"Overwhelmed but Not Overcome" Jeff Arnold - TtF 2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] keeping me [Music] [Applause] thank you it's the precious [Music] how many know he's the great i am tonight the same god that spoke to moses out of the burning bush is the same god that's gonna speak into our midst in this sanctuary i wish somebody would lift their hands and give praise and honor until the king of kings [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] just as they did [Music] thank you for coming to touch the future conference 2021. if you would like more information you can simply take your registration back turn it around and using the qr code on the back you can scan it and it'll take you to the touch diffuser website at this website you can receive more information about the conference the schedule whatever else while you're here we hope that you will please take pictures and videos and post them to any social media platform using the hashtag ttf21 and if you post to instagram go ahead and tag the account [Music] ttf.com [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we've been [Music] [Applause] together baptized open up your mouth [Music] [Applause] is we have heard it said that the darker the night the brighter the light i can say with certainty that the darkness has crept in and the world is waxing worse and worse and that's just simply the world doing what the world is going to do but what god is looking for is the church to do what it is supposed to do we are the church of the living god and as the church we are not to just sit there but we are called to arise we are called to be the city set on the hill so let us arise we are called to be the light that pierces through the darkness so let us arise god is calling the five-fold ministry apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers to arise all of us young and old experienced and inexperienced let us arise arise out of fear and arise out of doubt arise out of despair arise out of complacency arise out of the ashes i hear the voice crying out of the mountains echoing through the valleys i hear it for touch the future 2021 let us arise [Applause] praise the lord are you happy to be in the presence of the lord tonight thank you lift your voice to jesus sound of triumph we serve a god that reigns thank you lord [Applause] [Music] up [Music] your glory is you're the creator of heaven [Music] hallelujah can you put your hands [Music] together [Music] [Music] any is [Music] i will give you [Applause] [Music] my [Music] is always always to the lord god almighty i will give you praise [Music] i will shout [Music] [Music] is forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign forever jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus well let's bless the lord together fill your lungs with air let's bless the great i am hallelujah you are the great i am you are wonderful jesus thank you for your presence that's in this place lord hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god our lord it feels so good in the house of the lord i tell you david said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and that has a lot more meaning right now doesn't it there's a lot of people that are avoiding extra things avoiding conferences avoiding church for fear of the corona baloney and all that's involved with it and i was searching through the new testament and i can't find any place where they had church without risk can't find it but when there's a group of people that make up their mind we're going to church we don't care about we're going to church we're going to have church we're going to be at the church there's going to be signs wonders and miracles and revival like we have never seen in the history of the church hallelujah hallelujah praise god turn to two or three people say it's so good to be in church tonight welcome to touch the future 2021. [Applause] it is my privilege tonight to introduce to this conference our first young minister brother luke curry has a very special touch of god upon his life the curry family and pastor jason have blessed me personally and gave me permission to take brother luke on several different trips um across the united states and also to thailand and i believe he was 15 years old when we went to thailand and when we got there it's a long flight and we uh we slept for a little while then we had an extended prayer meeting and right now he's 15 years old right in the middle of this prayer meeting brother luke looked at me and said brother joe thus saith the lord and begin to prophesy what was going to happen in thailand for the next few days sister t fadula the missionary in thailand when we got to the conference walked up to us and said brother joe thus saith the lord and prophesied exactly what brother luke prophesied i want to tell you this young man has not wasted that touch he has anointed we are about to hear from god would you thank god and give a great handclap of praise for brother luke as he comes to minister the word of god [Music] come on let's keep that going right now it feels good to be in the presence of the lord we love you jesus there is nobody like you hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the lord amen you're welcome nanovarnam if you have your bibles you can turn to numbers chapter 13 and verse 30 and then verse 3 while you're turning i would like to give honor to the greatest pastor on the planet of the earth or the planet earth [Music] i mean if i knew that's all i had to do this would be easy so many wonderful wonderful people that have poured into my life here this conference is very special to me it's so good to have all of my family here my church family i just wouldn't be up here today without the people that are sitting in this room and i thank you so much from the bottom of my heart numbers chapter 13 and verse 30 and caleb still the people before moses and said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it and there we saw the giants the son of anak which came of the giants and we were in our own sights as gras grasshoppers and so we were in their sights for the next few moments i would like to preach to you on the topic of its time to possess the promise you can put your bibles down lift your hands to the air let's invite the presence of the lord in here one more time lord jesus i am honored to stand here before you god right now by the authority of the word of god and by the power that's in the name jesus i bind every spirit both human and demonic that would be contrary to your will i loosen apostolic authority and boldness in the holy ghost would you clap your hands all you people and if you love the lord would you shout unto god with a voice of triumph you may be seated all throughout scripture giants primarily served a very distinct purpose as a barrier between the children of god and the promises of god but the truth of the matter is the church is here tonight because we have faced the giants we have faced giants of false doctrine compromise division carnality and even persecution but we are still standing i am here tonight to join the voice of men and women that have gone before me when i say there is no devil in hell there is no trial too big there is nothing too hard for the church of the living god every previous generation you hear me in the holy ghost has fought and