UNLOCK The POWER Of Your MIND & Become LIMITLESS - Dr Joe Dispenza

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if you keep thinking the same thoughts if you keep making the same choices you keep doing the same things you keep creating the same experiences you keep feeling the same emotions I don't know let's be conservative he did that for 10 years you would have to agree with you then that it would become more automatic if you become more unconscious your personality creates your personal reality that's it that is it and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel so keep thinking the same way keep acting the same way keep feeling the same way your personality is the same and your personal reality will be the same as well so if you wanted to change your life if you wanted to change your personal reality you would have to change your personality and then you'd have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about and decide if you really want to believe that any longer and when does the story end it's that moment that you become so conscious of that thought you're so tired of it you're so aware of it that you would never let it slip by your awareness ever again hey seven Carmichael and I make these videos because running the business is hard and waking up every day and get in the work when you're all by yourself is hard and the thing that saved me that continues to inspire me motivate me give me hope inspiration ideas is looking at the stories of people who've done a lot more than me and I learned strategies I get motivation and it gets me to believe in myself to go off and attack the day and so I hope this video inspires you to do the same as well so today let's learn how to unlock the unlimited power of our mind with Dr Joe dispenza enjoy you catch yourself complaining and blaming and making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself and that's been your unconscious program then the moment you become conscious of those unconscious behaviors you're out of the program you're only in the program when you're unconscious and so it takes an enormous amount of energy and awareness to separate from those programs and then there's those emotions that we feel every single day that are so familiar to us that we don't even know what they are we just feel guilty we don't even know what's guilt it's just how we feel and the stronger the emotions that we have to experiences in our life the more altered we are inside of us the chemistry changes inside of us the brain Narrows the focus on the cause and takes a snapshot or a series of snapshots and that's called a long-term memory and so then makes total sense then that a person by every time they relive that event in their life they're making the same chemistry and their brain and their body and their bodies literally believing it's living that experience over and over again and now the body's so in the past that it's the mind of the past so then the act of becoming so conscious that you don't go unconscious is a changing of consciousness how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering that is the moment of change rule number two is Master your thoughts the majority of the thoughts that we think every single day are the same thoughts as we thought yesterday and in fact ninety percent of them are and the same thoughts leading to the same choices the same choices leading to the same behaviors the same behaviors creating the same experiences and the same experiences producing the same feelings and emotions begins to cause our biology to become very similar very same and the repetition of that and firing and wiring then creates automatic programs in the brain and body and 95 percent of who we are is a state of unconscious or subconscious programs where we've done something so many times that the body now can actually do it automatically without the conscious mind if you truly wanted a change and you understood that your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and the present personality who's listening to this call has created the present personal reality called their life that means if they wanted to create a new personal reality a new life they would have to begin to change their personality they'd have to change themselves and most people then try to create a new personal reality as the same personality it doesn't work so then if you're sitting in your meditation and you ask yourself the question who do I want to be when I open my eyes what is the greatest expression of myself and you said okay let me remind myself of how I no longer want to think you know the thoughts like whatever it's too hard I'll never change I'll never get what I want let me become so conscious of those unconscious thoughts that I wouldn't let that thought slit by my awareness today unnoticed by me and program my autonomic nervous system in the specific outcome and then if you said how would I want to speak today how do I want to act how do I want to behave and you reminded yourself how you weren't going to act and how you weren't going to behave and you became conscious of those unconscious habits to such a degree you wouldn't go unconscious and behave in the same way that's when you're no longer the program now your Consciousness observing the program if you said when is my energy drop when when what do I feel when I feel those typical familiar emotions what are they uh so let me name them just so I'm so aware of them that my energy drops I can catch myself in that moment and not return back to the same familiar emotions and cause my body to believe it's back in the past and we can't see a new future from the past so that process then is what I call getting beyond the old self and it's a disentangling from the program the word meditation means to become familiar with so as you sit there and become familiar with those states of Mind and Body you begin to objectify your subjective self now now you are you are becoming so aware of the unconscious programs you won't go unconscious and that's the first step to change and then what if you said what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain what thoughts do I want to put my attention behind and begin to install the new circuitry the new hardware and if I keep my attention on it and I fire and wire those thoughts it's going to begin to become a software program and that's going to be the new voice in my head that's going to be the voice that's telling me the new program that you can that it is possible rule number three is practice repetition every time you learn something new you make new Connections in your brain that's what learning is learning is forging new synaptic connections and as you begin to leave imprints in your neurological tissue as a result of your interaction in the environment the next thing is that you're going to have an opportunity then to apply that information the personalizing to demonstrate it and a certain people group of people will get their behaviors to match their intentions to get their actions equal to their thoughts they'll step out into the unknown and let's try it and when they do they'll have a new experience and experience then enriches the brain reorganizing more circuits than what you understood physiologically but the moment those neurons string into place the brain makes a chemical and that chemical is called a feeling or an emotion and the moment you feel Unlimited the moment you feel like a patient parent the moment you feel abundant the moment you feel free now you are teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood so we can say knowledge is for the mind and experiences for the body and in that moment you're beginning to embody the truth of that philosophy of that theory and you're literally signaling new genes in new ways and you are rewriting your biological program but if you've done it once it must mean you can do it again and if you can repeat any experience over and over again you are going to neurochemically condition your mind and body to begin to work as one and we've done something so many times that the body now knows how to do it as well as the mind now it's becoming innate in you it's second nature it's easy it's familiar it's who you are as a matter of fact you've practiced it so many times that you don't even have to consciously think about it because it's becoming a subconscious program so our job is to go from philosopher to initiate to master from knowledge to experience to wisdom from mind to body to Soul from thinking to doing to being to learning it with your head practicing it with your hands and knowing it by heart also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number four is Embrace change I wanted to listen to the questions that people asked and the questions were okay you create your reality I get it how do you do it I thought it was a brilliant question next question is okay your personality creates your personal reality your personality is made by how you think how you act and how you feel if I want to change my personal reality I got to change my personality nothing changes in my life till I change how do we change why is it so hard to change and then the last question was what do you do and so we started teaching these events you know around the world and and giving people some tools and basic neuroscience and epigenetics and brain waves and electromagnetism building a model and you know at the end of an event people would say I I feel a little better you know I have a better sense of well-being but we weren't seeing any dramatic changes in people's health and then it took about a year and we just I was running these events and every time I'd run an event someone say can you do another one somebody did a more evolved version and then we did another evolve version and then I said I don't know anything else I don't know anything else and then I started having profound mystical experiences and that changed my view of the world dramatically and I remember at one event this woman with Ms sitting in a wheelchair after one meditation stood up out of that throne and started dancing around and when I saw that happening I knew something had to be taking place inwardly in her in other words there must have been some Gene regulation that happened as a result of her inner process and that's when everything changed for me that's when I got a team of scientists and neuroscientists and biologists and partnered with heart math Institute we started building this model of understanding of 18 000 brain scans now the thousands and thousands of HR V measurements we got Gene testing that's done telomere testing that's