Tainted Eden Run - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up people on youtube we're going to jump into a tainted eden run right about now let's do this and it's starting with a tractor beam which i think is a really good item and the boomerang which maybe has been reworked fingers crossed three seven damage good for fire rate i think that's good it looks good wash hands check i'm not gonna touch your mom or your grandma it's a good item now boomerang okay went through everybody because it has piercing and it freezes i like that oh my god is this going to be the new holy water i don't know if you know ed but holy water is like my new favorite item oh that was close holy water is the best it always froze yeah i guess the piercing is the big thing huh but i just okay if i could say one thing ed about this did you make it hard please just way too easy it's gg easy game did you even try doing squad hovalicious thanks for the prime sub i appreciate you make a item bro i'm reading chat that's i didn't say that it did not come out of my mouth yo i'm pumped about that oh look at my damage eight damage so i already know what happens when i get hit because chat has a really hard time shining their mouth we better hope we don't get hit that's all i gotta say i really like how um i mean i guess he just throws automatically but i don't ever like i didn't like the like hold it over your head thing didn't like that all items should cost hp to use and i'm excited to see that like each one of these people that like they have different things to them that's birthright we just unlocked it i think don't get hit it should be pretty easy for me everybody here on my channel knows that i've actually i've never taken damage ever hasn't happened yet so pretty cool i mean symmetry's got that like whatever eden streak thing but i have a you know arguably more impressive streak i've never had getting hit ever what about last run what run two runs in a row you guys where we walked into last run we had two of these rooms number two and uh zero red health classic maybe we'll get a health upgrade here it works on bosses that's good news very good news i'm i'm pleased i'm pleased so far with this item oh nice health upgrade i'm just happy to have the health upgrade [Music] it's a pretty good health upgrade it's not a black poop room it's not a black poop room you're right might as well feel clear he says room full of molly booms dude okay these stats if i could just keep this this would be like a dogma run this would be a delirium run what do you mean you can't keep it let's not forget the main use of the item as we know and love it from zelda alt floors do i need to do all floors i don't think it really matters um you're like oh it's a strong run go all floors all floors i think are the guaranteed way to get hit for sure chat what do you think all floors are not i i have a clean slate of a post-it note right now so we could literally go anywhere no no no no no no no no no no wow that's a lot of no's [Music] jump back and forth honestly i assume that you guys are going to push me to do it no balls make your own decision i will in the end once you have my back you know what let's find secret rooms with three bombs the secret room pots nice good secret room what is the larva when i shoot poops we spawn flies i think swallowed pennies fine but [Music] nice secret do it or you're a rot nut i don't know what tainted eden does you know what screw it because you guys don't want to go i'm going if you guys did want me to go i probably would have gone it was always all four it's kind of like ed predicting my items it just seems like you have control it's all smoking mirrors honestly muconium um it could be pretty okay i mean they both apply to poops right maybe the flies i'm thinking about bringing the flies to the bosses i looked down for two seconds why did i look down for two seconds is i oh no forget it this is a fine room i'm good yo pimple shot out three seven damage is feeling good i don't know what that just did i don't know what just happened now there's a coin in my jar mm-hmm and then drink it's gone [Music] no it's the jar of everything you know i don't actually mind excellent it's good right that's fine we'll see how long we can hold on to the jar of everything would seem to me that the worst part of the jar of everything is the fact that it's a 12 room recharge [Music] or for a what you know what is that a single penny we were just like we were made in the shade with what we had [Music] it's got a border oh wait now it's a key oh maybe depending on where it's charged up to it gives me something different i don't want a key you can use it regardless of the charge you know it's underrated pimple shot you know this chat said to me it's my choice i don't have to read that just because you highlighted it you can't make me tell you mom [Music] oh it's a heart oh sometimes like the idea of these flies it seems simple but holy crap does it melt your brain that's a pill it doesn't matter i i mean i guess the more items the better right it kind of matters i mean if they could charge up my my thing it did charge it up so this is everything this is the jar of everything and now when i pop in the boss room it's just gonna go crazy every item would be eft here now some of my eye papa while we got it right um i have questions i have questions ed did it just spawn a bunch of enemies at full charge sins balls are f-tier i'm gonna get that tattooed on my arm ah i gotta stop reading chat man i'm dying i'm flipping through all these items my god well that