Can You Beat Poly Bridge 2 Using Only Ropes?

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hey guys today i'm back in poly ridge 2 and i want to try beating the first set of challenge levels using only ropes for support now this means that i will need everything but the roads themselves be under tension and that's going to lead to some complicated bridges so let's get right into it now starting out in the first level here i just deleted my bridge and i wanted to try building a rope truss to show why this doesn't work now i got these triangles put in place and giving it a test it held a lot better than i thought but it still was not close to working now since ropes can't go under any compression any sort of truss like this that relies on that compression isn't going to work now fortunately though a dangling road does work fine to beat this level but they're all not going to be that easy and the second level already has some problems you'll see as the truck approaches the road ends up just breaking it immediately and it realizes it's going to need something a little more rigid for this now i decided just to reinforce my dangling road and to do that i have to attach a rope to every single one of the nodes and once i had that done here you see as the truck gets on it it actually does sort of work it's holding rigid but the truck slams down a little bit too hard and falls into the water but just by moving up a note on the left side a little bit here the truck can get on it just fine the slope is just barely fine enough that the truck doesn't break it and i beat the level now the difficulty ramp here is very severe because this next level is extremely hard now i started out here just by using some ropes like i did before and i'm using a new trick now basically what i'm doing is using a couple of ropes to hold back the truck from pushing them into the water and this works really well here but the truck ends up flipping over and i realize this level is going to be quite hard so i wanted to come back to it later once i got a little bit more knowledge this next level here though looked really interesting now of course i have these two cars they need to get across but the one on top needs to gain elevation and to do that i'm gonna need to use my rope trick from before now i started out in the challenge level here and the thing with the challenge level is you don't get nodes in the very top platform which literally makes this impossible but i figured it might as well start out by working on the bottom car and then figuring out how to do the top one so once i got that roadway on the bottom just reinforced it like i did for the last few levels and even in a test now it does seem to work right up until the car ends up slamming down on it so it took that as my cue to go out of the challenge level and just into the normal level now since the challenge level i'm pretty sure would be impossible here without unlimited budget i wanted to at least give it a shot in the normal level and see if that was doable you'll notice all of the extra nodes i get here but most importantly i have some on the very top platform never getting rid of some extra roads in the bottom i basically just recreated the bridge that i had last time and once i was done with that i copied it over the top this isn't going to work because the sports car is going to lose elevation here and i needed to actually go up a little bit but i figured i could use this base to start making the real bridge and that's when i had an idea i realized if i put a couple extra roads like this i can use my rope trick from before to gain a little bit of height and if i do this on both sides i should be able to touch the star and then get right back down to the platform now i also added a road in place here and this is to make it just a little bit smoother for the car to get across so it doesn't bottom out like it did before now of course after that i basically just made the same bridge on the other side and with all that done i want to give it a test now and you can see the car gets over really well but as soon as it hits that star it sort of slams down on the bridge and that ends up breaking it so i actually connected the two bridges together and i used a few more ropes for a bit more support and just barely in budget here i did manage to get it across but it ended up hitting the bridge a little awkwardly on the other side and that broken so i had to lower it a little bit more and now with that ramp working properly it's able to get right over it and hit the flag now flow 5 done moving on to level 6 here and this one's kind of challenging i'm gonna have a really long span of support but the good news is that the vespa i need to get across is really light so that should make things slightly easier now started out here by making a simple ramp and you can see the vesput can't even get over this fine and ends up just breaking it now i really didn't want to use roads for support here but just temporarily i wanted to try using them and then in the future i figured i'd probably figure out a way to shave them out so use the rope here and a couple of roads on the bottom and these are going to be to support up the bridge a little bit higher once i had that done here i'm gonna use my rope system from before and hold up this ramp area now it was a little weird at first with a bit of tuning i did get it the way i wanted and giving it a test now it actually did support the vespa pretty well here but it broke at the very end but i figured if i copy this over maybe there'd be some way to support it better in the middle and keep the vespa up but of course