not immune regulation you know thousands of different metabolites at this point I I wanted to see if that person's subjective experience of whatever that was could be calibrated objectively and once we understood that information can we teach transformation better and if you can do it and capture that information and teach transformation better you can shorten the distance between really the thought and the experience of what a person wants and and I think that the science has become the Contemporary language to demystify that process and once you use tradition or culture religion divide an audience but science creates community and people want to use that as a language now it's the Contemporary language you communicate with your patients in terms of science I mean how many people here run a clinic and the first thing you say to a patient when they start talking about their health condition is that's not true I used to say that every day that's not true that is not the truth so then that information then that people are beginning to understand is is theoretical and philosophical and now there's too many testimonials I mean we're just talking backstage every single day we have something that challenges my belief a challenge is my belief and what's possible and when I see the scientists running the same study over and over again he's running the same study five times over again then changing the study and running it a different way and getting the same result I know he's changing his belief right there I know she's changing her belief they're looking for something else to occur and actually doesn't this is new information it's a discovery rule number five is change your old habits how many people in this audience actually believe in the idea that the way you think has some effect on your life that's your thoughts create your life you believe that yes so how many people here actually woke up this morning and consciously created a future you know the biggest reason why people don't do it is because you don't really believe it's true you see if you knew on a gut level that it was absolutely true would you ever miss a day come on and would you ever let any thoughts slip by your awareness that you didn't want to experience so your brain according to Neuroscience is organized to reflect everything you know in your life your brain is a record of your environment it's a record an artifact of your past so if you believe this then then does your environment control your thinking or does your thinking control your environment so if you wake up in the morning and you get out of bed on the same exact side as you did the day before you shut the alarm clock off with the same finger you slip into your favorite slippers you Shuffle into the bathroom and you use the toilet like you always do then you walk over to the mirror and you look at yourself to remember who you are then you get into the shower and you wash yourself in the same routine way then you groom yourself to look like everybody expects you to look then you go downstairs and you drink coffee out of your favorite mug then you drive the work the same way as you did the day before you see the same people that push the same emotional buttons you do the exact thing that you know how to do and you memorize and can do so well that you're an expert at then you hurry up and rush home so you can hurry up and check your emails so you could hurry up and go to bed so you can hurry up and do it all over again now here's my question did your brain change at all that day we could say that you were thinking the same thoughts performing the same actions that create the same experiences that produce the same emotions but secretly expecting something to change in your life would you agree so then as the environment turns on different circuits in your brain you begin to think equal to your environment as you see the same people and go to the same places and do the same things at the same time it's the external environment that's turning on different circuits in your brain causing you to think equal to everything that you know and as long as you think equal to everything that's familiar or known to you what do you keep creating more of same life now the quantum law is still applying to you you're just thinking equal to everything that you know and you keep creating more of the same to change to truly change is to think greater than your environment and every great person in history knew this whether it was William Wallace or Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King or Queen Elizabeth the first or Joan of Arc they all had a vision they all had an idea couldn't see it couldn't smell it couldn't taste it couldn't feel it but it was alive in their mind it was so alive in their mind that they began to live as if that reality was actually happening now so can you believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses yet but you've thought about enough times in your mind that your brain is literally changed to look like the event has already happened Neuroscience says it's absolutely possible and rule number six the last one before some very special bonus Clips is practice meditation we teach meditation three ways to become familiar with your old self and to become familiar with your new self that's what the word meditation means familiarization to become familiar with so we use that model for change so slow your brain waves down and get beyond your analytical mind this meditation and you teach your body how to do that and we've discovered a formula that that simply makes it very easy for people to do it you practice it you'll get good at it just like anything else you practice so so to get beyond the analytical mind there's another way to reprogram ourselves and then meditation is really about getting beyond your body or disconnecting from your body disconnecting from your environment and forgetting about time and that is that eye of the needle where we begin to make the most significant changes so we're data driven you know we're really looking to see what it is and and when we see brains respond in the same way it helps me enormously to teach the material better and so the more people understand what they're doing and the more they understand why they're doing it the more naturally the how becomes easier and nothing has left the conjecture if nothing is left Superstition or Dogma or even in spiritual you know traditional words you know science says the Contemporary language would demystify that process and you give new people numerous times to overcome themselves and numerous times to connect sooner or later you'll start watching transformation right before your eyes and so one of the cool things that we've discovered is that we have so much compelling data to suggest that you're greater than you think more powerful than you no more unlimited than you could ever dream we have compelling data that suggests that your nervous system is the greatest pharmacist in the world that it makes drugs that work better than any drug in a drugstore a drug study is about 18 to 25 percent cause and effect causality our data is between 75 in 85 percent cause and effect this is a person creating their own Pharmacy of anti-inflammatories their own Pharmacy of anti-carcinogenic chemicals their own Pharmacy of pain relievers who are seeing this over and over again so we have this incredible data that says that this is no longer pseudoscience is this the real this is really science the side effect of a person's transformation is has changed my belief in what's possible I have seen people stand on the stage with stage four cancers that were in every single organ in their body and that metastasized and and they have no sign of cancer in their body and we have data that suggests that you put the blood of an advanced meditator and a uterine cancer cell a pancreatic cancer cell 70 of the mitochondrial function in the cancer cells diminish the mitochondria is the energy packets of the cell it's taking energy out of the cancer cell works perfect with what we're seeing with uh the testimonials uh that that people are telling around the world we've seen blind people see we've seen deaf people here we've seen people with spinal cord injuries walk again we've seen ALS change we've seen all kinds of unbelievable health conditions Changed by a person simply changing the way they think the way they act and the way they feel if you're truly in the business of change or creating your life that's a big responsibility yeah right I mean like we we ran our event I said to the audience okay nobody nobody forced you to come here right you came here on your own you took the risk in coming here by coming here you also agree that you create your reality that you're responsible for yourself and your life so if something happens to you you can't blame anybody because of that it's your responsibility to take care of you right so then the fundamental question is and I ask myself this all the time at what point do I stop believing that I create my life at what point when things go bad then all of a sudden I didn't create that that person is doing it to me right so if we can if we can wire that in our brains right that our reaction in response to an environmental condition is causing us to go back to the past that's what the emotion is the familiar emotion is the past and I'm on the journey and I catch myself doing that if I'm truly in the practice every day and I can cultivate a feeling not not not on the spot then that you you're not prepared your meditation is the preparation of mind and body for this so I don't get up from my meditation until I'm in love with life I don't I don't create anything that's going to be unlimited until I feel unlimited am I in that space and if I'm practicing feeling unlimited every day and practice connecting to the emotions of my future I'm I'm out of the bleachers and I'm on the field if you're on the bleachers and you're trying to not react to people in in circumstances you don't have the practice or the skill set on how to create that emotion because you haven't been practicing creating it and why do we close our eyes and do it because the environment is so seductive why do we sit still and not move because you're going to want to get up and pee and eat and have a cup of coffee and feel so so now you're telling your body hey stay I'm gonna feed you yeah you're gonna take a shower you're gonna get coffee you can play with your cell phone you could text you can talk trash you can do anything you want but right now you're not the mind I'm the mind and you're gonna sit and stay until I'm done and when