Unlocking THE GUNSLINGER - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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Ochs run I don't know if I have enough credit still for it shoot so what happens then we just like oh hey there's more sell for sale blank bullets chance to shoot a blank maybe third party controller unlocked turn off rainbow mode give me back my single color chest please boo all right sweet paradox run here goes where is the second seeker character oh yeah plunger plunger come on dude use it to destroy worlds it's so good do you think what's the draw here why do I want to be paradox beat the Lich at the paradox basically eaten from two random guns or what doesn't feel very Eden needs basically this like a normal character with the plunger does it lace switch prayer floor hey that's cool huh didn't have both hands on the controller actually don't mind fighting this guy cuz then I get it for free Mac what item did you get with paradox plunger mm-hmm worst such a fun character I know right check passive dude speed up check your book I like speed ups honestly didn't even notice it though I can be quite frankly give up if I could be a different person for a bit loom is going to bed she did [Applause] what you guys think chat how's the new update for you what do you think of it pretty nice for being free balloon gun gives you a flight that's kind of nice regular shotgun is also just strong I've been enjoying its its devilish boredom it's nice when games that came out a couple years ago still give you free updates ones that actually give you new content rainbow mode is good I do like the challenge how about rainbow mode streaks how about rainbow mowed streaks now give me a full metal jacket almost out of bullets some poison damage off on him got um hell that hell that I'm not sure what my brain was even trying to say there oh come on you gotta be [ __ ] on me synergy wait a second well wait a whoa hey wait a second hey whoa hey wait a second whoa hey wait a second I take that back I don't know that even means let's look it up Oh dad I thought that if the player also has machine pistol both weapons are dual wield in her file okay dual wielded all right okay all right deal need some ammo though buy me some key open these chests that's the cat face throne what is it I can fly good thing we didn't buy the balloon thing do this look at me flying and every time I dodge roll I just shoot bullets out that's [ __ ] sick dude shred the gnar on this thing oh is this my robe special alt skin your sand [Music] there's my ammo too which is nice sick bro I like that just caught nos for me really gets crowd of guns right and then I missed I think we're good to go now dude we're dual wielding these things notice the cat in the back it's literally called though like cat thrown cat bullet king throne I don't know if I want to use this up though it's gonna just burn through my ammo we'll get Amal back right Wow okay it's only five it's nice 6:00 p.m. you guys feels like it's 10 p.m. for me use starter or plunger I could dabble a little more at the plunge oh yeah I can plunge now with no repercussion just shove them into the oh [ __ ] you you champion little [ __ ] just push him into the gaps save some time check your book doom shock ride that one or any phantom plays prime sub what's up phantom that would've been really cool if I didn't already have flight I do lots of cheese boots real I gots no name really I no real I gots no name probably prime sob welcome since when would the rat boots ever be for sale shop ah shoot I put it out I am a genius and now I'm out of ammo you might end up opening that chest anyways but whatever now didn't one of my guns run out of ammo and the other one didn't that they're dual wielded I guess they each had their separate ammo things anyways but I burned through the one twice as fast as the other one that doesn't seem right that's him right you didn't get full ammo update just partial my dude it was empty and you got partial ammo for the mac-10 what do you think is the best description I think er II what has the best description yes yes please we all know which one we want Eldar blank our no ring of blood I don't even know I don't know but it's good a blank friend guy suck in my blood I actually give health for that I didn't know there was like a health cost still worth it though this looks like it's telling me that there's a secret room right there [Music] don't love you to freak 16 months in a row what's up welcome back hey guys just got here who dis says my name then says who this you're just silly you're such a goof because we're immune to poison not trying to push him into the gap gonna do it I'm picky it's very nice although we have a loc'd crest room so we gonna need it gonna need it back it up we're empty we're not empty anymore Sanergy chests don't you try to blow that up too we didn't stop the last run from being a douche we would have had to not have a key they're different cigarette remember I have this active item I think the elder blank guy he will blank whenever I blame so it's just really like a double blank I'm not mistaken something like that did I use not my elder blank in order to find the cigarette I totally did yeah yay for speed upgrades I guess Amal let's would be like not the worst thing ever they're kind of still the worst thing ever though oopen the synergy chests just hesitant to use Mikey's third party controller assuming direct control synergy with the cat chair mad cats looking it up right now Mad Catz is the player also as a cat bullet King thrown the bullets shot from catapult King throne homed in on enemies nice this is a rank huh okay invisible shots kind of like heck blaster looks like how do I kill him you I still control them after I switch walking you don't get perfect poison damage array for seeing new stuff I don't suppose I could get the boss at that I know it just hurts him a little bit just tickles [Applause] [Applause] I probably just saved my blank for this little thing that he does might be the heart is gonna dodge no homing bullets maybe I have to be holding the third-party thing I don't know cheaper shop prices could be better but how many health pieces do we have we have two health pieces spare can open this up magic bullets