How to Intentionally Create a New Reality with Dr Joe Dispenza | The Mark Groves Podcast

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if your personality is made of how you think how you act and how you feel is it possible if I begin to change the way I think change the way I act and change the way I I feel should my life change hello and welcome to another episode of The Mark Rose podcast today I have been looking forward to this episode for quite some time it's with Dr Joe dispenza who is a New York Times bestselling author researcher a lecturer and corporate consultant whose research has led him to develop a practical formula to help people transform their lives ah I'm so excited to have you here welcome oh thank you Mark I'm happy to be with you I feel like I already know you quite well but not on a personal level just because your voice has been in my ear so much and the meditations have just been incredible and I read your book you are the placebo years ago and was really drawn to becoming Supernatural more recently A friend of mine recommended I hadn't read it yet and I dove deep into the meditations and you know I listened to an interview that you did not too long ago where you were talking about the circumstances of the world and not allowing them or us to become a victim of them and I just thought based on what everyone has collectively been through maybe you could explain that a little more and and what is the process because I was really inspired by what you said and in choosing how we respond to it being victimized by a circumstance in your life literally means that that event that circumstance that person that condition is actually causing you to feel emotionally and think in terms of memories equal to that circumstance and that circumstances actually changes your state of being so you're thinking the same way and you're feeling the same way in response to the environment is the same we can guarantee that your life is going to stay the same because you're the same yes that person why are you unhappy why are you frustrated why are you sad they'll say that this condition this this person is actually making me feel and think this way well anything that makes us feel and think a certain way that we don't think we have any control over for the most part we're victims so we're as a species become victimized by the conditions in our life and it's the environment then that is controlling the way we feel in the way we think so the idea is if you can change the way you think and change the way you feel could you begin to produce outcomes or effects in your life that cause you to believe that you're the creator of your life instead of the victim of your life which means then you would have to think greater than that circumstance and you would have to feel differently in the presence of that circumstance and if you truly could and begin to create an outcome the synchronicity the Serendipity the coincidence that happens in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to realize that on some level you had a hand in that you know that you're a participant in that our interest is to teach people how to to reverse that process every person every circumstance every condition every place every object that you own is mapped neurologically in your brain so your brain is a record of the past it's it's an artifact the repository of everything you've learned intellectually or experienced and products of experience are called emotions the memories that we have in our life produces familiar emotions or our response to anybody that we know in our life there's a neurological Network for your boss for your co-worker for your ex and for most people they're they're interaction in the environment is causing their environment to control their thinking or their personal reality is controlling their personality so our interests to see us of oh if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel is it possible if I begin to change the way I think change the way I act and change the way I I feel should my life change because I'm changing and so the interest for us then is to be able to meet the challenges and conditions in our life from a greater level of Consciousness and and not be victimized by those circumstances but to take time and and to review how you're going to think how you're going to act and how you're going to feel that's meditation and review how you're not going to think you know how you're not going to act and how you're not going to feel it just turns out that tends to be 95 percent of who we are of those unconscious programs so it's so much easier to forget than to remember because it's the majority of who we are you know after a certain point in our life so changing that process the overcoming process of that same self somehow begins to produce a facts in people's lives and that's that's kind of the exciting part about being a creator of your life yeah my experience from doing your meditations I mean I've done them almost every morning for the last 40 days and I've noticed a giant State change and and how I'm starting my day and also the awareness of when martyrdom or victim or like that kind of stuff is coming up and I don't like the feelings that come with it now that I've had this taste I guess of now I'm living in this more state of bliss and I'm curious what your work and your research has shown in your experience I'm 44 and you know I didn't know that there was this like the pandemic kind of magnified a seed of victimization or martyrdom within me that I didn't realize was still there like I have these tools I have but being as as inspired and also as intentional as I've been through your work and through reading your book I am noticing a massive change so I'm curious what I'm experi like I'm experiencing this physiologically and mentally but what's actually going on in that change or transformation there are many many people in our community that during the pandemic didn't see the circumstances from a state of being a victim they started new careers they learned a ton of new things they practiced a bunch of new things they got better at something for them it was really instrumental and that's the person who who sees possibility when when nobody else actually sees it if you're really interested in making certain changes in yourself and in your life when you practice then thinking different ways and and if you say what do I want to believe in well the process of just closing your eyes and with intention and attention remind yourself that you want to think this way you keep doing that you'll you'll start thinking that way if you start rehearsing in your mind how you're going to be with your co-worker how you're going to be with your different circumstances or people in your life and you you rehearse the act of how you could evolve your experience the act of rehearsing is changing your brain it's it's installing circuitry to look like you've already experienced it when you say God I'm so tired of feeling frustrated I'm so tired of feeling unhappy I'm so tired of feeling unworthy how do I want to feel and you start creating those feelings independent of any Reliance on your external word world no one's making you feel that way you're actually making yourself feel that way you start doing that enough times and you're going to start feeling that way you're going to start you're going to start becoming