Metal Detecting The Dream House. WHOA! SPEECHLESS! Abandoned Treasure Found

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all righty guys I have just given the Morgan dollar back to the property owner so it's done and I'm glad that I drove out here instead of calling it worked out so I got to talk to her for about five minutes and she was really kind about it she was happy to get it back and I'm I told her she didn't even remember what she paid me for and I told her that you know if she was you know cool with the idea of me uh you know looking around the property and keeping some of the other things that I found that I wasn't even worried about um her giving me the $30 back and she said you know if you find anything when you're all done we'll work it out and I said you know I appreciate that so um she was happy with it it seems like you know if I pushed her she would have given the $30 back but um like I said she was kind enough to let me come hunt the property again so I told her I said you know the $30 I'm not really not concerned about it I really just appreciate you let me take another look around so she did say that um she doesn't want to see what I find and where I found it because um once I found some of that interesting stuff before she was pretty interested in the find so um I have full rein to look around today and I'm kind of excited about it I'm gonna show you guys a look at this property now so this is the 1875 brick house and between probably about this tree and that big tree right back there and on this side that's the original walkways have been behind all those trees right there and in this patch between the driveway there and the two sections I just showed that is where I found all of that silver last time I was here the Morgan dollar I found was literally about two yards outside of where my car is right now in the front of this tree it was about right there ash that I dug that 1886 Morgan dollar so all seven silver items that I found we're in this little patch and there's another strip about the same size on the opposite side I haven't even touched I haven't even come up here further there's a little backyard there's a side yard there's all the strips on the edges of the driveway and if I found seven silver items in 45 minutes right here I can't really even imagine what else is going be on this property so I'm excited to get out it I'm gonna quit Gabon and start swingin alrighty I'm walking back down to my hole here after getting my hand shovel yeah so far right close to where I found the Morgan before I spent about five minutes digging out a big old piece of copper that was under a bunch of tree roots Hey the grounds still frozen up this way a little bit I wasn't even thinking about that today but I got it like a nice kind of mid 70s to 80 signal here down by the driveway that's pretty deep and I'm down at it now and here's that big hunk of copper I just found a really old piece it was under really big roots it's got that really jade green color to it I'll clean up later actually could be brass but off I'll clean up later see if it's anything interesting but I I'm right down to this signal here underneath like a layer of the drive like two layers of the driveway here we'll see if it's something good and old wanted to get the hand shovel someone to be careful not to not to jam it it's a lot easier do the hand shovel once you get down far enough man hopefully this is old gravel deep as I am now basically touching it Wow the Sun just came out that is bright [Applause] fill something down there that's it oh no man this is not easy to get to know I'm down out of here I'm not sure what this is I think that's it what is that man I cannot see I'm not sure what that is some sort of old crumpled up piece of copper or something I don't know what it was supposed to be huh it's really odd I'll have to clean that up later he'll keep looking all right he only been a couple minutes my last two targets have been a steel bottle cap in an old iron horse tack ring which is pretty cool I like finding those I believe this driveway is where the original one was where the horse and buggy would be up through here but anyway I got a signal I didn't think it was gonna be too deep put him down at it now it was ringing up in the mid-60s and it's a few inches down tasted something good I want to do most of these signals at least semi-live here today the ones that are down there a bit and that is just a shotgun shell headstamp found a few of these last time but hey we're finding targets and I'm just going over some of the same spots I hit before I'm sure if I wonder on the other side we'd hit a hot spot so uh I'll keep at it so we can find all right got a mid 60 signal about four inches deep and it looks like it's the piece of an old watch pretty sure that's what that is actually probably within a yard of where I found that um silver pocket watch last time so man just all kinds of watches and jewelry and coins in here unbelievable it's only a matter of time before we hit a coin sweets in most areas the ground is partially frozen which actually makes for perfect digging really easy to form a plug but right after I said it's only a matter of time since we hit a coin watch piece right here got a solid like 7778 signal pop this plug which is frozen the first inch down yeah you see the old penny dangling off the bottom of it so see if it's a we D are in Indian I can see the one cent on the back so it's definitely a we D can't see the year on that but we'll clean it up later trying to save time here so on the board with an old coin and more to come stand with the wind pick up I am on the other side of the walkway now the original path up to the front of the house and I dug a piece of copper over here so far and I got a signal now that I pretty much have no doubt