sometimes we turn them into chickens I'm all for chickens [Music] come on Gilchrist let's go blade load Omega subscribed sexy two to ten months in a row you have gunslinger yet nah brah I don't know how to get gunslinger I'm sure someone's told me I just forgot already all those chickens alright fun Segura Mia so we're good to go wait get the healthful let's talk about of the health that we have spare and then I just don't even take it just kill the Lich with the paradox easy mode I can just get Gunther again though it's that doable is that doable though so long I'd oh hey whoa Oh cute chicken all right random Quito scrambler random key drop boss key drop by key in the item shop come on lick my lollipop I didn't say that you said that I need three keys guys you it's risky to use this thing though he's still coming towards me what the hell man no shoot each other it's not really working that well they're still kind of like fighting me on the aiming there where this they're still shooting me hi snot Folio y'all sure how that works my keys are shooting at them I don't know a mo for what probably this wait a second I just refilled it and then I go click on it again the max has got 600 the other one if I come back towards it it says it's got 92 what is 600 I'm confused see yeah it's see a pix Nate maybe I should have reloaded the plunger gonna need some more keys though maybe we'll find a little key Bullock in I'll get blank them into the hole ain't got time for that hey hey don't even need to cross that there's no reason to Oh life what's up prime sub also loving a freak not to be a pain but any progress in the but T list not too much lately no I gotta pay taxes that's first and foremost that's where I'm saving my money for loving a freak why don't he sees my active item though I need more keys ak-47 would be a nice thing to have all good as a strafe gun I don't remember not getting any keys press the Enter key where's the Enter key easy there fellas no keys none zero no keys my favorite pasta nokey actually potato 2 potato pasta oh hey buddy special bullets that come flying out from the alt bar yeah right okay take so long to just kill those little balls got him oh now it's a gun all right health up great garbage gun can i light myself on fire if I'm flying okay can poison them and light them on fire no keys though scrambler oh do they want the nod key what do you think I'll toss in the game yeah I rat it up I feel like it'sit's gonna be difficult to survive but rip scrambler oh [ __ ] me I mean yay oh boy I can't wait to use this hot garbage we found the secret I'm here yeah we did get the synergy from the lies in Abbi the lies I don't know what you mean destroy al burns chest synergy with betrayer shields boom pop pop pop pop here goes no money no keys no dreams at rayar's lies POG infinite ammo and double fire rate get lies how do I get lies lies a Koshi okay how did you dodge that outs I have no idea didn't tell ya I'm blasting these flying enemies with a poisonous beam a juicy poisonous beam and they're like now and that poison I fly like what excuse me [Music] really wish I had the scrambler or any other gun let's fight the rat though we need something big you guys hello I need something big just hoping and praying for chickens at this point in time not gonna get enough money for that chicken flute with you nice you want to do what to my skin flute gross I'm just like letting my cat turret guns turn everybody into chickens and it's working fantastically more chickens I'm surrounded ah why does use your blank chat I hate you so much that I love you 16 months in a row BLAP go get him but Dad I'm trying let's run blows get him chicken how much health you have now the noble V prime sub what's up welcome can't poison these guys that's something new every day get away from me back up sir they're a cornered animal nice [ __ ] right in the floor I rolled into that purple night 21 months what's up welcome back all right you guys we need a miracle miracle me dungeon mirakl me green seems pretty okay but we'll see no we will wait on you won't you die think we just reloaded pretty much everything gun muncher maybe third party gun melt of molotov mallet a tube top the lesson geez are actually really good they're good yes but I'm saving the ammo or am i third party controller first time I used it was like oh cool and the next time a I was like oh what this is new seems so easy the first time [Music] that's not a black chest why do they all have bombs strapped to them [Music] it's my first rainbow change destroy it they made sure I could not destroy it destroy it for lies it's a synergy sorry next time lies ain't worth it alright oh we got tire or noise it's a yellow chamber a Daruma a fat bullets Oh star pew makeshift cannon this is a lower enemy health the rumah is like really good it's pretty much an elder Blanc but possibly better serious cannon I don't care Daruma I don't know you lose out in the synergy of the old man too but I'm not even sure what this energy is synergy for serious cannon is glorious you think that serious cannon and makeshift cannon would have some sort of cannon synergy aroma is greater de Roma is worse I'm pretty sure Jerome is lame you sorry Jerome I really like you but I can always reload my makeshift cannon yeah so why not use it on every bus Kanon synergies aren't canon [Laughter] no one shot I can reload it right Blank generation the player has blank companion ring the companion becomes a smaller version of old red and will automatically fire a second blank after elder blanks effect ends the room was not that lame it's actually incredibly powerful it can be reloaded it says one shot let's just maybe look it up for good measure I don't know if I've ever used it without having a duct tape to something um that's here an ammo spread will only restore its shot if picked up while being held I'm not sure if that even means I'm pretty sure it can be it's not just a one-time use forever loopy goober Tier one sub two months in a row we've got lucky two times you are the rare breed of youtuber that is fun on stream as well Thank You Philippa Cooper appreciate the support how long do I've to hold it that long why are my bullets twice the size all sudden Oh fat bullets right forgot [Music] the thing I saved