that person so when that occurs if a person immerses themselves in the process for seven days our data shows that that in seven days if you think differently if you make different choices you do different things you create different experiences and you feel new emotions you are going to be a different person your biology is going to suggest before your life even changes your biology is going to suggest in seven days that your body is literally believing it's living in a whole new reality keep that out for an extended period of time that starts feeling a lot better than feeling some of the other the emotions that people typically feel and you notice the distinction between when you're there and when you're not so true the studious person goes to this this is God this is so familiar this is so me old me I don't want to be that I'm going to get back to feeling this feeling I'm actually making myself happy then something weird happens because you're no longer waiting for your life to change to feel happy you're actually creating happiness independent of what's going on in your life watch out what happens in your world because your world begins to change in these these wonderful and mysterious and synchronistic ways because that's the effect of your change in energy and nobody changes in their life until they change right nothing can possibly change in their life until they change and so we teach people the model of change so that that exact thing happens just like for you you start noticing feeling you're you're not feeling that way any longer and you don't like it and you want to go back to feeling that way when people are feel whole and happy for for no reason they they want less and they rely on a less on other people to make them feel happy they can actually feel happy on their own and nobody's nobody's making them feel happy when they do this they're actually making themselves happy it's it's a there's a freedom that takes place with that staying there then is the Mastery so you could have a great meditation you can fire and wire those circuits in your brain until they become a new belief you can rehearse how you're going to be in your life you're going to feel those feelings and those emotions but when you get done with your meditation you go back to the old personalities you you default the question is how many times do you have to forget until you stop forgetting and start remembering that's the real moment of change 95 percent of those hardwired thoughts or beliefs or perceptions those unconscious habits or behaviors or those automatic emotional responses that 95 percent is the identity that we have to overcome in order to become that new person and you got to start really getting conscious of those unconscious thoughts so conscious of them that you don't go unconscious become so aware of how you speak so conscious of how you're acting that you catch yourself in the act of default and you begin to change that you know and and you gotta look oh God how do what do I feel every day and what is it what if I look at how I feel every day do I really want to feel this way and the more conscious you become of those feelings the less unconscious you'll go in your waking day and that's the unlearning process and that's where people usually give up uh because they think they're doing their own meditations wrong and they're actually doing it right they're they're coming up against the automatic self that really the program self the unconscious self that that they literally have to change and so if they if they stick around long enough to decide that they no longer want to think that way or act that way or feel that way the discomfort that's created from that process is a biological change that takes place in the body the body's starving from its normal chemistry it's not firing and wiring the same circuits you're not signaling the same genes the body's leaving known in familiar territory and this is where most people say I can't meditate it doesn't feel right and we know that if you actually sit in that and you ask yourself is there something on the other side of that that's when the brain changes the most that's when the body changes the most and and we now know that when you do this enough times in seven days there's so many biological changes that take place in in the person that begin to cause a lot of growth and repair in their in their physical bodies I'm curious uh why is it that as humans we default to this fear-based thinking like when I think about the practice of in the meditation where I you know bring in a heightened emotion like gratitude or love why is it that that has to be programmed versus like why can't I just figure out if I want to program fear or not I'd like to just stay in the state of love and I do recognize that through the practice of the meditations that has now occurred and why how do I after all the work go backwards is there like more healing that needs to occur and I'm curious about that yeah I don't know I don't know if I would call it healing it's so hard wired in us as a species that's lived in survival for for so many thousands of years and in survival you know fear is really adaptive if you want to survive that chemical Rush is telling you that there's danger or there's a threat and to run from that danger or stay off and face the conflict you know that was kind of the model of of survival of the fittest so when we perceive the problems and challenges in our life and it evokes fear right like and because we don't think we can control it or we can't predict it or it looks like things could get worse that's what turns on that primitive nervous system that puts you in a state of alarm in a state of arousal and we're just been bred for thousands of years to to live in survival and turns out that when we we live in those States for extended periods of time it has biological felt effects on the health of the body but but to the person the arousal then becomes something stimulating so without knowing it they they start relying on their response to stimulate their body to keep it awake to keep it alive and then they can think about their problems in the same exact way and produce that arousal and keep the body in a state of a you know state of emergency turns out it gets a little addictive after a while and and then we start using the people and problems in our lives to reaffirm that addiction to that emotion and we're addicted to a a life a miserable life we don't even like you know and that's why change becomes so hard because that becomes the known that becomes the familiar and you're always you know anticipating the next moment but that's a default it's hardwired in the human being because survival was adaptive at one point but fast forward to now and and the conditions and are no longer T-Rex chasing you they're just a little bit more complex and it requires a lot of uncertainty and a lot of unpredictability and that's exactly what creates the hormones of stress so our response to the environment has to change and that's what we practice doing because when you're no longer responding to the same conditions in the same emotional way I think when you master your emotions you master your Creations things start to change in your life but it goes against thousands of years of of programming to feel love you know you just don't open your heart in the jungle it's just not you just can't trust all