What RUINED Star vs. the Forces of Evil?

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[Music] star versus the forces of evil a popular animated series from Disney that ran from 2015 to 2019. it was initially a Smash Hit for the company that was beloved by millions until it wasn't what originally started off as a fun episodic series eventually gave way to a story-driven narrative that would run for a total of four seasons for me I did not really watch the show at all during its airing so it's a bit of a mystery to me but for my friends they loved it but when they saw the finale in May of 2019 oh oh something went wrong [Music] I've seen angry fans before as a matter of fact I've been an angry fan before but the amount of backlash I saw for the finale of star versus was truly something else and was from what I could tell as an outside Observer a complete Fall From Grace and a total disappointment one friend of mine said that the series was in his top five of all time but after he watched the finale he said he would not even recommend the show to anyone that the conclusion was that much of a letdown and retroactively destroyed his love for the series good God I wondered what happened again I never really watched the show and by some miracle I was never spoiled either but now that the dust has settled I decided to take my unique position and watch the entire series from start to finish to see why star versus was worth the initial hype and praise and to see if this finale was as catastrophic as people made it out to be now it's entirely possible that emotions were running High the finale and that viewers who watched it at the time of its airing were too harsh on it that it was not nearly as bad as fans made it out to be but then again perhaps it was and if that is the case what exactly happened to make people so angry and who is responsible for said decisions the writers the executives at Disney both Steven Universe for example had a rush finale due to Cartoon Network abruptly concluding the series is that the same case for Star vs and Disney or is the outcome of the series squarely on the shoulders of the people who made it well let's find out what presumably ruined star vs the forces of evil from what I've been told apparently shipping has something to do with it seriously star might be one of the thirstiest characters to ever appear on Disney find this video sponsor liquid IV yeah gotcha so I'm not sure about y'all like I can already feel that warm weather approaching in my neck of the woods spring is about to sprung and for me I tried to like bike or run every day and liquid IV has been a game changer in that arena for me for those who don't know liquid IV is a great tasting electrolyte drink mix that is a tasty and fantastic hydration multiplier just one packet hydrates you two times faster and more efficiently than water alone it also has three times the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks and are made with clean ingredients that are packed with five essential vitamins vitamin C B3 B5 b6 and b12 you shook my battleship I'm sorry I had to make the joke I fill out my water bottle toss in a packet and boom hydration time which is good because I'm often not hydrating enough so click the link in my description box down below or use my code saver spark for 20 off plus free shipping on your next liquid IV order go hit them up today gonna use that hydration multiplied water and just dump it on star's head no for real girl chill out when yammy got the brilliant idea to light it on fire how was I supposed to know that fire makes it stronger wow Marco [Music] star versus the forces of evil was created by Darren neffsy and was unsurprisingly inspired by Sailor Moon the OG magical girl herself originally the concept was supposed to be about a little girl who pretended to be magical yet despite having no magic was still able to overcome challenges by being resourceful and determined Darren pitched her show around to multiple networks such as Cartoon Network but the series would eventually get picked up by Disney though some changes were made to the premise instead of having no magic star got all the magic and also is now a 14 year old girl instead of a fourth grader according to Darren developing the core concept of the show took around six years but it finally coalesced and was green lit for Disney XD and eventually Disney Channel other Inspirations for the series include tezica's Unico Dragon Ball Z Scott Pilgrim and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Darren had a drive to create a strong female lead with star and is on record saying quote I looked at TV over the years and I've had to go to Japan when I was younger to find the cartoons that have the characters that I wanted to see it was always a question of well why isn't that on TV in the U.S end quote no doubt it goes without saying that anime had a massive impact on influencing Western animation as of late kids who grew up with anime in the 90s and 2000s are now adults adults making shows and the inspiration of anime can be plainly seen in Steven Universe Teen Titans Avatar and of course star vs the forces of evil like it's really cool to see how anime has shaped the world of animation and will most likely continue to do so I mean hell there's even a anime sequence and The Amazing World of Gumball and quite frankly it's incredible the premise for the show itself which I'm going to keep short here since I'm going to go more into detail about it here in a bit well it follows star butterfly a 14 year old princess from the kingdom of Muni who inherited a magical wand from her Queen Mother but star is kind of a brat who is reckless with her power as punishment for her actions she is sent through a portal to Earth where she is a foreign exchange student and lives with a teenage boy named Marco and his family the two then get into all kinds of hijinks and trouble that range from screwing up at school