Chat Tries to Kill Me - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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so that YouTube people understand what's going on I'm gonna pick somebody random from chat that you you're gonna type the keyword here and you're gonna be entered to win its or to be picked rather and then I'm gonna pick a random person that person is gonna try to kill me by giving me an item or a gun whatever you want me to have and if it's a gun then I promise you I will use that gun until it is a out of ammo or be somebody else gives me a new gun that's the plan okay let's do that q ammo 27 months we top q mo welcome back 27 to big number alright go now and I'm gonna pick somebody every time we come across a chest that is when I pick I'm listening now so you guys can go ahead and to do the keyword once only please though per floor hunter bits to 100 it's up cipher was a synergy room in the room the first floor there's no way we're gonna be able to afford that what's he charging 50 what she's just fine oh my it seems like all your stuff is happy just as it is smell the Bligh's give me more stuff I don't know like any items in this game well then don't introduce to be pigs it's pretty simple you don't have to enter the thing you don't know what you're doing just sit back and enjoy the ride or you could be like open up the wiki the Platinum God wiki that lists all the items and guns right there with nice pictures would recommends maybe look up platinum God's dungeon son Google you'll find it real quick [Music] I didn't good good gotta be able to survive without using all your stupid [ __ ] struggling already we're gonna end up dying on the first floor you guys is it all scatter shot in the game crash that might be the quickest way to make me lose not yesterday [Music] these are nice piece shooter Plus scatter shot and I suppose if one person gives me a gun then the next person strings it together with other items passives you could definitely get me that way C clock all fat bullets so he can't shoot things try as hard as you want Schatz he'll never defeat me I'm unbeatable Wow mr. bones is here stop Gino oh I don't know why I didn't expect that to fly on my face I was looking at the bird looking at the birds oh can you blame me burbs are beautiful majestic little winger drats your girls Joey Vera joven six months in rel hey I had to save a bit to be able to keep this up but it's worth it for my favorite YouTube stream keep up the good work thank you Joe I appreciate that so much your support is everything well what did you expect I'll give you a minute clown mask is that what it's called this guy actually helps me bro thanks why'd you expect is it the Taser bro I think that's the Taser bro rigged rigged well he's a blanker he's a free blinker kenny blankenship right you are Ken there we go Canha damn let's keep track of who has played new hasn't cuz this program for whatever reason picks winners multiple times like a lot why do you use controller on this but not Isaac is like keyboard an Isaac and Isaac you don't have to have you know it's like if you constantly had marks or something bones as smell ace is Joey P 26 months flexes the 26 months welcome back to AP then gunjan if you use keyboard and mouse you have to control both the person and the crosshairs no not doing it not doing that [ __ ] what's his candidum come on you gotta Satan the first thing peashooter [Music] what's it called it's called something else never mind it's got an underscore in it can I even find a cigarette with this piece of [ __ ] let's braise it shut are you there didn't enact in it well this will be interesting gonna pee just make that a barrel explode these are ordinary please holy [ __ ] stay back stay back sir booter makes that blank Kenny [ __ ] why don't i blank myself that elf upgrade mine look at my pee range though I hate him he comes into the middle got them jump boy okay now what's her stop what do you want me to have your up trash cannon synergy Oh this is a damage upgrade isn't it you got something to say to me lady pay 40 let's hook you up perfect match oh my goodness I want to know what's inside of it though what are we throwing away what amazing synergy I'm gonna get myself an extra key just so I can check it out I'm not gonna take it I just want to know is it if it's broccoli I quit if it's broccoli I quit no I don't even know what that it's ring of unity or something like that on beef nuts you're up you don't need a key though oh because we paid for it I did not know that did not know that beef nuts fat bullets [Music] but stronger so strong what was this energy that we just gave up though that that ring pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom could be buy it item in the shop