Unexpected Victories | Victor Jackson

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we are so grateful to have evangelist victor jackson with us this weekend his wife louisa james asher and his sister luisa's birthday today so can we give her a hand and we wish her a very happy birthday i just can't believe that it's been two years since they were here with us it's just almost impossible to to imagine that but they are here in the will of god tonight tomorrow morning and if your heart is open and ready to receive god will speak to you tonight and tomorrow morning if you're ready to receive if you ask you shall receive if you seek you shall find if you knock the door is going to be open are you ready to receive the word of the lord tonight would you magnify the lord right now is brother jackson comes to minister to us tonight [Applause] oh can you clap your hands to the lord one more time [Music] praise god [Applause] presence of the lord is in this place isn't it and uh the last time i was here i think revival started on like a wednesday or something and i was like man i came here it was like mid-january i was like i came here and i can't believe there's no snow i said i came here looking for snow and there's no the next day it snowed all day the trucks weren't ready uh spent some time with fellowship at pastor inzi's house uh their driveway is on a bit of an incline it took me like 25 minutes to get out of his driveway can you believe it snow just god's like you on snow huh you can't even drive in snow you can't even you can't even park in snow and uh but i tell you what i'm so thankful to have the privilege to get to come back and uh you guys know me by now i just uh try to follow the holy ghost and don't do the same thing every time i'm not predictable and that could be a good or bad thing praise god but last time i was here there were so many miracles that happened people were getting healed and we prayed specifically for uh people that had been barren heard god's just been opening up wombs people are having babies miraculous miraculous and uh man we're just so happy to be here i give honor to pastor enzi and his wife and family we love and appreciate them so much and uh they're examples of faithfulness and commitment they're such a great example to me and my wife and uh we honor them and appreciate them so much uh so thankful for bishop kirk and his family we love and appreciate you so much thank you for your commitment your love for the kingdom your love for people i honor you so much and commend every one of you and i got to meet pastor josue and brother john and so thankful to get to meet them looking forward to fellowship give honor to my beautiful wife louisa and my son james asher i was gonna sing happy birthday but you know uh don't want there to be a mass exodus out of the room when i try to start singing but i'm so thankful uh we get to travel everywhere together and such a huge blessing she is to my life and let's get into this let's get into this uh let's open up our bibles to the book of genesis chapter 3. um you know i had some things that i wanted to come and preach you know i had something i wanted to preach tonight and literally i'm on the airplane and the lord's like uh you ain't preaching that and he just began to whisper in my ear and begin to drop some things into my spirit and i pray this will be a blessing to you i'm just thankful to see people hey man you ever thought you would just wake up and thank god for that just like oh wow i saw someone today i had to preach in my office so thankful for the patience of your pastor because i did an online thing with you guys i had my phone on like 20 bibles in my office the phone was diagonal i'm like praise god everybody terrible backdrop my voice echoing all over your passwords just smiling just i was like this guy really loves me he just he knows i'm battling but he's behind me a hundred percent praise god [Applause] and uh and i had to start preaching at night because i was preaching in the afternoons but my neighbors were walking their dogs and i think i was scaring them off because i was screaming in my house i'm surprised they didn't call the cops on me said hey that guy in there said he's gonna kill somebody named lucifer [Music] so i just started preaching at night when everybody went to bed and i said you know what let me i need to upgrade i didn't know what was going to be in quarantine this long amen you know i thought it was two weeks praise god and so i was like but i've got to up my game since it's lasting for a little bit so i got a black backdrop i was like oh the backdrop's nice but i still got my 20 bibles with my iphone and so then i got the umbrellas with the lights on both sides y'all not hearing me out there i became a professional overnight praise god amen i figured it out uh genesis chapter 3 and i would i want to go straight into i'll just get straight into it i was going to read a few things and i'll get straight to the point here um [Music] genesis chapter 3 verse 7 and you guys know every message i preach is just a little different and doesn't follow the same flow but the most important thing is hearing from god right so we'll see what the lord does here genesis chapter 3 verse 7 verse 6 rather let's go to verse 6. [Music] and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took up of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord amongst the trees of the garden the lord god called unto adam and said unto him where art thou and he said i heard thy voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself and he said who told you that you were naked hast thou eaten of the tree wherefore whereof i commanded thee that thou should does not eat and the man said the woman whom thou gave is to be with me she gave me of the tree and i did eat the lord god said unto the woman what is this that thou has done the woman said the serpent begowed me and i did eat and the lord god said unto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly thou shall go and thus shalt thou eat all the days of thy life verse 15 last scripture this is going to be where i draw my thought and i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed and it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel and i want to