to fighting interdimensional monsters who are trying to steal star's wand so neither one will be mine and then the universe actually the universe should do it the show followed an 11-minute format with two stories per episode though there are of course some exceptions later on with full-on 22 minute episodes season 1 itself was mainly episodic with a Loosely connected story that did not take itself too seriously and were like more on the comedic Shenanigans of star R Marco and a wacky cast of Side characters that might I add have wonderful voice acting Eden sheer a star Adam MacArthur as Marco Ginny Slade has pony head uh not you and then a bunch of Veteran voice actors from the industry like greater Lyle John DiMaggio and Jeff Bennett though I Gotta Give a big shout out to Alan here this guy is a voice acting machine and was the voice of Ludo and King River though whenever I hear King River talk it makes me think about clay face from the Harley Quinn show and I get the two mixed up we're sending you to train in a safer Dimension a place called Earth oh my God it's Lady Gaga in January of 2015 the series made its official debut and broke records for Disney XD with 1.2 million people watching the premiere that was a network Milestone that would never be surpassed season one would go on to be a huge hit for Disney and was both a critical and financial success and the best part of all that was just season one of what would become four as this cute comedy would go on to explore its world its characters an overarching story that was rooted in mystery and Intrigue now the 2010s were full of cartoons that followed this format and of course I blame Adventure Time for doing this start off simple silly episodic but sprinkle in plot points and Mysteries that would eventually transform into a story driven series Gravity Falls did this Steven Universe hell even Regular Show but just because an episodic series can pivot over to a story-driven narrative doesn't always mean it can stick The Landing uh if anything there's more at stake and if you can't conclude things in a satisfying way it can tank the series as star versus unfortunately was about to find out puppies [Applause] as I stated at the start of this video I said that I never really watched star vs the forces of evil which is the case I only watched three episodes from the first season that was it I guess you could say I was familiar with star versus but then fell off as the show went on so I'm virtually in the dark with whatever happened to the series all I know is that people and my friends were mad like very mad with the conclusion of the show saying that the finale robbed them of their love for the series uh yeah that is quite the Declaration and quite the criticism but hey I've seen it happen before unless we forget about the finale of Game of Thrones which aired like a month before the finale of star oh no this is much worse boy if you were a fan of both of these series then 2019 was a rough year for you but hey at least you had Star Wars rise of Skywalker to look forward to but for now I'm going to run down each season of star verses and share my Impressions and thoughts again I have the luxury of having lower expectations going to the show plus I'm like not really a super fan I enjoy it but I'm not like a mega fan I'm looking at you Reddit perhaps my perspective will yield a different opinion on a finale that was possibly overhyped well strap in you're about to find out so in one star is sent to Earth to live with Marco and his family as a foreign exchange student star's magic it's her and Marco into all kinds of crazy situations but each episode typically ends with a satisfying conclusion with few strings attached though continuity was definitely being built up in the background Tom the demon being star's ex-boyfriend Marco pining over Jackie Lynn glossarick and the Book of magic but the real story starts to pick up steam with a character named toffee a cold and calculating monster who teams up with the Goofy and inept Ludo the Nemesis of star butterfly who's trying to get her wand season one ends with stars one being sacrificed to save Marco's life again it's like poetry so if they rhyme every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one hopefully it'll work season one was well written gorgeously animated had a creative premise and a dynamic cast of characters that played well off of each other the Loosely connected story did not take itself too seriously and was a fantastic canvas for inventive Fantasy World building the show was refreshing for how it was so character driven though it clearly had a story to tell but it wasn't too bogged down and mellow drama allowing humor to paint things in a sillier light rather than commit to a strict sense of Good and Evil until toffee arrived star herself felt like she had a more juvenile moral compass and the show painted with that kind of brush it was quaint fun and overall just enjoyable with a cliffhanger that left me hungry for more season two season 2 saw an increase in episodes from 13 to 22 and definitely took that time to build up stakes and tension for the series while not completely losing sight of its fun Filler episodes Star now had half a new wand and is being trained by a being of magic called glossarick who resides in the butterfly family's book of magic a glosswork here gives me like Q vibes from Star Trek and seems to be more of a trickster trying to prove a point of anything we also get to see new characters like Kelly Janna and Mina loveberry who looks a lot like Sailor Moon and would play to the disappointment of many a very important role in the finale of the show we'll get there when we get there there was more World building in Muni the butterfly family lore and just magic overall with even a Magic High commission featuring beings that could control portals in space and time Ludo himself was banished at the end of season one and went on a journey of