HABITS to Break the NEGATIVE Programming of Your MIND! | Joe Dispenza | Top 10 Rules

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I assert that if you're not in the present moment you're running a program right and paying attention is being present and it's a skill just like anything else the more you practice it the better you get at it and you know when someone's present with you in your life because they're paying attention to you and you know when they're not present with you because they're not paying attention to you so where you place your attention is where you place your energy so if you have all of your attention in the present moment you're conserving a lot of energy to create with if I'm talking to you and you're thinking about where you're gonna go for lunch and who you're going to go with and how you're going to get there and I'm talking to you you left the present moment and your attention went to some future and your energy will go down and you won't be able to comprehend what I said if you start thinking about what you should have said at the staff meeting three days ago and I'm talking to you and your mind is back in the past you're siphoning energy out of the present moment into the past so people are constantly siphoning their energy into a familiar past or a predictable future because that's where their attention is and the stronger the emotions that we feel to certain problems and can conditions in our life the more we pay attention to them so we give our power away to our ex we give our power way to that big problem and that's Creative Energy that we should be able to use to create a new future need motivation Watch Attack 10 with believe Nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because in my first business I quit on my business partner I was making 300 bucks a month and I didn't have the motivation to keep going and the thing that got me through was studying the stories of entrepreneurs who've had massive success and I hope that in sharing these stories with you you find a motivation to keep going and if I'm being honest I still need the source for myself today too so today let's learn from one of the best Joe dispenza and my take on his top 10 rules of success enjoy when a person's sitting in a meditation and they're doing absolutely nothing and it's eight o'clock in the morning and their body for the last 10 years has been going in traffic and getting angry and frustrated in traffic and now they're sitting in a meditation at eight o'clock in the morning the body's going to say hey you're off schedule I'm used to suffering and getting angry here so the body's gonna start looking for that emotion and it's going to start influencing the mind and you're going to start getting images and and memories just so you can feel that emotion like now now the person's back in the past but if they become aware that they're siphoning energy out of the present moment into the past and they settle the body back down into the present moment that's a victory and those victories add up and you're telling the body in that moment that it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and that's a victory and then people get frustrated and they say I can't meditate oh really well actually you're doing it right that's actually what medicine you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing and all of a sudden the body says well it's 8 15 now this is when you normally you know go get something to eat and you have your coffee and your body's starting to want to get up and do something you become aware that your body wants to get up and move and you're in the meditation and you tell your body uh-uh you bring it back to the present moment and you settle it back down you are training the animal that's a victory now you're executing a will that's greater than the program because most people lose their free will to a program now you're telling the body I'll tell you when we get up not when you want to get up you're not the mind I'm the mind and that's a victory now we've done the research on this if you keep doing this and you stay with it sooner or later the body is going to surrender to a new mind and when that happens Sean there's a liberation of energy the body is freed from those habituations and those emotions the bodies going from particle to wave from matter to energy and all of a sudden you're dialing down the anger you're dialing down the vigilance and the body now is being conditioned to a new mind that is the present moment and when you're in that present moment something really amazing happens you forget about you all of a sudden you're not your face you're not your culture you're not your your marital status you're not your diet you're not your your past you're basically just an awareness you're in the unknown and that is the perfect place to create from so it turns out that when people do this properly they heal themselves of anxiety why because they're no longer obsessing about some future when they find the present moment they heal their from their depression because they're not a bit hopeless and Powerless in their past the body's conditioned now and so then when they overcome themselves in their meditation and they step out into their life they are more present they can connect they are more patient they are more loving because they overcome the animal part of themselves and the beauty behind that is is that all of a sudden you're not predictable all of a sudden something's different about Sean he's he's not I'm noticing he's not behaving the same way you're out of the known right you're in the unknown and all of a sudden people is no longer what you're saying to them is who you are they're just kind of scratching their head going hey he looks like he's really happy I want some of that and now we're out of the philosophical theoretical realm we're in the practicum which is where really the magic happens so the Eternal Present Moment The Sweet Spot of the generous present moment is the place we create from and when we are when we're there we disconnect from our bodies we become nobody we disconnect from people in our lives we're not thinking about our ex or our boss we are no one we're not thinking about our cell phone our computer we are no thing we are not thinking about where we live where we work where we sleep we are nowhere and we're not thinking about the predictable future and the familiar past we're in no time and when you're disconnecting or dissociating from everything known you're in the unknown and that's where the magic happens rule number two believe in yourself I consider myself a pretty open-minded person I mean I have a pretty good meter too like I I have a transmitter that like I just I'm a I'm a practical person yeah I want to talk about Quantum superimposition if it doesn't change my life in any way I want to know how it's going to affect my life I'm a pragmatist so I consider myself a pretty open-minded person but I have you know I'm skeptical about things because I want to challenge them in a way that I think it really helps people right so when I saw you know some of the dramatic changes take place I was I I I I I never thought in my lifetime that I would be witnessing what I'm in what I witness and every single week-long event that we've done and we've done 30 of them now and it's never been a disappointment there's just a transformative thing that takes place that is way bigger than me so when you see a person with a stroke who's blind in the quarter of their Vision or has paralysis and can't move an arm and you see that Vision completely restored and then you see the scan that shows there's no longer any blemish or damage to the visual field you just you can't go back to business as usual you can't go back to being the same person you once you know you can't not know and and and it's so beautiful because Consciousness is awareness and awareness is noticing and paying attention so when you see a person who has a transformation and you see the science that says in a week-long event there'll be over 600 metabolic changes in 75 percent of the audience for the better in a one-week event when you when you know that you're now you're aware of another possibility that may not be the possibility that we think is free will to choose from gnomes this is now you're stepping outside and when a person shows up and believes in themselves and does the work they're believing in possibility you cannot believe in possibility and and and believe in yourself not believe in yourself you got to believe in yourself and believe in possibility you got to believe in possibility you got to believe in yourself so for me personally I I it's way bigger than me I'm very humbled on a regular basis every time I get another testimonial uh I say this person is speaking the truth and and it's it's a footprint for somebody else to step into and I think the world needs that more than ever so for me um my greatest passion my greatest joy I think there's some there's something in US Glenn that's so empathetic uh now we're we have universities that are studying we're studying people that can be healed remotely you don't even need to be in their presence if you understand the science of quantum physics and you understand how to do it you could hit a Target and heal another person at a distance and there it is and there it's gone now when you see that occur there's some kind of empathy I I drop in on the calls of these people that show up every single day of their life to heal another person and they do at least three or four a day and these people they're not doing it because they want to be a Healer they're doing it because well how they feel when they see a mother who's comes on the zoom call and says my daughter was you know a handicapped from birth she had a traumatic birth she's listless unresponsive never looked at her brothers and all of a sudden this kid is smiling at her brothers and trying to talk and you watch the people on the zoom call that are the healers you see everywhere all in tears there's this empathy that takes place where we're contributing as a species to one another that we were part of somebody's transformation we gave in some way another one of us is better in this kind of feeling of empathy this feeling of connection is so profound that goes against all those survival and stress emotions that create Division and polarity and separation and and distrust and and so that's when Community starts coming together that's when we start to collaborate cooperate and it and it's got to be from the heart so I'm super hopeful about um well what what we're doing rule number three aim for real change the greatest challenge uh when we have uh strong emotions that are stored in the brain and body is it's very difficult uh to think greater than how we feel that I think that is the challenge and uh feelings uh are a record of the past so so the person if they can't think greater