Joe Dispenza - You Should Be Changing Your Thoughts Like This

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if you think that your thoughts have something to do with your future just from a theoretical standpoint that your thoughts Create Your Destiny and you think sixty to seventy thousand thoughts in one day and ninety percent of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before well then your life isn't going to change very much as long as you're thinking the same way and those same thoughts lead to the same choices the same choices lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the exact same experiences and we anticipate the same feelings or emotions from those experiences and those emotions are the payoff that drive our very same thoughts while our biology our neural circuitry neurochemistry our hormones and even our gene expression will be equal to how we think how we act and how we feel and how we think how we act and how we feel is called our personality and our personality creates our personal reality that's it so the present personality who's listening to this show has created the present personal reality called their life so if you can latch on to this idea if you want to create a new life a new personal reality you got to change your personality which means you better start thinking about what you've been thinking about and changing it you begin to become conscious of your unconscious actions or habits or behaviors and modify them and then we have to begin to look at the emotions that we live by every single day that keep us connected to the past and decide do these emotions belong in our future need motivation watch the top 10 with believe Nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because you are probably the most ambitious person in your circle but you know you're capable of more and you get that Push by surrounding yourself with the best so today let's learn from one of the best Joe dispenza and my take on his top 10 rules of success enjoy most people are trying to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work you literally have to become someone else so the principle of Neuroscience says that nerve cells that fire together wire together you keep thinking the same way making the same choices demonstrating the same habits that creating the same experiences that stamp the same networks of neurons into the same patterns all for the familiar feeling called you and you do that for 10 years on end you're going to begin to hardwire certain patterns in your brain that becomes your identity and by the time we're 35 years old it kind of becomes fixed right and psychology used to say that you can't change that but we now know that you can so then that kind of box in the brain that is the habit of ourselves it's uh we're 95 of the time running a series of programs so then sitting and doing the work we have to become disentangled from those programs and so the moment you decide to do something differently or make a new choice but most people don't want to face is that discomfort and that that discomfort that that uncertainty that lack of predictability the that that that unknown is what people are afraid of because they'd rather live in guilt at least they can predict who they're going to be then take a chance and possibility so when a person begins to understand this and you say well how long have you been this way and they say I've been like this for 35 years and you say why 35 years because 35 years ago I had this one event well the stronger the emotion you feel from the reaction from that event the more altered you feel inside of you the more the brain Narrows its focus and freezes the image and takes a snapshot and that's called a memory right so then forget the memory just overcome the emotion because it's the emotion that keeps you anchored to the past so that sounds really good theoretically but when you step out into that unknown into that void the body really is in a habit and what a habit is when the body becomes the mind or if you're thinking about that past event and it's producing an emotion well you need an image and a feeling to start the conditioning process so the body's either conditioned into the familiar past or it's hardwired in the predictable future because it wakes up every single day and runs through the same series of routine actions so the present moment then becomes the unknown when people start feeling that discomfort today they'd rather get on their cell phone and call someone or get up and say I can't meditate or you know I have too much to do they excuse themselves they return back into that familiar feeling because the body's actually telling the brain The Habit is when the body becomes the mind so the body stepping out into the unknown and says ooh I'd rather feel guilty I'd rather feel unhappy than be in this this conference so then at least then when they return back to that familiar feeling then they feel safe so they step out in the unknown and the body starts influencing the mind saying you can start tomorrow you're too busy it's your mother's fault you know it's your culture's fault and I don't have enough money this isn't going to work those are the programs in there that are standing in the way between you and your future so then nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together so the act of observing those states of Mind and Body means you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing that program so so then to meditate it means to become familiar with so as you become familiar with those thoughts you become conscious of how you speak you become aware of how you act you notice how you're feeling the more conscious you become of those unconscious programs the less unconscious you'll go in your waking day why because it's not enough to just have a great meditation and get up and get on the freeway and get in traffic and getting stressed you just return back to the old self again our job then is to sustain that modified State of Mind and Body the entire day and if you can get ready because something different or unusual is going to begin to happen in your life and it will come as a coincidence or synchronicity and that's breadcrumbs from the Divine saying you're on the path just keep doing it there'll be another one just keep staying in that energy and so teaching people then to understand that there's a formula that we now know that if you apply that formula you'll begin to see those changes and now as people are doing it more and more effectively the results are going up as well we just had Bond University they just took a whole bunch of my brain scans from 10 years ago huge clinical study a lot of analysis and and they're Blown Away by the speed in which the community can change brain or heart coherence they they know how to do it it's not something that's that's separate from them they've practiced it enough times that they they now know how to do it so what's the significance of that well really simple in your life if you start returning back to the same reactions to the same people and circumstances you're returning back to the old self so you got to stay conscious in your life and and if you're not being defined by a vision of the future then you're left with the memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life so Crossing that River of change from the old self to the new self there's a neurological biological chemical hormonal a genetic death of the old self but if you teach people there's something on the other side they won't give up on themselves they'll keep going so there's enough evidence to encourage people and you can't tell me you're too old to do this work you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work you can't tell me you had a turbulent past or or that you're too overweight or too underweight or too out of shape or you can't even tell me that you've never meditated before in fact some of our greatest scans or people who just have never meditated before that are not trying to do anything they just follow instructions so our community now is beginning to understand that it is possible and they go all in not 50 in not 60 and if we do a week-long event we got a thousand people or 1500 people and they are all in and that when they start getting Beyond themselves that first day or second day once they start getting Beyond themselves and that magic starts to happen then I have no idea I can't predict what's going to happen next and it's usually pretty pretty exciting Rule Number Two Step into the unknown we do have beliefs that feel good to us because those beliefs are based on past experiences and those emotions keep us attached to the belief chemically it's in our biology and we tend to think neurologically and feel chemically within experiences then that are connected to the past so when our beliefs are challenged we hold on to the emotion like Jesus had a brother what that doesn't feel right you know he was married to Mary Magdalene what you know I mean people freak out because they've been conditioned and they want to hold on to that because that then ensures a future that they can rely on when you step out of your belief systems and stepping into the unknown you are now leaving behind your past and then so then do you have the faculty and the ability to create do you have that ability if not because then in order for you to go from that Old belief to a new belief then you better have a plan and you better be willing to have a new experience that is no longer a wishy-washy belief it has to be a very strong impression in your biology it comes with an accompanying experience that then changes your biology to understand you believe something else but that's not the end either because then you have the question from that point what is the next belief that helps you to understand the next thing for example let's about it on two levels and time out here for a second I don't care or you can go to 11 30 here oh beautiful thank you so much it was a good conversation so think about this the person in our work who I'll use a simple example has a uh very very difficult marriage and her marriage falls apart her husband was abusive and lived by the stress hormones for extended period of time of course all our energy is going for some threat in our external environment she has no energy in him her internal environment for growth and repair no energy for long-term building projects the the body is in vigilance it's it's always anxious she's anticipating something bad happening all the time and she's got food allergies to everything she's allergic to her environment she comes to the event she does the work it takes her three months and all of a sudden in one event she has a breakthrough and she's eating anything she wants now she's changed her belief about her past because she's no longer saying I am this way because of my relationship with my husband because when you say I am this way because I had an abusive father I am this way because I had a difficult marriage I am this way because I got fired from my job what you're saying is I haven't changed since that event emotionally and so now you're viewing your future through the lens of the past when you overcome that emotional state a memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom now you're ready to create a new future because if you're still attached to the emotion you're still attached to the past and you can't create a future so all of a sudden now the person has a transformation she had a shift she knows that she knows that she's liberated from that anxiety she's she feels it and as a result of it in a matter of moments Ben or biology reorganizes to a new mind and now she's I'm watching her eat pizza I'm watching her eat a hamburger she's laughing she's and it's and it's sustained but that's not the end because if she healed herself then the next question is I understand the physics and biology of what I've done is it possible if I heal myself but I can heal another person now my my belief is being challenged again now I'm challenging my current belief is it possible well I don't know I haven't had the experience yet but if I'm thinking it and I understand the semantic philosophical theoretical intellectual information can I initiate it can I apply it can I personalize it can I demonstrate it can I modify my behavior in some way based on my last experience to have a more evolved experience and that more evolved experience will be outside of my beliefs