self-discovery and healing only to end up with the other half of the wand and and glosswork as his teacher due to a portal that stole him away and the book from Star because little had the book glossarick had to listen to him and teach him about magic Miss heinous who I forgot to mention in season one is like still kicking around as a villain antagonist from Marco which I never really thought much of except like I'm like who why is she still around who cares though I was confused though about like the cheeks why does she have like those marks on her cheek what does it mean and I was on to something that would later be proven but like also I was disappointed with how much it had nothing to do with what I thought it was it's it's complicated we'll get to it here in a bit we discover that star's spells are like actually alive and live on the wand and they have personalities and families which I thought was like super cute and uh there was no way that would ever become a soul-crushing discovery later on foreshadowing is a literary device and of course there was more shipping and relationship stuff with star and Marco and Jackie and whatnot but the big reveal though was toffee possessing ludo's body and defeating the magical High commission and queen butterfly leading to Star having to retreat from Earth but not before telling Marco that she had a crush on him like right in front of Marco's girlfriend too I do have a crush on you season two definitely won me over with its story and I was totally fine with the tone shifting from episodic comedies to a story-driven action comedy drama I was brainstorming outcomes and scenarios and motives and dare say fan theories just wondering is star's mom behind this is she a bad guy is she in cahoots with toffee what's going on I'm sure it's something Grand and amazing needless to say I was very hungry for more and so began season three huh well this is where cracks in the dam begin to take form but there's more than enough substance mystery and quality to hold my attention by the way I know about the TV movie stuff with like the Battle of beauty I'm just gonna roll with how I saw it on Disney plus so you know just keep that into account so we find out that toffee was the one who killed Moon's mother back in the day that Moon herself used dark magic from an imprisoned previous queen of Muni named eclipsa to defeat toffee but now toffee is back and it's possessing ludo's body Ludo gets to real Muni for a hot minute but then star uses something called the whispering spell to enter the realm of magic there she confronts toffee who is corrupting the magic of the realm toffee is revived via moon in exchange for star's life and then toffee tosses Ludo to the side and begins to wreak havoc on Muni star then leaves the realm of magic goes Super Saiyan butterfly form and just straight up kills toffee with luda's help though I guess you can say that luda's help was like negligible to say the least then Begins the story arc of queen eclipsa and a lot of lore World building that is admittedly interesting but would be just too much to cover in this video if you want more detail go watch blue orders video I'm gonna stay focused here okay let's go all in all it is revealed that Queen clipsa did a No-No by marrying a monster back in the day oh by the way I forget to mention monsters are like discriminated against in the series and the citizens of Muni hate them saying that the monsters cause them problems back in the day and had to be defeated by the royal family of old time and time again the story also reveals how this isn't the truth and a lot of the prejudice against the monsters is due to revisionist history misunderstandings and Lies by Omission eclipsa herself is trying to revive her monster husband and suspended animation and is also reunited with her daughter Miss heinous AKA Meteora who goes into monster form since she's like the child of a monster and a human and then like gets blasted by her mother and then turns into a baby yeah I'm definitely recapping in Broad strokes but I have to or we'll be here for hours I will say though that the twist that glossary's Amnesia was just pretend was super frustrating to me and not funny at all his character went down the drain in season three but uh there might have been reasons um in the production for that that were outside the control of the staff so I can kind of give them a pass on that one it just sucks though because glossary at least to me was a very important character in season one and season two and then doesn't really do anything in season 3 or season four so a disappointment and finally season four the kingdom of Muni belongs to Queen eclipsa since Moon butterfly stepped down from the throne there's a build up about the release of globgore eclipse says monster husband who just ends up having a moment hugging his daughter Meteora after a battle and the folks like in the crowd are like oh he's good maybe we're reading too harsh on monsters that's how that's resolved and of course as is tradition more shipping though not with star Marco really they're not quite syncing up as star is dating Tom and you got like Marco dating Kelly and whatnot and I think that Marco might have had something with hekkapoo I can't really tell it doesn't really say but it definitely implies by the way Tom you were done dirty you deserve much better ultimately the high Commission of magic who is like always out to go get Eclipse uh glob Gore and any monsters or Monster sympathizers team up with Mina loveberry who act who activates an army of magical suits that were powered by Moon butterfly in order to force eclipsa to abdicate the throne of Muni because things weren't going well for her uh yeah um big fight magical spells star and her friends are almost defeated and Then star is like no screw this I I hate magic this sucks I'm going to just destroy Magic by going to the realm of magic and destroying Magic by using Magic at the