Mikey [Music] pandemic pistol looking it up senator Jessica can't be mimics let's see here if the player has monster blood gone a gun dramatist rain or irradiated LED this pistol turns into the pandemic pistol increasing ammo capacity and it's build to bounce off walls and are linked like vertebrae k47 sick okay I'll use it a little bit I'll poke around three chests no keys sick sit on the throne yeah can I sit on the throne with the throne huh double throne two health bars are slash Turkey to buy maybe every guard to do that other beds before opening synergy chest couldn't you drop everything but the gun you wanted the synergy for I think it would just end up turning into a non synergy chests that's what it rolls it's either green or pink I think [ __ ] lamb dude what it to hurt me like that it's dude gun munch use the ethereal to steal the command oh yeah I lost my blank then no what are we doing here I want to give up this one what if I gave him the makeshift cannon he gave me something like sexy back was I gonna shield betray or shield yeah Emperor Sabbath 23 total two in a row 23 months fog the Emperor it's pretty good right [Music] we found two secret rooms already so I think we're good to go boss it's [Music] all right gunslinger is fun as hell I don't even know what he's got look at that why are these green and poisonous seems good though you all weapons are fully synergized whoo okay Wow that seems real good that seems really good oh there it is it's already open all rights out and about rather need a key for it watch it give me like a black chest and make me decide between rats black chests does that reload my uh no that doesn't shoot go to a green box if I reloaded I think I would probably just end up saving it for the rat sponge chamber gun I don't know I don't what the chamber gun does let's look up what rank it is chamber guns new firing it's firing mode in appearance changes depending on which floor the player is on rank see each master on the player carries permanently unlocks the mode of its respective floor reloading the chamber gun with a full magazine recycles through the unlocked modes hmm how many of those do we have one and two no it is really good though this is Cameron Tamra gun gets better with master rounds chamber gun Opie not see it all it's reported to cause crashes sponges unnecessary since we're flying [Music] chamber Gong crashes got patched out I got hit from what step right up step right up well I don't want to spend all my money on this 35 I can't afford the chamber gun then I can fly and guarantee an amazing chest but you guys are saying the chamber gun so Opie and its new and it's supposed to be exciting when I say no to that I know I can fly to the targets thanks guys you're a champion in chamber six and you need to kill the Lich with this character house a new update it's going pretty well I've never liked the plague pistol this is new synergies probably not new but me finding it is all right from trash to real useable so it could seem we charmed the jammed anime nice DVD destroy our two months in are all what's up come back double but a q47 would have been so good you guys think about much more stuff we would have we don't do that here where is this secret room though so can't believe you didn't get a single key on that floor yeah yeah Seagram's obviously off the shop what are we gonna kill the boss with the usual oh my [ __ ] god where did that guy come from where the [ __ ] did that guy come from literally know where the tanks [ __ ] was he there when we started the [ __ ] happens wall corners Opie's [ __ ] it grabs me do you see that rap face mask I didn't see I did do the up group I don't even I didn't see it and I have no idea my brain can't even comprehend a possible scenario in which it was able to fire a guy behind me started off with the dude behind the [ __ ] wall he could even see me lying game sweet secret room nice hmm I gotta buy a blank and I afford a chamber gun and a blank get both don't GU you got armor you guys want me to buy the chamber gun real bad so it's new I'll buy it's apparently got a synergy probably the master round yeah miss the third master rounds great [ __ ] hack shitty ass Frick Dola Duff ya know the gun game I forgot forgot the gun game even existed son of dick that's too late looks like your pockets are a little light there you [ __ ] unless we could actually find the secret room you can't you can't expect somebody who's flustered to pay attention to small details it's not how it works sick dude should we even spend our key to open up a chest never used the chamber gone on a rad floor when all good it is um check elevator room I think I just did didn't I I guess all my ammo psynergy chest where was that shows up as green SiC did how exciting for all of us thanks guys oh this one I can quit the other elevator room I did already pay attention don't blame us it's too late it's too late hey would you like this bomb get away from me couldn't it's not bought a blank - and use my no I can't use my shield because I've got flight less I dropped my item quick hi can I help you do you know how to unlock the gunslinger yeah I'm doing it right now take my fireballs balls for you balls for you [ __ ] yourself what is that Gouda launcher throw the cheese this is kind of balls dude especially when you miss let's see here just Ryan 14 months howdy how it's how are you doing today night night for me still don't know when I'm gonna get my t-shirt love you peace I don't know either to be honest this is a charged gun no it's not a charged gun too fast for you oh it was a question though tonight how are you doing I am well but that's what you mean I'm doing all right little tired but yeah hanging in there all right what do we want to fully uh reload or make shifts of course whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa do I want to use it on the first phase the second phase probably second phase Emperor gun hit him with his own cheese went to gain health no ii ii ii ii phase yeah yeah you you don't get all six keys reset he bounced back pretty quick after that my mom asked my bad I don't know how to dodge that one yet fully I got a jump into it as quick as you can I think wobb wobb wobb wobb wobb wobb flop flop flop oh I need to be a rat third