as a deep coin or something good faint signal but man nice signal in the 80s going from the low 80s to the high 80s that could be a deep silver let's try this one live hope the wind noise isn't too bad and thankfully this section is not too bad right here where I just dug the last hole it isn't partially frozen right here a little bit tricky not too bad right where I'm at right now plugs go back together like puzzle pieces it's pretty cool with a half-frozen so I let's give this a shot here yeah that's deep definitely deep which is what we like I got right in the bottom of the hole let's get the hand shovel break this up on the edge just a little bit right there get that bleep out of the way right down on top of it should have it in this plop we're almost well what is that oh man it's a shotgun head stamp it ring up really high all right well we'll keep looking just at a really blasting eighty signal and before I pull that out there's some kind of weird centipede type thing in the hole take a look at them they're really interesting color on that one but we won't smash them back in the hole throw them back over here in the weeds and so anyway the signal Sunol the old brass buckle with the iron pin it's pretty neat all righty I'm on to the Knights deep coin signal here around 80 pop this big plug and it's seen it's right on the bottom of the plug so we'll see what we got here ah I think it's a button yeah that's an old button it's not a flat button but it's got some kind of writing around the edges of it alright well we'll clean it up later hang up just like a wheat penne or an Indian under the net quick look at the button cleaned up has a nice ornate design around the edge of it I am not sure of the exact age of this but if I had to guess off the top of my head I would say sometime around the late 1800s so I got a signal here on the nickel range down about three four inches and it's pretty cool I've only ever found like one or two of these before this is pretty old it appears to be an old I think it's a toe tap that's pretty cool man the wind is blown it's like 40 out here in cloudy getting pretty chilly alright does it really neat fine so we'll keep looking see we funny through those like two sweeps later I got a signal in the 60s and it looks pretty interesting it's got a hole through it and got some kind of weird edge on it I don't know if this is some kind of crazy old token or maybe a super old dog tag I think this is gonna be one of the early dog tags yeah it's a Virginia dog tax tag man this one's gonna be old because it appears to be copper actually look at that it looks like it has some sort of know if there's leather or what's still attached on it but I would guess this is at least from the 1930s or earlier if I had to put a guess on it maybe 40s but that would be probably pretty new for the Stella dog tag most of the copper ones an older from my experience if in 1930s or older but yeah you can see it says Virginia on it and I'm in Virginia I'm not sure if I mentioned that this permissions in Virginia so I'm gonna clean that one off real quick see we can see the data on all right guys so this is pretty cool it says dog tax and mail and then it is older its 1922 that is so awesome that's one of the oldest dog tags I found that is amazing right there really like that fine we'll keep looking Hey look at the amazing Virginia dog tax tag cleaned up and I think it's pretty cool that this one says mail on it ma le I've never seen an old dog tax tag before have the gender of the dog listed so I thought that was pretty interesting it has the license number on there in a date of 1922 making it one of the oldest if not the oldest one I've ever found so very happy to have this and it's special to find something with a date of 1922 on it because I hardly ever find anything with a date of 1922 on it possibly never before and that is because in 1922 there were very few US coins minted there were pennies only minted in Denver it was the first time since 1815 that no pennies were minted at the Philadelphia Mint there were no quarters no dimes and no nickels minted and it had something to do with the pitman act that required the mints to mass-produce silver dollars and that's why if you find a piece dollar a lot of them are dated in 1922 and it took such a toll on the equipment that pretty much all the men stood in the United States in 1922 for the most part was print her mint excuse me silver dollars not an 80 signal and it's pretty shallow coin about two inches down but let's see what it is yeah that's pretty looks old it's got to be at least a wheaty yeah and this could even be an Indian just never know here boy what do we got turn it that way it looks to be a wheaty that's the back of it there you can see the weed here on the right side it looks pretty worn this could be one of the early ones 19 teens or 20s 19 teens listen to me in 1910 or 1920 s something pretty cool here I'm not sure if this used to be an old hood ornament or want but I pulled all these pieces out of the hole it's already busted you could tell some sort of strange pop metal underneath and it has a like a screw on the bottom of it where would have been mounted on something and Scot wings and it's definitely silver-plated I can tell especially this piece that is definitely silver plating for sure it's not Chrome so whatever it is it's fairly old all the new hood ornaments and a strange stuff like that are normally like chrome plated they're just real shiny but this is actually silver plating that's pretty neat I'm not sure exactly what it was but I think it may have been some sort of old hood ornament pretty neat I'll see if there's any more pieces in the hole we're gonna keep swing is just going mad right now and of course the chain saw everything's running right now but a man we got the kind