The Beach had my GOLD | July 4th 😱

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i don't know how well you guys can see that but is it real oh yes it is real oh my gosh oh [Applause] good morning guys i don't know if you guys can see the pier over there just to my left it just turned about 4 00 a.m on july 5th and as you can still see their lighting fireworks off here and i'm obeying all traffic laws by waiting for the crosswalk and not walking through a green light red light look at that that surf rake is already out cleaning that darn beach dug on it he's not supposed to be out that early that is just insane stealing all my good stuff okay guys i got my first target right here solid 13 like a nickel [Applause] [Music] i hear clacking sweet first queen in is a nickel i'm just getting closer to the water's edge okay guys i got a high tone right here very loud like a can loud i think oh i see the penny actually i think there might be more there okay that's why it was loud it sounds like a dime all right so a penny a dime and a nickel so far you guys see all that that's a lot of change right there along with a lot of foil right there that's a whole mess of change somebody sat down and emptied their whole pocket right there all right let's see what we got i know there's quarters in here look at all that look at all that that is fantastic one piece of trash and did i hit the cycle in that whole thing there wasn't a dime to it all right let's get going we got a lot of beach to cover how about a couple of bucks in one scoop okay i'm getting high tone right here wow it's loud and the scoop oh and just another quarter i'll take it what is that thing ew seaweed okay i hate it when i feel like a booger another high tone right here i know i'm gonna run out of battery on my headlamp before it even gets light out because taking so many targets all right i don't know what that is but it's something weird can you see those coins sitting on top right here i see a penny and a dime right i mean a uh a quarter and a penny right here right on the surface let's put that in the bag and i will imagine that is a nickel go for a big old fat gold ring may not be a nickel no that's just a big rock and a nickel so i'm rocking that nickel all right okay guys i got another target right here nice high tone i thought i saw something shiny there but i think it might be a quarter or a truck or a car or something it is loud hearing something there we go that's what i thought i saw a shape of i got a new ride sweet oh look how shiny that thing is that looks goldy goldy to me look at all the green stones in there well that is some fancy bling right there i don't know how well you guys could see it trying to make it to where you guys could see it nice and goldy but we'll get you a close-up of it later all right see if they have anything else around here you guys see that shiny right there you see it shiny it's shiny i wonder what it is it actually ringing up on the knots i don't know how well you guys can see that but is it real oh yes it is real oh my gosh oh my gosh are you effing kidding me really no way i have to look right now guys oh my gosh this just made my day see if there's anything on that nice fancy clasp too see that i saw china ah i just saw china i couldn't see anything else right now so tugged on it all right well i'm going to put this in my zipper pocket i found a nice little gold chain down here saturday holy crap that thing is so happy it's got 428 diamonds in it 3.35 ounces oh my god that is so heavy all right see you later nice nice meeting you well looky there if you can't beat them join them thank you oh my gosh still cold i got it 10 i mean what is it going it comes up 20. this one comes at 10. what the heck first first stainless maybe yeah first target when i got here beautiful here's our gym beautiful there you go man i'm new at this kind of only been doing it for a year yeah well your videos you taught me so much i can't believe it oh good i'm glad i taught somebody something hey just dug a dime over there and i think i might have a nickel right here that sun coming up right behind me i hear clacking all right well i getting some change i was hoping to find some rings but hopefully my fellow detectorists who have hit other beaches today are doing better this beach is crawling with detectorists almost everybody you see except for the couple right in front of me everybody else in the beach has got a metal detector on their hand and i got this really high tone it's right here now about your grunts with it it sounds like a tent stake now now sounds like a penny it's a ring it's a ring hey i didn't go skunked i got a ring sweet it's a wave ring a little junky wave ring copper based all right well i didn't get skunked well that's the color i was looking for right there but i think it's just a i don't know is that a bead off of something had a nice detectorist right over there digging away he asked me a few questions about my mind lab i think he's using the the old whites uh surfmaster ti which i actually really like but i uh dugo what is it so out of that hole right there i got out over here and it's chiming really loud but it sounded like iron just like it sounds right here okay let's throw that out okay quiet that doesn't sound good okay but over here does all right so i got two items in the scoop okay which one was which there's a penny and then one of those uh anklet thingies all right so is that a penny no it's a dime even better ten times better look how beautiful it is getting out here today guys absolutely love it i am stopping at tower 17 and i'm going to be going into the wet and detecting all the way back to my car quarter right here quarter right there can it help me there's that quarter right there see the edge it's a ring it's a ring all right that's a good find that looks like a silver ring i got a target right here look at that that was just my footprints getting washed that's how strong this is it is actually doing a sand exchange it didn't think it was it's in the target it's in the scoop i don't want to lose anything let's just sand crab [Music] i don't see anything good yet what is that thing is that a ring oh no it's not a ring