phase like not the boxing little [ __ ] got me put me right in the Juicy J it's so easy to [ __ ] this wave up half a second off and just take damage empty [Music] but who am I I don't even know I didn't time that right and I'm not gonna get five Keys I'm gonna get four under the power of the special pop I got my admit one ticket well I got to get rid of my elder blank if I'm gonna take it overestimated yeah you're right snake gun I like it this new thing that I don't know what it is cursed hey I like this synergy with what magic bullets chickens arise Valar morghulis goddamnit did you make me decide between new item or old fantastic item a bullets is cool but not practical let's read what it says down to bullets these bullets zero in on their target and continue slashing legend tells of a katana bullets so quick and skilled that it once sliced through a bullet molecule in midair you will love ticket it's great I know it's great but like Ament one is better t-shirt was part of the question notice me still don't know when I'm gonna get my t-shirt yeah right and I said I don't know either it depends on how far down the list you are and when I actually get to it I'm saving my money right now for my taxes Aker three three three twenty nine months streak 35 total welcome back and mitten 1 it's amazing I know you guys it's just oh that's actually your face I realized now I thought he's gonna say something clever or something I'm like a changing person I gotta even know who I am um yeah I'm gonna go down there the thing them with equipment one it's a shame because then you get an item right here that allows you to take multiply whatever yeah ah what I would say to that the cheese the boots is coin for free coolness as a give you callers have use the coins do we want to do super dragon I don't think I do want to do super dragon if we got like a better payout for it then I would think about it but I'm just gonna go on with Mikey I'm just not not gonna use Mikey I could jump to the fifth floor I want to play the fourth floor and get more items right gonna drop the elder blank in the whole I don't does it work that way partially filled Alma does not give the ammo no mere secret floor yes you do floor four don't skip the secret floor super dragging no balls what secret floor the fourth floor new floor you're saying the okay yeah sure I want to give up a elder blank Bell if it like helps me and my chamber gun do I though okay I stopped going at the wrong time anyone know what the chickens a rice thing actually does you have to use the gun that synergizes with bullets turn into chickens attack enemies question mark don't just guess and it confuses all shoot their back see now I don't know she guys talking about God's drunk again increasing the chance for transmogrification good try it would you quit it it's like every single chest like 90% of them have had its [ __ ] timer on them what's what's the deal who hurts you I like all the chickens I see the katana bullets literally not a single chicken it's like we're not gonna get chickens what we're getting all katanas I think the thing is confused as to which one I was supposed to do that hurt me challenge room not to put this derringer this is actually gonna be a pain I can just cheese it mol I come back as cheese like oh [ __ ] wait yes I use nothing but that derringer Laurent they ring faster dodge [ __ ] wall corner man my katana bullets are pushing me around - who wants it I'm literally shaking and crying right now how could you you killed the chicken nuts Chambers's blade Lord Omega like try it out see what's on this floor I see rocket yeah I suppose it's kind of cool that into a chicken chicken comes from the smoke untouched you can't kill me fool stop trying to blow my [ __ ] up three Keys probably not to open these up huh Smiley's revolver what's up shadow bullets [Music] she got tranq gun I never done seen no tranq gun is it good look it up let's look it up but in which stuns enemies says nah nothing about it for stats sweet Epic's is Jax it cool all it does is stun enemies kind of sounds pretty lame let's maybe use this health piece first on the boss even though it's not even full the mayor you m-16 it's a loan from clip if I get drum clip do I have more makeshift ammo nope have you gotten the gunslinger yet that's what we're going for right now it will make the chamber gun worse yes according to you guys j/k 47 when discipline was immeasurable let's see here do you want to kill the boss with I forgot about the snake maker I kill the boss the cheese gun I'm in the mac-10 take it huts didn't even need it suck on that wall but up blank for me now Estus flask yeah we didn't find a secret I'm did we know all right what else would I give it cheaper shop prices not junk all right hang on a second hang on a second hang on a second damn it ah-choo can we do anything can we we get everything we in from the Seagram that's just maybe double check real quick annal for makeshift reload it hell if you check both these realists already gonna be shot then cannon ammo you want me to buy cannon ammo risky risky I have no idea where the Seagram would be I don't even feel like wasting my applied blanks I just saving him orangey floors a little disappointing only good the first time you go through there's no other stuff in here by the drum clip then the ammo dammit it's too late as a chess than when you kill the final guy though right there is something bangin afford you to know it partially eaten cheese the tentacle was supposed to take that guy Danny calls try the chamber gun it's a pencil oh [Music] hello ladies we impressed [Music] these are toilets okay tickle tickle psyche incredibly strong though this gun is a beauty snake or chicken I'm the cheese on this is not fair haha sorry Big Boi have snaked immediately let's do this you regret this as it should go to fire a cannon into a helicopter oh yes a map oh and the other was that shades revolver come on better give me a bang and synergy dad both of them yeah I can use them both the same time Oh oh good scout scout err what does it do its new shows combat data increases accuracy and damage by a small amount okay sick like mod buddy Goku shows up all right what we're using the pencil is this magma gun whoa look at that ultra mega snake