This is what I call "Speed Unboxing" the locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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what's up locker nuts all right today we're gonna do something a little bit different yes we're gonna be unboxing yes the boxes came from the train unit that's what we've been unboxing well for a while now because it's been there's a lot of stuff and it's been great great finds but today i'm going to do a little different i'm going to be doing speed unboxing so look i'm just not having enough time lately to do everything shoot videos unbox auctions we've been doing three auctions a week for the past couple weeks this week we're gonna slow it down a little bit and have two but i still don't have enough items so i don't have time to like film everything go slow and and it hey it takes a lot of time trust me it really does so today i'm going to pull a box out unbox it and then lay it all out on the table here and then show you what i got kind of like a summary so you'll be able to see box by box what we find but just not the you know slow pointed out we'll get back to that soon enough but right now i got to go quick so let's get to it [Music] all right to start with let's go through this box here and that's not a in a box but we'll check that out too low department 56 stuff all right here's what we got we got um a lionel train set here this is called the redwood valley express these three pieces right here this is some good value this is 75 to 100 bucks on ebay sold plus shipping right here this right here rio grande i didn't look this one up but this is another piece that's kind of cool look at that tnt on the barrels uh that piece looks like it goes with it same size scale so we'll be selling this is going to go right in the auction guys this right here is going straight in the auction this right here spooky farmhouse department 56 this will probably go on ebay these larger department 56 pieces i feel more comfortable putting them on ebay because shipping is kind of an x factor with this stuff even with this train it's a little bit of an x factor but the part 56 we got a lot of these pieces and this is a spooky farmhouse it's a halloween piece the this ranges anywhere from 60 to 120 sold price on ebay i'm not sure why the broad range because both those sales um seem brand new but this is a good find right here and i think we have a lot more of these pieces coming out so good stuff all right next box is not really a box it's a bin a tote and this one is seeing better days cracking up it's cracking up i'm not sure what happened to the lid on it but uh it doesn't matter i'm gonna take all these items out and sort them on the table let's go all right here's the table there's a ton of stuff in that box and unfortunately it started out really good i pulled these out these were all inside of a little box and this is a locomotive right here even though it doesn't look like one is super heavy this is a locomotive very heavy and you get all these passenger cars here it's all in skill stuff and that will go on a lot for the auctions have this little uh rail crossing sign here that's pretty cool and um that will go in the auctions this is a really nice train frame not a big deal not high value that'll go on the auction though at some point we'll load up a bunch of train stuff again i did find this car here was this o scale or something i have to look it up but it's another one of those explosives cart i guess they're supposed to pop apart when you blow it up or whatever there's a whole bunch of what five or six of these infantry kits to make little model guys paint them and whatnot and build your little landscapes probably that's what this is for a little grass terrain or something here's a tin that says jazzercise this is random stuff right some craft paint here i think it's fabric paint i'll have to see if those are dried out if they're not i'll start building a bin for some craft stuff a few candles randomness right some hook and loop i believe this is not velcro because that would be a copyright violation and uh uh golf balls with train stuff on it a little coffee mug with some i don't know wolves and indian stuff adult dream catcher and then here is mp80 rechargeable battery pack i don't know if there's value there there's a metropolitan like a glass serving tray or it looks like they use them for makeup or something there's a couple of brand new boots explorers it says look at that brand new it's got tag they're like 20 bucks right now a few more train calendars again we'll put that aside and put that in a train lot try to get enough stuff to make it interesting and auction it off hey we got a couple of shoe inserts a couple of ski gloves in there they've seen a little bit of use and they're a little old too this is a good find here we've got a couple of uh tape measures stanley both both them brand new in the package uh that's a nice little fine it's worth a few bucks probably i don't know five bucks each for those at the flea market and then here we've got some vintage shirts this actually is a good find right here angels camp that's a that's oh right here look at that 1983. angels camp is a town near here that is famous because part of gold country part of the california gold rush there's a lot of history there uh look at these shirts and these are some old shirts they have obviously seen some wear uh that doesn't seem to matter to the vintage market though sun strokes of hawaii and i like tahoe these are some old shirts and you know what these will go on our auction those do extremely well here's the oakland a's just a little duffel bag small duffel bag with cross promo 711 coca-cola here's a pasta fork spoon whatever oh boy what else we got this from mcdonald's it's a disney glass and it was still in the mcdonald's bag but the bags kind of thrashed so took it out these are collectible not not worth that much but we'll see if we can find a few more pieces uh we found a few more stamps here these are from 1995 so i'll probably just throw them in a bin start building up a stamp set here's a little bunny patch add that to a miscellaneous box there's a little music cassette like a sampler add that to a miscellaneous box and then here we've got something a little bit better so check this out this note right here was with these