the time you know you better get prepared for the worst thing that could happen in your life because it happened and it could happen again and you better get ready for that and so we do this automatically because that's the two 200 years ago 300 years ago wasn't easy being human so there's a there's a lot of adaptive mechanisms for survival and and the world is changing and we can face those um problems that or challenges in our life from the same level of Consciousness so we discovered that that if you really truly start mastering those survival emotions that are fear or anger or hostility or violence or pain or suffering or guilt or shame you start practicing mastering those emotions there's significant changes in people's health and if they can begin to trade those emotions for elevated emotions and if they can do this really well and we we work on people getting into that state where they can relax in their heart if they can literally work with their body and get beyond the arousals and the frustrations and they just keep sticking with it energy naturally moves through the heart but the moment that happens the heart literally sends a very profound signal to the brain it's informing the brain it's a it's a great time to create that state of being relaxed in the heart and awake in the brain is actually the formula we discovered when the person really can do some really cool things we want to get really good at doing it with our eyes closed that we can start doing it with our eyes open and that's when you begin to show the world there's another way of living instead of unconscious you know stressed out and living in a program yeah I don't think we often consider the impact of staying in the Old State I am constantly going from one thing to the next you know I live A busy life and I'm often grabbing my nutrition on the go and I like you I'm guessing want to eat lots of greens I want to crush greens all day long I don't want to take the time to make a salad or do a juicing and have to deal with all that mess and so organifi's green juice has really been the answer for me it's super simple it just takes 30 seconds to prep you got no shopping no chopping no juicing no blending you just Add Water you mix it up and you drink it up and you let your body soak in the benefits and they've recently just made their flavors super powered with crisp green apple which I love and also mint so it has 11 superfoods all of which are 100 organic it has 600 milligrams of clinically proven ashwagandha which is an adaptogen that helps support a healthy response to stress chlorella Moringa spirulina turmeric and more all of which work together in a Sweet Symphony of incredible energy boosting and detoxing benefits if you're looking for an easy delicious and cost-effective way to get your greens go to create the love that is slash create the love and you save 20 off this green juice as well as all of organifi's products one of the things that you said and I might not get the words exactly right but in your book that really struck me was that essentially a human can't stay suspended in that level of stress in that level of uncertainty for a period of time without it having an impact on my health and I I was mountain biking as I was listening to your book and I was thinking to myself man what genes have I turned on with this heightened level of fear and and things and what you said about Evolution and fearing for life and all those things that have have come you know maybe more front and center and I watch the news more I never watched the news before and all of a sudden I was like on Twitter learning things that we're just I can tell now based on what you're saying that I was addicted to the sort of rush I was getting even though I wasn't feeling great after I had also then had this awareness just through the way that you frame things that if I turn them on then I can turn them off and if I turn those off I can turn other ones on so can you maybe speak to what is the cost that is has on the human system and then like what is possible from this work and and because I feel like I'm feeling the effects of it and I want other people to recognize too what they can change in their lives and their circumstances when we live in that state of stress and we live in that state of survival and we switch on that primitive nervous system we're mobilizing enormous amounts of energy to prepare for that dangerous threat so you can run fight or hide and it's really adaptive as I said when you're being chased by T-Rex but stress is when your brain and body are knocked out of homeostasis stress is when your brain and body are not out of balance there's an innate mechanism to return the body back into balance and homeostasis and that's called Health right but when the body's out of balance and it's in mobilizing all of its resources that state of imbalance then is really to help it to survive in those conditions and it needs all the energy that it can possibly get so it works really well problem is is that if you're reacting to a co-worker or the traffic or the news you're putting on that same system and that arousal becomes addictive right so and then we rely on those things to make us feel more of those emotions and become subconscious it becomes it becomes conditioned and you could think about the problems in your life and do the exact same thing you can turn on that same system and and the long-term effects of living in that state of emergency down regulates and creates disease it's a scientific fact the body can't live in that state of emergency all the time it burns out and if you're thinking about your problems then it means then that your thoughts could make you sick you know it literally and that's that's the outcome so is it possible then if your thoughts can make you sick your thoughts can make you well and that's exactly what our research shows you keep thinking the same way you keep making the same choices you keep doing the same things you keep having the same experiences and reacting to the same conditions with the same emotions for the most part your genes and your brain and everything is going to stay the same in your blood values because you're the same so then the process of thinking differently making different choices doing different things creating different experiences and feeling different emotions if you do that for seven days you have significant changes that take place on a cellular level on your brain in in just about every part of your biology because you're you're you're making those changes our discoveries really have to do with showing people that their nervous system is the greatest Pharmacy in the world that it that it makes chemicals that work better than any drug we can say that with with such certainty when a person moves into into these states the Practical part of it all the time is is the daily practice people in our work that do this work they do it really because they understand what they're doing and why they're doing it and when you combine the what and the why the how tends to get easier so as they go through this transformation of daily because it sounds to me like this requires that level of responsibility like a level of responsibility to say no longer am I going to just let my circumstances and my health be what they are I'm actually going to take active steps and change in that I I love what you said about the