WRITE IT DOWN & The Universe Will Bring It To You - Joe Dispenza

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write down all the things you were going to do to get to that Vision all the choices you were going to make all of the experiences or goals you wanted to achieve and all of the emotions and the joy you would feel and when you were doing that you were setting your sights towards that Destiny and then you did something really brilliant you wrote down the choices you weren't going to make you became aware of the behaviors you weren't going to demonstrate you began to review certain experiences you wanted to stay away from and then you looked at the emotions that would bring you to a lower level and you begin to separate the old self from the new self and when you begin to do that and you're observing the old self it means you're no longer the program now you're the Consciousness observing the program and that's when you begin to objectify your subjective self hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because I need it I need it for me because I don't wake up every day and say yes let's go conquer the world now I wake up and and I need that external motivation to match my internal motivation when I see somebody who's doing amazing things it makes me just want to play a bigger game and so I hope that today's video makes you want to play a bigger game too because your message matters and let's get it out to the world so today let's learn how to write things down so the universe can bring it to us with Dr Joe dispenza enjoy let's say you've had some pretty rough experiences in your past and those experiences cause you to feel sad and unworthy and guilty and judgmental and you've gotten so used to feeling guilty and unworthy and judgmental that that's just feels normal to you and then because you feel kind of victimized then you blame people and you complain and you make excuses and you feel sorry for yourself and that's your personality and all of a sudden you say today I'm not going to do that any longer because that's the old self and then you start off your day and it goes really well for about two hours and then all of a sudden the moment you realize that you're no longer making the same choices as the day before you are going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar is going to be uncertain there's going to be some unpredictability and we now know that people would rather hold on to their guilt and unworthiness than to step into the unknown because at least they can feel something and so the moment you stop making the same choices that you always make get ready because it's going to be uncomfortable and that's the moment you're heading towards the new self and we call it stepping into the river of change rule number two is create more balance I want you to know that you have within your reach all the Machinery to begin to connect to this field of intelligence that we have access to called the unified field you'll learn how to organize your autonomic nervous system and create more wholeness and balance in your body you'll be able to understand what it means to get Beyond yourself and ultimately create a new future so think about this if you spend the majority of your day focusing on matter focusing on everything in this three-dimensional world that's made of material things it begs the question how much of your time and your attention do you put on that unified field that invisible field of information that exists beyond space and time and just like when you're unaware of your nose it doesn't exist and the moment you become aware of it it exists the quantum field is exactly the same way if you put very little attention on it in your waking day then it doesn't exist for you but the moment you begin to become aware of it the moment you begin to pay attention to it the moment you begin to stay present with it and to experience it moment after moment and if where you place your attention as you learned is where you place your energy and where you place your attention causes things to expand the moment you begin to experience it not with your senses you experience this three-dimensional reality with your senses but you experience it with your Consciousness and with your awareness the moment you become pure Consciousness is the moment you make contact with that unified field and so we now know the techniques and the tools to get people Beyond themselves and in fact we know that after thousands and thousands and thousands of brain scans that you're at your absolute best when you get Beyond yourself when you take your attention off your body when you take your attention off your identity that's connected to people in your life the things you own objects you own places you have to go and time itself the moment you become nobody no one no thing no where in no time that is the moment you become pure Consciousness and that's the moment you begin to connect to that field of possibilities called the unified field or the quantum field and that field in this invisible field of information that exists Beyond this space and time an independent of the color of your skin your gender your diet your sexual preference independent of your profession your class independent of all those things that create separation that every human being has access to it and this course is about not waiting for crisis to begin to create the life you want but in fact becoming inspired that you are the creator of your life and using the tools and principles to be able to do it as an example we had a student who wanted to prove to herself that she could become an abundant person and I want to remind you it's not about the wealth that she was interested in it was who she was becoming in the process and every single day she got beyond the thoughts that I can't it's too hard I'll never be wealthy money is bad she got beyond the habits of living in lack and not being afraid to spend money and taking a chance she got beyond the emotions of unworthiness and and separation and fear and every single day she kept creating and becoming something else she parked her car and was heading to a meeting and went to the meeting and when she came out she took her ticket and was going to pay for the time that she was there and all of a sudden a hundred dollar bills just started shooting out of the machine now she was so Overjoyed because she was correlating that experience of money flowing to her with the experience that she had just had a few days before in her meditation where she had connected to that field and she felt it flowing through her and when she saw the money flying out of the machine hundred dollar bills and everybody's standing around looking at it it was no longer about the money it was about the fact that she created it and she left the money for everybody else to have because that's what abundant people do and she continued and laughed all the way home and realized that if she could create that she could create anything now Beauty behind that is that it could happen to you and many experiences for many of our students are pretty much the same so the course is about you connecting to that field that the course is about you getting Beyond yourself the instructions are for you to be begin to create more inner balance so it can be witnessed in your outer world and to literally create a new future rule number three is connect to your future dream once again the signal that you're creating on a daily basis is going to either work in a constructive way or in a destructive way