HOW TO BEAT ENTER THE GUNGEON | Part 1 | Let's Play Enter the Gungeon: Beat the Gungeon | Tips

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hello everybody and welcome or welcome back to enter the gungeon this series or sub series of my enter the gungeon coverage is going to be a it in theory a zero to a hundred percent clear through of edge of the gungeon with the experience of someone who has played the game for over a 1000 hours now and if you are watching this you're brand new here I've covered the edge of the gun tonight hell of a lot I over 700 videos on it so I'm I I think it's fair to say I'm experienced I've killed the Lich three hundred times in a row without dying our goal is to get every single unlock in the game without dying hopefully helping some people who are new to the game want to get used to the game also just to getting some enter the gungeon back on the channel because I adore it I miss it but anywho so I think that the first thing in the safe file that we are gonna be doing is uh guys how the hell do we play into the gungeon we're gonna be going in here how do we play it bed to the gadget it is important to go in here for the for a hundred percent unlocks because there are gonna be some items that you need here my words I shall show you how to survive this hackers occur said labyrinth continue through the door to begin your tutelage but yeah anyways we got it we got to get a couple items through here try flipping tables kickin those barrels get angry Dillon excellent interacting people proceed to the next room I do want to turn off one thing real quick and get a couple of things in the settings that I think are relatively important I like to have screen shake down like crazy I like quick gun switch everything like that tech speed yep yep yep anything else beast mode you might as well have it on because it gives you an unlock if you beat the game with it on and it doesn't actually do anything speedrun mode effectively just adds that little timer right there so what do you need me deuce most important right-click the dodge draw in a direction you're invulnerable to gunfire and the first have the Dodge drill bits on we're gonna get the ground yep ready so ready set go you are invulnerable when you dodge roll this is gonna be I'll be spend my time like talking halfway to people who are you know completely familiar kinds and halfway to people who are not typically you want to dodge into the bullets and not away from the bullets if you want to have a maximum chance of dodging the attack and the thing is okay hold on would you show me what you got dodge roll is the person best way to avoid dying and gunfire sometimes a number both can be overwhelming for instance there's no dot through that but those called blaze and Wonder okay so blanks you can do that you know hell yeah I mean I don't need to go through the base complete basics but we are going through the tutorial so we might as well showcase that you do get two of those blanks every floor you get them replenished up to two if you have more than two you take them with you to the future floor so there can be some situations where you do want to stockpile them use the mouse to aim and left-click the fire reload with their R button yep yep yep all right as far as like controls and everything like that goes if anybody's curious what my kind of my control scheme is for enter the gungeon I have the typical mouse and keyboard control I do find that to be more satisfying for myself use binding my reload on to a mouse button now mouse button for so like I side my mouse button but that you know your mileage may vary it doesn't really matter it doesn't really matter at all alright but yes so you may notice right here if you're familiar with into the country the bullets are moving so darn slow that is because it actually does this thing and doesn't even tell you any teleports teleporters you want to do that just to save yourself sanity can work to any yeah yeah yeah but what was I getting that what the hell was I getting at you may notice that the bullets are moving slower than they normally do that's because this game does this without telling you but after a certain amount of time they actually speed up the bottom of the bullets after you play the game a little bit I think it may be after you beat a certain a certain point in the game I'm not quite sure don't know exactly but after a little bit of play and you get it so this is a secret room normally they will not be obviously shown for you familiar with it and these are the two items we needed to get unlocked funny enough these items are now unlocked on helm and shield funny enough you can't really get them unless you are paradox which is a character will figure out a hell of a lot later or I believe you can get the you can get the helmet from the purchase in the blacksmith shop other than those two things you can't get them and you also notice this you didn't use to be a thing but it is a synergy now right what's it called tutorial eyes so I believe that that does I don't know what that one is oh I think that makes it so it the shield floats around you normally just back in the old days it just gave you just gave you armor I've I'm pretty darn sure but all that's all they do right now as well if you get them in the game later ak-47 there's simple gun but actually like really really darn good gun a lot of getting good at enter the gungeon is truly just like realizing what's worth picking up when you can you know in the small amount of times you might be saying Oh burrito but this game is all RNG it's a roguelike yes but also know there's a lot of stuff that is going to be RNG but there's also a lot that you do have control over we do want to pick up all these credits because guess what we are back in a place where they matter I have like I have so many credits on my main file that they go off the screen but there we go we got that done and out of the way that gives us our first couple unlocks ready and we get the pea shooter as well not that we really even want that but this is all that we're gonna be working towards it's gonna be interesting because I've not played on a base save file since for a long time in for a long time there's gonna be we can't go as far as we normally can got all none of the NPCs unlocked or anything you're now ready to I'm Toro gloves run but there's gonna be an interesting feeling having a lot of a lot of new items unlocked alright I believe that this yes so you this is a cursor on that you can make your runs harder but you do not get the option do that I believe until you kill their past all right there we go get our first gun machine pistol is not a bad not a bad one either like there's a couple of these guns that you can get right on the base a base file that you might think aren't very good because