Unlocking Bullet's Alt Weapon Skin - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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on you guys I'm feeling what am I feeling I'm gonna gunslinger rainbow um excuse me how about a gunslinger rainbow Pole let me set the pole back up bullet passed let's see if we did the bullet passed or not let me not but we did we gotta do the bullet in it's not giving the option for a carrot gun alright bullets the best one let's do it then I'm in still in rainbow still gonna pull it so get ready for that laser yellow chamber third party controller blank companionship vain yari launcher bouncy bullets maybe sling homing bullets yari for a good start yarr me yard ladies flus yar mean landlubbers five is the re launcher chat oh my god my funds lighten up brah bump bump bump rapid deep deep deeper let's get some boobs you guys somebody sent me a dollar for tilta Phi I don't hit four three zero one if I can hit ten $1.00 in a row I'll roll the wheel twice it's me my bad hearts aw quit texting you you guys want number five big-time yes hell yes what it says so I said to me spoke to me I'm gonna miss that power that we had in the last run though [ __ ] dirty pop sick and tough what the [ __ ] what it mean wait that's illegal kind of want to restart already no joke I chopped through about like nine-tenths of the bullets from that book rested it got me an open break for some and some drops health drops please I'm never taking damage no that didn't count that doesn't count in the game cheat smell a table a dollar Courtney a dollar just want to say thanks partner just a dollar it's all I'm asking for you guys relax mr. prime boom activated my blue boom is prime cyan a dollar you wanted that dollar it's happening boop boop boop me chat yes good good how do you get the alternate weapon you have to kill the past with the alternate skin that's the key for the second secret floor Danish Adonis one Dava woman is that one two three four five we're halfway there just $1 for kids Cancer Research we already spent nine of those dollars on lunch today don't even think you don't have a duck I know we don't know yes zombie dollar King Charles the fourth another dollar dollars today's dollar for kids in dollars for days increase the amount of days that these kids can learn dollars every dollars saintly write it and break this you're alive mister water barrel I saved your life no you got to do something for me how many dogs one two three four five six seven you guys three more dollars no race of it rate no racism in the chat however no other languages but English is allowed in the chat that's because someone could be racist in a different language and I wouldn't be able to moderate it maybe one day I'll have multilingual mods but today is not that day sadly sadly we've had some people abused it big time cuz they're like oh you don't think that uh I can be racist Todd and they're like Google Translate and we're it's like [ __ ] what does that say anonymous five dollars thanks for all that you do appreciate it anonymous and dance $1 I am poor but here's an awesome dollar for an awesome cause you cyan nine dollars what is up you're back but what you didn't expect was ten full dollars what a surprise thanks partner let's spin that wheel twice you guys I can't see it that's squats you can see the bottom there like crisscross applesauce then another one from Danish Adonis man thank you for the extra dollar so that's squats and what squats and squats 20 in a row that's gonna hurt speech I'm gonna hurt let's do it damn $1 I don't have a dollar in poor wha two three ten 910 Oh baby Oh doing the tim voice dammit how it's alright or poor huh my buddy I haven't gotten my allowance yet dad says if I clean up my poop in the bathroom I'll get a dollar I get a dollar for every 4chan meme every post nightbot bunk dollar from nightbot gotten support of the bots what do you have nothing Tatsu peasants last time what gun shall we use all the doors broken again nice out of my way books we're going to do with you read you book scrubs Oh miss lane economy is that how's that working out for you buddy I don't like the short hallways though here kill a switch a dollar ya're launcher for the win pp stands for private parts I gotta stand for private privileges for a poopy paste yar yarn Pidge is such a waste never help upgrades are never a waste awesome I'm gonna take ten Spice I kind of want an armor piece I'm not gonna lie to protect myself and my interest with my sword let's do it any idea where the secret oh maybe you want to see a waist you guys you wastin see stupid joke well I'm gonna guess the shop uses yar a launcher to find secret room everyone cringes hook up up up up up up oh yeah that hurts to watch give me another weapon end remember the laser from the sword could find secret rooms weren't those the best times I feel like like up here or like down here Ursula I checked to the side wall where I thought it would be like right here but not like down south