these are beautiful it says oco pot geode and they are from brazil look at that these are gorgeous i don't know about value on these but they definitely have a cool factor to them tall little slices of geodes and they're polished up really beautiful and then we have we do have a couple of geodes right here nice what's really cool about this is a lot of guys have been asking us in the auctions do you have any stones do you have any rocks do you have any fossils minerals anything we really haven't i've got a couple pieces i set aside but now we've got all this uh so i'll start building a nice little lot for you guys if you want to buy those at the auction all right next box slash tote slash whatever let's get in this one all right looks pretty good okay guys i like that box better that box was incredible check this out we'll start over here a couple of dv dvds with a couple of uh model trained dvds sealed in the wrapper we're going to add that to our miscellaneous train a lot that's kind of cool this is a little stuffed animal deck oakland a's barbecue mint or you know probably for barbecuing it's an oven mitt and a pot holder a couple more a's things ketchup mustard plastic bottles brand new it's a glass from the old spaghetti factory nothing too special there um look at all of these ornaments we got right here all these these were um these were still in the hallmark bag he bought a bunch of them at a time had a huge oil uh hallmark bag and look at this we've had some of these before exact same ones i think and now we got more so these do very well in the auctions so guys expect to see some of these coming up here very very soon then we got some more train stuff here's an ho scale kit looks like you put on the trucks on the bottom it still needs to be assembled brand new here's a um heavy locomotive here i think that's in scale maybe it's not maybe it's a little bigger here's this stuff i think this is h0 maybe i don't know very cool here's a little tunnel uh fascia for when you're building your models neat stuff little bikes bicycle headlamp no big deal there oh yeah we got a ton of hot wheels a ton of hot wheels good good good good good good good good good good and then we got one of these too these uh v-dubs jada toys but sorry guys this one's not going to get auction that's going to my buddy jeff he likes he collects these and i've been putting those aside for him and this i think is a very nice little piece right here i like that we got another die cast we're loving those so we've been locking those up four at a time and uh auctioning them off here's a little bit bigger one right here what's this uh i don't know what skill that is we'll figure it out a little halloween decoration no bigs there i found a bunch of nickels in a cup so we'll add that to our coin star hall which is right under here see that that jug right there starting to build up and then check this out guys this is probably the best part maybe i don't know it's a lot of good stuff here but look at all of these pins sharks ease good good stuff so many so many sports pins this bag's full of them you have some flattened pennies too full of them and a little bit more over here too check it out oh what's that see giants world series pen we got great stuff here great stuff that was a nice little box all right next box we got his cardboard box here and [Music] oh i see some barbies this will be interesting all right let's get to it okay this box wasn't quite as exciting some weird stuff in here like some suntan lotion uh this barbie is it's all right 40 bucks i don't think it has that much value though i don't think they hold their value all that well but we'll see we'll look it up um this gi joe however might be a little bit better this is actually the second one that we found and i think the other one came out of this unit as well and uh yeah that's what he looks like check him out this is pretty cool now if i remember correctly i made i think i looked this guy up and i think he's a hundred bucks i might be wrong i might be wrong i'm gonna have to look these guys up we also found an air cast air cast this is interesting very interesting uh and then we have this apron right here this like an engineers apron with a train on it i think we'll put that with our train lot we have this aerobics uh jazzercise vhs this guy is really in aerobics i think they own a jazzercise studio or something at some point and then this empty plastic container so kind of cool all right these are actually not too bad they sell for between 25 and 40 on ebay plus shipping not too bad better than i thought actually this not as good as i thought these sell anywhere from 25 to 50. and um yeah i thought they were more but still that's plus shipping so not bad the two of these together i'd say easy 60 70 bucks all right next bin right here next tote all right um hmm see some part 56 potentially let's see what else we got okay that's what it looks like we got a bunch of department 56 and then there's a bag dang it there's a bag of bras and underwear and athletic wear and it's i'm saying dink because we just blew all this stuff out at the auction on friday so i don't know maybe we'll have to make some more lots but check this out this is cool cold care clinic customs stitchers got the one that's heritage ones it's kind of nice reindeer training camp look at this marie's dollhouse that marie osmond that's funny and another custom stitchers we got two of those i guess all right i hope you guys are enjoying this speed unboxing um we'll get right to the next box in just a sec but first i just wanted to say thank you so much to lynn wilson first of all lynn is a bonafide nuts member that makes her bona fide nuts but second of all she's just been a huge supporter of ours way back like near the beginning and uh she's always had so much encouragement for us she supports us in every way she can she's also a big buyer at our auctions we really really really appreciate you lynn thanks so much for being a locker nuts and especially a bonafide locker nuts if you guys aren't sure what we're talking about bonafide locker nuts that means that you're a member of our channel on the bonafide nets level if you two like to learn more about becoming a member hit the join button below you'll find out more about it and we have fun here on the channel thanks