Unicorn Wars is BRUTAL and NOT for Kids...

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this video is brought to you by Factor [Music] what happens when you take cute little critters that look like they're from the Care Bear universe and then send them into a Jungle full of unicorns well you'd probably think something adorable along the lines of a kids cartoon but far from it not in this movie it is the literal opposite and is one of the most brutal animated films I've ever seen graphic Bloodshed impalement hangings murder psyched dog trips cannibalism religious fanaticism militaristic brainwashing sexism infidelity and of course genocidal Warfare and that's honestly just the broad Strokes of this movie there are particular moments while I was watching where I had to put my hand over my mouth in shock due to the graphic tone and the narrative twists and turns of the film and the name of that movie unicorn Wars talk about a brilliant use of thematic juxtaposition to take something as innocent and pure as pastel colored teddy bears and send them into violent combat against unicorns and when I say violent I mean it there are graphic visuals that would make hardcore anime look tame by comparison and all of this complemented by themes that come from a very mature place with the overall message of the film that war oh it sucks [Music] the contrast of the outwardly cute appearances of the Bears to the movie's subject matter is brilliant it is also a wonderful use of familiar anthropomorphic characters but flipping the status quo of said characters on its head to see adorable bears and trenches surrounded by barbed wire with heart pointed Spears charging headlong into violent battle against unicorns who will quite honestly mess you up folks leave your preconceived notions at the door this movie does not hold its punches [Music] but real quick two things number one subscribe to my channel if you haven't yeah apparently like asking your audience help so subscribe and number two a big shout out to this video sponsor Factor one of my main goals for this year is to stop ordering out food all the time I do it way too often and it's stupid expensive like I looked at my receipts last year and was like saber you've got to start eating at home but I'm also stupid busy but that's where Factor has my back Factor has prep meals that are tailor-made to my needs which means a lot of meat and a lot of veggies for yours truly plus they are fresh and never Frozen literally today I was like ah dang I don't know what I want for dinner I don't have time to like make anything and I walk downstairs and I saw my Factor delivery right outside my door and I was like yes yes and I totally destroyed two trays of the peso fundito I say that right fondito was fun for me to eat I'll tell you that look I didn't even record myself eating the grub for this video I was just that hungry I also love how much variety Factor includes with their meals from Mexican to Italian to cartoon food okay you got me I made that last part up but trust me you don't want to eat the food from this movie so head to factor75.com or click the link below and use code saberspark50 to get 50 off your first Factor box that is once again factor75.com or click the link below and use code saberspark50 to get 50 off I highly recommend Factor go hit them up today and now time to March off to Glorious cuddly victory nobody so what are the origins of unicorn Wars well the movie was written and directed by Alberto Vasquez I watched one of his other films from a few years back called bird boy the forgotten children and I could immediately tell that Alberta was an inspired individual with the vision of his Creations bird boy was depressing and violent taking place in a post-apocalyptic land that featured characters and the pessimistic coming-of-age Stories the visuals are surreal and beautiful the utilization of silence is powerful and the themes of the movie hit home as we follow our young characters surviving a dystopian Wasteland now I don't want to spoil it but yeah I recommend this one go check it out according to sources unicorn Wars was based on Unicorn Blood an animated tour from Alberto which you can watch on YouTube and is essentially a precursor to this movie also a massive props to Alberto's visual style if you feels very distinct with the eyes and chibi designs and said designs are a wonderful foil for the mature aspect of his movies also fun fact according to interviews unicorn Wars had three main Inspirations Bambi Apocalypse Now and drum roll the Bible sounds like a wild combination but wait to the end of this video it'll all make sense by then in 2022 unicorn Wars was released in France and Spain and has slowly become more available for international viewers to watch the film itself was a joint effort of multiple Studios from mainly France and Spain I'm about to butcher their names a Bono Productions SL unicoa Studio cretivo SL unicorn Wars a-i-e or Tour de Minette Productions s-a-r-l and schumero and shmubi Productions it uh just let one of the unicorns kill me and shumbi Productions SAS also the film received funding from eura images which is a cultural support fund of the Council of Europe real talk that sounds kind of badass it's like a bunch of knights getting their their tablets and and working on a movie together now unicorn Wars has not really made it State signed for American theaters except for like a few limited showings and even then I doubt it will have anything of massive consideration compared to the Mario movie when it comes to actual like movie theaters showing said film but again you can buy the movie on the movie's website or just check it out on Amazon because after watching this video You're Gonna want to watch the film because I can only go so far before YouTube smacks me down or hey maybe not because this film is more about Gore than anything sexual uh you know I can show impalement that's not a problem but if I show a boob this video gets the Bonk stick I can't believe it yeah if they're sex y to worry about unicorn Wars is a story about the long-standing feud between the teddy bears and the unicorns how both factions used to live in a natural state of Harmony in A Place Called Paradise but the Bears discovered a holy book that allowed them to advance as a species they developed laws