that's nothing to buy eventually health would be probably pretty smart for my my benefit here all right let's start this over let's keep the same word though so I picked me again in the chat if you'd like to enter joy the trash can in now [Music] as promised oof poof row-major oof ground control to major I regret not picking fossil gun I [Music] can't see anything back here I think I'm safe Hey it's working can I lob it into that other area please miss bud that didn't work at all nor did that nor did that though god I love ammo refills okay yeah [ __ ] me down fit bud that gun is trash can well a little oh la la la la [Music] let's go poison anything to the poison guy sweet dude poison a mushroom yeesh buddy and I could find some items though they'd be fun gas masks if I could just have that hazmat all right I'm gonna buy it then drop it and then pick true blue Goku what you want scattershot guys think you're funny like you're being funny do you Wow whoa whoa whoa sweet head I loved it can't tell who's shots or whose shots fell tear broccoli for Dad broccoli crazy okay oh good oaks and I'm not using my pea shooter until my trashcan runs out but yeah what have you done you have big silly rep the game sleeper agents agent blueberries Johnson reporting for duty Oh another one look at that look at the pees belts here get out of here would ya nah dad I've done no Pope and Isis [ __ ] a different thing don't open Twitter what are you doing you just ruined the whole thing [ __ ] [ __ ] dude damn you Internet's alright start over pick me rip the whole thing I click the button on my browser Oh try it again MLG Buddhist bird you're up you're up lucky but us as you can put my bird [Music] ruby bracelet [Music] guns thrown explode these purpose of giving me passive so I have to continue with the trashcan it's empty guess what we're using now the peas Oh peas be with you and also with you dude I got piercing explosive mega ultra peds someone pick fossil the blank guy I'll be back so much ammo in this thing - god this gun is glorious you should have it put em on the other gun we didn't set rules for that we didn't set ammo drop rules baby we [ __ ] out there we go Oh buddy tight squeeze all bumblebees bullet bees who's up Kayla lies token okay hey in 13 months welcome back lucky number 13 oh [ __ ] says catalyze um bid 500 [ __ ] does chat always sound like tim most of time heroes bandana ancient heroes bandana the thing that gives me a lot more ammo oh because then I have a shitty weapon I gotta use it more mm I see what you're doing I smell what you're doing smells like [ __ ] smell what The Rock is cooking clever girl nine-volt prime sub what is up mini Volta the prime sub life can I give guns to this what fo what if I did I only have one bad gun on one good gun though that'd be stupid I'd be really dumb that gun please drum so black I'm so bad at remembering to sub you that's okay it's not ok you honor it it unfinished gun you guys he didn't give me a gun before I'm going to the boss I'm gonna go in with the duplicate put the piece I got a ultra mega super P you're like our Kelly right now oh that's a bad joke I don't feel good about that one cuz I'm peeing on him get it you need me explain it further damnit dad banned chaotic six months six months huh smells like two-thirds of a buck baby is that ammo I'll let you guys pick a weapon first that would be too unfair if I just fully recharge well no actually because the new weapons I'm gonna shochu it anyways and it's gonna have full ammo so why not we're not reload who cares Fitz Finn what's up five months in a row all right I'll pay I'll pay please don't hit me good you were close oh this is dude do I pick gun make anything you want dude or you could pass and I'll reroll you really don't know what's going on take away his broccoli fossil gun it is then joke's on you I love this gun it's the best extra fat fossil the Seagram them got the blank guy - lets exploded that's not the best for me a rs.1 we got two chests good ring of miserly protection that's the one that gives me more health until I buy things okay you're you're taking away my ability to buy from the shop so I can't buy health I guess okay okay okay and death Pony death Pony someone duct-tape broccoli to fossil gun broccoli can't duct-tape the broccoli silly strafe gun aah I no longer have to use the faucet heist weapon what have you done no sis cursed off hey oh this is the life this is exactly what I wanted we're good to go alright re-enter is this supposed to be difficult yes whoo the power absolute mile Asian once per floor or once per stream get to enter you get to enter once per floor can't buy anything anymore do these have explosive bullets on them this seems like we're getting explosions gotta get the rat keys