and as an example if you're walking around feeling sorry for yourself and suffering and feeling victimized then you're actually emanating that signal into the field and what you're saying is braming experience equal to my suffering but bring it in a way that I least expect that surprises me and leaves no doubt that I've created this outcome so in a sense we're not punished for our sins we're punished by our sins and sin is an attitude so then the opposite is also true when you teach people how to connect to the energy of a future dream and be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past to believe in their future more than they believe in their past to fall in love with their future more than they fall in love with their past and be able to combine that clear intention of that future and begin to feel the emotions of that future before it's made manifest they're broadcasting a whole new signature into the field now the beauty behind that is is that the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you're drawing that future to you which also means then the moment you get in your car and start getting angry and getting frustrated because you're in traffic now you just disconnected from the energy of your future and now you're back to the energy of your past and those survival emotions exert less effects on the nature of reality so now you feel like matter trying to change matter you're you're separate and so you force it you control it you try harder you wish you pray you hope I mean hope is a beggar we do everything compete to try to manipulate and make it happen because we have limited resources then so then when a person is able to sustain or maintain that modified state of mind and being then the fun starts to happen because you start seeing those synchronicities you start seeing those coincidences those opportunities those unknowns those things start falling out of nowhere because you are connected to that field of information and not only are you connected to it but you're also beginning to influence it so then more and more people are creating now and less of less people are experiencing the state of being called being a victim so then if you're a victim then you would say I was angry because of traffic well then I would say to you well you mean your outer world was controlling how you think and feel some circumstance some person something in your outer world is actually controlling your feelings and thoughts that means you're a victim to those circumstances but when you change the way you think and feel and it starts to produce effects in your outer world now you start to realize you're the creator of your life and the moment you start seeing feedback in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to do it again and now you're going to believe now you're more of the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number four is change your personality our simple model is that your personality creates your personal reality that's it and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel so the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called it life which means that if you want to change your life you want to create a new person in reality you're gonna have to change your personality you're going to have to change because nothing changes in your life until you change so what is the understanding of change that we've spent over 10 years studying a way to explain what change is because if you think 60 to 70 000 thoughts or however many thoughts in one day and ninety percent of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before you're in trouble because the same thoughts will lead to the same choices the same choices will lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce those very same emotions and those same emotions influence our same thoughts and our biology our neural circuitry our neurochemistry our hormones our gene expression our immune everything stays the same because we're the same so it has traditionally taken crisis or trauma or loss for someone to make up their mind to change so the moment we decide to change okay I want to create a new personal reality a new life I got to change my personality well this concept called metacognition we have four brain function you know the seat of our conscience our frontal lobe allows us to think about what we're thinking about to notice how we're behaving and and to become aware of how we're feeling and the the repetition of thinking acting and feeling in the same way causes our brain to become hardwired into very specific neural patterns right so that that firing and wiring over time cause us causes us to be happen so automatically that we're unconscious of our conscious self so the moment we become conscious of those thoughts the moment we become aware of those behaviors the moments we notice those feelings we're no longer the program in fact where the Consciousness observing the program and that's the first step to change so when you decide and become so conscious the word meditation I looked it up the symbol means to become familiar with that's all it means it means familiarization so if you become so familiar with I can it's too hard I'll never change no one loves me you become aware that you are blaming complaining you all all day long and talking trash about somebody you notice all of a sudden that this feeling that you're feeling every single day that you're so accustomed to is really guilt or shame or unworthiness the moment you're conscious of what what you're experiencing in other words when you're inside the jar you can't read the label right so you gotta become conscious of that unconscious stuff you got to see yourself Through The Eyes of someone else the tragedy that causes you to no longer feel like you any longer actually causes you to look at you from the eyes of someone else you can see yourself more clearly because you're not feeling like you any longer that's the that's the big moment of change so then when a person really can become so conscious of their unconscious self that they don't go unconscious again or let me say it another way how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering that's the moment of change rule number five is recondition your body how do you create the life you want and how do you begin to have you know your subjective mind produce effects in your objective world now the quantum model says that the moment you begin to look for an electron electron you know is in a field of probabilities or possibilities and the Observer comes along and the observer looks and all of a sudden Boom the electron appears it collapses from a wave of possibilities into an event called collapsing the wave function that's a Quantum event so mind and matter are somehow correlated so the question is can you observe your life the way you want and cause infinite patterns of energy to collapse into new information called the new experience in your life or a new Quantum event so for two years we taught the workshops around the world and guess what happened not a lot we didn't see a lot of change every now and then we see people's lives were getting better here and there but what I was after was because when I wrote what the bleep I understood the science of changing your mind the process of change requires unlearning and relearning it requires breaking the habit of your old self and then Reinventing a new self it's what we say in Neuroscience pruning synaptic connections and sprouting new connections unmerizing emotions that are