has sacrificed so that we can see the revival that this generation will see we will see a greater revival than any other generation in the history of the world we will see more people filled with the holy ghost than any generation we will see more signs wonders and miracles than we've ever seen before however whomsoever much is given of him shall much be required there comes a moment in every generation and every era that in order to fully inherit the promises of god the giants have to die and if we are supposed to be the greatest generation in the history of this earth then it is time to start acting like it because the truth of the matter is that a promise without action is merely potential and the problem with potential is nothing really ever happens your potential cannot change this world your prayer must change this world your calling cannot change this world your consecration will change this world we will begin to see the promises of god when we begin to give everything we have shut down you may be seated i got to hurry david gets anointed the very next chapter he faces the giant why david i know you're anointed i know you're called but if you want to see the promises of god fulfilled face the giant while everybody's cowering in fear will you stand while everybody talks she tries to talk you out of it because mediocrity loves company are you willing to stand alone when even when when even your leader tries to offer you an easier way out will you take the easy road or will you say like david i have not proved this i am sick and tired of looking for the easy way where are the people that will say prayer works fasting works holiness works kill the giant you maybe seen it do you maybe see that that's okay that's old-fashioned that's old-fashioned that don't work anymore if that's old-fashioned somebody dropped the ball and it's time for us to pick it back up it still works it still works acts 2 38 still works the oneness of the godhead still works we don't need a new message we need a new consecration [Applause] lift your hands all across this place [Applause] let's clap our hands to the lord the problem is we have too many people that are looking for a scepter instead of a sword we have too many people that are looking for a palace instead of a prayer room stop looking for a position and get a hold of god if you want to be something be a giant slayer come on stop waiting on somebody else to do it for you and having done all to stand stand there for i reject the notion i reject the notion that you have had to start 10 churches and have more degrees than a thermometer to ever be used of god i'm sorry that's just not the case if you have breath in your lungs and you know how to get in the spirit kill the giant stop looking around and kill the giant it's time it's time the promises of god are waiting you can stand all across this house i'm coming to a close shout out you see the children of israel had a promise too was called the promised land matter of fact they got so close they could taste it but all of a sudden in one moment and one failed sweep god has to watch the generation that was supposed to possess the promise he has to watch them die in their wilderness you hear me just because god has promised something does not mean he has to use you to fulfill it we're going to see revival with or without you the question is will you be a part of it the question is are you going to fast for it the question is are you going to pray for it [Applause] you hear me why does this happen numbers chapter 32 and verse 11 because the bible says none of the children of israel except joshua and caleb will enter why because they have not wholly followed the lord see the weakness of our generation will not be drugs it will not be alcohol it will not be these evils the weakness of our generation will be that we did not wholly follow the lord if we want to see the revival that god has promised us it is time for a generation of calebs and of joshua's to arise pastor jason and say i don't care what i have to give up i don't care how hard i have to pray we are well able we are well able i want everything god has for me lift your hands all across this place somebody begin to war in the spirit right now [Applause] come on it's time stop waiting and possess the promise hallelujah let the high praises of god be in their mouth a two-edged sword in their hand come on draw your sword we're going to kill these giants we're not looking for something new we're looking for something old we're not looking for something new we're looking for something old [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah myself [Applause] praise god i tell you for every time you hear of a story of young people compromising young people giving up there's some young people that are dead serious about this they're they're going all the way in the fire in the fire you may be seated just a couple of announcements before we step into the next part of this service we are asking um that if you are a minister that you register registration is required there will be food after the service tonight and after every general session tomorrow and then tomorrow night but registration is required to get into those the the meals after the services it's also required to be in the minister session and you need your pastor's permission to be a registered minister at the conference so please do that food will be served how many of you enjoy the fellowship that happens after these services [Music] so wonderful and the food is just outrageous so thank god for that psychologists have proven that the happiest people on earth are people that give their money away [Music] it's the truth and touch the future we we want to impact your spirit we want to impact the churches we want to impact ministries but we also want you to be happy we want you to be very happy and this conference costs money a lot of money thousands of dollars going to this conference making it possible and so we're asking for ushers to prepare to take up an offering give unto the lord and it shall be given to you in jesus [Music] name [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] lifted is [Music] oh we praise and glory lord you are you are [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] are [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] be unto [Music] holy you are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me are you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello you are you are who you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah the holy ghost is here right now stop waiting for what's next and right now just let the holy ghost wash over you let the spirit of god begin to flow over you let the power of the holy ghost begin to work in your situation come on let's not make this another conference we just walk into and leave the same way oh god let the spirit of the living god wash over us oh i encourage you right now if you have the holy ghost begin to pray in the spirit right now i encourage you to begin to pray in the holy ghost right now jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] so jesus name thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord i feel the holy ghost here right now [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] jesus name thank you jesus thank you jesus throughout this conference if