or up above $50 some Gollum boy hey I just wanted to help out my favorite streamer who inspired me to always spread some love thank you so much for the 50 hell yes feels amazing what do we had for 377 we are $23 away from the next $50 goal 10 push-ups I'm in up the elevator I didn't there was some stuff there in the way oh yeah where could it be it sounds a little loud aggressive I just want to guess you guys I'm tired of sitting around do nothing nope good riddance honestly Seagram's could be great but healthy undefeated tactical thinker super gay huts here goes nothing number one KC number two green goo on still number three disintegrator number four rats Agno 5 punch-out number six scope number seven I don't even know it though oh that's level 60 debuff buddy bop bop bop and then white goo on stone level 60 23 there it is $4,400 for st. Jude charity $23 away say King Charles the fourth appreciate that so much let's do it 10 squats okay Oh what you waiting for mother effer drop this what's the red part of the wheel t-shirt giveaway you guys voted heavily 74% want this gun der fury gun of gun craft level 60 we level it up last stream let's do this I want to see this magic oh it's called magic we don't even need it to fight bosses although the re-launch are against the rat we'll probably run out at some point slash we're due for due for an ammo upgrade an ammo drop so that's who's blasting at the time being oh you're still alive point you leveled it up hell yeah I did Jeff Corp nine months in a row welcome back yeah but baby thank you so much for the nine months of support I appreciate it a lot save the money for the rat please please add an apostrophe to the title robots alternate weapon what I've been doing that now now we're doing bullets got it forgot to change my bad no no you're good wait a minute change the game I got it out there it's not on the other side either I can see the other room through the wall let's get this poopy lon eh bud all right square to hahahaha when in doubt melt faces that Gunder theory though good pick everybody doors broken again 22 bullets in my yard let's see if I can't get a an low drop in that sucker so weird for all the nerdy references in this game not one Harry Potter that I can think of bundle of one doesn't count because it turns people into chickens also a nice door game great door probably worth a key I'm not using keys for anything else except for this locked Crestron and in the rat door so no more really miss the damage upgrades gonna look for their tails and they're about to shoot their shotguns and block them look here thousand bad guys with swords thousand bad guys with swords let's switch over might tell it's a five thing so I can see if you guys give money to charity does anybody use the reload function with a sword are you mr. beast in some kind of bee catch my drift bee-utiful so ammo drop then nice ammo drop if I reload of kaga battle I don't think you can use cago battle with this right there's no clip wouldn't it be cool if I had so much spice the last game that I gave me more damage this game let you kids as zombie when the game glitched like that after I beat the past they clinched out and I and it didn't say it did do-do-do-do-do-do 22 bullets good thing I have my gun derp fury honestly not even worth it DS that up there's a goal literally just as fast as the damage cap this is fine plus the ability to block bullets how nervous does that make you my block like that super nervous almost got me there something Kieran G no spice carryover role I'm just saying I took a big risk he drop she'll drop wish there was a vampire dude best addition to the game I'm thinking the secret room is right here yep yep feeling good about that I've already found the secret room no I didn't okay show yourself you coward damned coward where would it go check some of these spots could be right here could be right here it's not ever gonna be behind something if I know my stuff there's a barrel in the way it's not gonna be there I feel like I've cleared out spot I'm even not even torch is there this gap right in here I felt it I could feel it right in here we got a key with a shield the shield is probably worth it alone sick bro let's go well what what are you going about my lack of Boop who's ready to vote dueling Laser bracket Keys gun gun bow cigarette dace mega hands napalm strike sling Amulet of pit lord starting at one two three four five six seven eight love how do you like the bracket key I don't know by being good people are voting for either four or five looks like two's got a bit we don't have any active items so cigarettes is kind of a waste you guys noticed that the sling doesn't bounce active items balanced guns don't okay cool write that down five is Moga mine excuse me mega hand so close between four and five guys it's real close 30% to 32% must have more cool I'll give it another five seconds four three two one tied at 31% caught the tiebreaker four or five guys four or five cut the tiebreaker don't listen to