nervous system being sort of the greatest Pharmacy because I don't think we know the power of our bodies the power of our health the power of coherence yeah well that's a great question because the people who live in stress are living in survival as they try to control and predict everything that takes place in their life every person every object every circumstance has a neurological Network in the brain and the arousal of the stress hormones shifts our attention very quickly to all these elements in our lives and our brains literally start firing out of order they start firing like a lightning storm in the clouds very incoherently and networks of neurons start working separately from one another they compartmentalize when the brain is incoherent we're incoherent when the brain isn't working right we're not working right the heart which is now pumping an enormous amount of blood against a closed system the the artery trees aren't you're not running you're not fighting so the pressure against the heart causes the heart to be very incoherently and in that state energy goes down in the heart incoherence creates a loss of energy both in the heart and the brain so that kind of dysregulation that takes place in the nervous system begins to send very incoherent messages through the autonomic nervous system to all the cells and tissues and organs in the body and the brain is now really over focused you know when you're in stress you're really thinking a lot you're thinking about the same thing over and over again it's looping and that looping actually within that emotional state is actually driving your brain to become more and more analytical and moving into very high brainwave States you're narrowing your focus on something and that's what we do when the arousal of stress causes us to pinpoint our focus on a personal circumstance on a problem a thought whatever it is that that cycle then is continuously causing the body to move out of balance just because the brain and the heart are sending signals of the body that are that the cells don't understand it's not coherent that's autonomic dysregulation we discovered that when you do something really cool you you go from a narrow focus on something that's known or something that's material real and you broaden your focus you expand your focus and you focus on nothing you're focusing on the in material that on on set of everything that you know uh the unknown the act of broadening your focus starts to cause the brain to fire in Greater levels of coherence and greater levels of order and when your brains coherent you're more coherent and so the networks that were firing incoherently in out of order start to synchronize they start to unify they start to move into Cadence in the Rhythm and they're moving at the same frequency and they start exchanging the same information and the Brain starts getting more whole and that feels really good to the autonomic nervous system at the same time if the person's not thinking thoughts that are making them feel angry or frustrated or happy unhappy or they're not remembering experiences that make them feel bad or if you feel guilty or feel depressed and they're not thinking about anything else that has to do with their identity energy naturally starts to move into the heart when the person starts feeling energy in the heart they start really falling in love with the moment that movement of energy is moving exactly where it should move where where polarities and opposites start to produce more wholeness and the person starts feeling more whole we see this over and over again in our scans that feeling of being feeling that feeling and getting relaxed into that feeling actually sends more energy to the brain so the person becomes real relaxed in their heart and awaken their brain and that's much better than stressed out unconscious and in a program so it turns out you can teach people to do that and they can get really really really good at it and when they get really really good at it the response to the environment is no longer weakening the organism it's not causing the organism to break down the person then all of a sudden starts saying my goodness I'm I'm feeling this feeling and if I'm not reacting and responding in the same way I want to continue to feel this feeling and it becomes something that becomes more of a habit or a skill the chemistry that's produced as a result of that is changing gene expression wow it's changing thousands of different metabolites in the body and it's making a pharmacy of chemicals now a drug study is about 18 to 25 percent cause and effect causality you know the causes produced about 25 percent of the times the data that we've discovered suggests that between 75 and 85 percent of the people that are participating in this producing those same Pharmacy of chemicals that are working better than any pharmaceutical because a pharmaceutical is only working 25 percent and there's this Rich resource of natural Pharmaceuticals that cause the body to become super immune to all kinds of viruses and bacteria and I'm talking about all kinds of viruses the plasma of the of those people who who actually do this properly put in the presence of a cancer cell shuts the mitochondrial function in the cancer cell down by 70 percent now that's taking all the energy out of the cancer cell now it can't multiply and it can't move as well it has effects on the immune system it has effects on all kinds of thousands of metabolites that suggest the body is actually in a in a healthier environment so it's an exciting time to see when people change the changes that take place in their biology and and if you know that and you sit down to do the meditation because you know that it turns out you'll get a greater outcome I love that it's you're putting science to sort of the miraculous which is really it's just so neat and and to show people what's possible and I'm curious in your Retreats what what have you seen like I I know from reading your book that I've just been like you know of what's possible the speaking really transparently in the last year or two I I never thought in my life that I would be seeing what I'm seeing as a result of a person's ability to overcome themselves and to connect this to this invisible field of frequency or energy that that somehow informs the body in a very short amount of time I never thought I would see we had at one event we had two people that were blind uh no it's a stretch for a lot of people by the end of that event they were seeing I mean just the odds of one person yeah having that experience is one in billions and now you have two at the same events you know this is amazing and and it's so important because where they stand on the stage and they tell their story it's changing people's Consciousness like I would never think that I would see that like that two and you know two in one event one would be a surprise the people in the audience are become conscious of the four minute mile like oh my God somebody did that that actually broke through it's a possibility now and they believe in possibility a little bit more and belief has a strong effect on the outcomes that we see disbelief also has the similar outcomes but it's always the same right so so the person who was in a wheelchair with muscular dystrophy I mean yeah and I've I've studied health care for over 30 years and you just never see someone with muscular