currently but I understand the science and if I can get my behaviors to match my intentions and I've done it to myself and quantum physics says is that Consciousness is non-local will help if I can create a coherent signature here I should be able to do it in another person so then when the when the experience occurs now I have more circuitry in my brain that's enriched I have a new feeling in my body and I feel like a Healer I already feel like a hero because I've healed myself but let me see if I can heal someone else I'm going to bring up that emotion and it may take me a few times and I'm telling you that woman we did a coherent session where we're healing another person and the person laying down there was a woman who from London who had a exposure to a bacteria in India 20 years ago who had food allergies That Couldn't overcome that bacteria and I watched this woman synchronistically unbeknownst to the woman laying down there lay a coherent energy in that person's body and that woman was healed I had dinner with her in London and she was eating salmon and rice and everything else and she said I don't know what happened but I got healed now that person who did the healing her belief was challenged and because she had the experience she asked the greater question so the greater question then led to the next experience but it's not enough to do it once you got to be able to repeat that experience you got to make it scientific right you got to get a beauty and make it a skill and this is where people stop like they have the one experience and say I'm a Healer no the fact that you have the experience means you should be able to reproduce that so then you keep pushing the boundaries of your beliefs that's called Evolution and so people reach a certain point in their belief systems and they stop and so I think the problem with a lot of people in the spiritual Community is they confuse Insight with belief like oh you know I had a I have an I have anxiety so my reason I have anxiety because I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that's what my doctor told me and I get panic attacks and I got a panic attack on a plane and I'm afraid of planes and crowded places and so now that you know that you have a chemical imbalance in your brain does it heal your anxiety no so then they go to the they go to the psychologist they go to their friend their friends as well it's not a hardware problem it's not circuits and molecules and chemicals software problem you know your father was overbearing he was a perfectionist and and some softens of programming you know it's from your past and the person now has the insight that their father was overbearing does it heal the anxiety but they will see that as a belief like my father was overbearing what they're really saying is I am this way because of this past experience so then they go to the psychic and the psychic says you were burned at the stake in Carcassonne in the 1500s you're a Charismatic Christian the memories burned in your soul now that you know that you are a Charismatic Christian from the 1500s a cathar a Templar does it heal your anxiety no so then you go to the astrologer and she says you know America use in retrograde don't leave the house for six months it's the reason why the way you are the way you are and so they develop beliefs that are within their emotional acceptance and so then they build more beliefs within those emotions which means I still don't want to change the Insight doesn't change anything because people will only accept believe and surrender to beliefs or thoughts that are equal to their emotional state and they'll program their autonomic nervous system into that Destiny so then you get a diagnosis from a doctor it creates the emotion of fear or desperation you'll only accept believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to those emotional states until you change your emotional state is it possible for you then to begin to accept believe and surrender their thoughts equal to a new emotional state and bring up the emotion ahead of the experience now we're talking about going against conditioning rule number three create your reality when you teach people how to connect to the energy of a future dream and be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past to believe in their future more than they believe in their past to fall in love with their future more than they fall in love with their past and be able to combine that clear intention of that future and begin to feel the emotions of that future before it's made manifest they're broadcasting a whole new signature into the field now the beauty behind that is is that the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you're drawing that future to you which also means then the moment you get in your car and start getting angry and getting frustrated because you're in traffic now you just disconnected from the energy of your future and now you're back to the energy of your past and those survival emotions exert less effects on the nature of reality so now you feel like matter trying to change matter you're you're separate and so you force it you control it you try harder you wish you pray you hope I mean hope is a beggar we do everything compete to try to manipulate and make it happen because we have limited resources then so then when a person is able to sustain or maintain that modified state of mind and being then the fun starts to happen because you start seeing those synchronicities you start seeing those coincidences those opportunities those unknowns those things start falling out of nowhere because you are connected to that field of information and not only are you connected to it but you're also beginning to influence it so then more and more people are creating now and less of less people are experiencing the state of being called being a victim so then if you're a victim then you would say I was angry because of traffic well then I would say to you well you mean your outer world was controlling how you think and feel some circumstance some person something in your outer world is actually controlling your feelings and thoughts that means you're a victim to those circumstances but when you change the way you think and feel and it starts to produce effects in your outer world now you start to realize you're the creator of your life and the moment you start seeing feedback in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to do it again and now you're going to believe now you're more of the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life rule number four install new hardware so you ask yourself at the end of your day I do this every day how'd I do how'd I do today bro how'd you do just do good where'd you fall from grace what what what was it that caused you to go unconscious for the rest of the day like what was that moment now if you're a student of Life you'll begin to contemplate well it was that person that said that thing then I reacted or this I got this email or things didn't go my way and I started feeling angry or frustrated or fearful the next time that happens how could I involve my experience now you may have to search for some answers of the best model to build or you may actually have a long contemplation and start to go God the next time that happens I think I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna do that or I'm going to plan my behaviors and the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing what you're going to do begins to install the neurological Hardware in your brain to looks like you already did it now the brain is no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the Future and if you keep installing that Hardware the hardware will become a software program which means you'll just start acting like a happy person why there's no magic there you install the circuitry so that's more important than the news right it's more important than answering any email or any text it's more important than talking about your past or some dinner if you can begin to just think about how you're going to do it differently that's the building process neurologically already so now you have to get conscious in order to do that and it takes some time it means you got to shut your cell phone off you gotta close your door you gotta take a break from everything out there and begin to practice and so by experience then you start noticing oh here it comes here comes the frustration here comes the fear and now we've given people the tools to be able to self-regulate to create brain and heart coherence and so you see people say excuse me one minute I just need a minute it takes some breaths they get back in they connect to the energy of their future this is incidental compared to where they're going so they don't fall from grace they don't allow their energy to drop and so yeah in the beginning it takes a lot because it takes a lot of energy and awareness to stay conscious and not go unconscious but if you're persistent and you're determined then you're sincere you begin to figure it out you begin to say I am not going to give my power away to that person or that circumstance when I can use it to heal or to create a new future and so people then won't excuse themselves and say on a hard day yesterday at a fight with my co-worker or my ex or and I don't feel like doing the work well that's the time they get back on the horse yeah because because it's the it's all of those times that we self-correct those are the most valuable moments thus people who have had profoundly transcendental experiences where they we say got lit up they connected and their brain goes into very very high coherent States and super gamma patterns that are way outside of normal and they have a transcendental downloader connection that's mystical they look back at their entire life they don't want to change one thing in their past because it got them to that moment that's the moment the past no longer exists now by the same means they look back at their past and they see all those tough moments where they overcame themselves and they fall in love with that person they don't look at the good meditations or the things that went well they look they know that it was those moments that got them to this moment and I I think then that's when they begin to understand that that all of the hard work all the effort in who we become makes no one can take that away from us so then once we arrive at that level and we experience whatever the dream is or whatever we create the next thing is do it until you fully enjoy it and then when it gets boring or predictable let's go again let's do something else yeah and I think that's Evolution also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet design specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five invest in your future meditation the actual translation of the word meditation means to become familiar with so the first thing you have to do is you have to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts you got to notice your automatic habits and behaviors and you have to become aware of your emotions that keep you anchored to the past and if you can become so conscious of the one unconscious states of mind and body that they would never slip by your conscious awareness again you're becoming familiar with the old self so you don't return then if you begin to think about new ways of being being defined by a vision plan your behaviors review them in your mind now if you keep doing that over and over again nerve cells that fire together wire together you begin to become familiar with a new state of mind at the same time if you can emotionally cultivate your inspiration your joy Your Enthusiasm ahead of the experience by repeating that over and over again cultivating that state it's going to begin to become familiar to you so then the process of change then requires unlearning and relearning breaking the habit of the old self Reinventing a new self pruning synaptic connections as we say in neuroscience and sprouting new connections unmerizing emotions that are stored in the body then here's the key reconditioning the body to a new mind into a new emotion it's literally moving from your past to your future it's losing your mind and creating a new one and so then when you begin to understand that in the in that process it's going to feel a little bit unfamiliar uncomfortable and if you can relax into that instead of going back to the past continuously