of signal we're looking for here Wow 86 to 88 pretty shallow probably only 2 to 3 inches my gosh is that a solid signal ladies and gentlemen it is possible we could be on to our first silver coin go ahead and do it live check it out growls not too bad right here hit a root well I'll pop it the best I can one in a father and I set up the tripod say I want to do as much digging as possible all right well that half-frozen flap came out nice and easy all right we're almost there I like the depth on this one we're gonna see if we have the silver coin down here it sure sounds like one it's a really really good signal all right moment of truth what is that is that the signal [Music] dude I think it's a silver spoon boy I hope it's silver not aluminum maybe it's the whole thing except stuck in there pretty good oh man it's a little bit worse it too much it's like straight up and down take a look minute here to work this out oh man look at that this is a silver spoon it's not aluminum this is sweet I don't want to break it anymore and it already is we're just gonna take our time and it's still stuck down there okay see it's broken up now enough I think there's a root growing through the bottom of it I think it's folded over that's exactly what it is see the base of it there I can't pull it coz there's a root growing through it this is the kind of stuff that happens to me while I'm out digging yeah that's exactly what it is that's what it has to be because there's no reason it shouldn't be coming out right now so I'm going to try sawing off to the side if it see if I can cut the root that's right next to it and I'm gonna pull it over this way see if that did it almost see okay come on okay okay yeah there's a huge root growing through that so I can feel the root right there now he can see it I think that's the one that's running right through the bottom of the spoon so I'm gonna go ahead and go down here and see if I can cut it where's the handsaw when you need it no I don't I didn't get it all right let's uh okay I got slit up underneath it now oh we got it all right check this out wowzer this is cool that is old too that's sterling silver this is not plated oh my gosh it's got an amazing design on it too this might be one of those old christening spoons unbelievable I cannot wait to get this cleaned up the whole way its initial - was that rbl unbelievable well I just made my day right there an old old old sterling silver spoon sweet so here's a look at the silver spoon cleaned up definitely one of the most amazing ones I've ever found very intricate design on it every way you turn it there is something going on and if you take a look at the back here it says sterling P and B which stands for pain and Baker I sent a picture of this to Gerry after I cleaned it up and he researched it for me so I thanks for that and this was a company based in Massachusetts and they made a lot of sterling flatware souvenir pieces and this one dates somewhere between 1901 and 1960 okay so we got a really high conductive signal but it had a lot of iron tone in it and I wasn't sure what it was going to be I thought it was just gonna be like a steel bottle cap or something but it was a really good signal and I think I just got a whole harmonica I've dug up the reeds before I'm gonna dug up a small tiny toy harmonica but have never found a whole one before that's exactly what that is now I think it has that might be aluminum on the edges of it so I don't think this is like super old like 1800s this could be from like the mid 1900s but that is really cool a whole harmonica awesome a quick look at the near-complete harmonica I found definitely not gonna play any music now but it's pretty cool to dig out of the ground all right those dogs are driving me nuts I just found another wheat penny over by the hedges so that was my third one showing them all there I came by the base of this tree again I haven't worked around good at all just kind of doing really fast passes right now to pick out good signal I got a nice 80 signal 80 81 right here at the base of this old tree registering some depth so maybe an old penny or maybe an old silver dime hopefully but sounds more like a penny I'm not gonna do it dig it live because of the roots but we'll see well the ground was frozen too I didn't even use the hand shovel once I plopped up in the plug split in half it popped right out it is an old uh penny we'll see if it's a weed here in Indiana it's pretty thick so it's probably a weedy yeah looks like a weedy really nice condition though this one says for wheat pennies onto the note already I'm at the base of this rotted out tree right worked on that wheat penny let's get up in here and show you this yeah this thing is completely rotted out I got a super high conductive signal right in the front of it now it's like an amazing signal but it's very very very shallow [Music] hey like high eighties but registering almost right on top but you never know if an old coin could have got pushed up piston I found a mercury down here by the path up to the house last time I was here it was only like a half inch under the moss it grounds a little bit frozen now see if it's in the pinpoint touching it so we may not even have to dig that's uh actually I see it right there it doesn't look like a silver coin what is that is that it what is it it's like a weird piece of aluminum almost looks like a piece of a baseball bat I doubt that but some kind of weird shard of aluminum not sure what that broke off of I wanted to show you guys this is one of the reasons I stopped at this property originally it's set back in you can see this old brick entrance at the front of the property and there's actually another one over here there's a newer house on the lot that there's two houses down I think there may have been another old