this is your first time here we have really one objective and that is for the holy ghost to have his complete and total will in this place i don't care if it's the first song i don't care what it is that's what we're looking for a move of god and i want to thank each and every one of you for being here it is an honor to have you here thank you so much for coming and joining us amen i am so happy to be able to introduce one of my heroes i have i have five different people that i point back to that marked my life that changed my life and i can name each of them i won't but one of those is brother jeff arnold now now the way he has impacted many of us and the way he's going to impact us tonight is really not what i'm talking about when i was growing up i had a speech impediment i had lots of little issues in my life that i was having to work through when i was about five years old brother arnold taught me a magic trick i could do it for you right now strike that thing i i can do it right this second and brother arnold would come he lives in gainesville an hour drive just over an hour drive and spend the day with me teaching me little tricks when i was a kid and i had all these little hang-ups i was trying to get over but brother arnold took his time and spent it with me and then i got to be with him and brother hoffman going to conventions i got to sit in the back seat and wonder why in the world i didn't have a pad and a pen to write all this stuff down but brother arnold i i just want to i don't i don't get to say this stuff so much so just hold on one second with arnold he might push me in a minute so that's why i'm bracing myself but brother arnold uh when when we would go to different meetings he was never trying to be with the up people i would find him with people that were handicapped sometimes deaf sometimes i would be looking for brother arnold he would be with people ministering to people everywhere he went he he reaches to the now that i'm thinking about it maybe that's why he reached down to me he he reaches to the those that just need a little bit of help oh yes but that's that's who he is he if matter of fact if he gets a whiff that you think you're all that in a bag of tater chips you might just get that potato chip bag burst but when he sees hunger when he senses there are people that want something from god he is the man of god that can deliver it i don't know anybody that can deliver the word of god like brother arnold and if you're hungry a man of god is here ready to bring you the word will you clap your hands to the lord as brother arnold comes to preach the word we'll do the best we can okay thank you thank you very very much for letting me come it is uh such a pleasure to be with you uh i commend the singing it's uh this singing is so hot my geritol is bubbling [Applause] and i just greet everybody bishop varnam i told him before i said i'm going to do something for you that no doctor has ever done he was in the hospital had that virus in and out all that i prayed for him and prayed for him i said i'll do something for you no doctor's ever done no charge and uh so so glad just give me just one minute while you're standing so glad to see so many people our superintendent brother boyd my good friend doug klein dents and his sweetheart amen so i saw brother crosley here somewhere so glad to see you and of course jason okay and and i'm just honored to be with you and uh you people are just fantastic if anybody couldn't be saved in this church they need to go to hell they need to go there amen amen and that young man that was that you ah lord man you're giving me a heart attack coming across told them before i said i never preached that good when i was that young that was just fantastic can i i'm just all right come here flash you have to pardon me man i'm an old buzzer and can't see put another piece of tape around there so i can see okay just don't take my life okay flash thank you thank you reading and you're hearing from two portions of scripture from the book of psalms chapter 124 and i'm very serious that uh i preach for a living and uh and i really do i preach for a living and i'm like a gypsy for jesus i got millions of miles on my carcass and go everywhere and i just enjoy here this is just uplift this is uplifting and i'm i'm going to do my best to help you for a few moments psalms 124 beginning with verse 1 if it had not been the lord who was on our side now may israel say if it had not been the lord who was on our side when men rose up against us and they had swallowed us up quick when their wrath was kindled against us then they would the waters had overflowed us and this what's going on with my tape here what kind of mechanic are you you know for five bucks you could buy a light that went over your pulpit i mean they got 800 lights on the singers hey he's got it over there he's got it over my leg that's good that's fine that's fine that's fine if i don't if i don't preach good it's your fault that's fine amen they would swallowed us up quick when their wrath was kindled against us and the waters had over us the stream gone over our soul and the proud waters had gone over our soul blessed be the lord who had not given us as prey to their teeth our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snares the fowler the snare is broken and we are escaped lord bless the preaching help me to be a blessing let the power of god work among us signs and wonders and miracles take place in jesus name i pray and everybody said amen you may be seated and i'll go as quickly as i can although i'm retired and i've got no place to go but i'd like to read something that has changed my life it comes from the a cylinder that is stored in the british museum and the cylinder is the record of eight expeditions by sennacherib sanakarib was the king that assaulted jerusalem and tried to take them kept it that's where psalms 124 comes from i want you to listen to this this was sennacherib wrote and hezekiah king of the jews had not submitted to my yoke 46 of his fenced cities strongholds and smaller cities round about were innumerable i besieged them i captured 200 150 take them as slaves male female horses mules camels sheep innumerable from the midst of them i brought them out and i kept them as my spoil they were overwhelmed overwhelmed of the fear of the greatness of my lordship hezekiah himself like a caged bird within jerusalem i shut in and that was the end of his writing he conveniently forgot to say and he said one angel and killed 185 000 soldiers now you're not hearing me yet yeah you get with this music get with me whose report will you believe [Music] no i said i i want to talk to you about the power of being overwhelmed but never overcome you may be overwhelmed by fear but you don't have to be overcome you may be overwhelmed by such situations but you don't have to be overcome you may be overwhelmed by your finances and the power and pressure that you're under but god is able to make you to stand god is able to [Applause] it's a real simple it's a real simple message uh uh excuse me i i i apologize up front i have this condition and that's why i act like i act i've escaped i escaped sinned i escaped satan i escaped the drought i escaped let the redeemed of the lord say so if it had not been for the lord who was on our side you you'll be seated for just a minute