I condition you to the emotions of the future and I get a very clear image of who I'm going to be this day and I'm not going to get up until I feel that way I guarantee you you're going to come up against all those unconscious thoughts they're going to come up right there I want people that I want them to see it I want them to become so familiar with it so conscious if they wouldn't go unconscious they wouldn't let that thought I can't ever slip by their awareness unchecked they've done the work in the beginning of the day they suppress those circuits in the brain and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together you're you're breaking down the old personality and so you say ah your body wants to get up I gotta pee I want to have a couple I want to check and you you watch your body want to get up and you go hey hey hey hey hey hey get over here you you get back into this present moment and you every time you do that it's a victory you're executing a will that's greater than an unconscious program and most people lose their free will to a program because they do the same thing today as they did yesterday their bodies on autopilot and it's dragging them into the same future habitually based on what they did in the past so now you're sitting there and it's just a little uncomfortable and you want to and you go no you get over here and you bring it back now some people say I can't meditate but really they're actually doing it right that's a victory too yeah and then you do that and you start watching how you're training your body back into the present moment then it's your body says well you know Lewis it's uh it's it's 8 8 30 in the morning this is usually when you watch the news and throw a tirade and get angry right and you're what's sitting here with your eyes closed and you're off schedule so why don't we just get agitated about anything so the body starts trying to create images in your mind so you remember your ex you remember your problems so you could feel that agitation what if you watched your body do that and you said no no no no no I'm not going to give my power away to the past or that person that circumstance in my life you get that body back in the present moment you lower the volumes of that emotion that's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now that kind of work is tedious in the beginning but I watch people because when I have them do that it starts stretching their boundaries the known self that little box starts to move into the unknown and they survive and all of a sudden they're more relaxed in the present moment the unknown and they start feeling more satisfied so now they're more ready to create so the preparation for the day is to remind yourself of who you no longer want to be to know thyself to become so familiar with the word meditation means to become familiar with so conscious of your unconscious programs you're not going to go unconscious why because you did you did battle today with that personality that's creating the same personal reality and if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and you want to create new personal reality then you got to change your personality and that's gonna mean then you're gonna become so conscious of those unconscious programs that you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing the program disentangling from that is not easy that's why most people won't do it that's why they get on their cell phone and say let me just cradle dopamine by just seeing if I got a text from somebody I like you know your phone's over there and you're no longer regulating with something outside of you this is this is game time so then if you said what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain with my attention and my intention when you're at a greater level of awareness everything seems to be more connected that's what the quantum is so you're playing at that level the synchronicities the serendipities the coincidences are actually informing you that you actually are creating your life and that's the difference between being the victim of your life and being the creator of your life because when the environment is controlling the way we feel and the way we think some person some circumstance some condition what does that really mean that means that person or circumstance is actually causing me to think and feel a certain way and and and I I don't think I have any control of it then I must be victim to that circumstance right and that's a program right yeah so so I I realize in my own Journey also that if I don't change my response to things in my life I'll never change so so it's not even it's not that you responded the question really is how long right so when you become aware that your environment is controlling how you think and feel and your response changes watch out because that now you no longer belong to the Past you actually belong to the Future so get a coherent heart we know how to do that really well get a go here and brain we can do that really well have people take all of their attention on off the material world of everything known go from a convergent Focus to a diversion Focus we got the data to prove that if you keep putting your attention on nothing on Space somehow the brain gets highly organized so now brain coherence heart coherence you synchronize your energy to whatever it is you want and you got to sustain that state you can't we've had people that have healed themselves from Parkinson's disease from cancers from ALS literally remission of the condition and then have bad news and in one hour driving to the hospital all of their symptoms came back after being completely healed for two years That's How Strong those emotions are right so so so in your circumstance right I want people I want people to have those moments where they have to literally choose because I think when it's the hardest it matters the most that's what I think so so all those things where you're agitated with the person having their moment you know that could be you having your moment right and you would want someone just like that person doesn't want to do that they're just having their thing if people are really really believing that their astrological sign determines their Destiny then they will look for based on their perception the correlations that are equal to their belief system I don't particularly believe that because I'm born at a certain time under certain house that has anything to do with me creating the life that I want to have right so many people will though and because they do they'll only they'll select like oh I saw 11 11 on the clock well you've seen three 236 on the clock and 4 18 on the clock but you're looking for 11 11. well then that's your reality because that's where your attention is right so I don't subscribe to that but I respect that because that person is going to keep that belief until it no longer serves them and they're either going to evolve their belief or they're not and if they don't so be it but if they do they're going to realize sooner or later it's not working for them I have certain beliefs right now that I honestly am questioning that I still think are limited beliefs but in order for me to change those beliefs I'm going to have to come out of my resting state have to step out into the unknown and really check to see and execute in a very different way now to build on that model then it's going to require one foot in the Practical world and one foot in the Mysterious World because I can't control all the events that happen in my life but I can certainly make choices that are going to bring me closer to those experiences now I also know from experience that when I'm living by the hormones of stress and I'm living in survival that you and I and everybody else is always going to try to control the outcome to try to force the outcome to try to get in the way try to analyze when it's going to happen and how it's going to happen now when that occurs we're really bad we're competitive we're manipulative we'll hold on to things we're deceitful we're greedy but some of those chemicals do so we're always trying to control and force the outcome because in a sense we feel separate from something greater we feel like we're madder trying to change matter we feel like we're we're vibrating at the same speed as everything else and so we have to get what we want means you have to go and get it in in and so then people start mixing spiritual principles with that phenomenon right so then that's not what I'm talking about because I'm talking about if you're able to understand that when you're living by the hormones of stress that your senses are heightened and that you're materialist trying to Define reality if you can't see it feel a taste it smell it doesn't exist and you're getting ready for something bad to happen and be prepared and protect yourself and that's how most people live then everybody's doing that everybody's mad at trying to change matter and the soonerly we're going to bump into each other and there's going to be Sparks right so then is it possible then that instead of being defined as a body living in an environment in a particular time that if you were to close your eyes and disconnect from the external environment to sit your body down into transcend time and to become nobody you have the biological Machinery to do this to become no one you're not a face you're not a man you're not a documentary filmmaker you're not your past you're not your future you're not a husband you're not your body you're not your emotions you're not your habits you're not the predictable future of the familiar past your pure consciousness now if you are going to heal your body by thought alone if you are going to create some event in your external environment by thought alone and if you are going to transcend Time by thought alone then you have to become thought alone and so when people start to really realize that they can change the neural circuitry in their brain by thought alone send new emotional signals that begin to select and up regulate new genes and down regulate other genes and it may take knocking on that door for extended periods of time till finally the gene is programmed because it took them 10 years to program the gene for the disease it may take them a few years to reprogram the gene now we're talking about pragmatist we're talking about someone who's applying some principles and so then when that occurs and the energy that was sitting in these hormonal centers of survival of anger and fear and guilt and shame the energy kind of moves up a little bit we've measured This Heart starts to