"Use Your Mind To HEAL THE BODY & Boost Your IMMUNE SYSTEM!" | Joe Dispenza & Mark Hyman

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we've seen blind people seeing deaf people hearing not once not twice we've seen people with strokes for 10 years lift their arms up again we've seen people step out of wheelchairs the body literally recalibrates to a new mind so let's start by talking about how you first became sort of interested in this whole idea of spontaneous remissions which which for those who don't know what it is means you have some incurable disease and it goes away and it's not because you got a medical treatment it's because something happened that shifted the course of the disease that was most likely coming from your own consciousness so talk about how you got into that and why you started to study it well i think first of all thank you again um i think for the most part i've always been a curious person and i'm always interested in human potential and um you know at one point you know we all read really cool information about mystics and and saints and and avatars and and for me um that's all good philosophy until you have your own moment and you know and i got run over by a truck and and and i broke six vertebrae in my spine and i had to make a decision at that time in my life um because the diagnosis wasn't very good and neither was the prognosis and to decide if i was gonna spend the rest of my life on addictive medications and with surgical rods in my spine or if i was going to see if the mind could actually heal the body and so that was my wake-up call in 1986 and so so i just um i was at the point where i just had to make a decision to see if it was actually the truth if if all of this that i learned was the truth let's let's apply it and so i was lucky enough to have a dramatic change in my own personal health and then i thought god if it worked on me as it worked on other people so i started looking into people that had you know been treating conventionally or non-conventionally and and with a certain diagnosis and their condition was staying the same getting worse and all of a sudden it got better and and i just wanted to look at what the cause was that was producing that effect and so i interviewed you know hundreds and hundreds of people that had gone through the process and one of the most fundamental elements that they all had in common with there were a lot of things that had to do with their mind and uh and some people had specific diets and specific regimes some people used certain um you know conventional non-conventional protocols but the commonality primarily was about how the mind was really influencing the body and and they began to really take a closer look at how they were thinking on a daily basis uh how they were acting on a regular basis and looking at how they feel on a moment-to-moment basis and and how you think and how you act and how you feel is your personality and your personality has a very direct relationship with your personal reality which means if you want to change your personal reality if you want to change something about your life you got to change and so the process of change then becomes the fundamental process of going from some person that's familiar and known to you and stepping out and beginning to make different choices and to begin think different thinking differently and being to behave differently and speak differently and feel differently and and if you start thinking acting and feeling differently our research shows without a doubt you're going to have dramatic changes in your biology and if you do it enough times you're going to become someone else and the disease then all of a sudden exists in the old personality and not in the new personality and then you ask the person where's the cancer where's the rheumatoid arthritis where's the immune mediated condition it's in the old person i'm not that person any longer and so when we started seeing these changes taking place in in people that that had their own personal remissions i thought well is that teachable and what is the science behind teaching it can we can we teach people how to begin to change their thoughts and is there is there neuroscience to support it and there's tons and if you begin to behave differently can you can you create new pathways that begin to become habituated over time and and if you stop feeling suffering and you stop feeling pain you stop feeling guilt and you start feeling elevated emotions like joy or inspiration or gratitude not just in a momentary state like positive thinking but to be able to self-regulate and maintain that we could teach that could we produce the same effects uh in people so yeah we i think this is a time in history mark where it's not enough to know it's a time in history to know how and so all that philosophy is all great dinner conversation but when you're given a diagnosis now you got to step out of the bleachers and you got to get on the playing field and you got to start making different choices and the hardest part about change is not making the same choice as you did the day before and the moment you decide to make a different choice whether you like it or not you're going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar you're not going to be able to predict what's going to happen there's going to be some uncertainty because you're leaving the known family self and so how does the person become the person they are and why do they keep their health condition the same and well most people your brain is a record of the past it's an artifact fact of everything you've learned and experienced at this moment so most people wake up in the morning if you think that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny they start thinking about their problems and those problems are just memories that are etched in their brain that are connected to certain people and objects and certain things at certain times and places and the moment they start thinking about their problems they're thinking in the past now because every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them the moment they start feeling unhappy or feeling sad now their body's in the past because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being though the problem is is that the person thinks of the problem feels the emotion and that is a thought and feeling that's a image and an emotion it's a stimulus and response and that starts the conditioning process to get the body emotionally conditioned into the past now here's the crazy part about it yes the familiar past emotionally is producing dramatic effects on the body because the body is so objective that it does not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that person is fabricating by thought or memory alone the body's believing it's living in the same past experience seven days a week 365 days a year and the problem with that is is that the environment signals the gene that's epigenetics and the end product of an experience and the environment there's an emotion so the person is keeping the same gene regulated because the body's believing it's living in the same environmental condition so getting that person to step outside of that familiar known territory into the unknown where there is uncertainty and have them be comfortable there and begin to think about how they are going to think and give up their identity of who they are what defines them their past their stories their beliefs are i mean you're coming after it you're going for the jugular in our in our old patterns and are always a being that keep us not well and keep us unhappy and sick turns out that's 95 of who we are so if we don't address those unconscious programs you can and and you're an integrated physician you understand this you could have the healthiest ketogenic vegan intermittent fasting enzymes food combining and if you're living in fear if you're living in pain the the cell is not in a state to actually absorb anything it's in a state of emergency in an emergency there's no growth and repair so can you see patients everything perfectly and they they're like still sick and i've seen people who like don't give a crap about their help but they have the best attitude and they're fine because the body's believing it's in a different environment and growth and repair is is what does it so so then we said okay let's let's see if we can demystify the process so the concept the word meditation literally means to become familiar with if you look at the symbolism of it and you look it up as familiarization so you sit down and you say okay i don't want to be unhappy i don't want to be angry i don't want to talk trash about t people i don't want to complain i want to blame i don't want to make excuses i don't want to feel lack i don't want to have an attitude that's telling me i can it's too hard that's the old identity right so the moment you start becoming conscious of those unconscious thoughts the moment you become aware of your automatic habits and behaviors the moment you can notice that this is actually guilt that you're feeling or sadness or pain the moment you can become conscious and familiar with those states of mind and body if you keep becoming familiar with it if you keep becoming conscious of it you won't go unconscious so sitting in a meditation to know thyself most people all of a sudden here comes the barrage of thoughts here comes the the propensities and habits and here comes the emotions the body's saying you normally complain at this time what are you doing sitting with your eyes closed let's think of a reason why you can complain and the body starts influencing the mind so you break it if you break it down if you break it down to a for for a person to understand how many times do we have to forget until we start remembering and keep remembering and stop forgetting that's the process of change so then you to put a person in a meditation and they hear that voice they hear that chatter they they want to get up and take go to the bathroom they want to check their cell phone they want to feel angry and instead of getting up and saying i can't meditate see that's they're coming to the end of the known so they want to go back to what's known right if you ask if you teach the person what to do and you show them that on the other side of that is freedom on the other side of that is joy if you got to become so conscious and it takes a lot of awareness it takes a lot of energy to sit with yourself long enough to disentangle from those programs now we now know that it's a formula that if you follow a formula you will actually start pruning circuitry you'll start the condition stop the conditioning process and move the body out of the past and it starts liberating energy and that's that's energy to heal with that's energy to create a new life that's energy to digest again that's the body's no longer living in survival or living in emergency and the majority of people's emotions then tend to be derived from the hormones of stress and and so so that we started realizing that the arousal of the stress hormones the the rush of the chemistry is actually tapping the body's resources and the stronger the emotions we feel towards any problem or person in our life the more we pay attention to them and if where you place your attention is where you place your energy then you're giving your power away to that person or problem and if a person can learn to sit in the fire and say it's not my boss it's not my ex it's not my job it's not the pandemic it's me that this emotion isn't serving me because this emotion is the exact emotion that's pushing the genetic buttons that's creating disease okay if i can keep practicing lowering the volume to that emotion i'll keep taking my attention off that person or problem and in a sense the body starts moving back where into the present moment and starts getting relaxed in the in the unknown so we started teaching people the process and and by a person overcoming their past not not nothing not the trauma just the emotion they just have to work on breaking that conditioning process because if you keep doing it over and over again a habit is when the body becomes the mind now the servant now the body's influencing the mind so we teach a person then how to break that conditioning process the body starts moving into the present moment it's no longer in the same environmental condition and then all of a sudden we start to see some pretty dramatic changes in people's health yeah it's pretty it's pretty remarkable what we were talking about is helping people understand that the voice in their head is not them it's a problem who is it that's actually aware that you have a voice in your head like that's the person they call that witness consciousness you know or non-judgmental awareness or whatever they call it mindfulness mind mindfulness yes and you know honestly joe like it's scary in there like i like your lower self has literally hijacked the the road trip and and for me i'm constantly in relationship to my lower self trying to see what it's saying trying to shift the dialogue and flip it so that i'm not constantly repeating these same negative thought patterns that are causing me unhappiness or suffering or disease