops to display and revolve delete some faces or use a different mesh so basically what it's telling you is i can only work with a plane so what you can do here is for example put a rectangle here or a round rectangle and put it here just to show what it does and now that i only have a face if i click on poly body revolve you will see that i will create like an envelope around this radius right like it will extrude here and here and here and here and here and it will be 24 times if i want to increase the resolution i can do the same like i did with the path revolve i can put like 50 and this will be much more smooth okay and i can do the same here or like like we did with the patrible they flip the mesh and sharpen the normals or things like that and also we have the same properties that we have with the pad revolves is just that we're using a mesh now so a very interesting thing about this is that i can use the poly extrude and i can put flat mesh here and then when i do that i can basically create like a profile here something like this let's just put it like this and now that i have a profile i can do the revolve and you will see that here i have a profile it's much more interesting cylinder all right so this mode is extremely useful if you want to create like complex shapes and you can either draw here and use a mesh or what you could do is to use a path revolve those are valid options so these two go hand in hand and this is the revolve mesh let's take a look at the append tool the append tool allows you to combine meshes for example i can create something like this okay and then i can create another one here just like this and i can click complete these two meshes are different objects here however what i can do is select one of those and then select the other one and this will be the first one i choose and i can click on append so there are a bunch of options here in the append tool that are repetitive across different tools here the first thing is that if you want to create a new asset okay if i create a new asset uh this will delete my previous ones in the editor they will still exist in the content browser actually and they will create a new one so let's try that out click accept and now you will see that i have one mesh for this one all right so let's continue let's create one box here and then one cylinder okay just like that let's click the box and then the cylinder and then click append so i can also change the first input exit so here you can see my first input asset was the box here or and the last input asset was the sphere okay you can also combine more than two of course uh but if i put the first input asset let's let's try to save this and let's put it box test okay and this is my box test it's here so remember this so now that i want to do is click here on the box click on append and my first input asset is the box text so what i can do is accept okay and now this one will change now this will be the a new asset haven't been created but this one has been updated that's one thing so i can put more assets here like this one and i choose this and then choose this one click append and i have a bunch of options here i can delete the sources here like i have been doing but what i can also do is keep this first source source or keep the last source or keep both sources or hide it for example i will hide them okay click accept and now when i move this this will be my new mesh but the other one hasn't been deleted it's just hidden so i will click ctrl h and now you will see that i have my asset here okay let's create this one and then let's create another one here and another one here okay so what we can also do is select all this append and we can keep the sources or keep the first source or keep the last source so if i keep the sources here see when i move it now this one because it's the we're using the new instead of creating a new asset we're changing the first one these two stay here but like if i wanted to have something like this i have three assets here append and i don't want to change the first input asset i just want to create a new one and i want to keep the sources i just click accept and then move it and this one will be my new asset and this one is the previous one so this is the append tool extremely useful if you want to combine meshes okay let's take a look at the duplicate tool so by default let's save all let's replace this map okay so by default if you check the content browser ctrl b and let's create a new one let's let's create a sphere here okay let's ctrl b to check where it is it's here okay so if you want to duplicate this asset uh one of the ways is right click and then duplicate and this will be my new asset okay and it will be here so there is a better way to do that and it's with the duplicate tool so if i do this and i i can either delete the sources like before i can change the name for example ask for new i can hide them and i can click accept and if i move this ctrl h you will see the previous one is this one and here is my new asset here we don't need to go to the content browser to duplicate objects and this is extremely useful because if you want to modify a mesh make sure if you are duplicating this one uh because otherwise you will replace all the instances so this is a very good way to duplicate meshes of course you can still go to the content browser but but this way is much faster now let's take a look at the poly editor tools so the poly edit it's a way to modify the mesh and do modeling operations in a very simple way all the groups are condensed between groups of faces so for example you may have a lot of triangles here and this is very hard to choose so polygroups are extremely good at choosing faces let's take a look at the poly8 here first the first thing is like you can show the wireframe for example you will see that actually i have more subdivisions here but the polygroup contains all the face here all right so uh the polygroups don't work for each face it grows it works as group of faces that's one thing to notice if i click on this you will see that i have a gizmo and i can scale it i can move it and i can also rotate it if i want okay the gizmo can be from the geometry or from the object okay so you can lock the rotation or things like that simply i can lock the rotation here okay and i can click on here and i can just move my mesh in anywhere i want i can also snap to world grid and this will snap my faces to my world grid okay that's one thing to notice and of course you can also select faces here select edges or vertices for example i can select the edge here very carefully okay let me remove the wireframe for a moment and i can move this edge i can also select a vertex and i can move it if you don't want to select one of these selections you can just unselect faces and now you won't be able to select the faces only the edges or the vertices okay by default it's always useful to select this edge loops allows you to select all the loops uh by default we don't have one so let's we will check that in the future and select edge shrinks it will be like 3ds max or blender uh i'm a max user so i'm not sure if blender has this it will create like a a ring around here just like this right and if you choose this one it will create or it will go all the way down to select all the edges in the ring okay so this is the most basic operations you can do another thing is the extrude you can click on extrude and you will see that i have i can click on this and i can extrude here and i can also click on extrude and here i can change the axis for example the local z-axis i can extrude it up right or um i can just change anyone so this is extremely useful i click escape notice that if i click escape none of my changes will apply so if i want something like this i want to move it and let's not select the edge loops and rings on i only want to use this one but let's say i want something like this i need to click accept so be aware of that so another thing is the offset for example i can do something like this and i can change the offset by down or up just like that and i can do something like this okay another one is the insert inset so if i click on this one and click the inset you will see that i can select the face here that i want to inset i can use of this one here or i can move it like here or i can extrude it if i