was fun i don't even know why did i go in there why did i go in there i should have just not even gone in there so i could guarantee angel drums ah [Music] okay your your jar spawned a molly boom off daddy p diddly it's my boy but then there's this that's what's up [Music] huff daddy's my boy but you know he can take a break in this one you'll understand [Music] i just can't believe i can't believe i used that on the boss and i got totally wrecked i got smooshed on you guys burning lead thanks for the tier one sub stx run 10 months left in the streams lately what do you like most about repentance so far that's nothing it's pretty trash i i like how it's it's harder i really do and you know what by by that i mean god freaking darn it son of a gun i'm done with this game hey great sack what does that do why do i open my mouth the game's harder and i like that the game's like oh yeah yeah we're dead that one boss room sealed the deal sealed the deal sacrum give me a bunch of health i got sticky bombs yolo bomb into this room and it's gonna totally be the item in my shop here i go walking into that room now oh boy i can't wait to see what it is you guys ready this is what pain looks like [Music] send him into the fire there we go um super smart plays if we're gonna be super smart plays wait what what just happened i stopped for a moment because i was like it rerolled my items and then it killed me again can i do it again probably not ah no you're killing me you are killing me can i do it again wanna see me do it again what if i could just keep re-rolling until i get uh good stuff i have a d100 oh okay yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah lock isn't on your side says ed oh god ah all right i can test it i think that was a no for med but i don't i don't know what to i have zero clue what's happening i don't i don't even know what that was can i get in let me in dude you had paulie keep doing it la mao god damn it [Music] bomb the mirror i already bombed the mirror when i first saw the dang mirror i don't know what i'm do i don't wanna i wanna do it again but we never turned into the lost i don't think yeah that's just nice there's my hp back okay is it a crazy idea for me to walk into that fire even if i don't turn into the loss because i could just farm different items like if i had one deal with a devil item maybe i could get a guppy transformation if i had one boss item maybe i could get health upgrades that stack up but you know what i had a health upgrade and then it went away so i'm starting to think that that you guys patched the d4 or the d100 or the re-rolling so that you don't keep the health upgrades is that true we i we had one right oh jesus oh jesus oh god use this spin wheel what is what is that what ed b4 got nerfed we really now removes hearts and transformations oh no remove stuff you no longer have it darn it that made d 100 top tier spinny top am i invulnerable when i'm spinning probably not speed up when i'm spinning just close your eyes it'll all be over oh ran out it ran out i ran out not infinite suck on that yo god dang it rare card hey that's pretty good hey punchy tears hey seven uh 779 damage he's back in he's back in baby who said i was dead fire that guy that's a great spin build don't get hit okay there it is he's back in he's back in he's back on top you can't stop this you could think about stopping this but it's just not going to stop can't stop won't stop what is happening yes is my answer to that uh a course thank you so much the team wants up welcome appreciate the support i'm a bomb and that's what i was doing has this been changed i'm not gonna get my hopes up with that one hey all we need is a bill nub okay from rest is history [Music] rolling into no health is always possible min min so i should spend my health upgrades whenever i can in a deal with a double we still have a chance for an angel room oh god i love the punch sound effects oh what what stop it you love it it'd be a shame if you lost that item entirely uh-huh can't stop it he's unstoppable oh that was a direct hit captain oh good one you little [Applause] full health before the deal with the devil there we go there we go let's do deal with the devil's rero oh wait what did i already take it maybe i already got uh teleported in here i don't remember steve bender thank you so much 1000 bits he can't be stopped see it's like did he get hit i don't know because he has more health now so technically no right you literally went in there 10 seconds ago look chad i'm not a rememberer we know this let me be excited i've also cycled through about 100 items in the past 10 seconds so give me a break here [Music] what's happening kidney stone hey maybe we could just farm it with uh temperance farm a good one right sacrifice rooms would seem to be dumb [Music] inadvisable uh oh i needed a bomb that's what i need um yeah we can go into mines too technically i think oh we didn't do the lost we can't do the lost thing i ruined it i blew it it it kind of blew me if we're going to be honest it blew me just one last try just to see i i'm pretty sure that it's messed but well there goes my temperance card and all of my health god's taking my bird and my bush i don't know why i try i don't know why i try you guys i don't know what i'm doing [Music] let's find a pad all right [Music] little spew buddy um the shocks are oh hey a good trinket by the way i don't know what's causing oh we have fruitcake fruitcakes good i like fruitcake everybody's flying so spewer's not gonna do much here nope not today giant cell micro friends