i still wasn't really in love with this because i was using rhodes for support i figured out now i could get rid of the roads in the bottom if i use ropes that go across the boat the problem is though there's really no way for me to move these down any further and the boat just ends up breaking them but that's also when i realized i could just brace these roads right against the island now at first i didn't try this because i thought it would not really sport itself fine but it actually does it holds itself up pretty well here and it can mirror it over and all i need to do is figure out a way to get a road over the middle and putting a road down actually almost worked but it sagged a little bit too far and that's when the boat came through so it just raised it up a bit more and giving it a test here the vespa does get on the bridge you'll notice it ends up rolling over and then it can't drive anymore so that's why i added an extra piece of road here and this gives a little bit of ramp for the vespa and that allows to get on the bridge fine and now i was just gonna need to get over the middle here and it was so close to working but as soon as it crested it ended up just snapping the bridge now for some extra support here what i ended up doing was adding in an extra reinforced road and this also works as a ramp to get the vespa off of the bridge now in this first test here you can see it does work out fine the vespa gets across and gets up it but i didn't like it because this extra road piece here you could probably consider support so that's why i decided to get rid of this ramp road and actually put it back in so that it's just slightly behind where the original road was this means that the vespa is going to technically drive on every single road piece and i'm going to consider that as meaning i'm not using any roads for pure support now of course as with everything it took a lot of tries here but i did eventually get it right and see here vespa gets up and i beat the level now loading up in level 8 here it was the first level that actually was just easy the thing is this level is normally designed for ropes and you can see here with pretty minimal effort i just braced everything to the top hot air balloon and with that actually beat the level now level 9 i was right back in a bad spot because the thing is it's not really that hard of a bridge to make but it's just that this vehicle is really annoying and the budget is also really small i can't use ropes on every single piece like i've done before because i run out of budget so instead here i have to selectively choose which ones to use but then you can see the bridge ends up breaking quite often and it breaks really close to the beginning so i figured an entire redesign is probably going to be needed now i wanted to try just using a dangling road for this level and this didn't work originally but if i lower it a little bit more you can see that the truck goes right over the middle of the bridge and hits that rock now that rock supports it right in the middle where the maximum stress is and that just barely allows the dangling road to work and surprisingly easily best level was beat now moving on to perhaps one of the hardest levels here this one i have to have a buggy get all the way to the other side but there's really no great way to do it the problem is if i try using a ramp here it's just going to end up breaking under the stress and even if i reinforce it it has to be really steep before i can have it support itself so that's why i decided to do a small redesign here and try to use an extra ramping piece to have it go over taxi runs into it and just loses all of its speed now i decided here to go for a really simple ramp and just keep it as short as possible this ended up breaking but it did allow the car to get pretty far across and it landed somewhere in the middle of the water now tried raising up more and this didn't break but it gave me pretty much the same effect here so i realized i was gonna need some way to catch the car and this was gonna be extremely difficult now originally i used three cables here and unfortunately i had to use a really long one to catch the car as the car came across hid into it and just instantly broke it now the angle could have been better but that really wasn't a great sign and next up i just tried finishing up the roadway here and seeing what could happen but even with it just grazing the roadway it just instantly destroys it so i separated off the top road and i was going to use it as a sacrificial road to take a lot of the force and hopefully prevent the bridge from breaking but even this was still causing the bridge to break so i messed around even more and eventually here i had to use a second road as a braking road and as the buggy runs into it it loses a lot of speed and i figured this might just barely be enough to prevent it from shattering everything as i landed on this bottom road it was still breaking it but it was a lot more promising but even with a lot of repositioning it was still just shattering this bottom road and that's when i added in a second road onto that first breaking road i was hoping this would allow it to absorb even more of the impact and prevent it from just breaking everything so with that done i added in some more roads here you'll actually notice i'm running out of roads ordinarily you only get eight roads to beat this level and i have unlimited materials on because normally you can't use ropes but i really want to try to hold on to that eight road limit and not get above it now fortunately here i actually did manage to get the buggy to land on