this is so this is so powerful to me when i read the scripture in all the years i've been preaching i never heard a sermon on it i've never read a bible study on it i was in cleveland last week preaching for a whole mission church that had 8 people and i preached like there was 8 000. because the the amount of people doesn't matter [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna go a little bit further right now and it's not the messenger it's the message we may have our favorite speakers but we've got a god who is on our side [Applause] you'll be seated i'm not trying to turn this into cheerleading i would like to add a little postscript to the wonderful thing that you said tonight you said a marvelous bunch of things but you talked about the word and about desire let me help you with this a little bit a little bit further okay every promise of god ready is not self-fulfilling i don't care what they teach in bible school or headquarters or any place else you can be pregnant with promises of god and die outside the promised land the promises of god are revelations of divine intent when god gives you a promise he goes on record said this is what i intend to do then he steps back and says now what are you going to do to make it happen sit down because the promises of god create pictures and pictures create feelings and feelings create actions and actions create destiny so it's not enough for you and i to be pregnant with the promises of god we've got to act on it we got to tear off the roof we got the bus to move we got to get through the crowd we got woo we got to make contact with god oh hallelujah oh hallelujah let me let me tell you what what sennacherib's real mistake was now he was an egotistical jerk and he had all this great army and all that stuff and you read that cylinder what i did and he said and i had hezekiah watch this he wrote it in his record like a caged bird i kept him in jerusalem and he stopped and it was like god stepped up and said and i got the key to the cage you didn't hear me he's got the key to your cage he can he can open your situation he can turn your situation around he can make a way where there is no way i wish somebody would shout back to me if it had not been the lord who was on my side sit down sit down sit down i'm going as fast as i can now i don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but i got news for you god was on your side when you were lost [Applause] god was on your side when you were doing drugs when you were a drunk when you were a thief when you were a liar when you were immoral now you sit there all you want to while we were yet sinners christ died for us oh hallelujah [Applause] i i look up in the dictionary so i look like i'm really smart escape to get free from to break loose from captivity or impending danger or upcoming harm to experience relief or release from something escape e that's usin a person who has escaped free from imprisonment impending punishment tragedy harm or danger i'm sorry i've got this condition i'm an escapee you don't know like i know i said you don't know like i know what he's done for me he brought me out of bondage you didn't sit down i would have preached this for the general conference but they forgot to ask me so if i'm on the internet right now i'll preach at the whole movement this scripture ought to save the pentecostal people from pride or ego or arrogance if it had not been for the lord who is on our side we'd all be lost we'd all be going to a devil's hell but god who is rich in mercy snatched us out hallelujah hallelujah just just bear with me just a few minutes i'm i'm just old i'm i'm not wore out i'm just old i know i look 40 but i'm 76. but you got to hear me listen i say this all over the pentecostal movement some get ticked off some get happy it doesn't matter you ready you ought to be able to go to heaven from your last church service we ought not save our worship and praise for the good service this may be your last service you need to make it a memorial okay don't don't sit down don't sit down i'm going to ask a question do we have any fellow escapees pardon me i've got a condition i'm an escaped convict the devil thought he had me but i got somebody can open the cage he can open the cage and bring you out just just bear with me a few minutes here i'll i won't be long i will be good but i just won't be long and israel experienced redemption and they got out of egypt now i always think that's one of the coolest stories in the world and i'm not saying cool is to be disrespectful to the lord but i i just think it's so fantastic that god would put on the largest jailbreak recorded in human history with a man who stuttered and a stick [Applause] no no no listen to a bunch of wussies you missed what i just said i appreciate all you methodists and baptists and presbyterians being here but i'm talking to some escaped convicts said the snare has been broken and we are escaped and people who are escaped rejoice they clap they sing they dance they don't apologize for their emotions they're happy to be free sit down sit down just just a few minutes the lord the lord shows up and and deals with moses this is a blow up mind boggle moses has been 40 years in the wilderness now i wish i had time i don't have time but i wish i had time that you serve a god that is saying to you right now in this conference if you want to you can start doing what you once dreamed of moses dreamed of liberating a nation he went about it the wrong way he was discouraged he felt defeated he felt like he was unloved and unwanted and he spent 40 years out of the windows and all of a sudden here comes this god who lights up a bush and says excuse me hey moe hey bo i know you're happy and you're content taking care of a few sheep but there are two million slaves that are signing for a redeemer would you mind getting involved and start doing what you once wanted to do don't let the devil tell you your dream cannot resurrect your dream can [Music] resurrect look you sit down the lord loves to step into what seemingly are impossible situations israel is held hostage by the strongest empire on the planet at that day sends in a guy that stutters now you say how do you know he stutters because the bible says he was slow of speech now if you read in the original slow speech which he could not pronounce his words well now does god have a sense of humor he's going to put the greatest jailbreak recorded in history with a guy that can't talk well i don't want to hurt your feelings all your political pentecostals but the church doesn't need the government the church needs the kingdom of god i don't want to turn this into a political rally i may be very unhappy what happened in the last presidential election but i got a word from the lord for myself so tell my people that they might understand that the heavens do rule in the kingdoms of men and he setteth over it whomsoever he will even the basest of men so even if we have corrupt people and wacko people of dumb people don't you ever think god has fallen off the throne and don't you ever think somebody has taken his scepter he's king of kings he's lord of lords he's the great i am and he's on your side [Applause] you can sit down you can sit that i don't mean to be unkind but you know turn around he meets moses and he turns around and tells me you know i don't know