stored in your body and then reconditioning your body to a new mind into a new emotion to deprogram to reprogram to lose your mind and create a new one to move your energy out of the past and then use that energy to drive you to a new future and so I saw what people did when they had spontaneous remissions I saw four things that they had in common all of them believe that there was a spiritual aspect to them something greater that was giving them life that they wanted to connect to they wanted to give that intelligence a plan a template a design and then surrender it and allow it to do it for them and so I began to realize that many many people in the world were beginning to embrace this concept of quantum physics and spirituality the second thing they had in common is they all understood it was their mismanagement of their life that created their disease it was their 20 years of hatred their 30 years of bitterness through 10 years of guilt they're 45 years of anger and those emotions they had memorized and those emotions were driving certain thoughts and those thoughts were reaffirming certain emotions and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being thoughts are the language of the brain feelings of the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being but the redundancy of that cycle of thinking and feeling over time conditions your body to memorize that emotional state as well as the conscious mind and moment the body knows better than the mind that's called a habit a habit is when your body is your mind and 95 percent of Who We Are by the time we're 35 years old this is science it's a set of memorized behaviors emotional reactions beliefs and perceptions that function like an unconscious subconscious automatic program so when people go to change they're using five percent of their conscious mind to work against 95 percent of what they've memorized and they would think positively all they wanted but they've been memorizing negativity for the last 25 years where they create their dream board you know with their SUV and their hairstyle and kid in the back and you know fingernails and house and but they felt unworthy it's mind and body and opposition and so I realized that the very emotions of anger and aggression and hostility and hatred and frustration and judgment and fear and anxiety and hopelessness and powerlessness and depression and insecurity are all driven by the hormones of stress and rule number six the last time before some very special bonus Clips is be the mind we found out that when people react emotionally with anger with antagonism there's an arousal that takes place because they're turning on the sympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous systems and primitive system saying Alex whatever that whatever that is is a threat to you and if there's a threat a good way to deal with a threat is to get aggressive that's primitive it's animal it's very animal some people will say oh my God there's my ex and instead of getting angry they run they flee they're in fear they're like the fear is I'm better just getting away so they they Their Fear causes them to run uh uh so uh when people feel fear when they feel anger when they feel pain those are the primary stimulators that switch on that sympathetic nervous system and they used to stay that it's automatic like it's automatic it happens automatically that's part of the autonomic nervous system and you really don't have any control of it turns out that's absolutely not the truth so first thing is learning how to shorten your response to the emotional reaction so if you have an event that happens to your life in in your life and I say Alex why are you so mad today and you say oh it's because of this situation and this person this happened this way and I would say oh my gosh all right do you mean that that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel and the way you think now anything that's controlling the way we feel in the way we think makes us victims whatever that is now that's okay but if you keep that emotional reaction going on for hours or days and I say to you Alex it's five days what's up and you say to me I'm I'm upset from something that happened to me five days ago I'd say you have a mood you're in a mood now some people keep that same emotional reaction going on for weeks or months and then I would say well Alex has a angry temperament it becomes a temperament if we keep it going for now this is true people keep this going for years on end if it goes on for years now it's a personality trait so here's the weird part about it you ask that person who's been angry for years why they're angry and they'll recall an event from 10 years ago or a series of events from 10 years ago yeah and the research on the memory says that 50 of that story isn't even the truth that they can't even remember the truth they embellish the story and make it sound worse than it really was to excuse themselves from changing now what we tell people is forget the event doesn't matter the details of the event doesn't what matters is learning how to overcome the emotion so when you're sitting in a meditation and all of a sudden out of nowhere your body starts getting aroused and it starts getting frustrated and it starts getting angry and people say I'm doing my meditation wrong you know what I say to them no no no no you're doing it right because that has to come up so then so when the anger and the frustration comes up and a person's in a meditation they have one of two choices to quit which is what they've always done but if you're sitting with 1500 people and no one else is quitting you're not going to quit and if I teach you how to lower the volume to that emotion and I teach you a way to change that every time you settle the body back down into the present moment and lower the volume to that anger that's a victory because you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now it'll go well yeah well what about this circumstance and what about that and it'll get aroused again and then you notice it and instead of turning on the TV or getting on your cell phone or getting on the social media you lower the volume again now this is the work it turns out every time you do that that Victory you're telling the body that it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and then all of a sudden wants to get up and go it's busy it's got things to do and it's and and you become aware that it wants to do that and you bring it back to the present moment you're executing a will that's greater than the program now turns out if you do this enough times sooner or later the body surrenders sooner the later the body acquiesces it says I'm no longer the mind Alex is the mind and when that occurs there's a liberation of energy that anger that frustration literally turns into energy it's released into the field as information now you return back into your life and you see the same person or the same circumstance your response to them is going to be much less why because you took care of it within you you're not trying to fix it out there it's just that your response is different so now if you're no longer responding to the environment and your response to the environment isn't weakening the organism because stress depletes energy then you're less susceptible to the environment and we found out that when people do this their immune system gets so robust that you can take viruses like SARS cov2 virus and subject that virus to the plasma of advanced meditators and there's a resistance