his lucky butter and I just bought in the rocky or did you specifically give me the ring of miserly protection so I have to get rid of it to get the Radke [Music] anytime that you want to go away go ahead let me know any time though velvety word you're up fires nails that explode when you reload it's straight gun to us oh you're right I didn't even know that doc tape says velvety word do I get to pick what I'm duct taping [Music] I'd assume so velvety word what did you have in mind [Music] you know anything I duct tape to the peashooter will also get like the damage multiplier trash cannon and fossil alright it's gonna be a glorious gun of mega doom look at that I made this can you believe it what a trash fire okay okay okay okay [Music] burn baby burn burn here our Lord and Savior Turkey maybe I'm actually gonna learn how to use the fossil gun for once but well wow wow wow wow wow let's duct tape this to the peashooter and get super mega damage can I even kill that with this oh my oh my Xerox are you're up [Music] what don't act like you don't know what's going on fossel peashooter if you want me to duct tape them alright you know I guess that does remove my ability to use the peashooter without getting cocked over but what have you done you guys are nuts [Music] my oh my [Music] the fossil gun just lights itself on fire no matter what now because I can't I can't I can't reload it light it on fire that's very interesting welcome to hell spawned into a bad place how's this gonna work it's not [Music] I want fire how [ __ ] I'm on fire in the water right now you should though you should do that oh this is gonna that's gonna go great this makes a lot of sense though tons almost too much sense make it so much sense my lady oil floats above the water you're not CDM cruel ninja [Music] crown of guns with fossil pay again give big synergy with what's with the pit all pour coolant I don't know if that means I don't that means I'm super excited about it was that do I don't know you tell me assume it's amazing probably amazing can't afford the nod key every time like literally every single time I've ever played this game ever in my entire life we've been right here in this situation where you're one shell one shell away okay okay good all right by smoke and steal it nope not by Adams help nobody next to the fire or spawns behind me well that was nice didn't expect to reload but oh let's redo the thing now go again enter it Walzer what's up Walzer it's gonna hurt I didn't even hit him though he like did like he did she [ __ ] didn't even touch me though didn't touch me sweet game get away from me what the hell is this room about dude see odds don't die thanks it did reach of the bits each man cuz I see fire inside the mountains and I see fire burning the trees [Applause] [Music] worth carrot do you feel lucky hell yeah duct tape your choice no way I mean I only have two guns so this is insanity [Music] oral Jesus duct tape again I have nothing to duct-tape all right are all I will give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to right now to to just name a single gun to use the duct tape with and I will give myself that as well give me a gun that you want to see added to this chat you shut up chai you shut up cheese guns the cheese gun if I win can I give you Casey partially eaten cheese nuts on it what's the cheese gun we failed I Bank cheese doesn't work oh can you not duct tape because it's infinite infinite ammo baby I think that's maybe the case I thought that's how it works I'll lock it up see what the cheese guns called see if it works she's got elemental er okay you guys were right about that element [Music] yeah I can't duct-tape it doesn't work alright I'm just gonna drop this gun then let's just let's just pick somebody else and then that person will pick a gun fits pin pick a gun for me to duct-tape did you already win Fitz pin my god island fire I'm on fire I'm on fire 13 months are you boy cracking oh hey NAT a month welcome back flare gun son-of-a-gun get it wolf bro like immediately on fire what is that light what the hell is that light so much for fight needs to see DM I'm taking damage still oh oh oh hammer time [Music] [ __ ] Oh get him away uh what what the [ __ ] was that what the ball sack just happened I was inside the ghost ghostly hugs what happened just came up the fact that I've been hacking this entire time oh no that was weird I don't know if I was perfectly dodging or if I was within the cone or whatever the like the ability to take damage from that dude maybe I was behind his gun grim Pendragon spry s' cranberries price o helix [Music] helix bullets right or did you want he looks the gun he looks gun [Music] Letus meow meow gamer bullets sorry if we're not specifying your fine this the