TREASURE FOUND! Metal Detecting Dirt Basement Under Abandoned 1700's House. WOW! | JD's Variety

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this photograph was taken sometime during the 1930s based on all estimates I've seen the home site we're going to be searching today was built sometime during the mid 1700s with the federal style brick addition having been completed around 1800 or shortly thereafter you can see from these photographs what the house looked like in the 1960s before the original wood structure collapsed a few decades later these photographs reinforce my theory that the gravel driveway was added sometime in the 1950s or 60s as the oldest target I was able to locate in the driveway dated back to 1957 as for the rest the journey begins now enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the first good coin for me off of this property it was about three to four inches down yeah a 1956 wheat penny so hopefully the next old target is about 150 years or so older than this but hey still cool find I'm working the back now and as you can imagine from a property this old there's tons of old trash and iron and all sorts of stuff through here isolated a really solid target and it's a really interesting sandy soil has a little bit of clay it looks like some burned material in it too and pulled out a wheat penny a few inches down last year they made them 1958 so uh two wheat pennies we've only been here about ten minutes and I'm sure there's gonna be tons of metal objects coming out of the ground today one or two great seal' button well two old one looks like the back had busted off of it sweet fine well I found a little hangout from probably around the 1960s that 1958 wheat penny was literally just like two feet over this way I got a solid nickel signal it was only two inches down but I figured heck just dug that wheat penny right there and while the soil is amazing on these coins but that's a 1957 nickel with a really good detail on it that's incredible all right a 57 nickel right next to a 58 penny now we need to go back about 200 years we had a nice signal on that hole there right next to all these cow pats and I got what looks to be potentially a really old toe tap it doesn't look like the ones I normally dig but I'm pretty sure that's what it is pretty cool find out in the pasture now you know if it just got a nice big flat button period one looks you know colonial or butts definitely no newer than the mid 1800s so we're gonna keep looking in a hopefully we pull out something cool righty I'm onto my first period relic I got me a nice green flat button the shank is looks like it's yeah it looks like it's busted off I thought it was folded over at first doesn't seem like there's any design on that one but that is a very old find right there very happy with that still out here in the field and I got all kinds of crazy targets this is one really weird piece it's not too old because you can tell there's a chrome plating on it when I first dug it I thought it was a bell but definitely not and I got a few other bits but uh that is the oldest find of the day for me very hot for the pasture and it got a mid-tone and it looks like I have potentially a little fired musket ball looks like it may have hit something pretty solid but uh it's pretty cool fine all righty all right I got a nice five-inch signal here on the soft soil back up by the front of the house in between all the iron here now I got a nice old wheat penny it is 1920 nice old one a pretty bad signal but picked it out between the ironing fine for you some kind of bag in this manner 563 all right well that's quite interesting only about three inches down there I've been out here a couple hours now targets are pretty hard to pick out in the front with all the iron and the fields are pretty quiet but we're still finding some stuff this is too funny it's like an hour and a half later from the last time I was in this area I'm in the back again and I found like a 58 penny over in this area 57 nickel somewhere over here and had a signal between the iron and I bet you could guess it it's a 1959 Memorial it's really crusty and earlier today I found the 56 wheat so I found four different dates in a row 56 7 8 and 9 knots head backwards let's get a 55 really really really happy right now I came into the back field you can see the house behind me but over here with the cows and not just cows donkey over there I got a blast in signal that was a high tone I thought I was just gonna be more trash because it's like a trash dump back here and I'm really happy with what I just found check this out this is awesome it is the base a sterling silver base a an old hand mirror it looks like oh my gosh it is huge that is amazing right there oh my goodness that is amazing that's probably victorian-era I mean heck it could be even older but I'm going with Victorian era until I know anymore alright alright he looks on the board with an awesome token and was it staying there this token is this token has no cash or trade value a mute for amusement only cool just out here in the field where there's just all kinds of random junk and old stuff Thanks fine one of the old real mowers I actually used to use one of those what is this I think that's the cover to an old hole light maybe like a ceiling mount that used to be an accent looks like it yeah falling apart max head who knows what's down here jars Ball jars yes definitely I don't know how long ago they laid this but it's definitely from the original brick it probably could have done that well after the house was built we you know within the last hundred years maybe to keep a path through here so you didn't get your feet wet all the time it's a really muddy right over here but uh yeah I didn't realize it was so uh there were so much clearance down here I mean I can comfortably stand up so the tin can over there if they had yeah it's you know he probably can't see on the camera it's like old you know wood floorboards so if they weren't completely flushed together there could have been old coins and buttons and all kinds of stuff falling down through them cracks over the years that's where steps used to go up to the back of the house it's all gone now whoa mud dauber nests right there but they're not around this time of year glass oh yeah it's like a landscaping border thing yeah pretty crazy down here oh yeah these aren't super old but uh ball mason jars all right I think I may get the detector under here for a little bit actually I mean there's gonna be quite a bit of iron and be easier with a smaller coil because I see a few tin cans and some big pieces of iron but I mean it'd be actually pretty