open gets more coherent the field around the body begins to grow we've measured that the person feels more like energy less like matter they feel like more like wave less like particle they're not afraid of the unknown they let's go ahead and answer that really quick he said like the greatest part right now you said knocking on the door I was like Yeah ironic [Music] oh thank you all right hopefully you didn't lose your train of thought so they're not afraid of the unknown they're craving and they're trusting in the unknown and that that kind of expanded energy is now their no longer enslaved emotionally to the Past they're no longer an identity that's connected to a disease they're no longer a body who's addicted to an emotion they're no longer trying to forecast the future based on the past they're no longer a man they're no longer a woman they're no longer a nurse they're no longer black they're no longer white they're no longer anything they're they're a they are completely poised in the present moment and that that that present moment produces a liberation of energy because the body is no longer held to the chains of the past and that liberation of energy then begins to produce a biological transformation in the brain and the body we've seen it the brain gets highly coherent gets super organized the person feels whole we've measured that their heart moves into a state of joy and and love and gratitude we measured that the field around their bodies and hands we measure that and the person could no longer cares about the future of the past they're happy in the present moment they no longer want anything because they're whole and if you're whole it's impossible to want and that's the moment it happens and so kind of this Paradox that begins to occur so why am I explaining it like this because I want to answer the ultimate question of what you're asking is that there's an intelligence that's giving us life it's keeping my heart beating and digesting my food and food and organizing trillions of functions per second in every cell of my body I'm not doing that I'm having a conversation with you as a free-willed subject of consciousness but there's an intelligence within me that's always endorsing who I'm being and that intelligence is a Giver of Life so to demystify it then and this is where i s i part from the spiritual community because when your will matches its will when your mind matches its mind when your love for Life matches its love for life it begins to work in ways that are mysterious now why is that important because the mysterious is the unknown and the unknown is unexpected and the unexpected should bring a surprise and that surprise should be outside of my current beliefs if it's happening how could I expect the supernatural to happen if I'm expecting it to happen that it's impossible but if I'm in the unknown and I'm open to possibility then I should be able to create an unknown experience that I can't predict the emotion or the future event of how it's going to occur when it's going to occur it's not my job and the side effect of that is this mysterious surprise that changes my biology from the new experience and then causes me to change my beliefs and I've I've had enough of my own mystical moments in the midst of that mystical experience I have said in the midst of it I have this all wrong I have said it right in the midst of the experience I am doing this so wrong because I was so programmed into this box of belief but the only way the unexpected could happen is giving up expectation which means you have to surrender that belief how it's going to happen or when it's going to happen I can't predict that so then that same intelligence that's giving me life according to the quantum model of reality is the same intelligence that's creating supernovas and causing flowers to bloom it's it's within us and all around us it's it's a very wave of quantum physics I can't control that I can't expect how the particle is going to appear or when it's going to appear but it's not my job my job is to move into different states of being and be open to the mystery of how it's going to happen so if I said to you today Ben that I had all the answers to everything I would I would certainly be limiting this conversation but I am open to the to the mystery of life and the Mystery of Life then means that if we're asking certain questions and we believe we we even speculate that it's possible and someone has to step out into out of their present beliefs to see if it is and so I'm not interested in the natural I'm not interested in the normal I'm interested in the Supernatural the super normal and I believe from my present state of ignorance of course if we're going to use the word belief that you don't have to be a Buddhist monk you don't have to be a nun with 40 Years of devotion you don't have to be a religious scholar you don't have to be a researcher you don't have to have a PhD to do this that common people around the world can do the uncommon and if they're given the right understanding and the environment is set up where they can begin the application of that and I have looked at over a thousand brain scans of people in meditation and I can tell you that you and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond our analytical mind when we get Beyond ourselves that's the moment that the brain gets so organized and so coherent the front of the brain is talking to the back of the brain the right side of the brain is talking on the left side of the brain there's this synchronization this psychic Union going on a flow and the person has tears of joy rolling down their face that Gestalt moment that that Transcendent event for the person is completely subjective but my interest is measuring that subjective experience and we're capturing amplitudes of energy in people's brains that are 26 000 to 40 000 times normal during that experience now they can't make their brain do that it's happening to them and the inner event that's happening to them is more real than any past event and that's the moment I know their belief is changing be the example I mean show the world what greatness looks like show the world what love looks like show the world with patience looks like show the world that leadership looks like show the world so that you can give people permission to say wow something's different about you like what is it I want something what is that what if don't go around telling people you need the short you can forgive your father you need to shorten your emotional response don't do that show the world what it looks like so they say what is it what is it about you that's different or the the you show up and you're no longer matching the memory they have of you like who is this person yeah what happened to you or what that's so important for people because that means you're out of face right so the world needs this is not a time to to go to the Himalayas we need you here we need you here yes we need you to be the example you gotta this is time to stand up for the truth right and we gotta we gotta show the world what it looks like and and every single person creates that emerging Consciousness every bird that's in that pattern every fish that's in that school that are moving is one mind and one heart there is no leader everybody's leading this is a time where everybody's got to lead in this community absolutely it's the Future No No health care plan no religion excuse me um no government really is going to take care of people the way they should be taken care of right now and I don't mean that in a in a secular way I'm sure there's religions that really take care of people but what I'm saying is we we need to create a collective Consciousness and Collective networks of observers determine reality don't expect anything in your life to change if your environment is controlling your feelings and thoughts and if your environment is controlling how you feel and think and I say to you Bobby why are you so upset today oh well this person is upsetting me what you're really saying is that person is controlling your feelings and your thoughts and that means you're a victim to your environments well to turn that around and you start realizing your feelings and thoughts create your environment and you start seeing the effects of you at cause you're going to react less to the people in your life because you're going to understand that you'll be back to the victim Consciousness and and when you start seeing that you're creating outcomes in your life you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life unless the victim of your life and I say the more you practice it the better you get at it I think uh yeah to heal by thought alone uh we have to demystify the process so let's answer the question on two levels okay uh let's answer it in terms of the placebo and then let's answer it in terms of what we can teach people in order to do that okay so if you think about the placebo how is it that you can give someone a sugar pill saline injection or perform some false surgery or treatment and a certain percentage of those people will accept believe and surrender to the thought that they're getting the real substance or treatment without any analysis they begin to program their autonomic nervous system to make their own Pharmacy of chemicals that matches the exact chemical or treatment they think they're getting now was it the inert substance the placebo that was doing the healing or was it the thought that was doing the healing so there are numerous cases in science that show that between 10 percent and a hundred percent of certain studies that are placebo-based triple blind studies people heal by thought alone all the time so here's the question do you need the inner substance to do the healing or if you understand the science and mechanics of how the placebo Works can you teach people instead of putting their faith and belief in some exogenous substance something outside of them like a pill something certainly known can you begin to put your faith and belief in yourself and begin to select an unknown in the quantum field a new possibility that already exists and do the exact same thing you did with the placebo but believe in a future and allow your body to begin to respond to a new mind and the answer to the question is yes because we've measured it enough times in our studies with the brain so that's Point number one the second point that is important to understand is that people only accept believe and surrender to the thoughts that are equal to their emotional state they'll never accept believe and surrender to any other thoughts that are