this and not break this was the first time i could actually gain height once i was on the bottom but there's still a long way to go so i started out by deleting a road all the way on the left ramp and after that i tried repositioning some stuff and you'll actually notice i got rid of my double road from that very first braking road i knew this was definitely going to be necessary in time so once i did that i tried going for a bit of a different design where the buggy sort of go straight into them and this was a lot smoother i had a lot more roads to work with but it was still just barely hitting the island and i added in one more road here just to see how close i was and this was actually just enough to get over but of course i'm one road over the limit i'm gonna need a way to get this done now to shave this extra road off i've realized what i needed to do is get rid of one of the braking roads that i had so with a lot of difficulty and changing a lot of ropes to cables and moving things around a lot after probably over an hour i finally got the car across and i was only using eight roads now moving into this next level here the main goal is to get the blue car all the way across and then i need the van to also go across the same time but stop in the middle allow the boats to pass and then go through now i started out here and i was gonna make a dangling road and this was supposed to limit the amount of roads i needed to use as support the problem though is that since the water line is so high it's actually really hard to keep the blue car out of the water and even with a bunch of reinforcing i really couldn't do it often so i had to go for an over design instead but i knew this one was going to require a lot of reinforcing as well and the amount of roads i was using to support was kind of getting crazy here now wait down the back van just temporarily here and it was somewhat supporting the car but even this was struggling a lot and i just didn't really like the amount of support i was using so i decided to do the non-challenged version of this level and hopefully use a lot less support this way and already is off to a much better start you can see now i'm using a pretty simple design in the front but it's this back part that's a lot harder so i forgot all this designed up here you see the blue car gets across fine and all i need now is a connecting road now after putting this in place though things got kind of rough starting out you can see it just sort of breaks often and once the blue car gets on it it always over stresses immediately so i tried using a diamond road on the right side to make it stronger but it was still struggling a lot and i knew i was close but i wanted to come back to this one later and i wanted to see if i could use anything else that i learned during this challenge now next up here's this limo level and my normal solution here is actually pretty straightforward i use the rock to drive on for a bit that's to save some roads here but now i'm gonna need to do the same thing but with a curved road this presents some problems because now the limo's got to get over some pretty steep gaps and it has a really hard time doing that and i was gonna have to figure out a way to ramp the limo down but i really can't just decrease the slope of the bridge at all because if i do that the rope's not going to be able to support it anymore now that's what i ended up realizing if i use a triangle of roads like this the lumo is actually able to drive on them for a second and then get off now i'm technically using a couple of extra roads here for support but it does allow me to get over this pretty easily here and prevents me from using a lot more roads for support on the main part of the bridge also supporting this is getting really expensive because the nearest node is really far away and it still ends up breaking which i didn't love that's when i realized though i can actually support one of these roads through the rock like this and if you use another rope to hold it down this actually supports it pretty well here and limo is able to get on the rock now that half the bridge looking good i need to get the other half done here and i just added another road temporarily and you see the limo got on it pretty well and all i have left to do is get all the other roads in place now i think this would be really easy so i just started putting in some ropes here and not really caring about the budget and after a while you see here limo gets on everything gets on that second part of the bridge but it runs into a problem once it gets all the way to the top it gets stuck and it's really badly stuck now i can't really decrease the slope of the bridge for the same reasons i couldn't do it before but what i can do is add some extra roads to lie on the land and this allows the limo to wean off its really steep slope and that ends up being just gradual enough that limo gets off and hit its flag now this next level here you see relies really heavily on hydraulics and the normal way to beat it isn't too bad just have the bridge pull up but in order to do this with just ropes i needed a way to get over this boat and the challenge version of this level kinda makes that impossible i tried doing something with some sort of trapdoor that ended up not working at all and it went to the normal level here and it was a lot more manageable now this still wasn't easy and you'll see here the ambulance really likes to just break everything and this gap is also huge now since i already had it saved i figured i might as well try doing a variation of my one wood challenge video and once i had everything