or pain or whatever it is and you know i've been wearing this for a long time and i don't find it easy i find it challenging it's like it's a four in the morning my mind just kicks up about you know my ex-wife or like you know like and i'm like i'm like pretty chill most of the time i'm like god it's just it's so deep in this wiring and programming and your work really helps people with a methodology to to deal with that right and and what's what happens in the work that you've done is so tremendous is that not only do you see the changes in people's lives but you're seeing changes in their biology which speak to the underlying physiology of joy happiness freedom you know right that's a very new thing and you're familiar i'm sure with the with my friend daniel goleman and his partner david said rich davidson who wrote altered traits about studying these olympic meditators who've been in caves for nine years meditating all the time and their brains look totally different and you're seeing this not in nine years of being in a cave but after seven days right yeah yeah you know i mean uh god if you were to ask me mark a year ago or two years ago if uh i would think in my lifetime that i would be seeing what we're seeing in our measurements i'd probably say wow probably not but it's you know it's pretty ambitious because sometimes we see such levels of order in our our communities brains when they when they apply that formula that we we just we just found the articles that said that the mathematical probability of this type of coherence happening in the brain is statistically impossible and if it occurred it would occur it would occur as a momentary phenomenon that's random and so our collective groups of people are sustaining these states for extended periods of time so we can see dramatic changes in people's brain circuitry and but not only their circuitry but this thing called coherence and coherence is order it's rhythm so the antithesis is if you're living in stress and you're living in survival you feel like you can't control something you feel like you can't predict something and you have the perception that something's getting worse and the arousal of those stress hormones causes you to shift your attention from one person to another problem to another thing to another place and every one of those elements has a neurological network in the brain so the arousal and the brain is saying there's an emergency try to control everything try to predict everything prepare for the worst and you start firing all these circuits and individually you shift your attention to your boss to your co-workers or whatever and you start causing the brain to fire very incoherently when the brain is incoherent we're incoherent and when the brain isn't working right we're not working right so then the arousal causes us to narrow our focus on the material world as we we become our senses become heightened and we we focus on everything that's physical and material and we start over focusing that's what stress does so we thought what if we taught people to do the opposite instead of narrowing their focus on whatever is material or known to them let's have them open their focus and broaden their focus and put their attention on nothing physical and put it on nothing on space on energy yeah and and if we can create what's called the divergent focus is it possible that the brain would begin to fire more coherently and all of a sudden we started seeing the front of the brain talking the back of the brain and synchronizing areas together and what sinks in the brain links in the brain also you see the person starting to feel more whole you keep doing that more coherence creates more energy the waves start standing and they start building on each other and when that happens there's an arousal that ultimately takes place in the brain but the arousal is not fear the arousal is not pain or aggression and the arousal is not uh is anger the arousal is ecstasy the arousal is bliss arousal's love sounds pretty good and the person do i sign up the cool part about it is that when that occurs the stimulation that's being created we see these high gamma patterns that are off the scale the arousal that's taking place is not taking place from anything out there in the environment it's not taking place from the sports car the wardrobe or the or the movie or the cell phone it's happening so it's happening inside the person and all of a sudden that's a new feeling they've never had that feeling before and they start feeling connected the side effect of that is even greater levels of order in the brain and all of a sudden the heart gets very turned on it gets very signaled and the person is moving into an elevated state and and that kind of combination of energy between the heart and the brain causes the person to become creative not a little creative but really seeing possibilities they're they're conscious of things they were never conscious before and that's that's a greater level of awareness and that's a greater level of energy and so people all of a sudden start seeing synchronicities that start taking place in their life because they have a coherent brain and a coherent heart and you got a wi-fi signal and you feel connected to something you don't feel separate stress causes us to feel separation yeah and lack and and this feeling makes you feel whole and all of a sudden all the things that you wanted because you're in lack you no longer want because you feel like you have them and that's the kind of place where you can relax more into the present moment and enjoy the sunset and enjoy the meal and enjoy the conversation and enjoy the connection because you're present and and i say that that's a skill so the bible is really in our whole society is geared to make us not present i mean the phones that we have are just these distraction animals uh you know i i think it's hard for us to come back to ourselves and i remember i'm old enough to remember when we didn't have cell phones we didn't have computers we didn't have anything except postcards and a landline yeah and and i remember the quality of my experience was quite different and the quality of my inner joy was much higher and you know i'm i'm sort of inspired by what you're saying and i and it and i decided i decided actually last week that i'm going to go for a month into a cabin somewhere where i'm going to have food delivered not see another human and go into a retreat and meditate and be and have no phone no computer no books i'm not even gonna take your books joe i'm gonna take a pen and paper so i can write but that's it and it'll just be an interesting experiment to see what it feels like to just be with no distraction and to let all that settle and and begin to get into the space of coherence because you know i've noticed that for myself and i'm sure like everybody else that you know the the mind is a hard monkey to tame and and it takes us down pathways of beliefs and ideas and things that take us away from a vibrant full joyous happy life and what's what's great about your work is it's not just theoretical and yes you've got all the science behind it and you're you're really mapping out the changes that structurally happen you know in our bodies but um you talk about these four elements of healing your body with your mind um and and how we can rewire our brain by changing our thoughts i mean so so it sort of implies that we have the capacity to master our thoughts which a lot of us don't think we do but can you take us through what those four well first of all first of all i want to respond to that because okay okay because a lot of people a lot of people don't know what to do yes when they have that thought they they have no formula that's scientific and and practical that if they can practice enough times if nerve cells that fire together wire together the nerve cells that no longer fire together and no longer wire together and if you stick with it and i we can tell you this that sooner or later that thought is going to start to have a weakening effect on your mind until ultimately it's no longer going to be there because you no longer paid attention to it no longer accepted it no longer believed it no longer surrendered to it and most people when they get to this point mark they think i'm doing my meditation wrong and i always tell them no no no no no you're actually doing it right that's that's what i want you to see that's staying in the way between you and your happiness on the other side of that is a whole new area that you get to wire your brain any way you choose so then there's an unlearning process before the relearning process there's a breaking a habit of the old self and a reinvention of a new self you gotta prune synaptic connections and they're gonna practice sprouting new ones you've got to unfire and unwire you've got to re-fire and rewire you've got to de-program and reprogram you've got to lose your mind and create a new one and you have to unmemorize emotions that keep you connected to the same familiar past and then recondition the body to a new mind into a new emotion so then that process if there's a formula to apply let's just say yeah you sitting in your meditation it means because it sounds good right but how do you get from here to there i'm sure yeah yeah listening but everybody's done it they've done it they just they just haven't made it a habit and and so then if you're sitting in a meditation and you have something to do and you your body starts going i'm angry i'm frustrated it's my ex-wife it's my whatever and you you go like this to your body okay okay now listen you settle down and you know exactly what to do and you tame the animal you tell it to stay and you relax it back into the present moment what i want you to know downstairs that's it that's a victory that's a victory and then if the body starts going i gotta get up i gotta check my cell phone i gotta go i got a meeting i'm busy and you notice that your body's habituated into the same predictable future and you settle your body back down into the present moment now you're executing a will that's greater than those unconscious programs and that's a victory and if you keep doing this over and over again just like training an animal the body's going to stay it's going to surrender to a new mind and when that occurs there's a liberation of energy and the person relaxes into the present moment that's the unknown the familiar past is the known the predictable future is the known the only one place left is the sweet spot of that generous present moment now let's get the person so familiar with their unconscious thoughts that when it comes they don't respond to them so aware of their habits and behaviors so so so a conscious of the emotions that they typically feel in a waking day they would never go unconscious to that emotion again and you say to the person hey mark what thoughts do you want to fire and wire in your brain and with intention and attention if we showed you how to do that nerve cells that fire together wire together just take a little repetition a little presence you start installing the hardware keep doing it it's going to become a software program what does that mean that's going to be the new voice in your head that says mark you can do it if you said okay i can teach my inner voice to speak a different language exactly you can change very sexy language i think portuguese is very sexy but if you said then okay how am i going to be with my co-workers how am i going to be with my employees how am i going to be with my ex-wife what would greatness look like today and you and you sat down and closed your eyes and you rehearsed in your mind how you're going to be in every one of those situations if you study the research in neuroscience mental rehearsal installs neurological hardware in your brain to look like you already did it yeah that's when i think about my serve before i serve and i do it better because because you you produce that mind so if you keep doing that you install hardware practice it and rehearse it it becomes a software program which means you start behaving that way now here's the challenging part can you teach your body emotionally what the future reality that you want to live in feels like before it happens now this is very difficult if you've been conditioned into believing something in your outer world has to change to make a way take away the emptiness of the lack to make you feel differently this is saying actually feel the emotion before it happens and don't wait for the experience to occur teach your body what the feeling will be before it occurs if the environment signals the gene and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of your body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life so teach the body emotionally to self-regulate to believe it's living in an environment that's flourishing that's wonderful keep practicing it and it'll become familiar to you and the process then creates a new identity and it's not difficult once you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it and the more you combine all those different branches of science and make it in a simple way to understand if people understand the what and the why the how gets easier