gun is actually called helix so I thought I would double-check that name though bana bol what do you think Jacob hmm nah Eunice I like heat got 20 seconds left breath you just McClean this let's go Casey it is time wait a second this boss with Casey I'm not sure about that and I think I got well I think that maybe possibly I could do it I think that I think there's a way that maybe we'll see we'll have to see but you know I think maybe possibly fine up on up wah wah I got no blanks okay that didn't feel good though ah [ __ ] you Wolfman that one was tricky Thank You Kenny bleh all that was my face [Music] it was so good check me out alright let's see here what are we doing rolling again Jacob 9 9 9 1 2 5 2 not not corn in that you caught re what Oh rip alright Jacob what do you want Phoenix what's the Phoenix just that like fire gun [Music] how do I spell it it's not there what's it called if it's not Phoenix [Music] it's got to be called something else it's Phoenix it can't be it's not on the wiki and it's not done uh it's not here Val Phoenix no not there we found his weakness he can't spell fonox oh sorry I was looking at Jacob spelling you're right that was a weird word that I don't use normally Phoenix it kind of rolls out the tongues like that you know rolls off the tongue I mean Phoenix Phoenix not like fo NX look out for the phoinix honey my god honey that fonox guy's knife he's got a knife PAHO enix Hooked on Phonics working for me all right are we good to go then I think we're good to go all right work a dead form a nice Brian Regan reference I like it alright starting the pullover reenter please I'm assuming that you guys wanted me to duct-tape this eventually but it really doesn't matter we considering there's already a a flare gun on the other combination there's a flare gun redundant ha sucker [Applause] what a bonus Breck you're up I like I'm on fire if I get him up close I do that's my advantage something half the time I just don't spice throw first gonna be a spice girl [Music] half the time they just don't start on fire irritating retro remember that this room actually looks like the Phoenix gun SLB legend two months in a row ripped my eight months streak Abe their butts how you doing and well two months is not going to be a shame of comeback sucks damage to that for ammo you use me for landed elements mein that reference [Applause] rolls into that one now it's out sup see there Spyder snack shack 19 months in our I'm still here looking very quietly welcome back all hail to the lurkers a lithium not dying in huts that's good it's generally what we strive for so good on you more spice question mark taps conviction here people believe in yourself you're gonna end up turning my junks into spice Oh Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom this is gonna be a painful fight with just this gun if I let a cannibal on fire pretty large it's not a - where's the gunpowder I just love this part we do who did something fit Ephraim nerd again second drink second donation oh I'm putting the glasses back on for you nerd thank you for that managed to make it to a stream have a great rest of your days as necromancer the under bits appreciate that hell yeah I'll watch he interrupts my boss fight for that thank you you guys realize I could have bought a hot tub instead of buying you guys t-shirts right so dark out with my sunglasses backfire I for poor goat how do you use that in the past term by forewent that sounds silly I for win - my hot tub in order to get you guys but baby shirts you're welcome you're welcome could've been nice and toasty not hot tub I'll relax no lies t-shirts instead a hot tub t-shirt u-boat night W lad and we appreciated outs lull no hot tub for you it's still winter winter is the best time to use a hot tub it's like snowing and [ __ ] you're out there toasty what are you nuts bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump but then when you get out yeah you just make a beeline for the door start the hot tub fun back up shrinkage when you get out of the tub though look like an uncooked shrimp curl a nation to one so what's up crow nation what's up car nation thanks for the sub magical bullets it's a magical pony flying through the sky a magical pony for you and I Spyder snack shack two hundred bits have my bits thank you for that that's very kind of you to share those bits I would glad they set those bits I'll put them on my cup right here I'll use them later hopefully for our tub magical pony song how does that even start what did he say it's like pony can you fly he's like magical pony by the way if you don't remember I'm Spyder blue so have more of my bits that makes a lot of sense spider snack shack I don't mind the rhyming change you limey bastards I mean Riley sorry