Unlocking Hunter's ALT WEAPON SKIN - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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all right hunter kill in the past alt skin please I like her old skin one of my faves I'm not gonna play for jor tonight what's up to cure moto I would like to but we'll see how long I end up playing risk of rain for minor might not happen I have every intention of finishing the game though so uses one bullet gets her an animal it's me Kay to oneself welcome French its neck risk of rain is still a thing table Tech's site time slows down you get a little boost on your gun for a second it's like pretty okay we like really have some extra cash to spend we'll think about it it's a very nice key drop gas mask I need a gas mask in the last run man [Music] help me dawg I'll get some extra [ __ ] for me how does one change your name on twitch your screen name anybody it's done that recently actually got me there kind of pain it because I didn't want to dodge into the water barrel thinking like what if I needed it well thanks dog appreciate it Wolf's gaming speaking of dogs prime sub what's up in Austin blue two months T in the Apple thanks to Tim Apple like you can cook Tylenol have been watching you in a while for YouTube for a while on YouTube and stopped by the stream since I saw you on the enter the gungeon wiki yeah sweet gotta love that feature dad is featured I should really pet the dog more I think when the dog finds stuff it might find more stuff what's the dog's name Lumi he isn't on the wiki though just love me maybe not another lens Steve [Music] [Music] where's my sponsorship money from the wiki Matt Matt what's up Prime's up when your bullets hit like pots and pizza and [ __ ] pissing me off [Music] [Music] pump pump it up pump it up bump bump bump I'm gonna open this now I think I'm gonna open this now spaceship wingman [Music] another remix though let me [Music] you got scald a red chest or a golden chest [Music] [Music] I still just want to call him Carl Carl boy's best boy [Music] let's fight these bosses Gatling go [Music] in the best room for two [Music] my spaceship buddy not doing a very good job here with those missiles have seen better [Music] [Music] got him done dance 11 months in a row holy [ __ ] I love month anniversary and I damn near slept through it sorry I'm tardy to the party putz still love you make sure your support dance appreciate you alien engine with those votes energy Oh with the the ship the danger zone alien [Music] Clara's wingman it will fire four rockets at a time sis true why's it called pilots wingman and not into the danger zone Quinlan's sprite will become blue and will fire four missiles at a time is it is it blue if I switch weapons so good oh good that's passive then I don't have to actively like hold the engine clock gets the reference [Music] allergies that are dreaming like the flu spring fever I'm gonna buy a key and open up that green chest greens not bad it's guaranteed to be a gun - oh yeah oh good [Music] you're a seeker I'm worried you Dean [Music] party right there ready to check that spot though [Music] Zen hyzer amazing tier 3 sub for 25 months in a row all hail the tier 3 subs how are all doing here in this bud huts [Music] another key to burrow what is what allies do for who and what the betrayer shield and lies like we did everything I always second-guess myself when I'm about to go to the second floor or just the next floor I mean well that's wait you forgot to do the block the amount of things I've forgotten I've got scars okay so much talking in that to keep you logged here's a story chapter two kind of talking here though it's an audiobook or song did for Rockets look at that the ship is so good now this is the story you have a girl cried a river in bunks the whole world [Music] I'm up wait a second mushrooms don't start on fire right [Music] dude my ship is like crazy good that's not what I typed there Lowell [Music] prove it and that'll hold up in court [Music] well the Rockets do the job too strong everybody find me some stuff I'll give you the good scratches noise see it works yeah Carl come here bud there is a secret room visible where while so we just do it now [Music] nice adds up lowercase R don't mind it give me some good give me some Taffer with that our spaceship is doing all the stuff anyway so who cares at that point bullet [Music] and J organs up [Music] Oh to pop up Carl there's the scratches that's just a taste of what you could get if you bring me a key I'm not even making it over there yet and they're all dying where's my nod leaf Kappa oh hi [Music] crown of guns could be worth it for some crazy synergies does it synergize with anything we have currently Crescent crossbow blast helmet guns an ant little bomber Trident coin crown cat bullet King throne no wow thanks ship saved my butt none of its what you'd expect it's a sonic movie trailer dropped and it looks about as good as you'd expect dude it's got like a star-studded cast like who's directing it anybody no no it's like fun [Music] not worth it also a locked crest room weren't weren't weren't Wang some mad lad Jeff Fowler it's [ __ ] Jim Carrey in there as Eggman what a random thing but like not bad not bad random but weird Carl I need some keys bud