because you can assign meaning to what you're doing and it becomes instrumental so get a group of people a thousand people 1500 people 2 000 people into a room teach them that information whether they're coming for wealth or health a relationship a new career a mystical experience get them all together and teach them and measure what can take place in one week period of time and i assure you that's more than 75 of the people that go through and go all in and retreat from their lives and remove the same stimulation from their environment and not be in the same conditions and teach them that information and give them numerous opportunities to apply it and numerous opportunities to get beyond themselves all you need is that first person that stands on the stage and says hey i walked in here with parkinson's disease i have no idea what happened but i'm not trembling anymore and boy that last thing just something clicked for me and the person in the audience was watching the four minute mile right in front of them and going wow that guy looks like he's not a vegan he doesn't look like he's particularly in shape but his parkinson's went away and wow i mean if he could do it i could do it and somebody else changes their belief and now that's a footprint in consciousness get enough people doing that by the end of the week you're going to see things we've seen blind people seeing deaf people hearing not once not twice we've seen people with strokes for 10 years lift their arms up again we've seen people step out of wheelchairs people on crutches drop their cracks i mean you see the body literally recalibrates to a new mind and and they're not intentionally trying to do anything they're just becoming somebody else but the process of overcoming is the process of becoming and if you teach people that formula and you get just one or two people doing it it's just going to become an infection and it's going to wellness is going to spread just like diseases that's good yeah yeah i think health is contagious actually so joe um a lot of people listening oh yeah this all makes sense and and i'm certainly having these thoughts but but taming the mind is hard and and a lot of us feel things and have really strong emotions and we think that that they have a existence of their own um but but it's really the thoughts that create emotions right it's thoughts that create the feelings because we have a belief we have perspective we have a narrative and it can happen in a nanosecond right coming in a second but is that how it works well as you said at the beginning of the show uh there's a there's never a time where your body is an influencing your mind and there's never a time where your mind is influencing your body you have a body in your mind and a mind mapped in your brain and it's the same so so a person then who's become so happy being unhappy that that familiar feeling in them is something that they enjoy feeling because they don't know who they would be if they didn't feel that feeling okay yeah that's not me okay let's honestly people see that without their illness or their is their identity and without it and why why because the suffering and now just i'm not saying this is for everybody that that person gets attention from it it gets the visit people to visit uh gets whatever they need but in a sense they also have relationships where they love to share the same emotions and if you share the same experiences you share the same emotions so mark let's get on the phone and let's complain for the next 30 minutes about how miserable life is and then i'll try to top you and you try to top me and we're using each other to reaffirm some type of conditioning right so that becomes the identity so then so then let's just say you s you decide to stop blaming start stop complaining stop making excuses stop feeling sorry for yourself stop talking trash stop commiserating you just say i'm gonna quit that in the first hour you do really well but the problem is the body's saying hey mark um this is where you complained in an hour you call joe and you start commiserating so what does the body say the body starts influencing the mind and it starts calling up circuits in the brain that are connected to that emotion that you've been using all along so then you start thinking about all the reasons you're unhappy now that thought leads to a choice that choice leads to the same behavior the same behavior creates the same experience and the same experience produces the same feeling the same emotion and that same emotion starts to influence the very same thought and now the person returns back to their same biology and the health condition will always be there because it's the environment that looks like it's signaling the genes so then but it's the emotion so so then if the person all of a sudden says okay i'm going to do my meditation and you do your meditation at 11 o'clock in the morning and that's normally when you get on your your emails and start judging people your body's going to say you're out of schedule so so the process of change requires then not only addressing the mind which is the thought but also the emotion that's conditioned into the body and and and if you break it down for people they'll be able to distinguish in the process of change oh my god like i'm like i'm fasting from a breaking breaking addiction you know your your body's craving just like just gotta suffer a little bit with somebody and it wants to suffer and you gotta be able to work with it and not just to sit there and white knuckle it to learn how to self-regulate to learn how to make those changes with your eyes open that's when it matters the most you practice meditation with your eyes closed you take your body out for a test drive during the day with your eyes open and you try to you work on staying conscious right i mean right the purpose of meditation is to get better at meditation to get better at life right exactly exactly exactly becoming more conscious exactly yeah and so so those four elements did you you talked about a little bit yes yes yes so it's really simple so the so the first thing is that people have this very strong belief that there was some innate intelligence within them that was giving them life there's some energy some force of life that made them more vitalistic and less mechanistic whether it was spiritual whatever they wanted to call it that there was some power within them that that that they acknowledged that was giving them life the second thing was they realized it was their own mismanagement of their thoughts and their actions and their emotions that created their health condition they realized i actually had a strong part in this and they started taking responsibility and and really started they decided i got to break the habit of being myself now they really said if i if i'm going to live the the next part of my life with this health condition i don't want to live like that person any longer if i only have six months to live i don't want to live that way so they started becoming conscious of their unconscious self and so conscious that they didn't want to go unconscious and then they started thinking number three if i actually had a new lease on life if i actually could heal if i actually could live another year how would i live my life now they didn't say i'm going to be the same person they said how do i want to think how do i want to act how do i want to feel and exactly how i described they went into an inward process not even a meditation just what do i want to tell myself let me repeat it how do i want to live with my with my family how do i want to eat dinner how do i what emotions do i want to feel and they started changing their personality they started reinventing a new self and then the last thing that they had in common is that they started noticing when they would close their eyes and do this they lost track of space and time that they thought it was like 15 minutes that went by or 20 minutes that went by and in actuality it was an hour and 20 minutes that went by they had no sense of space and time in their inner process and and i i was interested in demystifying the process because i wanted to see if we could teach that um that process that worked with sick people on other people and it worked so you're taking these ancient spiritual traditions and meditation and spiritual practices and you you put a lot of structure and science behind it to help the average westerner who's not familiar with those practices to actually access it which is really an extraordinary gift and i i'd love to sort of have you talk about some of the practical things that that people can do like gratitude um you talk about how there's 1200 chemicals released in the body from the practice of gratitude and and and again you know i'd be scared to know how many molecules come out with the practice of stress and complaining i don't want to know about it i want you to talk about the gratitude the biology of gratitude yeah so i studied this extensively because we actually look we took we did an experiment we took a group of people that were came to our event and we did uh all kinds of brain measurements on them and then we put hr heart rate variability um devices on them and we ask them to trade emotions like fear or anger or resentment or impatience or frustration and and stop feeling those feelings and just for a few times a day to feel gratitude and we would talk them through it just for 15 minutes 10 or 15 minutes to three times a day at the end of four days um we were looking to measure if there were any significant changes in their immune regulation and we found out that the body started producing 50 percent more of a chemical called iga immunoglobulin a the body's natural antiviral antibacterial natural flu shot and so if when you are receiving something favorable or you just receive something enjoyable if something wonderful just happened to you or something really amazing is happening to you you feel grateful so the emotional signature of gratitude is something amazing is happening to you or it just happened to you right so it's the ultimate state of receiving emotionally so if you can teach a person to truly practice gratitude there'll be significant changes in the way their heart thumps the way it beats and what it starts to do to the brain we've studied this thousands of times so when you start feeling grateful your heart starts beating in a rhythm that begins to influence or inform the brain that it's safe to create it's believing in that moment that it's it's safe to be out of survival and practice that enough times the body starts to regenerate so we saw changes in immune regulation we saw changes in gene expression why because the body's believing it's living in an environment where their dream the person's dreams have already happened now we only accept believe and surrender to thoughts that are equal to our emotional state we never accept believe and surrender to thoughts that are not equal to our emotional state and this is why affirmations don't work you could say i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm wealthy and wealthy i'm wealthy and wealthy i'm free i'm free and free and your body's going no you're not you're miserable so the thought never makes it past the brain stem to the body teach a person to change from fear and break that conditioning and practice with enough times creating the same feeling of gratitude as automatically as they did with fear it makes sense then that in a very short amount of time you can see very significant changes in how the body regulates and how it functions and the heart then starts to beat in this beautiful beautiful coherent state and and so we started looking to see if teaching people how to do that and sustaining it uh if it made significant changes and and without a doubt um when we accept believe and surrender to the thoughts that are equal to the emotional state of gratitude that information programs the autonomic nervous system into a different destiny so then teach a person how to be in a state of receivership and gratitude they can program their brain and body a lot a lot quicker than when they're feeling fear and anger because you get the diagnosis the moment you get the diagnosis you change you notice a change in your internal state you're changed when you notice that change in your internal state the brain freezes a frame and takes a snapshot and that's called a long-term memory so the doctor says you have six months to live you have this condition this is what happened and all that information is going in because it's equal to the emotion of fear so and get the person out of that state because that's a state of survival and you're losing energy in the body and in gratitude you're regenerating energy so get the person into a state of gratitude and then teach them how to program their brain and body then you start seeing changes in their autonomic nervous system yeah seems like the biggest pharmacy is between our ears right and that you're teaching people how to access that the the challenge i see for people and i'm thinking about this very selfishly and personally is okay i meditate but is that enough if i meditate 20 minutes twice a day and i do sort of a mantra meditation i still have