preach on this subject this evening unexpected victories unexpected victories why don't you lay your bibles down where you're at and lift up your hands where you are and let's ask the lord to do exactly what he wants to do today lord jesus i thank you for your spirit i thank you for your anointing lord let the power of god flow in this house lord i'm nothing without you i humble myself before you i pray that your spirit touches every heart and every life lord i humble myself before you i'm nothing without you we're nothing without you but god if your spirit can come down and do something special if you can guide every thought every word every response if you can place an anointing on them if you can transform them from the inside out god will give you all the praise we'll give you all the glory we'll give you all the honor that is due unto your name in jesus name amen can you clap your hands to the lord come on with expectation can you just come on somebody let your voice out [Applause] hallelujah praise god amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord give honor to the media team who i've been calling the heroes of the hour working hundreds of hours behind the scenes throughout this pandemic i give honor to you and what about this amazing worship team the singers and musicians thank you so much for leading us into the presence of god unexpected victories whenever we think of victory all of us come to our own conclusions on how victory is supposed to be and when we have such a tunnel vision in regards to victory we will overlook victory that is right under our noses where you think victory is coming from this place victory has a habit of sneaking up behind you and not only sneaking up behind you but actually being behind you for five to ten months you not even knowing it's there we have tunnel vision things that we think it's supposed to be how it is supposed to happen many times it comes from an incorrect view of scripture incorrect interpretation of scripture incorrect lens to see the word of god through one of the most often quoted scriptures and often misquoted scriptures is roman chapter 8 and verse 28. romans chapter 8 verse 28 look what it says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose we like to quote this scripture wrong it's our favorite scripture to quote wrong because we like to say all things work together for our good. see how we sneak that in there we don't even notice doing come on all things work together for our good that that's not what the bible says and if you think that's what the bible says you're going to misinterpret what god was trying to do in this scripture it says and we know all things work together for good does it say our good doesn't say you're good it just says good now my question is now whose definition of good is this because you and i have different perceptions of what good is based on our upbringing background our history our lives so whose definition of good is this it can't be our definition of good it must be god's definition of good for instance if i was homeless my whole life and you blessed me with the shed a shed about this big i'm gonna come in that shed and i'm gonna just be like man god's good but if i've been living in a mansion my whole life and i lost everything and you come bless me with that same shed i'm gonna look at this shed and be like this is a curse see you and i have different perceptions of what good is determined by our background so it's not our definition of good in the text it is god's definition of good amen and the greek word good here is a gafos which literally means intrinsically good it's what happens on the inside that makes the trial good so the success of a trial is not the outcome but it's what you become in the trial that makes it successful so even if you lose everything god used it to make you more like him and that is the greatest victory you can ever partake of when you take on the divine nature of jesus amen you are becoming something in your trial you are becoming something in your pain you are becoming something in your affliction you are becoming something in your storm and even if he doesn't turn the situation around at least he's turning me around come on somebody and maybe i may not have victory in that situation but i got victory down in my spirit i got victory down in my soul i got a joy unspeakable [Applause] the devil doesn't know what to do with somebody in the middle of a pandemic they're clapping their hands unto the lord the devil doesn't know what to do with somebody it's walking with peace and victory come on somebody because my victory is not determined by what's happening on the outside i am being conformed into the image amen amen i am being conformed into the image of god and if i become like him i can't lose if i can have him by my side i can't lose and as long as i have him in me but the devil attacks me he better be careful because god don't like his child being attacked and he will step up in a moment oh i better remember it's the first night of revival praise god it's saturday night but something's pulling me in the holy ghost i am preaching to somebody that you have been looking for the victory in your situation but there has been victory happening right under your nose but it's time to tune into what god has been doing behind the scenes and you're going to come out of your trial with power you're going to come out of your trial with joy you're going to come out of your trial leaping and shouting and you're not gonna walk the same you're not gonna talk the same you're not gonna clap the same you're not gonna love the same you're not gonna do the same things why because something has been taking place in me agathos intrinsically good it's what's happening on the inside that makes this all bearable come on somebody because some of us could have blew up a few times in 2020 but it's like that meme says when you're about to say something the holy ghost puts his hand over your mouth he's a keeper hallelujah uh we know that all things work together for good agathos intrinsically good to them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose so the focus is not your situation the focus is what's happening internally look at it verse 29 for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that's