clocks threats it's at 32% each I'm gonna wait for the tiebreaker to be cut still out 32% keep boat and you guys Goethe for it's more interesting because less health I want to get to the past though ideally it's at 33 percent each now could you guys come on alright I'm cutting it I'm cutting it here at 34 percent the winner is cigarettes I'm not even gonna think about using it first of all after crests second of all until we get another active item because it doesn't do anything for me right now right okay now number five wins at foot thirty five percent way to make it look like a jackass you guys are too slow I called it when I was 34 32 doo-doo-doo doo doo doo doo doo dee feather could use some ammo bum-rush that sack just get me to the crest rum set traps we're overdue for a boop boop me please Boop for the kids pulpit for the kids damn it never seen these statues before what's up with this room's abandoned shop I don't get it stand here look I'm a statue can't even grab it why thank up you damn mind no ball you jump in pit right now what ball pit super-nice door looks really good you know vampire I think I'll open up the Radke why is it so bugged been doing this especially on rainbow runs not sure what's about nod key are those giant bunny ears for a door or the mail what let's go what are we watching this guy field dunk isn't doing too much for me ammo is nice though jump in the pit if you are not a baby you must do it right now why how unexpected didn't even get a shot off more ammo perfect that's full ammo for our yari launcher yes this is the prophecy foretold crash drum nice crest room GG game of course it's the last rarely finds like 2/3 of those things just spawn up out of nowhere and that's not cheating or anything three things pop up really shield love it full at IMO love its health love it sheet of paper hate it I'm gonna roll it later for cigarettes what else nothing else key we got all the stuff I'm ready to go but you killed your past nine hearts for smoking though it takes my shields first doesn't it or does it take my right arts first takes shields so that would be a risky maneuver though wouldn't it mine cutter plat bullets tentacle porn Omega bullets glacier gun stout emic stouter no that's fat that's fat bullets demon head and golden a mullet or copper I'm not sure I think the one that like lights people on fire I think can use it as a blank replacement my shields vampires the only thing that ignore shields a lot of people going for plat plat will increase the damage of what we already have fat will also increase the damage of what we already have plat more so for later on spunk it up just think about fat yari though they'd be funny I finally picked off all that stupid wax and looked cool but impractical number two is 61% is gonna win for sure I really shouldn't be touching my face my hands kind of smell like it now I'll run away it's ism my eyes start burning all right you guys want a plot big time here what would the best item be to you cigarettes with Alger Blanc get back here you roll Butthead crisis stone well I mean yes those two together could give me infinite charges but what active item do I want to cool in this floor gun friendship anything with ring of triggers portable black hole LED skin cheese wheel elder blank stuff star double vision ease are all the basic ones tell me something interesting tell me something I thought of before blow my mind Oh sneaky punched up on that one so we do a a treat stream the Thursday of my birthday who wants to chip in for a birthday pizza if I put it in the in the comments that it's my birthday will they add with a bright happy birthday with pepperoni aged bell vorpal bullets dueling laser does it work on doing laser zombie portable table with table tech rockets if you ask them to I could feel that one could use my cigarettes to open it up like you guys are saying I lose my okay I didn't know I lost my GU ons that hurts me deep that hurts who did a dick pic - daddy daddy beep-bop fight out of hits me right in the Nitro fun 16th of May you guys switches next Thursday I do believe I'll be here doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo not my birthday today next Thursday in a week 9 plus 7 is 16 been a while since I've heard a boob partner guess we're only getting boots and trains today I like trains my birthday's tomorrow says sat pie oder happy early birthday how loud is the music pretty loud right how old are you turning outs fifteen hard to believe Madden's birthdays today happy birthday not loud enough isn't it a good song anything my Nitro fun look them up good stop really fun pretty fun music so upbeat [ __ ] it's definitely some feel-good stuff and you're just feeling for like a good Bob saving of a bomb it's more of a Bob really bottle bottle bottle bottle this is a gotta be the other secret room right here I can smell you whoever did the patchwork on that wall is phenomenal why prey to that when I know I'm gonna just lose it on the boss could add two more as well if