Bumbo the Weird - Hutts Streams Legend of Bum-bo

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well done what are these channel points you can use it to highlight your message if you would like and that's the only thing that you can really do with it now so I just need a victory it doesn't really matter who we choose who's the most fun to play probably weird I would say weirdest one of my favorites because have any preferences [Music] [Music] weird says ghost I'm partial the weird [Music] when sound effects in this game man spy here with no I'm but so this guy can grab a bunch of tiles man it's been a while since I've jumped into this let's get back into the swing e he's got a tile flick where he grabs tiles and like a certain type and throws them for half for how hot when he grabs so it looks like boogers one two three four five six seven boogers that would do three or four damage you can add more of us like the tile with piss so piss is always a good play nothing for poop and boogers and we want to match six we get two moves one extra move for every enemy that we kill so I kind of want to kill somebody right now and why is my volume so loud too loud bro I was a volume for you guys in your ends really see anything toospicy lining up immediately good it's okay it's Kay agent Kay I need ten victories when he rolls the machine at the end to roll to the money and I got nine I was actually just waiting to get this last one to be on stream so that you guys could see the whatever alternate ending or whatever it's gonna be but it'll give me booker's it's just not a strong play here that's all I got [Music] block these guys cuz soon as these bomb flies get up front we're in trouble range sky in the middle though that's gonna end up hitting me so we gotta start we gotta move fast what I'm trying to say I'm seeing a six bone setup that'd be pretty nice I can maybe add more bones and get it higher amounts seven or bust I can't seven cock-block to be there one of those games that's more fun to watch someone play than to actually play it's desire I can't do a six the second I try to get one of these down it ends up lining up a four it's the same setup up here for it is then are we this for first because then the other four is still intact weird just like me [Music] Oh brilliant some teeth see teeth and two turns or may go for it I'm gonna punch this guy extra movement do a puzzle flick on something that Elise has six tiles worth one two three four five six seven fill this ranged guy but it looks like it rounds down it's better no piss lineups devil deals in this no devil deals oh there's a piss and more teeth would be good to get so let's go for some teeth [Music] there we go site could help that's what anything doesn't matter well may be very low health from this guy but he's very powerful blocks next attack plus attacks or read d12 reroll a roll of tiles so our brown belts been phenomenal for me my belts been phenomenal it's like nominal but more foot how's it going chat how you guys doing how's your night bone I think these guys are arranged in because I think everything is ranged right here is our thing he's not good it's a tricky room brown belt was better when it's stacked yeah it doesn't stack anymore right I thought it was basically candy crush clearly I was wrong little oh it's pretty fun still think it's candy crush it's the exact same type of game you're saying is Jean rrah anything match three match for is candy crush then yes this is candy crush if that is your definition you've defined it as such so it shall be done in the conversation I really I really don't think we're gonna do well here get set up at all and I won't be able to one-shot any of these guys better than candy crush I never played candy crush so I couldn't tell you you guys trying to make fun of candy crush but clearly you know what you're talking about so you've played candy crush got there got got for poop and brown belts yeah yeah yeah probably should just do this I won't be able to block everything though [Music] it's not my top option might option my teeth are so close to being ready to go come on the teeth are right there okay now we have some teeth we want more teeth maybe teeth there don't I get something that lines something else up as well he's there teeth there it's close to some piss peon lined up by two moves I could get a six tooth five to three be ideal because it would do two damage I think I'm gonna end up taking out that one health hooter so I'll take out the one health pooter this guy will attack get blocked this guy will attack you gotta get blocked here this guy will attack and I'll just take one hit a damage there which is pretty okay give him over up against at the moment never thought I'd see this game again a White Mage Dendi little marry cake what's up it's like these late later streams on these lesser known games were like I get more of a chance to actually read everything in chat and have a talk with you guys here's a hammer watch have never played it so on my wish list I think we're gonna learn it more poop maybe let me up pissed those pretty good though we did this one here the next turn actually no I'm gonna kill him and get a movement turn and then I'll get the piss yeah this is gonna work out what do we really not work with here we don't work with terrorists a bee boogers you know what I'm gonna cancel that and do this first because it's gonna ruin it I don't do it now dude a lot of teeth going on [Music] I'm a player enjoy slay the spire yeah if you just gone to youtube and type type Hut slay the spire you'll get lots of videos mostly stream footage on my second channel if you're interested in watching something like that got lots of content out on it I'm gonna go heavy on have you how the bones are having the teeth you guys I want to get a 7 of something here poop yeah where I can go for a safety poop go for a safety poop cuz I'm and I'm really feeling safety right now though I'm feeling spicy crocodile oh it's up you love bum buh 7 tooth you know what I should really do you guys I should really get my stream deck set up with each individual game so that when I switch to bum buh I click a button on my stream deck and it sends out a tweet saying hey I'm live right now switch to bum buh oh god that's a genius move Oh God I need that now teeth teeth 7 to 12 so it's 7 bone they they would both do the damage they both bring her home but we can go to you oh okay that worked out really well actually let's get rid of this guy let's plays for at night then I'll kill myself ouch you know loon we spent a lot of fortnight what happens when I jump in there and try to play with Lumi wow this is Jacob that's yeah that's that's passion I'll give you that that's some passion I really don't care that much about anything it's a good thing what's kind of a bad thing isn't it I wish I was that passionate about just something I would stop watching that's it [Music] Laozi trying to make light tons of piss here just freak good stuff we could still go for a six tooth or might you just keep getting teeth put together without really one in it let's take away this poop the tooth will also fall down we'll take the boogers oh god this is spicy I don't want to finish this I wanted the 7 2's just for fun now we can do it with four moves we'll figure it out this up right it's over no this down this down I miss my op Rep and I'll top it up seven - we did it eight sound effects did they add sound effects to these special moves cuz I was saying that that's something that they needed for sure offer totes told me to fur sip get out a chat and go to bed says Jacob my chat just no okay we're good we're still life [Music] have to choose a direction right now safety poops are always good you know what maybe just doing this piss but two turns for one piss is not that good