want it okay the next one is the outset it's basically what it does create an outset for this one and you can of course move this one's here okay the next one is delete you can delete faces like this or you can also use the delete button right you can also select all this and delete not this selection only this one okay you can delete the faces you don't really want okay next is the merge it's basically it will merge them into a single face here and cut faces for example i want this to be another face um i can just cut here and here okay if i can make it right accept let's try to do it again with a with another mesh this one is quite messy so i can just add faces i can just click here and then click again and you will add a loop here okay um recalculate normals it's very simple flip again like flip normals like for example this one you can flip it accept and you will flip the normal here and basically all the basic operations for example i can delete this face and i can build hole for example here it will hold and i it will i it will fill the hole okay or i can move something like this okay um good patent okay this one is already straight so you don't need to worry about it and of course weld vertices another thing you can do is to change the uvs in one of the phases for example uvs planar projection and you will check where you want to do this first click and then drag it like this and then you will have different uv sets for different uh holy faces okay so this is the poly polyedit it's very simple actually very simple operations but it's very powerful in a way that you can deform your meshes very easily okay let's take a look at the polydiform so the polydeform is a little bit different from the polyedit so this one has less options but what it allows you is to select one polygroup and then just move it freely and do something like this okay you can move really on your polygroups okay so i can go move up or down or i can move here and you will see it will interpolate and the reason is interpolating is because i have more edges here so if i want it to be linear i can just drag here and move it like this so this is a free way to modify your mesh and it's very useful for example you move this one and you want to move it like this so it's a very simple way to deform your meshes and extremely useful actually so another things you can do is of course you can rotate or scale rotate or transform sorry so you can select one of these this ones you can rotate i personally use the translate a lot but if you want to rotate that's also fine and of course you can show the wireframe like always and it's not to work great so you can have your mesh snapping to the grid in the world all right okay so let's do the edge insert now so the edge insert is very simple i will just click on one edge and i will click here for example on another one and i will create an edge i can also go here and go to another vertex and notice that they will snap here like here snap to the edges or it's not to the vertices automatically and this one can be useful in case for example you want to extrude some of this like for example only extrude extrude this one like this you can model the faces inside another face and then modify them as you need so this is very simple actually h insert is just what the name implies is just click and draw an edge and that's all what it does okay so you can also have the triangulate one but you know you don't really need it for now and that's it all right um before that of course there is a vertex tolerance when you cut mesh they will snap to the vertex so if you change the vertex tolerance like you will be able to snap easier your your mesh okay okay let's take a look at the loop insert the loop insert it's this is what the name implies it will create an edge uh with the loop it will just go all around your mesh here and you can create loops very easily and of course it will create a polygroup so if i go here i can just select this to extrude them select this one and move it and so on so uh the poly loop it's very useful if you want to add loops and of course it will depend on the geometry if it's too bad and the loop won't go all the way through but for most simple shapes it works quite nice okay let's take a look at the booleans so let me create a box here okay and also a sphere and i will put it here okay uh booleans are operations that you do in 3d modeling to subtract or add some surfaces so booleans by default will be great you cannot select them in order to use them you need to select at least two okay so if you check the boolean you will see what it does first it will do an operation of a minus b so if you do a b minus a you will be like the second one you choose is the b so minus a is the operation it will subtract all the polygons that are here intersecting and it will create new geometry based on the intersection so you can also do the intersect this is the one that is intersecting or you can use the union so it will create a new geometry so here you don't have nothing and here you will create new geometry for this so this is what the boolean does and extremely useful because you can actually move this one and place it in any any position you want you can also scale it if you want or move it to another location and always you can change the mode here by minus a inter intersect b union etc so it's pretty useful especially if you want to create destruction assets so one thing to keep in mind here is that here you will create a new asset so here this is the output options that we had when we append or duplicate options this is the same so i will not go through this again but basically you can select a new asset or first input asset for example the box will be replaced or the sphere will be replaced so in my case i will just create a new asset and keep the sources click ok and you will see that my box and my sphere is still here and here is my new asset so this is booleans and it's extremely useful to create very complex geometry booleans in unreal engine 5 are extremely powerful in a sense that they don't crash the engine it never happened to me and i use them a lot in most 3d applications booleans will crash the program but in unreal it's pretty nice so i highly recommend you to use okay so now that we see the boolean let's see the mesh cut the mesh cut is a little bit different so a in a sense it doesn't have as many options so let me create a box here and another sphere okay and we will do the same to show you what the mesh cut does so if i click here and then this one let me scale this down a little bit click the box and then click the sphere and then go to mesh cut so it looks like it does the same right it does a intersection but we don't have the other options right but uh let i will show you when i click accept when i move the box and this one you will see that i still have my mesh here and it doesn't look like nothing but here you can have the mesh here and of course uh you you can add some physics to it or something so you can have like this wall is destroyed and this is the remainings of this wall so that they it looks something like this like this this thing got destroyed but you know here is the missing piece so this is the mesh cup and it's a little bit different and it's also extremely useful all right let's take a look at the sub d modeling sub d is a performance subdivision so if i have my box here and i click on subty you will see that my box turns into a sphere so you have a subdivision level here for example 0 will be well one is the minimum two and three so the higher the subdivisions the more smooth your surface will be but also it will have more polygons so another thing you can change here is the subdivision algorithm so cloud mode calarc is a very popular one and i highly recommend it you can also use be linear and it will have a different result and you're going to use the loop to have another different result so you can also have change the normals and everything um but and also you can change the the cage like if you want to see your original mesh this is how it looks like so if i want to have some like nice smooth edges i can go to my loop insert like we did before and i can just put them here and i will just put them on the areas that i want my mesh to be smooth not here but only in these areas okay so when i click accept and i go to sub-d