I didn't use my frickin cigarettes clock I don't want to blame just one person but it's definitely clocks fault Brett says SIG's massively affect dueling laser but that was in 2018 I'd believe it we can still hear your voice still your musics too low what the hell am I being blamed for threatening people in order to take cigarettes you're like I did yeah I did do that fully loaded let's go baby and not enough damage it's not enough what does rose fit the mood of little bump in the middle of dad [ __ ] you Boop feeling better a dollar gallon our blades bippity-boppity-boo school pity school coupe we're empty already sick joke bro sick [ __ ] joke mine I got bummed in the corner oh my Gunder fear is unbeatable damage outside of Bosphorus pooper-scooper Keys shield nice shits nice there should be a funny little animation that blows up on to the guy stop sugar companies your fault got a point got a point there we didn't have any shields at all we could have used cigarettes so much you guys should we just go for it why don't I just buy that shield vents stupid one two three four five six without many health drops it's hard not to in that low of shields we had a couple extra shields last floor secret room yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we knew it was this guy betrayal I can't believe you're a stupid head literally gainin often formats all right let's go you bought the shield for an extra sink charge duh guys stop touching this bottle all right I don't even know what that is is that a portal gun with some goopy paint on it baby good Shelton brain borer yellow chamber microtransaction gun hero thing that could Drupal's my ammo shotgun shell an owl I don't know what that Top Gun is 6 plus yari yellow chamber is also just really good anybody know the name of that looks like possibly the portal er but not really an unused gun interdimensional [ __ ] what is that thing I don't think I've ever seen it before nobody seems to know see you sugar and stop by can I find it on the wiki - dddd dddd dddd can't find it on the wiki I don't even know what that is it's just a portal gun I looked up portal though it's gotta be named something else test gun test comes up with nothing portal comes up with nothing it can't be called either of those things I don't know what it is man doesn't it look like the portal gun with like splattered on paint glitch gun glitch returns nothing portal er it's not the portal er looks similar but it's got paint splatters can't find it on the wiki hmm interesting oh so you guys want it then number 156 percent but what about like the ammo ooh pick it out to find out the ammo would be so good it's not an actual gun it's an unofficial gun I'm gonna give it like another five seconds and if like randomly everyone votes for ammo like that's gonna be super cool and like I'll allow it five four three try looking up gun set up sugar cane thank you so much the thirty three months in a row oh yes oh now it pops up as a month to disappear into the shadows anyway happy birthday if I can't make it because of you hugs hugs buddy for me will do thank you so much sugar I appreciate your support brah it's not on the wiki fine take the ammo everyone voted blood test gun it is called test ladies a portal er what is this random bullets why didn't it show up then unused and cut content why isn't it here Kitana Gunder tail dude I ain't seeing [ __ ] huh it's not on the wiki not technically out yeah that's so I'm so spatial I have a supercool weapon I could add ammo this seems real good though I can't send them the bubble it's gone psyche it's empty found the rat door alright holy tater tots don't mess with that guy be careful who you made fun of in middle school goodness what was that gun test gun and I automatically threw it to again like it got stuck like firing or some [ __ ] just unloaded all at once that was getting great at a boss sadly it's just a room of nobodies wait that's illegal what was that gun no wonder it's not out that was glitchy as hell is that a special rainbow just fine or what stop stop dirty pop shaking tired of hearing all these people talk about it was kind of stupid to use up all my shields because I kind of need that to protect my blasphemy I got in it's not in rainbow chests so other people have had it then other people are liars I love Kate filling the sack before it grabs me I'm gonna grab life by the sack hell I'm gonna use the test gun on the boss first thing well I mean I don't wanna let go now but like I could pack man is it a chance that it like goes ape nuts all right do that way why is he golden silence is golden golden look at that tread not surprised it's funny as [ __ ] that it really reloads like a shotgun good done boy you seen a glitch rainbow chest I've seen a glitch chest grab it I've gone the secret room don't thing I've ever come in on this side of this room too lazy I don't want to go over there oh it's last time I'm saying it's a test gun is a mod two guns an exclusive gun confirmed on the end of the