morals technology their supposed sacred lore flourishing from this discovery and all conveyed in a distinct style reminiscent of medieval paintings really highlights how ancient it all feels and rooted and religious and cultural fundamentalism according to the Bears they discovered God and became his chosen people and that the unicorns were envious that they launched a holy war upon the Bears and drove them from Paradise that when The Last Unicorn is slayed the one who drinks of its blood will become Eternal and beautiful and that God will only then return to the Lost Paradise of the Bears yes foreign quite the premise and consider me invested I'm a sucker for religious lore especially when it channels that of actual human history and religious texts definitely undertones from the Garden of Eden here and also the war in Heaven from the Bible plus some Crusader inspiration for good measure but that brings us back to the prologue of our movie as a young unicorn named Maria is swayed from her Forest Home towards a chapel and is confronted by a monster of Shifting form that is very reminiscent of the creatures from Princess Mononoke and a bit of a no face from Spirit Away when he was in sicko mode foreign chapel and the clutches of the mysterious monster and its ape-like minions my interest peak peek thank God this film is just busting out the gate with visuals that are downright gorgeous the colors the characters the backgrounds ah absolutely incredible and we get this caliber of effort and quality throughout the entire film we are then introduced to the Bears pastel and chibi cute and adorable and running drills at boot camp definitely channeling that Full Metal Jacket energy get your fat ass up there pile say what the hell what the hell quite the sight to behold seeing Bears training for battle in a military camp that is dawned with hearts and rainbows perhaps a subtle way to hint at the uninitiated and innocent people sent to war maybe and the barracks the Bears are bragging about their looks and cuteness fueled by Vanity and a fierce Envy of being the best initially the tone of this scene comes across as silly but quickly devolves into a brawl between the guard and one of our main characters who's I kid you not uh name is no I'm not making that up that is actually his name now I want to see a Bluey inspired episode of this movie no I don't no I don't Bluey is vapid jealous and has anger issues he talks a big game but it's also very emotional and tries to save face when he can he also has a brother named tubby who is the opposite of Bluey in many ways he's nervous shy and empathetic finding himself often as the victim of bullies which also unfortunately includes his brother this oh off the bat I love the use of Anthem characters in this movie the Bears are represented in a variety of ways including polar bears pandas brown bears and then of course Care Bears Alberto is on record saying he likes to play with animal iconography that quote anthropomorphic animals don't belong to a specific culture or time period they kind of belong to everyone they're part of everyone's childhood end quote and yeah I fully agree and let's just say that he goes all out and demonstrating the horrific impulses of humanity via the conduit of a teddy bear oh the military Camp is under the orders of a high command though we don't really learn too much about their motives outside of just waging a war against the unicorns based on their outfits one can draw parallels to totalitarian military leaders like Mussolini and Stalin so it's not a stretch to assume that these men enjoy their power over their soldiers there's also a priest bear in the camp that is obviously inspired by the Catholic faith a father who preaches about the secret word of God and that the unicorns Must Die Bluey tubby and their unit are then given orders to enter the forest and proceed with a rescue operation that another unit had been lost for days and that they must discover what had happened to them to the high commands they did not have faith in the woefully unprepared unit but they did not care these bears were being sent into a potential meat grinder but that was an acceptable loss the high command saw it as collateral damage so began the mission as these Soldier Bears marched into the jungle along with their sergeants and their bare priest interestingly enough the sergeant had a negative reaction to the priest and the idea of God and rejected the heart-shaped pendant uh remember this it will come back into play later in the story tearful farewells were given in the village with Bluey and Tubby's father wishing them well and that their mother would have been proud of them now throughout the film we see flashbacks through Bluey from his childhood which paints a picture of why he is the way that he is that his blue color alludes to the closer relationship he has with his father while tubby was closer with his mother a fact that in Rage Bluey even as a child he was jealous that he was not the firstborn and that tubby was being embraced by his mother first he was angry that his mother cheated on his father and he was upset that tubby was closer to his mom and all of this leads up to a reveal which spoiler alerts I'll give you a second that Bluey poisoned his mother out of wrathful impulse and regretted his decision all the way up to his mother's grave only Bluey knew what he had done and he proceeded on in life striving to live up to his father's vision of being the best in order to be worthy of the respect of others obviously the father's wishes stemmed from his own failed marriage and a sense of insecurity due to losing the love of his wife to another man again it is wild how this is all conveyed via teddy bears but God damn is this narrative effective as the unit Marches On into the forest their nerves begin to Rattle there's a sense of dread and danger surrounding them even though the forest itself is filled with the sounds of nature which by the way these tropical animals are just gorgeously animated and are very realistic style I was curious if the setting was based on a specific location based on the animals but I don't think it is all that matters is that they are nature and are in Perfect Balance unlike the Bears the medal of the soldiers began to unravel as they stumbled upon some bugs that are virtually