than how they feel then they can't see a possible future because they're looking at that future through the lens of their past biology and so the best thing for a person to do if they're truly truly committed to change is to really understand what change means and really understand that there's a biology and a very specific explanation of what change is okay so the person says I didn't create this reality okay okay you didn't create that reality I didn't ask for the life that I'm living okay you didn't ask for the life that you're living okay [Music] um I didn't pick these parents somehow I was born into this family okay great so now what I mean now whatever I mean like if our excuse to change is really it's that person or that circumstance or that past that's really making me feel this way you can do that for a while but if you start reading and learning and filling your brain with knowledge and making new Connections in your brain you got more raw materials to start thinking about new possibilities now that's what information does information every time you learn something new you're making thousands of synaptic Connections in your brain repeat it review it think about it talk about it share it and those circuits begin to create long-term connections called Memories and now you're adding more three-dimensional stitches into the tapestry of your gray matter and and you're building information to see that there are other ways to live now pick up a book on someone who's had trauma and they turn that trauma around and they live their life in joy and then and they see it differently and you're picking up and relating with the story and at the same time you're realizing you're identifying with this character and if they can do it you can do it too all right so now the possibility exists okay now the person really who truly wants to be happy says I can't I can't live in my past any longer okay I understand that I know it's hard and I'm gonna I'm gonna default back to my old personality maybe 10 times or 20 times or 100 times in one day that's okay because if I'm alive tomorrow I'm gonna try and do it better the next day I'm not gonna think act and feel this way so how many times do we have to forget until we really stop forgetting and start remembering how many times do we go unconscious in our waking day that we have to stop going unconscious and stay conscious so the person who no longer wants to be and I hate to use this word victimized by their life but excusing themselves from the possibility that there could be an alternative way to live a new life to live in the person who excuses themselves that way is because they can't imagine a new life greater than how they typically feel and of course it takes trauma or disease or diagnosis or loss or betrayal or the person to be so knocked out of balance that they finally say I have to change and they can tell you exactly where they were the time of day it was who they were with when they made up their mind to change this happens thousands of times in our research the person says I'm making up my mind in this moment and they make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that causes their body to respond to their mind that the choice that they're making in that moment in time is a moment in time they will never forget in other words the stronger the emotion they felt when they made that choice independent of what was going on in their environment and their life the more they'll remember the choice they're making that's what emotions do and that gives the body a sampling or a taste of the future they're changing their state of being in one instant rule number four get along with others there's a biology to personal change and transformation so we have this emerging youth that that has to resolve the problems that have been created by this past generation from a greater level of Consciousness and that means when everybody else is angry and everybody else is frustrated you're gonna have to show compassion when everybody else is fearful and worried you're gonna have to show courage when everybody else is racing and rushing and competing to succeed and climbing over each other to get to the top you're gonna have to learn how to be in the present moment and draw to you and I think if you do that in the beginning it feels unnatural because everybody else is doing something else but how do we become Supernatural unless we start doing the things that feel unnatural so anger is not going to resolve it that's actually what's created Prejudice is not going to resolve it that's what's created it greed is not going to resolve it that's what exactly actually has created it and so we're in a time right now right before our eyes we're watching the world in many ways that experience such extreme polarity that the wobbling of polarity is breaking the system right and it's creating chaos is disorder chaos is the no longer the known as we're in a big unknown right now so when there's brain and heart coherence God we have such incredible data that could take if I trained you on how to do that you could be running around doing a thousand different things and I could say Emilio sit down you got 15 minutes uh to synchronize your heart to your brain we do this all the time and whether the young guys running around chasing this one-year-old two-year-old kid one of my staff is running around doing a thousand different things sit down they sit down and all of a sudden music starts and you see them start moving in and all of a sudden you see this beautiful low frequency take place in the heart and once we see that it starts to build you see the parasympathetic nervous system go up which means these are relaxing and then the parasympathetic nervous system goes down and the sympathetic nervous system goes up and all of a sudden the brain moves into those gamma patterns and that person yeah the heart is informing the brain the heart is telling the brain it's safe to create the heart is giving the brain information we actually see this now the brain the heart has Intelligence brain thinks but the heart knows so all of a sudden the heart says Emilio is time to create you're out of survival and you get these incredible ideas you get the mystical moment you get the understanding you get the download you get whatever that is people can do that now on command now why is that important because you know most people are stressed in survival and unconscious in a program and racing and rushing to try to make that feeling of emptiness or pain go away and there's and they're lost in the illusion of Separation thinking they need the outer environment to do it chaos is happening you got to be the eye of the storm you got to be relaxed and out of survival and awake and heart and brain coherence means relaxed and awake so then we take our youth we're investing in our youth right now because they're going to be the leaders of our future we want to teach them what leadership truly is from the heart we want to teach them how to make changes that are permanent we want them to consider the whole we want them to come up with ideas that we will be interested in supporting and backing that will create that kind of cultural change that takes place and most importantly that they get along with one another I mean why can't we just get along with each other take away all the all the governments take away all all the different cultures and you see people in my you see modern events a thousand people 2 000 people all Races all all cultures we all get along everybody loves everybody I mean that's that's who we innately are also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five Define your vision of the future that's how powerful we are you could actually like the story We Tell ourselves is how we perceive the world and so then then when we create the difficulties in our life it reaffirms the belief that life is hard that it's really someone out there that's doing it to us that it's a circumstance in the past that created this okay let's take away the person that did it let's shoot him to the Moon Let's uh let's erase your past now what are you going to do now I am you still you still got to do something right you're still alive and I say we already know how to do this we already know how to do this we're wired to be creators we're wired to do this the thing that stops us for the most part in doing it is really the hormones of stress because living in stress constantly is living in survival and living in survivals living in emergency in an emergency it's not a time to create an emergency it's not a time to open your heart it's not a time to learn it's not even a time to sit still so most people then that are living in stress and living in survival they can't believe in a future yet because it's not a time to create so getting people to that point where they make up their mind and they make up their mind enough to begin to think there's got to be a better way there's got to be something else that Awakening process typically happens when people reach their lowest denominator they hit rock bottom because then they can see themselves Through The Eyes of somebody else you're you feel so altered you're not returning any text you feel so altered you want to go to dinner with your buddies you feel so altered you know you don't want to watch your favorite TV show you're just you're just disconnected and that's when you start observing yourself but my message is why wait for that I mean you can learn and change in pain and suffering or you can learn and change enjoy an inspiration if you're waking up every morning being defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past and you get up and you're inspired from an elevated self now instead of a limited self you could observe the old cell from an elevated State instead of that diminished State and people are doing that so they are aware of those thoughts and yes it takes uh effort and if it was easy everybody would be doing it but just because you have a thought doesn't necessarily mean it's true and when you start looking and observing those thoughts um I think you are like Gandalf because Gandalf also said you know you may not pass you know when he meant like that's kind of severity when it comes to how we we make up our mind about things that's the kind of energy or intention begins to create the biggest volume of change in our life and I've interviewed thousands of people in our work that have healed from really serious health conditions and I would say about 90 of them when I asked them so what happened the first thing they say all the time is I just made up my mind I just made up my mind I was going to do this and they made a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carried a level of energy that was greater than the hardwired programs in their brain and the emotional conditioning in their body and the choice that they made caused their body to respond to a new mind