to the right the virus doesn't enter the cell why because there's energy for there's energy to be able to combat it so so it's because the person is not reacting so then shortening your response to that condition is a victory and it takes practice and so then how many times do we have to forget and go unconscious and be angry till we decide to no longer forget and keep remembering and stay conscious that's change right there so we use meditation as a model to remind ourselves who we're going to be when we open our eyes and to remind ourselves who are no longer going to be when we open our eyes and stay so conscious of it that we don't go unconscious in our waking day and if we do it properly then there's feedback in our life that shows us that you've changed and remember nothing changes in your life until you change and I hear this from so many people Gabby I'm I'm doing it all I'm meditating I'm praying I'm setting intentions creating vision boards but I'm not manifesting one reason you're not manifesting is because you don't believe in what you're trying to manifest when you believe it you'll receive it but if you don't believe it then you're just trying pushing control and try to make something happen that isn't fully ingrained in your presence in your being in your energy and so you have to do your part to get into the belief system of knowing that this is indeed something you are worthy of so how do you get into that grounded belief system create a vision statement a statement that claims that your desire is on the way that you are worthy of what it is that you desire ground yourself in that statement focus on it and instead of focusing on the outcome focus on the feeling of what it is to believe and know that you are worthy of your desire if you're wanting to attract a romantic partner into your life a vision statement could sound like I believe I'm worthy of the love that I desire where I believe that I am ready to receive that romantic relationship in the perfect time in order say that vision statement daily for at least 40 days get yourself grounded in the belief you have to believe it to receive it the next reason you're not manifesting because you're trying too hard I'm sorry to say it but it's true the more you push the more you control the more you try the more you affirm the more you vision board the more the more the more the less you receive if you're pushing and you're controlling and you're trying to make something happen if you are completely out of alignment with the universe you're not aligned with that freedom that presence of Love The Art of allowing rather than doing forcing making happen yeah we have to show up for our life but we can't force our dreams to become a reality so the key here is to let go so here's your message the secret to manifesting is to forget what you think you need let it go how do you let it go with this intention thank you Universe for guiding me to what is of the highest good for all when you make it about the highest good and not about what you think you need then the universe can truly show up for you you can relax and allow even more than you could imagine to enter into your life and here's another reason that you're not manifesting this is going to be tough for you to hear because you're not vibrating at the right frequency wait what do you mean well what I mean is that you're leaning into the negative you're judging a lot you're focusing on scary things that make you so anxious and you just keep focusing on them and dwelling on them you're obsessed with worrying you love to overthink things look I understand that behavior more than anyone could imagine I'm a recovering Warrior I'm a recovering anxious person I've been there I understand that but when we are not in that vibration that's relaxed released at ease present we're actually blocking our manifestations because that low Vibe energy is blocking our high Vibe attracting power so what do you do focus on the good stuff lean into the positive look for Solutions rather than problems stop yourself when you notice that you're being judgmental or gossipy hang out with people that make you feel good do things that make you feel good lean towards joy and you will be led when you dwell in that energy of Joy the universe will deliver so if you're not attracting what you desire just relax it's all good focus on these methods notice when you're out of alignment and come back to this video practice one of these methods use these tools ground yourself back into alignment believe it to receive it feel good and it will come to you naturally we have the power within us to attract what we desire when we allow our internal condition to reflect what we want to attract on the outside so make that your highest priority see this line that's called The Terror barrier yeah jumping at you isn't it and on the other side of the terror barrier is something we call Freedom and you know very few people get through that Terror barrier it's rather sad freedom is available to everyone there isn't anyone that cannot live the way they want to live see why don't they why don't they they don't know and they don't even know they don't know now I'm going to show you why people experience buyer's remorse when they buy something really want then they back away where they go to move and they don't they go to change jobs and they don't they go to move to another city and they don't why fear causes them to stay where they are there's the individual the X represents the unknown factor the paradigm now there's a power flowing into this individual's mind and they can make anything out of it they want remember we said we have the ability to choose what do they choose they choose thoughts that are in harmony with the Paradigm now here's an important point the Paradigm controls the vibration of this thing we call our body our body is a molecular instrument that's really what it is it's a mass of molecules and a very high speed of vibration the vibration that the body's in on a conscious level we call feeling when a person says they feel this way or they feel that way what they're really doing is describing the vibration they're in now they choose thoughts that harmonize with the vibration they're in so they feel comfortable they may not like the results but they're comfortable now let's move ahead let's take a look here those people are getting X-Type results and they don't like it do you know what the problem with them they're in bondage these people are locked up you know Paradigm is like keeping a person in a prison only there's no locks on the door they can open the prison and walk out into Freedom anytime they want and they don't they keep getting the same results over and over and over again they're in bondage now let's go ahead here's the same person X-Type conditioning X-Type vibration the power is flowing into them and for some strange reason from Left Field above bone in comes a y-type idea what is the y-type idea the y-type idea represents anything that you might want to do that you're not doing yet might be moved to another city change jobs sell the house buy the farm whatever it may be ask the little girl for the date ask the guy to go to lunch go make the sale buy what you want go where you want to go that's the why idea but as long as the Y idea is just in the conscious mind it's just going to be an intellectual exercise it's never going to happen so how do we make it happen well that's when everything goes haywire here we are here same person okay the power Flows In and what do they do