you're still a bastard um I love lime flavor what's so bad about being limey I wonder if my pony can fly music huh thanks for the refresher can we watch that on stream alright well I'm gonna get sued [Music] what's the rule you guys on me watching other vigil YouTube videos another content like I see other people doing it but then I see people talking about like copyrights stuff and like they all be haunted by the pony hello sir sir secret room in here oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I've got that that gun did that thing I probably wouldn't do it seems like a faux pas nice use it the word faux pas you just can't put it on vaad you're allowed to watch it on Twitch but you have a chance of being copyrighted on tubes okay but isn't there a vaad always created for my twitch streams and like if we did that and like we were doing like really really really well we're talking like 2,000 plus subs right and then we weren't making any money on the YouTube end of things because we were doing fun stuff like watching YouTube videos and [ __ ] I was you know I would accept that I'd let them claim my [ __ ] if i blatantly you know watch their stuff as long as it in copyright strike me as long as i didn't punish me talk loudly over it why don't you use the stream labs media share what's that the thing somebody said friend of mine said that the there are some streamers out there who will say that the the top donation like whoever takes the D spot can request a video for me to watch on stream and then I would have to watch it because they're the top assuming it's not porn or AB animal thing of course and I'm like I'm gonna be fun to like watch something on stream Tim the tat man that's probably who they were talking about I have never seen 10 the 10 I know who he is I've never watched him live cat videos basically people leave a youtube link on donations and it plays on the stream oh it's like I'd like to have more control over it than that Koral sodapoppin and minilab do it too is that something that we should think about doing this sounds like fun I'm always open to seeing new [ __ ] there's so many things you guys talked about that I have no idea guys get me to watch the whole entire thing of Jojo one clip at a time here's a dollar here's 101 here's 102 here's 103 Greek gods does it - well there you go it seems like everyone's doing it only 10 our videos please dr. Phil react videos now we're gonna make you watch the Twilight movies joke's on you I've already seen postive odds or montage on YouTube - what's your favorite ice cream flavor ice cream that that tastes like ice cream I've said it before it's probably the birthday cake remake set Coldstone you know if you ever had ice cream that doesn't taste like ice cream it's just not that good I wouldn't recommend it it goes ice cream flavored ice cream not ice cream flavored ice cream and then cotton candy flavored ice cream it's at the very bottom very very bottom the lists just underneath ketchup flavored ice cream bebe tornado you got 15 signs that picks up [Music] ice cream flavored cotton candy that would probably better than the reverse but above bubblegum ice cream cotton candy ice cream is my favorite band Morreale active clown ear up best ice cream is actually vanilla that [ __ ] is the best sweet and soft flavor I mean if you really think about it though what's the most versatile ice cream vanilla nuts caramel chocolate syrup fruits veggies no probably not veggies but mega dowser all right joke's on you is my favorite weapon hey Dad sorry can you check my whisper I sent you please [Music] that's a good question it's a good question Jacob I say no it's like it's like whatever right it doesn't bother me because I'm doesn't change me I say no until it becomes a problem Jacob what was the question the question was should be banned owners for life and I was like hell yeah no Adam I know that's a good question it's a good one I'm a solid answer net I'll rip me okay uh what's the deal here with the mega Dow sir um ish I don't know what to expect here with this we're gonna fight the rat with this who are you almond is fountain filled with blood caliber ma Shakti de life orb unlocked [ __ ] that I just do all I asked is for an intend to switch for Christmas my dad said no I knew unlock I thought I'd wait we had done everything but apparently not sold your soul to the devil that sounds about right all right well mega Dallas time it is drink my piss I just gotta wait for this thing to be done with ammo did that just think it did all magic bullets turns them into chickens we're gonna fight the rat with mega dowser all right yes or no you guys here's our options option number one we go to fight the rat we probably most likely die because the rat is not really