dystrophy ever change and if you research or Google it or whatever you're going to see the very first line say there's there is no cure right and here's a kid that just had one moment and he's he's standing up out of his wheelchair he's on his feet he's moving from side to side and he's talking and the way he's talking is so contagious because you're sharing his the joy of his experience he the way he's what he's doing people with ALS that had a lot of paralysis and loss of motor function getting up on their own again getting out of wheelchairs again and feeding themselves again Parkinson's disease you know uh dramatic changes in intention Tremors and and you know facial paralysis and pain and Tremors all those things are changing we we've had people numerous people now with and this is a was a change in my own personal belief with stage four cancers where they the cancer metastasizes to Bones yeah to livers to other organs the reversal of the cancer literally changes their bone structure there's no evidence of the you know the eating away of the bone any longer there's the tumor is gone in the liver in the lung in the abdominal organs I mean we look at this from a research perspective in and we're blown away and and and that's so cool because the evidence that we're seeing in the science where we're seeing the plasma of advanced meditators actually taking the energy out of the cancer cells the fundamental question is where is that information coming from the person's not changing their diet and they're not taking a drug they're not eating anything differently the information that is being transmitted on that blood is coming from within them now that's exactly where it's coming from people say oh my God does you are you saying that meditation can actually help cancer and or cause a resistance to a virus and change the Alzheimer machine I say no no actually I'm not saying that the data is actually saying that and that's the data if the data is saying that it's a it's a changing consciousness and I want people to see the data and our data is really really compelling and listen to those testimonies of people I watched some of those testimonies maybe 10 times in a row I'm not kidding you because I'm I just cannot believe what I'm seeing I want to remember I want to remember that it's it's powerful to to see that and we've cancer researchers and doctors I stand on the stage that were serious health conditions and their health conditions around they got they understood it the science made sense to them so the application made sense you know people in wheelchairs numerous people with spinal cord injuries or Strokes walking normally just just they're out of their wheelchair some of them are running now they're in a completely new body in some level they're in a completely new life you know and they're not in the same future they that they were headed to they're in this this whole new future and and the importance of a person standing on the stage to finalize this question as and do testimony and and tell their story there's nothing like a great story and they don't look vegan they don't look gluten free they don't look young they don't look buffed they don't they they don't look like they're you know any any different than anybody else and it's a great way for people to realize that this person is an example of truth right and that's the form in a mile and then people do all do the best with what they only know is possible and if they don't know that healing is is possible they'll make the same choice now all of a sudden it's in the tribe you know it's in the culture it's that people are aware of this and and Consciousness is awareness and and awareness is energy and frequency you change your awareness you change your energy and that so the Collective Now becomes aware of another possibility and in our week-long events it's very common that once a one person gets up and tells the story of how they heal themselves of whatever health condition that they had somehow and once it's in the collective it starts happening a whole lot more and just like an infection can spread a disease in a community health and wellness starts become as an as infectious as disease and I've seen things this year that that has truly blown my mind or or people were making those dramatic changes in their health wow I'm curious what is that like to facilitate like what is it when you look back at like the birth of your work to where things are today and and even the birth of your life but to be here today and be part of that I'm just like that must feel so profound to be part of I think a lot of us get into things because we want to either create or we want to discover right and and discovering like like seeing some of these things as possible you know I mean the research calls that we have that we're shaking our heads yeah you know we're shaking our heads going like oh my God this is actually the truth like this is the truth for me personally when we look at those type of outcomes it's hard to go back to business as usual I bet and the conversations that we we have now with reputable scientists and and researchers when they see our data and they say that's seven days seven days seven days we're seeing these dramatic changes and 84 percent of the population in seven days you don't see a drug do that right a drug study it's just never seven days it's it's months you know and you're seeing and the efficacies is so high the conversations that we're having now are more about possibility because the data speaking it's the data that's saying it you and you can and you can't deny the data and when our scientists do the studies five different ways I'm so excited because I just know they're just they're really getting ready to change a belief because everywhere every way they run it it turns out the same they're going my God this is actually this is actually the truth so making your own Pharmacy of chemicals um and sitting down here's the cool part sitting down and assigning meaning to the act of doing it like understanding what you're doing and understanding why you're doing it the how actually gets easier and you produce greater outcomes so we use that constant reminder of the science and the in the information so the what and the why makes the how more more instrumental the person is going to get greater results out of it and that's what our data actually suggests but I can say now with so much more certainty that that this is not pseudoscience yeah you could say that I guess that I can't it's no longer oh that's just pseudoscience we can't say that any longer in science and our scientists really that are that are doing the researcher they're the ones that are they're changing their belief in in when they when they start a lecture and they call it evolution of the species as a big huge you know a huge sign that there that something great is happening you know when you see a scientist in the last line of his presentation with all these volcano maps and all these statistics say um you are what you think you know that's the last slide you're you're you're you're in shock so science is changing now because we're changing the science which is super cool when I think I used to be a pharmaceutical rep for almost 14 years and when I started to learn about relationships and emotion and the effect on the body and inflammation I was just like that's not the way like I