okay okay guys i got another target right here solid 11 7 8 9 10 in the wet out oh sounds awful oh crap that didn't look awful oh my goodness oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there's no stone in it that's a ring it's gonna be gold that's gonna be a gold ring that's gonna be a gold ring oh no did the stone have come out uh here at all oh gosh let's give me one big stone oh no did i lose that stone or is it already gone well i found it this way i don't see anything obvious sticking out oh my goodness i almost want to get on my hands and knees and go through all the sand because think of it it's gonna be a big stone it's gonna be gold what kind of gold is it it's 10 carat i'm not hunting if it's 14 or 18 karat i'm i'm i'm gonna dig through all that sand sal what does that say s-a-i it's coated in sand on the inside 10k 10k right there i got gold but i'm not going to worry about the stone 10 carat they're not going to put a big old fancy diamond in there like that i'm going to put that in my pocket yeah i think this loosey-goosey swing that i see from this detector is could only be one person that's got to be alex anything i got i got some some blingy bling i got a 10 karat gold ring a silver ring but nothing super good not a tiger high break but a what oh yeah that's pretty cool no turtle on there yeah you got a ring with diamonds i think it's tough oh that is nice it's a real ring for sure is it gold it's a penny another ring sweet i've never done that before dude am i doing great i've never done that before double it or roll like that holy that's two finds in a row two rings in a row right [Music] not a ring oh i was hoping you get that trifecta is it it's a turkey when you get three in a row right my turn for a silver ring or i got a quarter i think it's a quarter if he's good but i'm digging the change and he's digging the rings still sounds like a quarter there's a quarter right there nice what'd you get quarter what'd you get i don't know yet well why not another ring number four number four oh look at that oh yeah what did that ring up a low you see like a really low put on the ground 17. that gold i think it's a stacker stacker yeah meaning it goes between rings so you think it's going over and out here oh it could be well we already know you found four rings in the wet got a really loud 13 right here super loud yeah i still to wash these off and no no i'm good i i i am suffering through the day the alcohol consumption of yesterday is all my own doing so thank you oh that's pretty cool yeah i found that right over there earlier sweetie i just found that with that 10 and 12 karat gold oh my gosh yeah that is heavy it is here i don't know about that that's a beautiful gold ring yeah it is got a target right here and i'm on the other side of the pier now working my way back to the car that is a strong signal right here in the wet i'm surprised there's a single signal over here because i saw like five detectors hitting this area and alex has already called it a day i think he's gonna go home and then probably hit the harbor and my calf is killing me let's see get it this time out it's a ring it's a ring okay that is gonna be a stainless spinner ring all right better known as yunk that's a little bit different than junk so there's all the junior lifeguards over there and i don't know how many detectors you could see detecting over there as soon as i came over here everybody kind of left as far as detecting but that's what i say is shocked that i got it even at target over here and i got another one right here and my favorite number in the wet 15. now doesn't sound good you guys see it yet it's an earring i can see it now there we go see who needs a pin pointer i got a solid 13 right here maybe a pool tab since i saw 14 with it out oh nickel see the nickels sitting right up yeah worm right there all right sweet see if there's anything else around here okay guys my battery is almost dead and i got a high tone right here sounds just like a dime now help me out there a ring this ring so that's gonna be a silver ring for sure okay was that ring number five or six today i think i even see markings on there you guys might be able to see it better than me i'm exhausted it's almost 10 30 in the morning and i walked on the beach at a little bit before 4am today it's full looks sealed i'm gonna put it in the finds bag banana ice 101 50.5 alcohol by volume guys that's the beach we hit today and i am calling it a day i love my hometown huntington beach i did find a little bit of gold okay guys here's the wrap-up i dug way more trash than that but i needed to make room in my finds bag for some new nike sandals and a brand new car along with some banana ice 101 and a new modelo is actually ice cold when i grabbed it i dug 18 quarters 13 dimes 10 nickels hitting the cycle at least 10 times a handful of pennies a button that i have no idea what the heck it is i dug an earring with an sbl i think a religious bracelet a little tiny maybe faux opal earring a goldy looking bead a goldy looking earring a wave ring with a few colorful stones a faux bone ring a stainless steel spinner ring a green religious bracelet with a gold cross and some green stones and guys yes i will get you some close-ups speaking of getting close-ups of look at that bracelet guys when i pulled out of this scoop my heart was pumping then i saw the china on the back i didn't see the 925 until alex actually looked at it but it is 12 karat gold over 925 silver i do believe those are aqua marines in there i found a ladies silver ring and a men's wedding band made of silver a 10 carat gold ring that's a stunner of a ring guys i would have loved seeing it with the stone inside it oh i hope i didn't cause that to be lost i'll get you some close-ups if you like this video please click like if you'd like to see more consider subscribing ringing this bell and receive all the notifications every time i release a new video and please take a look at either one of these videos [Music]
Channel: Fun with Jim
Views: 1,268,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cpg4qtJg8WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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