the goal the goal is that god is using everything that comes into your life to conform you into the image of his son and there's nothing that the devil can do but help you be like him come on somebody every time he attacks you you just gotta say thank you devil you're just making me more like him you know what you're just pushing me to pray more you're just pushing me to pass more you're just pushing me to trust more you're just pushing me to hold him tighter come on somebody clap their hands i feel the holy ghost unexpected unexpected victories the victories that you don't even notice you don't even notice what's happening you don't even realize what god's doing behind the scenes whoo in the text that i read to you we see adam and eve getting themselves into a situation that they were not supposed to be in they were not designed to be in that situation they were designed to live victorious they were designed to walk in the blessing and the anointing of god it's interesting that in genesis it starts with man in eden and that by the end of genesis in genesis 50 man's in egypt in one book he started in eden but he ended in a coffin in egypt joseph did started with life thriving by genesis 50 now the man of god's in the coffin in egypt the quick down spiral happened after this moment of obedience and when it happened and i could go and it's so tempting to go super deep into it but i don't it's saturday night i don't want to take all your time praise god you tempted me though see you help me you know some people question they say well why did god put the tree in the middle of the garden here's why it's because god's love language is obedience and as long as adam and eve did not eat of the tree it expressed their love toward god notice that all of mankind fell into sin watch this you go here it is they fell into sin here it is for eating a piece of fruit what jackson does that mean if i eat a pineapple i'm gonna die no but there may be consequences if god told you not to eat it see the power is not the substance of what the fruit was it was what it represented it says if god said don't touch a blade of grass and they touch the blade of grass they're in sin but it's interesting because adam and eve were in sin we all believe that right but listen they never lied they never they never they never stole they never committed adultery they never murdered anybody but they were in sin and then according to our standards we would say well they're going to heaven they never lie they never stole they never murdered they're good people oh lord but you see man looks at the outward appearance but god looks on the heart and jesus said it's the inside that defiles a man but we have minimized sin to an outward expression alone so somebody lies and you're like well you're in sin but god looking at you and say hold on you've got pride in your heart and you're just as much as sin amen they sin and the first thing that they did was they hid themselves they hid themselves and i love it in verse 8 because the bible says they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and god called unto man i love this about god is that when man messed up god didn't turn his back on man god didn't say you know what i gave you one chance you messed up i'm out of here no the bible says he came looking for them he said where are you because i still got a plan for you i still got a promise for you i still got a future i don't care how much you messed up i don't care how much you almost gave up there is a god that's calling your name saying where are you i got a plan amen will you mess up god doesn't just look at you and say you see now i've got a judge you know he likes coming around and looking for where you are he likes stepping in the middle of your pain just to give you a promise of future victory look when it seems hopeless when it seems like you can't make it he'll step down right in the middle of it that's what the holy ghost is the holy ghost is a comforter the greek word paraklete which literally means the divine presence coming alongside to help you when you get the holy ghost i feel like preaching right now what the holy ghost is a comforter it comes down where you are to assist and help you when you fall god doesn't stand above you it says come up here what's wrong with you no he comes right into your mess and he sits down with you and says we're gonna get out of this together you're gonna come out better than you went in you're gonna come out stronger they mess up but he comes the presence of god comes into their mess up with the intent to rectify the situation with the intent to change the situation and the bible says the first consequence the first thing that he told the enemy was he said i'm going to put enmity between the in the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel right in the middle of a mess up god released the greatest prophecy right in the middle of failure god released the greatest potential he released the messianic prophecy the greatest prophecy in the bible the seed of the woman is going to bruise the head of the serpent that's what they call the proto-evangelon the first good news which was a prophecy that jesus would come through the loins of eve and destroy the works of the devil in the middle of their problem he gave them a promise in the middle of their failure he gave them a seed and every failure there's always a seed of restoration there's always a way to get back on track ah amen y'all y'all are hungry for the point so y'all pulling this out of me y'all hungry you're like it's a yeah i know something's coming brother jackson i know something's coming well i got to tell you what it is because the prophecy was that jesus would come through uh eve's loins and destroy the work of the devil it was a prophecy of calvary it was a prophecy of the cross that the seed of the woman is going to bruise the head of the serpent and it says that that the serpent is going to bruise his heel that was a prophecy of the death of jesus that was a prophecy of the cross and it's very interesting that when jesus was on the cross being mocked all around when they put those nails in his hands and those nails in his feet remember that not one of his bones were broken they put that nail right in a place