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this week on the hoover boys it's upper 80s on my machine muck beef diver whatever you get thirty one thirty two oh that's a quarter then right yeah it should be well we thought the last one was gonna be a silver quarter this could be another bound that's good yeah it's down in there down in there it's down in oh oh there it is completely on edge good morning hoover family brand new farm today and i'm pretty excited to get going uh muck actually set this up yesterday this is a place that he's had in his sights for a little while beautiful old farm field gorgeous old house and there used to be a few other things on this property there may have been another two houses on this property and a store so it's not a huge huge field but we're gonna have a good time today i can feel it um i'm pretty sure we're gonna find an iron patch or two so i'm actually running with the new viper coil it's the same height as the stock coil but it's only six inches wide so i'm hoping that's going to help if we get into the iron patches that we think we're going to get into i don't normally cut an intro before we start detecting i usually find a few things make sure the site's good but i have very good suspicions this is going to be a special day let's have some fun save some history already well we went all the way across the field finding shotgun shelves and wire and things hit an iron patch and found some clad so we kept going came back to the iron patch a little more clad more shotgun shells and mark said he thought he had a memorial and it's a cop absolutely that is the right stuff right there yep i'm not thumbing it i will bring it up to you you know you want to thumb it i don't it's bad luck to thumb the mux coins is it i don't know more made up stuff as brad says but yeah we we we both have some taco money that's a slick side that's why we haven't got a bus or something we didn't didn't live dig this one no maybe not maybe the next one and clean it up a little bit more oh looks like might have a little bit of something on that one side looking thin oh well we know it's a very early copper coin that's a great sign we know they're here all right hopefully the first of many yeah man all right well hopefully it's not clad but it's definitely a coin signal a tight high 80s it's been about 30 seconds after he popped this copper but we haven't found the memorials in this area nice club 87.88 it could be flat quarters there it is right there silver yes sir let's read it i do believe it's reading yeah well we said we're gonna whip some food today but i told you all right let me get it out first then whip some food all right let me go back down here and take a look at it what we got be something ridiculous that's ridiculous no through required bro right on let's see the date 42 silver taco money that is the silver taco buddy hey i'll take it i'll take a washington all right i mean it's still early in the year so besides my coin star mercury dime i think that's only my seconds over this year nice though silver quarter that works 1942. talking money maybe years ago yeah right as we're gonna be yeah this place hasn't lit up yet we are finding stuff mostly junk he's got a nice deep coin signal here i was beeping low 80s low mid 80s on the max what numbers are we getting on the knots 24 yet that adds up down in there on the surface right there oh it's old key just pop right out there there you go wait nice for one of the more wind-up toys definitely you know gas key or something or a water key could be definitely something desirable which is nice yeah i like it it's a nice relic absolutely i haven't seen too many rocks today i did get some some clock internals you know an alarm clock huh that's a big brass signal i was digging out of that tree okay yep so there's stuff here right on just not a ton of it besides the nails i gotta be making so much noise what hey now that 80 yeah there's a house right across the street uh 83 84. hoping for a silver dime definitely in coin range in the hole maybe a deep copper we are right oh right by the road this is deep copper how about them beans well a384 thinking matron i don't think major maybe american it's definitely crunchy oh i almost looks like there's fire damage on this side 83. so far this this coil has been pretty nice uh let me toothpick this one we'll be back well there's the reverse the one cent not a whole lot coming through it is a matron head large scent and it is in 1818 i had to loop it the uh corrosion's pretty crusty on there but i am very happy with the copper and an id and while i was cleaning this coin it's a 82 i believe oh i just dropped my copper nice good thing we have metal detectors 1882 indian headset it is an episode not a bad looking indian this is grass we're in right here it's like a very long extended front yard where i guess the uh the storefront used to be yeah man congratulations it is an episode congrats to you oh there it is at least didn't hit my shovel i will be giving her a little kissy yeah we're working this and there's there's definitely stuff in here you say you got the trifecta bro call this a us large scent no you see you got a memorial wheatie an indian and well here's a large