involved in the normal Gunjan challenge scope he's a little outside the scope he's generally just gonna be an gg you will lose no matter what which is less of a game and more of a death sentence I know I said let's try to do a challenge to kill me right you're just sending me to my death so that that's option a option B or two depending on how you look at it is that we go on and we actually have a real challenge on to the Dragon and possibly to the Lich with this [ __ ] which is obviously like honestly a real challenge of we might win me might lose a rose our container causes some random enemies to gain a red aura standing near that red enemies drain their health okay right right right Lich please rat rat Lich option to be rat is super easy though question mark B rat no rat Lich Ledge Lich we are split so we're gonna actually pull this I'm gonna actually pull this so bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum no stop it would just would you quit it how do I delete this how do I delete this poll copy poll export poll manage poll [Music] what if I don't want to tab this here archive it's alright fine whatever type some vote options rat no rats [Music] mmm twitch subscribers have more than one vote what you're nuts aren't you guys type rat or no rat no spaces go pick a random person rat or no rat no space in the no rat oh my god it's like literally 5050 right now it is 5050 keep voting your vote only counts once it's literally 5050 look at this you see this right now 51% for no rat fifty-fifty 49 this is this is rat down here this is no rat up here 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 go rat rat wins at 50 percent losses - no rat - 48 % i I am I'm shocked I'm gonna fight the rat with a mega dowser that means that you guys want this to end we will stop we will be done eclipse be on prime sub what's up and winter wolf six months rat me Dad we're doomed we're doomed say try the life or but I unlocked the life or but I didn't get the life or but fight I'm with the peashooters is lucky but ax not like that that rules are rules [Music] rules are rules mission accomplished for your last heart I say whatever we use whatever [Music] alright that'll be the deal if I'm down to my last heart I can switch but not before what if I just accidentally ran out of ammo whoops Rhino dude guy prime sub what's up welcome I feel like road hog right now all tang god damn this is fun oh well ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok who wants to vote me some duct tape duct tape dowser anyone oh you know what let's actually let's redo this join in say it's tight pick me now just once though please three two one point Nellie rd1 Dan Exia Dax any accent DX X I can't pronounce that I'm not trying I give up go ahead what do you want Dax and Shiah horse audience [Music] do it the duct tape thing duct tape this to the yes all right we've got our wish that was very that that I just that probably I don't know that's just a dress you know I don't even know it's like I'm not even sure that was weird that was freakin weird what are the odds what the [ __ ] just happened I'm on fire good God Oh fire because I see far out inside the mountain I see fire bro oh holy hell an ammo upgrade I'm on fire full health baby that's gonna be too easy now you guys made it too easy [Music] thank it hit though so you lied I'm sure would hit me there poison I think Oh bye that was a glitch nice glitch though [Music] I can't see [ __ ] by the way [Applause] made a captain I'm taking damage made a captain all those days when I could see the screen I just took it for granted Oh [Music] [Music] more items please sort of a time that right datum oops spice groggy gamer five months holy crap finally made to a live stream welcome [Music] [Music] locked drop that cheese drop dead cheese got him easy peasy simple stuff simple stuff though [Music] alright shall we start this let's hear one two three four five six six of them oh that's nice Jacob damnit huh you did it we told you Hut's got him you did this to yourself reroll that's the nicest thing I've ever heard but yeah oh my nephew says hi hey game slappers nephew scottish shot his evil well you know if we hit a minute works out for all of us doesn't it [Music] all right next pineapple mage what would you like what would you like me to have as unbelievable life gem I don't know what that as life orb that thing yeah okay sweet the next king fish I'm gonna say that we I just don't take the rad items at all we just we just leave them behind unless I want to fight me [Music] [Music] this is gonna take a while for six you guys five left I guess I'm gonna keep moving you guys still there okay dodge roll dough so like yeah he didn't hit me though court jester for hire you're up it's not the target