i still have this relationship to my thoughts that i struggle with so is there other are there other practices that you teach that help people to really break that pattern because it's not just about sitting it's something else that has to happen as well sure sure and and um well first of all absolutely um meditation is not just to meditate and and then get up and return back to the same person flipping people off on the freeway and judging your partner that's going back to the old self meditation is to prime the brain and body into a new state of being right and then maintain that modified state of mind and body your entire day you got to be able to practice it with your eyes open that no condition no circumstance in your environment no person no thing no craving in the body no wrong choice you got to be able to to sustain that state and if you can get ready because there's going to be changes in your outer world that's the law so when we started studying people that were healing in this work that were diagnosed primarily a lot of them with immune mediated conditions mark like autoimmune diseases and yeah autoimmune diseases from cancer to rheumatoid to everything in between they noticed that when they started doing the meditations they started their well-being came back but their blood values and their markers never changed and it occurred to them my god i have a great meditation i feel amazing but then when i get up i return back to the same worrying person now i gotta step it up i gotta make the changes with my eyes open and when they started doing it with their eyes open that's when we started seeing the blood values and everything changing so in our retreats you can sit as it and get really good at it but then there's four types of meditation there's a seated there's a standing there's a walking and there's a laying down and so if you're going to become that person you want to become you better be able to practice doing it with your eyes open so we teach people a thousand fifteen hundred people on a beach or in a park it's really cool to watch everybody get that get that open their hearts get in that elevated state and move into a new state of being and then let's open our eyes and now let's practice walking with our eyes open as that person no different than a rehearsing for a play or rehearsing and becoming that person and if you do it enough times and a person understands that if they could really if if i how would i walk if i could heal my body in an hour who am i going to leave behind here and who am i going to walk as and a lot of people just hit it and when they do you see dramatic changes in their health because they're actually embodying the energy of their future so we practice seating sitting we practice standing and walking practice laying down we practice in all ways because we want the person to to become that very person in one week and if they do our research shows there's dramatic dramatic biological markers that change not small amounts like what are you seeing what are you seeing wow oh my god we're just everything from methylated dna to um changes in cytokines the changes in um immune markers to uh suppression of atp and cancer cells to down regulating genes for alzheimer's and we just see dramatic changes in people's biology and you mentioned gene expression changes too um can you talk about genes because you know we don't really think about our thoughts changing our genes right yeah so i mean again no i mean i'd like to simplify it for the per for the average person for us regular people and it's it's really simple i mean your body's a protein producing machine and muscle cells make muscle proteins they're called actin and myosin skin cells make skin proteins they're called collagen and elastin stomach cells make stomach proteins they're called enzymes and every cell in your body except red blood cells makes proteins and proteins are responsible for structure holding it together and function in physiology how we work it's messengers right but in order for a cell to make a protein a gene has to be regulated so they used to say genes create disease well you know this less than one percent of the people on the planet are born with a genetic health condition everything else is lifestyle it's behavior right it's the stress so so so then is it possible then that if you if they they say now genes don't create disease it's the environment that signals the gene that creates disease take two identical twins uh yeah you watch one age looks you know dies at 54 the other one lives to 83 they don't even look like the same person share the same genome well the environment was signaling the gene expression to make certain proteins and the person develops a different condition because it's the environment that does that and here's the problem but if the environment signals the gene the outer environment of the cell is the inner environment of the body and what what is that that's the emotions or chemical physical and emotional balance that we have to maintain so if a person's just constantly living in fear and it's even if the environment is wonderful and they're on vacation and they keep remembering an event or anticipating a future and they're bringing up the emotion of anxiety and fear it makes sense then that the person's signaling the gene outside of the outer environment because they're making the emotion in their inner environment and there's no difference and so if if that happens the constant effect by the hormones of stress down regulate genes and create disease and if you can turn on that stress response just by thinking about your problems then your thoughts are literally going to make you sick yeah so if your thoughts can make you sick can your thoughts make you well and you cannot begin to see changes in a person's health until they stop regulating the same genes the same way and they start up regulating new genes and down regulating old genes and if they do that they start create producing different enzymes and and different chemicals and different hormones and their body begins to scale in a different direction it's so powerful this work is so powerful you want to know my secrets for living a long and happy and healthy life well all you have to do is check out my weekly newsletter mark's picks where i share my favorite tips for health longevity well-being and lots more check it out and the link below how is it different from other you know forms of meditation or practice that people are doing gosh to be really honest mark i don't even know what anybody else is doing we're so immersed in the the stuff that we're doing basically what i am i'm a pragmatist you want to talk about quantum superimposition to me if it has no effect on my life i'm not interested but if it hasn't if it's a practical application i'm i'm interested in the practical application so we look at we've who i was going to say we have over 13 000 brain scans now we look at real time brain scans i'm looking at your brain in a one hour an hour and 10 minute meditation at certain moments i'm watching what you're doing if you can actually change your brain waves and if you can sustain those changes and and and can you can you do it again and make it a habit can you make it a skill can you repeat it enough times that you can do it more automatically so i'm watching the words we're watching the words that i'm saying i'm not i'm not studying any tradition any ancient scriptures i think that the moment you start talking religion or tradition or scriptures or spirituality you're going to divide an audience i think science creates community and so what we do is we look we've actually created when you see a person move into love or gratitude and you see what that does to the brain in an instant it informs the brain to be creative when you see that and you see this dance between the two you and you turn around and you look at that person and they got this big smile on their face they're they're so in love with the moment they don't want it to end they're they're enough and there's very strong biological changes so we're looking at scans of hearts and brains we're looking at collective scans of people just to see if we can demystify the process i don't wanna i don't wanna shut an audience off with a word i wanna create new words that are science-based so we the meditations that we teach all have meaning behind what we're doing because we've studied the scans and studied the effects and it has certain intentions of why we're doing it whether we want to signal new genes whether we want to you know create more brain coherence more hardcore here and so we want to create a coherence between the brain and the heart i mean what is it that we want to do so we have different meditations you know for different intentions really it's so great and and you know your work is so accessible and i i just would love you to share a little bit about the kinds of offerings you did because you know people listening oh wow this sounds great and how do i how do i really change my mindset how do i rewire my brain how do i you know get different neurons to fire together how do i practice gratitude how do i how do i begin to shift my emotional states by changing my my beliefs and and it it's it's something that that we need a hand for like it you know we it's hard to do on our own and your work is just such a beautiful collection of offerings um you know there's a scientific research and you can go on your website dr joe dispenza.com and look for that but you've got a wonderful new online course the formula which is 12 30 to 40 minute lessons and five meditations and a study guide um and allows people to access this in it in an easy way it's affordable in the comfort of their own home so can you share a little bit about that course and then let's talk about some of the other things you're doing like the live event sure another sure um thank you mark so so um again you know a lot of times uh we listen we have uh a community that you know definitely we're very interactive with and and and one of the things that people kept saying is okay uh my husband he's not gonna watch the weekend course he's not gonna do the study course my boss notices that i'm very different but he's not ready for this or my best friend she's just ended a relationship and she can't stop complaining and i'm not the right person to tell her so um can you do something that's a little bit simpler and easily just more easily bite-sizeable that people can digest and so so when we started looking at the process of changing transformation we figured out it was a formula that just like dancing the salsa or hitting a golf ball or hitting a tennis ball or giving up speech if you you you you learn the practice of it it gets easier so we did this course called the formula and it's it's just become super popular because basically what we're doing is we're giving you the science and the basic understandings and then you get fi five meditations after a few of the courses you practice one and then you build on that you practice the next one then you build on this and you practice the next one you put it together and you know you the model just keeps expanding so we wanted to make it something that was easy for people to to wrap their mind around you know and not too long and not too too heady so we did the formula uh and launched it and uh that's great and people can go to dr joe dispenza.com and find it yes yes it's on the it's on the website and then and then the the other thing i want to have you talk about is dr joe live which is you know your monthly community question and answer uh and then and share a little bit more about the the live events because i think those are really immersive intensive week-long events and and and people i've known people who've gone to those and i really want to go and and i think they've had real transformational experiences it's one of those game changers for people dr joe live is just a great thing that we do it's it's in it's an international service we have a community of hundreds of thousands of people around the world and and one of the things is that people have questions and and the questions really are not about theoretic you know theoretical concepts but more about the practical application and and so every month the last thursday of every month we i get on there and we we i just answer questions and i talk for a bit 30 minutes or so develop a concept how we develop anxiety how we develop depression you know how to create brain coherence how not to create hard incoherence you know we just pick a topic and break it down for people so when they sit down and they do the work they remember and and they can assign meaning to what they're doing so it's just become super popular um and you don't have to be on the call you can subscribe and then you know they send you the they send you the recording and you can listen to it and it's free yeah it's free no it's uh that one is a is a 10 a month service okay well that's pretty good bargain um and how about the live events share about what those are like and then also when you talk about the events talk about the kinds of experiences people have the transformations that occur what happens in there what to expect sure um you know we we