end the realm of magic is destroyed though star freaks out because that means she might not be able to see Marco again since he lives on earth like prior to the events of destroying magic these two confess their love to one another but star still proceeds with their plan of destroying magic both of them end up in the realm of magic which then implodes and then their worlds are like fused together even though magic is gone the two then run up to each other smile and then this series is over poop I think I understand now so yeah I can say it now and my and many others opinion star versus the forces of evil was ruined by its finale why exactly well for a few reasons it's really hard to understand just how bizarre the finale the star really is so many things are swept under the rug and left unaddressed that it makes what could have been an interesting concept if given the time to develop come off like an absolute rug pole destroying magic the fundamental attribute to Stars world and the literal embodiment of multiple characters lives is made so immediate and treated with little levity that it defies description while magic has enabled a lot of evil in the series I never really got the sense that magic itself was a negative Force since almost everything that the heroes of the series use to solve these problems are also magic in nature showing that it's a benign force that bends to the intent of those who wield it it was always Prejudice that seemed to be the show's thematic angle with everything from monsters versus Newmans Rich versus poor and the differences between demand tensions all reinforcing this theme but this is never really completely addressed or resolved in any significant degree as the finale starts chasing this last second left turn instead characters like hakapu who at this point are a strong secondary characters are revealed to be made of magic and so will die as a result of star destroying the magic itself we try to hang a lantern on this with hakapu herself admitting to this and still being cool with the idea oh I never really thought this stuff was all that good to begin with girl you are literally magic you serve on a commission to govern the proper use of magic one that includes a person controlling time itself what do you mean why are you so chill with imminent death star Marco are all like Ah that's a bummer I'll really miss her with them being like nonchalant about murdering their friend no one is phased by this this man massive ethical dilemma of willingly sacrificing the entire Magic High commission who by the way confirmed dead in the episode along with all the other magical creatures including all of the critters and stars wand which the show went out of its way to take an entire episode to personify it's never addressed glossarick Stars lifelong Tudor literally shows up to go down with the ship because he's also magic and will die from this but stops to let Star know that he's proud of her proud why you've spent this entire show trying to prepare her to use magic to be a better wielder of it but your actual end goal was to have her murder you and countless others what was this just some elaborate suicide attempt I guess tovi was right this entire time since he too wanted to destroy Magic eyes we also never get any clarification on what is and is not a magical creature pekapoo is apparently dead but pony head despite being a disembodied floating head is not only alive after the magic is destroyed but can still float around uh how the actual ending of the show too with the world's fusing also was presented entirely without explanation it just happens so that starco can be the end game which is another gigantic issue with this series in general the incredible amount of attention shipping received in later seasons was an absolute train wreck for the Integrity of the series I don't know if this tone shift was always the intention for the series from the beginning or if the writers decided to lean more into it after the Phantom went nuts over it but regardless it got far too much attention and was distracting like the first half of the Season where star and Marco were just clearly friends was wonderful it was a better tone but unfortunately for the series it became a fan service soap opera with episodes and plots that took up a lot of the show's run time and it was doubly unfortunate because there were some relationship Dynamics and pushing back against tired tropes via star and Marco in their relationships both star and Marco found relationships outside each other that were arguably more healthy than the bond they ended up in and the fact that their first relationship failed could have been a nice counterbalance to so many other shows pairing up their main characters by the end Avatar I'm looking at you they started off as friends and had a strong bond there is no reason they couldn't have been a poster child for positive platonic relationships between boys and girls while also having relationships alongside that for a while I thought that's where the series was heading but alas it's not what happened if anything it was predictable and lame toffee was done dirty he never came back in any meaningful way Ludo was absolutely pointless after he was thrown back into the portal a second time I thought he was building up to a place of finding his confidence and leading the monsters along with the humans and this attempt to fight back against the Prejudice people of Muni but no he didn't do anything what was the point Instead at the end we got Mina uh that's the main bad guy here at the end her this side character who's kooky and not really interesting at all what a letdown and also the rider took the coward's way out with moon butterfly this entire time I thought it would be revealed that she was the antagonist of the show and the show kind of implied that here and there with even star going up against her mother at times and at the end she was complicit with Mina she