house torn down next to this one I'm not sure but I saw this from the road and you can see the health sitting back up in and you got this old pathway up through here and I didn't know when I first came on this property but there is no like walkway through here so I don't know if they tore it up and just left it as it is or if there was never anything here but you know you have that brick down there so maybe at one time this was all brick and they tore it out I'm not sure but I'm swinging back in here and just like a pull-tab a minute ago I got a signal here it's cut it's in the coin range like 83 so um we're gonna do it live to see if it's a coin now the grounds frozen oh pretty good uh-huh that's funny using my hand shuffles a foot shovel oh man that is frozen let's uh may as well he's the foot shovel yeah it's really frozen in here because the Sun doesn't hit this but right out on the sides of this right behind these hedges here is where I found a couple Mercury dimes last time right back here Oh what is that whoever is I stabbed it with a shovel [Music] well I don't know what is going on with them dogs over there alright not sure what that is we'll keep looking so I came back out by the entryway and that's where that trees rotting out right there I found all my wheat pennies today except for one when I start on the other side like back in through that side of the yard and all my good stuff like 90% of the target said X so far today I've been on this side so I decided to swing through slow on the front here around this and you know from the road over the years there's a lot of shallow garbage right in through here but I started working it real slow up by the old brick here and I got a good signal now there's some surface trash up here so I'm not sure if it's bleeding into that but underneath it there's a good signal someone dig it up we'll see if it's something good or not it was just a deep steel bottle cap so we're gonna try a different section working on the opposite side of the head just here where I found the Mercury dimes last time they got a good coin signal eighty-one it's down there about three inches so we're gonna see if it's a coin Yeah right when I pop them roots you see it there old man that looks like a nice one man we got cars driving by dogs barking planes in the air trains going by this is a loud place dude I think that's that's a 1918 or 13 that is an old one in good condition I don't see a mint mark but if that's 1913 even without a mint mark that is a nice coin might be 1918 I can't really tell with the dirt on it beautiful old weedy right there found to get a silver coin here sometime today so after cleaning up the weed pennies I got a nice surprise there are no 1940 or newer wheat pennies we got two from 1918 one 1919 a 1928 and a 1934 so uh definitely older coins at this house and I was happy to dig them all seeking shelter under this massive old tree look at all the old farm equipment they got under here it's pretty cool but anyhow over here I just took a crusty zinc penny right there and I think for some reason somebody must have buried a bunch of zinc pennies over here I don't know why [Music] those are all shallows Inc penny signals oh my gosh it's like machine-gun fire it's like a horde of zinc pennies I think is it's the same signals what I just pulled out right there so I'm gonna let these go for now but I'll come back with them and uh come back to him and see what what's going on here because there could be other stuff down there but for now we're gonna look for the older stuff we have grief I just found a huge lead fishing weight or at least I think that's a fishing weight it was what it looks like to me but uh it's like three ounces the thing is heavy I don't want to drop that on your toe this is one of those signals you have to do live just in case oh my gosh 94 95 and it is solid and it's not registering right on the surface either this chirping out a little bit certain ways you hit it like it could be some kind of iron you got to do this live there's no way around it got to do it just in case this is a nice big silver coin and on this side of the house is where the Sun hits so the ground isn't frozen it's really nice over here it's not super wet either for just thawing out all right see what we got here did I dig down a little too far looks like it's in the top of my hole missed it by a little bit that's what I get for not taking the time to pinpoint more oh well see that right there that looks like a piece of a big imprint oh my goodness don't tell me this is gonna be a big coin oh my gosh it is it's a big silver it's um mm-hmm it's a barber house no way no way it's a barber half its 1910 oh my gosh no way unbelievable oh my gosh the wind's blowing here let me get it under this tree no way I can see it better now - Barbara half it's pretty worn down but I don't care this yard has just been absolutely phenomenal Wow you know I'm on the opposite side of the house here you can see the old foundation and the brick path that leads into the side of the house that you can tell it's all original brick down on this side I found it right there this is just nuts like a property's just blowing me away I am absolutely stunned these people had some serious cash back in the day all right we'll get that cleaned up and we're gonna keep hunting I don't know what else to say on to the next so here we have a close-up look of the 1910 barber half dollar it's definitely seen its fair share of action and was passed around for quite a while and a surprise surprise it has a really worn s mint mark down there at the bottom so while this came to Southwest Virginia all the way from San Francisco it's definitely traveled quite a bit you can see it has a little bit of a ding in the side there now not too bad though no major scratches or anything