invest in your future sooner or later it'll begin to become easier and easier and easier and all of a sudden when you least expect it something amazing is going to happen in your life and when that event begins to occur you're going to pay attention to what you did inside of you now to produce the effect outside of you and that's called human empowerment and there isn't a person in the world that's excluded from this equation rule number six develop beliefs that serve you if people are really really believing that their astrological sign determines their Destiny then they will look for based on their perception the correlations that are equal to their belief system I don't particularly believe that because I'm born at a certain time under certain house that has anything to do with me creating the life that I want to have right so many people will though and because they do they'll only they'll select like oh I saw 11 11 on the clock well you've seen three is 236 on the clock and 4 18 on the clock but you're looking for 11 11. well then that's your reality because that's where your attention is right so I don't subscribe to that but I respect that because that person is going to keep that belief until it no longer serves them and they're either going to evolve their belief or they're not and if they don't so be it but if they do they're going to realize sooner or later it's not working for them I have certain beliefs right now that I honestly am questioning that I still think are limited beliefs but in order for me to change those beliefs I'm going to have to come out of my resting state have to step out into the unknown and really check to see and execute in a very different way now to build on that model then it's going to require one foot in the Practical world and one foot in the Mysterious World because I can't control all the events that happen in my life but I can certainly make choices that are going to bring me closer to those experiences now I also know from experience that when I'm living by the hormones of stress and I'm living in survival that you and I and everybody else is always going to try to control the outcome to try to force the outcome to try to get in the way try to analyze when it's going to happen and how it's going to happen now when that occurs we're really bad we're competitive we're manipulative we'll hold on to things we're deceitful we're greedy but that's what those chemicals do so we're always trying to control and force the outcome because in a sense we feel separate from something greater we feel like we're madder trying to change matter we feel like we're we're vibrating at the same speed as everything else and so we have to get what we want means you have to go and get it and and and so then people start mixing spiritual principles with that phenomenon right so then that's not what I'm talking about because I'm talking about if you're able to understand that when you're living by the hormones of stress that your senses are heightened and that you're a materialist trying to Define reality if you can't see it feel a taste it smell it doesn't exist and you're getting ready for something bad to happen and be prepared and protect yourself and that's how most people live then everybody's doing that everybody's mad at trying to change matter and the soonerly we're going to bump into each other and there's going to be Sparks right so then is it possible then that instead of being defined as a body living in an environment in a particular time that if you were to close your eyes and disconnect from the external environment to sit your body down into transcend time and to become nobody you have a biological Machinery to do this to become no one you're not a face you're not a man you're not a documentary filmmaker you're not your past you're not your future you're not a husband for you're not your body you're not your emotions you're not your habits you're not the predictable future of the familiar past your pure consciousness now if you are going to heal your body by thought alone if you are going to create some event in your external environment by thought alone and if you are going to transcend Time by thought alone then you have to become thought alone and so when people start to really realize that they can change the neural circuitry in their brain by thought alone send new emotional signals that begin to select and up regulate new genes and down regulate other genes and it may take knocking on that door for extended periods of time till finally the gene is programmed because it took them 10 years to program the gene for the disease it may take them a few years to reprogram the gene now we're talking about pragmatist we're talking about someone who's applying some principles and so then when that occurs and the energy that was sitting in these hormonal centers of survival anger and fear and guilt and shame the energy kind of moves up a little bit we've measured This Heart starts to open gets more coherent the field around the body begins to grow we've measured that the person feels more like energy less like matter they feel like more like wave less like particles they're not afraid of the unknown they let's go ahead and answer that really quick he's in like the greatest part right now [Music] oh thank you all right hopefully you didn't lose your train of thought so they're not afraid of the unknown they're craving them they're trusting in the unknown and that that kind of expanded energy is now they're no longer enslaved emotionally to the Past they're no longer an identity that's connected to a disease they're no longer a body who's addicted to an emotion they're no longer trying to forecast the future based on the past they're no longer a man they're no longer a woman they're no longer a nurse they're no longer black they're no longer white they're no longer anything they're they're a they are completely poised in the present moment and that that that present moment produces a liberation of energy because the body is no longer held to the chains of the past and that liberation of energy then begins to produce a biological transformation in the brain and the body we've seen it the brain gets highly coherent gets super organized the person feels whole we've measured that their heart moves into a state of joy and and love and gratitude we measured that the field around their bodies enhanced we measure that and the person could no longer cares about the future of the past they're happy in the present moment they no longer want anything because they're whole and if you're whole it's impossible to want and that's the moment it happens and so kind of this Paradox that begins to occur so why am I explaining it like this because I want to answer the ultimate question of what you're asking is that there's an intelligence that's giving us life it's keeping my heart beating and digesting my food and food and organizing trillions of functions per second in every cell of my body I'm not doing that I'm having a conversation with you as a free-willed subject of consciousness but there is an intelligence within me that's always endorsing who I'm being and that intelligence is a Giver of Life so to demystify it then and this is where I I part from the spiritual community because when your will matches its will when your mind matches its mind when your love for Life matches its love for life it begins to work in ways that are mysterious now why is that important because the mysterious is the unknown and the unknown is unexpected and the unexpected should bring a surprise and that surprise should be outside of my current beliefs if it's happening how could I expect the supernatural to happen if I'm expecting it to happen that it's impossible but if I'm in the unknown and I'm open to possibility then I should be able to create an unknown experience that I can't predict the emotion or the future event of how it's going to occur when it's going to occur it's not my job and the side effect of that is this mysterious surprise that changes my biology from the new experience and then causes me to change my beliefs and I've I've had enough of my own mystical moments in the midst of that mystical experience I have said in the midst of it I have this all wrong I have said it right in the midst of the experience I am doing this so wrong because I was so programmed into this box of belief but the only way the unexpected could happen is giving up expectation which means you have to surrender that belief how it's going to happen or when it's going to happen I can't predict that so then that same intelligence that's giving me life according to the quantum model of reality is the same intelligence that's creating supernovas and causing flowers to bloom it's it's within us and all around us it's it's a very wave of quantum physics I can't control that I can't expect how the particle is going to appear or when it's going to appear but it's not my job my job is to move into different states of being and be open to the mystery of how it's going to happen so if I said to you today Ben that I had all the answers to everything I would I would certainly be limiting this conversation but I am open to the to the mystery of life and the Mystery of Life then means that if we're asking certain questions and we believe we we even speculate that it's possible and someone has to step out into out of their present beliefs to see if it is and so I'm not interested in the natural I'm not interested in the normal I'm interested in the Supernatural the super normal and I believe from my present state of ignorance of course if we're going to use the word belief that you don't have to be a Buddhist monk you don't have to be a nun with 40 Years of devotion you don't have to be a religious scholar you don't have to be a researcher you don't have to have a PhD to do this that common people around the world can do the uncommon and if they're given the right understanding and the environment is set up where they can begin the application of that and I have looked at over a thousand brain scans of people in meditation and I can tell you that you and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond our analytical mind when we get Beyond ourselves that's the moment that the brain gets so organized and so coherent the front of the brain is talking to the back of the brain the right side of the brain is talking on the left side of the brain there's this synchronization this psychic Union going on a flow and the person has tears of joy rolling down their face that Gestalt moment that that Transcendent event for the person is completely subjective but my interest is measuring that subjective experience and we're capturing amplitudes of energy in people's brains that are 26 000 to 40 000 times normal during that experience now they can't make their brain do that it's happening to them and the inner event that's happening to them is more real than any past event and that's the moment I know their belief is changing rule number seven go all in can you teach your body emotionally what the future reality that you want to live in feels like before it happens now this is very difficult if you've been conditioned into believing something in your outer world has to change to make a way take away the emptiness or the lack to make you feel differently this is saying actually feel the emotion before it happens and don't wait for the experience to occur teach your body what the feeling will be before it occurs if the environment signals the Gene and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion you're signaling the gene ahead of the environment and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and function of your body and the expression of proteins is the expression of life so teach the body emotionally to self-regulate to believe it's living in an environment that's flourishing that's wonderful keep practicing it and it'll become familiar to you and the process then creates a new identity and it's not difficult once you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it and the more you combine all those different branches of science and make it in a simple way to understand if people understand the what and the why the how gets easier because you can assign meaning to what you're doing and it becomes instrumental so get a group of people a thousand people 1500 people 2 000 people into a room teach them that information whether they're coming for wealth or health a relationship