called the list frank space line in your feet and if you can put it in such a spot that when it goes through it doesn't break a single bone put it through and when they put it through the pain that jesus was enduring on that cross while he had the crown of thorns blood all over his brow blood all over him feeling forsaken by everybody the disciples had forsaken him he's on the cross bleeding for mankind he's crying out he's thirsty he's suffering for the sin he feels the weight of the sin of mankind he feels the weight of the curse of mankind jesus was not a liar but on the cross the bible says he became sin for us he wasn't a liar but on the cross he became a lie he wasn't an adulterer but on the cross he became adultery he became sin for every single one of us while he was on that cross filling all the pain that you and i should have felt good going to hell in judgment because of our disobedience but it's interesting while he's on that cross while he's on that cross with d with tears while he's on that cross in agony ah these researchers stay a doctor stephen martin he said it this way that whenever these people were on the cross they would literally have to bring up their body to get breath and they would die from respiratory failure or their heart would burst either their lungs would burst or the heart would burst because they're in a bent over position and they would use their arms to lift up they'd have to lift up on the cross and to just breathe a little bit and then go back down again breathe come up and then go back down again and they said one of the greatest ways to breathe was that the the people on the cross that they would straighten their knees meaning they would push up off of the nail and when they would push up off of the nail to breathe they'd come back down again push up off of the nail to breathe come back down again and it would just be a tormenting process while his back is getting ripped by that cross but it's interesting what they found out these researchers and what these doctors said that as he's going up and down his heels are on the cross and as his heels are going up on that cross the flesh on those hills are getting ripped and getting bruised and while he's getting bruised i feel like preaching right now while he's gasping for air he's getting victory i gotta preach to somebody that's been going through a struggle you've been gasping for hair you've been doing whatever it takes to survive and you didn't realize while you're in a battle while you're in the pain while you're crying out there is victory happening under your feet i wish somebody would clap if you believe that i wish somebody would shout if you believe that come on i wish somebody would open up their mouth and give glory to god in the middle of it hey they're mocking him saying if you're the king of israel come off of the cross while he's being mocked while he's being misunderstood while he's bleeding while he's just gasping to get a breath of fresh air while he's feeling forsaking by everybody he was getting unexpected victory because those hills were getting bruised and as long as those hills were getting bruised there was an assurance that victory is coming victory is on its way and i come to tell somebody that's been in the middle of a storm i come to tell somebody has been gasping for air i come to tell somebody that's been overwhelmed with pressure i come to tell somebody that may have lost your job you may have lost a family member you may have lost somebody close to you in 2020 while you're gasping for hair while your muscles are tense your heel is being bruised and you can be sure there's victory happening right in the middle of everything going on oh there's victory there's victory happening right in the middle of everything you're going through and the worst moment in his pain he defeated pain you're not hitting it in his weakness he was defeating weakness in his struggle he was defeating the struggle the same is happening for you the same is happening for you in your pain you are defeating pain in your hurt you are defeating hurt come on somebody in the middle of it all you're still getting victory you know what the greatest sign of victory is look where you are today in the middle of everything that you've been through come on somebody that is a great sign that there's something that's coming [Applause] we talk about what he went through physically but you got to think about it he was the god man the theanthropos the god the god man he he felt what you felt he wept at lazarus tombs he was touched with the feelings of our infirmities we don't talk about the psychological pain that was coming into jesus mind while he was battling on that cross and that's where you and i can relate because you've been in psychological warfare for this past year you've been battling with your mind come on somebody who am i ministering to you've been battling with depression you've been battling with anxiety you try to keep a smile on your face like nothing's wrong but you've been crumbling under the weight of pressure you try to act like everything's okay you try to lead your family and smile and try to play games with the kids and try to let them know nothing's wrong but in your mind you've been in such a battle you've been wondering are you ever going to see the light of day am i ever going to be able to breathe without being afraid to die am i ever going to be able to have an authentic smile with all the hell that i've been going through and you have not seen a light at the end of the tunnel you've been in the same situation for a while and you've been wondering is victory ever coming and god's looking at your heels and he's saying you don't understand while you're in the middle of this struggle you are defeating the struggle where your kids won't have to deal with it like you're dealing with it and the next generation won't have to go through it like you've gone through that oh somebody lift up your hands to the lord for a moment oh hallelujah uh there's unexpected unexpected victories in this house come on lift up those hands somebody talk to the lord for a moment oh god you're still here in the middle of it all oh hallelujah it's a miracle you're here in the middle of it all oh it's a miracle you got a sound mind in the