you will see that these parts will be sharp because they will subdivide here here i will have more polygons but it won't be as smooth whereas this part when i don't have much polygons it will interpolate from this part this and this three points will make an average and it will put it here so because the average here is between this and this point and this point then it only does a small smoothing so this is a very common operation to use if you want to use someday modeling you certainly can in unreal so this is the way to do it alright so let's take a look at triangle selection if we go to our modeling tools and then select tree model you'll have the triangle selection so i have a mesh with some subdivisions here so the first thing is that you will see a brush like green stroke so you can change the size of the brush if you want like make it bigger or smaller and i can click on this and as i drag the mouse i can paint which triangles i want to choose and also if i shift click and shift click and shift click i can delete the ones i want i can click and hold it to paint and i can also shift click to remove some triangles here so there are a couple of things to do here like for example the selection mode it can be a brush it can also be this is one of the most common ones i use i won't go through all of them but all connected is very useful one uh let's go here to the selection and click clear some more things uh all link group for example this polygroup is one selection this polygroup is one selection and this pulley group is another selection so if you want to deselect the polygroups you just need to shift click and it will deselect the whole polygroup okay shift click and then if click then you can select by material of course this one has the same material but if you have multiple materials you can select by material here and then shift click and you can also select by uv iceland this one is a uv iceland this one is a ubis line and so on okay so these are the most common ones and of course we think angle for example one or 90. in this case the surface is very good so we you don't really will see a difference but let's just select back to the brush okay so um you can put the group or material id change the color of this you can also show the points here okay for each triangle or you can put by uv iceland you can check the uv icelands here have different polygroups and of course the body groups it's a coincidence that is the same uv iceland but if you have different polygroups you will show something different so or you can choose not to just eat as it is i like to put it by group or by basically by group so i can know which polygroup i am affecting but if it's a little bit like annoying you can always go back to normal okay so uh another thing you need to do is the selection edits for example i can i already show the clear one i can click here clear i can also select all i can invert the selection which is basically here invert and it will select the ones i didn't choose i can grow my selection to expand my selection i can clear it i can grow like this and we will go to the neighbors basically and it will go to the neighbors again and then keep growing the selection like this i can also optimize my selection here to optimize selection for example this optimize is is usually like if you have more polygons it will smooth it out to make it look a little bit better and expand to connect it basically all of these faces are connected so all of this turn red click here largest component by area and there is component by three count uh this ones i really never use uh then you got the mesh edit you can delete triangles for example i can choose these two and i can delete them and i got i can also choose these two and type the delete button it does the same then i can do the separate triangles which is different from disconnect triangles separate triangles will separate it into another mesh so if i click accept you will see that now i have another mesh here disconnect triangles on the other hand if i go to triangle selection i can like this and disconnect the triangles they are still part of the mesh it's just that they are not you know uh they are not connected they are not willed okay so you can also flip the normals if you want just like we have done many times you can select all this and then leave the normals you can also create a polygroup here or this one so if you want to go to polyedit you can move this and because this is not connected you will not affect the other ones so this is basically the triangle selection in a in a nutshell it's basically a tool to select triangles and create different groups and to do some small operations like separate the triangles or create different meshes uh this kind of mode is actually not used to model model we have the polyedit which is much more intuitive and much easier to work with but the triangle selection is used to select triangles right so let's take a look at the triangle edit so the triangle edit it's pretty much the poly edit but instead of doing by polygroups you do it by triangles so for example i can just select this triangle and as you can see it's much harder to work with because you're working at a triangle level but you can still do that the same operations you can extrude some things you can inset like select this one let's select okay oops something i'm doing here oh the insert button is too far let's cancel this so triangle edit is basically the polyedit but at the triangle level so basically you will be able to do the same operations but uh now you do it with a with a triangle okay so for example like this one you can fill the hole if you want and it does the same it's just as a little bit harder to work with compared to the polyedit mode you can select all of those at the same time and they will move but the triangle edit will only if you want to do the same operation you need to select all of them and then move them to have kind of that like the same result so uh they're meant to be used in different purposes for example like if you are doing some terrain or something like that then the triangle edit will work uh pretty nicely since you can easily move some vertices here and there but uh most of the time you will use the polyedit more mode if you're doing some hard surface modeling in most cases and use a triangle edit for very very specific cases so another important mode is the whole field in order to do this first we need to create a hole so let's go to our polyedit click here and delete and let's accept okay so the whole field will take care of all the holes in the in the model actually so if i click age field which stands for whole field i can just click here i can clear my selection too i can select all if i have more than one hole or i can just click on this one and that's all it does actually and you have some statistics for example um initial calls one selected holds one successfully built one and if it fails uh it you will say if it failed to do the hole and how many holes you have left you have zero there are no holes in this mesh and for example you can like select this mesh and do some holes here and there like that and instead of putting the holes each time like this and this and this what you can do is just click select alt and there you go you have your holes ready another thing to notice is that the holes actually that's the uvs these are not connected but at least it does a planar projection so you have some uvs when you do the hulls now let's take a look at the plane cut the plane cut would cut the mesh with the play so if i click on this you will see that i have a grid here and nothing will happen if i move it because the plane only will cut the mesh to all directions so if i rotate this you will see that i'm cutting the mesh here all right i can also keep both half with the space between here so if i want it it's extremely close i can just put zero or put one or two or you know have some kind of design to it if i if i want it so uh yeah i can and click this uh fill hole if i don't want the hole there i can i can check this and export separate pieces as new mesh of course this can be a new mesh i can also flip the plane to just have different sections of my model right i can just accept and this will update on my mesh and i have my new image here and basically this is the plane cut so the