of return he turns for one bone to do which would set me up for not a piss next turn [Music] dancing can dull made of hair stop by to say I love you all I smell tub hope you're feeling better and better there's an Isaac game where people got to make dungeons for people to do runs through like where things are what bosses are there and other choices to make your own customized floor dan the mean man congratulations you can start modding you can do all of those things yeah they gave all the modding tools to the people damn communists yes I got you something here add in some maybe even some poop honestly honestly might he throws a shoe that really didn't help really really did not help me in any way [ __ ] it up big-time set myself up for a seven poop maybe later pull it off pull off a six poop but that's it but we need more anymore block ish dude line something up for me [Music] let's do you play RPG games or different types of games yeah I've been kind of all over the place recently I try every three out just to see if there's like one that line something else up max is garbage I hate it oh oh oh no geezers with a bone throw me a frickin bone here [Music] block that block that block that all on the ball block that give me some moat no me butts over huts whatever will it be sit the fun down badger boy you need to sleep it's like a poem I almost have a double poop thing going on here I'm bump the bump would you stop cock-blocking me with the teeth here no sleep needed can confirm is 4 a.m. at some point you might as well just not sleep you know touch the next night I need to fit some teeth in man can't just live from poop to poop I don't think that I think I already had one activated it should really tell me like in the corner or something like what's already activated this first more teeth as a seven tooth and it's a to turn seven tooth and I'll be I'm fine with that I think we're cool with that cuz I'm blocking it anyways we're good [Music] does it do to damage per person though and that extra turn that I just got just goes away games like lately extra turn okay good for damage kind of more listening sister Connie reroll a spell or +3 movement that is some now I'm not gonna spend my my bone and teeth or I spent now you know but these sixes potentially bad [Music] pausing my art creations and the pic channels and the discord count itself promo yeah I mean I guess it's just if you want to share your art absolutely I would say don't like if you're selling [ __ ] right like if it's if this is a commercial thing it's okay it's still okay to share stuff because you know that's the [ __ ] grind that's oh you've got to do but I would only p.m. somebody maybe personally are you guys he could post it if someone was specifically asking you for it right like hey man I really want to buy that I'm not gonna be like don't you ever make a deal but you know if you're there specifically to sell [ __ ] and you just kind of like muck it up the pix channel and it sounds like you're using me then yeah probably don't be an [ __ ] that's what I'm trying to say long-winded version short-winded don't be an [ __ ] what we got he's gonna stomp right up to me and hit me right in the dick and I don't want to rear all any spells we'll use that later maybe oops would be good to start off with I don't see a single poop thing rear on the board is so powerful this is such a garbage start I hate it I actually really hate it I should start brewing in selling vodka I'd bye uncle Russian what if you're not an [ __ ] but still an ass hole excuse me except slap I'm an [ __ ] what of it I got nothing man this is not a good setup this is not a good start [Music] [Music] I almost had teeth lined up there I'll just end up being a genius or yuge I got one tooth there we get a nice little tooth a mega tooth drop if I just push this up I get a 5 booger and a 4 to thir that's pretty good that's pretty good and see past them follow your arms in the way man I didn't know he spawned two enemies after hitting him honestly it's great it's not bad for me I maybe go more I don't want to mess up this tooth thing going on but seven pissed next turn sounds kinda nice [Music] more bone four turns one turn two turn 3 turn 4 turn I can do it so me nothing lines up puts me over [Music] what if you could seven piss IRL did you see that I'm making a custom computer for nerd that's not oh my god he's dead already that's it's not the same one as I've seen before you shared one a while ago I don't know was it like League of Legends computer teleport to the treasure room I don't even know what that means dinner full heal this is both bad you're both bad spelling got some grain free granola maple almond butter grain free granola so it's like all like nuts and stuff no grain a full Hill with one radar artist oh my god that's so bad that is so bad [Music] I'm actually I don't think I know I don't want that this isn't just a bad run man puzzle damage please or 20 cents brain free all right we're back in I'm feeling that [Music] then it looked like it said brain free or to sound the sound like I said brain free go rain free get those weak oats out of here [Music] really only see in the piss play [Music] bom-bom-bom bom-bom bom-bom bow I'll go for a safety poo I am brain free let's big brain [Music] when when and we didn't we just [ __ ] up my bow next turn I should just save my mana sometimes you'd do a six tooth I really need a five to fill [Music] sixtieth isn't bad bill this guy oh Jesus criminy I forgot that you don't kill him I was really I needed that extra turn he's still attacks that's just not even okay it's not even [ __ ] okay though that's so dicta me over so [ __ ] hard I would have played that much much differently [Music] [Music] boom and this long it's now blocking them I think we're dead my possibility that we die right here right now we're in a very deep hole and I don't know how to get out of it can you use reroll on spell a spell on itself [Music] the whole chapter no I'm reverie setting I'm literally resetting I'm not doing it I thought it meant like the next like stage change chapter level how the [ __ ] do I know what you named things Jesus this game is addicting me over but stuff I didn't even know yet there's no way I'm finishing that no I did reroll the d6 though alright let's see what we got [Music] whoa whoa what TV shows are you guys watching right now anything good I still have not seen last season Rick Oh Morty and I have not seen the mandalorian nothing spongebob I don't watch TV good movies then what's going on here working through Breaking Bad it's pretty good I like that show it's gonna twice through my web so I watch anime Spongebob and Impractical Jokers 1917 was awesome was that the movie came out watch anime seven deadly sins what she meant you have to unlock this run there's a random chance at the end of every single run where he rolls the machine and I got to get that to hit the the money so I just I just need wins needs more victory [Music] what was the question I blanked movies TV shows longtime fan uncle Russian I missed your question well blueberry jam also said something written pennies let me content has there ever been a game that you hated so much just looking at it made you angry a game that I hated so much that looking at it made me angry um I'm not sure I'm gonna have a good answer for this Dark Souls it was you know I had I had somewhat fun late game it was just really annoying I don't know if I made me angry to look at it I was excited to get through it I chose to go through it as it's something that like I would never want to play or something that I did play and didn't like like what's the context of the question here looking forward to see seen or haven't watched Rick and Marty and Mandalorian for me probably your age and Noida yeah but I still still