in fact the choice they made became a moment that they would never forget it was an event and the stronger the emotion they felt the more they paid attention to the choice and in a sense they were remembering their future and the body emotionally was getting a sampling a taste of the future and they're lying to that future and that's when the body's healing began that's when the miracle started right in that moment that's how powerful really are now what if you did that every day what if you made up your mind every single day you weren't going to get up from your meditation until you were that person you wanted to be game on now because you'd have to do battle with all the things that are not consistent with it and that's exactly how our brain works so then if you want to be wealthy you can't feel lack you want to be a master you can't judge your co-worker you want to be like somebody great in history then you better execute peace in every area of your life that's that's the law so you take the prayer out on the road now you take the prayer you're the living example of the prayer that's where that's where it matters the most and that's when people start getting suspicious and say Sean man you change your medication I mean you're looking way too happy all of a sudden well you're not relying on anything outside of you to bring you Joy you're you're you're overcoming yourself every day and people say to me well why do you do your meditations in the morning I always say easy because if I can overcome myself at the beginning of the day the rest of the day is easy right because that's the biggest that's the biggest Master right is the self rule number six don't stress yourself out living in stress is living in survival and survival is a very primitive mechanism that allows us to really really adapt to an environment that's threatening or dangerous the moment you perceive a danger or threat you switch on an autonomic function in your body the sympathetic nervous system and there's an arousal the arousal of those hormones causes a heightening of the senses because now we want to become more acute that there's a danger there if there's a if there's a a tiger in the bushes and you hear something rumbling around in its night you're going to either run fight or freeze or hide that's your choices and so that works really well in survival for the short term because the arousal causes us feeling like we're more our body we get a rush of energy the arousal causes our brain waves to change and to move into a more alert state we now are focused on what it is in the environment we're giving it our attention all of our attention and now we're trying to predict what's going to happen in the future based on what we've known in the past so we're overlaying a known into the future so that we can prepare and normally when we don't know what it is the unknown causes us to feel these primitive emotions of survival and it's best to run it's best to fear the unknown so the challenge becomes that that works really well for the short term but when you switch on this system and you're mobilizing enormous amounts of the body's energy and resources for some threat in your outer world there's no energy in your inner world for growth and repair there's no energy for long-term building projects and we start tapping the body's vital resources and that's what creates mental health or physical health or spiritual disease right so because no organism can live in that emergency state for that extended period of time it's like there's a hurricane coming through Australia you're not going to be thinking about remodeling your kitchen at that time it's not a time for long-term projects right so now when we're in stress and we're in survival the self is the most important you don't trust it's not a time to love it's not a time to learn it's not a time to communicate uh it's not a time to be vulnerable it's not a time to open your heart it's not the time to sit down and close your eyes and go within you would be eaten the survival Gene is switched on when people spend 70 percent of their time living in the state so then in that state where the arousal takes place the brain moves into a heightened brain wave pattern called beta brainwave pattern now as I said that's like driving your sports car in first gear on the freeway you it's it's the jump start but you can't do it for a long period of time because in stress stress is signaled by the loss of control not being able to predict the next moment the unknown or the perception that something's going to get worse and when you're in that state you start trying to control and predict everything in your life and you shift your attention from one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another place to another object to a group of situations and every one of those elements has a neurological Network in the brain so the arousal causes the brain like a lightning storm in the clouds to start firing out of order it starts firing in coherently and when the brain is incoherent we're incoherent when the brain isn't working right we're not working right so then now the person is aroused in that state it's never occurred to them that they could change that in fact they're telling you I am this way because of my boss because of my ex because of my past because of the news because of the global situation whatever it is and what they're really saying is I'm using something in my outer environment to validate or Justify why I feel this way so then that means then they're also going to be dependent on something in their outer environment to make them feel better and whether it's a drug or a a treatment or a whatever it is uh complaining whatever it is that makes them feel better and the moment they notice that they've done something and they've used something outside of them to make that feeling go away they'll pay attention to what it was and every time they feel that feeling they'll become dependent on it so now they're more dependent on their environment so then the subconscious program is when things are good you feel good but when things are bad you feel bad so you're completely victim to your environment and the environment is actually controlling the way you feel and think now anything that controls the way you feel and think you're victim too so I said Glenn why are you in such a bad mood I'm in a bad mood because of this person the circumstance this the situation in my life what you're really saying is something in my outer environment is literally controlling my feelings my emotions and my thoughts so then it turns out that when the person is in that state and they're in that aroused State their heart is beating because the sympathetic nervous system switched on but they're not running they're not fighting they're not hiding they're stepping on the gas pedal and they're stepping on the brake and the Heart starts beating very incoherently and incoherent waves in the brain and incoherent waves in the heart diminish energy so energy goes out of the brain your energy goes out of the heart we stop thinking clearly we stop rationalizing very well we can't plan for the future we're uninspired in our heart we don't trust we can't feel gratitude we can't feel appreciation we can't feel love it's not a time to feel any of those things so then that's the beginning of disease right so the person starts thinking about their problems and they turn on that stress response just by thought alone and if the hormones of stress push the genetic buttons that create disease then your thoughts are going to make you sick and the question is if your thoughts can make you sick is it possible that your thoughts can make you well and by the same means if you're using every person every circumstance in your life to reaffirm that dependency on that Rush of emotions then you become addicted to the life you don't even like that's why change is so hard because you'd rather suffer and be in pain than take a chance in the unknown because the unknown you can't predict it so people cling to the familiar and cling to the known and and so they become dependent on the environment so what we found out was is there a way to make the brain more coherent is there a formula that we can teach people instead of narrowing their focus on the material world narrowing their focus on everything known what if they broaden their focus and they put it on nothing on Space if they broaden their focus and they they open their awareness uh uh in this way what happens to the brain and we found the brain gets really organized what if they traded fear for an elevated emotion and we taught them how to start working with their body rule number seven control your thoughts I don't overthink that there's a time where you're isn't influencing your body and a time where your body isn't influencing your mind but from a very simplistic standpoint when you have a thought every time you have a thought you make a chemical and when you fire that thought the brain produces a chemical it signals the body for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking so if you have a joyful thought you make chemicals that make you feel Joy if you have a self-depreciating thought it your body switches on a different set of circuits than the brain and produces different chemicals and you feel unworthy the problem is is the moment we start feeling unworthy the moment we start feeling unhappy the moment we start feeling angry the brain checks in with the body and it causes the body causes the mind to think the same thoughts equal to how it's feeling so then the person starts thinking more thoughts equal to that feeling firing and wiring certain networks in the brain and setting the same to the body so thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings of the language of our body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so it makes sense then that some people get caught in these Loops of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking for years on end and the redundancy of that cycle the thought and the feeling an image or a memory and an emotion a stimulus in response is what conditions the body emotionally like any conditioning process to live in the past now the body is the objective mind it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that the person is fabricating by thought alone so most emotions are chemical records of the past so the person by living by the same emotional state their body leaving us in the same past experience 24 hours a day seven days a week and 365 days a year to the body the body is literally emotionally conditioned into the past Well turns out that certain thoughts that we think that produce certain chemicals either cause the body to flourish and to grow and certain thoughts cause it to weaken and the response then causes the body to move out of balance now here's an example in the short story we all know that when we are threatened or