next tool is the mirror one and this one is very straightforward so the mirror one will mirror the mesh according to the grid that is here so if you want to move the grid it will offset the mirror position you will mirror an append or mirror existing if you only want one site or you want both sides and the other thing is that you can have some presets for example you can put the left one you can put the right one you can go up down forward and backward so not only that but you can rotate this and have something more unique and as you mirror these things it will weld the mesh so you don't need to worry about the topology anymore and the mirror tool is extremely useful sometimes and it's very straightforward so remember i personally i always use the presets and update assets so if i want something like this then my new asset will be the mirror one okay let's take a look at the polycat so let me create a box here and this one is very straightforward the poly cut will do a hole based on this axis and it will cut through the mesh so by default is a circle and you can change the width for example have something like this and you can also move it into another position and even if when it's outside the bonds then it will only cut the parts that are intersecting with the mesh okay so that's a good throw you can also like insert polygon you can insert the polygon here in case like you want something like this or you can stream inside or you can stream the outside something like this just to have like that all only the two intersections it can be useful if you want it by default cut through that's the magic here you can also change the scale for example something like this you want to change the scale of this one and you can also change it to another form such as the square and change the polygon scale the width and you can change to rectangle change uh long uniform square or the round rectangle where you can change the radius to have fully radius will be like a circle zero will be the square having something like this could work and also you can change the subdivisions if you increase it of course you will have more subdivisions there it's very useful and the last one is a custom one you need to draw a custom polygon so let's cancel and here in the public code polycut you can do custom click on the draw polygon here and you will draw something like this for example let's put a triangle so it can be very obvious and now you draw your own shape and you can click accept if you want or let me cancel this and let's draw something that it's outside the bonds so let's do the poly cut draw polygon and then let's do something with a more interesting shape that we could use here something like this okay and this is much more interesting we can do something like this and of course we can change the scale and change the width or something like that but well well this custom you only change the the scale and there you go now you have your polygon cut uh very fun tool to use so let's move on right let's take a look at the trim for the trim you need another mesh here so let's grab this one let's put it here just like that and it's a little bit different from the boolean if you do this you will see that basically the intersection is removed okay you can trim a or trim b and basically it will create a hole here so you can remove the inside or remove the outside but in any case the intersection will only create a plane not a closed shape all right so of course you can do the same you can move this one around and of course you can create a new asset or change it to a new to only the first input asset or the last one to create your assets and then click accept and then you have your new mesh here so this one can be useful sometimes when you don't want to have some hidden holes here or something like that um to optimize your geometry can be a little bit useful but to be honest i never be using it but it's there if you want it okay so now let's go to the deform options and i will handle these three scopes here uh actually these two and in order to do that i will import a mesh from mega scans i already have it here i will just drag this one and put it here and of course i can fill this up a little bit if i want so this mesh has a lot of triangles and you don't see it because it's nanite but if you want to see them go to leap mode and knight and then go to triangles and there you go you can see there are a lot of triangles here so um these scopes allows you to basically sculpt into unreal so if i click on this one and there are some ways to make this one look uh you know be faster by the allowing nanite and lumen we don't want the global illumination and also we don't want to generate distance fields want to make it faster but um let's just go through this so the first one is the size of course and you can use the brackets to make it bigger or smaller or you can use the slider here and you can just scope here so let me do something here let me just pop something here flow rate will be basically like less smooth if i put let me put something all 2.4 so i cannot basically but with this one with the flow rate on one like works much better here it's basically much more smooth it's like this one is more bumpy this one's more smooth okay and the spacing of course like if you want to make it more space have have some bumps here you can do this okay so put the spacing back to zero and of course the laziness will be like super smooth like this okay there you go very nice so you can have like very interesting patterns that you can use here just by using laziness mouse okay so um the first mode is the scope mode and i won't go through all of them but i will go through the most important ones uh one of the most important ones is the move tool so if i make this one a little bigger i can move the mesh a little bit just like this i can make like this guy stronger like longer muscles like this or you can twist the size of the pegs something like that very strong okay and another one uh it's the smooth of course this will smooth the mesh a little bit and uh name is very straightforward okay and another one is the inflate let me once more but this will make some bumps here like inflating the tool okay and then you hold shift really control and go negative so let me try to sculpt here normal i go control i go negative if i go normal i go positive okay and the next one is the pinch i can grab one of this ones here i can just pinch it make it sharper or i can reduce this one and make this one sharper like this here like that okay and then i can just smooth here make sure my mesh is working and now i have a sharper edge here okay another one is the flattened so if i increase the size here and i want to flatten this area i can just go here and do something like this and this one is very useful like if you want to make some rocks or something like that it can work very nicely and we can just flatten all this area okay and just have to play normal something like this okay very very useful too like if you want to do some rocks or something i'm playing from the viewpoint here depends on the angle we will of the camera we will do the same sculpting here okay um this one basically sculpting with a lot of a lot of prank so that's basically what the what the tool does and of course you can have an alpha mask like uh you can import your own mask you can have your own brushes and it's you can have a really nice result so uh this scope mode if i go back to the normal one let's go to move the problem with this is called mode is that i don't create new geometry and for example i want to move this one here and you notice that when i move this one here my vertices are basically getting lower here and i really don't want this stretch so let me accept this now and it will take a while to compile because it that's the night okay almost done there you go so this is our new mesh and see it's the form okay so let's do the dynamic sculpting now i decided to change the mesh because the other one was really really heavy i don't recommend you it's called a very heavy mesh unless you really need to but this one is very very simple actually compared to the other one so uh this sculpt this sculpt is the dynamic sculpting and what you can do here is you can move and actually it will create polygons just like that and you get this one is very useful for