GE Patterson A Father Who set a Bad example

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and we pray at this hour that you would anoint these lips of clay that we might speak as an Oracle of Christ and not just as a man if you would hide us behind your glorious cross and cover us with your precious blood that allowing no flesh to glory in your sight and whatever you do we give you all the glory the honor and the praise through Christ our Lord a man and a man give the Lord a hand of praise and you may be seated [Music] [Applause] let me get immediately into today's message which will come from the book of second chronicles and in second chronicles chapter 27 you can just cut this home out of you I'll be alright second chronicles chapter 27 read with me verses one in two and then we're going to read skip down to verse eight if you have it's a man let's read it Jotham was twenty and five years old when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem his mother's name also was a Jerusha the daughter of zadok and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father as ayah did howbeit he entered not into the temple of the Lord and the people did yet corruptly skip down to verse eight he was 5 and 20 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 16 years in Jerusalem and Jotham slept with his fathers and they buried him in the City of David and a has his son reigned in his stead alright I want to talk to you as I said about a good father who set a bad example publishers and I let me say at the outset that it does not matter who you are but especially when you are a person of some status or position you have to be exceedingly careful about the example that you said because people are watching you when you don't know that they are watching you the Apostle Paul in the book of the Acts of the Apostles I believe it's around chapter 20 and around verse 28 when he was in a hurry to get to Jerusalem by the day of Pentecost and he didn't have the time to go over to Ephesus but he had the elders from Ephesus to meet him at a particular crossover point and the one thing that he said to them was take heed unto yourselves and unto the flock over the which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he has purchased with his own blood in other words he's saying before you begin to look after the flock take inventory of yourself watch yourself because people many times learn more by what they see than by what you say so I would just admonished today every father on Father's Day but every mother and every preacher and every Sunday school teacher and every singer that people want to be like you know watch yourself because others are constantly watching you we have an infestation now and I know that there's nothing you can really do to change trends once a trend starts I don't care how you talk about it how you preach against it it's gonna basically continue but it just goes me when I see young men walking around with earrings and they don't even have the slightest idea what the wearing of that earring means the only men that you found in the Bible will a hold in that year were those men who were slaves to other men but because their favorite basketball star because their favorite musical entertainer is walking around with earrings then the young fella said oh yeah I'm gonna look cool but see you don't really understand that you're just following a bad example same thing with those as when the pants hanging off their behinds [Applause] they don't know what that means yeah a man nights I'm told that it started in prison and that the fellas walking around put them hanging down means you know and yet because they trying to be cool in walking around earring in the end pants hanging off you know if people don't watch the example they set at least you all to watch the example that you followed that there are a whole lot of trends in my position that's presiding bishop in the Church of God in Christ I've had to consecrate a number of bishops and that was a part that the the investiture where one of the garment symbolizes it's the century it's the garment of humility and and I'd like to emphasize that if there's anything at all that I believe God Himself frowns upon today it is the untouchable preachers that are so great that can nobody speak to him can't nobody touch him and and you can't serve God being to be anybody to speak to Jesus was an humble Savior and you got to be humble enough where people can get to you now let me get into the particulars here the person who is the focus of this message is Jotham Jotham is a king in the southern kingdom of judah he was blessed to come to the powerful office of king of judah at the youthful age of 25 while he was yet young enough to actually give good service he served this king of Judah for 16 years and he had a great list of accomplishments during his 16 years he is probably the grandson of a priest and now I say that because there is some confusion and discussion and disagreement among Bible scholars that the same Zadok who was the father of this mother Jerusha some say that this is not the same XANA while others say that it was but Zadok was one of the famous priests of the Old Testament and if as a doc is really the father of this mother Jerusha then evidently Jotham has priestly blood in his veins he did that the Bible said which was right in the sight of the Lord now that that's a big commendation for God Himself to say that an individual has done right in my sight it makes me think about Joe because the problems that job had was because of the fact that when Satan slipped into the congregation of the sons of God and God asked him what are you he said well I've been going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it and of course God asked him in other words have you considered I know you're looking for somebody to destroy I know you're looking to see who's real have you considered my servant job he fears God he has sure evil and God said that he was perfect and upright and there was none like him and once God certified joob it was then that Satan launched his attack that's why I can't go along with these people who would tell you that the reason you have in financial difficulties are the reason that sickness is in your body is because you've done something that God does not like the truth of the matter is the best advertisement to make the devil attack you is to know that you have things right with God Jesus even when he was explaining the parable of the soul that went out to sow in some seed fell among thorns and some by the wayside and others in stony place and some in good ground he goes on to talk about those where the soil was sown and the Word of God was sown there and immediately the enemy comes to try to take the word which is the seed out of the heart and those that were having trials and were having tribulation he said it was because of the word sometimes the devil does stuff to you because the Word of God has settled in your heart because you have determined to live for God because you are struggling against all odds to please God and all that you say and do and the enemy is out to destroy you like he was out to destroy jewel the enemy told God they all the reason that job is living the kind of life he's living is because you got a hedge around him the head represented the goodness of God