they don't seem like an exciting gun well I'll generally talk about like rankings of guns and how good I think things are how you know how useful I think things are obviously like like I said you can't control everything but there's some things you can control that being you know like what you want to buy from the shop is obviously up to you if something is worth money with the money that you would pay for it and then generally like if something is worth the worth tears the the tea routes in and everything like that so you kind of know what you're looking for if you if you feel like you might need to buy something that'll make you stronger because the items you don't have are as good things like that but a lot of the time you know yeah you've got a got a deal with the run it's given to you but and this is something I people say a lot and oh my god I got hit I'm so bad delete the game here's what I was gonna say a lot of people want to want to blame a lot of losses on games like enter the gungeon stuff like that on RNG as far as enter the gungeon goes though it's one of the less rng focused roguelikes i'd say there is a much higher much higher placement on on still then I'd say a lot of other ones and I'm not just saying this because I played it a hell of a lot but a good thing that you can usually use to measure how a roguelike fares in that regard is look at the high like the highest level of players like the people who have put in about a thousand hours can they consistently beat the game on the hardest difficulty or whatever like that if the answer is no if it's like a 50% chance then guess what your game has probably a decent chunk of RNG to it like slate aspire something like that video is it do you do better if you know what you're doing absolutely if you craft better decks with what you're given things like that though you may run into situations here in there where you can't you can't win like at the top level absolutely aspire I think that the win percentage Oh hubba-hubba the win percentage is quite low but here let's talk about this for a second secret rooms I've been told that they are generally going to form within the the boundary if you draw a box around your map generally they're gonna be in there typically you do have to fire with a gun that is not your standard to reveal them typically you can find them in the first places to check are usually the chest rooms obviously they can't be one there because there's a hallway there's a good place to check otherwise you want to check other dead ends like this one here shop is another good place to check but you cannot fire in the shop otherwise you will anger the shot keeper so I kind of what I like to do is clear the whole floor if I have any blanks left I'll usually go throw off a blank in the shop if I didn't find one already but that all kinds of keys laser sight is actually fantastic in my opinion and for two reasons because we got ourselves the synergy to go with it and what is going on here why I guess I don't have my gun drop thing but anyway so yes we get a synergy if you know no synergies are just pairings between two things scripted into the game to make them it's usually stronger there's only a couple in the game that are not very strong this is a really common synergy to get and is one to typically look out for a lot of electric based oh man old Ruby bracelet electric based items and technology based items turn it into this weapon which gives it the ability to have it bouncing shots off of enemies and electric and beam in between but we also got the Vulcan cannon which is actually insane and laser sight is pretty darn good because using usually having like one at least one accuracy up will help you out a hell of a lot and that's not even mentioning the fact that there's differences between between the base characters there's a some obvious ones I should have even blanks there but didn't really matter because like I said it's gonna go our banks are gonna go up to two at the start of the next floor there okay good deal shield the maid and unlock it is a garbage active item no you're not gonna use we also got the master on once again apologies for everybody who is very familiar with enter the gungeon but the master round you do get for perfecting the boss and that is where skill especially comes in you really really really want to get to the point where you can perfect the boss ruby bracelet I believe this is the old version of it right all guns thrown wearing this bracelet will explode not a very effective neither effective item usually this will change into the upgraded with me bracelet later which is better but still I'm think not even like a top-tier thing gun night garland is a great item to get when you're new to the game gives you one armor when you pick it up and then every single floor there after you get an additional armor at the beginning each floor it can really help carry carry runs when you're still working on making sure you're you're alive so key economy is another thing that's really important in enter the gungeon you want to make sure you have enough keys for the foreseeable future at all times otherwise you want to probably make sure you pick up you know you want to check over here first usually nail gun is not very good it has some okay synergies to it but even with those they're not very good and I don't think that we're even gonna get them so I'm gonna say pass on that other than that we have the armor here if you're newer to the game going ahead to get enough you know to fill up your health usually is a good thing unfortunately or you are sacrificing power keys keys or power if you don't have enough keys to get stuff keys or power you really want to make sure you have them I'm just gonna do this just for the hell of it if I was doing this note later I probably wouldn't like if I was just going based off of my autopilot thousand hours in gameplay I probably wouldn't at four keys I'd probably save my money and then right here in theory I might would you know might want to get armor if I was worried I would probably pick up some armor here if you're newer it might be a safe idea all health goes into that bank right there if you get more health drops than you can hold you can save it for later it does not carry with you to the next floor you just goes into the bank right there but we are honestly I have enough items to win the game right now honestly without the Vulcan cannon I think we have enough items to win the game currently if you're familiar with enter the gungeon we are only gonna be able to go to the dragon right now we are not even gonna be able to go to the past we might want to work on getting a couple of the bullet that can kill the past items which is something that will help us you know get further on in the progression of the actual whole game