need some keys pretty badly or a chest teleporter would also do would make me happy [Applause] Jim Carrey best for Bach Nick scrubs not Sam's come too bad sonic on the other hands I mean I think everyone's pretty much pissed off about that a turkey no one would Gunjan turkey nobody wanted this one green chest Welby yeah we can do two green chest with a bot key here still have enough left over for a crown of guns rip Radke again gobble-gobble he whispered [Music] we ready got the secret room yeah charge shot bad ring of chest friendship bad hail to relay [Music] I like charge shot I might like a synergy what does it turkey do if I land three bullets on an enemy I get bullets back or some [ __ ] it's not how that works it's that Turkey that does that recovers one ammo after landing three sequential shots so it's a turkey that plays fetch with bullets [Music] nice see a little less nice to see nearness buns hunter bits so I was building a cheese factory and the leader of the cleanup crew was named Shawn whenever something broke people I was yelled parmesan can you come get did this debris why parmesan parmesan like pardon that makes no sense [Music] I give it a zero pardon Shawn yeah but that doesn't even sound like parmesan that is a stretchy a stretch of it were stretched sides what happened your mom last night [Music] and everyone lulled when he says it but doesn't get it I mean I think I got it I just some incredibly disappointed laughs and cheese without Dodge rolling I accept your measly stupid challenge dumbass I mean okay I got a prize just in the room [Music] devolve around passive upgrades are fantastic especially when free Parmesan Parma me the thing about puns are they have to make sense that hurts psyche money want to come say aye he's like I just saw that movie you just did with the with the thing man that was genius dude Lou Lenny thinks I'm the smartest streamer ever / if you agree Nazi I'm over here though I'm gonna come face me [Music] Parimal Lenny stuttering potatoes six months what's up universe keep it up man appreciate it I just see these like massive kitten hair tumbleweeds rolling across the room [Music] [Applause] now don't mind the fact that I'm allergic to cats you guys [Music] inserts love sneeze stepped in little Annie vannie you just get here or did I just notice you now hug me he says Molotov if I could share the money hugs I would you just noticed me sorry the same color is lumi and I generally ignore lumi so you let me love Anna Lenny the problem with Lenny is he doesn't trust anybody they trust no one else he hates strangers he hissed at my grandma fifteen months in a row for NJ Oregon this one's for Leonard he's grown some great foo Manchu whiskers she can change a color Lumi but you guys are both red on my screen permanently he's like I'm just getting a taste for when I eat you later when the allergies kill you I remember when I first got Lenny then that was a long-ass time ago remember when he like climbed up on my desk and he was like playing with [ __ ] Wolffe guys 200 beds be careful hot seats just making sure you haven't spoiled yet leni hugs I don't know why he does this but it's just straight-up like a hug like he's not doing anything up there it's not like he has something to look at it's a green screen back there he's whispering sweet nothings into my ear like I'm gonna [ __ ] eat you and you're dead that's what he said just now I hope you die a painful death I feel like I just a top to the hair just like chokes me out money says Bella Magoo listenin toss is a chunk of hair that like flips to the air and it's like a kitten has whispered all right let's find a key knowing my luck this won't be a synergy chest will blow our key on it will blow our whole key on it all the key juice nice thank you spaceship thanks Karl it didn't need it but you tried they're rid of this barrel dude my spaceship can like one-shot anything and my arm also like hurts where he licked me I'm here to see Lennie says lovey he doesn't feed us if we don't show up let's there's a same thing that I threatened Lenny with oh my gosh like you don't snuggle me and act like you like me no food gonna pour your food into your litter box and you can sift through your own [ __ ] to find your food [Music] pouring your water in there - is this chunk pissed or is this chunk water I don't know I gotta chew it sandpaper tongues [Music] more chests at this thing at this stage I think I would like some keys but junk could be cool if we get Junkin what do you feel him he gets some like super fancy food from Amazon but I would consider expensive a lot more expensive than if I just bought the [ __ ] generic at Costco it's like called fresh or something like that but the sneeze fun fact cat tongues are made of toothbrush bristles with tiny blades attached to the ends and sear [Music] would totally by Elder Blanc totally with totally crusts nothing but boss let's do it crown of guns probably not if we get up up up up up up RC bullets then hell yeah this bro punish bounce it's a bouncy can now make bones references any bone related items easy mode chaff grenade not excited about it not my first choice 81 monies elder blink first forget elder blank we got the junk everything else price still worth it right could I have chaff grenaded and