not equal to their emotional state so if you get a diagnosis and the first emotion you feel after the diagnosis is fear or sadness you can think positively all you want with five percent now this assigns five percent of your conscious mind but who you are by the time you're 35 years old is a subconscious program of beliefs perceptions attitudes emotional reactions unconscious habits and behaviors so then if the person gets the diagnosis they're feeling fear thoughts are the language of the brain feelings of the language of the body they're thinking positively with the five percent of their conscious mind but they're feeling fear and they could do that all they want but it's never going to get beyond their analytical mind and begin to have an effect on the body so mind and body are working in opposition that means also then that if you can change a person's emotional state to gratitude to inspiration to Hope uh to love that means that they'll accept believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to that emotional state and they'll begin to program their autonomic nervous system into a different Pharmacy of chemicals now let's just make this very clear now in Placebo studies 81 of people who have uh depression if they're in a placebo study and 81 of those people who are taking the placebo actually respond as well to the placebo as they would to an antidepressant 81 percent that's a pretty high study what that means is they're making their own Pharmacy of antidepressants right within the nervous system is the greatest pharmacist in the world so what's the relevance uh the significance of that significance is really simple and people begin to change their emotional state they begin to alter who they are it may take more than one attempt at this because in that Placebo study they took the placebo for six to eight weeks now the pill represented the possibility of them getting well their thought when they start looking forward to or anticipating getting better and they feel inspired when you combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion you're moving into a new state of being now the brain and body are no longer living in the past the brain and body are living in the future in the present moment and they're beginning to produce substantial neurological biological and genetic changes in the body but the placebo study for depression that person took the pill for six to eight weeks which means you may actually have to change your state of being for six to eight weeks before you begin to see the change so I don't want this to be a Panacea where you do it once and you're better our students have healed themselves a very significant very very uh most almost predestined genetic conditions that medical science had no solution for not just one student with one condition but other students with the same condition now we're seeing a trend but it took them some of those people two years to do it by thought alone so they wanted it more than their sleep they wanted it more than their pain they wanted it more than their social interactions or social engagements they wanted more than breakfast to them it was the most important thing so every single day they took the placebo by thought alone and by doing that over time they were able to turn the battleship around so it takes developing the skill it takes the science of understanding how it works it takes changing the belief or perception that you have about yourself and your life and it's going to take you feeling a little bit uncomfortable in the process of doing it but to heal by thought alone means that you have to get to the point where you literally are thought alone that's when you begin to see the significant changes how you think and how you feel creates your state of being if you take a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling of thought and a feeling of thought and a feeling it's called an attitude yes there's a good thoughts with a series of Good Feelings you say I have a good attitude today in a series of negative thoughts that are connected to a series of negative feelings you have a bad attitude today so attitudes are just shortened states of being good attitude in the morning bad attitude in the afternoon if you take an attitude and attitude imagine you keep those up any string attitudes together you create what's called a belief and a belief is just an extended state of being so if you keep thinking the same thought you keep hardwiring in the brain you keep feeling the same feeling you keep conditioning in your body the redundancy of that cycle over and over again conditions the body to subconsciously become the mind of that belief and all beliefs our subconscious states of being okay take a belief a belief a belief in your string them together you form what's called a perception and perceptions are just such extended states of being that we're unconscious and so then we we edit out reality in fact most people don't see things the way they are they see things the way they are right and people are always feeling in reality unconsciously based on their memory they could be married to a person for 40 years and they don't see the person they see the memory of the person right and there's research to prove this okay so how do we change the belief or perception about ourself for our lives okay we've studied this okay let's just say that lack is ingrained in there you got the story you lived on the streets you lost everything you got betrayed your business partner took everything took your wife took you got the story in the half okay okay you guys start telling the new story of the future right you got to believe in that future more than you have to believe in the past so how do you do that you only believe in the past when you feel the emotions of the past the only time you're going to believe in the future is when you feel the emotions of the future right okay so in order for us to change a belief or perception about ourself and our lives we have to make a decision with such firm intention the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that's greater than the hardware programs in your brain and the emotional conditioning in your body and your body literally has to respond to your mind that the choice that you're making to change in that moment becomes a moment in time that you never forget and here's the key physically physically the stronger the emotion you feel when you make that choice the more you remember the decision okay so then how do we down regulate that old belief if the trauma created an emotional quotient of sex or seven then your decision to change your beliefs got to be a nine right and you got to come out of your resting state and that moment has to Define you you could say I know exactly where I was the time and day it was who I was with when I made my mind up to change right because you created a long-term memory long-term memories are created with some strong emotion right but at the amplitude of that emotion is greater than the Betrayal Boom the body starts responding to mind and they're actually giving your body a taste of the future emotionally so you brand your voice impossible no your body's actually getting the taste of that future event experiencing the future now exactly big explosion on the quantum field big explosion so the side effect of that is if you combine that clear intention with that elevated emotion you're basically remembering your future and it looks no different than remembering your past think neurologically within the circuits of that memory and feel within the emotions of that new belief and watch your life begin to change because nothing changes in our life that we change and when we change our energy we change our life so now the experiment all of a sudden is no longer based on it being hard or trying or wishing or wanting or hoping that's what we do when we're lacking or lack or separation it's about change so then when we finally realize in order for us to become abundant we have to overcome the old personality meditation the actual translation of the word meditation means to become familiar with so the first thing you have to do is you have to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts you got to notice your automatic habits and behaviors and you have to become aware of your emotions that keep you anchored to the past and if you can become so conscious of the one unconscious states of mind and body that they would never slip by your conscious awareness again you're becoming familiar with the old self so you don't return then if you begin to think about new ways of being being defined by a vision plan your behaviors review them in your mind now if you keep doing that over and over again nerve cells that fire together wire together you begin to become familiar with a new state of mind at the same time if you can emotionally cultivate your inspiration your joy Your Enthusiasm ahead of the experience by repeating that over and over again cultivating that state it's going to begin to become familiar to you so then the process of change then requires unlearning and relearning breaking the habit of the old self Reinventing a new self pruning synaptic connections as we say in neuroscience and sprouting new connections unmerizing emotions that are stored in the body then here's the key reconditioning the body to a new mind into a new emotion it's literally moving from your past to your future it's losing your mind and creating a new one and so then when you begin to understand that in the in that process it's going to feel a little bit unfamiliar uncomfortable and if you can relax into that instead of going back to the past continuously invest in your future sooner or later it'll begin to become easier and easier and easier and all of a sudden when you least expect it something amazing is going to happen in your life and when that event begins to occur you're going to pay attention to what you did inside of you now to produce the effect outside of you and that's called human empowerment and there isn't a person in the world that's excluded from this equation meditation the actual translation of the word meditation means to become familiar with so the first thing you have to do is you have to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts you got to notice your automatic habits and behaviors and you have to become aware of your emotions that keep you anchored to the past and if you can become so conscious of the one unconscious states of mind and body that they would never slip by your conscious awareness again you're becoming familiar with the old self so you don't return