a new career a mystical experience get them all together and teach them and measure what can take place in one week period of time and I assure you that's more than 75 percent of the people that go through and go all in and Retreat from their lives and remove the same stimulation from their environment and not be in the same conditions and teach them that information and give them numerous opportunities to apply it and numerous opportunities to get Beyond themselves all you need is that first person that stands on the stage and says hey I walked in here with Parkinson's disease I have no idea what happened but I'm not trembling anymore and boy that last thing just something clicked for me and the person in the audience was watching the four minute mile right in front of them and going wow that guy looks like he's not a vegan he doesn't look like he's particularly in shape but his Parkinson's went away and wow I mean if he could do it I could do it and somebody else changes their belief and now that's a footprint and Consciousness get enough people doing that by the end of the week you're going to see things we've seen blind people seeing deaf people hearing that once not twice people with Strokes for 10 years lift their arms up again we've seen people step out of wheelchairs people on crutches drop their cracks I mean you see and the body literally recalibrates to a new mind and and they're not intentionally trying to do anything they're just becoming somebody else but the process of overcoming is the process of becoming and if you teach people that formula and you get just one or two people doing it it's just going to become an infection and it's gonna Wellness is gonna spread just like disease rule number eight have a vision I think it's a time in history where it's not enough to know it's a time in history to know how and if you think about it um most people live their life in a habit they think the same thoughts they perform the same actions they live by the same emotions but they secretly expect their life to change but how you think how you act and how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality that's it so if you think 60 to 70 000 thoughts in one day and ninety percent of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before the same thoughts always lead to the same choices the same choices always lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and those same emotions then drive your very same thoughts and so you get caught in this kind of biological neurological and Quantum fixated pattern so then the hardest part about change really in creating the life that you want being defined by a vision of the future instead of a memory of the past is not making the same choices you did the day before and the moment you do that you step into the unknown now you and I have been conditioned and hypnotized into believing that the unknown is some scary place but when you begin to realize the unknown is the perfect place to create from that void of unpredictability and uncertainty that unfamiliarity is really the quantum place of uncertainty where all manifestations come from so when you and I become comfortable living in that unknown place I think then that we begin to manifest the things we want in our lives so for me personally I want to execute and be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past so most people's brains are organized to reflect everything they know in their life their brain is a record of the past and if you feel the same way every single day and feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences it means number one nothing new is happening in your life and number two those emotions are keeping you anchored to the past if thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being most people are literally biologically neurologically chemically genetically and even Quantum wise connected to a past so then the question is the fundamental question is can you believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses yet but you've thought about enough times in your mind that your brain has literally changed to look like the experience has already occurred now the latest research in neuroscience and neuroplasticity tells us we can change our brain to look like the event has already occurred and can we begin to emotionally Embrace a future reality that's a potential in the quantum field and begin to emotionally embrace it to such agree that we fall in love with that future reality that our bodies Our unconscious mind begins to believe it's living in that future reality in the present moment and we're signaling new genes in new ways to change our body to look like the experience has already occurred in preparation for the event now think about this so making our inner World more real than the outer world right but not only that you have to then understand that when you truly do this properly you're not waiting for your healing to feel whole you're not waiting for your success to feel empowered you're not waiting for your wealth to feel abundant you're not waiting for your new relationship to feel love you're not waiting for the mystical moment to feel awe that's the old model of reality of cause and effect waiting for something outside of you to change how you feel inside of you and when you feel better inside and you pay attention to whoever whatever caused that that's that's cause and effect and when you begin to make the correlation between what changed you from outside and inside you create an associate of memory want the model of reality begins to say then you have to teach your body emotionally how that future is going to feel like before it's made manifest in other words you have to feel awe an order for the mystical moment to happen you have to feel uh oh abundance before your wealth can occur you have to feel in love with life before your new relationship happens and so we're not defining Reality by our senses because we're not waiting then for anything outside of us to change how we feel inside of us so if there's physical evidence in your brain and body to look like the experience has already occurred physical evidence because the epigenetic model of reality says you can change your body by thought alone you and neuroplasticity says you can change your brain by thought alone so if there's physical evidence to look like the experience has already occurred well relax because the experience is going to find you and it's going to come in a way that you least expect rule number nine eliminate addictions the survival emotions the emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress are very addictive anger is addictive fear is addictive sadness is addictive resentment is addictive competition is addictive frustration is addictive all of those emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress give the brain and body A Rush of energy so if an addiction is something you can't stop and you happen to have a friend or a family member who's walking around suffering every single day of their life and you say to them why don't you stop or you you're in the middle of an angry experience and I say to you Michael why don't you just stop being angry if you can stop you can't stop that that on some level you're addicted because an addiction is something you can't stop so when people start to understand oh my God I'm addicted to my own frustration I'm addicted to my own suffering I'm addicted to my own guilt all of a sudden they start becoming conscious of what they're doing to their brain and body show them how those very chemicals down regulate genes to create disease and then get them beyond that by doing meditation that's the moment then all of a sudden they begin to be greater than their biology and we've measured this thousands of times in people and it's without a doubt I can say this from every single cell in my being that a person is at their absolute best when they get Beyond themselves that's the bottom line seventy percent of the time people living by the hormones are stress whether they know it or not they're always anticipating the future based on the past they're always having their attention on objects and people and things and places in the world because that's where the danger is the chemicals are jacking up their body so their attention is on their body so they think based on their own experience that they're their body but they're not they believe that they're their identity that's connected to relationships of people and things and places in their life but they're not then when people start to live on autopilot and they get out of bed the same way and they brush your teeth at the same hand and they do all the same things every single day and they've been doing that for 20 or 30 years for the most part then their body's on autopilot it's in a predictable future based on what it's done in the past so very few people are in the present moment so then they're locked into a line of time a linear line of time where their future and their past seem to be exactly the same so no not a lot of people are present or in the present moment and if you're not in the present moment I assert that you're running some type of program which means you're not present the body's already programmed to be in the future in the past so then in an elegant moment of meditation and we've we can predict this now on a brain scan there comes a moment where a person forgets about their body they forget they're they're so involved in their inner world that there is nobody they forget that they are an identity they're not paying attention to the people they know and the places they go and the things they have to do or the things they own they become no one they become no thing they go to nowhere and they forget about their appointments in their past and they become no time and that is the moment they become pure Consciousness that is the moment that they begin to disconnect from their biology and who you are to answer that question is a Consciousness that's manipulating the brain and body to produce different levels of mind and only when you are pure consciousness can you begin to change your body only when you are beyond your body can you heal your body you can't the body can't heal the body you have to get beyond your body to heal your body in order for you to create some new experience in your life you got to get beyond the problems in your life in order for you to create some new future event in some future time you got to get Beyond predictable linear time and so if you're going to heal your body by thought alone if you're going to create some experience in your life by thought alone if you are going to create some new event in your future by thought alone then you have to become thought alone and that is the moment when you become pure Consciousness where you are nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time that is the moment that you're no longer constrained by those laws that is the moment your Consciousness freewilled subjective human consciousness merges with the quantum field the objective Universal Consciousness and when they come together and you come back to awareness you take a piece of it with you and you become more like it you become more willful it has an amazing will you become more mindful it has an infinite mind become more conscious it has a great Consciousness you become more loving it's a it's a love it's a lover of life you become more Giver giving it's a giver of life it's it's nature becomes your nature and so teaching people how to do that uh is the art so then when you understand that you we we we now know that there are certain ways to do that that help people get there faster and Rule Number 10 the last one before some very special bonus Clips is live a stress-free life according to the psychological and scientific model the majority of people in their waking day in a normal day spend about 70 percent of their time living in stress and living in stress is living in survival and the actual definition of stress stress is when your body's not that of homeostasis stresses when your body's not that of balance the stress response is what your body innately does to return itself back to order you have three types of stress you have physical stress like trauma injuries accidents Falls you have chemical stress like bacteria viruses blood sugar levels heavy metals and Foods hangovers whatever and you have emotional stress like traffic jams internet connections second