play and enjoy Noah [Music] when I cut the gold ring Bane turns the tile into a heart blocks the next single attack old pill is basically the same exact thing as the other thing but worse mom's lipstick we could at some point break the game and get infinite health with it would you let the devs of bonding adviser to keep the franchise going or what um it's a tough question you know of course obviously I'd like more of it but at some point you're probably gonna ruin it [Music] so I fly over top of that dip and the key is I'm gonna be able to hit them maybe he's not though let me get a better look he's in the back [Music] Walter with the bone [ __ ] zone just take that the puter and be done with it I kind of taken out fly fly gotten two extra movements though huzza flex not worth it is to take out a single fly Waialae she swallowed up fly [Music] the vice you speak into to play D&D with others that own the device so you'd have to like tell it like Alexa add their takeaway to health from my character sheet that's kind of annoying since we've got some kinks to work out there something might be easier on tabletop simulator more teeth here we're done here is too hard favor game though weird combination of lighten it but hating it makes sense for Souls like though par for the course I just keep playing with that chunk of cheek that's flapping in my mouth right now I'm biting my [ __ ] lip [Music] [Music] this is [ __ ] [Music] boom boom brief bringing a halt almost got a pissed line up there there's nowhere to go after that [Music] the chunky are the funkier [Music] Punk a ball of tits old drag anyone [Music] you watch anime I watched nothing but old Greg over and over anyhow it's guess what chicken but would you just give me some piss to line up with here a bone or a tooth I already beat you to it gerbil ooh she got got watching the hunts old sonic adventure videos I'll say I was thinking about redoing that game what do we got man I want to do something here but there's nothing set up a piss for next turn god that's garbage I hate it take damage can't afford this [Music] just take our tooth while we can I'm a comma I think we can destroy these wall barriers and unless they updated it and get a movement thing for it up the bugs maybe awesome okay get a poop barrier to block don't have bones or teeth the moment [Music] you go for seven poop I'm actually gonna do that actually actually actually I'm seven coupang [Music] bear with me bear with me here so we go on an adventure what are these poops doing I've got so many poops lined up or need more poop punch that guy in the back though Utz is it really into sports yeah that's true ancient castle story playthrough a bit ago I was just stunned about castle story the other day saying I should go back into that as well because now that they have this steam local plaything I can play multiplayer castle story with like Josh for example he has a game as well now you know you don't actually have to have the game the other person doesn't have that the game if you have the game you could local multiplayer somebody else in this god that steam thing is crazy good what are we doing right now I forgot I blocked out or piss maybe mana drain oh I hate out mana drain drains everything all of it like maybe like one per no every single last ounce of your mana yeah since sensible very reasonable [Music] multiplied doesn't work for some games sucks you dry your fanfic stuff out of here so we will throw okay I just want to finish that guy off weird things I'm saying today cinema tooth bonus poop dries your sock [Music] check this out though check check one two check this out bro this is how we farm up hell [Music] excited for our Elden ring yeah totally and it sounds so cool and that's so hard babe a bill of the poop walls back up to their former glory got a movement left what do I do with it bom-bom-bom bom-bom best beatbox any tile into a red tile I choose you that's cool it's five bone just kind of asking to be done buggers are better right now though all right we can probably speed this up bit piss and boogers are the way the future I need this for the hearts it's fine bow bow bow leave one heart remaining so I can always double it with piss look at us go you guys mostly used puzzle flexes to get rid of [ __ ] on the board that's clogging up my space bro bugger I thought that got a seven bone and that would have been devastating names like holy [ __ ] you're really bad at this game miss miss miss miss miss miss miss do this yet miss oh my god how many times gonna use this damn thing glory glory hallelujah I could hit him with the boogers I suppose I kind of want to do the hearts but I kind of want to just go [ __ ] hard with the piss it's gonna be a seven piss in there somewhere right [Music] creating I just made more hearts and I don't think it did anything excuse me oh you [ __ ] [Music] don't [Music] yeah a booger [Music] well you can take the moves between rooms okay just set everything into place he's gotta go up or down look at me go stop doing player I think this is good enough you guys let's push on Converter gained gray mana for boogers and piss or become a copy of a spell craft paper I don't understand exactly the idea behind copying a spell see a GP why would I want to copy a spell maybe it's like an active item [Music] they do an active item copy spell but later converter decision I don't think I would like to use my piss that way but I'm not even using my piss am I not I don't have a spell that uses piss [Music] my fee for every man this is such a piece of [ __ ] you guys like literally the smallest little static shock and it's just like [Music] other the copy spell thing why am I getting such ass [ __ ] every game all two of them [Music] right pose the meaning of the universe we can hear it wrap yourself in rubber sounds like a normal night with your mom got him [ __ ] godom it's gonna hurt well how's that burn the goal for a seven - that would take a couple turns though [Music] problem here is that if I go for a six tooth even the eyeballs are gonna shift and block it so the by the time I actually get the six tooth I'm gonna hit the eyeball instead so I should just go for it now I should just just move in it set me up next turn as well for another tooth 72 is not worth it I'm gonna six - it wasn't worth it by Poul the poops [Music] bow-bow bow-bow bow down now dental now they don't now now I need the poop [ __ ] get it if I hit the eyeball with a booger does it move it and to find out son of a [ __ ] sealed my deal the monkey's uncle that was almost helpful bum-bum-bum bum-bum-bum bum-bum-bum add more poop when in doubt [ __ ] Marple Monsieur I need to poop yes sign me up for a tooth next turn this turn free tooth that I'll do nothing but I'll give me the mana which is good block his shots smack that boy all on the floor smack that give me a little bit more of that [Music] they added sound effects to the game okay it's good damn fan a bit more bone and we can do some damage then I'm gonna stop this eyeball from ruining my day though bow-chicka-bow-bow next-gen consoles for Sony and Microsoft have been said to be coming out later this year anything you'd hope to see for next-gen consoles what would I hope to see I say this is what I say and I will say unto thee I think that Sony Microsoft and Nintendo and everybody else that I've ever dreamed about getting into this valve all these other places that are like coming up with these consoles they should just drop all console releases focus all time and money and energy into overthrowing the entire system the entire architecture of Internet blow the whole [ __ ] thing out of the water and give everybody in the US at least at least the US and probably Europe all fiber but I think Europe is probably doing pretty ok everybody needs [ __ ] fibre now you want