on it though and I'm glad I didn't hit it while I was digging this coin has a mintage of just under 2 million so they didn't really make all that many of them and it's slightly uncommon date and in this condition would have a value of roughly fifteen to twenty dollars I think this area on this side from here up to close to under that tree is where they used to have an old garden planted and I'm sure that Barbara half has been moved around but the thing is there's a lot of it I just started buying all kinds of zinc pennies in through here and like I said there's just tons of them under that tree if I remember correctly I think some people actually throw zinc pennies in their garden because it helps with I can't remember something in the soil that helps with growing vegetables and stuff like that I'm not 100% certain but I also know that people used to put copper pennies and gardens and round things like that around plants to help deter slugs because the copper gives off a little like a little shock or like from the hill electromagnetic waves or whatever you want to call it from the copper like the this looks just choose to go around the copper a lot of the time so there's different reasons why people put pennies in their garden sometimes zinc sometimes copper but there's a lot of them over here and there's been like no modern coins next to no modern coins in other parts of the property except for right here there's just all of a sudden there's zinc pennies all over the place so I put that Barbara hunt dollar was like four inches down and mixed right in so you got to dig all that stuff I mean who knows what else is under all this dirt because I haven't run out of signals that's for sure so I will keep look and see what else we can pull out this is this is a blast hopefully I get to keep the Barbour half this time I mean I gave her that Morgan dollar back I would love to keep that Barbour half but I think since I gave her the Morgan back and told her she could keep the money hopefully she'll let me keep the Barbara half we'll see I worked my way around that garden area up around the front steps you know only good signal I had was a this old brass shell casing it came back up against the side of the back side of the house I found the barber half dollar bought right there I'm about two and a half yards away from that and I got a solid coin signal here it's pretty shallow but it looks like a penny and actually I think this might be the first copper penny of the day that's not a we don't think that's a wheat penny but I'll check it out I think it's a 1970s or early eighties copper penny move in a backward did most of the hunting so far since I've been here just on the opposite side of the yard from where I hit last time and I've been digging a lot of shotgun head stamps over here but this could be a deep old coin nice signal in the 80s registering about five inches hopefully this is like an old silver dime or something all right I'm gonna dig it up not gonna do this one live the grounds like half frozen here maybe issue done it live I just popped the plug it's just started sifting some dirt around was getting ready to turn the camera on and a little glint a silver right before I did so there's another one of those crazy centipede things there's been a bunch of different colors two of the ones I found here well we'll set him down you know let's take a look at this see what it is some Mercury dime sweet looks fairly worn hopefully it's an older one that was actually pretty shallow only got three inches down in the soft soil the stuff here has been at various depths there's been really no consistency I found the old coins this is deep is about eight inches and I found silver Mercury dimes almost right on top the ground so you just never know sweet silver number two for the day if I can get me a quarter I got me the dot denomination trifecta so the mercury diamond turns out to be a nineteen seventeen and if I were to dug this up a few weeks ago it would have been a hundred years old on the button but it is 101 years old being 2018 nice specimen a little bit of wear on it but not too bad does have a few scrapes on the top right there of Liberty they do kind of look fresh so I'm not sure if it was bouncing around some rocks there or what but a beautiful 1917 Mercury dime and in this condition would have a numismatic value of about three dollars so even with all the head stamps I haven't found any old nickels today but I got a nickle signal about three inches down I can see the soil darkening here so hopefully you know I see something there it looks more rectangular so I don't think there's gonna be a nickel I was hoping for the tone but let's see what we got here anyway Oh what is that I don't know what that is it's got looks like it has some kind of gold plating on it almost but it almost just looks like a piece of scrap but I don't think it is not really sure on that one nothing on the back of it definitely wasn't a pin or anything like that so I don't know we'll have to try to figure that one out later it's pretty interesting these are always the signals that make you wonder if somebody buried into our coins them right under the base of this huge tree and I got a ridiculously large signal bringing a ninety ninety-one I mean it's huge and with all them roots I don't think I'm gonna be able to get down to it this could be a foot and a half two foot deep decisions decisions I mean you got to try it at some point it's just do I do it now or do I do it later I mean just such an amazing signal I mean it could be a huge huge piece of old farm iron but it's so crystal clear it's like you think could it be that jar point I don't know much right now or I'll try it later but either way I will let you I gave a shot it's right around with this big massive roots curling around