there's some danger in our outer world where we feel like we lost control of something and we can't predict what's going to happen next or we have the constant perception that things in our life are going to get worse we turn on a very primitive system an alarm system an emergency system that says that there's a threat and a danger and what happens is the body mobilizes enormous amounts of energy and chemicals to prepare us for that danger or threat well that's sympathetic response and for the short term all organisms in nature can tolerate short-term stress the problem is is that when there's that arousal of chemicals that's created the person becomes conditioned or needs the rush of that adrenaline the rush of that chemical to feel something so if you start responding to the people in your life or the circumstances in your life and the conditions in your life and your response is producing that emergency system then over time when your pupils dilate and your salivary juices shut down and blood is sent to your extremities and your heart rate increases and respiratory rate increases your body's prepared for that danger but what if you're sitting in traffic what if you're sitting next to an in-law what if you're sitting next to a co-worker in a cubicle or watching the news so what happens is is that our response to the environment the arousal causes us to pay more attention to our problems and this is where it gets dangerous because we can think about our problems and we can turn on that same stress response just by thought alone now stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of homeostasis is when you're knocked out of balance you keep knocking the body out of balance that imbalance becomes the new balance and now the person's headed for disease because no one can live in emergency mode in that state where you're putting all your attention on your outer world there's no energy for growth and repair in your inner World Okay so it's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress push the genetic buttons long term and create disease well if you can turn on the stress response just by thought alone thinking about your problems that means that your thoughts can literally make you sick so the question is if your thoughts could make you sick is it possible that your thoughts can make you well and we have spent over 10 years of studying this mind-body connection and the mind and the body are always talking to each other rule number eight change your frequency in this realm called space-time this three-dimensional reality if you just look at the science behind space-time there's an infinite amount of space space is eternal there's no end of space right and I as I said we experience time moving through space and we got to play by the rules of classical Newtonian physics and the way that we create in three-dimensional reality is that you see someone that's got the nice sports car and you don't have it and the moment you experience lack that you don't have it but you want it then the lack says I got to get busy getting that which is social media yeah everything yeah yeah to keep you consuming to keep you and keep you interested right so there's nothing wrong with that um well I found that when people really do take from someone to no one from something to nothing from somewhere to Nowhere from some time to no time there are dramatic changes that take place in the brain and body dramatic levels of order we start to see there's a level of coherence a synchronization that takes place in the nervous system now if they do that properly then we could say then if you're not sure a body if you're not you're anything you're identifying with in your environment and you're not thinking about time well who are you your Consciousness you're aware of nothing you're in this void right in this vacuum now that realm that you pass into this fertile as I said with frequency with with information every thought has a frequency there in this realm called time space it's inverse the space time the rules are completely different if there's nothing visible it's frequency it's energy it's vibration it's it's thought it's Consciousness it's information and connection everything is connected there's no separation it's Unity it's wholeness it's Oneness everything's connected to everything else now you got to change your you got to change your the way you think when you get to this place so now in time space there's an infinite amount of time instead of instead of space being Eternal time is eternal so there's so there's one infinite Present Moment One Eternal now okay now let's think about that if you had all the time in the world to get things done how many things could you get done in imagination yeah equal to your imagination well that's the quantum there's infinite possibilities actually of all the time right so in the realm of space-time we move through space from one point to another and if we want to get there sooner we move faster we drive fast we run faster we do things faster if we want to get there harder to yeah we work harder right you got to work you gotta fight for it right in this realm there's nowhere to go there's no space so you're connected to everything so here's the here's the dichotomy the way that we change our movement Through Time spaces to change the thought or the frequency and every past present and future possibility is all existing in the present moment and that's a big one for people to wrap their mind around so there are dimensions we can move through times we can travel through times to travel in a mystical moment to a childhood memory that defined you and you can see yourself as your adult self and have compassion for that child and get the understanding that that child didn't have at that time and it'll change your biology in a second the person who because you're connected to that person you are that past you are it but you're not seeing it as the seven-year-old child you're seeing it as an integrated adult called Emilio saying God I love that kid that's not the truth he just saw it that way it wasn't his fault he wasn't responsible for that oh my God and now somehow the memory is replaced from a greater level of Consciousness the person who has been abused physically sexually emotionally who has Suicidal Tendencies severe depression anxiety and and panic attacks endometriosis a weird hormonal things all because of molestation and abuse in the past in the present moment they can they can see their past from a greater level of Consciousness and have such a moment of pure love that they don't want to change anything in their past they think it's perfect for them now because it brought them to that moment of ecstasy that moment of Freedom now as you change your thought or your frequency you can move forward in time too and in forward in time there's an infinite number of possible use that also exist as potentials so when a person has a mystical moment they're actually accessing information from the field that's very relevant to them rule number nine meditate the word meditation means to become familiar with that's exactly what that symbol means familiarization so if you're sitting in your meditation and your brain is going you can't quit it's too hard you're becoming familiar with those thoughts that's a meditation there's no such thing as a bad meditation there's just overcoming yourself you're sitting there and your body wants to get up and do things and check your email and check your texts and you become aware that it's doing that you become familiar with that you're in a meditation if you're realizing that you're angry and frustrated and resentful and all you're doing is sitting there that's in there now you're becoming familiar with that old self that's a good thing and if you start saying what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain and you keep firing and wiring them you're going to become familiar with those you start reviewing who you're going to be when you open your eyes and you keep reviewing it keep reviewing it reviewing it you keep firing and wiring it's going to become familiar to you and if you trade resentment and impatience for gratitude and freedom and joy you start making those chemicals in your meditation every single day I swear to you you'll get familiar with that so the process of change is unlearning and relearning it is breaking the habit of the old self and Reinventing a new self and we use meditation as a way to change our brain and body to be different be greater than the environment be greater than our our emotions and and habits and be and be greater than the particular future in the familiar past so meditation is a way then to get us in the right State of Mind and Body so when we present ourselves to the world or a better expression of it and then practicing and staying aware your entire day so that so that you can actually Master something about yourself now what's the what's the side effect of that you're more in love with you because you overcame you you're and as you overcome and you overcome and you keep overcoming you're going to become somebody else and in so the beauty behind that is then your life begins to change in really mysterious and unusual ways and people say oh my God I was so happy I forgot about my back pain or my neck pain or I forgot about my food allergies or whatever people are dealing with it something biologically shifts in them and they're Freer they're more whole they're less separate you know they feel more pleased and and satisfied with themselves and they really don't care what people think of them and they really stop judging other people because they're they're not judging themselves any longer so so you could only talk around these Concepts you really have to really apply them to really begin to see the fruits of your efforts but um common people around the world are doing The Uncommon because of it and Rule Number 10 the last one before some very special bonus Clips is lead by example first of all you know mothering is the I as I said is the hardest job in the world in there's I raised three kids uh three children and I practiced uh raising them within many of these principles and it was children uh number one thing is they have mirror neurons and mirror neurons are called empathy neurons they they Model Behavior when a lioness is teaching her Cubs how to hunt she's not on a chalkboard and saying you go here you go there she's saying watch me do this and when the Cubs watch the Lioness hunt as they're looking at their mom hunting they're priming the very circuits in their brain to hunt as they as they watch their mom they're becoming their mom hunting and the the the mother's Act is selecting and instructing circuitry in their brain equal to the environment that they're perceiving so what does that mean to an adult or a human being you got to be the example of everything you want your children to be that's that's the fast path