middle of it all you got a sound mind in the middle of the struggle oh in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah by the time they laid that body in the tomb it was bruised and blistered and flesh exposed flesh and it was a sure sign death is being defeated is that amazing he died so death could be defeated that's ironic how do you defeat death well i'm gonna die what yes yes i become it to get victory over it i go through it to get power over it oh help me holy ghost i may have gone through depression but depression doesn't have power over me i've got power over depression i may have dealt with anxiety in 2020 but guess what anxiety is gone and guess who came out on the other side me and my family came out on the other side and we've got dominion over every spirit unexpected unexpected we have a hand if i'm helping somebody with a hand if i'm helping somebody you didn't even realize it you didn't even realize you were walking in victory you didn't even realize it you didn't even realize the things that god was preserving in you while you were going through it you didn't realize the things that he was putting into your spirit while you were battling you could only see the battle but you didn't realize underneath the battle there was a seed of victory that was beginning to blossom with your tears and as those tears began to water that seed victory began to blossom and begin to blood and you haven't seen it yet because you're waiting for the whole tree but god said look at the seed there's leaves on it come on there's hope on it there's something growing on it and it's going over power here's what i love here's what i love about what jesus did on that cross for us oh help me the bible says that through him we are more than conquerors through him we're more than conquerors here's my question how do you become more than a winner y'all gonna throw me out of here tonight he said we're more than congress hold on once how do you become more than a winner because when you win you win he said you're more than a winner what do you mean god what he's saying is look you didn't just beat the devil ten to one you beat the devil a hundred trillion to nothing it wasn't even close i said when you gonna come out of this you're gonna say devil it wasn't even close you tried to make me backslide you weren't even close you tried to make me lose my mind oh i gotta break down the word of god for you tonight think about it more than a conqueror more than a conqueror look what it says in the in the bible revelation that that we overcome him by what the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony hold on i thought the blood was enough the blood is enough the blood already takes care of everything but he said you overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony god already got all the victory but he wants you to just rub it in the devil's face and just start testifying and say devil the blood took care of you a long time ago and let's take because god said i don't just want to win i want you to start speaking and tell the devil that he wasn't even close to defeating your family just got to start talking you got the victory you just got to start talking you just got to start talking my family and i we are overcomers we're going to come out of this better than we went in we're coming out of this with the anointing of the holy ghost we're gonna come out of this dancing leaping shouting we're coming out of this with fresh fire we're coming out of this with fresh direction the devil doesn't know what to do with somebody it's testifying while they're going through it oh and the bible says jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before him he doesn't know what to do with people that are speaking joy while their heels are getting torn apart he doesn't know what to do it victory victory you're more than a conqueror it's not even gonna be close oh you thought you was gonna backslide no he's not even close you got too much anointing for that come on be serious come on you got too much holy ghost in you oh help me lord when the devil presses you down you know what pushes back up the holy ghost pushes back up oh lord he can press down the flesh as much as he tries to but sooner or later the holy ghost in you is gonna speak up on your behalf and i heard the word say greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i wanna i wanna break it down are you all excited man i love the word of god man the word of god just blows my mind i just i don't even know what to do hey man i just i just get up and start talking i'm like god i don't know praise god here i go amen here we go lord wish me luck uh it's just so beautiful it's just it's it's a keeper isn't it that's what's helping you have peace in the middle of everything because all this stuff has been prophesied hasn't it and victory's also been prophesied hadn't they so look we good as long as i stay connected to him we good let me ask you a question how many uh you see there's people here that that feel like they don't have anything to offer god that they don't have anything to offer the world uh you feel like you feel like nothing and so you when everybody when you when people start talking about victory you start looking at everybody but you you're like hey victor is coming hey victor is coming and you're like hey i got nothing to offer i ain't expecting victory for me and you feel like nothing and the devil tries to use that against you and condemns you and says look you're nothing you'll never get victor you're you're nothing you're a zero and let me ask you a question how many gods are there there's one lord right okay i gotta work this out then i gotta work this out there's one god right oh okay i need your help i need your help all right all right now now you're gonna be my illustration okay so so here's who you're gonna be you ready for this are you all ready for this you're going to be god oh wow that's an awesome illustrator i mean that's a great illustrate bro come on that's i mean i could have said judas i could have said you know i said god bro amen so so here it is so you're going to be god one god okay all right so come over here for me god so so so you're one god but there's a lot of people out there that feel like nothing that