to have these next-gen consoles that are nothing but streaming platforms and give me fibre [ __ ] a [Music] that's what I would say I don't give a [ __ ] about what's coming out next give me my [ __ ] fiber you [ __ ] that's that's pretty much it I'm not gonna be able to handle anything on my stupid piece of [ __ ] Mediacom [ __ ] I'm a little I'm not you passionate I said I might wish I was passionate about one thing and I found it today I found it it feels good feel alive I might just grab the piss here as much to go up like I can't read the the other stuff for other things wasn't fiber can because boo boo got bullied out of it tires about by ISPs wasn't there a thing where the ISPs were all given enough money to give everybody five or four times over and they were like oh I'm gonna buy three more yachts nuke the whole system just wipe out all the existing just scorched [ __ ] earth take them all out what UPS Invicta you're here for the [ __ ] internet rant we're talking about next-gen consoles what do you hope to see and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] give me Internet any fibre or give me death I think that's pretty reasonable Ramat for damage that's a seven-to-three right there and it end me consoles right I mean consoles they can be great especially if I'm playing with my friends and they don't want to spend money in a computer but Josh and Ryan both had phenomenal computers so chicken bone or curved horn these are both very applicable to my setup chance of damage up I don't know what that really means chicken bone getting white mana would allow me to proc my main major move that does the most damage Europe is really bad at modern infrastructure it would actually focus on the game instead of everything else pcs gonna be a major pain in the ass Oh dad that's not yeah true but I'm not gonna go away from the $8,000 of computer parts I have in front of me I'm not gonna be like god I'll try that all the way for this $300 you know probably just [ __ ] $1200 ps5 angry face well when is that wutface hots no balls SG modified till the next-gen tech of PC right I uh I'm horn you want horn because it sounds exciting but I don't really want it you just think curved horn is good because of the other Isaac game you're blinded by your love blinded by the lights get dippin piernas moon Amir all right I want this to cost one less tooth and so we'll just be gaining white mana and then at perform match tooth all be able to use this twice go [ __ ] you you son of a [ __ ] you got it got got I got got hurt cancel go back please [Music] see em oh my god loop yeah that's that's funny thanks I hate it if I you once gain green mana I can't wait to not get that bumbo the weird rattle all right send Victor pick one last middle right [Music] I wasn't watching that's all you got to do so three all right one damn that would have looked so cool had that worked bump with the chill yikes I mean what is we didn't need that item anyways I didn't care about it not even a little bit health is still looking sexy I'm gonna we just want teeth and bones that's head that's literally the whole play here her to the right I mean I was I was gonna be one skull to the left of the original reveal so if the item was revealed in the middle it'll be to the right his left something you're just talking onto your ass tell me I'm wrong let's call once called to skull three if Monty shows middle item will be in three doesn't the item always show in middle it's a trick question when I could have done you guys is I could have copied a spell and then I could have at the shop I could change I could change the cost of it giving spicy [Music] I think I can actually afford to seven boned can do it it's like couple turns but but ain't much but it sounds work [Music] wait this isn't what I wanted to do but I already did it went up push it all the way over yes oh I probably not actually oh oh no I shouldn't a factor that [Music] is that just something that you tell yourself Sid Invicta I thought thought Scala Monte always had the item the same one in the middle every time all I know is game stop isn't doing so great Lowell shocks Pikachu face can I kill him right now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I could just kill him straight up by just grabbing the bones I'm gonna kill everything else I don't have to deal with all this fart this miasma fart I don't know I just followed the item with my eyes right I don't know I'm just really good at everything or piss [Music] I mean I'm pretty good at everything especially with scoring - yeah I got two skins now - masteries so masterful would you hate me if I went for even more piss I should just go for teeth or something at this point how much piss is too much piss you know gotta ask we're friend alright poop what a nerd oh that's weird I must have been a misspelling I think he meant master like I same mastery was the treatment a master would be an acceptable title I'll forgive you though I understand how it goes Tyga's hard sometimes [Music] hmm you can throw boogers through fart clouds [Music] there's no bones to work with here I don't even need boogers I'm floundering stalling I'm Joseph Stalin right now would you stop farting I'm gonna a stirred yeah my bad BM and Abe s the T the other are all silent hey you know what I didn't even have to get bones I just I'm naturally getting bones from the chicken bone so this is good it's behind my face but the chicken bones there so all I need to do is touch the sky a little bit touch me baby and you'll see that I am not afraid but ah ba ba what does that promise that you made boom beard princess nice name hunter vets longtime YouTube worker keep it up ladies I get it yeah how much the LT got four I need eight tiles minimum one two three four five six seven [Music] it's coming in a support of the twitch side of things appreciate that a lot that makes a big difference it's like is it not that crazy of a thought you guys to think that if I could get a hundred thousand views on a YouTube video that 10% of those people could make a stream at one point or another and just at one point have something like 10,000 viewers is that is that too crazy 10% we're talking we've gotta get some food cool I got CS Invicta 10% attack a row are we at Finn to stream on YouTube I'm gonna have a couple of times it's actually you know it works actually you do get like a thousand views on YouTube yeah as a people nothing just fickle or they just like I don't want to download another app I don't want to sign into another account it's gotta be it right YouTube chat as a garbage fire as an absolute garbage fire we don't worry about YouTube chat at that point I mean if we had a thousand viewers here you guys I wouldn't I wouldn't worry about the chat either at that point I mean I would I would still attempt to read it gonna be Chloe we would not be this though for damn sure what are we doing right now it's a new level these guys got to kill them all together that guy's got five health this is not this is a tough room is this the first so this is the second round right the second stage this is [ __ ] I hate this this game get harder this is supposed to like the easiest character this is actually trash though [Music] a lot of people don't want to commit like seven hours to a stream so they just don't click on it at all I guess yeah I wonder how many people that like they can't hit the first hour of it so they just figure like well I'm not gonna jump into a middle of a conversation videos take less energy I guess seems that way sometimes though doesn't it they're 200 viewers right now but only like nine chatters careful don't stir up the lurkers I'm here [ __ ] you it's just hot trash mr. ping so Oh dumpster fire [Music] dumpster fire Oh this'll be easy good cuz I was 100 gosh I thought it might been I've