then if you begin to think about new ways of being being defined by a vision plan your behaviors review them in your mind now if you keep doing that over and over again nerve cells that fire together wire together you begin to become familiar with a new state of mind at the same time if you can emotionally cultivate your inspiration your joy Your Enthusiasm ahead of the experience by repeating that over and over again cultivating that state it's going to begin to become familiar to you so then the process of change then requires unlearning and relearning breaking the habit of the old self Reinventing a new self pruning synaptic connections as we say in neuroscience and sprouting new connections unmerizing emotions that are stored in the body then here's the key reconditioning the body to a new mind into a new emotion it's literally moving from your past to your future it's losing your mind and creating a new one and so then when you begin to understand that in the in that process it's going to feel a little bit unfamiliar uncomfortable and if you can relax into that instead of going back to the past continuously invest in your future sooner or later it'll begin to become easier and easier and easier and all of a sudden when you least expect it something amazing is going to happen in your life and when that event begins to occur you're going to pay attention to what you did inside of you now to produce the effect outside of you and that's called human empowerment and there isn't a person in the world that's excluded from this equation if you're not being defined by a vision of the future then you're left with the old memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life and if you wake up in the morning and you're not being defined by a vision in the future as you see the same people and you go to the same places and you do the exact same thing at the exact same time it's no longer that your personality is creating your personal reality now your personal reality is affecting or creating your personality your environment is really controlling how you think and feel unconsciously because every person everything every place every experience has a neurological Network in your brain every experience that you have with every person produces an emotion so some people will use their boss to reaffirm their addiction to judgment they'll use their enemy to reaffirm their addiction to hatred they'll use their friends to reaffirm their addiction to suffering so now they need the outer world to feel something so to change then is to be greater than your environment to be greater than the conditions in your world and the environment is that seductive so then why is meditation the tool well let's sit down let's Close Our Eyes let's disconnect from your outer environment so if you're seeing less things there's less stimulation going to your brain if you're playing soft music or you have earplugs in less sensory information coming to your brain so you're disconnecting from your environment if you can sit your body down and tell it to stay like an animal stay right here I'm gonna feed you when we're done you can get up and check your emails you can do all your texts but right now you're going to sit there and obey me so then when you do that properly and you're not eating anything or smelling anything or tasting anything you're not up experiencing and feeling anything you would have to agree with me that you're being defined by a thought right so when the body wants to go back to its emotional past and you become aware that your attention is on that emotion and where you place your attention is where you place your energy you're siphoning your energy out of the present moment into the past and you become aware of that and you settle your body back down in the present moment because it's saying well it's eight o'clock you normally get upset because you're in traffic around this time and here you are sitting and we're used to feeling anger and you're off schedule oh it's 11 o'clock and usually check your emails and judge everybody well the body's looking for that that predictable chemical state every time you become aware that you're doing that and your body is craving those emotions and you settle it back down into the present moment you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and now your will is getting greater than the program and if you keep doing this over and over again over and over again over and over again just like training a stallion or dog it's just gonna say I'm gonna sit and the moment that happens when the body's no longer the mind when it finally surrenders there's a liberation of energy we go from particle to wave from matter to energy and we free ourselves from the chains of those emotions that keep us in the in the familiar past and we've seen this thousands of times in fact we can actually predict it now on a brain scan it's so important for people to remember that they're the creators of their lives instead of the victim of their lives right so the victim is saying I'm feeling this way because that person or that circumstance or I don't have any money is causing me to feel this way that's my relationship with money what that really means is I'm using my lack to reaffirm my dependency my addiction my conditioning that's my relationship with money is that I put my attention on money because I don't have it so the relationship with money is of course built on lack and so when they don't have it they feel bad and what they're really saying is my outer environment my reality is actually controlling the way I feel the way I think so Louis why are you in a good mood today things are going good why in a bad mood things are going bad today so this unconscious program victimization is saying that that that we're we're allowing our environment to influence the way we feel and the way we think isn't that isn't that what victimization is and and the stronger the emotion we have to our lack the more we put our attention on the fact that we don't have it right so then the person has forgotten that they're creating reality because what they're creating is lack and they're creating more of it and then they try harder and they force harder and they can they're so exhausted and their body's tired and they're breaking down right so so the experiment then is let's try it another way let's create from the field instead of from matter can a coherent heart get a coherent brain relax in the heart and energy moves right in the brain we've measure this thousand times and all of a sudden the person moves into these beautiful elegant brainwave states where they're super creative right so the the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you draw that future to you so then what is the synchronicity mean it means whatever you're doing inside of you is producing that effect outside of you pay attention to what you did do it again so generate a little bit more abundance just do it for an experiment now when the synchronicity happens do you think you feel suffering or do you think you feel a little excitement you feel inspired right so then that synchronicity is saying use this energy and use this feeling it should be easier for you to feel this now and go back and do it again keep the experiment going and here comes the promotion here comes the here comes the email here comes the person you meet at the right time right well we have something happening here and then that that becomes the momentum right so then we generate abundance that's that's how we do it and the relationship just happen by accident we generate we generate abundance right so then if you have an hour meditation where you're tuning into your abundant future but then you're spending the other 15 hours a day in lack don't expect anything to change you defaulted and you're back to the old energy and if you say it's that person or that circumstance or that bank account I'm going to say you're back to the unconscious program being a victim right and so then so then so then let's go a step further if your personality creates your personal reality and it does and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel then the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life nothing big there which means if you want to change your personal reality you're going to have to change your personality right nothing changes in your life until you change the moment you lose the feeling of your future you start looking for it because you feel separate from it but if you feel it why would you look for it because you feel like it already happened that's when the magic happens boom that's an epiphany that's like whoa yeah when you look for it you feeling it you're separate from it yeah so when people start learning how to we have we have documentation yeah people in this work can sustain hard coherence for 45 minutes to an hour they know that they know how to do it can you teach your body emotionally what the future reality that you want to live in feels like before it happens now this is very difficult if you've been conditioned into believing something your outer world has to change to make a way take away the emptiness or the lack to make you feel differently this is saying actually feel the emotion before it happens and don't wait for the experience to occur teach your body what the feeling will be before it occurs if the environment signals the Gene and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of your body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life so teach the body emotionally to self-regulate to believe it's living in an environment that's flourishing that's wonderful keep practicing it and it'll become familiar to you and the process then creates a new identity and it's not difficult once you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it and the more you combine all those different branches of science and make it in a simple way to understand if people understand the what and the why the how gets easier because you can assign meaning to what you're doing and it becomes instrumental so get a group of people a thousand people 1500 people 2 000 people into a room teach them that information whether they're coming for wealth or health a relationship a new career a mystical experience get them all together and teach them and measure what can take place in one week period of time and I assure you that's more than 75 percent of the people that go through and go all in and Retreat from their lives and remove the same stimulation from their environment and not be in the same conditions and teach them that information and give them numerous