in some kind of weird shape and uh well wasn't Jarek poins but it is a huge piece of like copper tube of some sort well wasn't what we were hoping for that's probably worth about a dollar worth of scrap right the first time I hunted here between those hedges and this is the upper tree it's where I found all them Silver's the Morgan was right over this way I've never come up further on this side of the house which I think there could be a lot more silver up here I'm hoping because it's between this side of the house and where the old driveway used to be it's in the same place so I'm gonna give it a shot over here and I see if we can find anything I want to show you guys this awesome signal I have now I don't know if this is going to be a coin because it's shallow and hitting super hard but is extremely conductive nice midsize target ringing up in the low 80s now normally so it was a silver coin it would it would ring in tighter and that signal would be higher so this could just be copper or brass but you never know it could be some sort of amazing relic but we'll try this one live cuz I got the camera going it's it's frozen on this side over here because the Sun doesn't hit over here so it's a little bit difficult for the digging anyway alive digging so see what we got here [Music] maybe it's down further let's try it yeah I think it's just deeper sounds like a pretty large signal pinpointer kind of wants to read it I think it's really just straight down but maybe another the pinpointer is not reading it yet could be another four or five inches deep let's just try to loosen up some of this see if we can read it down under here yeah it's down or whatever this is remember when I dug that silver pocket watch it was kind of in this area it was about seven eight inches down under some big roots but on this soil is pretty thick so I don't know if this has been moved around in here but uh in this part but it's obviously something down there it's a huge rock well we're almost there now should be just about there says we're touching it try the hand shovel now oh my goodness I think it's a can they definitely move this ground around here then you've got to be kidding me Oh what is this Oh silly semi old this is funny craft party snack onion oh it's like a I guess it's like a French onion dip type thing for a lid for it well there you go that's a new one I can definitely say I've never found one of those before here we have some craft party snack cheese spread with onions which sounds terrible way monosodium glutamate vegetable gum sugar hydrolyzed vegetable protein spices and tumeric that sounds terrible and it's been down there a while because you can see the price is a quarter so if I had to guess they were probably making this stuff back in the 1980s and I would definitely say it is an RF HC not recommended for human consumption all right I'm back in the front right side where I found all the goodies last time I'm in behind the big old tree in the bottom of the property here and I got a really bouncy but high signal seems pretty shallow it's a weird signal but it couldn't potentially be something good I'm not gonna do it live because the tree roots but well give her out well that's why I miss pinpointing it it's on edge just frozen down in there trying to chip away at this here I don't know what it is I don't know I don't think it's anything too amazing looks like it might just be easy they're in a no Cal oh don't know if I can get this out right now yeah I don't think this is anything special here we're just gonna pry it out of there yeah just some kind of old aluminum handle or something all right on to the next man's getting pretty cold out here I just spent about another 15 minutes talking to the property owner it was good to get it get to know her a bit more in him she definitely said him welcome back any time she did mention that she wanted to give me the $30 back for the coin and I just said you know don't worry about it now I'm just doing it as a hobby and you're letting me keep some of the other stuff so I know we'll see how it goes I will decide at the end of the day you know if I'm gonna give her anything or she's gonna give me some of the money back but I don't really mind I'm just uh glad to know that I'm welcome here and it's not a very strange circumstance it's kind of weird sometimes hunting somebody's property if you don't really have if you're really sure if they're real keen and you be in there it's kind of a strange thing sometimes even when you get a permission sometimes you still just don't feel welcome yet so it's always a good thing to connect with the property owner and know that you're welcome because it just makes the time there a lot more enjoyable but I was talking to her to ask where her property boundaries were because I wasn't certain and I found out that the field next to the house is hers too this used to be a 75 acre farm that they had sold some of the property off over the years so I'm gonna show you turning around here they own the whole way over to the corner where the fences there there's a road that goes up that way they own a lot of property you can't see from here in the back that um goes the whole way up to an old cemetery they obviously don't own the cemetery and that's where I found all the good stuff last time so I've been working down on the front end here this open field out towards the road or there's some smaller trees out here and not many signals out this way and then as I started working my way back up toward the house under these pine trees I got a signal here but now that I've been blabbering see if I can find it solid eighties signal so that could be an old penny or something so well I'll think it out we'll see what it is having a pretty good time out here today we're going to finish this one live because the