psychedelic drugs but the priests protest to the debauchery that it was forbidden and the sacred book the sergeant then loses his cool and threatens the father saying that in the forest he is God yes it is a very weird situation on one hand I think the soldier should have the right to take the edge off and not be bossed around by religious texts on the other hand doing hard drugs during a mission is probably not a prudent call so the unit decides to screw around and find out with everyone besides the father going on an insane drug trip that is beautifully animated some soldiers have fun others don't but unfortunately for the two polar bear Brothers they get lost in the forest and the next morning reveals a horrific tragedy that occurred during the night [Applause] one brother had killed the other during their drug trip and then took his own life after sobering up to the truth this is the first brutal moment of the movie and introduces an increasingly dark tone that would only Accelerate from this moment on oh by the way the way the animators use this raindrop to lead the eye of the audience to the corpse of the mutilated brother oh genius [Music] [Music] [Music] the unit eventually discovers the camp of the missing soldiers and only corpses remain it was a massacre something had ripped them to Pieces the unicorns perhaps definitely a mystery at this point that is only compounded by a brief moment of showing the perspective of the unicorns themselves Maria the young unicorn from the start is looking for her mother and makes contact with her through a reflection on a lake The Narrative then grows cloudy and Abstract here as I can't really tell where this is taking place are the unicorns in the same world as the Bears is this a dream a vision did this happen in the past the movie Never directly says which hey I kind of love it keeps me guessing and on my toes but then reality rears its ugly head the Bears Ambush the mother unicorn and a bloody battle ensues the entire unit is virtually wiped out besides Bluey tubby and the guard bear from the beginning who is in horrible shape Bluey swore revenge on the guard at the start and saw it fitting to exact it right after the battle by eating him fine Tubby finally starts to push back against Bluey feeling resentment and apprehension towards helping him even though he does with Bluey ungratefully accepting the help they do grow close for a second but then another battle occurs where blowy Ambush as a unicorn and almost kills it only to be impaled off a cliff by Maria and Falls violently into the river he is eventually found by another unit of bears but is horribly disfigured from the event tubby is now lost in the forest while Bluey is made into a hero by the high command in order to sway the hearts of the soldiers Bluey seizes this new power over the soldiers and a bloody coup disposes of the high command leaving Bluey as the de facto leader of the Bears with a newfound belief in religious radicalization he launches the holy war against the unicorns with a goal of finally wiping them out during this time tubby was in nature befriending and helping to heal Mario yeah I spelled it as Mario helping to heal Maria's not in this movie tubby was living in peace and Harmony only to discover the impending Invasion with the unicorns rallying their forces to oblige the Bears in combat and the climatic end a horrific battle is waged with both sides wiping the other out leaving only Bluey and Maria standing but tubby reconnects with Bluey and a tearful Embrace Bluey tearfully confessing his faults and tubby holding his broken brother a human moment actually happens between these bears [Music] at this moment while watching I was curious if this would be our optimistic finale Brotherly Love healing the heart of a broken person but remember how I said that this movie did not hold its punches yeah well neither does Bluey tubby tends to Maria and this sends Bluey into a mad rage he murders tubby and then Maria he then feasts on Maria's flesh in hopes of fulfilling the prophecy but the corpse of Maria transforms into a monster the one from the beginning Tubby's body is consumed and then Bluey is devoured as well [Applause] [Music] the shape then takes form into that of a human as it slowly marches down a river of blood with the simeons falling behind and folks that is the movie thank you [Music] talk about a conclusion all of the Bears and unicorns died with the Bears prophecy dying in vain with them immediately I was brainstorming theories was that truly a human at the end were the primates humans that devolved from following their own downfall and the remains of humanity are what the Bears discovered what is Paradise did it even exist were the unicorns ever truly magical I don't know according to Vasquez in an interview he said quote the monster for me is a god without a form a god adored as a leader but a God that's still yet to evolve when the end comes the god takes form and the prophecy of the book of the Bears is fulfilled it's a magical mysterious element that's there to reinforce the concept of what violence does to a society end quote now I appreciate that Alberto said the monster for me implying that he has his own interpretation and that the viewer can make of it as they want initially I thought Humanity already existed and we were witnessing the fallouts of a world that was mutated from nuclear fallout all the Adventure Time but that is only my respective interpretation that all being said the themes in this movie are undeniable War brings out the worst in people be it unicorn teddy bear or Humanity that there are individuals who follow the machine blindly those who don't question it those who feel powerless how some benefit from the machine but that most pay the price with their own blood how this machine can be fueled by radical beliefs ranging from militaristic honor to religious fanaticism I was waiting for the moment of a reveal of intention from the high command that there was an ulterior motive and that the sacred text was bullcrap that never really happened though the high command simply enjoyed their power and questioning the system could lead to them losing said power fight the unicorns simple as that and their status quo could remain intact unless there's somebody else who's power hungry gunning for your spot