gungeon chat forum what's up Jen another stupid slow day man I hope that changes what's the what's the best time best months for car probably doing those holiday sales there's a holiday coming up Parimal wolf cook cook cook caramel wolf prime self thank you all right keeps your secrets no idea where the secret would be what's the best time to eat soup when you're sick in the winter and it's snowing show yourself to me secret Roma we've heard this song a few times but I'm okay with it Kolkata to hundreds I'm gonna pull a fast one and claim both corners kool Kat don't forget we're also raising money for st. Jude Children's Hospital Cancer Research very important stuff you guys boop me thank you for the tuna bits though all right I'm just gonna go down to the rats I think we can handle it kind of wish I had an ammo though we've sent an ammo No what's my yari at 28 we can reload it's fine lease is fine there's a reload before the rat boss gonna need all the ammo belt because I think that so one rat phase is gonna eat up all of yari I totally should have used the health out there to get some coolness we had five along not bad I'm a failure that's okay punch candy ak-47 amulet of pit Lord makeshift cannon double vision re minigun and bumble it's I should have added the end hot sauce to my coffee you can teleport back lamelle not anymore makeshift Canada's cool and stuff double vision a ship's cannons possibly cooler but double visions got to be one of my favorites active items that is that uh gun friendship potion bumble which is pretty cool too you wanna get some brush buddy you want to get on that brush life he's like dude I'm busy sniffing this open box and chips brush you want the brush wash your hands huts I won't touch his eyes I swear don't either wash your hands please too late what if I don't touch them and I just brush them double vidual your coolness is Opie that's right double vision would work with my coolness guys I don't want him to uh I don't want him to touch my lips beard is fine lips not fine local man kills cat with hot sauce internet hates him forever hit the microphone with the brushy flip hard not to get my smooch everybody wants five makes you a cannon that's cool with me buddy love the neck scratches yeah I think it's cuz he gets greasy down there he knows he needs it like he needs to be cleaned and he needs to be groomed I'm ultimately grooming my cat children might burn you to Jin clean cat is a happy cat cats loved to be groomed and a groom more than one occasion he's just sat above me in the couch and licked my hair until I was like the sopping wet I didn't have the heart to stop him you know gotta get back to it alright five big time let's go a plaque cannon that'll alleviate the need to get super thought to get ammo for the yari launcher I'd done suppose so Piper potions also some like really good feel-good music that damage output whoa hey buddy look at that damage output though it's unreal bro this thing doesn't do [ __ ] your bosses though literally blast me better test gun is okay so full ammo reload should just go to the yari kind of a shame but it is what it is and the test gun will have half I'd like to use the test gun again I'm thinking make ship in the second wave you are in the first do-do-do-do-do why are Maori bull is missing mouthing words like I don't know where I'm going killing people I don't like the sound of that oh [ __ ] I don't even notice you're just shooting at night flap flap on upon a plan out where is more Bob's Bobby face book me face now I'll never bought bleonard space ever again I didn't do nearly as much as I thought I was going to test on it is miss my time to dodge ha oh [ __ ] you turn into like jam there it is boof peashooter but mimic not good for me I don't want the mimic tooth necklace I want to be able to break my chest for free without molestation I probably could have gotten a perfect permit to their older taking one more charge each wave wouldn't have been too bad but but spice spice no flutes murdered my family try to sell a car but fell into a flute I don't know if I want to ask anymore questions about that RC bullets might as well just use this up why to reload something would probably be makeshift and then yari do I need to fight do I want to do the mega thing no no let's just go okay I can actually tell that my hands are spicy because my nose is on fire right now I remember picking my nose but sure alien engine for number one orbital bullets gun join health upgrade gun bow bouncy bullets maybe laser and the rat cheese honestly the rat cheese would be unbelievably powerful with the amount of cigarettes that we've smoked but right now I'm gonna go wash my hands you guys and I will be back okay everyone wants eight dos cheese why out the doors and go alters glitched don't know could be the mod could be the rainbow cheese in the game should have washed my nose alright everyone wants eight make surely everyone so I'm gonna leave my cigarettes they're not going anywhere since we killed the