soil is really soft over here under this pine straw really nice soil over here very easy to dig see what we got almost there ah it's not an old coin it's cop or something but is there something on it that might not be junk maybe I'm just seeing things maybe it is junk well this gave one heck of a signal it is a variety magicmarker variety for JD's variety channel and it was fifty nine cents it's aluminum above blue my ears off was very shallow under this little frozen half-inch call up right there I'm working a grown in path here again and right off the edge listen to this extremely shallow concentrated 94 that could just be steel but it's like right on top here so we're gonna see what it is alive you never know when this could be a shallow silver coin just right here seems like it's up here a little further no I think it's just a piece of aluminum oh yeah big well it's a piece of aluminum the frozen dirt stuck all through it I am now back in behind the house by the barn and this field back here and I did a test hold down over this way until they've definitely pushed all this dirt around over the years but I found the budweiser can down about a six inches it wasn't a super old one like a like an 80s one 1980s Budweiser can but uh yeah it's pretty neat back here so I'm going to poke around see if I can find any relics and then go back in the front and finish up but targets have really slowed out in the front now and on the side of the yard but uh big gold exon sign which is pretty cool considering I just found that a old exon key fob now I just recently in one of my past videos there's a big old church and I it's actually not that big but I get excited it's a nice old church sitting right up there I've been thinking about trying to get permission to metal detect its 1800s I'm not sure exactly one in the eighteen hundreds was definitely an 1800 Church now they've got a cemetery up there and uh back in the day this was all part of the original farm like up the whole way up past that church on this side a long ways in this way up to the road there I'm not sure about on the other side and then a long ways over this way so this is a really big farm back in the day now they definitely were thrown around a lot of money around the front of the house just some amazing stuff has come up the ground here but uh well putzie around back here a little bit and see if we can pull up some relics who's ready to get their hair done I don't know that thing's got some old busted alarm system on it or something driving me nuts that noise but uh checking around the old swing set here look how old this thing is that's pretty cool actually normally only see those in like a old playground not like on private property but uh yeah a little what is it a duck I can't even tell I think it's a duck maybe it's a platypus who knows I'm gonna look around see if there's any coins over here there's an old barn I don't know how old was this this is not their property on this side big barn over there that's kind of like a brick Rancher it doesn't look too old like 1960s ish on that side and her property ends right here at the road so uh look around here you can find anything around though I'll be I got a nice coin signal about two feet away from ducky nice 84 let's see if it's a coin at alarm system thingy or whatever it is it's enough to drive anyone bonkers was that oh it's just a little copper ring it's not the kind of ring we want though it'll keep looking say hi to the cows alright so over the last hour here I have not found much I'm just beating over the same area here where I found all the silvers last time and I got another coin that rang in high 70s and it was about four inches down sounds like between an Indian head and a Warren wheat penny so hopefully it's something good I'll show you around turn you around and show you right here and the bottom of the plug now this actually could be something really good because I'm looking at it now and unless it's a clad dime it looks like it's smaller than a penny nope it's got a hole through it this might be some kind of crazy awesome little old token or maybe even a foreign coin but with that moon shape cut out it's probably some sort of coal token this could be I just got my finger stuck on a root and flung it what is this one something this could be a super cold transit token or something maybe not a transit token whatever it is I've never found one before it's gonna be one of the most interesting finds of the day that's for sure can't really make out the lettering on it yet that's definitely want to clean up they're happy with that one so you're probably going to hate me for this but I am NOT going to tell you guys exactly what this is right now this token that I found is actually quite rare and I will probably never find another one again it is actually significant enough of a find that it may warrant its own video the history behind this token is amazing to say the least so I will save that for another video but for all you gurus there who can't help yourself maybe you saw enough of the detail there to be able to do your own research so stand by my gosh just dug this huge iron ring down under a bunch of roots there yeah wore me out getting that one out and I think it's heavy you can see it's worn kind of up around the grooves here I'm assuming this is some type of old horse tack but yeah you can see the grooves there where it was worn down from from it pulling on it all them years so uh pretty cool nice old relic there I got to make it back to my car this stuff's weighing me down I just dig out one of the biggest pieces of copper I've ever found that's probably about good $3.00 worth of copper right there but anyway had a real high conductive signal here an area I hit a bunch before I must just miss this area here this is the front section