foreign nature versus the modern world masculinity versus femininity the power of faith and how it can warp people to its will and send them to their deaths all of these characters were incredibly interesting and had layers to them complicated with motivations I could understand what would not condone Bluey hated his mother for betraying his father I can understand that sentiment but killing your mom that's a step too far and even Bluey realized that as soon as he committed his heinous act bluey's character is one that is defined by Envy contempt jealousy and lacking any restraint when it comes to understanding those emotions that he was susceptible for the downfall that he incurred that these emotions manifested and the most abhorrent ways imaginable and sent him and all of his fellow Bears to their deaths for tubby he was an olive branch of Peace his mom his love instilled him with empathy but in the end it wasn't enough to stop Bluey and his violent Crusade that if anything seeing tubby tend to Maria only enraged Bluey and stroked his emotional Trauma from the macros of the movie being about the institutions and cultural influences of a people to the micros of an individual and their family it all went into the same machine that splattered out blood and bones for the unicorns I wasn't able to fully understand their point of view besides defending themselves they seemed like they were stewards of the forest and nature which is echoed by The Moments in the film where the animals and setting are in harmony but outside of Defending themselves there isn't much to say about them initially I was hoping for more but now that I think about it the less is more approach works very well here I don't need to know everything about the unicorns except that they are willing to fight back that they were the ones repelling violent Invaders Invaders who were brainwashed by a sacred book that might have been just a book of lies the main focus here is about the brothers now to avoid me sounding like a Reddit mod from slash R atheist religion can be a very complicated topic to Traverse in movies and can be off-putting at times but for this movie I see the conversation well utilized and in a way that doesn't come across as snobby or condescending religion has and continues to be used to stroke the Flames of War to see the perspective of the soldiers who pay that price that's important regardless of your faith or lack thereof that people die for the sake of their respective religion whether they wish to or not for many they don't get a choice and unicorn Wars makes that abundantly clear beware fanatic beliefs and Leadership no no matter what form it chooses to wear [Applause] now as far as the movie's craftsmanship goes it is absolutely beautiful in every category the music atmospheric yet haunting with moments that sound like it was inspired from annihilation [Music] the voice acting is also Top Notch and you can really hear the quality performance from each character especially during moments when they're falling to pieces But ultimately it's the animation that wowed me the most now the story is incredible and it took some bold Strokes by subverting the expectations of viewers you know I consider the quality of the visuals to be even above that and that is saying something the backgrounds in this movie are top tier from start to finish and are bolstered by fluid animation that range from violent battles to psychedelic drug trips to say this movie was ambitious would be an understatement it just drips with passion conviction and vision I thought the character designs would be off-putting but they work incredibly well with the overall flow of the movie to take such a mature and violent subject matter and present them with bears truly highlights the utter absurdity of War and the innocent people who suffer from it and hey if you want to find that out for yourself firsthand there's a game for the movie yeah they're actually is go stab some unicorns as a teddy bear much more preferable than being drafted into an actual religious field Crusade [Music] in conclusion unicorn Wars is a refreshing entry into the world of adult animation usually I see adult animation automatically fall back on gratuitous sex and violence just because they can wave blood and titties in your face simple as that but sometimes you want something of more substance that challenges you and unicorn Wars absolutely checks that box sure it hangs down a bit but it's artistic dong it had conviction it had a message it wanted to leave an impression on its viewers and make them think and meditate about what they just saw how this was a very pessimistic movie that did not end on a hopeful note the Bears were sent to their pointless deaths the unicorns were senselessly wiped out and neither side benefited from the other's demise the only thing that persisted was this Unholy Abomination that represents all of the bad that comes from war and a final shot event marching on with followers in its wake it's uncomfortable it's ominous and I absolutely love it it takes some real balls to make a movie as bold as this and in such a graphic yet gorgeous way a story that did not hold its punches and use the conduit of cute anthropomorphic creatures to demonstrate the devastating impact of war and how it will make corpses of us all so on that very bright note I highly recommend unicorn Wars you can check it out on Amazon or order a copy of the film from the movie's website please go support this movie I want to see more content like this bold different inspired and a wonderful utilization of the adult animation genre I'm very excited to see what Alberto works on next because this is the kind of art I've been egging for ever since Primal ended who knows maybe Alberto can be put in charge of the next My Little Pony movie and we can get the true story of why the ponies wiped out Humanity hey Hasbro over here I got a screenplay ready to go yeah it's a it's a fanfic yes you've got friends right here to me [Music] thank you
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,124,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, animation, review, unicorn wars, birdboy, bird boy, adult animation, bears, unicorns, war
Id: E5w_v2PncnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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