mortgages single parenting 401ks family tragedies all of those things knock the brain and body out of balance now all organisms in nature can adapt to short-term stress pack of coyotes chases a deer in the in the forest the deer outruns the coyotes the stress is over the theory turns back to homeostasis and it grazes again the event is over when the deer perceives the threat in its external environment it turns on a primitive nervous system called the fight-or-flight nervous system and that autonomic nervous system that sympathetic nervous system begins to mobilize enormous amounts of energy for some threat in the external environment now deer has all its physiology changed all the blood is sent to the extremities heart rate increases respiratory rate rate increases pupils dilate dilate the 1300 chemicals that are created in a matter of seconds is to cause the deer to survive in some difficult condition now human beings have the same mechanisms and when we perceive a threat in our external environment like a lion we are going to run or fight or freeze but if you've had problems with your co-worker or you've had a very difficult experience with your mother-in-law the moment you perceive your mother-in-law or your co-worker you and you have a past experience with them you're going to turn on the same primitive nervous system just like you're being chased by a lion so what was once highly adaptive now becomes very maladaptive because when you're mobilizing all of that energy you are going to operate in very predictable ways you're going to be an amped up animal with a big memory bank so that your blood flow is going to go to the hind brain and away from the forebrain which means you're going to react instead of think rationalize but human beings the privilege of being a human being is that we can make thought more real than anything else that's the privilege so then you can begin to forecast some future worst case scenario and you can attend to that thought to the exclusion of everything else and you can focus on it to such a degree that you will begin to anticipate the event and produce the same chemicals as if you're in that experience and you're knocking your brain and body out of balance just by thought alone you can begin to unfold some past bitter memory that's tattooed in the recesses of your gray matter and like magic you can bring it to life and in that moment it's real and you will produce the same chemistry in your brain and body as if that event occurred and your body is the unconscious mind is literally living that experience so then when we're living by the hormones of stress and you turn on that stress response and you can't turn it off now you're headed for some disease because no organism in nature can tolerate living in emergency mode for extended periods of time so if seventy percent of the time a person's living in survival living in stress in survival what we do in order to survive as we are going to select the worst case scenario and we are going to begin to plan our behaviors and our emotions in that experience because anything less than the worst case scenario means we have better chances of survival so we plan for the worst we emotionally embrace it and anything less means we can survive so out of the infinite Potentials in the quantum field anxiety really represents a poor imagination but it's highly adaptive if it's if you're living in survival because you got to get ready for that so seventy percent of the time people are selecting the worst case event in their life and emotionally embracing it and they're they're programming their autonomic nervous system into a very specific Destiny and turns out if you keep doing that and you create the emotions of fear and worry and anxiety and you do that for 10 years or five years or three years your body is going to unconsciously become programmed to fear and it's going to have a panic attack without you try as you may with your conscious mind to control it you've programmed it subconsciously and now the body as the mind is running the show so the hormones of stress create the emotions of anger of aggression of hostility of violence of frustration of hatred of fear of anxiety of guilt of Shame of hopelessness of powerlessness depression those are all chemicals that are derived from the hormones of stress and when we live by the hormones of stress we become very selfish why because when you're in survival you've got to take care of the self your attention is on your body right your attention is on your external environment there's Predators out there the the rush of adrenaline causes the senses to become heightened and you're a materialist and you're trying to predict the future because there's better chances of survival if you can predict the future based on the past when that occurs then over time the body begins to break down because it's a scientific fact that the hormones of stress down regulate genes to create disease in the long term so if you can turn on the stress response just by thought alone and the hormones of stress can make you sick then your thoughts can literally make you sick so the question is if your thoughts can make you sick is it possible then that your thoughts can make you well if you give people sound in and then they can repeat that information they're wiring it in their brain they're creating a new model of understanding if you show them how to apply that information if they do it properly they will have some type of transformation that transformation isn't something that causes people to feel bad or unworthy it causes them to open their hearts it causes them to feel Joy to feel gratitude they feel differently and if you're able to then create that elevated emotion and you teach people more information they will continue to transform themselves and that's called Evolution if you think the same thoughts the same thoughts always lead to the same choices the same choices lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same feelings and you're now caught in your old self but new thoughts should lead to new choices and new choices should lead to new Behaviors new behaviors should create new experiences and new experiences should create new emotions and that should Inspire evolution we say that your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel we could say that your personality is your state of being so now geniuses if you keep thinking the same thoughts keep demonstrating the same behaviors keep living by the same feelings and emotions your personal reality is going to stay exactly the same but if you have new thoughts that lead to new choices that demonstrate new actions that create new experiences that cause you to feel differently you will begin to walk into a new future how many people understand this so most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work you literally have to become someone else so crossing the river of change going from the old self to the new South requires you stepping into the unknown and if you are now in the unknown and you feel uncomfortable because you're leaving guilt behind [Music] you leave unworthiness behind you see the biggest problem with most people is they want to create wealth but they feel lack they want a new life but they feel unworthy that's Mind and Body in opposition and our research shows that you can teach people how to recondition their body to a new mind and when that occurs they begin to create very powerful things in their life we have such compelling evidence in science with brain scans you can make your brain work better you can make your heart work better you can make your immune system work better you can make your cells go from really sick to really healthy we've got great evidence you can become immune to Serious viruses you can be immune in the bacteria we've got the measurements if you can lengthen your life we have great evidence and people aren't monks they're not they're not nuns they're not religious Scholars they're just common people and then we have testimony of people who are the example of Truth they are they are the example of truth I would rather have dinner with those people than anybody anybody else they know something right so evidence then becomes the loudest voice right and and that's what I think what people are looking for right now the truth is so lost in sensationalism and the truth is so lost in emotional agreement and so people who want to feel fear they program themselves and accept believe and surrender that people who want to be hate be hateful it's all there it's all there and it's a it's a matrix to find the way out right and and I think I think there's a door I just I just think that we have to trust the innate information that that comes from within us can you believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses yet but you've thought about enough times in your mind that your brain is literally changed to look like the event has already occurred the latest research in neuroscience says you can change your brain from living in the past to living in the future and can you fall in love with that vision to such a degree that you come out of your resting state and change guilt or suffering into inspiration and joy and gratitude to such a degree that your body as the unconscious mind does not know the difference between that external event and what you're creating internally so that your body believes it's living in that future in the present moment and you begin to Signal new genes in new ways to change your body to look like the event has already occurred the latest research in epigenetics says you can change your body by thought alone now reason this with me if there's physical evidence in your brain and body to look like the event has already occurred your brain and body are no longer living in the past they're living in the future and you will walk right into your vision now most people in this audience all of you have done something great in your life you all have a reason this you woke up one day or you had a wild thought out of nowhere and that thought was a possibility in the future something new you wanted to experience you started thinking about this experience the moment you started contemplating this potential reality you turned on a part of your brain called the frontal lobe the crowning achievement of the human being it's 40 percent of your entire brain it is the creative Center and it has connections to all other parts of the brain and the moment you said what would it be like to be a leader what would it be like to be successful what would it be like to have this Vision come true the moment you ask that open-ended question you turned on this part of the brain because the rest of the brain is just a bunch of automatic programs and now the frontal lobe the creative Center wakes up and it has connections to the entire brain it's the CEO it's the boss it's the symphony leader of the brain and the moment you get creative the frontal lobe begins to select different networks of neurons that are stored in your brain from things you've learned or experienced and as you begin to think a what if question it begins to select these different networks and begins to seamlessly piece them together and making your brain fire in new sequences and in new patterns and new combinations and whenever you make your brain work differently you're changing your mind because mind is the brain in action mind is the brain at work and the moment those neurons fire in tandem you get a picture in your mind a hologram a vision an abstraction and for those people who are passionate that thought that their thinking begins to create an elevated emotion they become inspired they feel enthusiastic in Theos filled with God they become passionate they started to open their hearts and all of a sudden they're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion and it's the combination of a clear intention and an elevated emotion in our research over and over again that proves then the person now is changing fundamentally changing biologically changing internally and their brain and body are moving from living in the past into living in the future people that were traumatized from childhood that were abused sexually physically emotionally that were suicidal that had all kinds of health conditions they came to the edge of that emotion that kept them connected to the past and they were ready to give up in one meditation because they they never had felt an emotion like this that