been hard Oh dearie this guy jumps right in front of this too so I can't walk and do anything like that Jesus Oh Holly yeah that's I don't get any movements for that either oh no mother Mary oh hi blasts who's talking about lurkers there they are girls be lurking chatting the booths analytics yep there y'all perfect Twitter's gonna be like yeah you didn't have that many chatters so I'm just gonna not renew your contract sorry bud there are obviously BOTS I literally have nothing I lit on let's just take five hits of damage actually it's three now which is better but still I can't hit a booger I can't hit a [ __ ] you guys see a match anywhere anywhere at all got a study see how it's [Music] this is the bourse poor to think I've ever seen in my life I'm pretty sure [Music] doesn't get any worse than this seven to next turn they'll gonna back the pain they caused Oh like is that talking to Luke the hawk the biggest lose right here [Music] are you alive block that incoming farts or is it a burp on a member what constabie or is this stream and the video but can't chat I did not understand that look at all much easier this room is than the last one you kidding me plus we have things that are set up look at me go cruising who plans to be more powerful at the current moment we literally don't [Music] well well let that help at all once it was an ugly barnacle okay I suppose [Music] so this is an alpha iOS yet [Music] I do something better than a five bone a six bone all right set up a seven bone and inspire my best bet [Music] it's pissed if streambeds translated the vid vid views the most watched which books would be in the millions right tiny dice reroll tiles of the same type or skip ahead one room where's all the good stuff though no sound effects for seven bone [Music] slim well well well well okay so this guy comes up then he hits me immediately if I don't have the ability to block him on the first turn I also have to hit him really really hard to send him backwards all right please move my chair thank you hello my microphone just died again hello working looks like it's working nothing good I touched it and it gave me a static shock so I thought I was dead [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo gotta block but look at me set up right in here with the tooth and set up with the bone who plays a mistake but I got to do it try [Music] more teeth [ __ ] it up didn't you Ray roll all bugger give me something here [Music] criminy you just touched a poop Hopi had [Music] that's there's got to be some sort of seven to just lurking super pooper scoopers are just lurching yes it's all bad [Music] six tooth be a right then a seven tooth you're probably not wrong about that but I still don't see anything of that nature either sent something up here oh yeah there we go there's a tooth for a bone set up on the other side of screen it's not hard enough but it will be hard enough when I send this sucker at him well he'll be shilling out in the morning it's kind of [ __ ] cuz like maybe I should just grab the bones instead of doing a bone lurching poop either way he's gonna hit me by the way we take damage [Music] grab them grab the bones and then maybe I'll get like a poop or a booger set up at maybe but I need the bones for like later turns what happened doomed me scary I was scared [Music] still can't get any [ __ ] could I could tooth doesn't help though [Music] starting to take damage [Music] their hope for a miracle poop to fall into place [Music] [Music] nope [Music] all of our health has just gone away never struggled so hard in this game he ever tried so hard and I got so far so we just take our poop now we need to hit them backwards otherwise it's for nothing what [Music] doudou all right now we poop [Music] please a fresh one out [Music] we can maybe oh maybe do 7 damage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 poops [Music] reroll piss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 close that was very close so grab them though [Music] six damaged look at that [ __ ] oh no I can't use the one thing I've never used and will never use shoot since I was recently get to the sub o generous this booby generous chatez generous [Music] my anus is bleeding enemies may take damage or start with a wild ice I don't know what stray pube does or what that's supposed to like when is it proc and how often does it proc there so that doesn't like doesn't specify anything uh starting with a wild you know actually getting the run off on a good start it sounds so underwhelming but holy crap look like we sit there for hours sitting like looking at the trash start bored I'm thinking start with a wild spells cost lust I would not be able to afford a stat upgrade but if I could use this again and again and again and again BAM oh you're in trouble now Mike [Music] I should have duplicated a spell and then did the shuffle needle on it [Music] play this once or save my money [Music] it didn't work out for me last time save the money's all Belial is gonna be [ __ ] tough tonight Sarah Connie day he'll look at five paces always worth stealing Orvis morbus sounds like a cool spell right up the bone [Music] all right we have to like think harder about enemies now to health and they move twice because they're in rage that guy in the back will take one hit that go down and then he'll take damage after that this guy will give me one curse style per hit and only takes one damage per hit I think and I'll hit the flying guy first [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was to add more tiles of a certain type probably teeth so I could get my puzzle flick [Music] out the door didn't work but I could set myself up for a six toothpicks turn [Music] attack a roll would be pretty useful right now too [Music] rip a soldier's equally balanced [ __ ] on it everywhere I don't see how one [ __ ] is better than the next [Music] the guy who takes my movement away I gave him a shield [Music] this game got at least 10 times harder since the last time I [ __ ] played it what happened this is [ __ ] I don't I don't doesn't matter I guess I could hit the guy in the right with a five tooth still not doing much of anything though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] could puzzle flick but I'm gonna hit nothing but shields so I tried to save it poop wall would be amazing but there's not enough poop to go around it's just such ass [Music] [ __ ] me I guess [Music] sorry died right here a sip man the throat twice that's true to reflect some [ __ ] nobody likes not really [ __ ] though some stuff [Music] by I get myself out of this hole seven poop six poop good six poop but if I flick the hearts pop the shield dropped in for a 6:00 Pope [Music] herd view that it sounds like kind of oh yeah you're right I can't do that on that side I had to start the other side [Music] I'll be a monkey's uncle [Music] I'm not gonna attack a row anytime soon I would say since there's just one column so we could reroll payroll what's who's it's I really thought something was gonna happen by doing that it's a lot of hearts that just spawned it [Music] they look better than the other oh really [Music] I kind of thrown the curse maybe on the last one not messed up my poops but it's too late still don't want to really remove and throw I'm gonna well I don't hit the ghost with that either so that's just a bunch of ass we could possibly cheese this level too with all these hearts that are around leave this guy alive with like however much health [Music] I'm losing my focus right now I'm crashing after the Tea Party [Applause] where's my Butler how's it going chat talk to me I'm losing my focus visions going blurry [Music] set up a to turn tooth let's purchase my best bet to turn tooth but Butler [Music] could I grab a certain thing and line up something else yes