rat we can always come back if we have an excess red hearts to spend should start using peashooter what damages plot piece you're gonna do do i oh that's right you picked up hot lead they're hot peas hot cross peas just plant apply to all bullets or is it like her gun flats this is really bad it's gotta be per gun right this is so bad you can take my peas to shoot back at me it's not gonna hurt me any okay if I stop doing that though knock it off don't do that wasabi peas spicy peas these are just like awful ice cube would be nice as well that was at two swings and we're already half charged on the cheese where do we start half charged like we started out charged okay there's a cigarettes fair this was the gun der Fuehrer would probably like a one room charge Nova direct seems good maybe you give a maybe have a key for it oh yeah right right you guys think we should try that out people I'm gonna riot now that I said slight aspire got a new game that I got you guys and we could play it I've also got keys to give away for it so you guys could play it as well what was that guy doing though what was that about he was sitting there like this should I have opened it maybe I should open the chest maybe he was gonna give it to me no slay the spire wha I would still like to play slay this bar at some point he burnt it up there's a Boop wolf goddess 545 more to go don't forget to donate I'm doing my part thank you so much wolf goddess appreciate it a lot we're so close to our final goal you guys for st. Jude a couple more dollars here and there gonna make a huge difference Plus who doesn't love that Boop I'm all about that poof life I love the cheese a lot boo ghetto and spice why don't you turn it into spice for me why do I still hunger since now it's off where is he there is challenge room I won't get the prize for it but still fought nothing but the nail gun what about my active item this is cheating Challenge completed didn't fly the nail-gun once he should let me keep the nail gun you should let me keep the nail gun though spice we're doing it's happening once again how many red hearts just two and there's two for sale more cigarettes the better it does a cap bill on it isn't there you cheater you cheating cheeser we're talking about with a challenge yeah you voted for cheese is it really my fault you want to talk about cheating let's talk about that test gun okay and so it begins tjak 24 months hope you're having a great day thank you for that two years welcome back spice carried over from last run by the ammo for yari yari Nariman yard ol monsters some spicy cheese dirty dog no love dirty Dan's not happy about losing health love it baba pup no secret over normally be secret room how we found it yet I don't think so one shot okay then here I have found you nice ammo drop good yes Bob oblong up up up up up up we only have two red hearts in the bank that's not enough for me to go say it up we're fine we'll be okay I give you this I give you debt and then I gave you some of these is this good 500 yuan stolen run every item is you wants no that would be a very interesting challenge don't forget about the cigarettes I didn't I just didn't use them still what you want kobold hammer number one number two pigeon admit one number three iPads 420 damage 20% damage I think spice one two three four spice five is punch out six is laser rifle seven will be the backup gun and eight will say bracket up up up up up up oh wow I would like to keep the cheese if at all possible I say backup gun does backup gun work with makeshift cannon it can't right makeshift cannon plus duct tape less bouncy bullets no I can't work right duct taping this to other weapons no that's not what I'm thinking of that would be overpowered if it did that's what I'm saying I don't think it does I don't think I can i patch would be pretty nice than the damage up everyone wants seven right now which is backup gun it's hard to say if that would be a good thing or not who's calling me on my phone I'm not sure spice must flow back up test gun rare that it's gonna shoot out like it does where it freaks the Frick out alright everyone wants number seven it doesn't even work you guys oh oh oh it fires backwards when I fire I thought it was the one that shot backwards when I rolled I was thinking of a different gun this one literally just shoots behind me so it should work it should work then with makeshift cannon but the thing is we don't have bouncy bullets so is it gonna bounce off the back wall or is it just gonna hit the back wall and be done with RC bullets which is gonna help immensely swing some of those extra bullets around on large rooms at least bullets are still most likely to hit the wall here miss don't speed up it'd be great at this point titanium turtle 26 months total and in a row wow I've been gone for a while high hats what's up titanium turtle spice me spice is the spice of life sounds nonsense we're having trouble with sound not being sings munch munch munch munch munch synched up alrighty