where I found a ton of stuff and a real hot conductive signal and right down out so we're gonna see what it is here I almost just flung dirt right in my eye that was close right down on top of it and there's a ginormous chunk of lead that's a really weird shape though huh well we got a huge chunk ahead a huge chunk chunk of copper and a huge chunk of iron next on the list huge chunk of all right I got a deep signal here that I thought was either gonna be another shotgun shell head Stamper an old penny and I got a really cool find here that I'm happy to have for sure and it's one of the old bag seals that is cool an old led bag seal should be able to identify that I guess it could be one of the Boxcar seals from the railroad here it could be without - it's probably what it is sweet or something - research they're really cool piece there that's probably from the 1800s all right I'll keep slugging out a bit longer I'm getting tired and hungry so this led seal cleaned up nice it appears to be an old boxcar seal and I haven't researched it yet is sometimes these are pretty hard to pinpoint the exact origin of them but I believe that it says Pai on it and has it big oh and then on the back it has the Roman numeral 10 but definitely one of the thickest ones I found and in the nicest shape so well if anybody can find out any specific information on this one that would be awesome thank you all right I'm in the backyard right in behind the house now there's just a lot of garbage back in through here I haven't found any coins in this section all day but I really deep here about eight inches down really deep hole right there got an old brass padlock that is definitely one of the old ones that's pretty cool all right I'm bout ready to wrap it up in five minutes what a sweet hunt alrighty so I'm back at the house now editing this video I just wanted to do a brief recap on what happened thankfully this time I did get to keep the fines and the lady was really nice I think what had ended up happening is I could tell she was a little financially strapped and uh even after I told her that that Barbara half at the time I told her it was probably worth around $10 and then ended up being a little bit more uncommon probably worth between fifteen and twenty but when I told her that um you know she could keep $30 for the other one and you know I could keep the Barbara half and the other fine she's like oh do you know do you still want me to give you $20 and I said oh no don't worry about it you let me keep a lot of this stuff the last time and you let me keep the other fines today so we squared it away so she ended up with the Morgan dollar and she kept the $30 that I had paid her to keep it when I had found that the last time and I got to keep all the fines this time so it worked out pretty good and I was happy that I was able to replace my really big silver coin with a slightly less large one today so that was pretty fun and right as I was about to pull out she was kind of chasing me down in my car because she had never seen a barber half dollar before she had seen other old coins before but she was not familiar with the barber half dollars and she came running out and she's like I'm looking up the coin on Google and it says it's worth between like eight hundred and thirteen hundred dollars and I kind of chuckled a little bit but I walked her through it and showed it to her how that those are just like prices for like really rare like high-grade coins and stuff like that and when you type in a coin on Google or on eBay you always get a bunch of ridiculous price points but I took her to the the price guide that I use numa's media and showed her that it was worth somewhere under twenty two dollars probably and somewhere between fifteen and twenty two dollars roughly do the due to the condition that it's in which is fairly poor condition warned with a rim ding on it but um she wasn't second-guessing me she was just didn't really know anything about barber half dollars and when she was looking it up she wanted to make sure that I didn't knew potentially that it was something rare so it was it was pretty cool and I told her anyway I said if I would have got home and researched it and found out it was worth a thousand dollars I would have brought it back and we would have worked it out and split it or something so it ended up good for both of us she got to keep the 1886 New Orleans Morgan dollar I got to keep the 1910s barber half dollar which is awesome coins came to that house from all over the country and I made some really historic finds today so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and the conclusion of this story of the Morgan dollar that was returned to the original house where I found it and what happened originally was is she did call me back asking if she could purchase the Morgan dollar back from me because I think what happened in retrospect was she was a little bit strapped financially so when I had offered her $30 for it she was compelled to accept the $30 offer for the coin but then after the fact she kindly kind of had remorse of selling it to me because she wanted her husband to have it because he's a collector of old things so it turned out she to get the dollar back and we both walked away happy and she said I'm welcome back any time so thanks guys for watching take care happy treasure hunting and treat your property owners right
Channel: Treasure Quest - JD & Company Chronicles
Views: 1,000,236
Rating: 4.694088 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, Dream House, Abandoned, Detecting, Metal Detecting The Dream House, Treasure Found, Found Treasure, Metal Detecting Treasure, Abandoned Treasure, JD's Variety Channel
Id: ljll7bjOFCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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