his children his cattle his servants all of his wealth these were the things that were summarized in the hedge and just what God told a rather what the devil told God concerning Joel is what he tells God concerning you the devil is saying that the only reason that you're living for God is because of what you getting out of it and every once in a while you may find yourself being stripped of the positive things around you does that mean God has turned his back but it simply means that God knows that you were for real and that you'll serve him without the Rays that you'll serve him without the big house oh yeah I know there are few people that will only serve God as long as the goodies that come in that way but you got to be committed and tell the Lord like Joel did when things were taken away and even when he lost his hell he said though he slay me yet will I trust him and it doesn't matter what's going on in my life I'm gonna keep on trusting in God anybody in here made that commitment now this man the writer says he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and the thing about it that's a tremendous commitment and a commendeth complement when we consider how evil most of Joplin's predecessors were when you go back in time and pick up real bone who was Judas first King immediately after the Kingdom of Israel split in the two and the southern kingdom of Judah which is where Jotham would one day become king the first king of that southern kingdom was reborn he's the one it's split on and the thing that you find about him was that he led his nation into idolatry and the Bible describes the Abdallah tree that he led his people in as being worse than the abominations of their fathers first Kings 14 verse 22 and 23 states and Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they had committed above all that their fathers had done for they also built them high places and images and grooves on every high hill and under every green tree every space they could find in the kingdom of Judah under real boom they were establishing idolatrous worship and then that came in that lineage ASA ASA took all the silver and the gold from the Lord's house and gave it to Ben hadith the king of Syria Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat and we all shout about Jehoshaphat because here is the man that when the three kings Ammon Moab and Mount Seir came against Jerusalem and Jehoshaphat was the one that called for a fast and in the middle of the fast hallelujah jahaziel stood up and said hear me King Jehoshaphat and you men of Judah that the battle is not yours but gods and he went on and told them appoint singers the goal before the army and let them praise the beauty of holiness and as they began to sing and praise the Lord set up ambushment against the enemy Jehoshaphat was one that could hear from God but he have a son named Jerome and Jehovah the son of Jehoshaphat was just like the evil kings of Israel Jehovah merridy happened Jezebel's daughter and they formed an evil union and the list goes on and on but yet the Lord said concerning Jotham that he did that which was right Oh bless the name of the law well he was a builder he built the high gate of the Lord's house he built cities in the mountains of Judah he built castles and towers in the forest he fought the enemies of his people and prevailed against them he became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God oh what a great man Jotham was but in spite of the fact that he was a great man and a great father he made a tragic mistake and he set a bad example what was the example back to the text verse 2 of chapter 27 in second chronicles said he did that which was right in the sight of the law according to all that his father Isaiah did howbeit he enter not into the temple of the law he was a great man but he refused to go to church oh I got some brothers he on Father's Day they had to drag you out here today because going to church just ain't your thing but I want you to know that refusal to go into the house of the Lord sits a tragic example well somebody would say why didn't he go to church notice that his father was king Isaiah and Jotham evidently had family religion kinfolk religion that's a dangerous thing to have kinfolk religion you got folk today that are hanging out of church they won't go because of an encounter between that Ken of their friend and the pastor of the encounter may have been between their friend nasha could have been an encounter between that ken and the deacon but something happened at church that calls folk to stop going and you got a lot of people out there who are in danger of losing their very soul simply because they got angry over an incident at church this is what happened to Jotham Jotham father Isaiah was a great king he was a man that God lifted but the thing was when he got to lift it so high in his own mind something happened hallelujah and what happened is recorded if you still have your Bible open turn back with one chapter to 2nd chronicles 26 and in chapter 26 and verse 16 it tells you what happened when he was strong talking about Isaiah his heart was lifted up to his destruction don't let your promotion make a fool out of you I see it all the time I see the difference in the attitude of that strong sister that has a burning testimony for the Lord and one daesh's of the Lord has called me to proclaim the word I want to be a missionary and soon as she get a little piece of pepper little piece of paper that says evangelist and somebody said Oh sister son I'm an evangelist of what about that brother I mean he was really in it and one day he said God called me to preach and whether he got a little piece of paper saying he's a minister not a brother a minister and God you better not let him get ordained and please don't let him become promoted to a bishop I'm gonna set you straight if you don't call my title you are still the same person with the title doc didn't bless you to get a title and get elevated for that title to make a fool out of you he just puts you in a place where you could be a greater servant aziah when he was blessed hallelujah when he was strong his heart was lifted up to his destruction for he transgressed against the Lord his God went into the temple of the law to burn incense upon the altar of incense he was the King but burning incense was the priests job I'm here to tell you that God hadn't changed God still has certain people in certain positions that he has designated to do certain things he was the king but he had no business intruding upon the office of the priests he went into the temple got ready to burn incense on the altar of incense and Azariah the priests told him you're out of place King you don't supposed to do this it's right there you can read it but instead of him backing off he got angry how many times that people get angry when the preacher tell you you don't suppose to do what you're doing you get angry when I tell you that when you receive whatever your income is that you all got the first-fruit of increase you certainly know it to go down the road to Tunica and gamble it away you get angry say hell to stay out of my business but I'm here to tell you the gospel gets into every phase of your business the gospel hallelujah there's no part of your life you don't have a compartment of your life that the Word of God can