just the beginning of exodus he turns around he says look i have seen the affliction of my people and i've heard their cry by the reason of their cast mass now watch this and i have come down to deliver them to bring them up and out and into i love that god's always doing that up out and into up out and into it ain't enough to get up and out if you don't get into so we need to thank god for the church because it's just just bear with me just a minute so they escaped and they get out and pharaoh gets ticked off and says we let all that free labor go non-union labor go let's go get him back and so he chased him with the ferry with the chariots and he runs after him and the bible says and they trapped him at the red sea now either god is a bad military the leader or he's got something up his sleeve [Applause] i can see pharaoh saying boy their god's not very smart they've got no place to escape and the lord says you want a bed i'm on their side hey moe stretch out your rod over the thing and separate the waters god that you serve can make a way where it looks like it's totally impossible oh senator i'm going fast i can you're going to have to you're going to have to do something because you you're interrupting me here you just and i appreciate it but it says like so they got ready he's he's opening up the red sea and the wind blows all night and then he opens up the red sea and before the chariots can do the bible said god sends a cloud of fire and the cloud is fire and then it's a cloud and it comes in between egypt the egyptians and the israelis and the israelis have got light all night and the idiot egyptians are in the dark and so because because you're not getting if it let me try to if it had not been for the lord i just wondered anybody in this place you can look in your life and remember when god stepped in between you and this and the situation that wanted to take you out the devil is a liar he cannot have you greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world [Applause] i think that's kind of cool puts that that pill of fire there and this cloud and he puts that there so his people can't escape through the red sea departed and they're running through the red sea they just get to the end of it and he makes the fire go out and they start chasing them through that dry thing and why because god's got another plan and as soon as the idiots get in the water he says tell the river the water to come back and he just go man i wish i could find that stick i'd like to have that he just put that rod over that thing and the whole sea the bible said drown them let me tell you the god that you're serving has got so much power that he can kill what's trying to kill you he can destroy what's trying to destroy you he can stop what's trying to stop you i wish i had a witness if it had not been for the lord who was on our side hear me seated okay now can i take this out of here yeah i can okay this wonderful choir you're so fanta would you like to move to gainesville no no we could we could enjoy a resurrection you're wonderful fantastic but i just get a kick out of this because now watch they all came through the river now they're not spiritual they're not godly they're they're as much idolaters as the people in egypt they're all messed up they're whacked out but god says oh i love these schmoes see god loves dingbats because he he can he can transform dingbats into disciples he's the original trashman he can take trash and transform it into treasure he can recycle messed up people and make him be the children of god so so it's just now so i'm going as fast as i can rev okay just this whole it's exciting it's exciting so watch they get on the other side and all these egyptians are floating in the water and they're never going to see him again and just dead bodies floating everywhere now what and say what you want to damn and condemn the pentecostals that the ladies are emotional and ladies do all the worse well let me help you that they got an example from miriam when when when they got escaped and and when the enemy was shut down miriam see i i don't i don't hurt nobody's feelings i don't want to be offensive i i preach for a lot of wonderful black churches i preach for the paw i preach for the aljc i i love preaching the black churches and here's and i can't see so i'm sure you got a lot of black people here but but when you preach for black people what's nice is they will tell you if you're doing any good but you can preach for white people and kill yourself you get to preach it for those black folks those sweet black folks and they'll just start yeah yeah yeah come on now and he'll get to hooping a little bit and he'll they'll reach in their pocketbook and you think they got cosmetics they got a four-foot tambourine and then they start shifting i don't want to hurt your feelings baby but if you're really apostolic pentecostal it ought to be dangerous sitting next to you you don't know like i know i'm an escaped convict i'm an escaped convict i got to praise him i got to worship him i got to dance i got to make a joyful noise he brought me out of the maori clay he's [Applause] sit down just for a second i i'm almost finished i'll just sit down you understand and and miriam those crazy women mirror him whips out that tambourine read it it's in x's he said and she took a tambourine and she got a hold of ladies and i don't know whether had a victory march or just a march but they started throwing down and those ladies started dancing you know why because the god who comes to your rescue has a right to receive praise and worship it's not emotion it's thankfulness it's being grateful when i think of what he's done for me i got to dance i got to shake my tambourine i got to clap my hands i'm an escapee i'm almost there i'm almost there just bear with me just another minute this is so powerful so powerful oh my lord i can't i can't argue i just i i'm not trying to be offensive but just because i can't see okay i can't see second third row i can't see out there i just wonder if we could have maybe one minute of escapees expressing themselves [Music] [Applause] oh i couldn't get out but he brought me out i couldn't get free but he freed me if it had not been for the lord who was on our side [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you're an escaped convict are you an escaped convict you're an escaped convict i ought to be the devil's hell but god who is rich in mercy snatch me out turn me around [Applause] set my feet on the solid rock put a song in my mouth even praise unto god yeah yeah you'll be seated for for just a minute i know i know i've had you going up and down but but you know you know little girl i i knew you when you was just a little girl i mean just a little girl i knew jason when he was just a little twerp i knew and i watched you grow up and i i've watched it and you're you're you're you're here where is she you're like your mom man i'm telling you i mean she's out there every once in a while i'll be thank you i've been laying in bed and she'll just come in front of me and i just hear him i said that is so cool when i first heard it i said man she needs help but then i think about well she does her whistling and some of you do your statue impersonation now if he's if he's never done anything for you and never answered a prayer keep your mouth shut but if he