they got the y-type idea now for some strange reason they know that they've got to get emotionally involved if they're going to act on that idea they don't understand what's going to happen but clearly understand this your central nervous system is the most complex electrical system in the universe the central nervous system is mind-boggling it would make the electrical system in a supercomputer look like a toy now the second you take the idea from your intellect and impress it upon the subject of mine that's when all hell breaks loose because the body moves in to an extra XY vibration it's not in the X vibration not the one that we're comfortable with may not like the results but we're comfortable no on a conscious level everything's going crazy on a conscious level we experience doubt that doubt turns into an emotion called fear and that fear is expressed through the body as anxiety see that person is getting emotionally involved to move ahead do you know what happens they hit that Terror barrier and they bounce off it and right back into bondage and they're so relieved to get back there they're back where they're comfortable they've canceled the sale they've decided not to move they're going to stay in the job that they don't like at least they're comfortable now that's not a very good way to live and you know something that's something everybody experiences if they're going to grow you're going to hit that Terror barrier see the terror barrier is going Beyond where you're at going to a new level I'm going to tell you something when I set a goal if if it doesn't scare and excite me at the same time I know I'm going in the wrong direction now I also understand that my Paradigm is going to try and get me to bounce back to where I was it doesn't want me to move ahead I don't want to live there I used to lived there for the first 26 years of my life and for the last 50 I've had a phenomenal life and it just keeps getting better and I want you to do the same thing understand what I've just said I'm going to back this up they got emotionally involved in the Y idea that moved their body into a different vibration on a conscious level their experiencing some crazy stuff they start to doubt their ability we'll never be able to pay for it they experience fear the fear expresses itself as anxiety and bang you bounce off that Terror barrier and you're right back oh I might not be earning much here but I know what it is I I would love to move there but I'm comfortable here I think I'll just stay here these people are acting like they have a contract to live forever and they don't you know what to do say I'm going to get rid of all that I understand it's there but I don't want any part of it and I'm going to go crashing right through that Terror barrier now does that get rid of the X energy no that's energy is still there you see but at least you're over into Freedom you made the move you did it and if you continue to feed the right information into your mind keep feeding that y idea keep getting emotionally involved in the Y idea you're there you're on the road keep doing that you're going to find that the Paradigm is going to change and it'll just all go away and you know you're living in Freedom you're living where you want to live buyer's remorse is when you cancel a sale buyer's remorse is when you stop just before you buy what you really want before you go for the thing that's going to change your life and you know it it's not moving to the other city it's not starting the business of your dreams it's not stepping out and betting on yourself that's a terror barrier that's causing that and if you don't learn to go through the terror barrier I'm going to tell you something you're going to stay right where you are for the rest of your days that's not a good place to be what did Joseph Campbell say so true they cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek what you believe about yourself is the only thing that matters at the end of the day no matter how much outside affirmations you get or other people telling you that you're amazing if you don't believe in your heart that you are amazing it won't none of that will last like you've ever gone to an event or you ever made a video or created something or you're hanging out with a friend and they tell you how amazing you are and that feels good right like the external affirmations and validation feels great but then it fades but that stuff doesn't last you don't have somebody being a cheerleader for you every day showing up in your bedroom saying hooray go do this you're amazing right we don't have that you have to be that for yourself if you're constantly only getting your value as a human being from other people when they tell you that you're amazing you're never gonna love your life you're never going to love yourself it has to come from you has to come from you telling yourself and you believe in that you are amazing well okay so that's that's a lot of words how do you actually go off and do it like for me it's this is why I believe that lack of belief is the world's number one problem you know I can go and meet somebody and fill them full of belief for a moment but if they still don't believe in themselves and they're going home back to a life that they they had before because they don't believe in themselves enough and so you have to design habits and routines in systems and schedules to slowly shift your belief in yourself forward every single day and a good chunk of that is what you say about yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror what do you say when you think about yourself what do you say a lot of a lot of the stuff that we say about ourselves we wouldn't we wouldn't say to our worst enemies it's rough I actually think it's great to be your own worst critic I think it's great I think honestly I think for a lot of people um we're not hard enough on ourselves let me let me stick with me for a minute we're not hard enough on ourselves because in order to get to where you want to go you actually need to push yourself more the problem is why we can't do it is we don't love ourselves enough we're not our biggest cheerleader enough you have to balance those two things we're very hard on ourselves but because there's no self-love we're not cheering ourselves on enough we're not our biggest cheerleader you can't handle it most people are already at the breaking point you know like sitting here in a parking lot these you know those I guess it's kind of blurry you can't really see them but people hate their lives they're barely hanging on most people are barely hanging on barely hanging on to what we're doing we we can post all these great things on Instagram or wherever and make it look like we're enjoying our life but most people are barely hanging on the people who are judging you for your life and telling you that you suck hate their own lives they are barely hanging on so how do we get through it well yes we can be harder on ourselves but we need to balance that with more self-love you have to remind yourself of why you're great what you're proud of what you're grateful for and it has to be consistent otherwise you'll never get to where you want to go and when you love yourself more that actually allows you to be harder on yourself when you love yourself when you actually feel it you can push yourself harder you can you can be more um demanding of yourself because it's not going to push you over the edge because you're not tying your self-worth to you accomplishing that thing and when you don't