Nothin' But Junkan (Attempt #2)

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what's up everybody my name is tatsu welcome back to gungeon welcome back to the monthly gungeon run we are going back in as the robot for the if junk and so good challenge uh i'm having a lot of fun like to sum it up i think it's fun fun would be the word i would use i got nothing i gotta prove mr dipple bipple wrong here so how does this work if you don't remember every single chest we have to junk and once we hit a fully grown junkin we spawn another junkin which will be at the same level of the last fully grown one here is ladies and gentlemen sir what the f what is your problem what are you doing don't make me kill you i can't i can't do it i can't do it why is he why does he have a thirst for blood does he not like the robot what's happening mom okay um give sir junkan why is he attacking what do you want i can't even kill him what is this where'd he go like we're cool but he's not cool why well i thought i fixed the mods guess not give junkin okay that was way too difficult junk all right all right we're cool we're cool uh his name is joking not sarah junkin if you spawn sarah junk and apparently that's his evil brother an imposter come on junk let's go you and me so going basically the whole game on nothing but the starting weapon the last time we had uh certain mods on that basically removed junk spawning from broken chests we got like a couple but uh not enough to make a difference at all you didn't grab me though i was i pressed the dodge button it just don't get i suppose if i redid all the rums though at no health cost does that mean i get more money no i think maybe i tested this before and nobody drops money basically just holding off until i can get some chests here if the first one doesn't give me junk i've lost all hope no [Music] it's why don't you play this game more oh this game is fun oh you're just a big baby great red heart drop from that guy that's really oh thank you oh i'm so happy to have that because i'm so gonna use that i feel like i should start with the brick of cash on this is that too much to ask for all right here we go back on track you ready huh you looking at me it's for you bud yo let's go baby [ __ ] save my water barrel though oh yeah limited health here let's uh try to take that serious junkin's got his helmet i want you to headbutt this out of them i want to see on the floor junkin do it me boy yeah buddy junkin i want you to finish him i want you to finish him jump get in there man last shot go okay one more one more i believe in you i believe it's you junk i need your help okay one more one more for real this time i'm gonna let you do it all right yeah buddy sucks that i can't just spawn in junk here for this item side note here i'm actually gaining power it's like 10 per junk on the robot so that's you know neat buying a blank blank this room not a bad idea yeah it's a really good idea secret floor is a must here more chests more junk oh a little free chest there free chest action what do you got for me junk don't mind if i do how do you like your shield bud yeah i like it it's like a little kid it's like a little kid in his first day of kindergarten his backpack's way too big that's the vibe he's throwing off right now is he just doing shield bash bruh ooh that's very interesting i think i will spend my money there since we don't have to buy anything else i'm not going rat fight because that would be stupid rat fight ends all challenges things just don't work i need a key apparently to get my crest if i spend all my money on the shrine i'm fine with that if i get a key drop then i'll go for the crust i will attempt it but i'm not looking forward to fighting the king with junky baby how long are these floors i don't think anyone's gone through more rooms than i have without finding a freaking treasure room ah trap room for my treasure room piece of cake what do you got make it worth my while baby yeah hey sure all right that smells like secret doesn't it i hate this game come on big money no whammies i need a sword i need a sword [Music] he's got a sword is that an exact replica of nes zelda sword kind of looks like it doesn't it still no key we'll see if the boss gives me a key mr blabylon blobatron we got your blobby bastard what'd she get junk is like just deep deep up in that blob just getting some with that sword with that rubber sword hey what look at him go oh good [ __ ] shot you jackass get him junk jam it in there and thus junk in rule 34 was born yeah still no key drop though first of all junkin doesn't uh finish him off good job junk thought you well all right how much money is a key we should probably attempt 100 now for the alter that allows me to shoot extra bullets 10 20 30 40. hell yeah and now for the secret room gotta love this game and it's secret rooms all right junkies let's clean them up games are nothing about the altars so you'll notice now i'm sometimes shooting out four bullets sometimes two sometimes three they come out in clumps now get them junk yes fun one meanwhile junks in the background like how about some shields to buy ah you gotta tease me with the sling all right i made it to the crest room nice i mean yay i get to fight the king now more chess though brown chest there we go that's that i'm talking about uh feather in his cap right [Music] yo yankee doodle went to town riding on a junken i go feather up his button called it hershey's chocolate that's not how it goes the