giant cell micro friends giant cell micro friends okay the dog did not howl over here it did it could be right there or it could be a top secret room right there if it's over here this would haul here in this room too nope maybe top secret cell is just mom's lumpy tit intended even exhaust the item pool things i don't know i want to say that uh that kind of stuff was reworked but don't know health up he's back in he's back in the game [Music] no more exhausting we remove now that we remove items when you re-roll so there's no like hitting breakfast and then getting infinite breakfasts also okay these challenge rooms show up like 75 times every floor and i i never have one heart to go into them just doesn't happen does it have to take damage to do that rousey one of my favorite pills for sure no it could be worth it one heart especially one soul heart and then fighting a bunch of bosses especially on later floors i don't see myself ever wanting to do that sounds really rough it was too easy i you know i i'd say yeah when it was you know you could have full soul hearts and one red heart and slip in there but we still have the holly boy did we hear her regular secret room i don't think we did have you yet um i think i did go into one and i think there was a boss item in it there was like a health up so like i get that play if it's a guaranteed item it sounds better for sure we will not bad or not peep what's his name spewer little spear are not bad we're not going all path now it doesn't make sense to do that now that i ruined it so sounds worth it says edmund i guess if i was doing really really poorly such that i was down to one red heart and i could get a free item but if i'm doing that poorly i'm probably gonna get stomped by the bosses if i am such a person you know such that i'm down to one red heart um yeah let's just keep going let's go normal path maybe like a a dark room run i know that those guys were all excited about the dark room changes have you unlocked like any alternate characters you mean like jacob esau and bethany no eden oh what hit me was something teleporting uh i'm pretty sure i just swallowed the the trinket and it's now listed in my passive items over there you see that i'm pretty sure i have more health than i had before so once again i don't know did i get hit maybe maybe not is that permanent then did he break it well the trinket re-roll well i just reroll i swallowed it and then i had another hit so i rerolled it again and the trinket stayed so i charmed him and he still walked into me and i still have to drink it and this is way better and i've got more health it just gets better and better baby this seems like it's this is like what i was saying like we need an ed mode this might be as close as we what was that what happened why i'm bleeding out again okay well if i reroll out of this bleeding out thing i should just not have to suffer the consequences of the bleeding out thing do i go there we go we had regeneration there we had a placenta which healed me something happens oh we got icicle baby it's really good um something happens where let me explain it to you guys something happens where i start to bleed out i don't know why shard of glass or something and i just constantly bleed out until i have to like i have to find a red heart to stop the bleeding and then i rerolled out of that item but i was you know it's the second time that's happened now or i didn't know why i was bleeding and i didn't have the item anymore shard of glass can't freeze him from the front oh god one of my least favorite enemies have you seen the baby in the ice cube have you seen the baby in ice cube no have not nope finding a baby in the doomster these get the ball is fun yep that's totally gonna be with me for a long like really long time i'm taking damage get a damage up yeah that'll totally work um we got our membership card that's what gives us the secret shop right i just spent all my money because i'm an idiot oh there we go i love how the uh the description of it too it talks it up uh the special shop contains various consumables and items which are not necessarily from the normal shop item pool i'm like wow wow godhead oh so godhead oh it's got godhead come down here they're like undies the more item the m's the better right i can't wait to get that god head that sounds pretty good i have a used napkin take it or leave it chewed bubble gum more items mo re-rolls yep more arms the better okay you get a lot of spiders now from the box of spiders i gotta say was a huge fan before the buff worth it oh he almost what the did he just do a full 180 there mo items i don't like how the dodge there is basically just close your eyes and hope for the best i do like some chocolate milk though freaking anger are you kidding me right now oh okay you got me the key probably does not reroll key piece for science we'll get it that was underwhelming our keys in our key like the one on your keyboard it makes an arrow when you push it bro you kidding the me time i thought it was nothing but an f key oh it rerolls me i don't know why i did that i don't know why i'm going to that floor i was just so programmed to go to the mausoleum like ooh mausoleum and now i just re-rolled again and we still have the key piece so solve that for science if it if it was unintentional damage does it really kind of damage i don't think it does streak is still alive maybe soy milk though proptosis soy milk that'll be interesting i'm a fan of soy milk i like soy milk so i'm not afraid seems pretty good to me 35 fire rate yes pretty pretty crazy