trees or things like that so if you want to this and you can do the plate here but more polygons just like that it's very useful like if you want to create trees or things like that but of course it's very very powerful and it's the same one we use like in c brush we'll be able use this kind of tool just move it a little bit okay and of course you have the same thing as always like you have the flat tank here the difference is like your um they're modifying the topology so the thing is it may screw the uvs it may not but it may like for example this one but in any case this will be rude so uh just to show you if i do the polyedit uh i mean uh uvs let's let's check if the uvs are here uh very easily just go to same edit you will see these are the original uv so they got stretch a lot but i mean you can use this tool to deform objects and especially with rocks or things like that like you don't need to modify the mesh a little bit but you can just move it a little bit and to fix things and it will work work perfectly so that's it for the sculpting here um the next one of course is the smooth surface with where it will just smooth the polygons if you really want to but my case i don't really i don't really use it that much like for example here i use the box then i can use the form the smooth and i can just use steps a little bit and because i don't have any geometry it will it will really destroy my mesh but in any case these are the sculpting tools extremely useful in very particular situations the next one is the offset for this one so i'm cutting this all this in the sculpting tool set because it's kind of like the form in the mesh but for this one it will just like inflate the whole the whole mesh and also create a shell something like this and of course you can increase the number of steps or you can have something like this looks very cute actually if you're making a like a stylus thing so now that you know the scoping tools these tools are extremely good to deform meshes the skull pin tools are very specific but if you want to do more complex operations then we have the warp and the lattice and the displace so we're going to do that next okay so now let's take a look at the deformers for the deformance we have the warp node the lattice one so the warp node will essentially put a stick here and basically warp the mesh around it so you can change the intensity of the warp the degrees and the direction of it you can do it here with the handles you can also do it here in the bend degrees and this is very useful like if you are creating some rows and you want some curves then the warp note works extremely good the other one is the upper bound and the lower bone the upper bound will tell how much influence you want of the warp the upper side and of course the lower one and the the upper one will be something or so for example if you want to put zero here then this part will remain straight and it will have a smooth transition until the next one rotates so this is the red mode and of course you can move the gizmo you have like different pivot points will have different results example let's put 200 here and we can move it so depending on the pivot point we will have a different result and of course you can change the blending here this is extremely useful you can also rotate this to bend the mesh in a different direction just like this and you can have some interesting results here now the next one we need to use for deform the mesh is the lattice the lattice will add some points to the mesh and it will move the vertices that are closest to these points so if i select these points in the corner i will move the vertices that are close to here so i can select the middle ones take this ones and then move it here and of course if you have a lot of points let's accept this and let's do it again let's just have we can try try to change the axis like for example the x1 will have like three by three by three and personally i like to three three by two by three because it's less points to worry about so you can have something like like all of those and just move it here and you see that the transition is very rough and the reason is we're using the interpolation type for linear so if you if you change to the cubic one and you do it again now you will have a much more smooth transition so you can move the points and then you can deform the mesh freely this one is particularly very useful uh when you want to make very specific changes to your mesh but you don't want to move the vertices all right we're gonna take a look at the displays mode the displays mode will allow us to display our mesh based on different properties so in order to do this we're gonna create a rectangle and we're gonna put some subdivisions on it like something like uh maybe one con uh 100 by 100 should be enough we complete okay so now we have a lot of subdivisions here now when we put this place you will see that it will do some subdivisions it will increase the polygon we can decrease the subdivisions here like one just put one for now we can increase the intensity like 50 or 1 or 2 to have something like very soft e if that's what you want and also increase the subdivisions here of course you can change the random ship to something like it will have different results in the noise okay so let's put the default of 10 for now 201 or even 0. okay good one so um what you have here is different types of noises and different noises will have you know different properties for the pearly noise there are different types of noise that you want to play with so let's click cancel and let's go back to the original one go back to the modeling tools go back to this place and here let's play with the pearly nose the frequency will be how much the noise is repeated so if i put like one you will have a lot of frequency so if i put 0.001 you have less frequency so and different index will have different results like 0.1 here 0.05 0.05 and you see i can play with all the index like something like this small and this one this one can be like more intense like this and the frequency is lower i have some kind of bobby thing and you have different types of noises for example you have the sine wave and for the sine wave you have different properties for example you can change how many waves you have so basically from zero to one will something like this and of course you can change the phase shift right basically offset the direction of of the sine wave if you want to do like this very cool to have the other one is the random noise of course it's just random nice can be anything and the next one is a constant i i really don't use it so one one of the apps that i wanna show you is the textual one so for in order to do that i already have a material here from megascans let's put this one here and i want to add some bumpiness to it so what i'm gonna do is to go to this place and you will see that if i go to the early noise i'm losing the shape of my brick so what i want to do is a random noise i mean the texture 2d map and for the texture to the map we need to specify the map mega scans come from with these textures here all the mask and if we check the channels individually you see the red is the amine occlusion the green is the roughness and the blue the displacement map and what i did was extract the displacement map put it in photoshop and then import it again so we can use it in the future this won't be necessary it's already working in the branch on git from a real engine 5 but for now we need to use it so in order to use it we just need to drag this one and just put it here and you will see now that my mesh is actually following the displacement direction of my texture and of course i can change the displacement intensity if i want something like 20 or something very subtle like one or two or three you can have something really nice there you go and with this you can create really really nice surfaces okay you can put very evident like 25 that's a little bit too much 10. maybe maybe 8 is a right spot for this and you can click accept if you want and because the texture is styling you can always i'll click and move this one here all right you can do the same and you have your alien texture working perfectly all right so this is the displacement tools it's very useful to detail surfaces and we're going to use it for detailing walls