to Enlightenment so you can't tell your kids get off your technology while you're over there on the computer or on the phone or on the TV and expect them to find something to do if you're not engaging um it's important to have technology but it's also important to not have technology and and that's healthy as well so one of the cool things that's happened in our our community is we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of kids that come to our week-long events from the age of seven or six all the way up to you know 25 and 26 and sometimes there's 200 on the stage and the children are interested in understanding that they can create a better life and so there's certain principles I think that really help parents and of course another one is never try to reason with your children when they're emotional because we don't want to be reasoned with when we're emotional we want to be left alone until we get through the emotion because no information could actually enter their brain that isn't equal to that emotional state now one of the most important things that I think you can teach a child by demonstration as as well as story allegory and conversation is to teach them how to shorten the refractory period of their emotional responses so as I said you react to or respond to something or some condition in your outer world uh that changes your emotional state it could create fear it could create anger create jealousy hostility Envy whatever and so then the re the lingering of that emotion that chemical if you allow it to last for days to weeks it's called a mood if it lasts for weeks and weeks uh two months on end that's called a temperament oh he's an angry temperament why are you angry I'm angry because of this experience if you keep the same emotion going on for years on end that's called a personality personality trait so personality traits many times are created by the experiences and the emotions that that keep us connected to the Past teaching children how to shorten their emotional reactions is such such so vitally important because when we're in that emotional state there's a gap between the way things appear and the way things really are we're altered we're not ourselves and if we act during that time if we send an email during that time if we speak during that time even if we think during that time and we follow through we'll normally say I should have never said that I never should have never thought that I'd never sort of sent that email I should never done it so children then are so neuroplastic it's so important for you to have conversations with them about how hard it is to overcome our emotional states when we're in the emotional state as an example my with my daughter my my kids whenever I saw her react to someone or something whatever I was doing as long as there was no injury or no one was in danger I would stop and I'd turn around and I would observe her just for a minute while she was doing what she was reacting to and she became aware that I was observing her after she became aware that I was observing her then I would deal with it however I had to deal with it at the end of the day I would lay down with my children in bed and I would start to talk about myself God I had a pretty tough day today I lost it right around three o'clock I couldn't get back the entire day I was frustrated and I was impatient had too many things going on I was overwhelmed and I wasn't present with you guys at dinner I don't know making something up if you just pause for a moment my daughter would say yeah I got really angry at Paris today and I'd say I know I saw you and I and then she'd say yeah if you start telling me what happened I'd say okay now that you know what happened if it happened again how would you do it differently how would you behave differently how would you evolve your experience and then we would talk about it between her and I we would come up with another plan another rehearsal we would begin to okay let's let's Okay so parents comes in she says and you do this and said and so you're before you go to bed at night and your subconscious mind is wide open to information and so I would rehearse it with her before she would go to sleep well you know while the everybody was in bed and I would then tell a story of these kids that lived in a Faraway land and then I would bring in each kid's little allegory about them and what they were working on changing to to give them an opportunity that they could evolve their experience meditation the actual translation of the word meditation means to become familiar with so the first thing you have to do is you have to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts you got to notice your automatic habits and behaviors and you have to become aware of your emotions that keep you anchored to the past and if you can become so conscious of the one unconscious states of mind and body that they would never slip by your conscious awareness again you're becoming familiar with the old self so you don't return then if you begin to think about new ways of being being defined by a vision plan your behaviors review them in your mind now if you keep doing that over and over again nerve cells that fire together wire together you begin to become familiar with a new state of mind at the same time if you can emotionally cultivate your inspiration your joy Your Enthusiasm ahead of the experience by repeating that over and over again cultivating that state it's going to begin to become familiar to you so then the process of change then requires unlearning and relearning breaking the habit of the old self Reinventing a new self pruning synaptic connections as we say in neuroscience and sprouting new connections unmerizing emotions that are stored in the body then here's the key reconditioning the body to a new mind into a new emotion it's literally moving from your past to your future it's losing your mind and creating a new one and so then when you begin to understand that in the in that process it's going to feel a little bit unfamiliar uncomfortable and if you can relax into that instead of going back to the past continuously invest in your future sooner or later it'll begin to become easier and easier and easier and all of a sudden when you least expect it something amazing is going to happen in your life and when that event begins to occur you're going to pay attention to what you did inside of you now to produce the effect outside of you and that's called human empowerment and there isn't a person in the world that's excluded from this equation we had a guy that we came in a wheelchair an event we did recently it came in that Throne he walked from he had ALS he walked from the back of the room all the way to the stage walked up the stairs out of that wheelchair on his own I asked him he said I just I just have to work on staying in this emotional state because the longer I stay there the more I'm noticing that my body's responding he's not saying why am I why am I not healed he understands that the only way he can actually heal is to change him right and so now it becomes very practical right it becomes very practical you think it's important that practical part of it I think sometimes people think they're disqualified if they can't explain something they do well let me tell you one of the interesting things on the show many of the people that do things exceptionally well that have been on my show athletes or entertainers really don't do a very good job of explaining it yeah they embody it and I think sometimes someone listens to somebody like you who can explain this and think that they're disqualified from becoming good if they can't explain how they're doing it but the truth is it's a repeated experience that becomes familiar for them without the need to express how they're doing it right right and for me right this is your this is your life is teaching people to do this and giving them the tools but for the vast majority of people it's it's creating the experience everybody everybody has done this at least once in their life what did they did they sat down and they said what would it be like to be happy what would it be like to be healthy what would it be like to have a new life what would we like to be in love and they ask the question instead of getting on their cell phone and texting someone or posting they actually sat there and they actually said let me answer the question yeah let me get uncomfortable here and what is it that I truly want what would I have to change about myself to be healthy to be happy to be well successful what are my bad habits they get busy writing down all the the the choices they want to make all the things they want to do they start writing down all their goals all their experiences and every goal or experience they write down in their future there's an emotion they get inspired they get optimistic they get grateful they get energized and those emotions fuel more thoughts and now they're they're they're actually changing their biology and then they do something really really really really really important they start looking at the thoughts that they no longer want to think they write them down I can't it's too hard I'll start tomorrow I don't feel good until they start looking at the choices they're going to have to stop making and when they they understand when they stop making those choices it's going to be uncomfortable that's the hardest part about change they start thinking about the things they have to stop doing I gotta get off the couch I got to stop watching this I gotta stop over reading whatever it is and then we've all done this and there comes a moment where you start noticing that like you start saying hey I believe this is this is actually going to happen right and that's when you take the foot off the gas pedal and you start really realizing wow I was the resource of actually making this happen and I changed yeah I changed in the process so the the exciting part about it you talk people who created wealth who talk to people who created relationships that are talk to people who have created Health they'll tell you my disease my poverty was my greatest teacher my past was my greatest teacher they look back at their past and now there's no longer an emotion associated with it the memory without the emotional charges wisdom now you get to go to the Future you get to create whatever you're free willed you you could be anybody you want to be in the process I think one of the most important things when we lose sight of our vision is to make time for ourselves and I think that when you invest in yourself you invest in your future disconnecting from people in your life and places that you have to go and things that you do or things that you own long enough to begin to reignite a vision of how you see yourself or how you see your future and begin to emotionally Embrace that future and change your state of being allows us to see a