go into the preset king of Zhai are you out of your place and he got angry he was wrong the Bible says and while he was fat and free with the man of God hallelujah he was smitten with leprosy and he had to leave the house of God and was a leper until the day he died his son Jotham saw what happened to his daddy and instead of him realizing my daddy got out of place he took the position I'm never going back to that temple look what the priest did to my day preach didn't do anything but tried to warn him to stop him from what God did because of his disobedience and you got a lot of folks today if you could just go through the streets you find them they don't go to church for this reason they don't go to church for that reason they don't go to church for the other reason some have even allowed themselves to be proselyting out of Christianity into other religions that do not have the promise of fulfillment that God has given us in his word but I'm here to tell you that it does not matter who did what to you who did what to some relative a friend of yours I'm here to tell you that God is not the one for you to be getting angry with him about it I mean let me say it this way if Alda Buckley did something that really just made me angry just got me upset and then the next time I see elder Robert White I'm angry with him and wait so what you're angry with me father cause with what Buckley did don't make sense for me to get angry with white because of what Buckley did what am I saying don't get angry with God because of what a preacher did or what a deacon dealer what an usher did of somebody else in the church because that person that made you angry didn't hang on the cross with nails in their hands on a nail his mystique and a spear in his side why because of what some human personality did one day you don't have to meet God hallelujah and don't be like that one when Jesus told the parable about how that tough the Lord that the King prepared a great supper and he said those who were bidden was not worthy to come so then he said go out into the highways and the hedges first go out into the streets and the lanes and compel them to come in streets in the lanes were representative of the poor folk said well we've already done that he said we'll now go out into the highways and the hedges and that presented the way layers and hijackers the criminal society he said all of them again and that steal some room hallelujah and one of those that came it was the custom in that day that when you got to walk it over the dusty roads that when you got to the great celebration that was a ceremonial washing that could take place and then they had garments available where you could pull off your street clothes and put on a wedding gown and when the king came in to look at his guests said yes I invited everybody but how did you get in here without a wedding comment on in other words when you got him you could have slipped off your rags and put on a room and a lot of folk get into the house of God they come in the Lord said come like y'all he wants you to come like y'all but he doesn't want you to stay like y'all come as a murderer come and raba come oh god if a con artist come with all of your filthy sins but when you get here strip off the rags of your self-sufficiency and put on the garments of God's salvation but the thing about it when he asked him how did you get in here without a wedding garment on the man was speechless he didn't have an excuse and a lot of folk today when you ask them why you're not saying why you're not in the church they got a mouth full of excuses for you and me but when you see Jesus there won't be no excuses accepted when you see Jesus and he asked you why you wouldn't go into my house you can't tell him about what the Deacon said what the preacher did I what militia did it's gonna be you hallelujah his mistake Sam thought he was a good king he was a good father but he wouldn't go into the house of the Lord and the result was and the people did yet corruptly if you really want to see how corrupt they were go second Kings 15 verses 34 and 35 it says and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord he did according to all that his father SIA had done how big the high places were not removed in other words the places of idol worship he didn't tear that down and the people sacrificed and burned incense still in the high places I just want you to know that when you father set the wrong example your sons are gonna mess up you can talk about how good a father I was and I don't know why my son got involved in truth I don't know why my daughter got involved in prostitution you may have been an ever so good person but you set a bad example when you didn't take them to church whoo I know somebody said why are you preaching this to these because they are in church but there's a TV camera out there it's don't take it to some folk at home then how that prejudice is against church and they talk about crow lead the dog because when I get through watching my television preacher I don't care if it's me or who it is you need to get up off of that couch and go down to the church and tell a lot [Applause] the sadhus say if this is the reason it's important for me to go to church he stopped off in some 27 that the law is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord in the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid who in the wicked evil my enemies and my phone came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumble and said though an host should encamp against me my heart shall not steal the washer rise against me and this will I be confident one thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek out them then I'm a quail in the house of the wall all the things to the hall the beauty of the law and you find out any questions I'm not gonna bring them to the barbershop on the beauty shop but I inquire in his temple David said as I get ready to go to my seat in Psalm 61 one through four give my crowd God a kid none to my prayer from the end of the earth will I cry on the lead when my heart is overwhelmed does anybody gets a noble wind hop every once in a while things pile up Anya is overwhelmed lead me to that rock that's high one day I checked it out I said David why do you want to go to the rock when you're in trouble you always talk about going to the rock and one day Jesus came along and said preacher let me answer you upon this rock I build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it he just wanted to go to the rock they cost the chapters on the rock and in the church is where I find everything I need a lot of people talk about I don't go to church because there's so much wrong with the church but I gotta tell you that some things right with the church first of all it's got the right foundation you will build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone the church has the right message it has the Word of God this spirit you may have some folk that don't have the right spirit but the church has the right spirit the holy balls holy balls in our power to endure
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 7,207
Rating: 4.7122302 out of 5
Id: AliLdxPbaAc
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Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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