easy digging this time of year it's actually the it's just like mud down here if you go off the little brick path it actually be super easy to pop some stuff out but kind of hard to do on short notice you'd have to come here come down here someday and move all the big trash and like you know take it out of here and move it into one corner clear out all the big targets and then you could focus on trying to find this stuff that's underneath it so uh not sure if I'll do it I may at least give it a couple minutes just to just to see what it's like if it's even doable in its current state but anyway let's show you this again here it's crazy how they built them right there the pattern mud dauber nests crazy that one kind of stacked out towards you so let's head back out there and do a little more detecting shall we okay I'm down here in the basement digging now and obviously there's a lot of overload signals and iron and through here but I'm just picking through it not ringing up kind of like a penny just like a piece of pot metal off or something yeah there's definitely signals down here so uh let me give it a shot see if we can pull up a coin or a relic maybe I'll just shift some of the stuff out of the way and work in through the the muddy area on the sides and hopefully we find something cool but if not I just like being down here all right I'm working on that corner over there word just pulled that piece of pot metal and I felt something pretty interesting I'm actually sure what it is I thought it was a button at first but I don't think it is I thought there was a shank in the middle I don't think it's a button maybe it's an old gear out of a I don't know it's not really quite like a gear could be I don't know what it is let's just leave it at that off to clean it up it's pretty crusty hmmm alright well there's stuff down here so I'm gonna keep it a lot of the super old glass down here look at the top on that one that's definitely from an old bottle you can see down it through here I mean it's just overload signals I mean you'd pretty much have to just come down here and screen this out there's just so much stuff down here but I'll see what I can do a little bit longer with my detector got to be something else that I can pull alright got another signal right here that I was able to isolate from all the iron and nails and overload signals looks like it may be the pisto I don't know maybe like a drawer or something piece of furniture first when I pulled it out I thought it was a guy and doorbell button but I don't think it is I think it's off with some type of furniture cool your stuff under here and this is like it's like sand down under here I mean it's so easy to dig we'd love to come back here and just dig like a foot down sift it all out onto the next and I felt some kind of bone right there not sure if that's too like a rat or what I have no idea anyway right below it there I think this is a pretty old find actually it is a round piece of lead a little bit of a pattern there I don't think it's like a lead seal but it could be I have to clean it up later about three inches down here in the sand that would be something else if there's the old coin down here doing the best I can just working one that pile of glasses and working my way around here got a faint signal right on top you actually got a little brass key hole that is awesome so yeah there's some old relics down in here see that there's a piece of iron right there with two holes in it oh that's pretty strange let's go ahead throw that in the corner over here water nails down here okay got a solid signal here on top just pulling out anything non-ferrous that I can find this close to the surface and I can separate in between the iron and I wasn't expecting this it's an old lead fishing wait sweet all right moving on cooler jars not your typical mason jar Hormel good food not super old on that one but uh pretty neat nonetheless actually haven't seen that kind before I've seen all these ball jars before they're pretty common but uh yeah Hormel good food that's a neat one it's intact maybe I'll take that one and clean it off no it's it's chipped up pretty good so I'm not gonna yeah it's cracked pretty good so won't use that as a display but go on there I think let's see what this one this oh it's all busted your no writing on it like a generic one some old lawn chairs what kind of stuff here's an interesting find to change refill pull out do not twist click refill firmly in case something lustrous lipstick hey that's pretty cool that's definitely got some age on it alrighty been looking old now around through here looking for glass old glass all kinds of stuff that's the handle off of an old jug there stuff all through here mostly modern glass under the steps here you see they got this old brick fireplace out here and I've been working around the edges of here real slow cuz it's still original dirt up around the edges of it and there used to be a driveway you can kind of see where it sinks down in there it goes down around here wrapped around here that's all old gravel like here 70s 1970s tell pulled tabs in there so the gravel driveways at least probably 40 50 years old and a curve the high around and it goes around there and curves the whole way around the back of the yard so it used to make like a huge you the whole way around the property and I was down right here working by this old fireplace and I got five inches down in this sandy soil and I popped me a 1955 D wheat penne 55 so there I kept my street going it's been so many hours later like I forgot but I found all the coins different coins from 1956 to 1959 all the dates and there's a 55 all right hmm let's go for a 54 hi I'm back in behind the house now getting some shade because it's really hot out there now it was cloud cover earlier but behind the fence there is where the old dump is there's just tons and tons of garbage but it's where I found that piece of that silver hand mirror and it's not all garbage obviously I'm sure there's silver relics down in there and then the trash continues along the side on the other side of the fence to about here and then it thins out and we've been finding our old flat buttons and musket balls and things like that in the front field so you kind of have your pick you can look for old coins and relics around the house trying to find mostly the coins we're finding here like I said wheat pennies and some things older so you can try to look for coins and relics around the house you can go out onto the front field and look for more so colonial relics and then if you want to dig out the trash pit you can kind of come in back this way and just start