here clunk all right yeah we are doing just fine in the old health looks like the bullets are indeed speeding up there a little bit here could be just because we were on the second floor honestly maybe that's it that keep very important very important for a 100% progression obviously unlocks all the NPC's for the game and as we play this more I will obviously talk less about what we need to do here prime primer this is one of the pieces for the bullet killer past you just need to get to this point with a hundred and ten shells not too hard to do we could have even sold stuff that that sell creep that was in the shop of the first floor the sewer grate it could have sold stuff by dropping it think tank can't drop your starter item snow could've been it could've been something that it's that it's kind of like your first way of like like here prove prove that you can do this without a hundred and ten dollars worth of goods from the shop it's effectively just like a little challenge mode thing I don't know how many things were going to really get here on this first run to be honest I do have a Supply Drop down there that we are gonna use any moment here Chaka Cola to speed up generally I think that movement speed ups and roguelikes are very very handy Oh finally I knew it would be a while before someone came down here but seriously it's been forever anyway we should get back to the shop it's been closed for way too long you should come by when we're gonna come by we're on the top of the level of the bridge can't miss it alright it's gonna be our met of aggression shopkeepers Yatta Yatta you know the drill there it's how you can get items to add to the pool to make your cell phone now necessarily stronger you know it's a different type of meta progression honestly my favorite type of meta progression using our active item they're taking like way too much it's here trying to do too much explanation but and then I put handling this of all things alright see look at this I played the game for a thousand hours I made mistake don't beat yourself up if you can't beat the dragon you know like I play this for a thousand hours I shouldn't make I shouldn't make mistakes like that you know so don't beat yourself up I'll try to help you through it and if you can't do it you know just take more time everybody can do it eventually I believe share your stories you know share your stories in the comments of your journey with gunga and your journey to getting better at and everything like that very interested in holy moly stupid boy boy let me tell you a brief little thing here in the can be in the settings increased speed out of combat not only is this a very very important setting to have on for keeping yourself sane it also actually helps you get through trap rooms faster so turn that setting on very important ronbo not very good not very good you can hold it down and you can charm an enemy by you know we didn't even go to the secret floor on this run we'll do that next time it's another way to get yourself enough money to get the prime primer if you're if you're worried about not having enough that's a very good way to do that because it's a lot I'll explain that in the next episode probably will probably go to the sewers and maybe even the second sorry--but uber lit and maybe even the second secret board we're lucky but alas the holster typically you want to stay away beam weapons worked very well for clearing out his rockets motion enemies the general idea is circle strafing that beam attack you want to dodge over it over it over it you don't want to run away from it wax wings I actually really dig these and we also got a synergy with Vulcan cannon which I believe gives it increased knock-back which is not really that helpful really if you ask me but I believe it does you might add some damage or something as well but then the knock back is really pretty rough all right so we got everything we need here we could in theory go around and do a little bit of a secret room checking logically if you want to be smart you would use something like this that you know you're not gonna really use um you know do as I say not as I do I'm gonna be a little bit lazy and check with this because it just it helps me find out the answer a little bit quicker it does open up quicker based off of the damage so what we can do we can check all these surrounding walls of these dead ends here another good one to check is this is another room where they can be very often so what I'm gonna do I am gonna pop my blank in here and if it's not in here we're gonna leave and that's okay if we really wanted we coulda bought the map to find out exactly where it is it's not too big a video secret rooms can be very helpful there usually you know if you you're not playing on camera at the very least you you should probably be looking for him if you if you're having a hard time winning you should probably be looking for him there's a couple here and there that can actually completely make make a run none of them can none of them can break a run and there's a couple that can make a run you know there's a couple secret rooms that have the reshef cinema which are very very useful very big deal that could literally have the items you need to win a run you know as you if you're new at the game so we're gonna pop open these there's another thing I didn't talk about on the first floor that is worth knowing we have flights we can actually just completely choose this but what I'll do is I'll I'll show you do this I'll show you how to do this otherwise you just jump from minecart to minecart here just take all the all the way there I feel like this one's pretty straightforward after like most people could figure this one out on their own I'll show you just in case but it does also show you that there's ways to cheese a lot of these things too and I haven't done it in forever so it's kind of fun alright so here we go then you got here about a bang about a boom you get the arcane gunpowder this is another one of the pieces for the bullet that can kill the past it's important because or it's important to note that it takes up a an active item slot so that's why I made sure to use my my ammo drop earlier which is Marines starting on gimme you know give me the ammo drop it's it's important no one takes up that slot so it's it's another way of kind of creating a challenge mode we played a thousand hours so we can handle all these challenges at the same time so we're we can it be okay we're gonna be just fine I think we're gonna unlock the bullet that can kill the past literally on this run shouldn't be too bad shouldn't be too bad but we'll talk about the characters for a moment here we'll talk about the character we're playing as especially the marine starts with an extra piece of armor I generally think that the Marines