couldn't stay in that work anymore and the more I'm exposed to your work and experience it I feel that like I feel that difference and you know when you talk about these Transformations that I mean I know lots of people have been to your Retreats and my one friend said that she found Souls I've been without taking psilocybin and I thought this is pretty profound I just I like the way you articulate just that the new self doesn't have is it am I saying that right like the new self doesn't have the thing that they might be suffering with or or the like it's a pattern of all the other parts right sure so let me just say this before we move to that we just had a great conversation with our Neuroscience team at UCSD and they were looking at 20 fmri studies that we did 10 on Advanced meditators set on novice meditators the scientists said I want you to know that in that transcendental experience that the person's having their brain is looking like it's on psilocybin that's exactly what they said so it is accurate it was an accurate uh experience because the brain actually through certain latent systems when it switches on actually makes derivatives of melatonin that work exactly like those Pharmaceuticals that's why those receptors are there and that creates the transcendental moment you know that's what creates this super Lucid moment yeah that's it and so when they are making these changes when they're going from like in your seven day Retreat they're experiencing the meditation is the change of way of being and they're also with people so it almost seems like there's this tension of in a beautiful tension in the way that am I using the right words it's almost like I'm I'm experiencing sovereignty but also Unity at the same time like yeah yes so I there's a transformation that takes place in the week Longs it's really evident it's a person overcoming themselves and and when you sit past that point where you normally quit that's when the brain really begins to change the most that's when you're stepping out of the known into the unknown and that's that's what creates plasticity in the brain there's there's there's going to be a fundamental change that takes place in our week-long events we we stretch people a little bit further where they like to go what's on the other side of the thought I can't uh what's on the other side of the thought I'm too old what's on the other side of the thought that's my mother's fault my father's fault what if we just keep going past those thoughts keep going be past those emotions and and behaviors in the in the seven day process that we do the first couple days is that overcoming process and disentangling from those programs it takes an enormous amount of energy and it takes an enormous amount of awareness and if you give people things to do while you're going through that change from the old self to the new self any given some things to practice accelerates the process after a certain point in the collective in the community the individual becomes a representation of the whole so you start seeing people all of a sudden heal from feeling a certain way and now they're feeling another way when they start feeling another way then the way they feel as in in the same familiar way their body is so objective that it does not know the difference between the experience in their life that could be creating that emotion and the emotion that person is just feeling just by changing themselves the body's actually believing genetically that it's living in a different world and and genes regulate because the environment signals the Gene and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion actually signaling genes ahead of their environment and that's what's actually beginning to make their biological changes without a doubt when that occurs there's all kinds of great changes that take place in a person's immune system in just about every other endocrine system in their body if the person now is behaving in a different way there's Behavior dependent genes that make very significant changes in the person's biology if the person has gotten past I can it's too hard it's my mother's fault I'll never change what's wrong with me and they just no longer were firing and wiring those thoughts and they began to Fire and wire new thoughts and when it's the hardest that matters the most if they stuck around long enough to go through that transformative process energy naturally moves into the heart we've measured this enormous amount of times and people start falling in love with life again they start seeing beauty in all things the heart informs the brain in a very short amount of time the brain goes into an elevated gamma brainwave State now the person's literally relaxed in their heart they're awake they're actually conscious instead of unconscious and in a program and they're more relaxed into the present moment the biological changes that take place as a result of that over time become more and more permanent for the person so the person who's no longer thinking the same way acting the same way and feeling the same way the disease exists in the other person that was thinking that way acting that way and feeling that way because their biology is actually the same they just became somebody else and it's the overcoming process in that seven day Retreat that actually creates The Becoming process and and there's just so many wonderful biological changes that take place in the brain the heart the genes and the blood in the microbiome in just about every system in the body I mean it makes so much sense if you change your state what I think is really fascinating is the correlation to like you're already experiencing a future that doesn't yet exist but exists maybe in another time or Dimension or whatever you know and I'm I'm curious your thoughts because I know a lot of people who are exploring this work to talk about feeling more connected like my friends when they came back from the retreat were saying like they just felt more connected to their intuition and you know some using the words like the Divine and I think that's such a fascinating exploration like all of it challenges the way we think conventional science works the way we think what do you think about that correlation to Divine to intuition that kind of stuff I think that we are innately intuitive I think that when energy moves into the heart and we know how to help people do that the brain thinks but the heart knows when the heart starts informing the brain of information it it comes across as more like a knowingness and it's we discover that when you can practice and we do this synchronizing your heart to the brain we practice this over and over again if the heart and the brain are in the same energy the same frequency they can exchange information now the information that the person is getting is is precognitive and it's very relevant to them it's not coming from a social media feed it's not coming from the news it's not coming from a device it's actually coming from within them and I don't know about you but there's a whole lot of information I'm starting to question in reality and I think it's so important to practice this process because the intuition is actually the heart saying here's a little help and and we see what happens when people do this really well their heart speaks to them and I don't know how else to say that but they know they know