they could remember that it was so intense and they thought about all the times for the last year that they never missed a day of doing a meditation even when they didn't feel like it or when they wanted to quit halfway through and they didn't they went all the way they thought about all those times that they went to that point and they went one more time really and their words are always the same and my heart blew wide open and I looked back at my entire past and I don't want to change one thing in my past because it brought me to this present moment and I can see my betrayers I could see the people in my life that had a hand in this and I have nothing but compassion for them because now the person is no longer viewing that past from the same level of Consciousness they're viewing it from a place of Love of wholeness and they see the greater good of all of it and now their conditions their health conditions their endometriosis their uterine tumors I mean whatever it is literally goes disappears and they have an incredible incredible change in their brain chemistry they're in love with life they're off their meds they're not suicidal they're why would they be they're free so it can happen in an instant when the heart is healed and everybody gets the new signal the body's out of the past the body's no longer feeling the emotions of the past and sometimes we got to come right up against that edge that's yeah that's the great moment when a person begins to slow their brain waves down they have to go when you're in stress when you're in survival you narrow your focus on a cause that's called a what's called a convergent Focus so now you're blessing the energy centers of the body they're under the control of the autonomic nervous system and when the autonomic nervous system moves out of balance the brain moves out of balance right we narrow our focus on the cause and it causes each one of these different energy centers to move into incoherence as well and those little little individual brains start moving into incoherence and send an incoherent message to the cells and tissues and organs hormones then become down regulated and the body starts moving out of balance so when we bless the energy centers where we reprogram these energy centers two things has to happen they have to be able to slow their brain waves down they have to get out of that high beta State and the way we do it is to go from a narrow Focus to a broad focus when you open your focus when you open your awareness that's what creates coherence in the brain because you're going against that habit of putting your attention on matter so there's a convergent Focus which is focusing on matter and then there's a Divergent Focus which is focusing on energy well reality is both particle and wave matter and energy so if a person can slow their brain waves down from beta brain waves to Alpha brain waves now they're starting to fall out of their thinking brain right into the home of the autonomic nervous system okay the person can't change their brain waves it'll never work because they're in their neocortex in their thinking mind right so that's one thing that has to happen the second thing that has to happen is that they have to practice both a convergent focus and a Divergent Focus now by the convergent you're focusing on let's say I'm going to focus on this energy center right and then you move your focus to another energy well first you first you focus on that energy center that's particle and then you focus on the space around it that's wave and so when you open your awareness and you're able to do that and you're in your autonomic nervous system you can put an intention there which will create more balance and estrogen more balance and your your sexual organs you he moved to your second Center you put your attention there that's your where you place your attention is where you place your energy so now you're beginning to Direct Energy yeah into that Center but now you become aware of the space around it why to create coherence and that little brain send the coherent message to the cells and tissues go to your third center right in the pit of your gut well there's a huge Celiac plexus there solar plexus a lot of connections in there so now put your big one that's a big always getting a lot of signs there yeah here and here part and solar plexus yeah that's those are big ones and you tune into that energy then you put your attention in your heart it has its own individual brain yeah and when you make energy here when energy finally arrives here guess where it goes automatically straight up we've measured it so now once you start opening your heart you got more energy in your heart you get more energy in your brain got it short on time just go straight to the heart that's why we do it that's exactly why we that's why we open the heart so it creates a field and it begins to drive energy to the brain so now that energy is going to cause the person to have a different Consciousness a different thought pattern right and now they're going to be thinking possibility because in survival the first three ones are all about survival yeah it's really not a creative process of creating from mind it's more about a more primitive you know um humanistic part of us you know animal part of us so then there's the thyroid plexus the pineal gland the pituitary gland so we've seen when people create coherence in each one of these energy centers and they do it properly they know how to change their brain waves they get into the operating system they can Master convergent and Divergent Focus they're no longer living just this way they've practiced opening their awareness and focus on energy becoming conscious of it and as these brains become more coherent and they start producing different signals to hormones and chemicals and into different glands in the body that's what's being upregulated to make different different Expressions I want to show you what it looks like when you learn something new you have a hundred billion neurons in your brain a hundred billion neurons the number of connections you have in one neuron is between ten thousand and forty thousand connections if you took a hundred thou hundred billion sheets of paper and you stack them on top of each other it would be five thousand miles high that's the distance from Los Angeles to London if you took a scoop of gray matter the size of a grain of sand you would have a hundred thousand neurons in it with over a billion connections now I'll stop right after this slide learning is making new synaptic connections every time you learn something new this is what's happening in your brain geniuses if you learned one bit of information today your brain did this boom that's learning physical evidence as a result of your interaction in the environment every time you learn something in your brain there's a physical change that takes place and learning is making new connections are you with me this is how fast it happens too that's learning if you learn anything this week you've made a footprint if learning is making new synaptic connections then if you keep firing the same thoughts over and over again you're going to wire them in your brain so then if learning is making new synaptic connections then remembering is maintaining them and all of a sudden they develop a long-term relationship and just like any relationship the more you communicate the more they connect and neurons are exactly the same way now as you begin to learn information neurons tend to assemble themselves into networks or what's called neural networks and neural networks are just gangs of neurons that have fired and wired together to form a community of neurosynaptic connections that's related to a thought a skill a habit a behavior a concept and neural networks are automatic programs you have a neural network to brush your teeth to put on makeup to speak a language to walk all of a sudden those neurons then form a hardware circuitry but if you keep repeating it the hardware becomes a software program and it becomes automatic people think that they want certain things because they're experiencing lack and and so they have to go about becoming the very person so then if we reframe it and you say oh I really want to be wealthy I want all my needs met and I'll say really why you want to be wealthy and they'll say because I want freedom I'd say okay let's focus on freedom so now the person understands the sponsoring thought or the emotion why would you wait for your wealth to feel free that's the Newtonian model of reality of cause and effect waiting for someone or something out there to take away this emptiness or lack and what if I'm feeling this emotion this emotion is influencing certain thoughts and how I think and feel creates my life if I'm living in lack I'm not going to create anything new but if I say to you hey when you become that person once you become it then your your reality is going to reorganize itself instead of living by cause and effect let's teach you how to cause an effect so then the person then is no longer interested in getting something in their environment when they realize it's about who they become and all of a sudden now the emphasis or the interest is in becoming that person and we have a week with those people and I want them to walk as it sit as it stand as it lay down I said I want them to get in the habit of walking from their room to the ballroom it's become the new habit that's why when we do our work you're we're doing sitting meditations we're doing standing and walking meditations we're doing lying down meditations I want it to become a new habit I want them to become that person we're all faced with uh great challenges brilliantly disguised as impossible situations and there's always a door there is always a door and so your personality creates your personal reality it's that simple and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel so the present personality who's listening to this show has created the present personal reality called their life which means if you're going to change something in your personal reality in your life you got to change your personality you have to change nothing changes until you change that's the bottom line you change but you the thought of changing my personality seems so like but I like who I am kind of but I'm also cranky I'm also annoyed so like who is that person underneath all of these ailments I guess all of these but it's a weird thing to say you change your personality well look I mean there's many things that I love about my personality just like you do I'm gonna take that with me but there are things if I'm going to be defined by a vision of the future they're things that can't come because the moment you say I want to have a mystical experience where I transcend this three-dimensional world and and you want to have a really profound moment a transcendental moment you start showing up for that and it doesn't happen right away then what you're going to start disbelieving you start but stop believing yourself so so the moment we're defined by a vision of the future that's bigger than us that vision of the future is not the vision of the past and when we do that we take away we take with us our discipline we take our concentration we take our presence we take our passion we take our strengths with us all those things you take but the things that are standing in the way are those old beliefs the things that stand in a way that that that that stop you from connecting to it those are the things you come up against and and it's not the it's not the mystical experience of the transcendental experience it's who you become it's not your wealth it's not your health it's who you become it's not your freedom it's who you become in the process and it's the overcoming process that we overcome that we overcome that we overcome that we overcome till we finally become and so many great people in history you know even wealthy people people always want to be wealthy but if you study wealthy people that really did it they failed miserably thousands of times until they figured it out and so you keep showing up for yourself enough times You're Gonna Change you're going to change you're going to be thinking differently you're going to be acting differently you're going to be feeling differently and that's when the universe starts to conspire in ways that we just never even thought about that's that's that's the beauty behind creation would you say