that I pick the marine to start with because it I think it's generally the best starter character for someone who is new to the game are they the best character the main four I'd say probably the main core probably would end up going to the pilot on that one it's people argue about it here in their sticky cross Boies okay people will tell you it's amazing it I think it's pretty it's pretty good if you have nothing else it's pretty good we have the Vulcan cannon so obviously it's not that great versus that Vulcan canidates insanely good we got very very lucky the good thing about the sticky crossbow though this is one of those items where there's a couple synergies with it that are broken broken Opie ones that make it so it fires out three shots at once that I'll do the same amount of damage effectively like literally just tripling its damage can be pretty crazy and that's one fun thing that they added in the future updates that I do really really like is that done not the future updates yeah there are there are no more updates to enter the gungeon but and that's kind of why I'm doing this here because I know there's no more I know this is at no point is this going to be outdated at this point there's at no point will this be outdated kind of what I was waiting for to do something like like this because a lot of people mentioned like 200 episodes deep I'm I enter the gungeon series I was getting a lot of people commenting like why don't you read out what the what the items do and I'll do a better job at doing that here in just a moment like I'll go through the items we've got but it didn't doesn't make sense 200 episodes in and here I feel like it makes a little bit more sense we will eventually get to the point where we are just saying like today we're gonna be doing this and then we go go do it but for now I'll run through the items we got again we got a couple more I guess that I didn't mention there's wax wings which i think is pretty obvious what it does gives us the ability to fly the noteworthy thing about it is that you know you can fly over those pits for the secret stuff but more noteworthy than that for long-term use you can fly over poison fire spikes even those fire traps to shoot fire up that don't look like you should be able to fly over them you can fly over them basically it just creates a lot of benefits for for hazard situations like that quite quite nice and the other thing we got is the frozen heart you can see back over there in the bottom right it is the I'm so stupid for doing this in the middle of combat that makes no sense but the frozen heart is effectively whenever you get hit you release a little in fact let's take a hit let's take a hit we already took one hit you release all those little icicles there they do damage they bounce around the room like crazy and it does give you a health upgrade which is handy it makes it better than better than bad rolling I every time we roll over a bullet it reflects the bullet back at the enemy I find very few case scenarios where it's actually useful it sounds fun and useful but I think it's very cute situation where it's actually useful what else we got here what else we got we're not gonna get hilariously we're not gonna get let got on the first one here which you know I that's fine we got we got a lot a lot of series left to go here to get that God will probably get it on the second one which is you know if you if you're new beating every boss without taking a hit it's I'm not too worried about it I think we're gonna get it for sure like an episode or two but all right what else we got I mean you talk about the guns but they're they're all generally straight board player gun it's like a I consider this to be a supplementary gun that being you can have two guns it's important a to you guys on a quick switch usually in a lot of scenarios but I considered to be like a quick switch gun meaning you literally just switched to in fire you know I got a keyboard just boom control and then you switch the other gun and start firing that instead let me show you what the exploding guns do - just for the brief a little bit whew that's because of Ruby bracelet it doesn't it doesn't be bad bandage it does something you know it's it's just not really like good though it seems clear that early on in the in the game's development they had a an idea that maybe throwing guns would be a bigger part of the gameplay then they eventually ended up being what else we got charm bow will show it on charms an enemy on oops on a full charge there which isn't bad like you can see they killed each other there it isn't bad in fact like it can be handy as a once again a supplementary gun you don't really want to sit there and just use it as your only gun I think because it just it it's it's safe but if there's any more than a couple enemies it can be like the more time you spend in a room the more chance you have of taking damage to like two things of note with that the lawyer you spend in the room the more time you take you spent a possibly taking damage meaning killing enemies quickly is important and learning where enemies spawn which you will figure out just by playing the game there's a certain amount of rooms you'll learn eventually where every enemies like enemies are going to be in each just from playing it a hell of a lot that's an overtime thing but you want it so you want to go in and take them all out in order of scariest the least scary and we'll talk about that in the future too but basically well the other thing of note with that as far as just like super basics you want to dodge roll if it's going to save you from taking damage but in the same vein of the longer in the room the the more chance there is to take damage you want to technically you don't ever if you if you could help it if you can make just you know walk around every bullet and not take damage you should do that instead because that's more time you can be firing and more time that you're firing means more time you're doing damage more time you're doing damage means less time you're in each room to possibly take damage that's what it's about it's just about minimizing that and you'll figure that all out with you know picking the right items and shops making sure you're using your resources effectively your aim will get better your prioritization of enemies will get better over time and honestly just generally your reflexes will get better you'll get killed by your own slow reflexes lesson but this is a stack to run honestly Vulcan cannon plus an accuracy up is a stacked run but anyway I want to talk about tables to tables are a very very important thing to utilize alright so how can we how can we showcase how this is supposed to be done all right so there's a there's an invisible path here that we currently cannot reveal there we go so