holster honestly kind of a tough fight i'm not gonna lie okay yep let's just die oh boy all righty junk i need to get deep in there i need you to do some things that feather mom and dad didn't teach you oh oh wow wow wow hey hey let's go finish this got him i love how he's so oh god i said he has mercy and then he destroys the children the offspring no one was prepared for the absolute brutality that would happen once junkin was promoted to corporal look at my health by the way feeling good about that feeling good enough to lose it all on the king cigarette see good room though happy to have it no shields to buy good oh perfect why would i want to buy those oh [ __ ] wall by the dollar for every time i got by the corner of the wall i'd have at least a hundred dollars [Music] uh what how hard is it to push right that's why i use keyboard and mouse only it's the best thing for the gungeon you're stupid for not doing what i'm doing even though it works and you're better than me literally people asking how i'm so good at this game while simultaneously making fun of the fact that i use a controller look at how absolute feisty absolutely feisty junkin is seriously you put a feather in his cap and he's a changed junk goodness gracious that guy was even jammed all right i think the game said enough and then the game's cutting you off junking seriously though screw the explosive ones bogus horse [ __ ] i'm dying and i'm not even to the king it's it's over i should just literally just keep my dignity intact and just quit the game right now older ground junk hold your ground what the hell is up with the trap rooms man this is like actually difficult trap rooms [Music] yeah and my prize very good very nice that's just that that's really [ __ ] good king meet the corporal corporal punishment oh uh oh thank you drunken is not doing enough this is not enough oh my god you can't just shoot like every and a half seconds there's rules there's a cool down period you can't just break the cooldown period because i'm sitting next to you that wasn't even fair what a freaking hack dude oh my goodness i'm not sure how we're gonna fare after this you guys with little help drunken i need you to step up dude i need you to bring it home bring her home country roads oh good keys because i'm of the chests i'm opening oh good makeshift's cannon glad to see that go away i don't like that at all this is a garbage weapon yup and all that junk that we got i'm gonna wrap myself up and keep myself cozy with zero junk we got in this floor every extra floor is my chest theorem saving grace that's not it there's two secret rooms find them both no no oh hey we got an extra chest [Music] buddy pants and a pants guy it looks like it could be a cape i think i'm seeing his little tiny junk in foot yeah all right all right cape's cool all in all pretty good floor i'm so glad we're not doing the rad fight all right junk literally though seriously come here look at me in the eyes i need you to go into a murderous rampage right now i need you to carry this whole thing junk please let's do it i'm not going to lose any more help from here on out john kay look at him go look at him doing his spin moves and [ __ ] bruh oh god what the f wow oh nice hey look at that hey wow great oh good nano machines i wish armardo do bert and ernie do anything for the uh junk gives the robot either one junk the bottle or a piece of armor i'm in hmm check a case i've got just a thing this will definitely help you was that a piece of armor i wanted the junk um okay it was already a bomb it was a bomb with a fuse well i guess ball bombs well not all bombs have fuses this is getting complicated it blew up is all i'm trying to say bringing plenty of keys wow keys great last chest on the floor just better who's boss ah this is a tough one mind flayer not an easy boss good that mind flayer sits still though i suppose so junkin can do his work oh wowzers junkin best of luck my friends godspeed my junkie friends bring it home buddy bring it home buddy yeah dude a perfect mind flayer with nothing but junk find the secret room find in the secret room yeah my favorite game did i buy a blanks huh [Music] my secret room last chance off the old man shop hollow yes i am inside let's go hollow just why we're gonna have like one fully complete junking by the end of this maybe i thought we were gonna have like 13 junkens there we go make it up to me more chests oh holy junk the stars are brightly shining with this super white holy junk and [ __ ] you can pick that up on uh spotify for free one more junkin to get super junk and it's possible could still happen let's do it [Music] bro every junk we get from here on out is another super junk i'm hoping to get at least two of them before the final boss tell me what you got brother holy junk dad can fly it's always the okay what did they do they updated the game that literally every single fourth floor boss is guaranteed to be the wall i have never fought anything but the wall on the fourth floor since the last update is madness but junkin is he's doing it he's doing it super hard oh yeah buddy oh yeah that's every single like master round for as bad as we think that we've been doing look at that secret room time once again another really good successful secret room yep and down at the forge dominate the forge junk oh heads up oh that's just that's that's fair that's just good stuff right there that's high quality gaming oh yeah just wow top [ __ ] notch dude dodgeable fair balanced