extra poop box maybe I'll fall asleep now you'll not wake that sounds incredibly ominous oddly specific if I line up some teeth I can throw the teeth kill the guy and shuck multiple times over ever fine but I'm you know I actually am thinking about getting hearts here by can why wouldn't I write is there anything that will have that has six tiles that's not in the bone the bone there we go then I'm at one elf and leave them there so it's right for the takin now go heavy on boogers and piss every roll everything else right and this reroll sounds like gives me a lot of red hearts too so we have a lot of options here to get rehire ed arts retards whatever brains out for dinner you know I never had dinner so [Music] that was nice we can flex some tiles to that we don't need [Music] pick up some Souls yeah this sounds like a good time to farm souls cuz we need him again holy crap he lost a ton we lost a lot [Music] well this is messy though [Music] you do what you got to do back there bud I'm just waiting for something else to line up and then give me a bunch of for heart matches and just ruin the whole thing eight hearts can imagine eight heart would do anything but I don't know they don't know [Music] mark boop walls gonna be quite necessary here kind of cleared all of our poop out though grandma Pope that spell has been so not helpful [Music] meaning [Music] 9 heart heart with long but reroll tahzan same type book is she going down actually I could use the buggers to create more hearts but this is probably better no it wasn't stand corrected I'm actually sitting [Music] well well we should really not go harder than the hearts until we're ready to move felt ready to go over DT fart part I kind of soul pissed at me I've been fluff being all of his fur right after he cleans it [Music] what I got I got nothing I got I have nothing what am I gonna do turn even think about like sending up a poop how do i how do I do this how do I live without you I want you to know and will not ever survive you scared them away did I [Applause] [Music] the lengthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] fool out loud I was good I'm sure that's why you left cats love that noise y'all don't know what you're talking about [Music] dramatic Mambo [Music] I'm like kind of like trying to pay attention keep focus here so I'm like tap my leg and then my cursor is like that annoying the piss is fine with me the boogers are fine with me what's the next one that we can get rid of teeth [Music] hello it's such a long time I don't watch you welcome back max is it all your red are containers what's max health six six hearts we want the poop but not right now dancing cursor dog with human face [Music] sciples is gonna bounce like my cursor [Music] and me all that pants take that piss to go please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's just get one more let's just get one more and what's our plan of attack here just need to make more of them it's easy simple burgers are also helpful they're doing this [Music] here's her see something he has to find it and [ __ ] it up well why didn't he find me then his story's not adding up [Music] what could I do here this to get one more heart and not [ __ ] up my setup that I currently have going okay [Music] grab you anyplace or you over like that drop you into place try to good in that way no [ __ ] well I'm I'm cool with here if we end up losing this game because I didn't go for that last half so hard then everything can just burn in hell [Music] but tiny dice is heart city it has been yeah it's been pretty nice [Music] that's what I was hoping for right there [Applause] [Music] meathook attack that pulls an enemy getting +1 luck for the room no no no no it's garbage that uh looks definitely broken [Music] cancel that [ __ ] I mean maybe me hook I don't know this game worth the money that's the tall up do you Pete if you're totally into these match fours out stubbed foot that's not a stubbed foot that's a something went wrong you've snapped it it's also cut off might be the first problem an extra attack just for poop could come in handy like that's instead of this six attack row one like we don't ever do that so I'll just do that okay [Music] that lead us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where can we put this to set up something that's a bone set up right there yeah still think they should grab teas if it's three long gone up on the end of the tea that's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] puzzle damage would have been nice to have at this point in time maybe we should have rolled for stats [Music] Rotech was good better than the [ __ ] hook i just never use it though cuz it was so expensive that I would rather have the tiny dice you know [Music] all I [ __ ] knew here [Music] let's chuck something what would I Chuck when shocked at a chuk chuk chuk of a Chuck good [ __ ] Chuck seven damaged one two three four five six seven eight nine that's not even close it had more of it but it's not going to add up to 14 really on the Isaac game and have played them for hundreds of hours but I don't find match for games that fun is a lot different a lot different than Isaac it's just straight up a match for game icon hundred percent I mean it's got the combat in there right with the with the spells but there's a lot of match for games that I have played through the years that have been like this so I would say not worth your money then at that point in time pin shotgun or pin gun buggers and [ __ ] would not be a bad plight right now [Music] to kill this four guy by grabbing the teeth I need the teeth though to keep flicking tiles and so necessary to flick okay go for poop or go for boogers you can't have both so pick one [Music] puzzle flick McGee I should have doubled puzzle flicked his ass I forgot I could do it twice damn [Music] he's gonna heal himself all running up to me too [Music] save the save the stuff kind of want more teeth right now when I get a tooth and I want to throw it this guy to lower his defenses [Music] I can actually kill him wouldn't be a bad play it's so cheap the puzzle plug is so cheap that's what we went heavy on was just the puzzle Fleck here so I'd be a fool not to take advantage of the advantage I gave myself [Applause] [Music] I wonder if he ever fix the healing enemies beyond their max HP what's interesting wasn't it three moves here what can we use what can we do what can you use the moves on footballs maybe nobody can reach me but they'll get it to the front we roll immediately in the next turn they'll be able to get me [Music] [Music] alright alright [Music] I'm the one move left anything better no set up a seven bow now I probably could have set something up maybe probably right [Music] save the flick for next turn yeah and heal himself I think he kills himself at least why would that enemy jump behind him why look at this piss going on I can't do something more with that [Music] little blob is scared should be able to flick murder this guy [Music] well [Music] their poops maybe good kind of glad we waited on that one I think that was the right move assuming he still heals himself upon walking try this out done good done son poor a little scared blob can run fast enough it's a pretty nice location for this wild card [Music] i'ma do it we don't want to target first I don't remember what the I don't remember what they do i I don't want them well there's a red one in the back to red one gives them an Rage so they get multiple turns I think less than good news [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three five six seven eight nine oh come on because they're a 10 of something I could just get rid of one of these guys on the side like a double flick - I could kill him and then go again so get something that's that's not a whole lot of but