junior tier one sub figured it out double kirum the demon beggar um have you bombed the bomb beggar fight dogma honestly it like almost keeps me alive because i keep getting health back but you're gonna reroll into one thing that doesn't give you health and then you're done oh that's new is that damage creep probably not oh active items are not good not the best best around big diagonal why is the card glowing tarot cloth i think maybe makes the card glow i wonder if the scissors has been buffed have you seen the scissors rework i guess that answers that we have load stone so our tears magnetize the enemies and they suck the enemies into themself into each other i is that guess charged key get out of here chad think that's two we ready to jump into this thing did i have homing before is that lodestone my neck's spurting oh i rerolled it anyway ah reel again oh oh oh oh oh ah i try to get that card freaking ah this is absolute chaos this is exactly what ed wanted we walked right into the trap you guys he's like oh man if i can only tell you stuff no the card son of a oh god doctor fetus oh he's gone [Music] pretty easy stuff really mm-hmm and a tears up pill don't mind if i do forget me now um would i you i mean i guess it's gonna be gone if i don't use it now you're right [Music] possible dogma well i already got rid of the uh you know on i might honestly be able to fight dogma forget me dogma but it doesn't take does take the negative who wants to fight dogma how about more items first and then we'll see how we're looking at the end of i've that high hopes oh god dang it i would like that one i wanted to see more of that what's this we got soy milk sacred heart baby let's just go dogma now what if i just went now frick his head too and bouncy it's bouncy shots i i i'm sucker for an item room even though i'm not gonna keep it i just know the more items we have the better we're gonna do we're not gonna hold on to this very long oh this is great there we go there she blows captain oh wait no that's the uh the shot my bad go for the sack addicted i'm a dick i'm a dick i'm a dick this would be good though we literally just kept this this would be pretty okay keepers balls there's no mustache on it though can i get an alt mode greed sack with a mustache on it i was promised this item my review of the game seven out of ten needs more mustache i must ask you something all right we got our item i said we go say we do it i did not think i was gonna be here when we started this we might absolutely get crushed okay everybody prepare yourself for me to just get absolutely annihilated [Music] oh jesus go soy milk right five damage soy milk oh we have lusty blood okay we're getting more damage every kill oh did you see that he shot something at me hive heads hive minds like they all knew my location when i killed one of them gigantin ding ding ding ding yeah more the merrier if i can buy it i will mummies look like a beehive to me all right maybe i won't play it's safer what are we doing you guys why are we doing this again oh ah there was nowhere to go oh this is pretty dope if i could freaking kill somebody with it for the love of geez this point blank just firing into his face and nothing was happening that's not good first eye her size good you gotta take all the items i wonder if there even is a a room oh god oh god i'm out there is the bible okay i gotta redo this whole freaking room oh god i can't even make it past these floors we shouldn't have gone dogma why is it multiplying am i not doing any damage what is happening i'm literally just sitting here doing nothing just picking my own ass i don't know if it really matters but we're dead we're super dead oh something hit me what hit me oh i'm bleeding out again why if i die because i'm bleeding out i gotta just damage myself there we go i picked up got some help this is a done run this chat am i still soy milked what is this it's just the split shot making tiny tears looking pretty grim what's an item that heals me fully less than three phd god dang it i'm gonna get this from twice oh you're gonna give me this one thrice i don't have a key to go into item rooms and shops boiler room wants to know your location it's not a whole lot of damage but it's honest work no it's it's at least distracting them there's just like a lot of stuff going on it's knocking around item room is open i i want to go into the the shop not the item room this is gonna have nothing in it if there is a shop is there a shop oh god you're gonna make me fight an entire boston here godhead now's the time now is the time do i get anything for a bible just flight right i'm just gonna go uh cyanide slushy thanks for three months i appreciate that welcome back we don't need the correct key we already have we are the tainted eden i am the danger here could you please back up six feet please are you not dying oh so ah that was so much damage okay maybe we should red key like here maybe we shouldn't maybe i should shut the hell up i see him do it again nod not leaf i don't do any contact damage right save one for what though well what am i saving anything for save one why you never know 120 volts oh does the damage check the closet it'll make you happy so delirious thank you so much with 10 gifted subs i appreciate you very generous of you to do that i think i need the health i got bible i can fly he's a genius he's back in the game it's looking up okay let's see what happens yeah that's boring as hell look at him he's all squashed down all right grab a snack everybody i'm gonna be here for a while called uh never