started doing these weekend workshops and and when we did we started seeing people have some really dramatic health changes and i thought okay let's go from you know friday night saturday sunday let's do a four and a half day event so we started elongating the events and started seeing more healings and more changes and then i thought god if we could have people for seven days it would be really awesome and so we started doing these seven day events we've done 30 of them now in fact and um it's uh probably uh for me the greatest place i want to be and and when we when we um solicit our our community and ask them what they think of the week-long event over 95 say it's the best week of their life it's just really transformative in a lot of ways and it's you know i mean it's an opportunity for people to retreat from their lives for just a whole entire week and remove the constant stimulation in their external environment that reminds them of who they think they are you know to separate themselves from all the people and places and things and learn vital information and then learn the science of how to change change and and learn the signs of how to create a new life and and give people lots of opportunities they're long days they're full um and it's super transformative and fun and we do a lot of scientific measurements there of course um but but you'll you'll witness uh some of the most incredible miracles in a one-week period of time we just had a guy uh that was a veteran uh a green beret that um had a lot of physical um injuries and accidents and had ptsd had brain injuries he had broken lots of parts of his body and um was pretty much uh suicidal at this point and and he went and had two knee replacements uh and when he came out of the surgery he said he felt like his feet were on fire and and after a couple months he asked the doctors to cut his feet off because he couldn't handle the pain and they said we can't guarantee that um the pain will go away pain go away because of phantom pain so anyway he came to the event you know salt of the earth you know ex-military guy just you know just wide open doesn't know anything just uh tell me what to do you know perfect person and um and he came in a wheelchair his wife wheeled him in in a wheelchair and um somewhere around the third or fourth day when we did our first laying down meditation he something really profound happened he had one of those arousals and he felt it move right through his autonomic nervous system and an incredible amount of order and when he opened his eyes he had no pain in his feet after that moment now within uh two hours we were out there doing a walking meditation and he went from his wheelchair to two crutches on the beach there and sat out there got in got in his heart remembered that if you could feel the emotions of his future before it happened his body would believe it's living in a different environment a different reality and this guy had nothing else to do nothing else was working so he went all in and then i see him out there the next day mark and he's standing there with one crutch with his hands you know locked in over his crotch and i'm just looking at him the wind's blowing in his hair and he's just as you could just tell this guy is hooked up and there's 1500 people on the beach and he's right in front of me and i swear you can ask anybody at this event i turned around and this guy was running down the beach and the volunteer that you know because with people with with crutches or wheelchairs or handicapped that we have volunteers the volunteer is running after running after him and then i see him run back and there's no volunteer he just dusted him and he said he had connected to something so incredible so big that he felt like he was you know literally born again and and uh to this day he runs now he has no pain he has no depression he has no suicidal tendencies i mean he's in a new body he's in a new life he's in a whole new future and so you see those you know uh and um and you know you just can't go back to business as usual you just uh you just can't be the same person again and and and and then we do a lot of healings also on other people now because we've um in fact we have universities now that are studying what we're doing because our effects are so incredibly dramatic and um and so we do a lot of coherence uh healings on other people and again studying the effects we had random event generators in our last event measuring uh if we were creating huge fluctuations in the field of course they were so obvious i just looked at the data yesterday and i love people to see it i want people to see it and and if a person is part of someone else's coherence healing i want them to know that they healed that person i want them to know how powerful they are and i don't care what they eat what they believe in i don't care where they're from the color of their skin how in shape out of shape they are i've i've talked to all of them nobody is excluded that all forms and walks of life are doing this collectively and it's becoming a new consciousness and what i mean by that is what i'm saying is consciousness is awareness the moment you become aware of possibilities that you were unaware of now they exist and that means that other people can step into those footprints not just as a possibility but witnessing the possibility in front of them is truth because the person who's standing on the stage who's talking about how their stage 4 cancer went into remission and there's no metastasis in any bone a pet scan and you can see the before and after i'm looking at the audience and everybody is leaning in you know why because they're looking at truth they're staring truth right in the face and they can't deny it and that person isn't telling a glamorous story they're going to tell you the real facts of what happened to them and it's going to be relatable and so we have really compelling evidence in our scientific studies and we have really compelling evidence in our testimonies of students in this work evidence is the loudest voice and that's what's going to make a difference that's so great joe this is such good work and i'm just so proud of you for doing it and bringing this everybody i know it's hard to schlep around and do all this work and and um but but you're in service and it's just a beautiful thing to see and i i can't wait to go to your next workshop here i can tell you you know i i actually just was clueing into my own self-awareness and my own level of well-being and my own suffering or negative thoughts and i've been going through some stuff lately that's been challenging and just having this conversation with you i feel totally transformed and i'm like wow okay well i'm going in for the week if i can get this in an hour so you're talking about the four super villains in your book yeah stand in the way of learning and how actually to overcome them yes and this is digital deluge is one digital distraction is another i would say the third one is this thing called digital dementia which you just mentioned digital dementia where yeah how many phone numbers did we know grew up growing up we knew all of them right but how many phone numbers do you know now that's true and and it's hard and people listening you're like well i don't want to memorize 500 phone numbers and honestly either do i but we've lost the ability to remember one i mean even directions i mean i you'd have to find your way through a map you'd figure out where you're going and then you would actually memorize the route right and i just was in new zealand losing my wife and i like to play tennis every day so i was playing tennis every day and i had my google maps i just stick it up and i went to the same place every day but i actually needed the map because i wasn't really paying attention except to the map and i i easily could have found my way around it wasn't that many turns but i didn't i didn't really care to pay attention and it does have an effect because unless you use it you lose it and exactly because our our brains act more like a muscle you know than anything it's use it or lose it if i put my arm in a sling for a year it wouldn't grow stronger it wouldn't even stay the same right it would atrophy and a lot of our brains digital dementia is where we're outsourcing our brains to our smart devices it's keeping our calendars our to-do's it's taking telling us how to get from here to there they're not getting early uh i heard recently that we're not getting early detection of brain aging challenges and one of the reasons why is gps like if you're relying on technology to take you from here to there you're not realizing when you would have a memory lapse so you're not going to get checked out and get looked at and so these are the challenges digital dementia and i'm not saying and by the way um in terms of medical research on actual dementia people who use their brains get less dementia people who are learning and lifelong learners who read who do mental puzzles who do brain learning exercises who follow the work that you do don't get dementia at the same rate as everybody else and it can stave it off because it's just you know what it is it's not just about mental intelligence you know in this book i show you how to learn languages how to be able to focus how to read faster and remember facts you know figures all that information but it's also about mental fitness and mental health and then that that that's a conversation that i that i'm glad that we're having because more and more people because our brains control everything right you know you write whole books on on the on brain health and optimizing your you know our brain's potential so digital dementia is is a challenge that wasn't there previous generations and in the last one i would say is this thing called digital deduction meaning that now with technology and again technology is not good or bad and in a lot of ways it serves us it helps us to be able to connect it helps us to be able to learn to be able to inspire to be able to educate ourselves you know but digital deduction is where technology is just doing all the thinking for us we no longer have to use critical thinking or use our own reasoning or using our own analysis because everything is being spoon-fed to us you know everything's like this is what you should be buying or reading or anything it's all these algorithms that are there and so in this book you know to overcome those four super challenges those that we have and i think through challenges could come change and positive progress where um sometimes you know in the hero's journey and this book is written in the hero's journey as a as an homage to joseph campbell's work you know where there's a call to adventure and we leave the ordinary world that we're in to this more extraordinary world and we face trials and we find mentors and you learn techniques and strategies and then you come home and then you bring that back you know in the in the return with this magical treasure of elixir because i believe the life we live are the lessons that we teach but it starts with with the brain and you know you and i have had this conversation where you know metaphorically our brain is like a computer you know you have the the hardware which is you want to optimize that because more people upgrade their phones and they upgrade their brain you know you need stress management you need to sleep you need to to be around positive or positive peer groups because as you've mentioned it's not just your biological networks or your neurological networks it's our social networks because who we spend time with is is who you become which is why it's so important to really do an audit around the people that you give them the power over how you feel and how you think because you have these things called mirror neurons where we're always imitating the things that are around us when you watch a movie or you watch sports you can feel what the players or the actors are feeling because that's how we learn things and whoever we're spending time with on a regular basis so i watch tennis a lot so i can get better to beat you get through osmosis because we're always adapting and adopting the language patterns of people around us the habits the routines the behaviors they say who you spend time with is who you become that be careful if you're spending time with nine broke people you're going to be number number 10 right but all these things play a role and especially you know the thing that you're on a mission for is is food because what you eat matters especially for your grain matter so that's all on the hardware part and what a lot of the book is about is really the software of it and like you know how to be able to read faster how to be able to pick up another language how to memorize poetry or your or your that ted talk or that toast you have to give at the wedding or to give a sales presentation or have how to have laser focus so you could get through your your to-do list all the things that you know we've really honed over the past three decades i mean that all sounds fun people are like well so why do i care about speed reading or do my to-do list but it is a bigger framework here because yeah everything that happens in our life