was the one who powered up the suits she's juicing up an army and then she's like betrayed and it's like oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to that was a mistake and then she was forgiven like she was a villain from My Little Pony what the actions responsibility consequences where are they lame I expected so much more and that really is the problem here the show had so much happening so many wonderful characters and Mysteries and potential and twists and turns and World building only for it to to conclude in a very lackluster way I was so hyped during season one and two and parts of three but then it all began to fall apart by the end according to some people they think that the continuity director leaving the show was the problem here that Wendy was the real MVP when it came to keeping star verses on the tracks that her departing the series is what made everything become undone that's just a theory though so you know take it for what it's worth there was also this revealing AMA from Darren plus some of the other higher-ups from the show on Reddit one question the AMA was quote why did they decide to make an open ending with the possibility of closing it with another story and at the same time throwing away all the work or history that was behind Darren answered with quotes my goal was to create a satisfying ending that still left room for more I feel like it's in the DNA of the universe to solve one problem but create another that star butterfly I know it may not have been satisfying for everyone but I hope it inspires a lot of fan fiction and drawings I didn't want to solve everything and leave the fans with nothing to play with plus if I ever got to do more with star I want something to play with End quotes she also said during the AMA quotes I was very lucky to get four seasons for a variety of very boring reasons most animated shows for kids only get about two or three Macs so I feel very lucky I got to do four on Star when our fourth season got approved I knew that would most likely be the end just because of the Rarity of having a fourth season so I wrote an ending I was really happy with the ending I know a lot of fans thought it felt rushed but I think that just means you want more I would love to do more with star someday end quote after finishing the finale and the series I was speculating why the series ended the way it did was this a hasty conclusion per Disney's order to wrap things up or is this the actual vision of the showrunners Well turns out that it's the latter of the two which just really sucks it's so much easier to throw a company under the bus for corporate nonsense which is why I'm very understanding of the finale for The Original run of Steven Universe but it seems that Darren wanted this to be the finale that it was always intended for star and Marco to be together that the world fusing at the end was a way to keep things open-ended in case star versus ever came back yeah that was a very risky decision for a finale that had so much writing on it like I do give credit to Darren and her team for doing something as bold as destroying magic but there are far too many consequences from said action that really undermine star's character and growth as a person positive erases the entire setting of the show it was Reckless it was dismissive and for many people insulting and I do wonder if Darren made this decision in order to keep Starr alive as far as like fans go to keep rolling with it but if anything it might have backfired Madness no moon this is so overall star versus was a fantastic show until it wasn't but I wouldn't say it was a bad show by any means if anything it proves how much people loved the series and for good reason too from its vibrant animation to its fun characters to even its story regardless of its flaws star versus carries the curse of being too good where there was so much writing on its conclusion that not sticking the landing did retroactive damage to the overall enjoyment of the series for most people now for me I would not count myself in that lot I feel that I can still watch the show and enjoy it up to a point which is like the exact same thing I do for Game of Thrones to which has a much worse conclusion by a long shot look I saw some folks saying that the star vs finale was worse than Game of Thrones no not even in the same ballpark you are objectively wrong if you think that there are lukewarm and lackluster finales for plant of good shows Samurai Jack with its reboot had a lackluster finale same with Primal and I love that show I would include star verses in that bracket of content great shows with oh that kind of sucks finales but it's the fact that the show was great to begin with that stings the most that's why it sucks like I said Samurai Jack Primal star versus I feel like a parent who has a kid who's like getting a pluses all semester but then just gets an F on their final exam I'm like Star come on you could have aced this ah you were so close but again I would still count star verses as one of the best shows to come from Disney right up there with Gravity Falls and Outhouse now is it perfect no was it ruined in a way I would say so but not nearly as bad as what folks make it out to be and hey maybe we might see a reboot for it in the future and folks who did not like the finale of the series will see the show redeem itself again it was a very successful Series so it's not out of the realm of possibility unless that realm is magical [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,082,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, animation, Star vs the forces of evil, what ruined, what's ruining, what ruined star vs the forces of evil, what ruined star vs, the fall of star vs, star vs finale, finale, star butterly, marco diaz, SHIPPING, disney, disney channel, cartoon
Id: TLceoZ-omoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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