for watching let's get back to it all right next box our tote looks like more christmas stuff all right let's get to it all right here's what was in that box and sure enough lots of department 56 lots of it i'm gonna have to start listing this stuff on ebay because i got a lot of it and i'm pretty sure some of this stuff's got good value and these pieces are large so like this look at this town tree set of five pieces and this heritage village collection i think is a little bit better a little bit more expensive that's what it looks like and um all of this is the heritage village collection this just says village but um yeah we got a lot of stuff here we got some little stuff these are department 56 right here this is department 56 right here uh none of this stuff is this is a candle and a couple of uh random made in china ornaments this funny this is fireworks uh ground blooms and some black snakes these are cool um but yeah it's kind of a random thing to have in here but we uh yeah we got to get the listing there's some good stuff all right check this bad boy out we got a big tote this time full full of stuff and uh yeah it's kind of heavy too and i don't really have much insight looking through the clear or opaque tote that could be anything in here so let me get the digging and uh hopefully i can fit all this on the table all right there's a lot of stuff in this one uh but there's a lot of trash too let's just look over it we got some department 56 i stacked it up here decent stuff that'll sell good here's a kiss trivia game brand new shrink wrapped here's some uh bible bobble heads a's bobble heads that's pretty cool and then this little um he's a plastic cup that came in that black box right there there's some miscellaneous a's stuff right here i'm able to lock all that up this is good right here this is a little die cast we love finding these but this one is i think that's especially cool very very neat looks like it's a bank too because there's the compartment underneath i like that piece um this is a appears to be a fur hat and i say that at first i thought well that's faux fur but the fur's actually coming out um so maybe it's faux fur it's made by dockers though i can't imagine docker's using real fur well anyways i don't know if it's real or not here's some miscellaneous halloween decorations brand new toothbrush a couple tools not nothing that big here's some fireworks morning glories look at that it's funny um crazy glue we love finding that because every now and then i need to fix something and i never i never have to buy crazy glue got some bungee cords right there all right just flashlight got some more of these cards we had these and we auction them off last week in one of the train lots those are kind of cool uh good for train collectors here's a brand new baseball hat wait is it new sure feels new yeah it's new it's got the cardboard in it still there's the tag and it's uh there's the hologram sticker this very nice hat okay got a couple more diecast cards right here with a certificate of authenticity ornament some jack daniel stuff this is good look at this hot wheels here's those classic additions these go for a little bit more money than the regular ones and uh we got a woody right there who's who likes those doug miller are you watching the video i know you're going to like that these are different these are hot wheels but they're called cop rods cop rods so a little bit something different i haven't seen those before so that's something new and then a few was it one two three half dozen uh regular old hot wheels so nice lot pretty pretty good box right there nice box bin whatever all right it's another pretty full looking like miscellaneous stuff i like it it's fun let's take that out and show you what we got all right some decent stuff here not as good as the last box i'll show you real quick brand new leather wallet it was brand new in the original box never open a couple of hot wheels things mcdonald's happy meal little a's hot hot wheels we got this little ceramic bear it's actually pretty nice but i think you put a candle in it he has little conductors overalls on he's got a train definitely train related uh here's a couple pesos a couple happy meal things here's an a's tumbler sharks golf towel one piece of department 56 three christmas cords christmas tree cords let's go to the flea market um 24 i got a dozen hot wheels here so that's two lots in our auctions that's cool jungle book check this out walt disney jungle book it's sealed i don't know if that makes it worth anything or not diecast car another one uh christmas vacation brand new seal and we got some um cds here that one's open that one's open i think the rest of them are sealed madonna shakira so these are all like sealed up i think that makes them a little more valuable i don't know we'll still auction them off as a lot but uh pretty good stuff so yeah not bad all right here's the next box see right here it says table trophies lamp clock yeah that's what it looks like looks like a lampshade and that looks like the back of a clock all right well let's pull it all out and take a look at it okay not as much in this box here um because we got these big bulky items here so we got three trophies got a baseball couple bowling that's kind of cool this is 1985 on it so i got this old radio right here generally electric it's okay it looks a little rough or it might just be dusty got this old drill right here is that called a drill i don't know it's this old kind you push it and it turns i believe i don't know so it's old though we'll bring that to the antique market this is well we'll bring to the antique market i can't say it's pretty but it's definitely different and it is definitely old so we'll bring that out there see if anybody wants it we've got a tumbler seaworld we've got this tablecloth with oakland a's we'll take a look at this in a second this i think's a air pump right for a aquarium or something this lampshade's thrashed this one right here is like an illustration line art of a a train and that's actually pretty cool and then we've got this bag here see look at this whoa what is that what the heck is that like jasper says they're like a lot of those they look like deer caps bottle caps uh we got we got a whole bunch of pins tons oh there's raiders got tons more pins tons