in theory you shouldn't do it this way if you're gonna have a liquid based weapon like the Megiddo so that we passed up in a shop that would be a better way to do it but if you truly hurtin you don't got any any liquid you can do this you see how it's firing out the little pieces here you can do that throughout the whole pathway and obviously we can't fall in but we wouldn't be falling in you see what I'm saying we could do that since I have the wax wings I'm gonna save us the rest of the time but that's that's a little hack you might not there's some weapons don't have the your starter might you know see yeah it's doing that a little stuff there that's probably they'd be the better one to do and you just follow the path of the little little bullets your left it's the way to do it if you have Noah no liquid weapons okay this is the sell creep we could go to interestingly enough we could go to the new secret floor from farewell to arms we probably should I guess huh [ __ ] blooper I'll I actually like it a decent amount to vary the prom it has is that the reload is insanely bad insanely slow alright here we go this is the other place where it's this or that we saw in the first shop there was the ability to sell stuff as well it's one of the important places to realize when thing like things are garbage dear like I don't think that rolling eye is very good so I'm going to sell it because this money is going to be more useful to me on this shop or another place to have that's important to have really good amount of money is on the final or bracelet can we fix it today I don't know but yeah the final shop is a important place to get a lot of money you know it's usually there's a lot of good stuff there so don't have my gun drop on here drop gun got go on I actually put it on the same as my reload there's an advanced strategy that I'm not gonna talk about that is very helpful that involves driving guns makes you go a hell of a lot faster so I'm gonna sell all that because I find it to be not useful to me you don't have like if you don't have a gun like Vulcan or even like this or hell even blooper can carry you bloopers good enough especially with an accuracy up then that you might want something like flare gun to help to make sure that you're doing enough damage between that and like another okay gun yeah blooper does pretty good pretty pretty good in addition to the accuracy up that we have wolf because of our laser sight it isn't just a pretty little laser that helps you obviously that gave me a I think it's a 50% spread reduction I believe is what it is which is very very good very important secret room there honestly kind of a waste for us right now um but the the Marine the starting item for the Marine the military training manual is I did not know there was an enemy there did not know there was an enemy there military training Manoa is is pretty handy gives you a decrease reload speed decrease charge time let's get rid of the charge the charm bow otherwise that would have been the thing yeah reload reload speed goes goes down is a beneficial accuracy goes up in general just by being the marine and then your uh yeah your charge time on charge based weapons goes down so all in all that just being the marine makes every gun just a little bit better and then in addition you get the extra shield up there and the free ammo drop would everyone am free amateur up whenever you want it's why I think he's the best character to learn the game with personally we just got shadow bullets which is what I'm like I love all the bullet modifiers you can see right there every bullet has a chance to their fire a bonus shadow bullet right there I think it might feel a little bit less damage but it's just it's effectively a damage up you know it's effectively a damage up I don't love anything I see I I think that this gun is pretty good like it's it's upper medal in my opinion is it worth 98 probably if I didn't have anything I was pleased with it's worth 98 I currently have stuff I'm pleased with so I think I'm going to take my money elsewhere I'm gonna take it to the blacksmith at the end I think it's just gonna be more valuable or we might want you know like an ammo drop there might be a no for sale at the blacksmith that would good there fill up our Vulcan cannon which i think is a much stronger weapon alright these guys they all got four separate health pools typically what I like to do is look is not take damage alright it's hard to it's it's harder than I thought to talk about the patterns of bosses but generally good rule-of-thumb stay away if you can stay as far away as you can because you can see right here like obviously I should be shooting I'm trying to show us if you can stay away there's more of a chance you'll be able to get through the bullets but yeah I typically like to go through this way I don't know why I was doing it the other way go with it like a merry-go-round and dodge over them like that is typically how I like to do it and then yeah anything like piercing weapons are very good against the kill pillars bouncing weapons are not too shabby either that can give you something like that typically you want to focus down one if you can help it which you usually can there we go we got one and if you're good enough or not good enough you got a good enough weapon you can actually get them all at the same time this one is honestly a really easy face just run away and when he moves towards you dodge easy face easy easy face easy like you'd like tranq gun it's bad it's bad it's just bad I don't know good I don't know what to say about it there's a synergy that stuns enemies but all in all it's just like a really really weak gun so I'm gonna sell it I want the money and you know we are gonna do we are gonna actually go to the secret floor here so what you do is if you sell two items this is more advanced but you know like you get items so if you can handle this it's a good idea but it's the only secret floor that requires you to sacrifice health which is interesting normally just sacrifice you sacrifice a key to key is to get to the sewers which can be bad but usually is fine usually you'll get what you need what we're gonna do is sell that tomb as well two items and one master round he will not appear if you don't have a master round and then you pop on and you can go in with wax wings it just takes a little bit so it takes you to the RNG Department this was added in the windy final update blip hopefully we can get some ammo before the boss I think I'm gonna I'm gonna use some weaker guns right here weaker it in my opinion the one weird thing about the RNG Department versus all the other floors is that it actually is not random it's the only one that has no RNG or basically no RNG in its in its placement so we can tell you that every single time you gotta