is a result of how we grow and how we grow is connected to how we learn right and learning literally physically changes our brain it changes our intellect it changes the possibilities we have in our life and there's an old chinese proverb that says learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere what we learn becomes part of who we are and the tools um that we can access them are so important and you teach those tools you know i read an article in the new york times recently about you know jewish community and why there's so many nobel prize winners and scientists and and leaders in society and part of the reason is that we were persecuted we were slaves we were chased around the world there's the inquisition in europe which is out of europe traced out of russia i mean and so the only thing that we had was knowledge no one can take that away from you it's portable it's in your head and it's why jews have focused on that i remember my mother the drumbeat was education education learning learning learning why ask why learn and learn and learn and i think that's that's really what your gift is to humanity is is reawakening people's enthusiasm to grow and learn because the result is possibility right is you know advancement in your life is being able to actually have deep and connected relationships and do the things you want an investment in knowledge pays the most dividends especially in today's age where we live in the millennium of the mind nobody who's listening this is paid for purely their physical strength right it's our it's our mental strength our ability to solve problems our ability to be creative our ability to imagine new new things you know it's not our muscle power it's our mind power and really the faster you can learn the faster you could earn not just financially that that's obvious but all the treasures of our life hi everyone hope you're enjoying the episode before we continue we have a quick message from dr mark hyman about his new company pharmacy and their first product the 10-day reset hey it's dr hyman do you have flc what's flc it's when you feel like crap it's a problem that so many people suffer from and often have no idea that it's not normal or that you can fix it i mean you know the feeling it's when you're super sluggish your digestion's off you can't think clearly or you have brain fog or you just feel run down can you relate i know most people can but the real question is what the heck do we do about it well i hate to break the news but there's no magic bullet flc isn't caused by one single thing so there's not one single solution however there is a systems-based approach a way to tackle the multiple root factors that contribute to flc and i call that system the 10-day reset the 10-day reset combines food key lifestyle habits and targeted supplements to address flc straight on it's a protocol that i've used with thousands of my community members to help them get their health back on track it's not a magic bullet it's not a quick fix it's a system that works if you want to learn more and get your health back on track click on the button below or visit getpharmacy.com that's get pharmacy with an ffarmacy.com now back to this week's episode the reason why i'm so excited about this conversation is because let's say to the person who's listening to this right now if there was a genie could grant you any one wish any one wish just one wish what would you wish for you would wish for millions of wishes right infinite wishes that's what that would be the hack if you will well if i was your learning but in latin genie said you can't wish for more wishes right right but if i was your learning genie and i could grant you any one wish to learn any subject or any skill but just one what would the equivalent be for asking for infinite wishes well in that same spirit it would be i would want to learn how to learn because if you can learn how to learn everything gets easier you could grant all your own wishes yeah right it could be mandarin martial arts music marketing management anything that you're excited memorize the entire stock market exactly anything that would be able to to serve you better it's a meta skill they call it meta learning learn the science of learning how to learn and that really i believe is that if knowledge is power learning is our super power and it's a super power we all have so in this book limitless it used to be when i wrote this a book all purely on methods all the things that i was telling you about on on how to remember people's names on how to give speeches without using notes on how to remember facts and figures and uh to advance your why haven't i hired you yet to work with me right but what i realized was i think jim's my friend i'm like wow but i didn't forget like you know we we need to we need to do this so one of the things is people know what to do but they don't always do what they know right and this is the reason i wrote this book is because just knowing something is not enough i believe one of the lies and i talk about all the lies in this book around learning like seven lies specifically that keep us uh from moving forward and one of the lies is that knowledge is power people believe we've heard this so long ago the knowledge is power i even said it just a few minutes ago right but it's it's not if you think about it it's not really true knowledge alone is not power knowledge applied becomes power not you know knowledge is potential power but when you use it it becomes power and so here's here's the thing all the books and podcasts online courses conferences none of it works unless unless we work and i've always been curious what's the difference that makes the difference what's the difference that takes the common sense things that you know we should do eating whole organic foods meditating each day you know journaling you know having you know emotional like you know bonds and so and and social connections exercising you know we know what to do but we don't always do what we know because common sense is not common practice so after i had already twain said you know the problem with common sense it's not it's not too confident that's the truth so this book was all techniques and then i was like this is great and i'll keep these here because they're there that'll help people to advance their careers and do everything better but then i was like what keeps people from doing these things and i and i created over the past three decades a model a model that i call the limitless model that really explains how to learn and achieve anything faster and it's if everyone could picture a venn diagram right three circles that are intersect yeah right so you have three circles that intersect and there are three m's and this is the key to be limitless usually if there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be let's say it's a it's a your current reality and you have this desired reality for your health or in your relationship or in your career whatever area it happens to be if you're not making positive progress towards it and that's how i define limitless i do not define limitless as being perfect i don't i don't believe in perfection limitless is not about being perfect it's about advancing beyond what you believe is possible i believe the ultimate quest that we're all on is to be able to realize reveal our fullest potential you know that's what i think we're here to hear to do and i think it's believed i believe it starts with learning because learning is the grandmother grandfather of all transformation you know you can't do anything unless you learn it first right so three m's and if you're not achieving or making progress towards your goal usually there's a constraint and it's usually unconscious a constraint in one of these three areas or more so i want everyone to think about the first circle the first m is the m of mindset now i define mindset as these assumptions and attitudes we have about the world and ourselves so what would fall under mindset is what you believe you deserve what you believe you are capable of what you believe is possible right now you could have that positive mindset this growth mindset that with that debt you hear dr carol dweck talk about right versus a fixed mindset now that alone is not going to get you your goals and your dreams just having a an empowering mindset you need the second m and the second m is motivation now when i say the word motivation it's a little bit loaded because some people believe motivation is they associate it to being hyped up getting excited for a couple of minutes you know while they're at that seminar jumping to music right yeah and it's kind of like that metaphor of a warm bath it's nice in the moment and yes i'm going to i'm in a journal every day i'm going to do pilates three times a week i'm gonna eat the best food ever and in the moment you feel like that's the case but then it cools down i'm not defining motivation like that for me motivation is having a purpose and i'm not talking about a life purpose i'm talking about having a reason so for example i um i was i was talking to on entrepreneur uh tom bilyeu and he wakes up every morning at four something and he works out at five a.m and i was like do you enjoy this every single day he's like no i hate i hate working out and because some people feel like that if they're motivated about something inherently means you find joy in it and i and i haven't found that to be the case like occasionally i i do these uh these ice baths or these cold showers to lower inflammation it helps me reset my nervous system i have a video online that has 10 million plus shares just on my morning routine i don't enjoy i hate the cold like i despise the cold i grew up in the northeast here and it's not it's not for me and i've done it for years and i still don't find joy in it but i still do it and i'm motivated to do it every single day because i have a reason so for me motivation has a three-step formula motivation for me is not about being hyped up and excited for the moment it's about reason right purpose that's your reason yeah having a clear reason and purpose times energy times small simple steps now let me just break this down for everybody i want to i want you to think about something that you want to be motivated for where the opposite in the book is procrastination i teach people how to smash procrastination but think about something you want to be motivated to do something you know you should do but you're still not doing it now first the reason is like for example remembering names a lot of people do not remember names not because they're not capable of remembering names because the truth is 95 if i was to ask your audience right now who has challenges remembering names 99 of them will say if they're honest i do i'm bad at remembering names and then i will say okay well let's say mark has a suitcase of a million dollars cash for you if you just remember the name of the next stranger you meet who's gonna remember that person's name for a million dollars cash tax free for your favorite charity everybody so all of a sudden your whole audience is full of memory experts now so it's actually a lie a lie or you know and these are the lies we tell ourselves i'm not good at remembering names exactly and you need a reason because here's the thing not everybody remembers everyone's name but we certainly don't forget everyone's name either and if you reverse engineer it you'll find that there's a method behind what looks like magic you didn't just happen to remember the person's name there was a motivation there was a motive for taking action there was a purpose but you got special tricks how do you remember 100 people so even audience well even here and we'll go through the methods even here a simple trick would be asking yourself why do i want to remember the person's name because a lot of people's names you remember are people you're attracted to people who could be good for your brand or your business right there's an inherent motivation and so when you're meeting somebody and you want to remember their name ask yourself why do i want to remember the person's name because write this down as as i know a lot of people are taking notes reasons reap results if you do not have a reason to do something you will not do it reasons reap rewards and so the first part is like a lot of people they can't get themselves to read they want to read a book a week you know we know if the average person reads two or three books a year but a book a week 52 books a year that will transform your life but a lot of people can't get themselves to read 10 15 20 minutes a day because they're not associating themselves to the reason but let's say they do have a clear reason the second part of the formula besides having a purpose is energy what keeps people from and this is never really talked about in books because you'll get books on mindset you'll have books on motivation but a key element to motive motivation your motive for taking action like the proof that you're motivated here is your acting right and so what i'm thinking about is energy some people could have a clear reason to to read to work out but they have no energy like they didn't sleep the night before right or they're