stolen a key I can shaft grenade and steel I can get the reload stone which halfs my reload time but but a bit of it but uh I don't have room for two active items and I just gave myself what three curse so I'm not gonna do that what was my dog barking [Music] forgot about the synergy chest honestly but sometimes you get I make a move bust a move Chunkin my lord did we get the secret I'm already I don't think we did remember getting it at least we'll check the obvious places could be maybe like right here [Music] I basically just checked spaces that are like symmetrical I already checked here yeah keep in the middle this room it's generally speaking not behind any items that are up against walls shop is a popular spot I could have stolen the Radke hmm could've just stolen it [Music] there's another chest you forgot to junk I'm still struggling with all his cat air in my face it's like dangling into my eyes it's in my sideburns and my beard and my eyelashes and my dreams bye dad the stream got boring thanks [ __ ] jackass I mean by friend thanks for insulting me I'm gonna stop anyway I don't know so we just saved three blanks bucket challenge rum what challenge room this one okay fine you know this is the right guy right now nip em up I'm tired of looking for it it's funny when people try to say things to me to like try to make me feel bad about myself or my stream I don't gonna work I feel pretty okay about what I'm doing here well your streams in flooring may be view a butter Nico six months half a year can't believe it's been so long already welcome back five hundred bits hope for the hopeless oh hey don't know if you remember me but I was a nine months up by two years ago but for some reason I was never able to catch a stream after that market you want to say hello and send some love from Australia still watching all your YouTube stuff stay awesome thank you hope stick around you can if you don't mind extremely boring streams oh my goodness would you knock it off though I don't need chess I need keys trash pan to VC Prime's up its up trash Panda excuse me me me good shot dude push them into those yeah easy mode Oh Oh my flip around on my flipper dip you know people love you vampire I will take advantage of that well where was he last floor oh I needed you [Music] use our elder blank more since we got it even if you don't clear any bullets it's still just good to push people back and give yourself some space how's it going out it's going well Oh huh hey these guys are tricky some fast shot speeds and random firing random directions do we need to reload anything I don't think so should we be using a spicy or weapon we really don't have that good of stuff I'm gonna hoping for some good synergies here that could really turn it around some good passives that give our guns that we have a nice little boost [Music] Oh Lord he's back better play the game he might get mad okay alder blank here save mumbling okay people said get lies with betrayals betrayer shield betrayer shield gains infinite ammo much larger magazine size and extremely high fire rate so let's do it did for sure betrayal let's do it infinite ammo bro that's exciting sweet that is a high fire rate boom Chow's get that itself the hope for the hopeless hell yeah dude I'm loving that look at that is it the first sub gift of the day all those that devolve our bullets it's like guaranteed free blank put the dog and the turkey together [Music] let's eat trigger finger even faster fire rate laser sight could be cool probably gonna go for lychee personal old favorite of mine even though it's like what like a sea or some [ __ ] Abbi right gif summers great though it's not like just helping me out it's helping you guys out too it's giving you guys cool [ __ ] spreading the love like a nice creamy love butter all over chat toast butter would you just ring of minik friendship please first couple subs are gifted my virgin ears are pleased I don't even I'm gonna be getting red are drops which is like the thing you always get five hundred bits much-loved huts can't catch a stream all the time but I always get to enjoy the reuploads Gigi Papa thanks for the 500 bed Sanjay ugh is always who's left is can't spaceship will travel yeah this is super good give me more passive bullet upgrades because this is gonna get all of them it's got infinite ammo now though so I get I bet it won't find secret rooms anymore what you got not bad with upgrades our breads that I currently do not possess and I've got no keys sadface hots yes excited about my mic good for anything with it there rolled into it my god get your little boy in the leash there doosh [Music] sounds amazing you recommend guns in and eyes I got Xbox I uh I don't know I guess I'm using in control or I can't imagine it's too bad synergy chests yeah I'd like to buy a key probably and do a synergy chess please and then we had a one wait a second my lychee though ah what's better even more fire rate on my ridiculously high fire at infinite weapon or synergy chess which might not give me this energy we said we were we we were waiting on synergies though let's heal it she vampire oh yeah no no no totally vampire dude suck me dry hell to the yes key lychee is a d only 25% more fire rate but still a thing is gonna be poppin I think it's