maker [Music] trying to spider into a snake frightening spiders make to the most [ __ ] creepy animals ever combined into one what do you have haze wow that's the worst that's the worst frickin oh my god it's so bad oh gee chaotic seven months what's up appreciate you welcome back and that said Ned didn't like that gun now remember I didn't do that yes we did charge up shot though spiders are cool so are snakes see here roll with this neck would you just quit it no one's impressed if the bullet since you forgot last time this guy doesn't have a pass though it says right in the name when you choose them oh my god what the [ __ ] did that come from did I need to reload my makeshift cannon no we did that already thank goodness - face powder face oh no long gone hang on whoa wait now buddy take it easy there for just a second just a little second Rooney oh they're a little macaroni noodle they're another map that's it's just a map come on hey Seagram speak to the blacksmith welcome back whew make it this far and even feel return so often I gotta come if I've got to concentrate on this I've gotta concentrate on this good good talk guys but I did that all right off which room will this secret room be so I have some that I can use blanks yeah my little buddy if I just like activate one of these things yeah there we go give her a ruby bracelet and she already fixed Ruby bracelet I don't have a Ruby blue bracelet fana fees are we party freaks are potty freaks very different things to some people Golu showers in my mouth and this update she requests for a ruby bracelet she does because she didn't see my odds I mean you know I'm not wrong though was that dot i have dot uh uh uh sunlight javelin brilliant aura ooh like the boss guy from derp souls let's try it out hey what's this though you a secret shop I don't know that that could happen shotgun full of love we sell the shotgun filet tour was that last run that was last right I think ah curse girl javelin a destiny reference for a warm mind well it's energized with the old Knights flask which is the Estus flask I'm pretty sure it's an ting at Dark Souls well are we ready but all those numbers what should i kill you with the Spears Britney Spears let's gonna do the most damage you think let's get this guy in here he's taking damage I wonder if I spot him too too soon well that's just not very good at all is it yeah he actually does have a health bar sorry bud sunlights beer was used to kill dragons and dark souls while it didn't work with balls see if I can't find some ammo for this thing open up one last chest baby good mimic oh good now that's three blanks every one blank oh yay I am so happy for that no animal I might as well buy stuff right what else am I gonna do with my money all right I'm ready to go sharp you got buff this update I think let's switch to a word sneaky snake gun okay so no past yeah chamber gun in bullet he'll remember to use it the hole wasn't even there I was weird you chamber gun this thing and that's fine could be better really but do I want to save this ammo then for the boss I don't know looks good to me pretty bad to be honest I'm pretty [ __ ] give me more ammo so I can keep using this [ __ ] sylvie republic with $100 solely shirts you Boston TV out power t-bone five months say Hut's has got off work glad I could make the stream even if it's for a little bit and still be a republic hey y'all how we going just gonna pop in for a bit before I finish my work break goodness gracious Sylvie I thank you so much for the $100 I appreciate that so much hell yeah trucky four to six two months in our welcome back oof that was a good day break out the Eevee at Oh daddy let the void technical synergy but somehow more broken evey decent Amana ammo for this thing we should probably be able to make it all away maybe Blackstone 16 months it's been a while since I've seen a hat on you oh you're serious paradox is my favorite character right now the random starts are so fun yeah it's like Eden so get me the strake yeah look at that goes through walls oof dad mama just killed a man I got hit by something let's try not to get it well thank you are you enjoying your darkest dungeon playthrough seems like a lot of salt no it's a lot of fun it's on radiant mode 2 which is supposed to be the easy mode Oh sometimes you know it's like what tyrion says you got to wear it like armor are gonna never be used to hurt you i envelop the rage drive safely the song said that too also important it's only the darkest dungeon because you're buried under the amount of salt all right literally totem cares I'm gonna head out to work y'all have an amazing day hope you had a great day hi it's absolutely Sylvia thank you so much for that thank you so much hell yeah bump bump bump bump bump bump bump I wonder how good this is gonna be against the boss though I haven't got this weird feeling that's gonna be just hot garbage Rowan boy eighteen months in a row new update is lit hoping for the modding community to come in yeah same I want to do more challenge runs and I can't do that if the mods are busted although I do understand why people are not doing it for their own mental health do more free stuff for me screw your health these numbers that pop out understand like it's a lot of numbers but they're all threes and ones and twos that was a lot of ones in that guy though but add them all up you're gonna get like what 30 there's 30 damage a lot enough to like one-shot some 9,000 times one is a lot looks like we're not gonna charge up our makeshift cannon that's alright my three-phase is only gonna be used once anyways I made it honey I'm home do I need to do anything else on this floor chat probably like two rooms left time to beat this chump doesn't refill with partial ammo no now kill it just beat it yeah the the damage reduction thing I got I just pulse it pulse it does the most damage it's pretty okay I guess lock myself into a new room before it starts haha [ __ ] ah damage caps kind of lame yeah for sure well so I have acts as active items oh hey I got hit sit on it perfectly my bad pretty good gun though probably gonna be nerfed wouldn't you think this is like too powerful this in my mind seems too powerful got him now shoot myself rewards you for getting to BA Oh what happened