super stressed so they lack the vitality to do that action and that's keeping them from doing those sales calls or or taking that that that road trip or to do the things that they need to be able to do and so you need to look at energy so in here i talk about 10 ways of jump starting your mental vitality right which includes maximizing your sleep stress management and you know i quote you in there also a lot about the the brain foods because as we talked about on your show what you eat matters especially for for your gray matter right and then once you have you're motivated see my question is always critical thinking i'm thinking okay is the person if i'm programming this robot for example if it has a reason is it going to do it not necessarily it needs energy okay so let's say it has a reason and energy is it motivated yet the one thing i could think of that it won't take action on is because the thing that they're thinking about is too big meaning that you think about oh the i want to start a business like how do you like that's not that's not a task or or a step right so the third part are small simple steps because this is motivation for me is about you know time management this is energy management having a clear purpose gives you energy and clarity because something that's not clear takes away energy you know having energy an energized brain gives you energy and then finally small simple steps require very little energy they require very little effort so my thing with getting people to really make functional change like to put down this food and pick up this junk pick up in this food is to break it down in a small simple step meaning that instead of thinking your goal is to have the perfect relationship or the perfect body how do you break it down into the smallest step where you cannot fail yeah it's like this this you know it's like the bj fog framework exactly so in here we talk about reverse engineering your habits and i take uh dr bj fogg who heads the behavior lab at uh at stanford university and he talks about tiny habits yeah he's saying hey flossing your teeth we all know it's good for your lungs lost one tooth same thing with reading if you want to read a book a week don't focus on that 45 minutes a day that it takes to read a book you know or if you learn speed reading doing 15 minutes a day hey read one sentence because nobody's going to stop after one sentence it's not like oh i got to do this one hour soul cycle it's like i got to put i got to get myself out the door because i hated like weightlifting and push-ups and all that stuff i love to run and bike and tennis and all that and i decided okay i want to start doing more strength stuff so i'm going to start with push-ups right i can do that i'm like well i really can barely do 10 push-ups but i'm going to start and i realize well what do i need well i'm motivated i have a reason i'm aging i want to age well i'm motivated um you have energy and i have the energy so i realize i shower pretty much every day okay and i turn the shower and it takes like a few minutes to warm up so i do push ups before i walk so the trigger is the turning the shower on and then i do my push-ups and i went from 10 to 50 push-ups that's amazing just by just these little steps and it works and here's the thing it's it's really if you're persistent you could achieve it but if you're consistent you could keep it you can keep it you know i believe consistency compounds that little by little a little becomes a lot and that's how you create a transformation in an individual or in a culture like the movement that you have with food fix it's these little things that add up that add up to big things you know over time so that's motivation and the third part and then the third circle on here once you have the mindset and the motivation are you getting the result not necessarily what's the one thing that's missing the third m with the which is the method right the methodology you need to know you know how to do it so with the mindset is the what the motivation is the why you know your reason and then the methods are the how now here's the thing this is where the magic comes in i want everyone to think about something they want to be more limitless about meaning progress make progress make some advancements that are measurable the minds where mindset in this venn diagram crosses over with motivation that's where you have something called i call inspiration and because i alliterate everything 3ms here are your three eyes so mindset crosses over with motivation you have inspiration and they're books on mindset and they're books on motivation right and they're books on inspiration or social media posts or speakers or something that's inspiration now that doesn't mean that you're going to have the result because what are you missing you're missing the methods right now if you have the motivation and the methods then you have the second eye where that crosses over you have implementation but the problem is you're doing it right you're motivated and you know what to do but the ceiling in your results is your mindset what you feel like you deserve what you feel like you're capable of because all behavior is going to be belief driven if your mindset is i have a horrible memory you could be motivated and know what to do and you still won't remember because the behave the behavior will be limited by the belief so show me the money whatever and then so we're getting so in the book we show people how to how to unravel these negative beliefs that hold them back now finally where mindset crosses over with methods that's where you have implement this is where you have ideation so you have inspiration you have implementation and then you have ideation you have the right mindset you have this winner growth mindset anything is possible i deserve it all and you have the methods right but you're not motivated so it just stays as an idea this is ideation where people just analysis paralysis think about all these different things where all three of these intersect where mindset motivation and methods intersect where inspiration implementation and ideation intersect is a fourth eye which is integration because ultimately real transformation is a full integration and that sweet spot where all three connect is the is that limitless state and that's really i believe this limitless model is an explanatory schema for anyone for themselves their team their family if there's a gap between where they are and where they want to be they we this is this book is about redrawing the borders and boundaries of of what we have so give us some practical tips how do you how do you for example read 25 to 50 percent faster remember names or numbers or bullet points and how do you how do you what are those methods let's do it so so going to the so i mean i want to get a free console here no no no let's do it actually will you do the actual coaching here so the book is breaking that is broken down into three sections so we so it's actually three books in one you know where we go through and dissect mindset and we talk about the limiting beliefs that hold us back and the truth right because we talk about these seven lies and lie for me is a it's a limited idea entertained it's not the truth it's an idea that we give energy to that we entertain um that we that we picked up because here's the thing when it comes to this because i'm going to talk about speed reading some people i could teach them the method but they could believe they're stupid or they could believe they're a small they're a slow reader or they could believe they are a procrastinator and they won't do the method so we debunk these lies because they're really bs right they're belief systems right so assuming people have the right mindset and they're motivated to read because some people you can teach them what to do they still won't do it because they're not they know they could do it but they don't feel it like the benefits of what it'd be like like for me an example i share in the book is the reason i'm here today is because when i was 18 years old and i learned these skills my life transformed and i couldn't help but help other people and i started to teach this and one of my very first students she was a freshman she read 30 books in 30 days honest to god 30 books not skimmer scan she read wow and i wanted to find out not how i didn't want to know the method i taught her the method i want to know what her motivation was because most people who learned that same method did not do this right and i found out i wanted to ask her how do you find out someone's motivation you ask them why you know why were you doing this you know and i found out i always get choked up thinking about this her mother was dying of terminal cancer doctors gave her just two more months to live and the books she was reading were books like that you write books to save her mom's life books on health wellness alternative medicine energy everything and i was like i wish you luck you know prayers you know and i don't talk to her for months six months later i had a call from this young lady and she's crying and she's crying crying and when she stops i find out they're tears of joy that her mother not only survive but is really getting better doctors don't know how they don't know why the doctors called it a miracle but her mother attributed 100 to the great advice she got from her daughter who learned it from all these books and then i get goosebumps yeah i got the chills and you talked about it i call them truth bumps but i feel like that truth comes yeah that's good that's when i realized that if knowledge is power then learning is our super power and it's a power we all have we just weren't taught in in this world and but i illustrate this saying that i'll teach right now i'll share with you some some great tips on how to read faster but you have to believe it's possible and you need a reason to do so be just like going to the gym you don't have to enjoy it but and i feel like you'll enjoy it once you get good at it for example a lot of people do not read because they're not good at it and if somebody didn't wasn't good at tennis it wouldn't be a very enjoyable process like you're not i'm not very great at golf so i really don't find a lot of joy in playing golf because it is it is a struggle right and so but if i was great at it like tiger woods or whoever then i would be wanting to play all the time it's fun because it because your competence confidence is looped together so that being the case find your why to read now to read a book a week yeah so this is the key the having just written the book the average the average book on amazon has about 64 000 words the average one right um now i know yours are larger but 64 000 words now the average person reads about 200 words per minute now if you divide those two numbers together you takes about 320 minutes to get through one book all right that sounds like a lot but break it down into seven days in a week that's about 45 minutes a day so that means 45 minutes of reading a day you could split it up 20 minutes in the morning 25 in the afternoon you could get through one book a week 52 books a year that would transform i mean what books would you read over the course of a year that's like that's like having a phd in any category you think about the you know what you would study in terms of entrepreneurship or wellness or anything else like that now that's 45 minutes a day now if you read you know we graduate people we have students 195 countries they triple their reading speed on average that means 15 minutes a day we'll get you through a book a week amazing so how do we get the same level of comprehension with the same it better so it's so so insane because okay i got a lot of books on my shelf over there yeah i'm like i'm dying to get through so so here's the thing and that and since that doesn't even take time because that that's a mindset issue here's the thing because i i filter everything through these three m's and so when you're coaching your your patients or somebody who's listening to this their spouse or their teammates whenever they they're talking you could see where the where where the the constraint is is it in a belief or is it a motivation how was the technique to go from yeah so this is how you this is how you 45 to 15 minutes this is how you do it the faster readers tend to have better comprehension in actuality that's the truth so if we're gonna unravel these these myths faster readers tend to have better comprehension and i know this because we have students in 195 countries so we have a lot of data right and i've worked with kids with learning difficulties to seniors and and so genius leaves clues one of the keys are what keeps us from reading faster i'll tell you number one lack of education right we're not born with ability to read we learned it and but the last time we took a class called reading what how old were you yeah exactly you were seven years old and so everything has changed since then but we're still reading the same way right so that's a challenge so this is the education part the second reason why is lack of focus some people will not read faster because they lack the focus they'll read a page in a book get to the