gonna be super sexy [Music] I think I'm gonna like it I'm gonna get the laser sight - dude bro I wish she just had the infinite number of keys in the back hey we got the pistol machine I was like with upgrades it's pretty good we got those upgrades yeah buddy so might not be as good as this brah it's a teapot what is that Chifa to a tea and a turkey we're gonna look it up teapot has gun the toots heart-shaped steam clouds - you're 44 - familiar will have area of effect while reloading the familiar will have the area of effect AoE effect wait what oh I don't know what that does I have a laser sight on my teapot British intensifies it burns okay - whimsical oh yeah give me that health pack I'm gonna play this guy even more tons of money on hand is so nice this laser sight is perfect for my rave parties - how about a rave Tea Party you spiked the tea sunlight javelin unsure port scathe Oh prime sub welcome one more alright now what break all the [ __ ] with love can you feel the love tonight laser-guided love right to your love holes with that love butter give me a junket seriously they barked at it but it turns out I just pet the dog I thought the junk was like magical got me good there he done got me Carreras Junkin probably like 0.5% I don't know 1% look at this fire rate with the lychee it's so good I'm probably just gonna use this the whole rest of the game can you remove the screen shaken effect is it bothering you art or you're saying like I should do it for my own sake all on the fire you guys like my animal pack an owl a dog a turkey somes flying that spaceship probably starfox what's the dog's name I think we I decided Carl I can't not named my dog Carl it's just got to happen just one of those absolutes let's try the machine pistol and see what happens ahead of remedy in my tumbly that only hands could satisfy one health for more damage I want to say I've got about four or five curse elder blank is too right well I answered the door then I stand in 47 times in the chest did that dudes bullets were moving as I was firing him so I was shooting at him that was [ __ ] undoubtable sir why didn't you use your other blank shut up no one likes a whiner c-carl not Kay step right up you hurt me please call me thief I think on this one I have to bank it if I'm gonna open it up to get the next one this one however something I can bank off the back wall what the that's not where I was putting it although oh boy wait a second you blew it a lying sack of [ __ ] what is this bug why is the laser going through it I take responsibility for this no these lies you could just lie to me that's fine grenade launcher no ice freeze ray [ __ ] you blue [ __ ] the thing looks at me he's like what not bad though not terrible nerd get the sub to Joe score to Czar taste Lord seco to Kristensen to saffron tonight mer to wizard is IMO to elfish bear to Danny Rhodes --red hello nerd what's up fantastic work much love glorious thunder bars absolutely phenomenal 10 subs closer to looking literally licking Satan's toe you know I did say you guys I did say Satan's toe at 1500 subs I don't think we gonna make it but it's ok GG n I don't have any keys Oh Lord no we're at 13 fitty Winchester rifle not the worst thing use it up if I got it some of them if you got them I just like basically turn everybody into a an arrow kin their 1500 this session and I'll do it tonight I'm not lying I will suck Satan Stella for five minutes but seriously though dude knock it off with the chest drops is it because I have that ring of chests mimic or the chest friendship that's got to be why right I thought that was the whole like better stuff after you break a chest but honestly I would really go for that right now because I'm breaking all these chests more screen shake oh [ __ ] bubble [ __ ] they're just a terrible the bubbles are the most shot speed on the planet undoubtable we're actually doing like really bad with our health here [Music] but good dog well can't do the rat I wish we could though 19:11 any reason to get that all I got to do is made in the past m1 m16 orange or easy reload double key for sale quite spicy I want to see what this gun can do in a boss fight it might be good these freebies to me I can't kill those things I didn't blow them up maybe but don't you do that there we go bro and a free blank reload for what this a Winchester how does the Winchester not synergize with the Winchester rifle anyone want to answer that question for the class was it white though dad still does air strike no it's all white and [ __ ] Pet the good boy I'm trying to like keep teleporting there we go keep your keys to be honest instead of the guaranteed Casey Winchester [Music] it's gonna be Casey shoot the brown chest with your water pistol what if it's a rainbow jest who said it was guaranteed the gods I told you snow baller you guys never listen to me I have the freeze ray though oh okay doesn't synergize with the freeze ray sweet why would it though you know nothing Jon Snow Balder frost bullet mega dowser snowball 'it's freezes enemies and leaves ice both guns deal 30 percent more damage and increased shot size such as like tons of ice all the time it's kind of cool but [Music] but you know did we find the secret room we did we could have opened the blue chest instead it