tons many many many more pins and this is great great great great guys good stuff all right here's the next box chewy chewy box [Music] all right what do we got okay it looks like a die-cast plane oh there's barbie in there and i don't know this is oh this is a train thing oh yeah there's another train on shoot we just sold one of these in the auction not too long ago all right let's let's dig this out and see what we got all right that was a nice little box check this out so first up we got a record here ed nadal coach of the oakland a's to baseball with love so apparently he recorded an album and he also signed this in 1983. pretty cool we got this set right here we did sell one of these recently in our auctions we did kind of like a big train lot i don't know very nice it's all looks brand new as well it's good good good good good good and then we've got some train pieces here it's got some overspray or something on it uh this one's a locomotive right here very nice heavy this is a lionel cool that's good that's good it's got a little smokestack here too i think that probably produces real smoke yeah we got these little pieces here very very good there's a lionel piece right here okay oh scale a little cheap pumpkin decoration there probably go to the flea market with that here's a 2007 barbie we'll look that up see if it's got some value this is cool diecast and it's a plane we've had tons of diecast cars but here's a plane and um look at this waco airplane waco airplane and then this is so neat telematch 4 television computer game i believe this is like a pong so it looks like anyways looks like pong let's open that up and see what it looks like okay check this out this thing is in the bag it has been taken out but look at this it looks it looks brand new it really does it looks brand new the cord unfortunately wasn't wound back up and it's got um styrofoam like stuck to it i think the styrofoam is just so old it's like almost like it melted but i think it's just deteriorating or something but look at this these uh controllers are looking like they're super super uh great shape and i guess you turn these to move the paddle up and down it's a rotating knob these are in fantastic condition this is this is a really nice example once you get the styrofoam cleaned off the cord this thing is going to be probably about as nice of a condition that you find versus a brand new one so kind of a neat little find i don't know if there's a value in that i'll have to look that up as well okay guys check this out we've got a few of these trunks to go through and this one i just moved over here but i know what's in here look at this this is actually really interesting look at this all hot wheels well die cast i see some kiss cars over there look at this isn't that crazy so many so many so cool oh wow look at this john glenn alright so i'm gonna pull all these out yeah oh that's nice another one these racing ones there's another kiss one right there there's a kiss one right there um all right let me pull all these out and we'll take a look at what we got it's a ton of stuff all right check this out what a table this is so exciting look at this all these are kiss cars all of these are hot wheels we're gonna have we're gonna be definitely loaded up in our auctions for quite a while we got these pro racing series here um these have done very well in the auction so i'm excited about having more of those and that's what all these are as well those pro racing ones all different types of variations on that pro racing these i think might be something special i think we had one of these before these hot wheels collectibles it wasn't this one this one's really really nice 67 corvette stingray and then look at this 30 year hot wheel 30 year we had some of these too that's a boat one interesting and then this one that's weird too they're all weird cars huh and then this one this one unfortunately is open i don't know if the glue just came off or if that was opened it doesn't look like anything's disturbed on the inside firebird funny car very cool we have this custom car designer set john glenn set that we saw first thing and uh matchbox car and then three of these five packs here so that's basically guys everything you see here is gonna make our auction block uh in the next week or two very exciting stuff all right we're gonna wrap that up now you probably tell if you've been watching our auctions you've seen a lot of these items over the past few auctions well i've been working on this video for a little while i'm so sorry i haven't got out more videos lately but this is the best i can do it's been a tremendous amount of work trying to keep up with the auctions and the auctions have been fantastic we've been selling tons of stuff every week a couple either two or three auctions every week we're going longer we're selling more items it's been fantastic because it's been a way for us to earn income during this shelter-in-place mess that we're in you can't go to the flea markets but it's also been a really new fun and interesting element to the channel but it has got in the way of me making videos well this week we're going back to the auctions let's let's say we hope we're going back to the auctions they're scheduled let's hope they don't cancel and i'm hoping we're gonna be buying some exciting lockers right here in the next few days we'll definitely be making some videos and sharing those but in the meantime i'll do some more of these speed unboxings so i can at least show you what i'm doing in the garage and what we're finding alright thanks you guys so much for watching thank you so much for subscribing if you haven't yet go ahead and do that thanks for hitting the thumbs up please do that too and we'll have another video out soon but don't forget our auctions mondays at 6 pm pacific wednesdays at 4 pm pacific we hope to see their team all right take care and until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 7,569
Rating: 4.9320259 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, safe opening, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, slot cars, 1983 vintage, time capsule, cash, cash box, Lionel, die cast, matchbox, Muppets, James Bond 007
Id: aIfqURTd0eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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