OMG! i found a colonial cellar hole metal detecting that's untouched & loaded with finds

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[Music] oh look at that half a shoe buckle for him i think this is going to be a good dig [Music] well hey everybody welcome to another not thursday today is a process of elimination day i'm at a seller hole that there's this big chunk of public land years ago we visited one over there on the other side of the bog being that we are in a major drought pretty much here in new hampshire it was dry i walked right across right up to a cellar hole turned on my machine dug this so i think this is going to be a good dig oh cool it's only a piece but it's the i think it's like the it's a side panel of a crotal bell that must be tombak shined right up well i'm gonna make the call right now and say it this site has never been dug before it's my third target in minutes and uh guarantee you the reason is it doesn't look like a cellar hole it's just a a cave-in uh the classic with a pile of stacked rocks i mean we missed it years ago but couldn't get across that bog yep a button with an extremely proud shank so that's a beauty so this is what i'm talking about it's not clearly rock lined it's just the double divot you know where the center chimney was and the stack behind it that's it [Laughter] look at this another half let's see if it's a match and voila it is we have completed the shoe buckle frame maybe the innards are around this is uh 12 feet away from the first half so [Music] beautiful of big wow big chunk of bean pot dutch oven that's why the signal was so whoa cool so at this point i'm still working the uh easterly side of where the house sat one side and i tend to do that work one side for quite a bit before i just start walking around another chunk of the crotal bell right around 60. oh i think we got a big tom back oh yeah it's uh convex look at that beautiful so as i'm guessing with this site mid to late 1700s i'm guessing it wasn't here too long into the 1800s there's no improved roads out to it uh actually there's no roads out to it so there's probably a cart path somewhere off in that direction i came in from over there but this is wonderful to be able to just walk in and find things takes a long time as you guys see how many places i go and explore or i pound them and they've already been pounded so it takes time but it's the process of elimination just stood up almost the same signal oh it isn't deep oh look at this popped right out of the plug another beautiful tom back with fancy beautiful nice design and full shank drilled out gorgeous oh look at this oh wow have some beautiful green oh that is a cool buckle wow so you guys see what i did on that signal uh getting used to a large coil again is just different you guys may do this but you swing over something and then back off till the nose just tickles it and that's where you know where your edges at rocks that look like things all the time oh sweet that rang up really good but that's why when i backed up we had iron on the signal little iron knee buckle that looks awesome doesn't it but we'll check the hole again because really you don't know if something else was there that's it very cool 63-69 chunk of pewter potentially from a spoon bowl [Music] chunk of iron still in there pewter button so there we go another beautiful and old find shank is pretty much dissolving but this is great well that's an interesting wobble let's see what that is right under the root oh it is a button the uh shank must be a different material yeah very nice well this is gonna be my last target because i do have to go only had a limited amount of time today but i have found it and you know i'm coming back immediately uh same signal like characteristics as the bean pot you never know [Music] oh beautiful see you never know pewter spoon or spoon bowl let's check for the rest nope wow so you just never know what those loud you know overpowering signals that is just gorgeous all right well i don't do this often let's see what we got for the dig croto bell pieces tom back protobell irony buckle beautiful green buckle so for us out here to find that much stuff at a site is great five buttons big shoe buckle frame knee buckle proto bell pieces little green buckle pewter spoon bowl and what is the optimistic side and hopeful side all of that came out of one side so when we return tomorrow in tomorrow's video i'm gonna make the full loop and hopefully you never know there should be more stuff over there so get out and explore your world people this took me as you've seen in the last two weeks of videos a lot of hiking exploring going to site after sight that had been hit but eventually like i've said you will run out of space and you will go to places where people didn't go and that's what happened today all right until next time enjoy your knot thursday [Music] you
Channel: Not Thursday
Views: 2,497,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not thursday, new hampshire, metal detecting, Fisher metal detectors, Fisher F19 metal detector, OMG! i found a colonial cellar hole metal detecting that's untouched & loaded with finds, metal detecting a fresh site spot, colonial metal detecting, cellar hole, cellar hole metal detecting, untouched 1700s site, detecting old foundation, early settlers site, old homesite found, you won't believe it, colonial relics, 1700s relics, 1700s colonial detecting finds, buried finds
Id: i4dI4ZKNXNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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