was our another chest I thought there was another one we already broke it water can reveal rainbow chest when they hide is a brown chest okay there you go let's try this bad boy with lychee two pretty okay for a brown chest gun don't you think freezing everybody in place Plus 30% damage look at that oh yeah buddy first of all nord senpai official get that a sub the turtle Vader thank you for that appreciate it and nerd gifted more subs shard forged candy drop McMichael mayhem tour again cozy power fatness level three bard and Koch AG welcome you guys thank you so much nerd look at that 13:59 freeze them and then devolve them bro storm's a-brewin number the danger zone [Music] I'll give this unstoppable man [Music] pretty good guns let's see some emotes and chat you guys new dudes Pat us dad all right [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] nerd gifted a sub to Mick miler to even it out for 1360 hell yeah with another thousand ten bits on top nerd overdoing yourself thank you appreciate it I mean I put on a hat I mean I put on a hat guys do you know what this means give any idea what you've done you won't like me when I'm headed 13:16 nor virus I'll be happy if we get to 1500 I'll be happy if I don't have to suck on Satan's toe but this is me that's just my mouth speaking literally man ring are the necklace of Minich whatever [ __ ] would be so I still good right now excuse me I'm joking IRL and in-game Maria we're yet he did can't handle your past mistakes so why did you bring so where did that bring you back to me so I put the Magikarp at I think of the Magikarp song what's the Magikarp son they said [ __ ] for Satan because that's like a DND like game is sounds pretty niche let's buy the armor at this point in time Savior so secret floor kind of unnecessary I stand to lose a lot of health fighting this guns better than portable tables dude does like basically the same exact thing just in shield form full of Magikarp cliches for the rule book named lamentations of the flame princess I still have no idea what you guys are talking about oh yes sling me with a fitty on top Oh dad that's what I'm talking aboot [Music] the void car Canyon I'm like still joking gotta take some bran : hey banner more powerful spaceship hell yeah I'm in 1010 nerd I'll take both spots please 10 10 and 10 10 I thought the m1 was supposed to synergize with the m-19 or did we not pick up the 19 we didn't pick it up let's try the void core [Music] sighs slang double vision ah hurts I think I want it I think I want it I don't even know what I need to reload for like literally nothing ever I think I won't eat [Music] it's gonna be so powerful though elder blank is great but [Music] make a decision on your desk speaker no cuz I'm gonna eventually move my desk somewhere else and then at that point in time I think I'll probably just end up getting like a 5.1 surround sound so if I got like a 2.1 right now I don't know what I would do with the 2.1 that I spent the money on in like a year after I move my stuff look at that 2020 kind of wasted it there but still you know it's still cool more keys please this is like unreal for a infinite animal weapon it's pretty unreal the hell are from nerd forgot the cheesy punt earlier 100 more pennies to balance it out also got you a dollar [Music] sit down no fouling out did it do stink pumps out so much damage I can almost use my activator once per room keyword almost slap slap clock knows about my ideas of changing studio rooms slap get to the sub the Genji ninja gifted a something made of blunt smoke here this up the hawk shot get to the sub to BB Kurt gives it a sub to subatomic gamer hell yeah slap thank you so much for that I appreciate you sub train pop on board or get left behind the Great's lobbyists [Music] nice the host you guys secret room can't be there brother you know I'm always ready for the game to surprise me hi you know your theories are correct if you don't test them mindful own cuts just got my iin a little hate bull witnessing I'm ready to go whenever you are with with computer hey more chests the Sun they're free nice free things are good things no knock back when I get hit I'm not very good Yelp as soon as we decide the theme I'll get started hell yeah we can talk about it tomorrow is probably good time for me to talk about it you know I said a message though and I'll get back to whatever right the best thing or if you want I like get me on like a discord call or something sorry tomorrow I don't like when I fight these guys and they don't drop a chest like where's my present Santa the rate at which I'm turning them into the devolver dudes is just on real well see now if I would have had the frickin goddamn it full metal jackets great with elder blank remote bullets is an absolute yes here for my crown of bullets chronic guns I mean sweet did laser sight already focused chronic guns though laser sight does that I thought they decide with his accuracy oh I control his missiles too now I don't like that I like when they just found their target that was nice and I didn't have to try now they just fired into the wall it's a bunch of [ __ ] [Music] box cannon I do like the box cannon gun boots the shoots behind me when I roll get the past bullets ammo for what for nothing Jon Snow [Music] got