ever made a way if he ever answered a prayer if he ever fixed what was wrong if he ever forgave what was wrong you ought to give god some strong praise [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah i want to i'm cutting this whole thing completely short because you people are going to preach me to death and and i just got a scripture i want to show you no now i'm not doing a i'm not doing a paid political announcement okay you sit down i'm not doug where are you doug okay let me tell you something in front of this audience i'm telling you something he ain't paid me to do this i was going through a tough time in my life you know the only thing that hurts more than making a mistake is when you the people that you serve and love let you know you made the mistake god needs to deliver the pentecostal movement from the spirit of the elder brother let me tell you what the spirit of the elder brother is i will always define you by your worst mistake when i was praying after i had failed and messed up and shot myself in the foot of the conference and said things i probably shouldn't have said i said what i said was right but i shouldn't have said it i was just pouring my heart out to god and god said son remember this i will never define you by your worst mistake i leave that to your brethren [Applause] i ain't afraid of any of you i have suffered so much been beat up so bad i brother doug i have been thrown under the bus so long in this movement i've i've developed the midas touch everything i touch turns to a muffler [Applause] you ready for this but i'm still here and i'm still preaching and i'm still praying and i'm still believing god so i says that i'm almost done so i said all that to say this i want to publicly thank you for your wonderful book that you put out bounce man that gave me more bounce to the ounce i mean i was i was picking low cotton man i was like just alone man just sucking my thumb and bleeding and and i bought his book and i read his book and i said wow and i started bouncing a little higher and bounced it a little higher and i said you know what i'm not interested in some jerk's opinion tom fred tenney told me one day he said brother jeffrey this this is tom frank let me tell you something opinions are like noses everybody's got one and they all smell it and i got to i got to crying and sucking my thumb because i was getting mistreated and i was getting damned and condemned and railed on and and and dumped and fired and and all that kind of crazy stuff and it was like the lord spoke to me and said i thought you said you wanted to be like me i said well i do well i'm in the process of making you like me i said well i mean like raising lazarus and walking on the water and healing the sick and he said oh oh i thought more like being damned and criticized and condemned and blasphemed and ridiculed and hurt by people that you love what are you what are you just a little wussy little pentecostal wussy the the wind's always gonna blow at your neck never at your face i go along with what that young man said we are in an ideal situation right now even though the government's going to hell in a hand basket fine the church can become powerful right now in this moment we can have an experience of the supernatural and the miraculous and the unexplainable i i i i just i need five minutes and i'm done okay five seconds i never heard anybody preach on this i never read it anywhere ever in my life i didn't steal from the internet i'm the only guy in upc i don't even own a computer i'm not against them i just don't own one i don't own an iphone i don't run the ipad i don't like all that junk it all starts with i you know satan said that in isaiah 12 14 i seven times i i i don't even like the apple fingers got a bite out of the apple that bothers me it's like a symbol of it but but the lord gave me a thought i didn't steal from anybody he gave it to me he said son tell my people why why zerubabel i mean uh what's that idiot's name i was just preaching about yeah what his problem was what was his problem and i said well you know he was egotistically still he said no he said that wasn't his problem and he said and it's the same thing with the devil it's his problem let me read it to you it comes from zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 he said thus saith the lord after the glory that he has sent me unto the nations which spoiled you here it is for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of my eye and so i said okay i've never heard that preach what does apple of the eye mean so i had to look in the dictionary here's what the apple the eye in the dictionary says a situation a circumstance or a person that is greatly treasured by another you better get your mouth off me god's in love with me god cherishes you and when he lets the adversary mess with you he's got a plan he's got something that you're going to come out of that with a testimony i don't i don't think i need to go any further i just i had a couple of things i wanted to say you said i just want to tell you if it had not been for the lord to me uh now this is me my favorite prophet and preacher of the old testament was elijah i love elijah he's the he's the man with the plan from the school the cool the cat that knows where it's at it's mr firebrand himself and yet he calls fire down from heaven ends a three and a half year drought with a little 63 word prayer out runs a chariot 19.2 miles to the valley of jezreel and he gets a note from an old bag wait a minute you don't get it he killed 450 of these prophets and 400 of those prophets he is a bad dude he gets into town he's like tarzan's mother and who walks out but old jezebel she's unimpressed listen to me the world will be unimpressed with the stuff that happens with you you're not trying to impress them you're trying to save them and she says i heard what you did to my old man and you made them look really bad up on the hill with your magic tricks and i saw you do that stuff and i don't know how you did it and you killed my prophets and my preachers i'll tell you what uh about this time tomorrow i'm gonna make you just like one of them i'm gonna cut your nasty head off love jazz now you would think that elijah would have punched her right in the face it says old bag no listen to me carefully listen to me words have got power [Applause] let me try it again words produce pictures pictures produce feelings feelings produce actions actions produce destinies and he saw through those words a sense of terror and fear and he ran 90 miles into the wilderness 90 miles falls under a juniper tree this is this prophet of fire you know what i'm trying to tell you the best of us have low times [Applause] don't let the devil sell your bill of goods because you're discouraged or you're disappointed or you're disillusioned that god's not going to use you and god's not going to bless you the devil is a liar you got to believe that god who had delivered you is going to keep delivering you i'm almost done doc i'm almost done say sit down i'm almost done so sit down sit down so elijah falls under the juniper tree i mean it's a guy calls fire down i shut up the heavens he opened the heavens yeah run a chariot 19.2 miles he runs 90 miles in the wilderness falls under a bush and says let me die i'm so discouraged i don't want to live anymore god who