I'm glitching out hell me ah yeah hi welcome back I'm still playing as the gunslinger on finishing off my gun looks like I just throw it interesting pretty good fire rate though and very good accuracy good range like a better Marine I start with anything used only once by the Lord the sixth chamber as a prosthetic eyes though that may have been only for show this pair of round radiates the pair of rounds radiates unfathomable magic power iron sight Center that needs does this guy get a pass then it costs seven credits to play every time why do you have to do why why does every single chest now come with a timer I don't understand it like literally every single one of them this guy does have a past gone gone stuns every gun gets synergy that's what the that passive means Buhl i-10 what's up prime sub welcome as past that is amazing does it stun because I just hit that guy with and he didn't get stunned I can't grab health either what's up with this I can't like send it to my gumball machine um hello there's no water barrel ah hello it's a joke both water barrels gone because of this character or what like I didn't get stunned you broke both water barrels already just so people chest I remember breaking them not intentionally the chance to stun these tap shoot guns man hurt my fingers can't buy any guns alright alright alright okay sweet alright yeah send you a whisper with a picture of my toes in the sand every time I hit the coastline oh man no pictures I can't wait I can smell it already I mean see it be dodge rolled in your gun shoots faster open the chest well and there are no water barrels roll and I when I roll through bullets they send them back I think nope is that not it I just rolled through some [ __ ] my hands are burning my nose is itching [Applause] white phantom prime cell welcome white phantom what are you a 15 oh excuse me so every gun gets this energy even though I don't have the thing it synergizes with is that is that what's going on here comes more powerful Wallace Bearer okay well what is that what's the synergy with AC 15 then and which one does it choose if there's multiple all of them then it didn't tell me if it was armored corpse or steel skin all all of the synergies all of them okay so let's hear both guns gain increased fire rate and shot speed becomes powered up even without armor when paired with nano machines becomes powered up powered up means supposed to be good then or you guys seem kind of excited about it it's really good it's really broken with early guns all right well anything else I can do in here no sacred floor feels bad um don't mind a starting weapon though I'll be back save the bullets maybe for the boss do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do huh yeah [ __ ] have you you have to kill his past to unlock him tier two nine months in a row Soren we was subbed before you stopped doing but baby shirts glad I made it this far welcome back Soren tried to have you happy bud babyhood all right don't sense any secrets wrong let's maybe harder I don't need to know what's going on with his junk wall ha sexual jokes ah Jesus I love when the bullets come from the bottom of the screen then you can't see him it's fun it's a good time past is too liches which is the easiest fight in the game so couldn't be more excited let's just hope we get some freaking keys here but I really like to have the secret floors [Music] maybe an ammo drop turbo gun sniper what about the rat battle think of all the stuff we could get from that though what's the turbo gun I fight the sniper with the upgrades would be good it's a C rank [Music] Greece's damage and bullet size according to the number of reload attempts during its reload animation three-sixty yes scope rat battle is going to be wanted you will want good guns for Lich's sup raids here who's raiding me fight me to the death he drops hell yes just in time the zuhr gun is it good where's the damn seeker I'm though bud five hundred bits what's up huts what's up bud you know just playing some stuff cool games and stuff and things tis a bit a flash wound [Music] fully understand the missiles its sending out but sure got her could we get a gun please chest vampirism oh alright uh we're gonna have to open this up nanobots guns please this looks like a prime spot for seeker room I didn't get enough for the rat key though why does the game hate me why dost thou hate me blank shrine still though rat floor you all capacity up that's okay but like guns secret floors rat goddammit sniper you guys really think the snipers gonna be good let's go mimics give double items use armor to get chests to right you think I should use my armor to get a chest steal the key it's not working no key though wall mimics give an item now all right I'm gonna go and cry my sad eyes out whoa all right where'd he go sniper please synergies good sniper get this nice Oh only because he whatever then spin in circles that offers damage ups spinning I mean this fired not missed that's like literally the only thing that you wanted me to do because it's not that good but the thing it's funny it's a reference no 360 notes go get it oh damn it Chad oh [ __ ] anything know that guy was there I shot you liar I need a key though to doesn't tell me that things there until it already runs all the way past into a [ __ ] cave as in there a sniper synergy by standing still no sniper wolf awesome all the synergies huh I hate this game so much that's what the OP let's tell you how much I hate this game doesn't matter if I open this energy chest everything is synergy that piercing though that piercing pill mere shield yeah cool what's happy again Mary a little [ __ ] you let a man want to wear my hat or my hat perfect looks really good Oh did you like my hat cats are just [ __ ] bags Avery is subscribe to the twitch prime sub nine months I can't sleep and I have to get up earlier tomorrow what fun at least I'm a butt baby though how does one acquire a shirt is it 9 months in a row Avery and then the Evan guy coach Brian three months hello longtime fan finally caught his two rims welcome back you guys they don't Lani look at me you're with me look at me it's better Cameron if you could only have one pet that isn't a cat what would it be a Shiba her fluffy orange animal pretty sure it