then spice me my health is going away hey I need an adults one I remember that as r2g two big shotgun bloody bullets baby I don't know railgun riddle of lead mass shotgun and potion of blood skin sets Brun what is it boom bloody 9-millimeter adds an 8% chance per second to fire a fast homing piercing and bouncing bullet that flies around the room damaging enemies that's number five yeah number four is bloody 9-millimeter what's the purple thing it's not sprung reikus Bruns like bright green six is pretty dominants grown all stats life or but yeah I think you're right about that life or yeah gun that fires purple lightning which con connects the player and the nearest enemy and deals damage consistently after killing an enemy a special icon appears above the player and pressing the reload button performs a special attack that deals damage to every enemy in the room looks like people want number six or number five between the railgun and the riddle of Ladd peanut butter nugget time I say yes more peanut butter please rip railgun I am messing around hell bubbles so fast I am though ha ha ha nice try buddy we're cruising don't let me forget bullet to kill the past my own brother this gun is super powerful right now blasphemy it's unbelievable let's see what the gunner here he can do love it ba ba ba papa and it's like a one-shot anything I can't impulse it lower than that Lord I just walk over in this room was it half heart I thought there was something else in there messing with my brain a little bit so on fire dragon Platinum bullets is so stupid like stupidly good look at that Gonder fury fury of a thousand Gonder suns flat with a level 60 gunner fury I mean come on I heard a bull boop alert who was booping Bob dollar some fan [ __ ] keep it up with amazing work thank you so much my friend appreciate you need more Boop's in my life thanks partner I think didn't stand a chance morning guys right four thousand four hundred and ten dollars raised look at that nonsense absolute nonsense wait that's illegal every dollar counts you guys we probably raised over a hundred dollars and just just one dollar donations my hell we're fine this is okay my bird end my bush let's make Gunther furious hearts there's a dragon even good set a perfect round that was a perfect round Master blank not the bullet where's my thing like a let God lead God ah my young tlit oh you can save us I tried to wield our ancestral weapon but its design is alien to me so I hid in my own head when I aim and fire it just stabs me in the head even though it has lost much of its great power it is said that it can reflect the magic of that duck wizard I feel lost but perhaps even couldn't succeed but where I have missed aim true my your what he did pop off pop off pop off ahhh why do I have to kill these guys though what if I just ran through boy don't have to do this now do we really have to do this now well rap by the bubble pop want some music what has the castle me the castle thing go again and I got to keep my shields again so it's you the bullet person ping the spell is almost complete soon my quick-draw master rises all bullet kin will be slaves to his cruncher to be fired by his will I have learned from your undead master but I am NOT his kind the usurper shall soon reign turn back now return to your chamber and rejoin the rest of your pathetic kind or do you think you can stop me go ahead on what go ahead on what I can't block bullets can I hate that love the most buh-buh-buh-buh-buh joke the [ __ ] out of right there ouch my nipples Oh he [ __ ] me up there he split me both ways ellipses master down the hole we go rah rah rah rah I'm a green pig oink [ __ ] evil king cannon gigaflops six months what's up yeah half a year love your huts appreciate it I don't appreciate that turn it into bass I don't like that Oh all what the [ __ ] did that come from where'd you come from where'd you go where'd you come from cotton-eye Joe did that the date the date but pro tactics design the best on the best around oh [ __ ] though that became on that thing don't touch um no touchy don't get on the whole either though but boom use your blanks I don't know what those are never heard of them you mean blankets he's using aim bat underrated comment you can't kill Ganon without silver arrows cuts congratulations Yuko the past I'm pretty sure if I just blanked it he would just go on to the next attack Oh wave let's see this monstrosity that's gotta be all the ultimate weapons now l'm i'll aim that made me giggle it's a carrot it looks like a sword still though and it still shoots out lasers what the hell is supposed to be special about this how much does that hurt you by the way I hope that heard deep
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 48,625
Rating: 4.8793101 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: b_ri_HGoEL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 26sec (6146 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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