accomplish it you feel like a loser it's starting from a place of I'm amazing that allows you to be way harder on yourself when I go to events a YouTube event for example if I'm talking about anything entrepreneurship or YouTube related um I'm going in thinking I'm Kick-Ass and because I feel that I don't need to say that like a lot of times we feel like we need to say that because it's it's masculine and insecurity right it's like those people who uh have you ever seen those memes where when people make a little bit of money they've got all these chains and everything but then the people who are Ultra rich who have all the money you look even Jay-Z like early Jay-Z you know he's got all this change and everything and I was like doesn't care you know just walking on a T-shirt and some jeans because he doesn't need to front because he's just so self-confident now that it doesn't matter now it's actually expression instead of masculine insecurity most of us are just masking insecurities instead of actually being self-confident and so when I'm going to an event if I'm talking about YouTube I'm walking in feeling amazing and I don't need to I don't need to walk around and say hey look at me and it's actually the opposite I can go up and say hey where do I suck it's my favorite question to ask why do I suck where do I suck can you point it out if I can find one person to tell me where I suck at something how my videos suck my thumbnails suck do I don't believe that they suck right I think they're amazing but because I think they're so amazing it allows me to go a lot harder on myself and so people will give their honest opinion and say hey here's how I think it could be better and so I think we need to do that more in our lives we need to cheer ourselves up more we need to cheer ourselves on more so how do we do it let me let me share some practical tips for you to execute number one music in the morning every morning one of the most important things that I do is I put music on and it's music that makes me move makes me dance makes me there's some songs that if it came on you would have to you would have to move right it doesn't mean that you're up and like dancing through the whole house going crazy in your underwear first thing in the morning but something that even if it's just making your head Bob there are songs if they came on would make your head Bob and you'd probably be singing maybe not out loud but singing under your breath I'm gonna tune along and be intentional with the lyrics because if we're singing Out lyrics that are negative that has a lasting impact but if you're singing Out lyrics that are positive that also has a lasting impact so be intentional with music that you put on Every Day first start your day with music it's the fastest way to change your state to go from feeling low and tired and just what what day is it what am I doing I wake up every day like what day is it what am I doing today yeah it's but I demand excellence and that that starts with music because I don't have I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to get into the right state of mind I can command it whenever I want just by putting on the right song so be in tension with your music and the lyrics being positive two connect to the work that you're doing and how meaningful it is so the next thing I'll do is I'll take the dogs out and then I'll go for what I call a believe walk and it's probably the most important part of my morning routine is I go for a believe walk and it's a minimum of 20 minutes and it's a maximum of an hour and I'll go for a walk by myself with 20 pounds on my back I'll go rucking a walk to Tim Hortons usually get a coffee you know this costs two bucks two something so I only had now what's the what's the best money I spend every year well it's the 700 bucks of going on my believe walk and getting a coffee every morning and I'm thinking about what's my intention for the day and I'm thinking about what I want to accomplish today and the lives that I want to serve and the people I want to help and and what I'm about to do today and it's a mini celebration where most of the time we wake up like an accident right you wake up you're probably late for something you immediately look at your phone what's on your phone it's other people's demands for your time other people's emergencies of what they think you should do with your schedule today right that's what's in your phone all the DMS and the emails and the texts and the missed calls and all it's all other people's agenda for your time that that is not an intentional life we wake up like an accident and start falling into what other people want us to do today that's not what you need to do and you need to protect your time so the morning having to believe walk for me if you want to go on your own whether it's 20 minutes or an hour that's really just a feel thing too I don't book anything until 10 30 at the earliest in my calendar most of my meetings would be 11 first meeting would be 11 movement makers and brandytics I'll start at 10 30. and before that there's nothing officially planned or scheduled so that it gives my morning free to do whatever I want to do and so if I want to go for a hour-long believe walk instead of 20 minutes I can do that because I'm thinking because I'm brainstorming because I'm I'm going through an idea I treat that as walking meditation if you like to meditate meditate I mean it's the same thing I just find meditation doesn't really help me that much I like something a little more active so I go I believe walks do those two things put on a playlist put on music every morning with lyrics that inspire you and then go for a believe walk 20 minutes to think about what you want to do today what you want to accomplish how you want to spend your time where you want to be intentional so you can start living the life that you want to live because the only thing that matters how you feel about yourself are you proud of you today are you happy with what you've done today are you joyful in how you showed up for you today and yes we ultimately want to serve and help others but the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself so we can stop relying on external validation in somebody else's words of affirmation for us to feel Worthy and flip it to say I am worthy I am amazing I can do great things and when you can shift into that energy you will do great things could you speak about the neurophysiology of forgiveness sure think about Frozen circuits Frozen circuits are hardwired circuits the more profound the insult to the person that is connected to a strong emotion the more the brain freezes circuitry the more we think about the experience the more we fire and wire the circuits in our brain yes or no and the more we remember the event the more we produce the emotions that are associated with it and we're conditioning the brain and body further into the past yes or no and it you keep doing it enough times it's no longer conscious that you're holding a grudge it's no longer conscious that you're stuck it's now you're seeing everybody through the lens of that experience and everybody's a betrayer everybody can't be trusted everybody is that same person you're you're overlaying the memory of re of your experience into reality you're not seeing it the way it is you're seeing that person wearing the mask of the last person that's the lens that we're perceiving reality are you with me still and so then anything in your life that becomes remotely close to it based on your limited