opportunities to apply it and numerous opportunities to get Beyond themselves all you need is that first person that stands on the stage and says hey I walked in here with Parkinson's disease I have no idea what happened but I'm not trembling anymore and boy that last thing just something clicked for me and the person in the audience is watching the four minute mile right in front of them and going wow that guy looks like he's not a vegan he doesn't look like he's particularly in shape but his Parkinson's went away and wow I mean if he could do it I could do it and somebody else changes their belief and now that's a footprint and Consciousness get enough people doing that by the end of the week you're going to see things we've seen blind people seeing deaf people hearing that once not twice people with Strokes for 10 years lift their arms up again we've seen people step out of wheelchairs people on crutches drop their cracks I mean you see the body literally recalibrates to a new mind and and they're not intentionally trying to do anything they're just becoming somebody else but the process of overcoming is the process of becoming and if you teach people that formula and you get just one or two people doing it it's just going to become an infection and it's gonna Wellness is gonna spread just like disease if you don't know that that's possible right then it doesn't exist for you right like if you're if you're unconscious to the fact that you could heal yourself you'll make the same choices you always do so so I'm challenged in my own way at a different level to to do my best to do the right make the right choices all the time and sometimes those choices um I can't I can't rely on anybody else but me to make those choices because nobody else knows what it's like to be me than me even my closest friends think they know me but they but when it comes down to making the choice it's a lonely moment right because I'm doing my best to try to preserve this work and to inspire people to apply it in their lives as many ways as I can so so a lot of times I get discouraged like oh my God like another challenge another challenge but you know I think you know when I'm truly in the right Zone I I think the only way that we actually can grow in our lives is to be challenged right so and I think that I think greater the greater we evolve or the greater we become I think the greater the challenge is you know and so so I'm I have my own set of challenges that I have to really Retreat from my life I've spent a lot of time alone enough to remember that vision and I have to and I have this I have to get beyond all those other things that say oh my God this is this might be a good time for you to quit this is a good time for you as well this is getting pretty intense I think it's a time in history where it's not enough to know it's a time in history to know how and if you think about it um most people live their life in a habit they think the same thoughts they perform the same actions they live by the same emotions but they secretly expect their life to change but how you think how you act and how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality that's it so if you think 60 to 70 000 thoughts in one day and ninety percent of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before the same thoughts always lead to the same choices the same choices always lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and those same emotions then drive your very same thoughts and so you get caught in this kind of biological neurological and Quantum fixated pattern so then the hardest part about change really in creating the life that you want being defined by a vision of the future instead of a memory of the past is not making the same choices you did the day before and the moment you do that you step into the unknown now you and I have been conditioned and hypnotized into believing that the unknown is some scary place but when you begin to realize the unknown is the perfect place to create from that void of unpredictability and uncertainty that unfamiliarity is really the quantum place of uncertainty where all manifestations come from so when you and I become comfortable living in that unknown place I think then that we begin to manifest the things we want in our lives so for me personally I want to execute and be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past so most people's brains are organized to reflect everything they know in their life their brain is a record of the past and if you feel the same way every single day and feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences it means number one nothing new is happening in your life and number two those emotions are keeping you anchored to the past if thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being most people are literally biologically neurologically chemically genetically and even Quantum wise connected to a past so then the question is the fundamental question is can you believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses yet but you've thought about enough times in your mind that your brain has literally changed to look like the experience has already occurred now the latest research in neuroscience and neuroplasticity tells us we can change our brain to look like the event has already occurred and can we begin to emotionally Embrace a future reality that's a potential in the quantum field and begin to emotionally embrace it to such agree that we fall in love with that future reality that our body is our unconscious mind begins to believe it's living in that future reality in the present moment and we're signaling new genes in new ways to change our body to look like the experience has already occurred in preparation for the event now think about this so making our inner World more real than the outer world right but not only that you have to then understand that when you truly do this properly you're not waiting for your healing to feel whole you're not waiting for your success to feel empowered you're not waiting for your wealth to feel abundant you're not waiting for your new relationship to feel love you're not waiting for the mystical moment to feel awe that's the old model of reality of cause and effect waiting for something outside of you to change how you feel inside of you and when you feel better inside and you pay attention to whoever whatever caused that that's that's cause and effect and when you begin to make the correlation between what changed you from outside and inside you create an associate of memory want the model of reality it begins to say then you have to teach your body emotionally how that future is going to feel like before it's made manifest in other words you have to feel awe an order for the mystical moment to happen you have to feel abundance before your wealth can occur you have to feel in love with life before your new relationship happens and so we're not defining Reality by our senses because we're not waiting then for anything outside of us to change how we feel inside of us so if there's physical evidence in your brain and body to look like the experience has already occurred physical evidence because the epigenetic model of reality says you can change your body by thought alone you and neuroplasticity says you can change your brain by thought alone so if there's physical evidence to look like the experience has already occurred well relax because the experience is going to find you and it's going to come in a way that you least expect believe in the thought I can't meditate or I don't have enough time or I'm a really important person or I got too many too many emails to answer it's garbage day or it's my mother's fault it's my ex's fault I want to complain I want to blame them to make excuses I want to lay down my bladder is full I like this what am I doing wrong and they're agitated and patient that's that's the personality that has been hardwired and conditioned emotionally into the past that's resisting the unknown it would rather cling to suffering than take a chance and possibilities so our events we say okay here's the knowledge and I can say now with a great degree of certainty more than ever that if you actually do this and you stretch yourself a little bit further than where you would normally go at home your brain will change and if you teach people how to do this over and over again and no different than training an animal the body is the animal are you training the body that you're in charge is that what you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind yes and when you do that those victories add up and all of a sudden there's a liberation of energy there goes the guilt there goes the pain there goes the whatever it doesn't matter if it's Health it doesn't matter if it's wealth or success it doesn't matter if it's a loving relationship a change in a career or mystical experience whatever it is the person all of a sudden starts to relax into the present moment I think we're a reality producing machines I mean there's no there's no single individual on this planet who doesn't create reality unless they have a brain injury or something but for the most part most of us are engaged in reality you know and we do cause effects I think we reach a certain point in our life where we stop learning and we start feeling and when we use feelings as a barometer for the unknown it's a it's it's contraindicated because feelings are usually a record of a past experience so we try to predict how that future event is going to be based on a Feeling and we always return back to the old self again so I love the idea of how we can actually produce effects I love the idea that every human being is either lives in one of two states of mind we either live in creation which is growth and expansion and and it's um health and homeostasis the emotions of love and joy and Trust make us feel connected to something bigger than us or we live in a state of survival in a state of survivals living in stress and living in stress is when your body is knocked out of balance and the redundancy of that cycle over time that imbalance that keeps happening begins to break the body down and I think the biggest problem for us because of the size of our brains is we can turn on the stress response just by thought alone and we do it all day long in that continuous redundant being out of balance over time that imbalance becomes the new balance and now we're headed for contraction and disease and feeling separate from the field and being selfish instead of selfless we begin to live in a state of breakdown in a state of um uh disease and a