feel like zeros okay so i want you to put your hand out like that just right there okay uh you don't feel like much i want you to come up i want you to grab his hand okay that's 10. i want you to grab his hand okay go ahead go ahead hurry up and grab it okay that's a hundred i want you to grab his hand okay grab it grab it grab it that's a thousand i want you to grab his hand and grab it okay that's ten thousand you may feel like a zero but as long as you stay connected to the one you will always have value i said you may feel like nothing but you stay linked up to the one that will always be about y'all there will always be value if god's not in it let there go let if god's not in your situation then yes it's hopeless but if you put god in it oh lord all of a sudden there could be value that comes out of my trouble there could be value that comes out of my okay okay now now i know i know y'all got the revelation uh you all got the revelation of putting god in the middle of it all right come on come on god put god in the middle of it uh but if you if you work 60 hours and you get a check that looked like this zero zero one zero zero you mad hey man come on somebody hold on one second uh i know we got the revelation of putting god in the middle of it come on come on here god and i i know we got we know that he's a protector y'all like to put god behind it all you know god's behind it all but you get a check like this zero zero zero zero one oh you real man you're going back to work wanting to fight somebody you try to put your holy ghost on the side for a second come on somebody uh you get a check like that you're a little angry but whenever you grab god by the hand and you put god before everything when you put god before everything when you put them before your troubles when you put them before your weakness when you put it before your pain i said there's value coming out of it i wish somebody would clap their hands if you believe it i wish you would stand to your feet and lift up your voice if you believe it come on cup again shout again dance again run again praise again leap again there is victory [Applause] unexpected unexpected victory see you thought you were nothing hey guys look guys like you think i'm going to condemn you while you're reaching out to grab my hand you're too valuable oh lord and you just start thinking about god and then your husband your wife your son and your daughter you mean more to god than you realize for you to come to the house of god feeling like nothing but you bring your kids with you come on somebody and y'all link up to god's hands together there is a value that is i want everybody to stand where you are you can make your way back gentlemen thank you for helping me i want you to stand where you are i feel the holy ghost in this place i come to preach the weight of depression off of your shoulders i come to preach the weight of oppression off of your shoulders oh help me holy ghost i come to preach the weight of condemnation off of your shoulders oh lord and i come to tell you underneath all the pain underneath all the struggle underneath all the attack there is unexpected victory taking place there's victories that are happening behind the scenes that you haven't seen yet you just got to make a decision that i'm just going to hold on to god's hand while i'm gasping for air while i'm going through the ups and downs of life while i feel like i'm on a roller coaster with every news cycle something has me up then something has me down while i'm battling with what's going on in the world i know that my heels are getting bruised and i am reminded that it's in that moment and that spot that there is victory being born i want you to grab the person's hand next to you where you are i want you to grab the person's hand next to you and i want you to close your eyes and i want you to make a decision that we're not gonna let go of god's hand because there's victory coming i want you to make a decision as a family we're not gonna throw in the towel because there's a victory that's coming we're not going to give up because we know there's a victory coming come on come on somebody make a decision right now somebody make a decision right now there's unexpected victories taking place we're going to come out of this better than we went in we're going to come out defeating the thing that tried to defeat us we're going to defeat the weakness we're going to defeat the struggle with our struggle we're going to defeat the hurt with our hurts we're coming out better we're coming out more thankful we're coming out with a deep love for god in the name of jesus come on pray over them right now i feel the holy ghost beginning to move right now in the name of jesus christ i feel victory beginning to sweep over this auditorium somebody's getting a revelation right now that we're not going to be defeated that we're not going to throw in the towel that we're not going to backslide that we're going to come out better than we've ever come out and we're going to come out with more joy that we're going to come out with the deeper commitment that we're going to come out with the heart after god that we're going to come out in the name of jesus with better jobs with better promotions with better in the name of jesus come on you need to find a place to pray right now there's places all over this room there's places to pray all over this room but you need to prophesy victory over your family you need to step out of your seat and come find a place to go after god if you want to pray in your seat you can but you need to link up with somebody and begin to prophesy there's a victory that's coming there's an anointing that's coming there's joy that's coming come on that's it link up with somebody near you right now lay your hands on somebody near you right now and begin to prophesy the victory come on encourage them don't you give up now don't you give up now god's not done god's not done
Channel: clcheath
Views: 19,437
Rating: 4.9274192 out of 5
Keywords: CLC, christian, life, center, heath, OH, ohio, michael, ensey, praise, worship, pentecostal, apostolic, live, UPCI, United, Pentecostal, Church, International
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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