and things like that so it's one of the tools that i love to use most and this is the way to use it okay so let's take a look at the transform tools transform tools allow us to do operations inside unreal that typically will require us to leave the editor to go to other 3d modeling application so these are the most important tools the align tool the pivot point and the bait transform let's take a look at those first let's start with the pivot point because it's very straightforward the pivot point will allow you to change the position of the pivot of a mesh and put it anywhere you want for example i can put it here if i click accept my mesh will automatically change its pivot point and you don't need to export it and import it again so the pivot point comes with a handful of useful tools it has some presets for example you can align to the center to the bottom to the left to the back and so on and you can also align to the world origin here in case you want your meshes to be on zero zero zero all right so the pivot point becomes extremely useful when you want to change the build point of one mesh just keep in mind that changing this will update all the instances all right the next one is the align so let's grab a cylinder let's put it here so a cylinder will align to the box based on some of the parameters we'll give or we can make the box align to the cylinder this is very useful when we want to make things snap perfectly so in order to get the align tool you need to select both of them so let's say let's say i select the box first and then the cylinder and now when i align this to the first thing is that both of them are combined and the box position is the center okay so instead i want to align to the first selected okay and this one will align to my box and i will align to z y and x and i can put a different position for example i can align to the bottom one okay or i can align to the top or i can align to the left and so on and so on and you can also do it with the last one instead of aligning the cylinder you can do the box or you can combine those to have a middle point between the two of them now the last one is a very important one and that is the big transform tools the big scale rotation is extremely important because usually you will do operations in a mesh for example you're rotating like this and then you want to do something like this and let's say you have a column and you want to put it duplicate it like this the problem with modeling this way which is very common in 3d modeling operations is that the transform is not the same if you see these numbers the scale values are 1 1 and six the rotation values are quite different from zero so what this means is that if i try to find my asset here and i put it here you will see that i don't have the same one and the reason is i'm only body find transform so this is where this is where the transform bank transform comes very handful so in order to do that you need to select this one and then select the bake and then you will just click accept and notice sorry notice that the next the columns here are very different and the reason is the transform is not the same so what you can do is reset this to zero and one zero at one okay so the original position is this one if i want to drag this one then of course my mesh have changed all right and my original scale is now one and not six this is very helpful all right so let's take a look at the mesh operations so the first one is the simplifier i have a mesh here with a lot of triangles and usually you want to reduce the triangles and the best way is to use the simplify option when we use simplify it will try different algorithms to finish it and you can see how many triangles and vertices you have for example you can put 100 and of course we have like 30 000 triangles and if we want the half we will have 15 000 and if we want like ten percent one percent like you can really simplify a lot okay so different options here will give you a different results some of them are better but requires a lot uh some extra time but to be honest i haven't really tried like i haven't having any issue with uh with the better ones so if you try like ui standard or existing positions uh usually they will do like a better job like minimal safe preserving this one is the best one especially for this kind of thing is the one that will tell you like even if i put like 50 it will check the angles and if the mesh is flat then it will do a nice job so of course this one is the fastest one but also uh it's the one with less results so feel free to play with this um this one we don't really need for now uh we're just gonna have a glance of the simplify uh so let's click accept another one is the remesh so remesh unlike like simplify remesh will unify all the triangles and basically do a remesh the operation right so it doesn't matter what you had when you put remesh it will have new triangles on each surface and of course here you can specify the number of triangles you want for example you want 10 or you want 500. you will try to put all the triangles more or less the same size here this is quite useful if you want to displace this with the displace tool so you have uniform distribution on the triangles and it's it's really really nice so the other one is the weld so let's create a let's create a sphere here something like this okay and what we're gonna do is to triangle select and select this one like this and we will do disconnect triangles okay so now um all my triangles are disconnected if i go to polyedit or or if i go to let's let's try the triangle selection you will see that this this triangles are are different okay so what i can do here is use the weld one so you will see in the word one that the ones i disconnect are white so i can just click accept and now when i click weld again see there's nothing here it's it's working as expected yes so if we go to the triangle selection and then select uh not triangle edit triangle selection and then go to select all connected now everything is connected okay let's the same here go to triangle selection go to brush and this one will disconnect the triangles and then we'll go to triangle selection and select all connected you will see that this one is disconnect so just when we put the weld one let's see where i can find it there you go then click accept and now let's go to our triangle select all connected and now you have everything there so the next one is the remove hidden triangles from selected meshes this one is a little bit of a special one so for example i will i will show you the merged one first so the merge one i will like put a cylinder here like this okay and i will put it here so here the intersections between these two actually you don't see these faces so what i will do is to merge this here there you go ah let's go here mesh operations merge okay and here you will see that my mesh here inside disappears so of course you have the same operations you have there on everything so let's let's choose accept and now we don't have any hidden triangle okay so what the let's go to the jacket one will make sure this one is also not here so uh just making sure of that okay then the project okay let's let's try the project so the project will basically morph one sphere but one object into another one so for this one you may need to put some subdivisions so let's start with this one so we will click the first one and then we will click the second one and then we can click project okay uh you what you will see is that it will try to move the vertex in a way that you match the same topology and it does quite a good job actually it creates new geometry but you know it's usually used when for example you're baking objects and you want to make sure the low poly and the high poly are pretty much the same the project mode will help you do that okay so this is it for the mesh operations next one we will go to the boxes operations okay now let's take a look at the voxel operations box cells are basically pixels but in 3d and boxes are very useful when you want to create new topology and not worry too much about the 3d constraints that normally polygons have so let's let's try to create a cube first okay so if you create a cube let's create two of them okay what you can do with this is to create a boxer here for example you will go here to boxes operations