scent there we go you need to get one of these yep i just got a signal here right in that indian range the october mark was like i want an indian i think it is fill out right there [Music] it's definitely in that range [Music] and yes sir we do have an indian looks kind of orange is it a fatty it might be a smooth fatty let me get two hands on it hopefully it cleans up better than that well she definitely cleaned up nice it's weird that the orange is coming through because like the fatties are made of uh 88 copper and has 12 nickel the orange usually comes through this is a 1900 so this one's more of the bronze indian but there's orange coming through patina's coming off beautiful little indian well because of all the other signals in here this sounded good but it didn't sound like it does now once i popped the plug so i popped the plug 8788 [Music] then i slowly revealed a silver edge looks like another quarter another washington don't know yet definitely read it no it's me a barber dude we get to whip the food today let's whip that foo how about it the back looks pretty pretty fresh law recorder baby 1892 first year of all recorded as close to seated bro oh yeah nice dark staining on this side i think that'll clean up nice though recorder lady liberty looks like a dude but she still deserves a kiss they can't all be pretty you like kissing dudes [Laughter] look at the details on this coin you can see everything it was definitely lost very close to 1892. never meant meant it in philadelphia it's got a very weird like staining on it almost looks like the coins swoop we get out of the river in like salt water very weird 1892 full liberty very little wear i do like the back of the barbers that is beautiful we often get asked how we find these sites well mark found this one on an old map it was on an 1877 map shared a store here a house here this house the church the other buildings around here so we know this place is here in at least 1877. and i just found the first flat button so that's a good sign of the older things like his copper my large scent i don't the vehicles go by definitely a good sign of the older stuff in here too so that's why we're finding sort of a mixed bag of things all right well you wander across the driveway so what's going on here a little hem weight actually i haven't seen a hem wait in a while anything else in there you got another indian yeah another indian i got another indian with three and you got something in your hole here i do in the hole or out of the hole oh it's in the hole nice relic that's that's old clock key i'm guessing what they do with the old grandfather clock they lost the key i guess that's what that is i haven't found too many of those that's pretty cool i'm i'm liking this site man yeah i'm liking it all the way yes sir yes yes sir well we did a big loop out in the field went back to the trucks had a little lunch and not much out in the fields very quiet so we came back to the grassy area in front of the old house and we wonder where the nickels were today i did get a jefferson nickel before lunch but a little sideways action right there definitely a nickel v it is a v nickel i do believe i see some stars on that side is there a v on this side i do believe so liberty head nickel or a v nickel and that's why five cents v since kind of hard to see the date because it's got a little line throughout but i think it might be in 1899 maybe quite possibly so i did pick up another indian after the v nickel this sounds like a deep coin i'm hoping a shiny one it's good it's it's it's up there it's in the 80s mostly on my machine but uh it definitely sounds like a deep coin i'm hoping a deep shiny coin how about a 20 cent piece right in the range of that huh buddy uh yep oh you can see the impression here oh there's gonna be a deep memorial oh is that it there silver dime one dime how about that oh it's seated or barber seated what do you think buddy seated pops and for the day come on this one oh here comes the reveal seated baby yes sir dude i mean we were just saying like there's gotta be seated in here oh that was satisfying come on give me the whip all right let's get in here for the date reveal oh it's pretty 91 last year oh you can't see don't ask me i'm blind any mint i don't believe so we got a first year barber and a last year seated today sweet close up time i was going in the mouth now you can't touch it there's not too many games i like playing while metal detecting more than the one dime game beautiful little coin 1891 sorry i'm shaking a little bit all liberty there a little wear on the face piece we won't hold it against her she is getting a kiss we're in the grass to stay buddy i'm not leaving this grass so they kicking me out your turn bro get the half get the morgan working on it i mean there's a store here we're in between a store and an old house right in the front yard and it's paying off having a blast today oh you turned the light on again bro that wasn't me more made up stuff i told you i can't see this is another deep silver sound it sounds steep and it sounds it sounds good sounds a lot better in my headphones but it's breaking up a little bit because it is deeper signal i think it's a silver quarter yeah yeah well if it's