perception triggers the emotion in the network and you're back in your past and you're acting like you were when it happened are you with me still and so then the person says I'm not that person and you say oh no I know I just had this event in my past and I'm sorry and then it's excusable but then here it happens again and there's nothing wrong with this we all do it it's just how do we overcome it so then you're sitting and doing the work and you're you're moving energy up those centers you're releasing the life force into your brain you are blessing those centers and taking a scoop and moving it all the way up and releasing it all the way up into the field you're opening the channel you're unfolding is nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time and the identity and the personality is gone which energy is going to move it's got to it's going to follow the path you're opening your heart once it gets to your heart it's going to make its way all the way up and when you feel love and compassion when you feel true true kindness and care it's hard to hold a grudge are you with me still yes so then from a quantum physics point of view you have that person always in the back of your mind right you have the event and the memory rolling around back there because the very thing that you don't want to have happen you're already preparing for emotionally are you with me still so then from a Quantum perspective you are actually as a creator of reality holding yourself hostage because of that person and you were holding them hostage because of that experience and you have an energetic Bond that's connecting you to them and you're sharing the same energy and so then you're using each other to reaffirm whatever that energetic agreement is are you with me still so then when you forgive someone it's because there's been a strong change in your emotional state because the emotion is what's keeping you energetically bound to them or to more than one person and so then once you start lowering the volume to that emotion and the body starts liberating energy and you're calling your energy back to you because the lower the volume of the emotion the less you're going to pay attention to that person there comes a moment where there's a snap there's a release the energy is broken and once it's broken now all of a sudden you free yourself and you free them and this has happened to me in my life that people show up 10 years later completely changed and so humble and so asking for forgiveness just because they had transformed and and I let them go so then forgiveness from a Quantum perspective in a neurophysiological perspective is just taking your attention off them that's all it is and when you start getting happy with yourself and you start feeling those elevated emotions because you're striving for that you wouldn't trade this for The Grudge you were holding because this feels too good are you with me still now once that heart opens up and you start having energy in the center and it's releasing 1300 to 1400 different chemicals that begin to restore and regenerate the body the bodies start getting a lift of energy once it makes its here now you're going to see that track sending in energy to the brain the heart acts as an amplifier to boost the brain are you with me still so then once the Energy starts making its way into the brain once the heart starts to open we've measured this with our students they have oxytocin levels rise once you start feeling oxytocin and you feel more love then you feel The Grudge so then you think why would I want to give this up for that person that's called forgiveness you don't have to try to do it it just is a side effect of your personal transformation and oxytocin then when it's released rushes right into the amygdala the survival center of the brain and the research is outstanding and the first thing it does is it fits in the same receptor sites as fear and it lowers the volume to fear and anxiety it shuts the lights out for aggression and anger and hostility and it cools the circuits off for suffering and pain and the only thing you can feel is a love for life and that's when you're free now the practice of forgiveness matter to matter you can do it but it takes a long time and a lot of work and then you forgive and then you're like I don't want to forgive him [Music] halfway forgive them and just never really authentic forgiveness do you understand and you know there was a woman that came to our work and she was raped by four men and when she was a teenager and it was abusive and she had severe severe night terrors severe anxiety and panic attacks she had cyclic mood problems she had been to every single doctor every single healer every single alternative practitioner nothing changed it came to our event in in Tacoma Washington and she hit that point where she became everybody everyone everything everywhere every time every place she became the Oneness and and that frequency had a message for her and it said and she was an incredible Bliss when this happened I sent four Angels disguised as rapists for this moment and that was the end of her tariffs that was the end of her night she couldn't have a relationship she couldn't she could not live with anybody she was she was isolated one moment the Divine stepped in and gave her the signal that was carrying a very specific message and she got the download not just that not just the thought she got the energy move right through her body and she saw the whole thing and that moment is what she was waiting for that's what the soul was waiting for now she's healed she's healthy she's happy and she's on with a new life she's born again my mother would love this she's born again in the same life reborn in the same way didn't pass to a birth canal for it she just was born again in the same life she got a new lease in one instant that energy was carrying a message and it made its way all the way into the body and the Bliss and the joy and the Gratitude and the love that she felt and the message that was carried would made total sense to her she's free one instant to me that's true forgiveness that's the Divine having its way with you learning to create our minds the way we want is the basis of creating the world the way we want there is a wonderful story in the yogic law on a certain day a man took a walk he went for a long walk accidentally unawares he walked into Paradise fortunate isn't he he just took a walk and he landed up in Paradise after this long walk he felt a little tired so he thought oh I'm tired I wish I could rest somewhere he looked around there there was a nice tree underneath which there was very cushiony grass so it was inviting he went and put his head down there and slept after a few hours he woke up well rested and he thought oh I am well rested but I'm feeling hungry I wish I had something to eat and he thought about all the nice things that he ever wanted to eat in his life and instantly all those things appeared in front of him you need to understand they have the services like that [Music] hungry people don't ask questions food came and he ate stomach became full then he thought oh my stomach is full I wish I had something to drink [Music] all the nice things that he ever wanted to drink he thought about it and all of them just appeared drinking people also don't ask questions so he drank now with a little bit of alcohol in him you know Charles Darwin told you all of your monkeys your tail fell away not me Charles Darwin told you that you were all monkeys and your tail fell