digging all kinds of targets and CC's what see what comes up so I've been trying to figure out where they all draw the gravel driveway is and there's been so much ground work done back here from like outbuildings being torn down and like I said the driveway which is no longer it's just grass so I mean literally if you don't want to waste your time I'm just walking sticking the shovel on the ground and seeing if it's just soil or if it's gravel so I just keep walking up a little bit and testing it and this is actually in this area here is actually just normal soil so I'm gonna work in behind this a little bit here check out that Bell because it looks like that I guess the driveway stops somewhere around over the side there or who knows they may even done something else here but uh so I'm not wasting my time digging in the gravel just before I dig a hole while I'm walking around I just keep with my shovel just keep poking it in the ground and see if I hit any gravel tons old brick but yep just chilling out in the shade here for a bit see what if I can find so uh I pull anything up I'll let you know I'm working down by the fireplace again out here and got a choppy signal it sounded like a pull-tab there are a lot of pull tabs in this property in the yard area from about the 1970s got down here you can see a bunch of glass in the hole it's not really old glass but anyway right the plug looks like a doubt an old key I don't think it says anything on it pretty plain one but a little bit older I mean it's definitely down four to five inches so it's been there a while probably the 60s or something but neat fine on to the next all right I'm working up toward the front again close to the driveway and about five inches down right there in that soft soil in this section just got an awesome great seal like badger pin or something not sure what it came off of exactly but I've got a lot I didn't hit it with a shovel because I definitely would have busted in half off to research that see if it's maybe World War one in World War two oops yeah sweet fine we all got sent with a great seal on it today that's pretty crazy we are running out of daylight you know right in the front here Vic just found a skeleton key it's missing the end of it but I still can't find nice one it was a long day of swinging and I'm just gonna get right into it show you soon the fines it took me a long time to clean this up and short that sort through all the trash I filled up about 10 pounds for the trash in that hotel trashcan there and I got the vast majority of the good stuff laid out here so I'm just gonna jump right in I got a bent-over harmonica Reed these are all the old wheat pennies there's 1955 1956 1958 1920 and that's in the 1959 Memorial 1957 nickel no mint mark on that one this coin at this coin came out of the old gravel driveway so we're thinking May they put the gravel down maybe in the some time in the 1960s because that's kind of like the oldest stuff that came out of the gravel got a little like clock gear a brass toe tap that's a pretty old relic right there that could potentially be colonial not certain but very old anyway a not-so a little creaky probably you know wrong same time as those wheat pennies ish some clad coins they're not too many in the property a little strange piece of lead that came from the dirt basement I found this tag here banner 563 I'm not sure exactly what the house for I found that piece in the basement we found that obviously that awesome handle to a hand mirror just amazing and it's it's completely filled with dirt but that is sterling silver smells like rotten eggs if you know from the that sulfur kind of smells that it's definitely sterling silver awesome piece of silver I love that I'm guessing that's kind of around the Victorian era there I got the little musket ball it's kind of in a weird shape kinda looks like a little flying saucer old musket ball oh my got two flat buttons they're fairly plain no crazy designs on them that one have the shanks kind of bent in and out this one it's also fairly plain as well the shanks busted off of that one very old flat buttons there I got that iron ring I just wanted to show that porcelain insert to a mason jar lid I like when you find them complete I got the that lipstick tube and uh it still got the lipstick and it as I was cleaning it out how well you can see that down in there but they're still like you know like red down in there and when I was cleaning out you could definitely say pink in the sink so that's pretty interesting old lipstick tube with all the most of the lipstick still stuffed down in there I've got a really old rivet there this I'm thinking is like the guts to a pocket watch it's got the little circle there which may have had a little hand in there and maybe one around here pretty crusty that was in that dirt basement as well I'm thinking that maybe piece of an old center piece of like an old wash I'm not certain I got nice brass D buckle a little piece of the iron pin still on that there I got this your world war one world war two i think it's world war two i think a piece off of maybe a hatpin or it could be like worn on the collar not 100% certain on this but it looks like the pieces that may have been on one of the old hat pins very fortunate i didn't hit this with a shovel or and it didn't break because it's fairly thin I can't believe all them years under the ground is still intact really an amazing condition too it's a really nice relic there it's a fishing sinker this three merry widows price one dollar if you don't know what that is look it up I'm not gonna say on the video here I got this so not sure what it came off of that's a pretty interesting piece there and then projectiles lots of not very old bullets that hit things that are very solid and all of those brass shell casing tons of projectiles that is about it so there's an awesome hook today gonna be doing a little bit hunting tomorrow so I'm gonna get a shower brush my teeth go to bed and I will see you guys tomorrow see ya I wanted to show this real quick because it's pretty funny this is a tiny little shell casing and um is it just me or is that an acorn on the end of it I don't know maybe I'm seeing things comment below and tell me is that an acorn weird
Channel: JD's Variety Channel
Views: 430,474
Rating: 4.3536096 out of 5
Keywords: Treasure Found, Metal Detecting, Dirt Basement, Found Treasure, 1700's House, Detecting, JD's Variety Channel, Basement, Abandoned, Abandoned House, Treasure Found in House, Metal Detecting Abandoned House
Id: 3MZjohAzsdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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