we don't necessarily need at the moment which will add more buggers into the mix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 yes take out this guy I'm a little worried about him [Music] slept and woke up and you're still up noise back teeth will allow me to flick again dude this cheap flick I'm telling you we went hard on it you guys were like you're dumb it's working it's got first place in an Isaac Daly nice for a timer spore [Music] big brain plays what do we need now though [Music] more bone maybe but maybe if I line up poop I could reroll and get more bones that way [Music] SCOR nice did you break it or just have a good run that's a lot of bone oh mama somebody's been having their calcium [Applause] today's PC daily forced you to skip three item rooms no keys until the fourth floor Wow on purpose no clue add three wild tiles or destroy a spell gain 10 plus coins price tag yes I only have what one more room to use this on no this is a this is a Belial this is Belial we're good all right fixed it again I am a no price tag here and oh like I'm gonna I'm gonna use the my price tag on this one right but does it really matter [Music] what if I know if I copied a copied price tag that doesn't make any sense right you will take to item spots you sure you want to take it what do you mean to item spots you don't need the heart one anymore that's true I could also just sell it [Music] buh buh vs. pyre so I could use it here right but then there's only one more shop is that instead of health ok so they beefed up the pyre which they should it destroys a spell not an item right spell if I if I copied it what would that mean that means I can destroy two things right now unless it copies it and it's not charged hallelujah so here's what we do but get rid of the pole enemy and then we get rid of it and that's 51 cents yeah bro we need to survive this fight and we're good Benny one brah the big the biggest [ __ ] brain plays you've ever seen your ghost like an evil genius would okay was that a good play or am I just blowing smoke up my own ass that was good right was that obvious let's see her you guys what does that's what I would have done any day easy dumbass take Ernie weed I want to use this wild guy need teeth any teeth it well okay let's get the bone I need to match a poop before I can hurt him is the kind of the big problem here but if we stack up our mana now it'll be fine is that so this poop guy is he only touchable by poop yeah I don't know what that's about I don't know he does I can't throw poop at him so how does that does that add up this kills them outright okay paratis pun gifted a sub depite wonderful stuff thanks for breaking the silence appreciate that I'm thinking about getting rid of the burrs why go ahead and get rid of em buggers then we could see what we got to work with oh [ __ ] that's good oh wait he had a different aura he had a tooth aura the thing in the left is not the same as his thing oh wow okay that's really changing it up well I'll be a monkey's uncle I did I get a movement speed by killing the little guy on the left and right I think so and that's why I have a move right now so I should maybe focus on those guys I could just get easy mana or what could we add more what do we need right now like a double puzzle flick and do some real damage to this guy's cranial structure but how do we balance that I'm saying it I think adding more teeth then puzzle flicking those teeth because that it's just absolute madness seven damaged boys almost dead that's unfortunate that is an unfortunate thing for you to do need to match some buggers soon [Music] I can do that I can do that a nice little bone thing and I think if I'm thinking correctly that bone guy will go away we're getting move back plus one move good phenomenal I can't do anything with them though just whatever him no I can't him the side curve it could you curve the the five poop here it's looking nice but this will give me a two more movements Oh halle-fucking-lujah genius rear all the hearts so you could totally rule the hearts but this is actually working out great no need to mass with it yeah now is actually a good time to reroll the hearts but I'm gonna be getting more hearts we didn't one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight nine double add I'm nervous that that's gonna match the poop though double add Jesus well Wow one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen no way yeah Kobe first time seeing this boss I fought him many many times but this is got different things same IDI obviously you made the game too more difficult game man and when I get hurt or money more money Mo Money mo problem I there's not another shop to my knowledge the next level is the last level right the next stage the basement they didn't add one does anybody know if they added all that piss get it damn get a toilet I'm thinking bagel juice here because the money we won't be able to spend it when we wait when we beat the game even if they did at a level there's no way that I haven't unlocked already right so let's just do it again the main gana main gana game man of goodness brain why do you do that gosh last uh I can't let's let's go heavy on the middle upgrades here and see where we land [Music] where we free of three double spins here that's good that's good to hear that's good stuff I would take a movement one puzzle damage it also be appreciated bro chill [ __ ] yeah that'll knocking afford the spells costless baba gasm [Music] yeah no [ __ ] Santa you fat piece of [ __ ] got my list one more it said netiquette below zero finished yet that's what I want to know please finish it good okay no wait spell damage doesn't we don't care about that I was like let's balance out the damage we don't have any spell damage besides the one that's already it doesn't matter already a soul what would what do we want cheaper probably the pissed one yeah not finished yet this one's nice though I think six to one half dozen the other at this point in time that's good work we set ourself up real pretty we end up using the piss one more so yeah these guys ones real ones fake we have learned [Music] hmm why is a wild card when you don't need to write [Music] three damage on this sucker of course everything's got four health [Music] I can't seven can't seven it is still amazing though the stray spell gained 10 coins yeah destroy yourself get out of here seven nope still can't seven one two three four but this was this will match up before that closed down but I've got time so I can make it work [Music] so myself up next her or just add more bones and see what happens you son of a [ __ ] I should have seen that I should have seen that coming really gave it to myself there hey noises hello it's been a minute but let's remember all human activities are equivalent and all are on principle doomed to failure at the state amounts the same thing whether one gets drunk alone or as a leader of Nations but me personally I'll pour myself a drink but for you Hut's you do what you enjoy the most left or right guys nice the bits HD tech let's just say though that like we don't just die out and they figure out what the Big Bang is and we discover how to live forever then it might matter [Music] right right right some job job [Music] I like the possibilities behind the potato masher trinkets are just passively good go sporting boo I been out busy but good [Music] puzzle damage only [Music] Clifford sized ESRI subscribed for two months welcome back preciate a lot [Music] so hello this game have a lot of replayability to speak um it's different every time just because of the boards are different and here's if you care achter it's like I said you got to really enjoy this [Music] if this looks like something you're gonna put like how many hours you have to get out of a game for it to