I would like to hit though that's not the start that's not the guy wolf man the sucks scattershot Wow great oh good chaotix oh boy come on ball just change colors let's go more scatter shots wow you guys are douche economy Rick wow it's a fuzzy ball Deron ur derringer I love this gun it's my favorite gun ever with all the scatter shots gonna be amazing check this out bow mr. RPG hello and Eowyn scatter again okay so you just want the game to crash and us to just not play right here you loud and clear [Music] then Nicky sar push them into the cliff that's nice I can stand by him to kill him stand by your man what a beautiful amount of spread that sounds so sexually scattershot okay sweet okay so then we just won't play all right let's just not point in I mean that was sex [Music] kill them with my aura I didn't [ __ ] touch you grim dick good lord would you knock it off let's empty the viewer listen try that again so everyone refresh re-enter get the afk ores out of here [Music] how about bouncy bullets [Music] [Music] blood snakes chaos you're up pom pom Pony and plant folded put in a booth at the back but there's no excuse for not being there you just sign up this to like two seconds ago or did you go in the last two seconds quite saber or elder blank turn the scales then [Applause] Rhino dude guy gives it a self to stonewall it's up Stonewall we need him to lose do we have an active item right now I'm gonna divide saver [Music] and then another one I think cuz we had two runs in a row ATW boom unless I am doing extra oh wow you're right guys I'm gonna definitely win now [Music] absorb his juices devour him more powerful to use the juice sucking or the mailgun come on a synergy oh yeah Oh with Casey yeah we're not using Casey though are we let's fight this mini-boss oh god I can't get close enough to suck more can I hear that your mom is that problem a lot ah [ __ ] I didn't see that shot so yeah this is fun apparently I got hit there okay sweet a lot of two frames per second though it's a lot of fun let's go for the suck this blows and it's not gonna blow are you breaking a game no that's not what this is it's definitely not this is hey it doesn't even register the fact that I'm hitting the dodge button you guys it literally doesn't register that I'm hitting dodge that's ok only 1500 more ammo before we can switch so I can't dodge I can't really see what's going on see what I mean by this not being fun it's not even that the challenge you cheated this would be considered cheating we didn't cheat but you know this is gonna happen is anyone having fun right now you cheated with the Radke you guys did you voted on that had nothing to do with my decision not moving oh no I died all right if I would have tried a [ __ ] you Pig I want to be dead kill me this is me shooting the pea shooter [Music] I fell into a burning Ring of Fire down and down based on the [ __ ] was that noise that was loud what's my kc doing I'm not holding it he'll faint God does not exist in this realm God has left us God has left us [Music] [Applause] final really fun stuff just wish we could have more swish we had more scattershot really like that life suck Oh [Music] can't see the screen oh good roll into that I just don't even feel like we're playing anymore what am I supposed to do with this strictly used fight saber the the sending of bullets back oh you could just blank them away I guess Kenny [ __ ] [ __ ] I killed one of them mom [Music] sweet did only 45 minutes meanwhile everyone leaves the stream unsub's goes to bed thoughts gets on partnerships which I don't I hurt myself in that run we're on the fourth floor you guys just like to point that out there mega Gallade 15 bits appreciate that dollar from lucky button maybe we can remove a scattershot or two nope you caused this pain now feel it you caused this pain now you get to feel it we're dying did it did they seriously die while I am that half a heart and I get no prize for it no prizes no prizes for that you get nothing okay really fun stuff game really appreciating this coral good day sir little buddies back there you see him look at the buddy yeah buddy can you restart remove scattershot I don't know how to remove items just drop one of them that works [Music] anything [Music] weird egg speech all right moving on just end it with cigarettes she'll not stop me [ __ ] nail gun really guys I died so couldn't see the screen or kill anything all right you guys that's it
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 141,597
Rating: 4.8155441 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell
Id: i6IwNuAlRV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 12sec (6312 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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