is how can I tell if it's nine months in a row is there open so there were wait but way to check that there cut there's gotta be a better way I like the way that they can share like total months but like come on I'd be a better way to track you're in a row months it's in your sub part of your profile says o'clock so what's the protocol then screen cap or something I can't believe it got to do a little bit of work for a free t-shirt Gemma saw it sup gamma ray Oh not as good as the moon scraper screenshot and whisper it Oh locked room oh yeah good locked gun challenge ooh only have one of the bank though get the jet pack save up to the gun game free black chest free spend all of your money and time I think it was earned at that point by gamma ray now gamma ray is crap synergies what else was there to unlock the gun game every chest has a freaking fuse [Music] hey buddy best case scenario right there daddy Oh Oh gun game we're get or you'll get to it actually good with synergies yeah 1200 explosive super mega Peas absolutely money money money you guys think by the jet pack use it on the gun game it's genius step right up have a shot slang uh did you call me aha I win let me shoot it though wow you got them all did I watches me cheat watches me absolutely just rip his game right in half continue please five months in a row hey buds lucky five in a row now I think I have mentioned it enough so this will be the last time but do you think you will be able to play cowboy in the recent far future it's definitely possible continue please most likely gonna play all boy through patreon poll if anything but I'm not against playing it seems like a really cool game all right let's open this sucker Morningstar satellite rain I want to say it's pretty good buy a key probably I think I should probably get more money can someone help me pull up the discord I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong we haven't fought the boss yeah it's something to think about something to consider I want to satellite rain the boss or P shoot the boss satellite rain could totally kill it fast but I feel like we're gonna be a sitting duck I'm gonna take damage I just feel like I'm gonna take stupid damage you guys also notice that the gunslinger has no eyes yet his eyes are on his cloak shopkeeper has a cat if you give her two and buy the full art you gain money that true 42 what was it 28 per thing what was it / heart better been 28 not 20 [Music] twenty-eight yeah all right well that's like really bad fire right though böck [ __ ] you this is great and all but the tank moves too fast plus his friends cheated [Music] cheater why didn't use a blank chat this is what happens when you're sat what the [ __ ] you can't keep shooting did you get you piece of [ __ ] there until you get chat hey that's pretty good hey that's sweet all right why was this shooting so slowly though that's odd why is there a key over here ah what all right all right I'm gonna get some more monies thanks bud I'm hiding behind him is that mean he's gonna bite himself how do you bite me from there with your teeth it's magical that's comfortable only I was able to do that forget the rat key all right shall we go get the gun game we did the stuff here three keys that's pretty good do we find a secret room though we did find the secret room I think we're good to go all right stop spamming emotes haha alright peashooter let's go baby so I you can't dodge roll with the jetpack on and I forgot that and I walked right into some bullets we need a better acted though I thought this was supposed to shoot faster this is garbage fire rate that is you flip tables Morningstar gets above who needs it zorga all these like cool weapons and stuff and I don't ever want to use any of them like not even interested gunslingers pass is the hardest I'm too anxious and less like I can watch right to the stream it's been a long stream today you guys cam one 2020 six months welcome back what's up cam no fuse in this you sure balls okay I don't even know if I want to do that secret floor thing I think I'm fine honestly long stream Eagles good stream and a little site over here oh where is this guy there is I hate this little wizard dude get away get away get away get away not too much in there half a red heart come on bring it spider [ __ ] paradox streak in the future potential big good excuse to play more Gunjan that's for sure it's one more gun waiting for me calling out to me it's on your mind chat honey the guys have not tried this out yet and you're watching me play it for the first time ammo for what's probably the gun I'm using me me me me me me me I downloaded the update but something played it how many of you are scared of the thought that it might be more difficult than the original Gunjan me ah you breathe in net proceeds what kind of synergies do you have probably nothing too crazy the wild and crazy guys so strong gun in the first place very low ammo with glaciers that's ope too busy to get the robots past I'm not I'm too not good well [ __ ] me sideways well hallelujah gonna have the ballot too though [Music] the ballot do son-of-a-gun boss doesn't move that much I can hit with a Morningstar where is it moving to though got him whoo hot pepper garbage literally just want guns here I mean there are some passives that I'm sure would be worth it but hot pepper probably not one of them whom could buy some stuff we have so much money maybe we just save it now hit wall go Hut's who your analog stick is moving it away from the boss drive fire in the opposite direction once the death laser starts firing oh maybe that's it I didn't know if it goes towards the enemies or towards where I'm pointing they're merch pagedown merch page let me try it led me right to the page nerd I just clicked right on it remember get the past a bullet that's something something I've ever forgotten to do no no have never would never I'm insulted okay [ __ ] this whole thing then [Music] like living flap what's up flap whoa Yeti I don't get more of that DLC or mod DLC free DLC the flatline chaos bullets though the teapot what's the teapot see rank gun that shoots heart-shaped steam clouds area of effect range ok t42 area effect while we're loading it's not a new bullet this is an old one this is a new gun