me Full Metal Jacket though and clutch don't need use my blanks if I got that automatically takes a blank when you take damage instead that's been like very active today I'm having a hard time keeping up VR capable themed custom PC giveaway by slappy Asst to fool people who are cool so get pumped for that slap brainchild I'm just gonna help him host it there's so many I can just I can afford to break some of these let's be real with ourselves one time I found two secret rooms I don't remember if it was this war or the fourth floor what it happened I swear all right two greens three greens in facts was our key for Selma there was I'll take my bets on the green I'll take the block fire hands synergy with what whole watt Phoenix up we get a free Phoenix that falls is around right or is that just when we're using the Phoenix just from raising the gun okay shoots piercing fireballs I think [Music] all the time it is all the time nice good good good good happy about it you know now we'll go to Phoenix you can see that they reuse their the owl skin completely [Music] bees love them turtle look at all my look at my family it's too big I can't feed them all know it to you is we have a lot of good stuff you know we got to try crowning guns though at least once can't spell family without Junkin with double shot - what what does that even mean look at this power loving it ba-ba-ba-ba-ba holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do I need some pop in here to take down his heart the bees aren't gonna be good enough I don't think let's try this [Music] one and done that's two games tonight where we single waived the the dragon down loving it good stuff the sign a true power two waves are for scrubs right just imagine if I gotten that in the first try second try is pretty good it's all about practice did you get the bullet Oh No our band hello bring out a time to sub 1365 tell you watch at make it to 1400 and I'll do two and a half minutes on the Toa challenge we'll do half yep yep zip it junior this place is great breaded frog what's up fish prime sub everybody guys all right sub time and this is a one-time thing you guys I don't think I'm gonna be able to take this thing out of my mouth and then save it that'd be gross give me can you see them right now come here up here you little butt come on buddy like does he want to come up or not you saw him punching me you saw the abuse what's going on Kota 760 thank you so much the prime sub and five months in a row for wall arrests welcome back buddy yes is like I'm not gonna come up until you grab me how did you keep all the armor I don't know honestly that's a that's not right right that looks like a bug your gun looks weird yeah it's a explosive crossbow you know how to unlock the gold tonic what's the gold tonic that's it oh he's like don't pet me I just want to let's in your lap I just want to sit here and hang out alright alright then we're ready for this well that's ominous yep an hour forgot what this one was I don't know what they're using this for but I know it can't be good that blasphemy welcome you finally made it dr. wolf inclu meet again since you seem so interested in my work I'm sure you'll be thrilled to assist me in my latest experiment never given your whole bogus religion or twisted I'm here to stop you and cost science a hundred years of advancement feels like I don't like your voices I think not besides I don't intend on making it optional ah I assure you it is futile to resist your new body isn't quite ready I didn't expect you quite so soon don't worry though you'll keep nice and fresh in one of these crypto pods until then who fufufu resist use a blank point such technology pal no matter haha monstrous machine dr. wolves monster is this the body [Music] why didn't the skeleton go to the dance skies oh my he's flying skel didn't go to the dance because he's dead what's his dad may never dance hashtag Greyjoy's except for the necrodancer if you have 5000 hegemonic credits talk to tonic he'll take 4500 and to turn gold let's you are not a Greyjoy just saying we did it that's it are you sure the skeleton just wasn't boned out of a date get out [Music] whose tonic I don't have five thousand by the way use my alternate starting weapon please let's check it out first before we go anywhere tonic the sledge hog should we do a poll for the theme see what chat wants more so slap we could do that okay shoots purple bullets it's like got a little like white and pink on it it's not the most fantastical thing I've ever seen in my life yeah I was honestly hoping for a new crossbow race again but that doesn't seem like that's the case it's this guy with the purple all right it is what it is risk of rain time why did this skeleton get asked to the campfire because he's flammable like all the white walkers better than the stupid convict did we did you guys already start a pole or is that some moms will see you because dead men tell no tales so you mean why didn't the skeleton get asked the campfire did you [ __ ] up the the line
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 50,062
Rating: 4.9246297 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: aCdeh71CpYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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