taking damage look it up ah i couldn't proc it fast enough there's my high school baby though regeneration i don't know i got time how many guys goddammit breath of life pog champ is it different seems the same [Music] my key is gone you're right so we're only on downpour super leech okay wow that almost seems like predictive shot that seems like that i mean i wasn't over there once so that's definitely a predictive shot or it's a random why do i still have this active item am i doing something wrong here am i shooting anything oh i got ludo i have ludo i blew it yeah pluto which is just a rash hey i hate ludo seems faster i think it's dependent on your shot speed could be globally faster i don't know three bucks from infernus just spent an hour super gluing candy to the bottom of a box because april fool's is on the second for me and i'm evil what's going on with your items i don't think you want to know or at least you can find out watch me hate ludo but beat dogma with it watch me open my mouth and then promptly shut it what am i collecting right now oh it's a jar i don't know what the jar does what's the jar interesting very interesting turn souls into ammo my flamethrower pretty cool i guess emperor takes me backwards [Music] hold space i think i said the tap with the activator right bust your blood bombs i'm not gonna get hurt by walking on that am i trust nothing dope so delirious with 50 subs thank you oh my goodness gracious great balls of fire wow wow wow thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you nice dodge thank you for that as well and single targets probably just better off shooting hey we could farm souls though if we allow uh it's over what's that oh more items touched the items and that was eaten soul was it bozo from that hey guys use it before i lose it boogers or is that just oh that's dope monstro okay baby monster when baby monster spits through the uh the thing trying to line it up sweet how are we still alive games like hold on i can fix that remember when you guys said that eden was really hard game's been carrying me i think it was birthright i just pulled from my metronome isaac's heart shoots after it charges up true and it pushes people away i think it's got like a little pushback aura just pulled guppy's collar in this room what if we're in a final boss right and we pull something like a respawn from a metronome that scared me conovent thanks to 12 months full year welcome back oh god the hell that's so good a couple of hearts uh keeps me in the game for like another three re-rolls minimum the sun it's not going to last [Music] sand gaming thank you so much the host sure whatever nerd any fines for the secret character i mean fines might as well use this or i lose it oh that's right shoot the tv [Music] not good our health is gone thank you mod buddy for the health bars though nice stop going off the map scrub that split shot knife [Music] fight me dog poop hold out did i not take damage there yeah sad told you never take damage uh-huh it just completely bashed me in the face i don't i don't know if i took damage i don't think i did i mean you can get hit but just don't take damage right it's that simple hacker [Music] this part really gives me like castle crasher vibes i don't know what the crisscross applesauce is in the laser holy mantle oh i had a holy mantle charge is that what happened that's probably what happened i gotta get like too close to there we go get my knife off dangerously closed for knife oh what the heck why are we diagonal what's going on right now with my knife looks like we have some knockback right now [Music] on our laser and i should probably just use that to keep pushing those flies back there we go no longer oh god popcorn buddy's like ah if you could help please oh addicted that's good timing [Music] he's getting demolished oh god it's okay popcorn buddy your pain is over now ah what do i do with the fires the hell do i do with the fires are they spawning on top of me yikes dude yikes dude give me a chance to dodge it bro ah i don't know what i'm supposed to do [Music] i got cursed eye [Music] i've got number two what i took damage from what from from michael what from what what what hit me i have a respawn i got a respawn fly spiders do something what's the respawn i can't go up but i can't go faster i couldn't go on faster how do i dodge that last thing man i like dodging through the thing and then i was like go up up up up up up i had a respawn but it cycled my items before it respawned me [Music] reversion complete thanks to 55 months lucky guys i tried was there bleeding damage again something hit me at some point in time well we were sort of lucky sort of unlucky i don't know how to dodge that last one though it's maybe i have to like know when it's going to stop like at the count the waves and then stop trying to get through the hole that's on the bottom and just focus on going up through the circle to dodge the laser because the laser hits you you can't get out and under the that's happened multiple times now you did great bb we're very proud of you [Music] shoot man it's just like that's ah painful it's painful to go all this distance it's smack down like that super rip zero things in the post-it [Music] all right you guys gg
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 142,586
Rating: 4.9360433 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: YO4ewKcTPpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 32sec (3932 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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