though probably flatline I haven't seen it flat line doesn't even show up on the other thing oh the fat line the fat line it's Abby fires purple bullets which start at the wall the gun is aimed at and travel backwards towards the gun bullets will curve and homed in on enemies as they travel bullets in the fat line will start the farthest wall from the direction the player is aiming and will travel through walls and reach the player no synergies though his bad kinda that kind of sounds interesting how about chaos bullets taste the pain bow she's supposed to ask for the Ruby bracelet or what forget the teapot - but I don't think I need it maybe you'll find the first synergies no synergies that have been found maybe by the teapot fat line and Omega bullets has several synergies I read to you probably skip the dialogue yeah I don't know maybe I don't know it's Jon Snow how did I get that Yeti I get like really close to him get up in there Kirill [Applause] what's the gold bullet I kind of wish I had been able to go to the rat and get all the extra shed you guys just even the cheese I know add the get pack I'd still try to find a way around that room because I can't dodge roll running low here don't walk over the hole to bullet-hell a conovan three months in a row what's up triple butt there is no hole nor is there spoon mini-boss this late in the game come on come on what should I kill it with same old same old 360 noscopes nice on the crack under bed say Hut sorry I'm late had to install a car lift today install a car lift like I like a mechanic shop charm horn balls would you just stop that was balls gun muncher yeah potential lish for like personal lift but same type of lift you could steal with ORN let's see here reload the frost giant maybe shot grub what do you have to offer me shot grub that seemed good that seemed pretty okay pull me homing shots on that definitely down oh Jesus not the one oh [ __ ] stupid conveyor belts throwing me off Oh higher coolness guts infinite yetis alright uh if we were to drop something off here what would it be potentially the pea shooter sadly I feel like maybe sniper rifle pea shooter I'm just not gonna use him to bed no ballot little any minis I'll throw you off Hut's I'm thinking peashooter sniper rival Oh burpees are great but like such slow fire rate you sound better man moon scraper dueling pistol was the dueling pistol - it's our kids and like just sit on my lap or something come here I'm up or not [Music] not terribly blown away this is a charge and I just didn't know buddy I'm offering you to come up over here you literally can come up right here no one is stopping you whoa buddy [Applause] all that last little piece of [ __ ] little bullet you're kidding me when he's like ah there's a free run when you get up in your lap like ya know I'm just gonna cry and then try to get over on this other side and then complain that you're not being helpful buddy you're throwing dad off could you just make up your mind once again what the hell they just don't want you to be able to kill the dragon in one go well then they fix it so that no matter what you got a two-shot it rigged rigged dude buddy literally come on come here such a little lazy piece of [ __ ] this sits there and just yells break the skull why alright well here's to the past that we're gonna do apparently I'm not sure if I'm supposed to like prepare myself in some way shape or form pass is pretty hard boom I gotta make this jump otherwise on San chance nope nope there it is this is gonna be a really easy way to play this I think ready buddy that jump is harder than bullet health I'm flying ah yeah [ __ ] puh-puh-puh pump up the jams wait a second what I got to go through hell twice it's just bullet hell surprise pump up the jams look at this shot grub right now all right plot twist just find the boss and go you don't need to fold clear by the way pretty standard protocol for me only problem with his gun is the brightly coloured bullets that are bouncing around and sometimes back at my face whoo spicy all [ __ ] you oh my goodness Oh hey buddy take it easy there fella do we have good Lich killing weapons it's better Dale or tune welcome dream is the only reason I'm still at work lucky my wife also likes you what's your still at work I didn't get your job you didn't get your stuff done cuz you're watching me Majin kiss prime sub what's up 14 months also for Riley's cool swag money SEP rally all right we're turning back around not good secret room where I don't have enough guns to even give to it though that's the problem where'd you see it probably saved my blanks honestly yeah right there I don't have enough guns to give to it you guys I've got a very small amount of guns in fact I'm done but still watching you so I'm here so still on the clock chaos tears thanks for the fries there this the officially unlocked gunslinger as is a run to unlock it the Rhondda unlock it doing work okay I suppose is a good choice I'm gonna guess to the right six keys though dead end though [Music] okay so if I want to unlock the gunslinger again I got to play a whole nother run as the Rando guy so that's gonna work is that how that works party police TV six months it's up welcome back you gotta start as paradox again alright so what's this double lynch thing like I killed the Lich and then I got to go back to start hell over again or is it like two Lynch's in one room with one cup you will see will I [Music] oh my [Applause] am I supposed to see something as I can't see [ __ ] why the [ __ ] did that come from I didn't think I didn't get it there though literally didn't get hit there though sick dude that's it what about phase two and three all right here I was thinking we had lots more to go sweet only the first place alright sick dude we did it I was literally prepared to do phases two and three what kind of guns and is that [Music] we don't shoot it the past gungeon lore hey yeah so that's a good item then sick awesome
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 440,142
Rating: 4.7984695 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch
Id: occSBI6tcJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 25sec (9865 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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