delivered the whole nation with hezekiah i am convinced followed his little thumb-sucking prophet under the juniper tree and when he got him there i don't want to hurt your feelings i try to be spiritual but let me tell you something sometimes your answer is not spirituality it's a good night's rest [Applause] you can't burn the candle at both ends and somehow think you're going to stay healthy you got to get rest you got to eat you go i'm sorry i hurt you so what does the angel do the angel watches out for him keeps him safe he wakes up he says here here's something to eat here's something to drink i i always brother kindness blows my mind he walks up wakes up and looks like it's no big deal because see when you're used to living in the spiritual in the supernatural that stuff doesn't freak you out it's those of you that only go there sporadically it freaks you out and he turns around he says here eat and drink go back to sleep and he just eats and drinks he doesn't even say read it he doesn't even say thank you and he just goes back to sleep the angel just watches over him and keeps him safe why because if it had not been for the lord who was on my side then he he wakes him up the second time he said arise eat and drink so he rises he eats and he drinks and he says for the journey is too great for thee now this maybe doesn't go for you it goes for me god has got so much goodness and power he can feed you with something that you can go 40 days on he went 40 days on that one meal to horeb and when he got to horeb he meets god now i know i don't want to hurt am i on the internet oh boy well at that time god was not in upc and i can prove it to you because god didn't bring up his mistake [Applause] and god didn't humiliate him and embarrass him and said hey you little jerk how come you ran away why'd you let that old bag run you out of town the lord didn't do that at all he just talked to him in a whispered voice elijah go stand in the front i got a job for you watch what he did he didn't fire him he rehired him i'm trying to help somebody right now you may be in a low spot you may want to quit you may want to throw the towel in but there is an angel on the prowl looking to locate you that wants to tell you he's not finished with you yet your best days are ahead the greatest things for you are just around the corner i need i need three minutes three minutes okay just three minutes uh what that's powerful i i don't know whether you guys ever heard about angels you don't study angels you know what's so cool about angels according to jesus they don't ever die he said when you receive and experience the resurrection and you become the child of the resurrection and dieteth not but are equal unto the angels which means the angels don't ever die either that means the angel that killed that 185 000 assyrians is waiting to help you i mean the angel that fed elijah is waiting to help you i mean the angel that stood with paul during your rock london is ready to stand with you in your deepest darkest storm somebody needs to shout at me again if it had not been for the lord who is on my side remain standing i i i don't need to preach no more i've i've preached enough i thank you very very much i appreciate everything you've done for me i just i i had all kinds of stuff i wanted to preach to you and talk to you but it's okay i just i'll just i'll just end it with this if if god be for me [Applause] then who and what can be against them greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world no weapon formed against me shall prosper nothing can separate me from the love of god i i hope thank you you've been a very nice audience i hope i haven't offended you please please accept my disclaimer i'm an ex-con i'm an ex-convict i'm an ex-liar i'm an ex-cheat i'm an ex-robber i'm an ex-jailbird i i used to pack a gun i used to rob places i was a bad boy i was a pool hustler i was a monger i was a horrible person now when i was younger i was pretty i'm not pretty anymore but when i was young i was pretty and i didn't get in trouble with fast women i got in trouble with slow women that's the problem and so i had done all that junk in my whole life so i so because i am an ex-con i have no time to judge you let me tell you something the more you and i act in judging the faster we kill the operation of the gifts of the spirit because the gifts of the spirit operate by love not by judgment and and if you want to be used by god in this year in a greater way then you have to ask god to get away from cynicism and criticism and being judgmental and yet i made a statement to our church back in gainesville a few months ago when i preached to him and i'd like to close it with this the lord gave it to me i didn't steal it he gave it to me because because i was dealing with something i was dealing with with failure i was dealing with being ripped off by the builders who stole eight hundred thousand dollars from me and i would and the and the lord gave this to me he said every time you deal with grief it's nothing but a moment of agony but every time you revisit that you resurrect it i was so ashamed of myself i was so embarrassed i said my god i've been resurrecting this stuff for the last three or four years every time i go to visit it i relive it let me tell you the devil wants you to relive your failure the devil wants you he wants you to relive the mistakes you made but he's a liar reverend it's so nice for you to let me come i watch this 22 of luke simon simon satan has desired thee that he might sift thee as wheat but i prayed for you now now what now i'm leaving tonight okay i'm not finishing my sermon but i want i want to i want to say something strong contrary to what people are thinking the only people that have jesus's prayers on their lives is found in john 17. when you read john 17 he said and neither do i pray for these only but i pray i pray for all their watch that shall believe on me through their word so the only people that have the prayers of jesus are people who believe the apostolic pentecostal message so so there's no reason for you to be discouraged there's no reason for you to be defeated why because the greatest prayer in the universe prayed for you [Music] that your faith wouldn't fail you may fail but your faith won't fail and if your faith stays alive you can get back up i i i'd like for us to just go crazy for about just for about three minutes i just one more time as i leave the platform i'd like to hear something from the [Applause] ex-con if it had not been for the lord i'm here because i'm here because of the lord [Applause] he brought me out he set me free he turned me around he promised never to leave me or forsake me holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] i just can't stop now we're about to have miracle signs and wonders of this place because jesus is in this place now let me tell you what's about to happen we're about to baptize this wonderful chinese lady i can't go through all the story but god has positioned my sister danae and i don't know if she's ever baptized anyone in this church i know she's baptized people in thailand before i told her to go back and baptize this young lady there's a pastor here uh from uh a chinese pastor here from texas brother brother young [Music] khan that's right brother khan is here and while just before this service they've