go this way and there's like there's some benefit to clearing more rooms usually on normal floors with secret rooms and everything like that it's typically like a good idea to explore more rooms you got you might get end of room drops you might get really lucky get an end of room chests typically if you can if you are in a healthy enough spot you will probably want to clear the entirety of every floor is typically the best way to do it typically the best way to do it pop explosions do break bullets it's an important thing to note it's kind of hard to showcase with this gun but they used to be more opie they used to every single explosion used to break bullets but yeah it's really hard to show it off here there see that blue blue up them bullets that makes explosive weapons weirdly a defensive tool see like right there we broke broke that bullet I'm trying really hard to showcase it see right there I broke those bullets on on purpose so that we wouldn't have to dodge them all right I kind of want to save that gun for the boss because we don't have a lot and we don't really open their mind everything's fine oh good so yeah we always just go through this way and you will get yourself to the boss just like that just that easy so I feel like we can actually use this to explore here in the early days of guns like a lot of people would tell you early on your tips and the tips and tricks that you need to be very very conservative with your ammo I don't think you need to be as conservative with your ammo as as people used to think because there's been a lot of change of the game way back the advance guns and Dragons up they made it so it's not as big of a deal you're not as likely to run out of ammo that being said like we might run out of ammo today because we did sell a lot of guns but as long as you're aiming correctly you know you're and you buy ammo when you can in the shop you're gonna probably be in a good spot it'll be in a pretty good spot tips and tricks for the boss guess what stay as far away from them as possible and just learn the patterns just learn the patterns just figure out where is the safest place to be generally it's gonna be far away almost almost it we waste up like that we actually took a hit and then white which is about the worst thing you can truly actually do all right bye-bye boy katana bullets unlocked a very very strong item I oh wait no why am I thinking of that I'm thinking blacklist a very very fine item strong in some scenarios with weird combinations shoots out a bunch of them like a damaging slice blast after hitting an enemy sometimes can be good usually is not bad Joel Turk shoulders shoulders not bad normally one of the problems it has is that it is slightly inaccurate it's not a problem today not a problem today that's pretty high knock-back which you know you can abuse that by pushing enemies into pits that can be a good way if you are having issues where you're running into you know running out of ammo a hell of a lot you can try to just push some enemies and more enemies into pits you know obviously always you can use your starter but like I said the longer that enemies are on the screen the higher chance they have you have to slip up and be hit normally want to dodge W I'll do this one normal because it's kind of it can be kind of tricky just wanted keep dodging dodge right when he's about to hit it is once again a lot easier if you turn on increased movement speed out of combat that used to be a very very annoying room and it's gonna be a problem for us on a very specific run for a specific unlockable character that we're gonna have to do later but other than that it's really not that big of a deal but it shows up every single run it's something to do with the the random room generation which is I want to point out it's not entirely random not entirely meaning that yes okay we're getting pummeled do I do some explanations not entirely random meaning everything is selected from a handcrafted set of rooms every room is made on purpose every room is made on purpose like the placement of the enemies is intentional we got the coin crown for having over 300 shells I believe that's what that is and that makes it so if you play well at the end of rooms you're more likely to get money you have a chance to get a little extra money I believe it's that that one is it just helps you get more money I hope to get more money you can be okay I find that I almost always see it in shops which is a weird feeling of trying to figure out should I pay money for this is it gonna help me out like am I gonna get enough money to actually make it worth it typically I skip it unless it's really early in the run I don't know I just don't think it's like I it's not usually worth mine so whenever you see this whenever you see this and it's not the boss you know that is the fusilli airbox mini-boss and honestly I think that this is this guy is harder than most of the bosses in the game the one benefit you have is that typically are not typically he does not have a master round so if you get hit by him at least you're not losing permanent health but truly he's harder than a lot of the regular bosses you're not gonna have too much of an issue today you might get hit once now gonna have too much of an issue because we had such a strong weapon in the Balkan cannon to begin with so many freaking keys kaga battle is really strong harder for new players to utilize though because what you need to do is after you fire when you reload if you press the reload button again you can chop down the length of your reload time the thing about this is if you fail or if you don't get it it does I believe it actually does increase your reload time just fractionally fractionally so this is what we save it up for me buckos this is what the big bucks is for we want stuff like the shock rounds the composite gun pick up the composite gun it's just very strong can charge it and doesn't blank effect right BQ effect across a huge section of the room not the whole room but like on top of that it's like a one shot Bob in theory you kind of want to like fire once and then do it to get maximum value out of it but I say nah let's just that we're not we're not gonna min/max that hard today but yeah you get a huge boost to your damage if you if you do this effectively you see it go green like that that means you got the damage boost and it makes it do like it's like 150 150 percent or something like that some some crazy can be really hard for newer players to get true utilization out of it but once you can master it you you know might as well try like in your in a room like without enemies in it before you go into one if you got a gun that with infinite ammo try to just practice it a little bit can't really utilize it in the Vulcan cannon here does not have a lihue so that's