braced up in place i tried using it but it just didn't work even though i'm sure the bridge is stronger than it was before it would just instantly break and i knew i needed a different solution i started out here by making a bridge that would hold itself up but that missed the checkpoint then i lowered it and i wanted to create some sort of swinging roadway so that as the ambulance came near it you'd be able to push it down and get over and you'll actually see here it's not bad the ambulance gets over to the other side it barely misses the checkpoint but the bigger problem is that it always slams into the bridge now i tried a variation of this where i actually used two roads that fold inward and it broke at first but with a little more work i did get it to actually hit the checkpoint and not break everything this though was still a long ways away because as i got over that gap the front wheel just gets stuck and then i got nowhere but i tried shrinking the gap in and after that i gave it another test here and with an unbelievable amount of tuning i eventually did get the ambulance to push down on it just holding it in place barely exposing the star and it would actually hit it and then get over the thing is though once it did this it would just break the right side of the bridge it was a little bit too weak so increase the strength unfortunately i had to use some diamond pieces of rode and this had some redundant pieces of road that technically are being used just for support but i did manage to beat the level and i only had a few of those extra pieces now moving on to the first level that i just literally could not beat here was land brace now i would have just done the non-challenge version but doing that really uses a lot of roads for support so i figured if i couldn't beat the level here there was really no point in doing the normal version now to get this to work you see there i put in a few roads used a lot of ropes to put them all together but i'm actually using a rope braced all the way to the other island and that's the only way it gets held up it actually did work but the thing is it sagged a little bit and that prevented the bike from getting over now there was really no solving that so i tried another idea instead this time i braced the left island and that allows me to gain some height i figured for sure this would be a lot better and it sort of was but as the bike got over it would frequently just get stuck and if i tried lowering the roads to prevent that from happening it would just instantly fracture now once i got it semi working it still was pretty far away because i needed another road here to get all the way to the other side and trying to put this in place was definitely not gonna work so i decided instead maybe i should use a falling road now i tried hitting the tire here and it just didn't seem to impart that much force now no falling roads were mostly patched out but i was hoping to at least get something out of that so if that failed i needed another idea here and i was going to use a rotating roadway now i wasn't sure of why this would do any better than just having three roads all attached together but at least had a chance of working so after that was put in place here use some ropes to hold it all together now the rotating roadway the way it's gonna work here is as the bike drives on it it should push it down a bit and that pushing motion should allow me get to the other side and if anything breaks it gives me a little bit of time to get there now starting out it would get stuck very often it was basically the same problem as before and even in the best case scenario it would fall really short so really just a limited budget on this level was killing me and i had to move on and now i just wanted to revisit two levels from before that were giving me some trouble and the first one here is level four now starting out it was a little bit too big so i had to shrink it down and this is when i realized to get the support i would need i'm gonna need to use some sort of reinforcing here so i started out with the road on the bottom and this was close and i had to change it out for a diamond road this got me all the way there and now i just need to get the right side going and to do this to get it all hooked up right i need to use two extra road pieces for support and this was close but it just barely broke so it took a lot of tuning to get this right over the boat but eventually didn't run into it the truck narrowly avoided falling over but i made it to the other side and that beat the level and now finally here all i have left to do is level with the two vehicles now i started out here just by designing the right side and i was trying to use as few extra pieces of road as possible and i actually got it down so i only needed three pieces of roads in the middle and two on the left side to hold it all up this seemed pretty much as good as i could get it and after the blue card got over you can see van continues on and hits its flag so guys thanks for watching this video definitely took a long time just the amount of tuning i had to do especially the level with that buggy was just kind of insane but if you have any more challenge ideas make sure to leave them down below if you want to see more content like this make sure to subscribe if you liked the video make sure to like the video and all that other stuff and otherwise until next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 640,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wKCJsa06y4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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