it's smart to focus on one goal I mean if you're sick obviously it's it's smart to focus on on getting healthy but if you have a regular life and you say you know I would like to have the classical stuff for more money uh more wealth more love more joy would you say in those meditations it's smart to focus on different goals or should it rather be the Big Goal like a big Vision I have for my life that all the steps on the way are just marks I will pass at one point well let's answer that on two levels too because people come to our workshops for all different reasons some people come because they're sick some people come because they want more money some people want more a new job a new opportunity a new career a new relationship some people want the mystical the people come for all kinds of reasons to me I don't care what I care about is that they latch on to a vision and they learn how to create whatever drives them to that elegant moment where they're so present and so passionate about what they want and they have a clear intention a Clear Vision a coherent brain and they have an elevated emotion combined with it that they create hard coherence and now they're broadcasting a whole new energy into the field and whatever we broadcast into the field is our experiment with Destiny so I want people to know the how because we have plenty of people that have made millions and millions of dollars that were living in the back seat of their car or filed bankruptcy we have plenty of people that were stage four cancers serious health conditions that are healed but really people think they come for those reasons but we come for wholeness that's why we come that when we feel so whole and so happy with ourselves so connected to something greater if you feel wholeness it's impossible for you to want how can you want when you're whole when you're whole you feel like you have everything so I want people to reach that point where they feel so whole that they no longer want and that's when the magic happens teaching them that allows them to understand that when they come back to their senses they open their eyes they're not looking for the experience they feel like it's already happened and if you feel like it's already happened why would you be looking for it then if your body is conditioned emotionally into that future you're not separate from the energy of your future you're connected from it to it but the moment you get in traffic and you start getting angry you get on the line at the bank and you start getting impatient or you're sitting in a staff meeting you start judging A co-worker you just disconnected from the energy of the future and now you're back to the energy of your past and you've done nothing wrong you just lost your connection to the Future now now the importance of that is to notice that you're disconnected and if you say to me well that person made me feel this way and think this way I'd say oh my gosh you're back to the unconscious program of being a victim in your life the victim is saying that someone or something is controlling how I think and feel but a person who's producing outcomes in their life all of a sudden they say wow the way I'm thinking and feeling is creating outcomes in my life now I'm a creator of my life and now I believe less I'm a victim of my life here's the deal with trauma and it's kind of an interesting thing because when you're traumatized some threat or some danger or some condition in your outer world through your senses is changing how you feel in your inner world and the quotient of change between the way you normally feel and some alarm State when you change your internal State and move into that emergency mode you narrow your focus on the cause and the Brain freezes an image and takes a snapshot and that's called the long-term memory and now that image is branded holographically into the brain so then they remember we remember experiences better because we can remember how they feel and and that memory then changes the person's biology so they think neurologically within the circuits of that experience and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and how we think and feel becomes our state of being so so now the person biologically is changed and many times it's the strong emotion that begins to select and instruct the gene that creates disease why because if the environment signals the Gene and that's the truth that's epigenetics and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion the emotion that you feel from that event is literally selecting the gene gosh for you to begin to change and genes make proteins and so the the person if it's if it's strong enough begins to wear their trauma not just in their brain now it's in their body because every time they think about that trauma every time they review it every time they keep creating the imagery they keep firing and wiring the circuits in their brain and they keep feeling the feeling emotionally in their body and their body is so objective that it's believing it's living in the same past experience 50 to 100 times a day and all you need is a stimulus and a response an image and an emotion a thought and a feeling and you're conditioning the body into the past well you're conditioning the brain body into the bad the recognition that when you're assimilating a negative thought or a negative judgment or a negative emotion and the greed whatever it may be that's actually lowering your energy yeah and when you get to that place where you're experiencing that incredible Bliss right here you can you con yeah and even if you have the thought and the thought will still come because we still have those thoughts the thought will be an understanding of human nature because you're no longer at that vibrational level anymore or you're Rising above it you know and and I think more and more people are starting to figure that out and and and the people in their lives are like no my husband my husband is a changed person no he's not the same guy I know him I know he's completely different and the guy's just like yeah I feel amazing I feel great and all it was was sitting in the fire yes for a little bit of time until the body finally moved out of the past into the present moment and so the causes of this like I always say you never know what you're doing today and how you're doing it who you're going to affect tomorrow when you do this work and that's what we're seeing and people are they're they're they're they're getting promotions uh they're getting all these wonderful things not because of anything that they're doing they're just different yeah and people notice that and they want those people in the position to make better decisions for the whole and I think that's uh that's how we change the world you asked if is it possible then that people can heal that quickly in one week yeah because what if they create an inner event that carries an amplitude of gratitude or Joy or Freedom breakthrough from the chains of the past and when the body is liberated and you feel that elevated emotion the stronger the emotion you feel from that breakthrough the more you're going to pay attention to the image in your mind and now you're now beginning to brand new circuitry in the brain and your body's being conditioned into a new future and the stronger the emotion you feel and the more you pay attention to the picture the more you're conditioning the body over time to the Future instead of the past so now you keep knocking on that genetic door emotionally then that emotion ultimately signals a new Gene that up regulates that genes produce better proteins and the person and all of a sudden starts healing and we have researched to show that people can do that in four days signal genes to reduce cancer cells wow just to Signal stem cells to to suppress um uh to go to active tissues and repair them and regenerate them and suppress inflammation you come with a lot of genes and they're just a library of potentials they're just a storehouse of information of possibilities so then you got to get the right signal the right lock into the key that begins to select and instruct genes that cause genes to make different proteins and you can regulate so many different genes the same genes you can regulate them differently so when they up regulate they start producing really healthy and robust proteins and that's that's enzymes that's tissue that structure that's function that's harm it's immune immunoglobulins when they down regulate because of some alarm when there's not a lot of energy for long-term building projects well then you keep doing that then the body starts producing cheaper proteins it's a different signal it's not a time for growth why is our memory for pain stronger than our memory of a success or a joy I really think that when the survival Gene is activated preservation is the key so we can have 10 things that happen really great in our lives you have a family member or somebody you know that does this they have 10 really great things happen in their one thing bad and they focus on that bad thing why because the survival genes activated they want to make sure it doesn't happen again so so you put your attention on it because you don't want it to happen again so what people do when they're aroused is they start thinking it's going to happen so they actually select the worst case scenario in their mind and then emotionally Embrace that future before it happens and they're conditioning their body it's become the mind of anxiety and fear so in preservation and in survival if you prepare for the worst anything less that happens you have a better chance of surviving so that's the mechanism that takes place so survival means you better take care of your body yeah you better be aware of your environment and make sure there's no threats and so you got to keep your eye out there and you better be thinking about the future based on what you learned in the past now there's nothing wrong with that when the analytical facilities are in Balance but when there's an arousal arousals there's three things that create arousal fear hostility and anger or aggression and pain and that arousal drives the brain into these high states of what we call High beta and most people need something or someone or some circumstance or some drug or some pill or some computer game to change that internal State and the moment they notice a change in their Eternal safe and they pay attention to what's causing it they start developing a dependency on it right so turns out that when we teach people how to self-regulate and change their brain waves we could actually see then that the incoherence that disorderliness that's taking place in the brain you know when you're over aroused you're overly analytical and you're shifting your attention from one problem to one person to one thing to one place to another problem to another circumstance to your phone to your car and each one of those elements has a neurological Network in the brain so the arousal causes these different circuits to fire out of order and the brain is incoherent so take two waves that are out of phase and mix them when they interfere they flatten out there's no energy so energy leaves the brain right so then when you're in arousal you narrow your focus on the cause if there is something rattling in the bushes and it's dark you freeze and you narrow your focus on it and there's a rush of adrenaline your pupils dilate and your heart starts to race and you're ready to run fight or hide I mean that's a survival moment but what if it's your co-worker sitting right next to you or six feet away and and you're judging them you're the same arousals taking place so what's once very adaptive becomes very maladaptive now this is where it gets challenging so when we teach people how to open their focus we've done thousands and thousands of brain scans and they get beyond their analytical processes and they open their awareness and go from a conversion Focus to a divert and focus and they learn how to relax and regulate their brain waves start to slow down into Alpha and then if they do it properly and they're connecting those different compartments of the brain that were once firing out of order start to unify different communities form bigger communities the brain starts to synchronize and then all of a sudden you start seeing different compartments of the brain all in resonance so now when they're all in resonance and they start interfering when those waves come together