an interesting little tidbit I find it's gonna be it's really most effective in guns like the blooper that have super long reload speeds this is gonna be something where even if you're new to the game and you having troubles juggling this stuff the blooper moves so slow that you're gonna be able to utilize it so we got like a you got to think like you gotta think about combinations and purchasing things I know we didn't purchase either the the laser sight or the the kaga battle but think about how they work in tandem with items to make them better we got the shotgun which without this and without the COG of battle it's you can see it's really inaccurate and the reload speed is really long you get both of those working in tandem that's it that's a pretty big deal it's a pretty big deal so you can figure out how you know it sometimes combinations do do really matter do really matter and sometimes you do sometimes you do have control over that with what's in the shops what you keep what you sell like you can think you could like for example you can be using you can be using the ball can can be like this this doesn't do anything this is I don't know what this undoes it doesn't do anything or you just like I'm never gonna get a use of that and then you forget that you have the blooper in your back pocket and you know it has a use obviously the kaga battle has a lot of uses the I've great great good easy gun to use does run out of ammo pretty quickly but it's super handy for newer players because you can just set it and forget it if you're having issues multitasking by shooting at enemies and dodging which I don't mean the lap because it's very it's a thing you know like when you're starting out obviously that's gonna be challenging at times it's helpful it can do decent amount of damage to bosses while you're focusing exclusively on dodging it can be really handy so we're currently on the lookout for really find the bike we did already find a blacksmith you do have to give all of the pieces to the bully to get the past so we can unlock pass I I think we're actually gonna be able to do our first one today that huh the best thing died unkillable whoop you can polymorpha interesting you can get rid of him I don't you can't kill but you can get rid of them I turn into me - what a darn darn chicken with some some weapons things like that so this is what I've talked about with wax wings it doesn't look like you should be able to dodge these just doesn't note you can anything that lets you fly you can indeed all right she probably switch to something else I mean you want to use the Balkan cannon on the boss and that is the thing like do I like to conserve ammo a lot no not not a ton because I do like to like I said less you're in the room noise chance you have to get hit truly that's it's big like if you take nothing else away like take that away it's truly as helpful but you do want to think about what you're gonna have for the boss ah hey I see you got the Ruby bracelet mind if I have it sure so we got that done and fix this thing I made it when I was first starting out I hate it this reminds me of failure I'm gonna fix it make it better so do we actually get it fixed right away I thought for sure this was gonna be something we would need to wait a little bit it's better different at least here you go never want to see it again there we go so now it gives us contact damage invincibility you give it to her and we charge if you move a bit we charge up a dodge roll that does a decent amount of damage you can dodge rolling enemies to do damage it's typically not a good idea with this item it makes it a little bit better but it's still really dangerous if you're new to the game I'd kind of has it against it to be honest been a very long time so anyone's come down here come to kill your pass for the mid further the most that's certain if you thought it was gonna be that easy you got some bad news for you what do you mean you got two kills a pass like everything else needs ammunition otherwise what stop time here that's all magic if you find a gun may fire but how are back we go you might find yourself right back here again you want to get out of the place change something budget passed right tear hole in the bar but that bar back you'll need a special bullet make before you better need the parts that much need frying primer you got it arcane gunpowder we got it cleaner to lead broke from the great bullet we got it I'm [ __ ] shell casing ouch we're gonna get from the the final current final boss here you go all right so let's fight the boss just like that we should be fun we should get the bullet gotta passing just that easy I didn't know if we were gonna get it on first day so this is a dang good gun I'm trying to get the the auto reload but you can see how it can be rough at time there yeah we got it it does make you feel more damage but there is such a thing as a boss damage cap making it so there's not actually that big of a benefit you know see over there he only goes down so fast he only can go down so fast and that's to keep you from having it to Opie ever run make it say yeah you know you can't quite just delete them in two seconds there's always gonna be some kind of a fight some kind of a fight all right try a little bit of this just for 2.0 Lupin that's a blooper really early on in my original series I just remember really loving it was one of my one of my favorite weapons at the time I think it's not bad it's really not bad you got a two cycle this I think I don't think any gun we had with one cycle composites maybe maybe composite got is an amazing amazing gun obviously if you couldn't tell the blank effects being it pretty darn useful you look at that broke a hole in it gave me safe passage not too shabby alright the game does stop when you switch your switch your guns it doesn't go no it doesn't stop it comes to a screeching crawl Dragonfire unlocked pretty handy gun not an O P gun but a pretty any gun this is where the final piece of the bullet go past this and take that over to the lovely blacksmith we're gonna buy this for no good reason other than to have it unlocked I guess Chain Lightning I don't know what that does so this gun normally or the the bullets make it so that laser beams are between each little electrical bullets are between each bullet the shadow lighting test doesn't seem to do any time it's fun to have that with the be behalf but a long time since I made a bowl like this one you brought enough for seven bullets if you fail just come back at a time twenty how she says several bullets but she actually has infinite all right we got alpha bullet unlocked and Omega bullet those are gonna be handy ones to have unlocked but here we go now what we do normally this is where the game would end if you do not add the bullet killer pass you