lack of health and and so then those emotions then of those survival chemicals endorses the ego and then we become more self-indulgent and more self-important and more self-serving because that's what those chemicals do so we live in one of those two states of mind now those chemicals tend to be highly addictive so this is really good dinner conversation we can talk about it right but actually breaking through that's I think when you free yourself from the chains of those emotions that that we memorize when we actually break through and our when we remove that mind out of the body when we break the emotion that's trapped in physical flesh and the body's liberated that's true self-love that's true Joy it's the liberation of energy so the anger that once was in there the hatred that was once into the Prejudice that was once in there is transformed it's transmuted into joy and it's the same energy but it just has a different spin and so no one can do that for you you know that that isn't something where someone you know waves a wand and then it happens you have to actually be willing to be uncomfortable as you break that addiction and be okay with it and then the moment the body's liberated and you feel that expansion that's the natural state of being now you say I love myself so much because I went further than I thought I could go I transcended some limitation about myself in the way I think in the way I act in the way I feel that's the personality that's the identity changing one of those things really changing and not just like changing your mind like I want vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream but truly changing something that changes your neurology or neural circuitry changes the chemistry which is your emotions that signal the gene that begins to change your very expression of Health in a very expression of life talking about when you make that emphatic you know declaration work you make that change and it's undeniable there's a biological neurological and Quantum effect as a result of it well I think I flirt primarily with the idea of how subjective mind has an effect on the objective world you know Newtonian physics is about cause and effect it's about something outside of you fundamentally changing something inside of you you know we are an expression or a reflection of the environment so as long as the environment is influencing how we're thinking and feeling we can only be as great as the environment so and if we're thinking and feeling equal to the environment we could only create more of the same environment you know the idea that we can change something inside of us in our in our Consciousness and our thoughts and in our feelings and be able to memorize both neurologically in our brain and hardwire that information install Hardware and condition the body emotionally to be a mind so mind and body are working together if we're able to maintain that modified state of being then there should be some evidence outside of us so instead of cause and effect I always love the idea of causing effects and it's a cause and effect so the quantum model says you can cause an effect and so I think where we get stuck with that is the idea that you know that it has to be predictable that we should be able to know how it's going to happen and that is that is I think our biggest error because we can never control the outcome of the unpredictable that's the quantum model it has to be uncertain it has to come in a way that we least expect that surprises us that that leaves no doubt that what we did inside of us produced some effect outside of us and and when you begin to have those small synchronicities at first and then they turn into larger and larger events and you experience that that awe and that Wonder or that joy and appreciation for being alive I think that's the natural state of being I think that's having that kind of sensibility coming from within us instead of needing something outside of us to change our state I want to sense then it's not the personality that chooses the body or the parents or it's the soul that chooses it does that make sense but if a person gets caught in routine and gets lost in the Quagmire of life then the ego takes over and the soul is diminished and now the person is doing their best to become a somebody a someone on something be somewhere in some time and of course if that's the journey the person's not willing to find wisdom or look for truth then they can play on that level for as long as they want until they're tired of it and when they finally get bored with it and they'll they'll want to choose something else and Eternity is a long time wouldn't you agree so then the Soul then says okay here's the options probable lines of time there are probable lines of time that are the more probable than others and there is a probable line of time for living in the same body and raising your frequency to the point where you can go wherever you want with your body that's the ultimate yes or no and you can whip red out of nothing and you can be in two places at once and you can be on the the uh an alternate universe and have a whole life there and you can be dimensional that's that's the freedom of when you've mastered yourself and you've mastered the conditions but most of us are headed in a certain timeline based on our genes and based on our own personal Evolution and that's what makes this time right now so powerful this time right now is the age of information and an age of information ignorance is actually a choice and people are beginning to realize that I'm going to need a doctor to find out what my disease is I don't need to go to the library or talk to my teacher I can just I can just find the information and people are starting to wake up to Greater understandings and that is starting to become the collective and that Collective energy in the field the collective Consciousness the collective awareness is changing the future of humanity yes or no and at the same time past is crumbling there is economic collapse there's political collapse there's religious collapse there's environmental collapse there's there's all of that is breaking down journalistic collapse and well who watches the news and expects to hear the truth I mean it's just all falling apart and it's becoming so obvious to people that all of a sudden they're realizing that the people that run the world or people that are in places of Power are actually really really worse off than you and I and the only thing that has to happen is that we have to collectively become one mind and when we collectively become one mind we no longer are seduced by those things and we are now like a flock of birds all moving in the same direction of those fish all of a sudden moving as a school nobody's leading everybody's leading we're just connected and what do you think we're doing when you tune in to the power of love in this room don't you know everybody dialing into that same frequency is causing that frequency to be in this room and if everybody's doing it it's getting more collimated more coherent more organized and if you put your attention on it there's more of it so then when you're leading with your heart that's enough that's enough so then when you have a collective mind and people are moving in that way and they're no longer reacting to politics or whatever and they no longer need those things you're catching somebody who's starting to awaken yes or no and if you're focusing on the Divine and that's where all of your attention is you won't see ethnicity you won't see skin color you won't see anything of Separation you'll just be like wow nice costume to the masquerade I should have wore that it's crazy because then people go get their genetics found out and you know some of them you know just really have an intolerance to some culture and they're 40 percent of that culture so what makes this time for me so unique and I'm speaking personally is that there's such a quickening going on more things are happening in a shorter amount of time would you agree and if more things are happening in a shorter amount of time it becomes more difficult to predict the next moment this point where reaching this nodal point is the point of in unpredictability and the old is collapsing and the collapsing of the old should never be faced with fear was bigotry with with with anger with hostility with guilt sadness and shame because that's how we've been controlled all along and by the way I mean I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if you want to control people manipulate their emotions so as we move closer and closer to that point the probability of US changing our life the length of our life not from low stress foods and not from vitamins all those things are good matter to matter but stress is going to down regulate the gene consume the body's energy and now that's going to begin to Signal the gene to produce the disease that the person has inherited in the first place are you with me still so when you react to someone or something and you're living by the same emotional state you keep the same genes on the same genes off and that's your genetic Destiny and now the Awakening of this even if I even if we change little timelines just this week we changed lines of time you've changed something about yourself you are going to walk into a different future that is your genetic timeline and now you're bumped off course you just got to be willing to stay in the unknown and be comfortable with it and that's when you're at your greatest because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome to master the art of manifesting check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there true spirituality is about not wanting is about being filled with joy from inside and then sharing that outside it's not about attracting to yourself what you want people ask me is there a law of attraction yes and you better be scared of it because if it's true that you attract
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 55,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, believe, success, motivation, evan carmichael advice, how to manifest anything you want, the law of attraction, law of attraction, manifest anything, visualizing wealth, turn visions into reality, manifest fast, reprogram your mind, the ultimate law of attraction hack, law of attraction technique, law of attraction money, law of attraction explained, how law of attraction works
Id: qCtSO7Mg7R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 50sec (5450 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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