hit box wrap and now you will create new topology the box cell count will be the density of the mesh for example if i lower this to 32 you'll have a much lower mesh here that you can use and of course look at this you have a nice sharp edges here too and you can also do the auto simplify and what this will do is to simplify the faces that don't need polygons okay so another thing you can do is you can well threshold well that's when we have two objects but basically what's the difference between this so you can see that the voxel mesh is always very smooth kind of like that so if when you have something like this and the voxels operate in a different way than boolean so if i choose this one and then choose this one and let's go to box sales operations you can blend selected meshes and what they would this will do is to blend them you see when i go here i create new topology kind of like the boolean but in reverse where instead of subtracting this i'm adding the geometry and i'm actually merging them it's like combining them and creating new topology and not only that i can change the size the resolution so i have a sharper one so i can create new meshes that actually have real topology here like this of course you can change the blending mode for example the blend power you can put like one to be more smooth or 0.1 or 5 to be more sharp or 10 2 is a nice number and of course the falloff it will increase the blend falloff and the plane power can be something like 1 or 2. and of course you have the union or you can have the subtract mode which basically will do the same but with the subtract modes and it will create new topology so for this one let's click accept here and now we have our voxel mesh and you can see it creates a nice natural transition between the two meshes so this is very useful if you want to create organic environments you can use boxes to block out your level and then use the voxel mesh to quickly have some really nice shapes so let's take a look at another one here let's put another cube here just like this okay and this let's just move it a little bit here like that and what i want to do is to merge these two so if i click on those two i can use the voxel merge and you will see that i have like a it will combine all this and even if this is far it will try to match this one so you can try to change the vertex cone like 32 or 64 or something like that and of course you can do that alto simplify and it will simplify the faces that you don't need okay you and click ok and you can also have the box warp what this will do is to basically offset uh usually this thing you will do when you want to bake objects or something like that and you can use this as a cache so this one is the original one and this one is the offsetted one of course you have like delayed contract close and open so different kind of options for this and of course you have the box wrap pre-process but to be honest uh most voxel operations kind of work like the same and of course you have the boolean let's choose this this time a sphere can use the boolean here so let's choose these two and instead of using this boolean we're gonna use this one and of course nothing has happened because we haven't really intersect these two but what we can do is to put it here just like this and click this one a voxel one and then this one and then we will do the boolean and now you can see that it's working and you can change it like change the boolean the intersect or the union one where we will unify everything here only the parts that we are seeing and of course you can change it with anything you want and there you have a boolean operation with the box elements so the voxels are pretty safe in a way that is very freeing to add any kind of geometry and you can create really really complex shape with the box cells so the next one we're going to do is to take a look at some of the attributes not all of them but some of them are pretty important so let's take a look at that next all right so let's take a look at the attributes the attribute inspector is basically some operations you can do to change the attributes of a model a model can have several attributes such as normal maps a normal tangent and vertex and all of this are part of the 3d model so the attributes will allow you to take a look take a closer look at what are the attributes that you have one of this is the wireframe of course you can also take a look at the uv seams for example these are the uv seams of this 3d model from mega scans okay then you have the normal seams the normal vectors this will help you to check the direction of the normals since this will allow you to have a different shading in your model okay you can have like the uv scenes the tangent vectors also of course helps a lot too okay but this is only to keep in mind how your mesh is composed off so basically some operations you can do here are for example the normals and i will choose another mesh for this for example this one so i will put the mesh here and let's go to the normals here and what i can do is to put a normal threshold here and i can change it to something like this what this means is that the normals will change a little by little so let's just duplicate this the normals will change depending on the duration of what the vertex are pointing to so this face and this face it's different because they are flat but if you want to make more roundy ones all we need to do is to really let's create another one here just like this okay we have to and what we will do change the normals for this so let's go to the normals hearing operation and change the normal here normal threshold okay so once you do that you will see that this one have a different shading this one is more smooth like a like a ball and if you check the normals here like let's go here to the inspector normal vectors you will see that i have something like this very sharp and if i go here and check the inspector you will see that i only have one normal pointing here that is the average of these three points that i had on the other one the same for the tangents like you don't really need to use it to be honest for now then generate new polygroups based on the normals of course you can put like depending on that normal angle you will have different polygroups that's something to think about and let's keep going in the paint new mesh polygroups of course you can paint some polygroups here and here i have some polygroups and now when you the polyedit you will be able to paint polygroups more easily you know change them okay so actually this is a very special tab but what i want to show you is the material edit so um let's go back to here to this one and what i want to do is to change the materials here so you know how i'm going to do that is i'm going to select the triangles i want and i will select by uv iceland i will select this one and then i will go to materials and i will click a new one and i will try to select another material let's try to select this one click here and then selected material press index 1. now you don't press accept now what you need to do is to assign the selected material here and now your mesh has two materials one is for this id another one is for the original one okay so this is a good way to add more materials to your mesh if you check here you will see that you see the two materials so this one is very important the next thing we're going to do is to bake some textures okay so we're gonna bake that low-poly model and a high poly model and we're gonna do that next all right so now we're gonna learn how to make pictures so this is a nanite bench and it has a lot of triangles and let's say you want to simplify this but you want to use the traditional method of using a low poly and a high poly model so in order to do that we need to do some things first let's go to the attribute editor or this one and it will take a while the first time because it's a very heavy mesh so let's take a look at the attribute editor just wait a little bit because it's gonna take some time and what we're gonna do is to optimize for editing okay so let's optimize for editing and this will and disable some settings that need to be rebooted rebuild each time in order for the mesh to function correctly okay so now that we have our mesh what what i want to do is to duplicate this one like this actually