exactly what they need to do and it's it's very relevant to them and they would never tell you what to do they just got the information of what they know they need to do you know and and then it gets cool because when energy makes it to the heart our pro-social networks switch on on our brain and we tend to move closer to one another we tend to bond a little bit more and we have a greater appreciation for whatever's in front of us that's what it that's what it creates or more present in the moment and I think that's what creates community and that Community is more prone to be kind to one another to be more caring for one another to inform one another in the right way to support one another to honor one another to heal one another and and really to shine for for one another so so the community can see what's possible and they can shine more so that that kind of community of collective networks that come together we measure the outcome of the collective networks in this state of brain and heart coherence and we do healings on other people and when we do those healings in other people uh we have random event generators in the room to see if uh the collective Network can cause a computer generated programmed machine that behaves like you're you're tossing a coin to all of a sudden act very very differently somehow there's a collective Network that's beginning to produce a change in three-dimensional reality and and it's we're finding out it's it's not the number of people it's not the amount of energy because you'd have a lot of energy and a lot of people but it could be entropic yeah it's the the most coherent Collective group and that's what begins to change Consciousness so we're studying all of these things and how they're all related and trying to piece models together to teach it better so if you get a group of like the I think you were referring in the fmri study of of like Advanced meditators if you get a group of advanced meditators together you can impact the machine exactly that one you don't have to be advanced meditator in fact our data shows that if you came to a week-long event and you just blew off the preliminary prerequisites to come we don't we don't recommend this but if you show up and you go all in uh at the end at the end of seven days you're going to be changed there's absolutely no doubt about it what do you notice when people go from these Advanced Retreats so they've they're now in their new self and then they go back to their old lives you know I I would imagine a lot of people because I know in witnessing and being part of people's Transformations that they want to be able to go back to their old lives and keep them or or like preserve the relationship or do whatever and it's it's almost like everything has to change and will change but what do you notice in in your experience from I mean you've worked with thousands and thousands of people yeah well it's it's there's so many variations of that some people show up in their life and they're no longer telling their spouse that they need to change all of a sudden they're just happy and they see their the spouse sees that they're really genuinely happy and they want to be happy again with them you know so that that's a that's a teaching without words right I mean you're not you're not telling anybody to change or being the example of Chainsaw we see that happen we see people that heal from really really serious health conditions where they reverse the health condition and then they return back into their life and their health condition comes back with any six months to a year because it returned back to the same person they stopped changing their state of being and their response to the environment emotionally was signaling the same gene in the same way and and for some of them their health condition came back in a really short amount of time because that's how it's had been programmed and and they had all the changes that took place something amazing really begins to happen now because now you realize that if you created the condition then you want created and you recreated again you gotta can't say I'm a failure any longer you gotta say I gotta do it again and she did it again or some of them have done it again and reverse the condition again now it's it's a Once is an incident twice as a coincidence and and and what they did really well is they didn't say I'm going to do a really great meditation I'm going to be relaxed in my heart and awaken my brain I'm going to get up feeling differently than when I started I'm gonna really connect and get my brain and heart coherent all that stuff and then you spend the rest of your day reacting and responding to all the people in your life in the same way you got one hour going against 15 hours yeah your health condition will heal a little bit um but it won't heal to the degree that that you want you may sleep be sleeping better you may have less pain less anxiety you may be feeling some subjective things but they go for their scans and they go for their X-rays and and they go for their blood tests and it's if it's still the same they don't say that it didn't work they say there's something about me that I still have to change in order for this health condition to change for not doing the meditations to heal they're doing their meditations to change so they can heal so now it gets really really it gets really practical now because then they now have to really do exactly what we've been saying they got to say okay you can't think this way you just cannot today you cannot act like that you cannot that's the old person you can't feel this way you feel this way you're signaling the same genes and you're going to go back to the same person and that can't be 16 hours against uh one hour I gotta change this I gotta stay in the state so then how am I going to think let me remind myself how am I going to act I'm going to review I'm going to rehearse it the act of mental rehearsal installs the circus in the brain to look like you did it you got Hardware there now how do I have to feel every day today to keep those genes signaled on okay now let me just practice feeling this feeling we keep bringing it up if I have to bring it up a hundred times in a row so I could bring it up on my own whenever I need to that that's how good I want to get at it then I would be signaling new genes in new ways and genes make proteins and proteins are the expression of Health in my body so it's the expression of life so I'm going to stay in the state in no personal condition no circumstance in my life is going to remove me from it if I can stay there for a period of time now I have a little bit more time to where I'm being that new person that new personality instead of that old one so then it gets super practical and people do the I I discovered people that really you face chronic health conditions and reverse them they do their meditations to change they don't do their meditations to heal the only thing is if they change they will heal you know and then there's people who do their meditations with chronic health conditions that do them two and three times a day not because they think the more they do their meditations the more they should heal they just stop believing and and when they stop believing they will return back to the same feelings and the same thoughts they go back into the meditation change the way they felt and the way