good got stuck in the [ __ ] lantern just like yeah i'm having a good time right now yeah buddy junkin you need to do something more than what you're doing i don't know what you're doing right now but it's it's not enough okay give me another one right now that's not it oh my god uh miniboss damn it fifth floor mini boss not gonna be easy junk although this guy kind of gets neutered by the uh the pillars here oh my [ __ ] bend it like beckham and then he dies just perfect just perfect i'm taking the map it's mine oops i didn't mean to open that i got a little excited spawn chess blue ah damn it go away that's right ooh golden chest coming up give me golden junk hey the map shows the secret room that's exciting that's cheating literally take the saltiest nut you possibly find him and choke on it yeah counting that give junkin meet your sister junkin also named junkin what do you think it was gonna be like some sort of like feminine name because that's pretty sexist double the power that's all we needed right there we get one more maybe even a hell victory you know i don't want to call this too early but uh this is where it's at pretty sure the creator of this challenge didn't know that it would create another uh top level junkin and that the next one would start at level one not the case but that's not my problem not my job for you guys to understand your challenge ideas that golden chest though [Music] [Music] double junk in mech might have been more powerful is not mech might have been more powerful as the non-mech but we got the golden junks now plus one bullets why he had to tease me like that look at how much money we have yeesh old knights helm dragon fire bring it home junks bring her home no more chest rooms we can still get chest drops in the rooms but uh this is probably all we're gonna get here for hell bring it on dragon i should have waited for my junks to catch up there they are i don't like this part of the wave you're weak you're [ __ ] weak dude we're dominating though look at the damage we're putting in next phase i can't handle this next phase good good good good good i think golden junk was the way to go here okay that's a lie i didn't actually get hit that was in the middle of my dodge rolls fun fun things though that was our master round that we just lost out on which is like really fun it's like really really cool then to do that we win i'm still gonna go to hell but we win a long and arduous journey come on let's go i gotta make this jump it has to happen for before we move on that's what i'm talking about historically speaking this is where challenge runs go to die well the the the rat room and hell no what from where sweet first room that's a victory we won right we won yeah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] this we make it past the round room or if we skip the rat room we've always died here in hell we've done very few of the oh my god you're kidding me we've done very few challenges successfully through hell yeah yep gg [Music] it's not meant to be a like a floor that you actually play that's the thing here you're supposed to be so overpowered at this point that you just kill everybody before they have a chance to fire at you if you have to play in hell you're in trouble i don't know what the [ __ ] dude i don't even see where that came from i'm gonna die in hell it should be because the the hell is like actually difficult not because i'm stupid watch me pick the wrong way too oh my goodness really get a feel for how difficult this game is when you're here with your starting weapon rarely should be relying more on the junks take care but you guys i'll be here i'll be here guys guys guys he's right there now they've just taken a break oh good thanks for the help guys [Music] oh my god go get them go kill them help me out here they're not doing anything why god [Music] poor health this is good this is yup this is exactly how i want her to do it underdog story i'm just trying to make this dramatic that's it [Music] me would you just let me get to the freaking boss room holy sh whoa buddy hey look bostrom two health yep um ah fair fight good let's do it i'm ready fair fight time should be easy looking forward to how easy this is going to be really oh first wave already okay next wave i think is really the most difficult so make it happen make it happen fellas no no let it rain what the [ __ ] was that finish him now one health final boss let's do it yeah clincher oh come on baby come on baby let my fire try and set the night on fire yeah buddy oh heartbeat racing somebody feel this gonna go to the gym today don't need to anymore if junkin's so good we did it that was tough that was really really tough honestly thought that we were going to get more junk than we did i would say that was maybe a 50 junk rate somebody could probably do the math we did totally luck out there with finding that shrine also the golden junk probably led to my ultimate victory thank you guys so much for watching thank you dipple bipple for submitting this challenge on my reddit page which is in the description down below hope you had fun watching i'm gonna go take a nap i need to like clear my head or something like i said thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in the next episode see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 578,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: cvd5qSGQhvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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