there's more energy in the brain so when a person dials down the mechanism this neocortex that plugs us into three-dimensional reality that keeps us aware of our body that's the autobiographical self where everything's stitched in memory in there when we start deactivating the mechanism here and we get beyond the memory bank of the known self and brain waves move into Theta we we've studied this so much when a person can let their body be in a light state of sleep and feel so safe that you can finally let go and surrender the body is sleeping but the mind is awake and now the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is wide open and if they can regulate and stay there something amazing happens there is a release of energy from the body and their brain goes into a very very super coherent state of gamma gamma is super Consciousness now I'm not talking about a little gamma I'm not talking about a lot of gamma I'm not talking about a really loud camera I'm talking about a supernatural amount of gamma so there's so much order and so much energy in the brain like if we were in an audience and we were all clapping like this that could be Alpha right Theta would be and if everybody could do this it's slower we could do it the more we can get our timing down the more we can get coherent but if we were doing this it would be really hard for all of us to do that at the same time so it takes a lot of order a lot of awareness a lot of energy to be able to create that kind of order so that's how fast the brain is in that arousal that's taking place is ecstasy that arousal is bliss it is the most familiar unfamiliar feeling that people ever have and that memory then that the person has that is so profoundly different than the feeling of success the feeling of wealth the feeling of orgasm or love or whatever this is a new one and it's a thrill and the person notices a dramatic change in their inner State and with that experience comes a very lucid picture a very profound Insight a download of information that's the moment then the body many times rewrites the biological program energy is informing matter and the autonomic nervous system is regulating it's in high order and remember diseases autonomic dysregulation now it's getting into a very very high frequency of order and it's sending very coherent information to the cells and tissues sending energy to the cells and tissues and cells begin to emit more coherent light and information and then there's the disease and there it's not in our community at least people who have relationships that are built from our community tend to be more long-lasting because they're more self-aware and so there's no blame there's no excuses there's no make wrong there's no competition there's none of that there's just this is who I am you know and I think that the ultimate goal is when you reach the point in your life when how you appear to the world is who you really are that level of transparency is it takes no effort right you can be yourself and and and you know people say to me wow you're you're pretty approachable and I say well God I work so hard every day on overcoming myself in the morning overcoming my ego why would I want to build it up the next day because I gotta face that guy again tomorrow morning so why not just keep you know you know taking those edges and smoothing them down so that so that you're you're less unconscious to all of those programs that are built in relationships the brain is a record of the past it's an artifact of everything we've learned and experienced to this moment so most people wake up in the morning and they think about their problems and their problems are memories that are etched in their brain that are connected to certain people and certain problems at certain times in certain places and the moment they start thinking of their problems they're thinking in the past the challenge is that every one of those problems has an emotion associated with it and emotions really are a record of the past so the moment you feel unhappy the moment you feel suffering the moment you feel fear now your body's in the past so it's the thought being the language of the brain and the feeling being the language or the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so many people reaffirm their state of being completely by the past and so it only takes a thought and a feeling an image an emotion a stimulus in response to start the conditioning process so we start to condition the brain and body hardwire the brain condition the body emotionally into the past the problem is the body's so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion we're creating by memory alone the body's believing us living in the same past environment 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year so and the person gets up and then they run through the same routine as they always do and uh in time their body moves into a state of autopilot now their body is a set of programs a habit that's dragging them into the same future based on what they did in the past and so to change them also requires being greater than the emotions that have been conditioned into the body and the habituations that have been conditioned into the body in the predictable future so we have to understand then that change requires not only being created in the environment but also being greater than our body which is really for the most part been conditioned to be the mind that's what a habit is so then to change them to be greater than the body to be greater than the environment and be greater than time instead of living in the familiar past which is the known and the predictable future which is the known you teach people how to settle into the present moment and that's the unknown and most people that the unknown represents a very threatening place and so when people start to do meditation as an example and their body starts looking for an arousal or wants to get up and do things they think they can't meditate but in fact if they can settle their body back down into the present moment and lower the volume to that anger to that frustration to the fear to the sadness it's like training an animal now you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and our research shows there's a liberation of energy the body starts expanding and relaxing into the present moment instead of getting up and checking your cell phone or doing something and you notice that propensity instead of responding to it and say I can't meditate you settle your body back down into the present moment now you're executing a will that's greater than the program because most people lose their free will to a set of programs and it's the act of doing this to be greater than the conditions of our environment be greater than our body as the mind and and to be creative in time that all of a sudden causes the person to start believing in themselves a little bit more and that's when um possibility starts to unfold if you have a very brain driven person like myself and in some parts I disconnected from my emotions just to protect me in regular life and it's a challenge for me to reconnect to my old emotions that I already had in circumstances that would help do you have any advice yeah well uh God I have a lot of advice around that because um uh 70 of the time that people in their waking lives they live in a very protective State they live in a state of stress or in a state of survival in fact it's such a program that we don't know that we're doing this we're always spanning the environment to determine if it's safe or not and if something appears out of the predictable or unknown it alerts us and we move into a state of arousal and we begin to turn on the very systems that begin to say danger threat possible scenario that's not uh safe and when that happens we literally begin to anticipate an outcome and when we do that we're always preparing for what could go wrong and we begin to create the emotions ahead of the experience of what happens if it goes wrong whether it's fear anxiety worry sadness pain when we do that unconsciously that's what a program is and that becomes the habit so if you're living in a world where men have to provide and show a certain amount of success and be competitive then you're not going to open your heart it's not a time to do that it's a time to survive and thrive in an environment and yet um in our work I see men that if they practice yeah opening their hearts and it's just being a child again being a boy again being curious being wondering being free being allowing yourself to let go let's say you've had some pretty rough experiences in your past and those experiences cause you to feel sad and unworthy and guilty and judgmental and you've gotten so used to feeling guilty and unworthy and judgmental that that's just feels normal to you and then because you feel kind of victimized then you blame people and you complain and you make excuses and you feel sorry for yourself and that's your personality and all of a sudden you say today I'm not going to do that any longer because that's the old self and then you start off your day and it goes really well for about two hours and then all of a sudden the moment you realize that you're no longer making the same choices as the day before you are going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar is going to be uncertain there's going to be some unpredictability and we now know that people would rather hold on to their guilt and unworthiness than to step into the unknown because at least they can feel something and so the moment you stop making the same choices that you always make get ready because it's going to be uncomfortable and that's the moment you're heading towards the new self and we call it stepping into the river of change but now remember 95 of who you are is your body as the mind you know you've done something enough times that your body does it better than your brain so you may actually complain unconsciously because your body does it all the time and all of a sudden you say no complaining no more blaming no more feeling sorry for myself no more talking about other people I'm gonna stop you know what happens don't you the body starts sending signals to the brain the body's been conditioned that way and all of a sudden you start hearing the thoughts in your head that say why don't you start tomorrow tomorrow's a better day this is too hard for me I can't change something's wrong with me it's my mother's fault it's my ex-husband's fault it's my ex-wife's fault I'm this way because of this event or the most important one this doesn't feel right and the moment you respond to that thought is if it's true that thought leads to the same Choice which leads to the same behavior that creates the same experience that produces the same emotion and the person says this feels right that feels familiar going from the old self to the new self stepping into that void stepping into that uncertainty is the biological the neurological the chemical the hormonal genetic death of the old self and people will say to us well in that unknown I can't predict my life or my future and we always say the same thing to them the best way to predict your future is to create it not from the known but from the unknown and when you and I get comfortable in the place of the unknown that's where the magic happens and it never happens in the known because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome to learn about the law of attraction Secrets check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there then I'm gonna feel so great now that well then they're back to the program waiting for it to happen for them to feel the emotion they're believing their outer world has to change in order for them to feel better there's there's no
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 350,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, dr joe dispenza, reprogram your mind, entrepreneur mindset, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael motivation, joe dispenza top 10 rules, success motivation - joe dispenza top 10 rules for success, dr. joe dispenza, changing your mindset, how to grow your mind, expand your thoughts, changing your thought process, millionaire mindset, health mindset, self improvement videos
Id: bCfHpzQlAvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 33sec (6513 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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