let me rotate this in order to be the same spot okay let's change the lining here okay so now this one we're gonna duplicate this this will be our low only okay let's click accept and this will duplicate our mesh okay so now that we duplicate our mesh it's very heavy so what we need to do is just to make a low poly it will be very easy we just need to go to mesh operations and we could do a remesh if we want we could try let's try what happens if we do remesh and it will take a while so i will come back when it's processing okay so i will put 10 000 triangles like this and let's see how it handles it okay so now that we have remesh this one let's click accept and this will give us our new mesh with new topology and we can actually simplify this one and we can use the minimal shape preserving wait a little bit okay maybe use this one this one looks fairly low poly we can do like 10 something like that okay and there you go now uh sometimes in this case the remesh really made our reserve our ubis sometimes that's not the case for example if i want to use my box wrap i will have something like this and and then i will lose my uvs and usually you want to do this kind of operation so that you you don't want to have this kind of loading things so what what you can do is go to maybe this one and box wrap pre-process okay and then this one will handle the small dots okay so what you need to do and this one of course it create a whole you can do an auto uv something like that okay and of course before that we need to remesh this so let's simplify this and let's just put it like this okay so let's do the auto uv just like that and let's check the checkerboard it's good or not try to normalize to world or noise killing both are okay have a look click accept and looks like this could work okay it's not perfect uvs but it's something so what i want to do is to make this this is my low poly actually i will simplify this a little bit more let's go back let's not simplify it so much otherwise my low poly will be too different from the high poly so let's simplify it but it's just like 75 just something like that okay so now that we have this from distance is most likely the same shape we click on this one and then we click on this one and then we will do a big texture okay so now that we have bakes let's wait a little bit for processing and now you will see here that i have my normal map working but it's very small so what i want to do is to increase the resolution to something like 2048 and let's see how our normal map looks like and now our normal map starts looking very nice let's increase the thickness like 10 in case we are missing some of the details of the rock there you go and maybe let's try 50. okay so it this looks like it works so let's just click ok and now here we will have our normal map we can put it here if we want we have a new material okay now this is the normal map that we baked if we want to bake again just bake this and we can make the albedo map so let's try to do that let's go here and we can the texture to the image and the source texture of course will be the cliff this one and it may work or it may not it may look darker as expected it does it does look darker so just don't worry about it it looks darker than what it should normally it shouldn't you can also have the occlusion multiplier with like zero here or the base grade label something like that but for us uh now the normal map works fairly nice so be aware of the alvido the normal map works nice but the alvido map doesn't work as as we will expect so this is the way we bake textures inside unreal and this one has much less polygons we can try to create the night version of this one try to find it we go night enable and here when we go to nanite visualize triangles you will see that we have much less triangles here now you may or may not want to use this but the tool is here you can bake inside unreal and you don't need to go to any other 3d modeling application okay so now we are in the last part of this introduction to modeling inside unreal engine 5. the last thing we need to do is to take a look at the uvs so by default all the meshes come with some basic qb's but there are some times you need to modify them in the uvs tab you will be able to select between different options to uv map your object for example i can try auto uv and this will have a different result i can try to put this one normalize to world or i can put noise killing or i can change the stretch here something like this okay so now that i have this i can have different uvs now if this one doesn't really fit your needs you can try to unwrap this as well so when if i unwrap it it will look like this and i can use the polygroups or the existing uvs if i want usually when you create different polygroups you will have different uv iceland so that can be helpful for you another thing you can do is to try to change the unwrapped type to conform a minimum stretch different surfaces will give you different results so try to play with this one so another thing you can do is to check the preview you can change the checkerboard or you can try to change the uv map size okay you can also try to overwrite with another material let's say i want to use one of my surfaces here and i want to put it here now i can take a look of how my uvc's are working i can also change the scale here like two or three to repeat my texture if i want it i will just leave it on one for now and i can just change uv channel 0 for now okay the project one will do a different thing so depending on the surface you will want to change the different projection projection size like this or you can escalate like y or x and if you have like a different shape for example like this cylinder you can use the project mode and instead of using the cube you can use the cylinder and now it will unwrap nicely so if you put the checkerboard it will look like this and just try to make sure all the checkers are square another one is the sim editor so let's try to put something like a auto uv something like that and let's try to do the same editor what we can do is to click here and drag here just like this there you go enter click this one and then click this one and drag it just like that and then click this one and drag it and you will be able to change the same in any any way you want another thing you you have is the transform node so this one if you check this one you will be able to scale your uvs or move them around in x or y position if you want to check how it looks with the original material or with the override material you can take a look here you can scale down or scale up if you want to increase or decrease the resolution and this is a good way are your textures let's try to apply this material here so we can have a look at how it looks like another thing you can do is to change the layout by default it will repack everything and put it in the 0 to 1 space or you can also transform this one to change from 1 2 3 0.1 0.2 or 1 or you can also translate the uvs to rotate them in case you need the texture to be in another place so this really concludes the tutorial on how to use the modeling tools and also for the uv section this concludes our tutorial on the modeling tool thanks a lot for watching and remember that if you want to learn more we have more videos for people like you on our website make sure you check our tutorial on how to model the entire castle in unreal engine 5 and let us know in the comments what kind of video you would like to watch and we may make a video about it until next time
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 3,686
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Keywords: modeling tutorial beginners, modeling ue5, unreal engine 5, how to install unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial beginners, tutorial unreal 5, tutorial ue5, how to use unreal engine 5, learn unreal engine free, download unreal 5, how to create a game with unreal engine 5, ue5 tutorial series, unf games, unreal engine 5 early access, download unreal engine 5, introduction unreal engine 5, level design unreal engine 5, level design ue5, ue5 level design tutorial
Id: 9InU0xbX7l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 34sec (7954 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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