whole new landscape if you've lost sight of your vision take a moment and remember that vision and begin to emotionally embrace it and from that state of being start to think about the things you want to do the choices you want to mix write them down review the behaviors that you have to demonstrate your goals and experiences and how it's going to feel when you do that enough times you're changing your brain neurologically and you're changing your body genetically write down the unconscious thoughts that you have to stay conscious of become aware of the choices that you no longer need to make review the behaviors and habits you have to change about yourself and become so conscious of them that you won't go unconscious at all during your day remember the experiences in your environment that you need to stay away from whether it's a person or a thing just for a period of time so that you can keep that Vision alive and most importantly review those emotions that keep you connected to the past and become so conscious of them and name them when you feel that feeling that if it's guilt or sadness or pain the moment you start feeling it and you become conscious of it that's when you can begin to change and if you keep doing this over and over again the unlearning and the relearning the breaking the habit of the old self and Reinventing a new self is going to cause you to arrive at a whole new future and when you do this could become your new habit it's so important for people to remember that they're the creators of their lives instead of the victim of their life the victim is saying I'm feeling this way because that person that circumstance or I don't have any money is causing me to feel this way this is my relationship with money what that really means is I'm using my lack to reaffirm my dependency my addiction my conditioning that's my relationship with money is that I put my attention on money because I don't have it the relationship with money is of course built on lack and so when they don't have it they feel bad and what they're really saying is my outer environment my reality is actually controlling the way I feel and the way I think so this is why are you in a good mood today things are going good why in a bad mood things are going bad today so the sun conscious program victimization is saying that we're allowing our environment to influence the way we feel and the way we think isn't that what victimization is and the stronger the emotion we have to our lack the more we put our attention on the fact that we don't have it right so then the person has forgotten that they're creating reality because what they're creating is lack and they're creating more of it and they try harder and they force harder so the experiment then is let's try it another way let's create from the field instead of from matter relaxing the heart and energy moves right in the brain we've measure this thousand times and all of a sudden the person moves into these beautiful elegant brainwave states where they're super creative right the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you draw that future to you so then what is the synchronicity mean it means whatever you're doing inside of you is producing that effect outside of you pay attention to what you did it again so generate put more abundance just do it for an experiment now when the synchronicity happens do you think you feel suffering or do you think you feel a little excitement you feel inspired right so then that synchronicity is saying use this energy use this feeling it should be easier for you to feel this now and go back and do it again let's keep the experiment going and here comes the promotion here comes the here comes the email here comes the person you meet at the right time right well we have something happening here and then that that becomes the momentum right so then we generate abundance that's that's how we do it and the relationship just happen by accident we generate we generate abundance right so then if you have an hour meditation where you're tuning into your abundant future but then you're spending the other 15 hours a day in lack don't expect anything to change you defaulted and you're back to the old energy and if you say it's that person or that circumstance or that bank account I'm going to say you're back to the unconscious program being a victim right and so then so then so then let's go a step further if your personality creates your personal reality and it does and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel then the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life nothing big there which means if you want to change your personal reality you're going to have to change your personality right nothing changes in your life until you change I think you know one of the most important things is it's so much easier to forget this information than to remember even me you know I have to say to myself okay Joe dispenza what do you know and take a moment and just sit down my cell phone and disconnect from everything and really have a thought like and keep reconstructing the model in my mind it's so important to do that because if we understand the what and the why and the how it gets easier then we assign more meaning and more belief and more intention behind it and and if you have to say okay okay if I'm living by these emotions that are familiar to me that I'm signaling the same genes in the same way okay now I have to be conscious of not feeling that way and you have to make a different choice and the hardest part about changes stop making the same Choice as you did the day before because the moment you decide to do something differently and make new choices it's going to be uncomfortable you're going to leave the known familiar world of the familiar emotions and thoughts and behaviors the body is the unconscious mind is going to want to return back to what it knows because we trained it that way so it's a retraining process so if the person says okay if I can marry a clear intention I gotta work on getting my brain more coherent okay they got that in the formula that'll be a good signal out if I can slow my brain waves down I can learn how to do that I can get beyond my thinking I'm a little combined I can enter the operating system of my autonomic nervous system program that okay if I can combine it with an elevated emotion really practice trading that that suffering or that pain for something else yeah it may take me a little bit to feel that emotion but I think if I keep working at it I'll begin to change my emotional state when I feel that emotional state I'm not going to be thinking about the past I'm going to be thinking about the future so so the thought and the feeling the stimulus in response the image and the emotion is conditioning the body emotionally into the future so the person says okay he said or I read or someone else said the environment signals the gene okay let me write that down environment signals the gene okay I can remember that the end product of an experience in the environment is the emotion okay um if I'm feeling gratitude and gratitude's emotional signature means I've just received something favorable or something wonderful just happened to me if I can feel the emotion of gratitude before the event occurs then my body would be so objective that it's living in that future I would begin to change my gene expression and the stronger the emotion I feel the more I'm going to pay attention to the picture in my mind that I'm going to be remembering my future my brain and body are going to look like the event has already occurred before it happened and if genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of my body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life then I'm going to keep signaling these I'm going to keep knocking on the door every day and I don't care if my life is falling apart I'm not going to fall to that familiar emotion I'm not going to speak the same way I'm not going to think the same way what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain and with intention and attention I'm going to keep reviewing them till it becomes an automatic thought in my head like you can what how am I going to be today how am I going to be with my family I'm going to be in traffic I'm going to be with my co-workers how am I going to be when I'm alone and you start rehearsing who you're going to be the brain in the present moment doesn't know the difference between the outer world or the inner world it's the brain what it's imagining looks real and if we're present the brain looks like you already did it you're priming the brain it's no longer on record of the past now you're it's a map to the Future you're you're in place keep practicing that rehearsal in your mind it's going to become automatic and you're going to start behaving like that person then you said can I teach my body emotionally what this future feels like before it happens if you could truly open your heart and truly feel that elevated emotion if you kept practicing that I promise you you would feel more of that in your day and less of the other place and meditation means to become familiar with and how you think how you act and how you feel is your personality and your personality creates your personal reality that's the game right so when that occurs then it's no longer about the past and what happened to you and the story people tell about that they're telling a story of their future in fact they're more in love with their future than they are with their past they believe in the future more than they believe in their past and and I think that when we believe in ourselves we believe in possibilities and we believe in possibilities we have to believe in ourselves and showing up every day means you must believe it's true when you stop showing up then you don't believe it's true any longer and and enough people that have that kind of conviction literally step into a new body they step into a new a new life they step into a new future and I I hope um but that becomes the new normal um and and you know research says that Collective networks of observers determine reality that's the latest uh so we just got to make sure enough of us are observing a different reality from an elevated place of Union and connection instead of Separation that's that divides communities because of survival and stress and that's a great way to create polarity in the world and the union of polarity takes place in the heart and that's where it starts it doesn't end there it just starts there and when I see the heart and forming the brain I saw two students that we grabbed one was chasing a little child around a one and a half year old child and it was being challenged and the other guy was working and Staffing and running around and we got him in the chair and we said okay let's let's get some brain and heart coherence and you know we had 15 20 minutes to do with these