they thought and they could believe in that future they get up believing in that future again they're doing their meditations to stay in that belief and sooner or later of course the outcome appears in their life so it becomes super practical and then there are people that have an interaction with energy and frequency and they connect and their brain goes into these elevated super aroused gamma brainwave patterns that are hundreds of standards of deviations outside of normal they're connecting to energy and the arousal is not fear it's not pain it's not a crash in the arousal Bliss and the person's entire autonomic nervous system is now regulating to a whole lot of order and it's a very very high state of energy and every cell in the body is getting informed with a different frequency and we see a biological upgrade that takes place in that person's body instantaneously I mean there's the eczema now it's gone wow there's the Parkinson's it's gone there's the metastatic carcinoma it's gone you know it's there's the blindness now the person seeing its energies and forming matter it's happening instantaneously those people tend to heal on a very permanent basis it's it's a very profound experience for that person and they got a biological upgrade and and it was their interaction with energy and frequency and they formula that we practice in getting to those States allows us to connect to that to that that invisible field and and more and more people are doing it and we when we get the blood of those people that have had that that experience we draw their blood based on their brain scan there's information in that blood that wasn't there before that has such a dramatic effect on health and wholeness in the body there's more coherence and and a better information yeah I noticed Kylie my partner she was asking me I was saying oh man I had like the most profound experience in the blessing of the energy centers meditation that I whenever I do that one it's like and she said what was it like I was like well it was kind of like having an orgasm like it was it was like I was suspended Between Worlds but I was just in a state of just like absolute peace and you know you were talking about how it becomes practical and and I you know I what I love about the scientific sort of background of it is that I really don't want to turn bad genes on I want to turn good ones on so my motivation is like I actually want health and wholeness and I want to feel like that and if I can bring that feeling into my world and into my days and into my thoughts because you know it's the repetition that got me to the place of some negative thinking or whatever I just need to repeat the positivity at the same level and I have so much gratitude for the work you do and and thank you so much for sharing so many of your insights today and I I recommend that anyone listening if you're feeling inspired to go check out your work and and what are you working on now I'm curious what you got coming up wow well so um let's see I'll give you a few things our research is just you know so so exciting we're going to have an emphasis on cancer research in 2023 we've got great data already to suggest that it has profound effects on on all kinds of cancers as I said 84 of the plasma of those advanced meditators in in just about any type of cancer cell is reduced so so we know that we're abridging on a law we we've done a ton of work on the microbiome now and our data is really profound uh showing those changes in seven days we are going to be working more with functional MRI imagery and and looking closely or closer at the effects of our coherence healings super exciting stuff we're working with prisons we're working with Navy Seals now and and helping those folks we've done studies with children in meditation you know a thousand young children between the age of 4 and 12 and the data's really really great we're doing all kinds of of different things we're putting together a coalition of doctors and researchers and Physicians that are interested in seeing what we're doing and being a part of you know maybe some more of the case histories and the research that we're we're doing so and then of course you know my my real real passion is just the the week-long events and the in the advanced follow-ups because you get 1800 people in the room everybody making that shift in the second day and you see Miracles that's the cool part in in being part of that for me is a great pleasure in life so so yeah so we're we're doing as much as we possibly can awesome and you also have um the program that I saw Inspire can you speak maybe more to that oh sure so we do a particular breath uh called pulling the mind out of the body and and we know based on our data it's going to create more gamma brain waves in the brain we've seen it it's going to put more energy in the brain and ultimately it's going to cause your body to relax and at the same time for you to stay awake so we do this breath and it's a very active breath and so we put together 10 songs from composers and artists that we work with some of them original pieces it's uh different rhythms the way I do it a different instruction and it's an opportunity for people to put together their own personal playlists you know some people may want to do two songs but some people may want to do four or five and then we we got a uh an artist to design the the cover you know we did we did an original piece of art and we we time lapsed the whole thing and and uh little little live stream for that so um it's called Inspire volume one we have a volume two coming but it's just based on the request from people in our community that want to master the breath and and when that energy reaches the brain it is a kind of a euphoric feeling so it's uh it's something our community really is into awesome yeah thanks for sharing that I noticed the breath is something that has taken practice for me to master and also the sort of uh when I do it I Can Feel the opening from the perineum up to the top of the head which is really it's powerful well keep doing it keeps getting better yeah I'm excited I'm excited to continue with the meditations uh and uh for people who want to find more your work we'll make sure that we link out your website but for the people listening if you want to just share it and uh we'll we'll make sure that all the links to all the things you've mentioned are in the show notes yeah so my website is perfect in Social platforms all the same and and uh we'll make sure we link it up thank you so much for being here I really appreciate you and your time thank you foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Mark Groves
Views: 94,794
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Keywords: relationship tips, relationships, dating advice, dating, relationship, relationship advice, dating advice for men, dating advice for women, how to move on, break ups, breakup, heartbreak, love, communication, guys, women, How to date, love advice, dating coach, relationship advice for women, dating tips, relationship problems, fling, relationship coach, breakup advice, tinder, bumble, hinge, tinder tips, online dating, online dating tips, dating app, tinder messages, mark groves
Id: DRGYznCw9jM
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Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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