been doing bible studies over the internet denise been setting it up and they already had church and she already got the holy ghost and she's about to be baptized in jesus name now it's about to happen now listen to me you want to talk about the god that does impossible things how could a little white girl from bellevue be involved with reaching china but i'm here to tell you you ain't seen nothing yet get that camera on them [Music] foreign [Applause] amber according to the confession of your faith and in obedience to the word of god i baptize you in the name of our lord jesus christ for the remission of your sins in jesus name there is nothing too hard for my god [Music] in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus be delivered in the name of jesus let your ministry live again join with somebody and begin to pray with them right now join with somebody and begin to pray with them right now all the way in the back pray for that person beside you all the way in the back lay hands on them i don't care how hard it is [Music] god is on your side god is on your side [Music] god is on your side let it go yes yes yes yes yes don't look at me look at him let it go there's healing be healed right now [Music] because something [Music] be healed right now in the name of jesus i speak healing brother easton brother easton lay hands on the marshes in the name of jesus god direct their steps up their steps [Music] come on there's a word coming to you right now speaking [Music] i feel the holy ghost in this place mother dayton that's it keep on praying brother david lay hands on brother kennedy in the name of jesus on brother kennedy let there be a miracle that happens right now in the name of jesus [Music] come on does anybody believe in the god of the table to do exceedingly and abundantly that he is on your side hey it ain't over yet not finished yet if i was you and i needed a miracle i would say tonight is my night [Music] come on young preacher lay hands on somebody in the name of jesus do it with wisdom do it with wisdom but do it with power come on young lady god has called you to the kingdom for such a time as this lay hands on somebody in the name of jesus do it with wisdom but do it with power [Music] yes yes [Music] [Music] let it be [Music] oh pastor god called you to that city pastor god called you to that city and he's on your side pastor's wife god called you to that city and he is on your side saint of god god called you to help your pastor [Music] [Applause] keep on praying i say god's not finished guess what there's another wonderful chinese lady about to be baptized [Applause] oh jennifer according to the confession of your faith and in obedience to the word of god i now baptize you in the name of our lord jesus christ for the remission of your sins in jesus name god's not finished yet [Music] somebody believe it god's not finished you can still get your miracle you can still be delivered you can still be set free [Music] jesse lay hands on them in the name of jesus speak in other trunks receive ye the holy ghost receive it right now that's it on ex-compete do you remember what life was like without jesus and now you have him so why don't you let him work tonight yes receive it [Music] god's not finished it god's not finished [Music] that's it pastor lay hands on that saint of god come on they're gonna help you build a church they're gonna stand by you and they're gonna help you build the church in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] god's still working god's still working you can go home if you need to but god's still working you got a long drive i understand but god is still working come on that's it he's still working up here i can see him working back there i can see him working right over there i can see him working right over there if you're done praying for yourself why don't you help somebody else get what they need from god [Music] [Music] come on let that pressure of new income come on all of this is biblical all of this music gets biblical all of this shouting is biblical make sure what you're doing right now is biblical [Music] make sure what you're doing right now is biblical [Music] hey [Music] [Music] yes yes [Music] yes you can put the dismissed sign up if you want to but there's some people still getting a breakthrough there's some people that's realizing god is on my side god is on my side god is on my side god is on my side [Music] yes [Music] there's renewing happen there's a renewing happening [Music] yes [Music] foreign jesus jesus there's children receiving the holy ghost and being renewed there's backsliders praying through right now there are ministries being born right [Music] now [Music] hey la [Music] it's up to you do what you're feeling the holy ghost it's up to you do what you're feeling the holy ghost i remember brother booker's message years ago at ttl which level do you want to play come on what level do you want to play on how deep do you want to go [Music] [Music] come on there's a renewing let it flow [Music] come on he'll set you free again he'll set you free again [Music] come on you've got to rely on the mercies of god if something's wrong make it right and move on [Music] jesus jesus come on god's full of mercy god's full of grace i said god's full of mercy my god's full of grace if you're messed up make it right and move on in jesus name come on let those tears flow let that conviction come that's it right there that's the holy ghost [Music] yes come on you feel that yes [Music] he set me free he set me free [Music] he broke the bonds of prison for me oh hallelujah hallelujah that child is going to understand what apostolic is come on you're putting them in the right atmosphere i know some people you may be done but i'm still seeing backsliders break through i'm still seeing people getting the holy ghost jesus isn't done yet [Music] ah yes yes yes come on get that negative talk out of your mouth come on let that negative talk leave jesus is with me let that negative talk leave jesus is by my side jesus has given us direction come on let that negativity go right now god's on your side he set me free he set me free he set me free he set me free that feels good don't it he set me free he set me free he set me free [Music] he set me free yeah yeah yeah he set me free [Music] let those tears slow brother that's the holy ghost come on god's going to raise you up to be a help to your pastor right now god has put you in a position that you can be a help he alola [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] look what god is doing look what god is doing hallelujah jesus [Music] oh yeah [Music] there's still a war cry going on [Music] someone just looked on their right hand and they found out god is on my side someone just looked around and realized he'll never leave me he'll never forsake me he's sent me to that city and he's gonna help me build that [Music] chat hallelujah hallelujah [Music] let our voices be lifted from the front to the back of foreign [Applause] [Applause] jesus [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] so you
Channel: Touch the Future Conference
Views: 10,693
Rating: 4.9339933 out of 5
Id: FMu-C_k17uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 47sec (7187 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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