guys and you saw them way out of balance right it's just way out of bounds and all sudden here comes that low frequency in the heart boom like a big drum boom boom all of a sudden we see that low frequency the energy in the heart that's only indigenous to the heart itself starts rising and then all of a sudden you see it rising and you see the sympathetic nervous system rise with it so now we know they're totally relaxed and they're totally awake and aware the sympathetic nervous isn't working for an arousal when you see that kind of connection and you see someone be able to change that a matter of moments my eyes say they should be able to do that with their eyes open at any moment it should be such a skill and that's that's when we we maintain our energy and our power when you're at a greater level of awareness everything seems to be more connected that's what the quantum is so you're playing at that level the synchronicities the serendipities the coincidences are actually informing you that you actually are creating your life and that's the difference between being the victim of your life and being the creator of your life because when the environment is controlling the way we feel and the way we think some person some circumstance some condition what does that really mean that means that person or circumstance is actually causing me to think and feel a certain way and and I I don't think I have any control of it then I must be victim to that circumstance right and that's a program right yeah so so I I realized in my own Journey also that if I don't change my response to things in my life I'll never change so so it's not even it's not that you responded the question really is how long right so when you become aware that your environment is controlling how you think and feel and your response changes watch out because that now you no longer belong to the Past you actually belong to the Future so get a coherent heart we know how to do that really well get a go here and brain we can do that really well have people take all of their attention on off the material world of everything known go from a convergent Focus to a diversion Focus we got the data to prove that if you keep putting your attention on nothing on Space somehow the brain gets highly organized so now brain coherence heart coherence you synchronize your energy to whatever it is you want and you got to sustain that state you can't we've had people that have healed themselves from Parkinson's disease from cancers from ALS literally remission of the condition and then have bad news and in one hour driving to the hospital all of their symptoms came back after being completely healed for two years That's How Strong those emotions are right so so so in your circumstance right I want people I want people to have those moments where they have to literally choose because I think when it's the hardest it matters the most that's what I think so so all those things where you're agitated with the person having their moment you know that could be you having your moment right and you would want someone like that person doesn't want to do that they're just having their thing we may not be able to control everything in our outer world right but we certainly can control our inner world and so it's not so important to not react I mean everybody reacts I react the question is how long are you going to react so if you keep an emotional reaction going on for an extended period of time you're memorizing that emotion and your body as the unconscious mind is believing it's living in the same past experience 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year the body doesn't know the difference between the real experience that produces the emotion and emotion that we create by thought alone so then the emotion then reaffirms the state and then people start to use the problems and the conditions in their life to keep that emotion going and I would call that an addiction so we become addicted to the very life we don't even like so it's important then for people to realize then when you have that moment where you have crisis or something breaks down that you do have control over it and it's a formula and it's a skill and our research shows that you can teach people how to do that and so then when you're living by some emotion there'll always be a gap between the way things appear and the way things really are emotions alter our perception and if you act during that time you'll always say the same thing I should have never said that I should have never done that I should never thought that I should have never sent that email so then shortening your emotional reactions is a level of intelligence then that causes you then to recalibrate because most people don't think they have control over that they'll say that person did it to me that circumstance is the reason I am this way then I would say if something in your outer environment is controlling your thoughts and feelings then you're a victim to your environment and yet how you think and feel creates your outer world so if you're thinking and feeling equal to everything that's known in your present personal reality you keep creating more of the same so to change then is to think and feel greater than the conditions in your environment and be able to do that to such a degree then you're no longer reacting to the same people in the same way and that takes an effort it's and it's not easy in the beginning but once you start practicing uh you get better at it and just like anything else you start to move through your life with more coherence and you're less likely to knee-jerk and if you're less likely to knee jerk then you're not in an unconscious program when you teach people how to connect to the energy of a future dream and be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past to believe in their future more than they believe in their past to fall in love with their future more than they fall in love with their past and be able to combine that clear intention of that future and begin to feel the emotions of that future before it's made manifest they're broadcasting a whole new signature into the field now the beauty behind that is is that the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you're drawing that future to you which also means then the moment you get in your car and start getting angry and getting frustrated because you're in traffic now you just disconnected from the energy of your future and now you're back to the energy of your past and those survival emotions exert less effects on the nature of reality so now you feel like matter trying to change matter you're you're separate and so you force it you control it you try harder you wish you pray you hope I mean hope is a beggar we do everything compete to try to manipulate and make it happen because we have limited resources then so then when a person is able to sustain or maintain that modified state of mind and being then the fun starts to happen because you start seeing those synchronicities you start seeing those coincidences those opportunities those unknowns those things start falling out of nowhere because you are connected to that field of information and not only are you connected to it but you're also beginning to influence it so then more and more people are creating now and less of less people are experiencing the state of being called being a victim so then if you're a victim then you would say I was angry because of traffic well then I would say to you well you mean your outer world was controlling how you think and feel some circumstance some person something in your outer world is actually controlling your feelings and thoughts that means you're a victim to those circumstances but when you change the way you think and feel and it starts to produce effects in your outer world now you start to realize you're the creator of your life and the moment you start seeing feedback in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to do it again and now you're going to believe now you're more of the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life don't expect anything in your life to change if your environment is controlling your feelings and thoughts and if your environment is controlling how you feel and think and I say to you Aubry why are you so upset today oh well this person's upsetting me what you're really saying is that person is controlling your feelings and your thoughts and that means you're a victim to your environments well to turn that around and you start realizing your feelings and thoughts create your environment and you start seeing the effects of you at cause you're going to react less to the people in your life because you're going to understand that you'll be back to the victim Consciousness and and when you start seeing that you're creating outcomes in your life you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life unless the victim of your life and I say the more you practice it the better you get at it you can't go to the Future holding on to the biology of your past decide what thoughts you can bring to your future write them down thoughts like I can it's too hard I'll never change I'll start tomorrow what's wrong with me it's someone else's fault [Music] hide on what behaviors or actions or unconscious habits you have to change how do you talk do you complain do you blame do you make excuses do you feel sorry for yourself just becomes so conscious of those behaviors that you'll never go unconscious again and lastly you have to decide what emotions no longer belong in your future that means if you want to be wealthy you can take lack if you want to be healthy you can't take insecurity or fear you got to begin to condition your body to a new mind if you do this every single day your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel change any one of those things and you change your life and begin to measure the effects of you it costs give it a shot a good way to see that is that everybody does it like everybody does that all the time and they would here's the problem all of that is fine the problem is is that they're looking through the lens of the past that reality they're they're seeing they're seeing their future through the lens of the past they can't see possibility because they can't think greater than how they feel or feelings have become the means of thinking and if you believe that your thoughts have anything to do with your destiny then you're thinking in the past because those emotions are driving your thoughts and those emotions are the familiar records of the past right so now so let me just go one step further so so that is how people reaffirm themselves every single day into a known identity and let's just say the trauma or the Betrayal or the loss or the shock or the diagnosis was a profound moment that created a strong emotion and that person doesn't think that they have any control of