pop up here yourself in the face and then bada bing bada boom that's it done that's a done run son you don't even have the bullet-hell unlocked oh she's gonna be coming later we do need to beat everybody's past the four bang gungeon ears past at the very least I think right in order to get that unlock but anywho here we go if you have the bullet you kill the past you can come up here and you will [ __ ] what your characters fight your characters unique a specialized path and it's been a locked it's been a long time since I've actually done the Marines and this will be sandbagging maybe but I could lose to it in theory does it spend a long time since I've had to do these because after you do them once you don't really have any reason to then the Ganic set it aside from like wanting to go longer oh just the title is over that weird oh it's you I didn't expect to see you again something went wrong during the test something came out of the opening the escape pods are just down the hall save yourself be good at that alright maybe can still help them so we do lose all of our items this is why I say there's a chance I could lose lose all of our items your two blanks and our health goes back to our starting HP so we do have to be careful with that Marines past I think is probably in my opinion one of the hardest ones of the main force oh well he is a good character to start with you get used to I think that this is a little bit rougher I find pilots to be pretty darn easy personally it's weird to get used to because it is very different but once you get used to it I think it's gonna be the easiest one convicts is pretty darn easy to I say that this one is of the main form when it already once all right dodging from a distance and kill yet Healy adds like crazy okay you will come back after a matter of time it's not after you kill the ad so that's why kill me ads isn't really important because if there's too many on the field while he's when he comes back that sucks just straight up that just that just sucks so it is important to kill him quick so that's why I didn't want to keep using my standard and usually like we got enough ammo it's a really handle it that doesn't look like it but it is poison okay we do have two blanks here we might want to use we obviously aren't gonna die if that's not clear obviously not gonna die in a blank thought that maybe would kill those the blanks do like a very small amount of damage unless you know you have an item that changes the head they do a small amount of damage yeah circle straight and you're done son Galactic Medal of Valor unlocked a very very strong item to have unlocked just helps you out all the way around you get military training unlock for all characters you can get the Marines starting item on anybody now but having the Galactic Medal of Valor is a fantastic fantastic unlock it gives you it makes you do more damage your crowd like basically across the board isn't it it now Ted even on bosses hell of a lot the only thing that can really like when you have no people on know it you can really speed up your your boss skills is gonna be begun dramatise train which we're gonna have probably unlock later I think that's gonna be from unlocking an NPC goofin and we need to get a hell of a lot later I think but got the iron coin katana bullets coin crown dragged on fire bait launcher for that bait launcher was for beating it with with beast mode on quote-unquote but doesn't do anything so you might as well just stick it on guns so I believe is for being the dragon alpha bullet Omega boats for making it clear the pass these are for beating the Marines past right there and that's that will pop on back to the breach because there's gonna be a little bit of stuff that we're gonna want to unlock in it for beating the past week you'll get a special alt costume for the marine as well pretty darn slick all right up here go to the shop pick which guns we want to get which items we want to get out of these are like about bullets and get as you Monique are mine is not bad that is the one we used in our pasts they're RPGs fine Thompson submachine is fine I mean we're just gonna we're gonna buy all of it we're gonna buy all of it thank you for the assistance the acquisitions Department is once again operational so we've got all those so those can show up in the gungeon now any that is gonna do it for today we will probably come back and check I think there's gonna be another set of things that we can get later but here you can see we got the full bouquet the past made but about this only shows the shows the parts that you have turned in it does build up incrementally we just got them all on that first run so that's why it's made up in its entirety but that is gonna do it for today hopefully you learned something if you're new hopefully I didn't bore you to death if you're not i-i've been looking forward to doing something like this I'd share it with anybody you want to get into enter the gungeon have this be it they're jumping points and if you were if you came to this in your experience than enter the gungeon already and you have not seen my other stuff I'll put a link in the description for my normal series where I don't talk about things as in-depth there's like 700 something episodes of that so don't you worry your pretty little face that's gonna do it for today subscribe for daily roguelike videos all kinds and to guns all kinds and everything else go check it out playing a lot of games playing undermine is another fantastic one dice and dungeons I'm playing what else we got oh kinda go check it out go check it out I do have a discord with a link in the description if you need further help on playing enter the gungeon we do have a dungeon channel in there that is going to be more than willing to help link in the description for the discord go in there going to the the hashtag dungeon section and there'll be more than willing to help you in there you can or if you're familiar with the game you could just go in there and talk about edit the gungeon in general any you that is gonna do it for today daven for watching thank you thank you see you next time
Channel: Retromation
Views: 664,696
Rating: 4.8953037 out of 5
Keywords: let's play enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon let's play, gungeon let's play, let's play gungeon, enter the gungeon lets play, lets play enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon how to, enter the gungeon how to beat the game, enter the gungeon how to win, how to beat enter the gungeon, how to win at enter the gungeon, gungeon how to win, gungeon how to beat the game, gungeon help, enter the gungeon help, enter the gungeon tips, gungeon tips, etg tips
Id: 0OJPyqiswp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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