a silver quarter it's a deep one trying to go easy it's got to be down in there let's just roll it you know what i better be hopeful let me just make sure it's not something little in here oh it's just silver time on edge nice that that did not sound like that no it didn't sound a little bit deeper than that for sure it's definitely on edge another merc it's a merc dude that was just odd that was all the way weird [Music] i'm glad i went for the plug instead of deeper in the hole it's definitely a shiny day 37. do a close-up of that you're next buddy oh yeah you gonna find some silver today or what no i'm gonna try find the gold coin stop digging them all [Music] that was odd i mean even mark said it sounded like a deep quarter it's because i mean it was shallow on edge 1937 wing liberty mercury dime no mint now i'm working on a dime trifecta and a quarter trifecta that's cool mark's gonna mess it up he's gonna find a seated quarter and a barber dime i hope so he's due i'll kiss that one too i hate when i rhyme i try not to rap trying to get out of the rap game i spit hot fire well muck has found two v nickels and two buffalo nickels and this sounds like another deep silver sounds like it it's upper 80s on my machine muck beach diver what were you getting 31.32 oh that's quarter then right yeah it should be well we thought the last one was gonna be a silver quarter this could be another dime that's good yeah it's down in there down in there it's down in oh oh there it is completely on edge cool it's a quarter i told you this is gonna be the seated one you think oh yeah oh i probably it is dude how about that holy cow i told you so what i did was when i flipped it i must have moved it on edge you think yeah because i was swinging over and i couldn't hear dude i just got a seated quarter you did a quarter trifecta for the first time ever how about that so you were supposed to find this in a barber down does that mean i'm going to find the barber dime too probably holy chaos oh wow it's on my third seated quarter ever 54 with arrows so i mean it's got the rays in the back or is it 53. no no raise how freaking beautiful is that though unspanking believable [Music] yeah well i don't want to be the silver hoe that i'm being silver hoe i mean that's a good title i can only dig the signals that i'm beeping it's all good this is this is my yard machine so yeah one yes sir yes sir my yard coil for sure sweet third seed of the year i got a half dollar quarter and a dime and it's february yep all right take your camera back i'm done with you muck just said i'm in timeout sorry i'm a little shaky uh no mint it's a philadelphia this is a gorgeous coin 1854 with arrows i do believe the errors mean they had less silver in them than the ones without arrows i guess they were running low on silver on those years another indian i can't believe this day it's my sixth silver i need some cleaning but i didn't have a chance to wipe it yet i just want to see it as a it's a fun date 70 something 1888 a cigar and a six-pack nice heck yeah right on what a freaking sight man holy cow all right i think i lied to you it's five silvers today see what's going on here here's my my quarter trifecta first time ever i've completed that seated dime that's a good looking box five indians in there i do have a cracker jack token from 1930. george washington crackerjack token pretty awesome born in virginia father of this country wow i wasn't kidding i'm in timeout mark sent me back to the trucks for supplies we're about a quarter mile that way hopefully he's got something shiny by the time i get back what a day you ever have one of those days where you got metal detected and in the morning you're just wrecking shop in the afternoon you don't find anything or like it takes you all day you don't find anything and then right when the sun goes down you get on a hot spot and you start tearing stuff out of the ground well this was neither one of those days this place kept producing throughout the afternoon and i have so much footage from this day that we're actually gonna cut this into two episodes so we're gonna cut this episode short right here hope you guys join us next week to see all the other things we find in the wrap up from the site it's impressive we filled the board up with coins and relics from this site have you guys join us then and until then help clean up the ground dig it all and take your trash with ya why because all holes matter see you next week oh that's a ladle i don't know i didn't push it sabotaging the camera wasn't me [Music] you
Channel: The Hoover Boys
Views: 464,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, general store, loaded, coins, coin spill, rare coins, old coins, silver coins, gold coin, gold, silver, treasure hunting, finds, gold coins, best finds, rare, valuable, treasure, jewelry, coin collecting, Real treasure, Incredible, Historical, Old, Deep, Unbelievable, Amazing, Revolutionary war, Civil war, Big silver, Silver spill, Dime, Penny, Large cent, 1700’s, Wow, Funny, The Hoover Boys, Metal detector, plantation, treasure map, battle, currency, omg, virgin, farm, church, 1800's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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