be worth the price right that maybe ask yourself that kind of question [Music] no more piss actually let it out genius I'd say [Music] all this good stuff and still I got a poop setup a guess we roll my bugs okay and work with that [Music] I saw that she's a psycho Lowell [Music] you see when the streamer throw a fit when no one had subbed or donated for an hour yeah we talked about it earlier [Music] yeah that's just not how you should live your life she stops he got problems about something I would guess she clearly feels deep down that she isn't worth it and she really measures her self-worth which might be the most important thing to us whether we admit it or not measures that based on all of that other stuff how many subs that she gets in donations and [ __ ] and then kind of kind of she totally just puts all that [ __ ] and reviewers that's don't please doing any risk of rain - and stream anytime soon soon if we went back in time real soon we just got done with some risk of rain a bunch of it actually so I'll be uploading that to Hut's - and you be able to watch it there real soon we've got a lot of puzzle flick ready but I need to kill these guys with a puzzle damage [Music] I got this cake right quick right class just get the possibility puzzle damage well we got it you can deflect the fly and why on why you just flick the fly [Music] oh that's right that guy flips around so we should totally get him Follow Me flow eleven months wait that I just hear something about [ __ ] on viewers [ __ ] everywhere [Music] right backside I think he lobs in shots and he doesn't take any hits nor could I reach him with anything he dies and everybody else dies which is right about turret yeah it's a turn oh god it's everywhere so much shit's a lot of months by the way good number oughta piss but nothing to do with it I like how we have this tight-knit little group spells here and nothing's overlapping nobody's fighting they're all worthy of something oh there's the best there we go I say how the help and I'm not an actor piss [Music] I don't know if that was the granola I was just chewing onto the piece of my cheek that just fell off [Music] spell hat money why [Music] say letters in spell cup huh [Music] young bees a cheek if you guys weren't here earlier I bit my cheek on accident not fun times you know they had a better day get the easy tooth here I guess I really want to blow my my wildcard load on an easy tooth crab maybe what do these guys do again I don't even [ __ ] know I gotta wait for this guy to pop up I know that for sure they die facepalm Overlord tier-one so butt up [Music] watching that streamer freak out at her fans that was some facepalm overload these guys cursed me right it cursed me I think they curse me curses your son my curse go for the puzzle flick one - a dick puzzle flick first ray my watch says I nod [Music] I can't do anything about either of these guys so we just stack up Nana and then we barricade ourselves in the [ __ ] [Music] Marikina selfish [Music] to get ready for the onslaught the Lancelot [Music] add more of what this place Moltres oh you try to set up like a seven tooth not against it [Music] yeah whatever [Music] I got a cock-block me with a curse isn't he [Music] elongated I do a lot of stuff that's facepalm where they don't judge needle damage goes up with each hit or pintle be pushed off front row enemies that's pretty cheap for that but we also have the other thing this also takes teeth and piston I'm not gonna do needle it's not gonna happen mate needles good but to that this cheap of a puzzle flick is going to take the cake man telling ya our way to victory this board is not our way to victory [Music] and spawning enemies is yes that's good for me in blocking up [ __ ] not [Music] we deal with this not much here [Music] [Music] if I can smash that tile that'd be perfect glad more poop in it we just fall into place oh [ __ ] it up to Adam or buggers we don't need we do need the teeth [Music] like sums of surprise it did not give me any fight flies 7 2 3 right here that's gonna be a good time to use that to pull them flies round put on him near flies there you know on these out arty Sione [Music] munch his boys almost already dead more juicy bones are you hurtin what self off you bleeding up self off you did got a soldier in chat hey huts from the Army training camp in Sweden keep up the good work thank you for all your awesome content zhuzi looks for tune in for a stream good luck with all that stuff we're not war I war with Sweden are we ok then good and get some yeah actually multi seven bone would be better I got five turns I could set up a seven bone set me up a sieve and bone easy partner I could even remove if I remove the bones this would fall into place this would fall into place and it would give me a four bone and it would ruin it do something like that Sweden war nah was joke heavy oh you son of a [ __ ] I forgot about looking at that side you god damn it Sweden hasn't been an active inactive war for a 200 years so know that moment where you make a joke that seems obvious and then you're the people who listen to the joker like they're explaining it to you so you're like okay hey that joke didn't land very well be now I know you guys think I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] just double back fire the fact that you thought you had to explain that to me says something about how smart you think I am zyre haha well actually we think you're super dumb and yet we are training for it more with us oh I think you just gave up some national national secrets [ __ ] [Music] i jus kids hide your wife Sweden's coming [ __ ] dude you want to come in I'm so bad brother they live in Sweden now we're like you have all those cool companies that have like [ __ ] nap chairs and [ __ ] that allow people to like nap midday don't cry how its chat just trying to help it's making some spicy chats you know what instead of getting more bones we should pause a flick before we do that that yeah I don't know what I'm sitting here looking at the board wasted and [ __ ] and time stuff and things roasting bugs look at the bat anyway see that for free oh my [ __ ] free [ __ ] lick my nipples no need to fear we accept cookies [ __ ] I don't have cookies I'm screwed we just finish this boy [Music] did you take grain-free granola how much on a scale from 1 to 10 do you like maple balm and butter or pretzel nuggets got enough for at least half of your army [Music] welp at 6 a.m. been working a few hours can everyone see his ire what am i doing with my life right now I don't even remember what was happening we don't want we don't even want we don't want teeth and I want the teeth they're in my way bones are way better for this he's getting multiple bones to throw ok we roll them these [ __ ] [Music] move these [ __ ] look at that we're done that's that all I needed their end a game let's hope and pray that we won and got the achievement otherwise we're gonna be playing this again not now but later and we do extra hard with an extra hard crash finally Bumbo happy appear load with koi now bubble can be alone alone with koi but Bumbo here's something something mean something no I think it would have already told me about the achievement that's an L [Music] [Music] son of a [ __ ] I was right well we tried all that worry all that hardship for what nothing all right damn [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,750
Rating: 4.9491525 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, legend of bum-bo, bumbo, roguelite, roguelike, adventure, strategy, match-3, match-4, indie, puzzle, boss, monsters, enemies, spells
Id: jdQlcWVtTzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 44sec (8504 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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