end and then just forget what they just read and then go back and reread it now but if when reading is done well it doesn't take time it actually makes you time because if i could double everyone's reading speed i'll show you how right right now if i could double your reading speed that means what takes an hour only takes 30 minutes the average person has about four hours of reading a day like think about it like think about the text messages the emails the magazines the journals everything you need to keep process information by the way the reason why we do so much corporate training at google and ge and and wordpress spacex all these things is because if the average workday is being spent four hours a day processing information that means half of their salary is being paid just to read that means if someone's being paid fifty thousand dollars they're being paid twenty five thousand dollars just to do something so ubiquitous like reading yeah and they're reading like they read when they were seven years old yeah right so here's the thing if you could just double your reading speed instead of four hours how do you do it in two hours i'm going into the motivation so people will do it because the strategy is really easy two hours a day over the if you save it two hours a day over the course of a year you're not going to tell us you're gonna make us out of seven no no no no i'm gonna share with you but but the reason why i do this is because it's not i'll tell you what it is and most people won't do it until they realize they can save two hours a day over the course of even if they say one hour a day over the course of a year is 365 hours that is nine 40 hour work weeks yeah you get back two months of productivity so i want that to be your why what would you do with two extra months a year every company should send all their employees to go to do the training right and but everyone listening should make this a priority when i'm about to teach you the method because the motivation is there what would you do with an extra hour a day or an extra two months a year most people kill themselves to get an extra two weeks of vacation time a year right and so that's that's the why now the technique is very simple the faster you read the faster readers have the better focus the reason why when you read slow you're feeding the super brain one word at a time metaphorically starving our brain and if you don't give your brain the stimulus it needs it'll seek entertainment elsewhere in the form of destruction right and that's why you distract yourself it's like driving if you're going 20 miles an hour in your neighborhood you're not really focused on it what are you doing you're doing five you're you're drinking your your coffee or texting which you know you shouldn't you know you're you're having conversations you're thinking about the dry cleaning because you're going slow that's like reading most people are reading 100 miles an hour you're darned right exactly if you're racing cars taking hairpin turns you're only focused on two things the act of driving and what's in front of you that's and you're not thinking about the dry cleaning you're not trying to text you're not trying to check your makeup you're doing just those things that's why just like with reading when people are reading faster they're just focused on the act of reading and what's in front of them right and i'm dispelling these mindset beliefs because if i don't dispel them people think like oh now i'm not going to read faster i'm not going to understand what i'm going to read and if i don't under i don't tap motivation they're not going to do the method but here is is is the method one more obstacle that we're going to fix with the method subvocalization subvocalization is this act of saying the words as you read right you notice that when you read to yourself you hear that inner voice inside your head hopefully it's your own voice it's not like somebody else's voice the reason why it's a challenge is if you have to say all the words in order to understand that you can only read as fast as you could speak that means your reading speed is limited to your talking speed not your thinking speed i bet you a lot of people are listening to this show right now at 1.5 or 2x right because they can understand it at that much but they can't talk that fast right and here's the question the question of mindset belief do you have to say the words in order to understand them the truth is you don't any more than you say comma question mark you don't do those things you don't have to say a lot of words the there and because they're filler words 95 percent of the words you see are words you've seen before you don't have you don't have to pronounce them so the fastest readers don't pronounce all the words and then finally the last obstacle that we'll fix right now is regression a lot of people are slow readers because they unconsciously re read rewards have you ever read like a line and found yourself rereading this the line again or going back it actually 25 50 of our time sometimes unconsciously upwards of can be spent re-reading words and it's very taxing for the eyes because in in speed reading there are these things called fixations a fixation is a fancy word for an eye stop when you're reading a word your your eyes fixate on the word and then the next word and the next word and they're about 10 words per line in the average book so it's making 10 stops now the equivalent would be for kids when they're reading they're very slow readers first learning how to read they don't see words they see letters and they're looking at each individual letter sounding them out so they're making like 40 stops going through the line that's why it takes them so long to read now the equivalent of how kids read that make 40 stops to adults reading you know 10 stops speed readers actually make three maybe two or three or four stops right because they see groups of words like adults normal readers see groups of letters so they're only they're seeing three chunks at a time so their eyes only have to stop two or three times and that's the equivalent of driving in traffic you know having to make ten stops over instead of just two or three that other persons get there a lot faster so the growth here to read faster one of the ways of teaching yourself to read in groups and the subvocalized less now this is the method part is by using a visual pacer now this is so simple when people read using a visual pacer it could be like a pointer a pen a highlighter a mouse on a computer your finger a pencil when you underline the words not skip anything because i bet in your traditional speed reading class you skip words or you go down the page or you make fancy s or z forms but you miss big gaps that's why you get the gist of what you read so traditional speed reading people it's not for comprehension it's skimming yeah yeah that's what i learned yeah exactly but you don't want your doctor to get the gist of what he's reading right that wouldn't make any sense and so for me what we've tested is if you just underline the words don't skip anything and test yourself don't don't not with an actual pen but just like yeah you could you don't under you're not actually inking it up or anything if you're reading on a screen you're not touching the screen or touching the paper you're just underlining the words and then test yourself read for 60 seconds without using a visual pacer count the number lines you just read then set your timer to read 60 seconds using your finger while you read and count the number of lines you just read that second number will be a 25 50 percent lift across the board and now if you practice it more it'll get even better but here's the reason why and i tell the why to increase your motivation because some people like oh that's nice but you don't understand why so adults won't do it number one kids do it all children all children when when if you didn't teach them to do otherwise they'll use their finger to help them to read because it helps their focus that's true second of all you do it and you're thinking i don't use my finger when i read but if i asked you to count the number of lines you just read a hundred percent of people watching listening will use their finger use it as a pacer one two three four or a pen one two three because the third reason why is because your eyes are attracted to motion like if something ran somebody ran past the cameras here nobody would look at us because your eyes are hardwired as a hunter gather your survival you have to look at what moves the most in your environment because it could be a threat you're a hunter-gatherer in a bush you're hunting lunch you know a rabbit or carrot whatever your viewers eat if the bush next to you moves you have to look because number one it could be lunch or number two you could be lunch so you have to look at what moves or your eyes are hardwired to look at what moves when you're underlining the words your eyes are being pulled through the information as opposed to your attention being distracted and pulled out yeah and then the final reason you use your fingers while you read is because it's how your neurology is set up your nervous system your senses like have you ever tasted um a great piece of fruit like from the farmer's market not something that's been waxed and sprayed wild strawberry yeah something like right off the vine have you ever tasted a great tasting peach in actuality you're not tasting the peach your tongue is not capable of tasting what a peach tastes like it's actually smelling the peach but your sense of smell and your sense of taste are so closely linked that your mind can't perceive the difference it can perceive the difference when you're sick because when you when you can't breathe out of your nose you can't taste stuff food tastes what bland but that's because your sense of smell and taste are so closely linked just as your sense of smell and taste are linked so is your sense of sight and your sense of touch that literally when people underline the words as they read people will tell me all the time i feel i don't know what it is i feel more in touch with my reading in fact if you go to a child a toddler and say look at my keys look at my keys look at my keys the child will what reach out and right and grab and touch because in order for him or her to feel like they're seeing it they have to touch it it's equivalent to powerful if if somebody is blind another example how did if they can't see how do they read right with their sense of touch so your book is full of these practical things and it's it's it's the whole magilla from mindset to motivation to method breaking it all down and helping people become really limitless and and you know i always try to push against my limitations but i think i've forced my way and this is sort of like a a way to shift that and actually make it easier and i'm so glad you wrote this book you have so many great things there in there you talk about a not to do list you have an incredible 10 day quick start challenge which i think people are going to love so it's it's about how but it's also exactly the specifics of how to get it done which is what i love about it and i i'm like actually you know i don't get excited about a lot of stuff and you know i've known you for a long time and i know your work and it's one of those things i'm like thinking it's a nice to do someday and i'm like when can i get started on this because i'm really jazzed because i i my life is all about learning it's all about understanding and it's and i feel like if i can accelerate that and read a book a week i like it's the best news i've heard i'm saying we show up differently when we we have that level of confidence when you can walk into a room meet 20 strangers and leave saying goodbye to every single one of them by name yeah you know you show you show up different you know there's especially in business you know the number one business etiquette networking skill is is just remember someone's name because how are you going to show someone you're going to care for their health their their wealth their finances their family if you don't care enough just remember them and so very proud of so great jim hey youtube if you like this video you're going to love the next one click on it to check it out today getting quality sufficient sleep on a regular basis is without question the foundation of mental and health and probably physical health as well no well you already knew i know is so huge this is such a huge idea so sleep
Channel: Mark Hyman, MD
Views: 38,041
Rating: 4.9376621 out of 5
Keywords: Mark Hyman, Mark Hyman interview, Mark Hyman live longer, Mark Hyman diet, how to live longer, how to age in reverse, nutrition tips, healthy foods, health tips, health theory, fasting tips, how to never get sick again, prevent disease, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, inspiration, motivation, joe dispenza interview, joe dispenza heal the body, unlock your mind joe dispenza, joe dispenza motivation, control your mind, unlock your mind
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 22sec (6262 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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