away and then you became human yes definitely the tail fell away but the monkey in yoga we always refer to an unestablished mind as murkata which means a monkey why we are referring to the Mind as a monkey is what are the qualities of a monkey one thing about a monkey is it's unnecessary moment [Music] and another thing about the monkey is if I say you're monkeying somebody what does it mean imitation monkey and imitation have become synonymous so these two essential qualities of a monkey are very much the qualities of an unestablished mind unnecessary moment you don't have to learn it from the monkey you can teach it to the monkey and imitation is full-time job of the Mind so when these two qualities are on a mind is referred to as a monkey so this monkey became active within him he just looked around thought what the hell is happening here I asked for food food came I asked for drink drink came there must be ghosts around here and Ghost came oh the ghosts have come they're going to surround me and torture me he thought immediately the ghosts surrounded him and started torturing him then he started screaming in pain and said oh they're going to kill me and he died just now he said he's a fortunate being the problem is he was sitting under a kalpa rickshaw or a wishing tree he asked for food food came he asked for drink drink came he asked for ghost ghost came he asked for torture torture came he asked for death death happened now don't go looking for these kalpa rukshas in the forest you can barely find a tree these days a well-established mind a mind which is in a state of some yukti is referred to as a cultivation foreign if you organize your mind to a certain level of organization it in turn organizes the whole system your body your emotion your energies everything gets organized in the direction once all these four dimensions of you your physical body your mind your emotion and the fundamental life energies are organized in One Direction once you are like this anything that you wish happens without even lifting a little finger actually it would help to assist it with activity but even without doing any activity you can still manifest what you want if you organize these four dimensions in One Direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time right now the problem with your mind is every moment it is changing its direction it is like you want to travel somewhere and every two steps if you keep changing your direction the question of you reaching the destination is very remote unless it happens by chance so organizing our minds and in turn organizing the whole system and these four basic dimensions of who you are right now in One Direction if you do this you are a kalpa Brookshire yourself anything that you wish will happen but right now if you look at your lives everything that you have wished for till now if it happens you're finished everything and everybody that you have desired for if all of that lands up in your house today could you live with that once we're empowered like this it's very important that our physical action emotional action mental action and energy actions are controlled and properly directed if it is not so we become destructive self-destructive right now that is our problem the technology which is supposed to make our life beautiful and easy has become the source of all the problem that we are destroying the very basis of our life which is the planet so what should have been a boon we are making a curse out of it what has brought incredible levels of comfort and convenience to us in the last 100 years or so has also become a threat to our life simply because we are not conscious action we are in a compulsive state of action so organizing our minds fundamentally means moving from a compulsive state of activity to a conscious state of activity you might have heard of people for whom they ask for something and beyond all expectations it came true to the true for them generally this happens to people who are in faith now let's say you want to build a house if you start thinking oh I want to build a house to build a house I need 50 lakhs but I have only 50 rupees in my pocket not possible not possible not possible the moment you say not possible you are also saying I don't want it so on one level you're creating a desire that you want something on another level you're saying I don't want it so in this conflict it may not happen someone who has some faith in a God or in a temple or whatever who is how simple-minded Faith Works only for those people who are simple-minded thinking people people who are too much thinking for them it never works a childlike person who has a simple faith in his God or his Temple or whatever he goes to the temple and says Shiva I want a house I don't know how you now in his mind there are no negative thoughts will it happen will it not happen is it possible is it not possible these things are completely removed by the simple Act of Faith now he believes Shiva will do it for him and it will happen so is Shiva going to come and build your house no I want you to understand God will not lift his little finger for you what you refer to as God he's a source of creation as a Creator he has done a phenomenal job there's no question about it could you think of a better creation than this is it in anybody's imagination to think anything better than what is there right now so as a Creator he has done his job wonderfully well but if you want life to happen the way you want it because right now the very Crux of your happiness and your well-being is this if at all if you're unhappy the only and only reason why you're unhappy is life is not happening the way you think it should happen that's all it is so if life is not happening the way you think it is it should happen you're unhappy if life happens the way you think it should happen you are happy it's as simple as that so if life has to happen the way you think it should happen first of all how you think with how much Focus you think how much stability is there in your thought and how much reverence is there in the thought process will determine whether your thought will become a reality or is it just an empty thought or how you do not create any impediments for your thought by creating negative thought process this possible is something possible or not possible is destroying Humanity what is possible and not possible is not your business it's Nature's business your business is just to strive for what you want [Music] I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome if you want the guide to a fulfilling life with Joe dispenza check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there when you begin to create from the field instead of from matter the only way you can do that is you have to learn how to take all of your attention off your body and become a nobody take all of your attention
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 41,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, believe, success, motivation, evan carmichael advice, how to manifest anything you want, the law of attraction, law of attraction, manifest anything, visualizing wealth, turn visions into reality, manifest fast, reprogram your mind, the ultimate law of attraction hack, law of attraction technique, law of attraction money, law of attraction explained, how law of attraction works
Id: 2CP_JuiVCdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 25sec (4225 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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