regulating and changing that emotion because it's visceral it's somatic it's real they feel it and that disturbance that known they'd rather cling to that pain they'd rather cling to that that suffering the then to take a chance and possibility to step outside the unknown now the hardest part I'm getting to time by the way the hardest part about all of this then is not making the same choices you did the day before so the moment you start to realize that you complain that you blame that you make excuses that you feel sorry for yourself that you judge others that you react emotionally to your spouse to your ex to your co-worker to traffic the moment you become conscious that you're doing that and you say I'm gonna stop well the body now the servant that is now the mind that the servant is not a master so now the body's clinging to the known and you say okay I'm not going to complain I'm not going to suffer anymore you make a different choice and the body says well wait a second Jonathan you've been doing that for 30 years so you just what so the body starts influencing the mind it starts sending signals back to the brain and says you can't do this it's too hard start tomorrow it's your mother's fault it's your culture's fault it's it's this it's your past and if you accept believe and surrender to that thought as if it's true without really having a critical analysis of it it slips right by your conscious mind and it causes you to make the same choice that leads to the same behavior that will reproduce the same experience and there you are on the couch feeling the same emotion and you say this feels right well no that feels familiar right so that's that's how people live in the gnome they live in the past so the predictable future then is everybody gets up in routine and they're on autopilot and they run through a series of automatic behaviors and if you do that enough time a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition do it enough times the body will now know how to do it better than the conscious mind it becomes implicit right so now most people lose their free will to a set of programs and their bodies dragging them into a predictable future based on what they did in the past and that predictable future is the known as well so if the familiar past is the known and the predictable future is the known there's only one place left where the unknown exists and that's really that sweet spot of the generous present moment and when we truly can become relaxed and dial down the stress hormones that cause us to live in survival that causes us to try to anticipate the worst case scenario that remembers the past if we can work with the body and be greater than the body to be greater than our attention on every element in our environment and truly labor for the present moment that unknown which has been conditioned to the into the human being to be a scary place because in survival you run from the unknown if you can teach people to actually relax into the present moment and relax into that place that's the unknown that's where possibility exists and we all do it and getting to that elegant moment then time tends to alter you think only 10 minutes went by about an hour and a half went by and where were you well as your brain waves slow down in this process when you're in like a thinking analytical place like we are right now we're in these great bearing wave patterns it's called you understand this beta brainwave patterns but as you slow your body down and starts moving to Alpha time Alpha Waves tend to cause time to seem a little bit more elongated when you're in Theta which is when you're half awake and you're half asleep and you're relaxed and awake and that level of theta time one moment seems really long so you have an extension of time and turns out that you can teach people how to do this and when you do their autonomic nervous system begins to regulate back into order and stress is autonomic dysregulation and all of a sudden the person has a sense of energy a sense of euphoria a sense of Freedom a sense of clarity the brains we've measured this their brains start firing in more ordered more coherence that it oscillates and synchronizes different compartments of the brain or communities of neurons are working together and you start feeling more whole more like yourself in the in the understanding of yoga as an example if you're truly really into the ACT you forget about all your problems you forget about all the things you got to do you forget about what happened yesterday breathing is away to really change your brain waves as we've studied this thousands of times you slow your breathing down you slowing your brain waves down you slow your brain waves down you stop analyzing and thinking when do you over analyze and overthink when you're in high high high beta and when's that when you're threatened when you feel danger when when the stress hormones are running and we've studied the brain when this happens and when you're analyzing your life within that disturbing emotion I can guarantee you you're going to make your brain worse in fact your thought of the problem is actually producing the very chemistry to arouse you further out of balance so teaching people how to find that generous present moment and actually relax in the unknown and dissociate from their body dissociate from their environment and dissociate from time the predictable future and the familiar past causes them for some reason to get a reboot in in their nervous system and they think oh God it must have been 10 minutes and oh my God it was it was an hour and a half that that to me is taking all of your attention or disinvesting all of your attention out of this three-dimensional reality and that's when the door to Creation or the mystical moment really begins to happen for people so you ask yourself at the end of your day I do this every day how'd I do how'd I do today bro how'd you do just do good where'd you fall from grace what what what was it that caused you to go unconscious for the rest of the day like what was that moment now if you're a student of Life you'll begin to contemplate well it was that person that said that thing then I reacted or this I got this email or things didn't go my way and I started feeling angry or frustrated or fearful the next time that happens how could I involve my experience now you may have to search for some answers of the best model to build or you may actually have a long contemplation and start to go God the next time that happens I think I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna do that or I'm going to plan my behaviors and the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing what you're going to do begins to install the neurological Hardware in your brain to looks like you already did it now the brain is no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the Future and if you keep installing that Hardware the hardware will become a software program which means you'll just start acting like a happy person why there's no magic there you install the circuitry so that's more important than the news right it's more important than answering any email or any text it's more important than talking about your past or some dinner if you can begin to just think about how you're going to do it differently that's the building process neurologically already so now you have to get conscious in order to do that and it takes some time it means you got to shut your cell phone off you got to close your door you got to take a break from everything out there and begin to practice and so by experience then you start noticing oh here it comes here comes the frustration here comes the fear and now we've given people the tools to be able to self-regulate to create brain and heart coherence and so you see people say excuse me one minute I just need a minute it takes some breaths they get back in they connect to the energy of their future this is incidental compared to where they're going so they don't fall from grace they don't allow their energy to drop and so yeah in the beginning it takes a lot because it takes a lot of energy and awareness to stay conscious and not go unconscious but if you're persistent and you're determined then you're sincere you begin to figure it out you begin to say I am not going to give my power away to that person or that circumstance when I can use it to heal or to create a new future and so people then won't excuse themselves and say I had a hard day yesterday at a fight with my co-worker or my ex or and I don't feel like doing the work well that's the time they get back on the horse yeah because because it's the it's all of those times that we self-correct those are the most valuable moments thus people who've had profoundly transcendental experiences where they we say got lit up they connected and their brain goes into very very high coherent States and super gamma patterns that are way outside of normal and they have a transcendental downloader connection that's mystical they look back at their entire life they don't want to change one thing in their past because it got them to that moment that's the moment the past no longer exists now by the same means they look back at their past and they see all those tough moments where they overcame themselves and they fall in love with that person they don't look at the good meditations or the things that went well they look they know that it was those moments that got them to this moment and I I think then that's when they begin to understand that that all of the hard work all the effort in who we become makes no one can take that away from us so then once we arrive at that level and we experience whatever the dream is or whatever we create the next thing is do it until you fully enjoy it and then when it gets boring or predictable let's go again let's do something else yeah and I think that's evolution because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for 10 more amazing rules for Marissa Pierre check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there I don't do no I refuse to take no for an answer so I want you to start to praise yourself I want you to wake up in the morning the first thing you go is I like myself when there was a battle between logic
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 190,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, dr joe dispenza, reprogram your mind, entrepreneur mindset, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael motivation, joe dispenza top 10 rules, success motivation - joe dispenza top 10 rules for success, dr. joe dispenza, changing your mindset, how to grow your mind, expand your thoughts, changing your thought process, millionaire mindset, health mindset, self improvement videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 59sec (5519 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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